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The two-point correlation function of the seismic moment tensor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. We use the invariants of the two-point correlation function of the seismic moment to investigate the degree of irregularity of an earthquake fault, i.e. to study the rapidity with which a complex fault changes its direction of orientation. The two-point correlation function is a fourth-order tensor which has three scalar invariants in the isotropic case. Although the accuracy of present-day catalogues of fault plane solutions is rather low for our purpose, nevertheless the invariants of these correlation tensors confirm the generally  相似文献   

Ellipticity corrections for seismic phases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The advent of broad-band seismology has meant that use is being made of a wide range of seismic phases, for many of which ellipticity corrections have not been readily available. In particular, when many seismic phases are used in location schemes, it is important that the systematic effects of ellipticity are included for each phase.
An efficient and effective procedure for constructing ellipticity corrections is to make use of the ray-based approach of Dziewonksi & Gilbert (1976), as reformulated by Doornbos (1988), in conjunction with the rapid evaluation of traveltimes and slownesses for a given range using the tauspline procedure of Buland & Chapman (1983).
Ellipticity coefficients have been tabulated for a wide range of seismic phases and are available in electronic form. The ellipticity correction procedures have been extended to include an allowance for diffraction phenomena, for example P diff, S diff diffracted along the core-mantle boundary. Corrections for additional phases can be generated by building the ellipticity coefficients from suitable combinations of the coefficients for different phase segments.  相似文献   

We present two equivalent algorithms for iterative linearized waveform inversion for 3-D Earth structure with respect to an arbitrary 3-D starting model; one is a matrix formulation, and the second is a wavefield formulation. Both algorithms require the computation of accurate synthetic seismograms, but neither requires that any particular method be used to compute the synthetics. The matrix formulation is equivalent to our previously published algorithm (Hara, Tsuboi & Geller 1991), but requires less than 10 per cent of the CPU time of the previous algorithm. The wavefield algorithm is equivalent to that of Tarantola (1986) and Mora (1987), but appears to be substantially more efficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non-linear algorithmic approach for seismic traveltime. It is based on large-scale optimization using non-linear least-squares and trust-region methods. These methods provide a natural way to stabilize algorithms based on Newton's iteration for non-linear minimization. They also correspond to an alternative (and often more efficient) view of the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Numerical experience on synthetic data and on real borehole-to-borehole problems are presented. In particular, results produced by the new algorithm are compared with those of Ivansson (1985) for the Kråkemåla experiment.  相似文献   

Traveltime computation methods for strongly heterogeneous 3-D media developed during recent years are well suited for earthquake location. We present here a new method based on the traveltime algorithm of Podvin-Lecomte, related to the inverse problem formulation of Tarantola & Valette. The Podvin-Lecomte method, based on the Huygens principle, is very robust and allows arbitrary surface topography and station placement even for borehole instruments. First arrival traveltimes are computed for each of the recording stations using a fine 3-D velocity mesh (up to 106 cells on a workstation). The traveltime grid allows the use of the Tarantola & Valette formulation, which enables a full non-linear approach. The solution is given as a 3-D probability density function of hypocentre coordinates, which accounts for the arrival time measurements as well as a priori information for the location, the accuracy of both the arrival time readings and the computation of the theoretical traveltimes. This powerful method called 3DGRIDLOC gives the location of the induced seismicity of the gas field of Lacq (France) using 443 520 cells of a 3-D velocity mesh and the observations from nine recording stations, one of which is located at the bottom of a 3880 m deep borehole. Location of synthetic foci as well as more than 500 actual earthquakes shows the real advantages of this new method versus the classical HYPO71. A new insight into the induced seismicity is now possible: induced seismicity may occur as far away as 10 km from the gas reservoir and involve a much greater volume of rock than expected using earlier locations.  相似文献   

We present a new method for centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion, in which we employ the Green's function computed for aspherical earth models using the Direct Solution Method. We apply this method to CMT inversion of low-frequency seismic spectra for the 1994 Bolivia and 1996 Flores Sea deep earthquakes. The estimated centroid locations agree well with those obtained by multiple-shock analyses using body-wave data. This shows that it is possible to obtain reliable CMT solutions by analyses of low-frequency seismic spectra using accurate Green's functions computed for present 3-D earth models.  相似文献   

A general one-way representation of seismic data can be obtained by substituting a Green's one-way wavefield matrix into a reciprocity theorem of the convolution type for one-way wavefields. From this general one-way representation, several special cases can be derived.
By introducing a Green's one-way wavefield matrix for primaries , a generalized Bremmer series representation is obtained. Terminating this series after the first-order term yields a primary representation of seismic reflection data. According to this representation, primary seismic reflection data are proportional to a reflection operator, 'modified' by primary propagators for downgoing and upgoing waves. For seismic imaging, these propagators need to be inverted. Stable inverse primary propagators can easily be obtained from a one-way reciprocity theorem of the correlation type.
By introducing a Green's one-way wavefield matrix for generalized primaries , an alternative representation is obtained in which multiple scattering is organized quite differently (in comparison with the generalized Bremmer series representation). According to the generalized primary representation, full seismic reflection data are proportional to a reflection operator, 'modified' by generalized primary propagators for downgoing and upgoing waves. Internal multiple scattering is fully included in the generalized primary propagators {either via a series expansion or in a parametrized way). Stable inverse generalized primary propagators can be obtained from the one-way reciprocity theorem of the correlation type. These inverse propagators are the nucleus for seismic imaging techniques that take the angle-dependent dispersion effects due to fine-layering into account.  相似文献   

There are three types of surfaces which are used for studying wave propagation in anisotropic media: normal surfaces, slowness surfaces and wave surfaces. Normal surfaces and slowness surfaces have been researched in detail. Wave surfaces are the most complicated and comparatively poorly known compared with the other two. Areas of complicated geometrical structure of the wave surfaces are located in the vicinity of conical acoustic axes. There is an elliptical hole on the quick shear wave surface and complicated folds and cusps on the slow shear wave surface. Decomposition of the slow shear wave surface into smooth sheets is used for the study of its geometrical structure. Complexity of shear wave surfaces can be expressed by the number of waves corresponding to a fixed ray. An original approach to the calculation of wave normals depending on ray direction is presented.  相似文献   

The particle motion of regional arrivals is frequently treated in automatic phase-recognition schemes as that appropriate to simple P or S waves incident on an elastic, laterally homogeneous half-space. This model implies that the motion in ' P -type' phases can be described in terms of a single, generalized signal process and ' S -type' phases in terms of two independent processes ( SV and SH ) and thus, all regional arrivals could be fully characterized by three components of motion. In this paper, we present anlyses of the particle-motion patterns of various regional arrivals recorded at the ARCESS array from closely spaced events in the Kola Peninsula. We have found that only Pn -particle motion, described in terms of two independent signal processes, can be reliably characterized by three-component recordings. On the other hand, the various regional arrivals following Pn , such as Pg and Sn and Lg , can only be poorly characterized on the basis of three-component recordings alone. The reason is that these arrivals must be described in terms of more than two independent generalized signal processes, at least three for Pg and Sn , and possibly up to five for Lg . Recognition of these phases will thus require the use of more sensors than signal processes in the observing sensor configuration, such as three-component sensors combined with a small tripartite array. We have investigated the feasibility of adaptive, automatic recognition of regional arrivials by a wavefield extrapolation scheme utilizing such a mini-array. The process, which appear to be promising, adaptively learns the particle-motion patterns of individual arrivals, including complex site-response functions, from examples of closely located regional events.  相似文献   

Wavepath traveltime tomography   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The elastic-wave equation is used to construct sensitivity kernels relating perturbations in elastic parameters to traveltime deviations. Computation of the functions requires a correlation of the forward-propagating seismic wavefield with a backward propagation of the residual wavefield. The computation of the wavefields is accomplished using a finite difference algorithm and is efficiently executed on a CM-2 parallel processor. The source and receiver locations have maximum sensitivity to velocity structure. The sensitivity kernels or wavepaths are well suited for transmission traveltime inversion such as cross-borehole tomography and vertical seismic profiling. Conventional ray tomography and wavepath tomography are applied to a set of P -wave arrival times, from a cross-borehole experiment at Kesterson, California. Because the wavepaths have increased sensitivity near the source and receiver there are differences in resolution of the velocity structure. Both techniques recover the same relative variations in velocity where the coverage is adequate. The wavepath solution is more laterally continuous and the dominant variation is vertical, as is expected for the layered sediments in this region.  相似文献   

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