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The Parkes survey of the entire southern sky for millisecond and other low-luminosity pulsars has now been completed. The survey system and initial results were described by Manchester et al. and the final results and population studies are described by Lyne et al. A total of 298 pulsars were detected, including 101 new discoveries of which 17 were millisecond pulsars. Here we report on timing observations at Parkes and Jodrell Bank of the 84 long-period (non-millisecond) pulsars discovered in the survey, including timing solutions for 78 of them. Pulse profiles and arrival times were obtained at several different frequencies over intervals of more than a year, yielding a position, period, period derivative and dispersion measure for each pulsar. Pulse profiles at frequencies near 400 MHz and 600 or 1400 MHz are presented for most of the observed pulsars. Significant timing noise was detected for five pulsars and a glitch was observed in the period of PSR J1123–6259.  相似文献   

We present the discovery and follow-up observations of 142 pulsars found in the Parkes 20-cm multibeam pulsar survey of the Galactic plane. These new discoveries bring the total number of pulsars found by the survey to 742. In addition to tabulating spin and astrometric parameters, along with pulse width and flux density information, we present orbital characteristics for 13 binary pulsars which form part of the new sample. Combining these results from another recent Parkes multibeam survey at high Galactic latitudes, we have a sample of 1008 normal pulsars which we use to carry out a determination of their Galactic distribution and birth rate. We infer a total Galactic population of  30 000 ± 1100  potentially detectable pulsars (i.e. those beaming towards us) having 1.4-GHz luminosities above 0.1 mJy kpc2. Adopting the Tauris & Manchester beaming model, this translates to a total of  155 000 ± 6000  active radio pulsars in the Galaxy above this luminosity limit. Using a pulsar current analysis, we derive the birth rate of this population to be  1.4 ± 0.2  pulsars per century. An important conclusion from our work is that the inferred radial density function of pulsars depends strongly on the assumed distribution of free electrons in the Galaxy. As a result, any analyses using the most recent electron model of Cordes & Lazio predict a dearth of pulsars in the inner Galaxy. We show that this model can also bias the inferred pulsar scaleheight with respect to the Galactic plane. Combining our results with other Parkes multibeam surveys we find that the population is best described by an exponential distribution with a scaleheight of 330 pc. Surveys underway at Parkes and Arecibo are expected to improve the knowledge of the radial distribution outside the solar circle, and to discover several hundred new pulsars in the inner Galaxy.  相似文献   

We have analysed polarization data for a large number of isolated pulsars to investigate the evolution of pulsar radio beams. Assuming that a circular beam is directed along the axis of a dipolar magnetic field, we demonstrate that the distribution of magnetic inclination angles for the parent population of all pulsars is not flat but highly concentrated towards small inclination angles and that, consequently, the average beaming fraction is only ∼ 10 per cent. Furthermore, we find that there is a tendency for the beam axis to align with the rotational axis on a time-scale of ∼ 107 yr. This has interesting consequences for statistical studies of the pulsar population. Finally, the luminosity of pulsars is shown to be independent of the impact parameter, which indicates that pulsar beams are sharp-edged and have a relatively flat integrated intensity distribution.  相似文献   

We present the aim and first results of the RApid Temporal Survey (RATS) made using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. Our initial survey covers 3 square degrees, reaches a depth of   V ∼ 22.5  and is sensitive to variations on time-scales as short as 2 min: this is a new parameter space. Each field was observed for over 2 h in white light, with 12 fields being observed in total. Our initial analysis finds 45 targets which show significant variations. Around half of these systems show quasi-sinusoidal variations: we believe they are contact or short period binaries. We find four systems which show variations on a time-scale less than 1 h. The shortest period system has a period of 374 s. We find two systems which show a total eclipse. Further photometric and spectroscopic observations are required to fully identify the nature of these systems. We outline our future plans and objectives.  相似文献   

We are undertaking a high-frequency survey of the Galactic plane for radio pulsars, using the 13-element multibeam receiver on the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. We describe briefly the survey system and some of the initial results. PSR J1811−1736, one of the first pulsars discovered with this system, has a rotation period of 104 ms. Subsequent timing observations using the 76-m radio telescope at Jodrell Bank show that it is in an 18.8-d, highly eccentric binary orbit. We have measured the rate of advance of periastron which indicates a total system mass of 2.6±0.9 M, and the minimum companion mass is about 0.7 M. This, the high orbital eccentricity and the recycled nature of the pulsar suggest that this system is composed of two neutron stars, only the fourth or fifth such system known in the disc of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We analyse two recent computations of Type II supernova nucleosynthesis by Woosley & Weaver (hereafter WW95) and Thielemann, Nomoto & Hashimoto (hereafter TNH96), focusing on the ability to reproduce the observed [Mg/Fe] ratios in various galaxy types. We show that the yields of oxygen and total metallicity are in good agreement. However, TNH96 models produce more magnesium in the intermediate and less iron in the upper mass range of Type II supernovae than WW95 models. To investigate the significance of these discrepancies for chemical evolution, we calculate simple stellar population yields for both sets of models and different initial mass function slopes. We conclude that the Mg yields of WW95 do not suffice to explain the [Mg/Fe] overabundance either in giant elliptical galaxies and bulges or in metal-poor stars in the solar neighbourhood and the Galactic halo. Calculating the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood according to the standard infall model, we find that, using WW95 and TNH96 nucleosynthesis, the solar magnesium abundance is underestimated by 29 and 7 per cent, respectively.   We include the relaxation of the instantaneous mixing approximation in chemical evolution models by splitting the gas component into two different phases. In additional simulations of the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood, we discuss various time-scales for the mixing of the stellar ejecta with the interstellar medium. We find that a delay of the order of 108 yr leads to a better fit of the observational data in the [Mg/Fe]–[Fe/H] diagram without destroying the agreement with solar element abundances and the age–metallicity relation.  相似文献   

The disc white dwarf luminosity function is an important tool for studying the solar neighbourhood, since it allows the determination of several Galactic parameters, the most important one being the age of the Galactic disc. However, only the     method has been employed so far for observationally determining the white dwarf luminosity function, whereas for other kind of luminosity functions several other methods have been frequently used. Moreover, the procedures to determine the white dwarf luminosity function are not free of biases. These biases have two different origins: they can either be of statistical nature or a consequence of the measurement errors. In a previous paper we carried out an in-depth study of the first category of biases for several luminosity function estimators. In this paper we focus on the biases introduced by the measurement errors and on the effects of the degree of contamination of the input sample used to build the disc white dwarf luminosity function by different kinematical populations. To assess the extent of these biases we use a Monte Carlo simulator to generate a controlled synthetic population and analyse the behaviour of the disc white dwarf luminosity function for several assumptions about the magnitude of the measurement errors and for several degrees of contamination, comparing the performances of the most robust luminosity function estimators under such conditions.  相似文献   

The computation of theoretical pulsar populations has been a major component of pulsar studies since the 1970s. However, the majority of pulsar population synthesis has only regarded isolated pulsar evolution. Those that have examined pulsar evolution within binary systems tend to either treat binary evolution poorly or evolve the pulsar population in an ad hoc manner. Thus, no complete and direct comparison with observations of the pulsar population within the Galactic disc has been possible to date. Described here is the first component of what will be a complete synthetic pulsar population survey code. This component is used to evolve both isolated and binary pulsars. Synthetic observational surveys can then be performed on this population for a variety of radio telescopes. The final tool used for completing this work will be a code comprised of three components: stellar/binary evolution, Galactic kinematics and survey selection effects. Results provided here support the need for further (apparent) pulsar magnetic field decay during accretion, while they conversely suggest the need for a re-evaluation of the assumed typical millisecond pulsar formation process. Results also focus on reproducing the observed     diagram for Galactic pulsars and how this precludes short time-scales for standard pulsar exponential magnetic field decay. Finally, comparisons of bulk pulsar population characteristics are made to observations displaying the predictive power of this code, while we also show that under standard binary evolutionary assumption binary pulsars may accrete much mass.  相似文献   

The acquisition of H  i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) southern sky data commenced at the Australia Telescope National Facility's Parkes 64-m telescope in 1997 February, and was completed in 2000 March. HIPASS is the deepest H  i survey yet of the sky south of declination +2°, and is sensitive to emission out to 170 h75−1 Mpc. The characteristic root mean square noise in the survey images is 13.3 mJy. This paper describes the survey observations, which comprise 23 020 eight-degree scans of 9-min duration, and details the techniques used to calibrate and image the data. The processing algorithms are successfully designed to be statistically robust to the presence of interference signals, and are particular to imaging point (or nearly point) sources. Specifically, a major improvement in image quality is obtained by designing a median-gridding algorithm which uses the median estimator in place of the mean estimator.  相似文献   

We use the grid of models described in Paper I to analyse those millisecond pulsar binaries whose secondaries have been studied optically. In particular, we find cooling ages for these binary systems that range from < 1 to ∼ 15 Gyr. Comparison of cooling ages and characteristic spin-down ages allows us to constrain the initial spin periods and spin-up histories for individual systems, showing that at least some millisecond pulsars had sub-Eddington accretion rates and long magnetic field decay times.  相似文献   

In the measurements of pulsars’ periods and their rates of change there exists the effect of lunisolar precession. Via the analysis of this effect, we find that it can affect the accurate measurements of the periods of certain pulsars. An investigation of the periods of 1771 pulsars reveals that the measured periods of 81 pulsars suffer the influence of lunisolar precession in the range of the accuracy of measurements. With the improvement of the precision of measurements of pulsars’ periods and their change rates, this effect should get the corresponding corrections.  相似文献   

The colour–magnitude diagrams of resolved single stellar populations, such as open and globular clusters, have provided the best natural laboratories to test stellar evolution theory. Whilst a variety of techniques have been used to infer the basic properties of these simple populations, systematic uncertainties arise from the purely geometrical degeneracy produced by the similar shape of isochrones of different ages and metallicities. Here we present an objective and robust statistical technique which lifts this degeneracy to a great extent through the use of a key observable: the number of stars along the isochrone. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations we show that, for instance, we can infer the four main parameters (age, metallicity, distance and reddening) in an objective way, along with robust confidence intervals and their full covariance matrix. We show that systematic uncertainties due to field contamination, unresolved binaries, initial or present-day stellar mass function are either negligible or well under control. This technique provides, for the first time, a proper way to infer with unprecedented accuracy the fundamental properties of simple stellar populations, in an easy-to-implement algorithm.  相似文献   

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