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We consider a thin accretion disc warped due to the Bardeen–Petterson effect, presenting both analytical and numerical solutions for the situation in which the two viscosity coefficients vary with radius as a power law, with the two power-law indices not necessarily equal. The analytical solutions are compared with numerical ones, showing that our new analytical solution is more accurate than the previous one, which overestimated the inclination change in the outer disc. Our new analytical solution is appropriate for moderately warped discs, while for extremely misaligned discs only a numerical solution is appropriate.  相似文献   

We show that recently published assertions that advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) require the presence of strong winds are unfounded because they assume that low radiative efficiency in flows accreting at low rates on to black holes implies vanishing radial energy and angular momentum fluxes through the flow (which is also formulated in terms of the 'Bernoulli function' being positive). This, however, is a property only of self-similar solutions which are an inadequate representation of global accretion flows. We recall general properties of accretion flows on to black holes and show that such, necessarily transonic, flows may have either d positive or negative Bernoulli function depending on the flow viscosity. Flows with low viscosities ( α ≲0.1 in the α -viscosity model) have a negative Bernoulli function. Without exception, all 2D and 1D numerical models of low-viscosity flows constructed to date experience no significant outflows. At high viscosities the presence of outflows depends on the assumed viscosity, on the equation of state and on the outer boundary condition. The positive sign of the Bernoulli function invoked in this context is irrelevant to the presence of outflows. As an illustration, we recall 2D numerical models with moderate viscosity that have positive values of the Bernoulli function and experience no outflows. ADAFs, therefore, do not differ from this point of view from thin Keplerian discs: they may have, but they do not have to have, strong winds.  相似文献   

We numerically construct slim, global, vertically integrated models of optically thin, transonic accretion discs around black holes, assuming a regularity condition at the sonic radius and boundary conditions at the outer radius of the disc and near the black hole. In agreement with several previous studies, we find two branches of shock-free solutions, in which the cooling is dominated either by advection or by local radiation. We also confirm that the part of the accretion flow where advection dominates is in some circumstances limited in size: it does not extend beyond a certain outer limiting radius. New results found in our paper concern the location of the limiting radius and the properties of the flow near to it. In particular, we find that beyond the limiting radius the advective-dominated solutions match on to Shapiro, Lightman &38; Eardley (SLE) discs through a smooth transition region. Therefore, the full global solutions are shock-free and unlimited in size. There is no need to postulate an extra physical effect (e.g. evaporation) for triggering the ADAF–SLE transition. It occurs as a result of standard accretion processes described by the classic slim disc equations.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of accretion stream overflow on the viscous dynamics of accretion discs in dwarf novae. If the stream from the secondary star is geometrically thick enough, some fraction of its material can flow over and under the disc. The mass and specific angular momentum of the stream are then deposited not only at the point of collision with the outer disc, but also at those radii in the inner disc with geometric heights that are large enough to intercept the residual stream, or near the radius where the disc has the same specific angular momentum as the stream. The overflowing stream can alter the behaviour of heating fronts and cooling fronts in the disc. If the mass fraction of the overflowing stream is of order tens of per cent, the deposition of mass in the inner parts of the disc is sufficient to change the character of the eruption light curves significantly.  相似文献   

We consider observational and theoretical estimates of the accretion disc viscosity parameter α. We find that in thin, fully ionized discs, the best observational evidence suggests a typical range α∼ 0.1–0.4, whereas the relevant numerical simulations tend to derive estimates for α which are an order of magnitude smaller. We discuss possible reasons for this apparent discrepancy.  相似文献   

We use the grid of hydrodynamic accretion disc calculations of Stehle to construct orbital phase‐dependent emission‐line profiles of thin discs carrying spiral density waves. The observational signatures of spiral waves are explored to establish the feasibility of detecting spiral waves in cataclysmic variable discs using prominent emission lines in the visible range of the spectrum. For high Mach number accretion discs ( M v φ c s≃ 15 – 30), we find that the spiral shock arms are so tightly wound that they leave few obvious fingerprints in the emission lines. Only a minor variation of the double peak separation in the line profile at a level of ∼8 per cent is produced. For accretion discs in outburst ( M ≃ 5 – 20) however, the lines are dominated by the emission from an m =2 spiral pattern in the disc. We show that reliable Doppler tomograms of spiral shock patterns can be reconstructed provided that a signal‐to‐noise ratio of at least 15, a wavelength resolution of ∼80 km s−1 and a time resolution of ∼50 spectra per binary orbit are achieved. We confirm that the observed spiral pattern in the disc of IP Pegasi can be reproduced by tidal density waves in the accretion disc and demands the presence of a large, hot disc, at least in the early outburst stages.  相似文献   

There may exist a transition region from the geometrically thick outer region to the geometrically thin inner region in accretion discs. In this paper we calculate the spectra emitted by the portions of the inner region which are not occulted by the transition region, and deduce the emergent spectra of accretion discs to be observed, taking into account the reflection effect of radiation by the transition region. Our results show that the difference between these emergent spectra of discs and the standard ones of steady accretion disc models is significant when the central portion of discs is occulted by the transition region. It might play a role in the explanation of continuous spectra for some dwarf novae.  相似文献   

The non-linear dynamics of a warped accretion disc is investigated in the important case of a thin Keplerian disc with negligible viscosity and self-gravity. A one-dimensional evolutionary equation is formally derived that describes the primary non-linear and dispersive effects on propagating bending waves other than parametric instabilities. It has the form of a derivative non-linear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation with coefficients that are obtained explicitly for a particular model of a disc. The properties of this equation are analysed in some detail and illustrative numerical solutions are presented. The non-linear and dispersive effects both depend on the compressibility of the gas through its adiabatic index Γ. In the physically realistic case Γ < 3, non-linearity does not lead to the steepening of bending waves but instead enhances their linear dispersion. In the opposite case Γ > 3, non-linearity leads to wave steepening and solitary waves are supported. The effects of a small effective viscosity, which may suppress parametric instabilities, are also considered. This analysis may provide a useful point of comparison between theory and numerical simulations of warped accretion discs.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of poloidal magnetic field advection and bending of an initially vertical field owing to radial inflow in thin accretion discs. For a ratio of kinematic viscosity to magnetic diffusivity of order unity, significant bending of an externally applied vertical field cannot occur in a disc with no internal dynamo. However, we show that if poloidal field is generated by a dynamo operating near its critical state, then significant field bending may be possible. Our results are of particular relevance to wind launching from accretion discs.  相似文献   

We present three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics calculations of warped accretion discs in X-ray binary systems. Geometrically thin, optically thick accretion discs are illuminated by a central radiation source. This illumination exerts a non-axisymmetric radiation pressure on the surface of the disc, resulting in a torque that acts on the disc to induce a twist or warp. Initially planar discs are unstable to warping driven by the radiation torque and, in general, the warps also precess in a retrograde direction relative to the orbital flow. We simulate a number of X-ray binary systems which have different mass ratios, using a number of different luminosities for each. Radiation-driven warping occurs for all systems simulated. For mass ratios   q ∼ 0.1  a moderate warp occurs in the inner disc while the outer disc remains in the orbital plane (cf. X 1916−053). For less extreme mass ratios, the entire disc tilts out of the orbital plane (cf. Her X–1). For discs that are tilted out of the orbital plane in which the outer edge material of the disc is precessing in a prograde direction, we obtain both positive and negative superhumps simultaneously in the dissipation light curve (cf. V603 Aql).  相似文献   

We study the viscous evolution of protoplanetary discs driven by the combined action of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, resulting from the magneto-rotational instability (MRI), self-gravity torques, parametrized in terms of an effective viscosity and an additional viscous agent of unspecified origin. The distribution of torques driving the evolution of the disc is calculated by analysing where in the disc the MRI develops and, to incorporate the effect of self-gravity, calculating the Toomre parameter. We find that, generally, discs rapidly evolve towards a configuration where the intermediate regions, from a fraction of an au to a few au, are stable against the MRI due to their low-ionization degree. As an additional source of viscosity is assumed to operate in those regions, subsequent evolution of the disc is eruptive. Brief episodes of high mass accretion ensue as the criterion for the development of the MRI is met in the low-ionization region. The radial distribution of mass and temperature in the disc differs considerably from disc models with constant α parameter or layered accretion models, with potentially important consequences on the process of planet formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the growth or decay rate of the fundamental mode of even symmetry in a viscous accretion disc. This mode occurs in eccentric discs and is known to be potentially overstable. We determine the vertical structure of the disc and its modes, treating radiative energy transport in the diffusion approximation. In the limit of very long radial wavelength, an analytical criterion for viscous overstability is obtained, which involves the effective shear and bulk viscosity, the adiabatic exponent, and the opacity law of the disc. This differs from the prediction of a two-dimensional model. On shorter wavelengths (a few times the disc thickness), the criterion for overstability is more difficult to satisfy because of the different vertical structure of the mode. In a low-viscosity disc a third regime of intermediate wavelengths appears, in which the overstability is suppressed as the horizontal velocity perturbations develop significant vertical shear. We suggest that this effect determines the damping rate of eccentricity in protoplanetary discs, for which the long-wavelength analysis is inapplicable and overstability is unlikely to occur on any scale. In thinner accretion discs and in decretion discs around Be stars overstability may occur only on the longest wavelengths, leading to the preferential excitation of global eccentric modes.  相似文献   

We present analytic models for the local structure of self-regulated self-gravitating accretion discs that are subject to realistic cooling. Such an approach can be used to predict the secular evolution of self-gravitating discs (which can usefully be compared with future radiation hydrodynamical simulations) and to define various physical regimes as a function of radius and equivalent steady state accretion rate. We show that fragmentation is inevitable, given realistic rates of infall into the disc, once the disc extends to radii >70 au (in the case of a solar mass central object). Owing to the outward redistribution of disc material by gravitational torques, we also predict fragmentation at >70 au even in the case of low angular momentum cores which initially collapse to a much smaller radius. We point out that 70 au is close to the median binary separation and propose that such delayed fragmentation, at the point that the disc expands to >70 au, ensures the creation of low mass ratio companions that can avoid substantial further growth and consequent evolution towards unit mass ratio. We thus propose this as a promising mechanism for producing low mass ratio binaries, which, while abundant observationally, are severely underproduced in hydrodynamical models.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of propagating warp or bending waves in accretion discs. Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations were performed using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and the results are compared with calculations based on the linear theory of warped discs.
We examine the response of a gaseous disc to an initially imposed warping disturbance under a variety of physical conditions. We consider primarily the physical regime in which the dimensionless viscosity parameter α < H r , where H r is the disc aspect ratio, so that bending waves are expected to propagate. We also performed calculations for disc models in which α > H r , where the warps are expected to evolve diffusively. Small-amplitude (linear) perturbations are studied in both Keplerian and slightly non-Keplerian discs, and we find that the results of the SPH calculations can be reasonably well fitted by those of the linear theory. The main results of these calculations are: (i) the warp in Keplerian discs when α < H r propagates with little dispersion, and damps at a rate expected from estimates of the code viscosity; (ii) warps evolve diffusively when α > H r ; (iii) the slightly non-Keplerian discs lead to a substantially more dispersive behaviour of the warps, which damp at a similar rate to the Keplerian case, when α < H r .
Initially imposed higher amplitude, non-linear warping disturbances were studied in Keplerian discs. The results indicate that non-linear warps can lead to the formation of shocks, and that the evolution of the warp becomes less wave-like and more diffusive in character.
This work is relevant to the study of the warped accretion discs that may occur around Kerr black holes or in misaligned binary systems, and is mainly concerned with discs in which α < H r . The results indicate that SPH can model the hydrodynamics of warped discs, even when using rather modest numbers of particles.  相似文献   

We present a numerical scheme for the evolution of an accretion disc through a dwarf nova outburst. We introduce a time-varying artificial viscosity into an existing smoothed particle hydrodynamics code optimized for two- and three-dimensional simulations of accretion discs. The technique gives rise to coherent outbursts and can easily be adapted to include a complete treatment of thermodynamics. We apply a two-dimensional isothermal scheme to the system SS Cygni, and present a wide range of observationally testable results.  相似文献   

We present 2.5D time-dependent simulations of the non-linear evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion discs. The gas is accelerated from the surface of the disc (which is a fixed platform in these simulations) into a cold corona in stable hydrostatic equilibrium. We explore the dependence of the resulting jet characteristics upon the mass loading of the winds. Two initial configurations of the threading disc magnetic field are studied: a potential field and a uniform vertical field configuration.
We show that the nature of the resulting highly collimated, jet-like outflows (steady or episodic) is determined by the mass load of the disc wind. The mass load controls the interplay between the collimating effects of the toroidal field and the kinetic energy density in the outflow. In this regard, we demonstrate that the onset of episodic behaviour of jets appears to be determined by the quantity     which compares the speed for a toroidal Alfvén wave to cross the diameter of the jet, with the flow speed v p along the jet. This quantity decreases with increasing load. For sufficiently large N (small mass loads), disturbances appear to grow leading to instabilities and shocks. Knots are then generated and the outflow becomes episodic. These effects are qualitatively independent of the initial magnetic configuration that we employed and are probably generic to a wide variety of magnetized accretion disc models.  相似文献   

We argue that the quiescent value of the viscosity parameter of the accretion disc in WZ Sge may be  αcold∼ 0.01  , in agreement with estimates of αcold for other dwarf novae. Assuming the white dwarf in WZ Sge to be magnetic, we show that, in quiescence, material close to the white dwarf can be propelled to larger radii, depleting the inner accretion disc. The propeller therefore has the effect of stabilizing the inner disc and allowing the outer disc to accumulate mass. The outbursts of WZ Sge are then regulated by the (magnetically determined) evolution of the surface density of the outer disc at a radius close to the tidal limit. Numerical models confirm that the recurrence time can be significantly extended in this way. The outbursts are expected to be superoutbursts since the outer disc radius is forced to exceed the tidal (3:1 resonance) radius. The large, quiescent disc is expected to be massive, and to be able to supply the observed mass accretion rate during outburst. We predict that the long-term spin evolution of the white dwarf spin will involve a long cycle of spin-up and spin-down phases.  相似文献   

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