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珠江干流梯级开发对鱼类的影响与减缓对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年6—7月对珠江龙滩库尾至长洲坝下江段干支流鱼类进行了调查,共采集到鱼类6418尾,隶属于10目23科82属122种.分析了渔获物的种类组成与分布、生态类型、珍稀濒危特有鱼类采样情况、各江段群落相似度和鱼类多样性等,并与该区域鱼类历史记录进行了对比分析.总体来看,珠江干流梯级开发后,由于大坝阻隔、水文情势改变等,鱼类资源发生了较大变化,河海洄游性鱼类和河口鱼类受大坝阻隔影响分布范围变窄;珍稀濒危特有鱼类由于生境破坏,种群规模变小,濒危程度加剧;库中江段流水性鱼类种类数和资源量显著下降,静缓流鱼类成为优势种;外来鱼类种类多、分布广.对导致珠江干流鱼类资源衰退的其他原因进行了分析,主要包括过度捕捞、生境破坏、水污染和外来鱼类入侵等.针对珠江干流梯级开发及鱼类资源现状,提出了栖息地保护、河流连通性恢复、鱼类增殖放流站建设、生态调度、渔政管理和生态补偿等措施建议.  相似文献   

千岛湖水环境质量调查与保护对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1992年7~8月,对大口鲇幼鱼进行了不同饲料喂养和驯化试验,对其摄食、生长进行了研究。试验表明,大口鲇生长迅速,尤其投喂适口的活鱼,其生长速度极快,21天增重2.67~4.60倍,比投喂鱼肉组的体重增长快37.9%~84.3%。具有早晚摄食的习性,平均每克体重日摄食活鱼量为0.1~0.2g,摄食鱼肉量为0.18~0.29g,其饲料系数前者为2.32~3.12,后者为4.15~7.86。试验还表明,大口鲇幼鱼亦摄食人工混合饲料,5cm左右便可用人工饲料进行驯化,但驯化过程要逐渐过渡,驯化期间生长速度受到影响,饲料系数亦较高。  相似文献   

东太湖水环境现状及保护对策   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
根据2002年4月至2003年4月东太湖的水质监测结果,分析了东太湖的水质现状、空间分布特征及变化趋势.其中TN变化范围0.57-3.91mg/L,平均值1.61 mg/L,NH4 -N变化范围0.01-0.42mg/L,平均值0.14mg/L,NO3--N 变化范围0.044-0.549mg/L,平均值0.16mg/L,而TP平均值为0.103mg/L,与以前的调查结果相比,TN、TP和NH4 -N 均明显增加,CODMn有所下降,水质状况总体较差,但不同水域因其影响因子不同,水质亦有明显差别,湖心区水质最好.目前,东太湖水体总体上处于中富营养状态,部分湖区已达到富营养状态.最后根据东太湖水环境的现状,提出一些措施和建议.  相似文献   

兴凯湖水环境状况及其保护对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
朴德雄  王凤昆 《湖泊科学》2011,23(2):196-202
兴凯湖是中、俄界湖.监测统计数据显示,1994-1998年,大兴凯湖CODMn为5.42mg/L,BOD5为1.59-2.91mg/L,TP为0.35mg/L,已达中一富营养水平;2009年监测报告显示,大兴凯湖CODMn平均为4.09mg/L,氨氮平均值为0.466mg/L,水质由Ⅱ类标准下降到Ⅲ类,有进一步退化趋势...  相似文献   

长洲水利枢纽是珠江干流最下游一级的梯级水坝,其正常蓄水后必然改变下游的水文环境特征,也必将对下游的鳡鱼产卵场功能造成一定的影响.为了解长洲水利枢纽蓄水后珠江鱤鱼(Elopichthys bambusa)的资源现状,2008 2013年在珠江肇庆江段设立固定采样点,通过定量弶网对鳡鱼早期补充群体进行调查.结果显示:珠江鳡鱼苗主要出现在4月中旬至8月上旬,多年平均持续时间为97±21 d,盛期在5 7月,鳡鱼苗占鱼苗早期补充群体总量的0.46%±0.21%.鳡鱼苗的出现具有明显的季节变化规律,每年伴随洪峰有3~5次苗汛出现,苗汛次数与洪峰次数之间存在显著相关关系,但苗汛峰值大小与径流量之间不存在显著相关关系.鳡鱼苗多年平均资源量为16.89×108±9.16×108尾,繁殖群体总量约为52.8 t.研究表明:长洲水利枢纽蓄水后鳡鱼早期资源量呈下降趋势,但珠江禁渔缓解了长洲水利枢纽建设对珠江鳡鱼资源的影响.基于以上结果,为长洲水利枢纽蓄水后珠江鳡鱼的保护提出了建议.  相似文献   

珠江口海域滨海断裂带的地震学特征   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测数据,探测到滨海断裂带在担杆岛外12 km处发育,断裂带主体倾向东南、宽约20 km,沉积层在断裂带内迅速增厚引起陆上固定地震台站的Pg震相在对应断裂带位置的走时明显滞后.通过震相分析和走时正演拟合,获得了滨海断裂带两侧由浅至深的纵波速度结构模型,断裂带内部沉积层速度为1.8~3.5 km/s,上地壳速度5.2~6.1 km/s,下地壳速度为6.3~6.6 km/s,莫霍面的埋深由滨海断裂带陆侧的29 km抬升至其海侧的27 km.滨海断裂带两侧的地壳结构特征明显不同,证实了该断裂带是华南陆区正常型陆壳与南海减薄型陆壳分界断裂的性质.在华南沿海和海陆过渡带的下地壳顶部探测到厚约3 km、层速度为5.5~5.9 km/s的低速层,往海域逐渐减薄尖灭.壳内低速层是地壳中的力学软弱带,与近似正交的NEE向滨海断裂带和NW向断裂带共同组构成了该区地震活动的孕震构造.  相似文献   

王斌  周健  梁雪萍 《高原地震》2008,20(2):57-59
从地震监测环境的概念入手,具体阐述了地震监测环境保护的重要性、保护监测环境面临的困难以及加强地震台站监测环境的保护措施。  相似文献   

浮游细菌群落对河流变化具有高度响应性,并可能影响河流生境的生物地球化学过程.因此,了解浮游细菌群落的时空特征,阐明其在河流生态系统中的生态功能具有重要科学意义.于2016年6月和12月对珠江下游浮游细菌群落结构的时空特征进行调查研究,并采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术对样品组分进行分析.结果表明细菌群落主要由变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、抗微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)和蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)组成.其中变形菌门相对丰度最高,主要包括β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)和γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria).季节上,丰水期Shannon-Wiener和Chao 1多样性指数高于枯水期其中芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)和黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteriia)差异显著;空间上,珠江下游可分为西江沿线、珠三角河网中部和广州市周边3个区域.采用RDA分析...  相似文献   

作为海陆交互作用的重要区域,河口在海洋碳循环中扮演着重要角色.近年来,溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)在河口区的来源、降解和保存一直是关注的热点.本研究结合三维荧光光谱和紫外可见吸收光谱,对珠江口3个沉积柱(SI、S2、S3站位,盐度依次增加)孔隙水溶解性有机质的空间分布和来源进...  相似文献   

徐闯  刘广州  陈晓宏 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1540-1549
溶解氧是水生生态系统健康程度的重要度量指标,研究溶解氧时空变化及其影响因素对揭示河流溶解氧动态过程和理解水体生物地球化学循环具有重要意义.当前,许多河流均存在溶解氧偏低问题,严重影响河流水质.基于此,收集了珠江流域东江(东莞段)上游桥头、中游樟村和下游沙田泗盛3个水质监测站的实测资料,采用折线图和箱型图分析溶解氧在月、季节和年际时间尺度下的变化规律及其空间差异;采用最大信息系数、交叉小波转换和多元线性回归3种方法解析溶解氧时空变化的影响因素.结果表明:空间分布上,溶解氧浓度从上游到下游逐渐降低,低值区分布在入海口处的沙田泗盛站,多年平均溶解氧浓度仅为3.11 mg/L.时间变化上,2011-2019年溶解氧主要在11.64个月的周期下循环变化.溶解氧展现出明显的季节性.3个站点丰水期溶解氧浓度比枯水期分别降低1.68、2.03和1.77 mg/L.驱动因素上,溶解氧的时空变化受到多个因素的综合作用.桥头站和樟村站水质较好,水温是这两个站点溶解氧时空变化的主要影响因素.其主要在8~16个月的周期上调控溶解氧变化,在两个站点分别可以解释溶解氧整体变化的70%和57%.沙田泗盛站受多条支流汇...  相似文献   

为了解珠江流域东江干流水体叶绿素a的时空分布及与环境因子的关系,于2012年6月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)对东江干流进行采样调查分析.结果表明,东江水体叶绿素a含量具有明显的时空分布特征,其全年变化范围为0.84~14.93μg/L,整体均值为3.60±2.45μg/L,丰水期叶绿素a含量显著高于枯水期;而丰、枯水期叶绿素a含量空间分布特征相似,上游河段显著低于下游河段.相关性与主成分分析结果显示,水体中总氮浓度、总磷浓度、有机物含量、水温和水流流速等都是影响东江浮游植物生长的重要因素,其中以总磷的影响最为显著,表明磷可能是东江浮游植物生长的限制因子.  相似文献   

The alterations of the water level across the Pearl River Delta (PRD) were investigated using a ‘range of variability approach’ (RVA) based on monthly water level datasets extracted from 17 gauging stations. A mapping method was used to illustrate the spatial patterns in the degrees of alteration of water levels. The results indicated that more stations showing moderate and high alterations in monthly mean maximum and minimum water levels when compared with monthly maximum and minimum water levels. River channels characterized by higher alterations of water levels were observed mainly in the regions north of 22° 30′N. Alterations of water levels across the PRD were a consequence of various influencing factors. However, changed hypsography due to extensive and intensive human activities, particularly the large‐scale dredging and excavation of the river sand, may be taken as one of the major causes for the substantial hydrologic alteration. This study indicated that the river channels characterized by altered water levels are mostly those characterized by highly and moderately intensive sand dredging. The changed ratio of the streamflow between Makou and Sanshui stations, the major upstream flow control stations, also influenced the water level alterations of the Pearl River delta. The results of this study will be of great significance in water resources management and better human mitigation of the natural hazards due to the altered water level under the changing environment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲养殖池塘底栖动物群落结构及水质生物学评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠江三角洲是我国主要的水产养殖区域之一.为了解珠江三角洲鱼类养殖池塘底栖动物群落结构,进而评价养殖水体水质状况,于2016年7-8月对6种养殖模式30口池塘底栖动物及其环境因子进行调查.结果表明:1)共采集底栖动物18种,隶属于3门14属,其中寡毛类和水生昆虫均为7种,软体动物为4种.优势种为克拉泊水丝蚓(Limnodrilus claparedeianus)、水丝蚓属一种(Limnodrilus sp.)和摇蚊属一种(Chironomus sp.)等耐污种类.2)6种养殖模式池塘底栖动物平均种类数无显著差异,但其密度和生物量却存在显著差异,杂交鳢Y(杂交鳢幼鱼)和杂交鳢C(杂交鳢成鱼)养殖池塘均显著高于其他4种养殖模式池塘.3)皮尔逊相关分析结果表明,影响珠江三角洲池塘底栖动物密度和生物量的主要因素是总氮(TN)和总磷(TP).两个主要分类群中,寡毛类密度和生物量仅与TN浓度呈显著正相关,而摇蚊幼虫却与TN和TP浓度均呈显著正相关.4)采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef多样性指数和Biotic Index生物指数对6种养殖模式30口池塘水质进行评价,结果表明Shannon-Wiener多样性指数不宜应用于珠江三角洲池塘的水质评价,Margalef多样性指数和Biotic Index生物指数的评价结果均表明杂交鳢Y、杂交鳢C以及草鱼池塘全部处于重度污染,而大口黑鲈S(投喂饲料)、大口黑鲈S+B(投喂饲料+冰鲜鱼类)和罗非鱼池塘大部分处于重度污染,少数处于中度污染.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地震活动的若干特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了二十世纪末30年来珠江三角洲地区地震活动的特征,认为珠江三角洲地区与东南沿海地震带在地震序列分布上总体趋势是一致的。在1970~1997年间,珠江三角洲地区b值滑动时间曲线从1984年起至1986年的高值异常可能是东南沿海地震带1986年开始的活跃幕的中期前兆。地震活动指数A(b)值曲线1988年及1994年的两处低值异常,则可能是本区1989年及1997年两个地震能量释放高峰的中期前兆。从本区及东南沿海地震带地震发生的时间进程上来看,本区很可能是东南沿海地震带区域应力场的调整单元。  相似文献   

Distribution and Fate of Organochlorine Pollutants in the Pearl River Estuary   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Samples of surface sediment and suspended particulate matter (SPM) were collected from the Pearl River estuary, China, and the distribution and concentration of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were extensively studied. The concentration ranges of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in the sediments were 0.28–1.23 ng g−1, 1.36–8.99 ng g−1 and 0.18–1.82 ng g−1, respectively. The concentrations of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in the SPM varied both with the sampling locations and the season of collection. Higher concentrations were recorded in the SPM as compared with sediments. The distribution pattern of such organochlorine compounds (OCs), in the Pearl River estuary, showed that sources were some major river mouths and input from Shenzhen Bay. The concentrations of OCs were, however, low as compared with other estuaries and seas. The environmental fate of the OCs during estuarine mixing was determined, in part, by physicochemical and biochemical properties. The absorption and sedimentation of SPM were also considered important factors. Marine sediments may, therefore, be regarded as an important reservoir of hydrophobic and persistent OCs.  相似文献   

Thallium (Tl) is a rare element of high toxicity. Sediments sampled in three representative locations near industries utilizing Tl‐containing raw materials from the Pearl River Basin, China were analyzed for their total Tl contents and the Tl contents in four sequentially extracted fractions (i.e., weak acid exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual fraction). The results reveal that the total Tl contents (1.25–19.1 µg/g) in the studied sediments were slightly high to quite high compared with those in the Chinese background sediments. This indicates the apparent Tl contamination of the investigated sediments. However, with respect to the chemical fractions, Tl is mainly associated with the residual fraction (>60%) of the sediments, especially of those from the mining area of Tl‐bearing pyrite minerals, indicating the relatively low mobility, and low bioavailability of Tl in these sediments. This obviously contrasts with the previous findings that Tl is mainly entrapped in the first three labile fractions of the contaminated samples. Possible reasons were given for the dominating association of Tl with the residual fraction (>95%) of the mining area sediments. The significant role of certain K‐containing silicates or minerals of these sediments on retaining Tl in the residual fraction, discovered by this study, provides a special field of research opportunity for the Tl‐containing wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Riverine sediments have played an important role in the morphological evolution of river channels and river deltas. However, the sediment regime in the many world's rivers has been altered in the context of global changes. In this study, temporal changes in the sediment regime of the Pearl River were examined at different time scales, that is, annual, seasonal, and monthly time scales, using the Mann–Kendall test. The results revealed that precipitation variability was responsible for monthly and seasonal distribution patterns of the sediment regime and the long‐term changes in the water discharge; however, dam operation has smoothed the seasonal distribution of water discharge and resulted in decreasing trends in the annual, wet‐season, and dry‐season sediment load series since the 1950s. Due to the different regulation magnitudes of dam operation, differences were observed in sediment regime changes among the three tributaries. In addition, human activities have altered the hysteresis of seasonal rating curves and affected hysteresis differences between increasing and decreasing water discharge stages. Sediment supply is an important factor controlling river channel dynamics, affecting channel morphology. From the 1950s to the 1980s, siltation was dominant in river channels across the West River and North River deltas in response to the sediment increases; however, scouring occurred in the East River deltas due to sediment reduction. Significant erosion occurred in river channels in the 1990s, which was mostly due to downcutting of the river bed caused by sand excavations and partly because of the reduced sediment load from upstream. Although sand excavations have been banned and controlled by authority agencies since 2000, the erosion of cross sections was still observed in the 2000s because of reduced sediment caused by dam construction. Our study examines the different effects of human activities on the sediment regime and downstream channel morphology, which is of substantial scientific importance for river management.  相似文献   

沉积盆地现今热流特征是岩石圈构造-热演化过程的综合反映和盆地热史恢复的必要约束条件,其总体变化趋势与热岩石圈厚度密切相关.本文根据新收集的珠江口盆地19口钻井温度数据,新增计算了19个大地热流数据,其中12个数据位于深水区(水深大于300 m),丰富了该盆地深水区钻井地热数据.结合前人研究成果,绘制了该盆地的大地热流图,并分析了其热流分布特征.在此基础上通过求解一维热传导方程,计算得到36口井位处的热岩石圈厚度,量化了盆地大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间的关系.结果显示,珠江口盆地大地热流值介于24.2~121.0 mW·m-2,平均71.8±13.6 mW·m-2,新增盆地深水区钻井平均热流值高达84.5±4.4 mW·m-2.大地热流分布整体上从陆架区到陆坡区升高,而热岩石圈厚度整体分布趋势与大地热流相反.大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间存在良好的指数相关性.  相似文献   

Magnetic parameters and their environmental implications of sediments in a core (PD) from the Pearl River Delta, South China, indicate that ferrimagnetic minerals with low coercivity, such as magnetite, dominate the magnetic properties although small amounts of Fe-sulphides occur. The fraction of Fe-sulphides increases and becomes the dominant minerals determining the magnetic characteristics in grey-black organic-rich clay horizons, indicating an anoxic, sulphate-reducing swamp environment resulting from a marine regression. In the "Huaban clay" , hard magnetic minerals, such as hematite and goethite, largely control the magnetic properties of the sediments and imply a long period of exposure and weathering. Where magnetite is the main magnetic mineral, its fraction and grain size determine properties such as magnetic susceptibility (κ ) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). Ratios of SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM reflect changes in sea level with high SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM correlating with a smaller magnetic mineral grain size and rising sea level. Based on downcore variations of these environmental magnetic parameters along with sediment characteristics and microfauna, the sedimentary environment of the Pearl River Delta area can be divided into two main cycles of transgression and regression during the late Pleistocene and Holocene with more sub-cycles of sea level fluctuation during each transgression.  相似文献   

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