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古遗址、古墓地发掘过程中自然变形现象的识别研究是反演或充实最新构造变形历史记录的重要工作。地震部门会同文物考古部门对安徽寿县丁家孤堆遗址文化层进行宏、微观研究,发现了自然变形痕迹,其主要表现为文化层被砂脉穿切,初步研究显示为地震液化遗迹,发生时代处于龙山晚期至西周时期。研究有助于推动中国东部文化层中地震遗迹的识别。  相似文献   

古遗址、古墓地发掘过程中的自然变形研究是反演或充实历史和史前变形历史记录的重要工作内容之一.近期我省地震部门会同省文物考古部门,对皖西霍山戴家院考古现场进行专题发掘调查,发现了与构造运动有关的地裂缝,其中充填有砂线、砂脉.初步研究显示包括两期变形,且均显示高速变形特征,代表两次地震事件.发生时代约相当于西周晚期和春秋中晚期,前者规模较大,含砂裂缝长轴方向平行于近侧的地震活动断裂方向.本次发现及初步分析填补了东部地区西周到春秋期自然变形事件研究空白.  相似文献   

蓝田新街仰韶遗址在抢救性发掘中揭露出疑似自然变形现象.地震和考古人员共同进行现场分析,认为该遗址存在史前地震遗迹,表现为文化层被错动、砂土混杂掠裹和砂土液化,变形条带呈现近南北向和东西向延伸.初步研究结果表明,研究部位在仰韶文化期后曾遭受地震变形作用.  相似文献   

对江淮地区近期发掘的四个考古遗址进行了地震考古研究,发现了丰富的构造变形现象,包括古地震事件。其中固镇小李家遗址的汉代砖室墓变形具有统一的方向性,显示受区域NE-SW向构造应力作用形成,与强烈地震的快速变形无关;合肥乱墩子遗址的多数竖穴土坑墓存在不规则变形,但M66的压扭变形可能受郯庐断裂右旋走滑活动牵引形成,也与地震力作用无关。在和县大城子遗址和马鞍山申东遗址发现古地震遗迹,主要为地震裂缝、文化层位错及褶曲。在和县大城子遗址通过文化层中木炭的AMS14C测年确定出西周中晚期的一次古地震事件(2 580±30)~(2 760±30) a BP;在马鞍山申东遗址通过文化层考古断代及地震裂缝与文化层的切割关系识别出一次古地震事件亦发生于西周中晚期。最后综合本次研究与前人对江淮地区西周时期的古地震研究成果,初步认为西周中晚期江淮地区处于中强地震活跃期。  相似文献   

皖西霍山戴家院西周-春秋晚期遗址发掘调查中,发现了与构造运动有关的地裂缝,其中充填有粉细砂,初定为地震液化遗迹.从变形物质的定向微观分析中发现了大量显微级地震遗迹标志,如负荷构造,流动构造,截断面,有机质悬浮,等等.这些发现和认识从微观角度验证了遗址所在地区西周-春秋晚期曾发生两次地震事件.上述工作在一定程度上丰富和发展了对我国东部地区史前地震事件的识别和研究方法.  相似文献   

中国东部地区气候湿润,物理化学风化作用强烈,加上地震周期长,人类活动频繁,地质事件遗迹难寻;另一方面,东部地区经济蓬勃发展,建(构)筑物和公众地震安全要求攀升.本文为解决这一日益尖锐矛盾作了相应综述和分析,并提出了一些建议:从经验预报统计样本局限性分析入手,综述史前地震识别标志和事件时序的分析研究现状,在此基础上提出了中国东部地区史前地震事件强化研究思路,即充分利用大规模考古发掘和工程所揭露的机遇,抢救性编录、分析.同时与考古、地质等相关部门联手,反演并重构全新世以来天然变形事件时序,用于弥补经验性预报的样本局限,从而科学预测地震趋势.作者的初步实践表明,这一思路是可行的,通过持之以恒的努力,有望达到预期目标.  相似文献   

中国东部地区气候湿润,物理化学风化作用强烈,加上地震周期长,人类活动频繁,地质事件遗迹难寻;另一方面,东部地区经济蓬勃发展,建(构)筑物和公众地震安全要求攀升。本文为解决这一日益尖锐矛盾作了相应综述和分析,并提出了一些建议:从经验预报统计样本局限性分析入手,综述史前地震识别标志和事件时序的分析研究现状,在此基础上提出了中国东部地区史前地震事件强化研究思路,即充分利用大规模考古发掘和工程所揭露的机遇,抢救性编录、分析。同时与考古、地质等相关部门联手,反演并重构全新世以来天然变形事件时序,用于弥补经验性预报的样本局限,从而科学预测地震趋势。作者的初步实践表明,这一思路是可行的,通过持之以恒的努力,有望达到预期目标。  相似文献   

国际地球科学计划(IGCP567,2008)指出"地震考古"的目的是:通过考古学中发现的遗迹,分析历史上的地震信息,这就首先需要在考古遗址中找出可靠的标准来识别古地震.目前,国外学者虽然对磁化率的微观研究比较深入,国内学者在实际应用领域亦取得成果.  相似文献   

“古国时代”被认为是人类文明形成与发展的重要阶段.位于黄河中游的河南巩义双槐树仰韶文化遗址是古国时代重要的都邑性聚落.其规模宏大,出现明显的社会分化,在早期中国占据着重要地位,考古学家一般称之为“河洛古国”.“河洛古国”的兴衰演化对于揭示中华文明的起源与发展具有重要意义,它的衰落过程一直备受关注.双槐树遗址的考古发掘和环境考古研究过程中,在遗址内发现并识别出多处古地震相关遗迹和同震变形,包括地震液化、边坡崩塌和地裂缝,以及地震造成的大量房屋倒塌和墙体歪斜.炭屑定年揭示地震年龄约5.0cal ka BP.结合地震液化分布最远距离经验公式,初步推测地震的最小震级为Ms5.9~6.0.这次破坏性地震深刻影响了双槐树遗址早期文化的持续发展,一定程度上加速了“河洛古国”史前都邑的衰落.  相似文献   

对山东省几个考古发掘遗址进行了地震考古研究,着重对其中的自然变形现象进行识别和分析。其中,在济南郊区的大辛庄商代遗址中甄别出非构造变形的现象;在章丘城子崖龙山文化层中识别出砂脉充填裂隙;在滨州秦皇台商周文化层中发现槽壁上砂脉和槽底密集分布的砂管;在临淄齐国故城城墙分别鉴别出构造和非构造成因裂隙;在日照尧王城见龙山-战汉时期文化层中平行分布的砂脉裂隙组;在滕州薛国故城城墙识别出典型共轭剪切裂隙。上述自然变形现象集中显现于春秋-战汉期及以前的文化层中,且多表现为砂脉等地震液化痕迹,显示相当时期所在地区可能处于地震相对活跃期,上述推断部分得到微观分析资料证实。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带淮河南到女山湖段晚第四纪以来的新活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以郯庐断裂带淮河南到女山湖段晚第四纪以来是否具有新活动为主要研究目标,通过遥感影像资料解译及地表反复调查,选择构造地貌显著地段开挖探槽,识别和记录其变形形态,分析其活动习性,定向采集新活动变形物质,在保持原态基础上磨制定向薄片,并进行微观构造分析论证。研究表明,断裂沿线线状构造地貌清晰,横跨断裂带的3个探槽均揭示出晚第四纪以来活动痕迹,断裂最新错断了晚更新世-全新世地层;滑移方式多表现为粘滑,典型表现为断层陡坎、楔状堆积、断层和充填裂缝等,总体显示为脆性高速变形特征,属于史前地震遗迹。上述认识部分得到微观分析证实。文中还初步探讨了淮河南北郯庐断裂最新活动特征的异同点及其可能的原因。  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川省九寨沟县发生M_s7.0地震.本文基于Sentinel-1 SAR影像,利用InSAR技术获取了此次地震的同震形变场,反演获得同震滑动分布,计算了同震位错对余震分布和周边断层的静态库仑应力变化,并对发震构造进行了分析讨论.结果表明:①InSAR同震形变场显示,九寨沟地震造成地表形变最大量级约为20 cm(雷达视线方向),同震形变存在非对称性分布特征.②同震位错以左旋走滑为主,主要发生在4~16 km深度,最大滑动量约为77 cm,位于9 km深处.反演得到的矩震级为Mw6.46.同震错动未破裂到地表.③大部分余震发生在库仑应力增加区.此次地震增加了震中周边地区一些断裂的库仑应力,如东昆仑断裂带东段、龙日坝断裂、虎牙断裂等.④东昆仑断裂东段的未来地震危险性值得关注.⑤九寨沟地震的发震断层为树正断裂,可能是虎牙断裂的北西延伸隐伏部分,此次地震是巴颜喀拉块体南东向运动受到华南块体的强烈阻挡过程中发生的一次典型构造事件.  相似文献   

A lot of seismic volcanic rocks and strong earthquake-induced thixotropic deformation structures in soft mud-sandy sediments(seismites)were identified from the Upper Cretaceous Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation for the first time in Jiaozhou City of the Zhucheng Sag, eastern China. Seismic volcanic rocks are volcanic rocks with co-seismic deformation structures which were produced by major earthquakes destroying volcano ejecta. Seismites are sediment layers with soft-sediment deformation structures formed by strong earthquake triggering saturated or semi-consolidated soft sediments to produce liquefaction, thixotropy, faults, cracks and filling and so forth. The Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation mainly consists of basaltic volcano rocks interbedded with mud-sandy(muddy sand and sandy mud)deposition layers of the river-lake facies. In the Shijiatun Member, main types of seismic volcanic rocks are shattered basalts with co-seismic fissures and seismic basaltic breccias. The thixotropic deformations of soft mud-sandy sediments mainly include thixotropic mud-sandy veins and thixotropic mud-sandy layers with tortuous boundaries. Under the strong earthquake action, saturated mud-sandy sediments could not be liquefied, instead resulting in thixotropy, i.e. their texture can be damaged and their flow-ability or rheology becomes strong. Because basaltic volcano rocks were damaged(shattered, seismic broken), a major earthquake can lead to thixotropic mud-sandy sediments flowing along seismic fissures in basalts, resulting in the formation of deformation structure of thixotropic veins, and boundaries between volcano rock and mud-sand layer became quite winding. Under the koinonia of gravity and vibration force, seismic breccia blocks sunk into thixotropic mud-sandy layers, resulting in the formation of inclusions of thixotropic mud-sandy sediments. Seismic intensity reflected by these strong earthquake records during the end stage of the Late Cretaceous was about Ⅶ to more than X degrees. The Shijiatun Member is mainly distributed in the south of the Baichihe fault in the northern Zhucheng Sag, and the fault has generated many strong tectonic and earthquake activities at the end of the late Cretaceous, also provided the channel for intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma then. At the end of the late Cretaceous, intermittent intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma took place along the Baichihe fault, meanwhile the volcano earthquakes took place or tectonic earthquakes were generated by the Baichihe fault which caused the deformation of the volcano lava and underlying strata of red saturated muddy-sand, resulting in the formation of various seismo-genesis deformations of volcanic rocks interbedded with mud-sandy sediment layers. Therefore, strong seismic events recorded by them should be responses to strong tectonic taphrogenesis of the Zhucheng Sag and intense activity of the Baichihe fault in the end of Late Cretaceous. In addition, these seismogenic deformation structures of rock-soil layers provide new data for the analysis of the failure effect produced by seismic force in similar rock-soil foundations.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan fault belt   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The giant earthquake (M s=8.0) in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008 was triggered by oblique convergence between the Tibetan Plateau and the South China along the Longmenshan fault belt. The Longmenshan fault belt marks an important component of the tectonic and geomorphological boundary between the eastern and western part of China and has a protracted tectonic history. It was first formed as an intracontinental transfer fault, patitioning the differential deformation between the Pacific and Tethys tectonic domains, initiated in late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic time, then served as the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau to accommodate the growth of the plateau in Cenozoic. Its current geological and geomorphological frameworks are the result of superimposition of these two tectonic events. In Late Triassic, the Longmenshan underwent left-slip oblique NW-SE shortening due to the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Block, which led to the flexural subsidence of the Sichuan foreland basin, but after that, the subsidence of the Sichuan Basin seems no longer controlled by the tectonic activity of the Longmenshan fault belt. The Meosozoic tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt differs significantly compared with that of the Yangtze Platform, featured by intensive northeast and southwest shortening and resulted in the close of the Paleo-Tethys. Aerial photos taken immediately after main shock of the giant May 12, 2008 earthquake have documented extensive rock fall and landslides that represent one of the most destructive aspects of the earthquake. Both rock avalanches and landslides delivered a huge volume of debris into the middle part of the Minjiang River, and formed many dammed lakes. Breaching of these natural dams can be catastrophic, as occurred in the Diexi area along the upstream of the Minjiang River in the year of 1933 that led to devastating floodings. The resultant flood following the breaching of these dams flowed through and out of the Longmenshan belt into the Chengdu Plain, bringing a huge volume of sediments. The oldest alluvial deposits within the Chengdu Plain are estimated to be Late Miocene (8–13 Ma). We suggest that the flooding that transported the course-grained sediments into the Chengdu Plain occurred in late Cenozoic, resulted from both the climate and the historical earthquakes similar to the May 12 earthquake. Estimated age of the sediments related to earthquakes and coeval shortening across the Chengdu Plain indicate that the eastern margin of the plateau became seismically and tectonically active in Late Miocene. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40672151, 40721003, 40472121 and 40830314) and PetroChina Company Limited  相似文献   

断裂区带变形分析方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨博  周伟  陈阜超  韩月萍 《地震工程学报》2010,32(3):215-219,225
应用GPS观测技术专门研究活动断裂区带的地壳形变及其服务于地震预测的数据处理方法目前还不够完善与充分。本文针对这一问题并结合实际的需求,从场的角度提出了适合于断裂区带活动特征分析的数据处理方法,并以川滇菱形块体东边界带为例,依据1999-2004年的GPS资料对其进行了简要分析。结果表明:①经过这种处理与描述可使人们从多角度更清楚全面地了解断裂及两侧的相对活动,及在空间上的演化特征;②走滑运动等值线显示川滇菱形块体东边界两侧相对活动量最大达15 mm/a,分布宽度约400 km,然而活动量的2/3只分布在断层两侧近100km的范围内,清晰而定量地显现了高剪切应变的积累与存在的空间;③走滑运动梯度显示川滇形块体东边界带南段变形大于北段;④张压性运动结果显示断裂两侧没有明显的差异变化。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区新构造运动   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
概述了珠江三角洲地区新构造运动的基本特征:晚第三纪以来的构造运动经历了由强逐渐减弱,晚更新世(约50-30Ka B.P)又重新增强的演变。重点估算了晚第四纪珠江三角洲断块垂直构造运动速率,定量分析了分割断块的断裂构造的活动性。认为斗门断块区和广州-番禺断块区这两个次级断块构造以及围限它们的广州-从化断裂,三水-罗浮断裂,西江断裂,白坭-沙湾断裂的活动性相对较强。从区域地震构造而言 ,珠江三角洲新构造运动远弱于日本-琉球-台湾岛弧,也弱于奥东潮汕和桂东南灵山等强震危险区。但由于其震源浅及松软土层较厚,加上本区经济发达,人口稠密,因此地震造成的破坏和损失仍不可低估,必须加强抗震减灾工作。  相似文献   

This paper reports the internal structures of the Beichuan fault zone of Longmenshan fault system that caused the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,at an outcrop in Hongkou,Sichuan province,China.Present work is a part of comprehensive project of Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration,trying to understand deformation processes in Longmenshan fault zones and eventually to reproduce Wenchuan earthquake by modeling based on measured mechanical and transport properties.Outcrop studies could be integrate...  相似文献   

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