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利用星系团形成的数值模拟技术所得到的星系团以及大尺度结构,本研究了星系团的其周围环境物质的引力透镜效应对背景类星体计数的影响,以期解释最近观测到的类星体-星系团成协现象,然而,得到的结果却是:用星系团及所遵循的大尺度结构的引力透镜效应,不能解释所观测的类星体数密度,这与解析方法所得结论一致,分析表明,目前所观测到的类星体与星第团成协,如果不是统计涨落,则无法用引力透镜效应来解释。  相似文献   

综述了背景光源(类星体)与前方天体(星系、星系团等)成协的观测和统计事例。详尽叙述了与成协问题相关的引力透镜理论。全面介绍了对各种成协事例进行引力透镜理论解释的方法、研究现状及存在的问题。还给出了一种计算成协样品中面密度超出因子的改进方法。  相似文献   

综述了背景光源(类星体)与前方天体(星系、星系团等)成协的观测和统计事例.详尽叙述了与成协问题相关的引力透镜理论.全面介绍了对各种成协事例进行引力透镜理论解释的方法、研究现状及存在的问题.还给出了一种计算成协样品中面密度超出因子的改进方法.  相似文献   

本文以King模型去描述星系的引力透镜行为,把已知类星体作为光源,从统计上计算了引力透镜类星体对与其像间分离的关系。结果表明,星系的透镜行为不仅能解释全部透镜事例,而且可以揭示出星系的某些统计参数,如星系的最大质量、平均半径、平均核半径及质光比。宇宙中星系质量密度因子,Ω_g,亦可从中求得。  相似文献   

根据高精度宇宙学N体数值模拟输出的星系团以及星系团X射线光度和质量的经验关系:L-M,在红移区间(0.14,0.3)内构建了一个X射线波段流量限为3×10~(-19)J·s~(-1)·cm~(-2)(如Local Cluster Substructure Survey,缩写为LoCuSS )的大质量星系团样本。利用高分辨率的Ray-tracing数值模拟对包含真实观测信息(即红移、大小和形状)的COSMOS背景星系源进行单个透镜的成像模拟,并统计星系团不同投影方向的巨弧(即L/W10)产生效率。依据数值模拟立方体的尺度建立观测光锥,再根据光锥内不同红移区间所占立方体的体积比例用对应数量、红移的透镜对光锥进行随机填充,通过平均它们的透镜效率,最终计算得到光锥内的平均强引力透镜效率为3.22_(-1.47)~(+2.73)×10~(-2)。  相似文献   

本文采用覆盖全天区的HB类星体表和ACO星系团表为样本,对不同类型的Abel星系团进行分类研究,发现不同类型的星系团与类星体的成协有不同的特性.两样品的KS检验证实与Abel成协(或反成协)的类星体与全部类星体不是出自同一母体,说明这种成协(或反成协)是真实的,不是由投影效应引起的.进一步的计算得到,D4的Abel团对其周围成协类星体的密度增强因子q=1.089,R2的Abel团对其周围的类星体的吸收星等AB=0.09.  相似文献   

本文采用目前样品数最大的Hewitt Burbidge类星体总表与覆盖全天区的Abell星系团表 (即ACO表 )研究了类星体与星系团分布的成协问题 .利用交叉相关函数方法 ,发现在角距离θ >3°范围内类星体与Abell团呈反相关现象 .这种反相关主要是由光学选类星体产生的 ,射电选类星体的分布与Abell团基本无关 ,这一事实支持了星系团中尘埃的吸收效应的解释 .在θ <3°范围反而无明显的反相关性 ,说明类星体与星系团存在着成协的倾向 .进一步分析表明类星体与星系团的相关性与红移无关 ,这不利于引力透镜效应的解释  相似文献   

基于SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey,斯隆数字巡天) DR15 (The Data Release 15,第15期数据)的光谱,分析引力透镜类星体SDSS J1004+4112两个像(A和B像之间的角距离约为3.73′′)的光谱。通过C IVλλ1548?, 1551?和Mg Ⅱλλ2796?, 2803?吸收双线,在A、B两个像的光谱上证认得到两个C IV吸收线系统和两个Mg Ⅱ吸收线系统。在引力透镜类星体SDSS J1004+4112 A, B两个像的光谱上CⅣ吸收线系统没有明显的差异(吸收线等值宽度差异的置信水平N△W<3),吸收体在视线方向上的横向尺度Dtra≈127.5 pc,相对类星体的速度βs<0.06,两视线上的吸收体可能是来源于类星体同一区域的本征吸收体。但是,两个Mg Ⅱ吸收线系统在两个像光谱上存在明显的差异(N△W> 3);A像光谱上只存在红移为0.831 1±0.000 3的Mg Ⅱ吸收线系统,吸收体的Dtra  相似文献   

We aim to providea quasar sample that is more complete than any previous surveys by using a combined selection technique to reduce the selection effects. Here we present the observational results for the X-ray candidates in the field of the Leo Cluster. We found 33 X-ray AGNs in this field of which 10 are new discoveries. The X-ray data and optical spectra of these AGNs are given. We also study the near-IR properties of the X-ray-selected AGNs by using the data from 2MASS. Most of the AGNs in our sample span the color range 0.0 < B-J < 2.5, 1.0 < J-Ks < 2.0 and 0.5 < H-Ks < 1.2.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on four key tools for performing star cluster simulations developed during the last decade which are sufficient to handle all the relevant dynamical aspects. First we discuss briefly the Hermite integration scheme which is simple to use and highly efficient for advancing the single particles. The main numerical challenge is in dealing with weakly and strongly perturbed hard binaries. A new treatment of the classical Kustaanheimo-Stiefel two-body regularization has proved to be more accurate for studying binaries than previous algorithms based on divided differences or Hermite integration. This formulation employs a Taylor series expansion combined with the Stumpff functions, still with one force evaluation per step, which gives exact solutions for unperturbed motion and is at least comparable to the polynomial methods for large perturbations. Strong interactions between hard binaries and single stars or other binaries are studied by chain regularization which ensures a non-biased outcome for chaotic motions. A new semi-analytical stability criterion for hierarchical systems has been adopted and the long-term effects on the inner binary are now treated by averaging techniques for cases of interest. These modifications describe consistent changes of the orbital variables due to large Kozai cycles and tidal dissipation. The range of astrophysical processes which can now be considered by N-body simulations include tidal capture, circularization, mass transfer by Roche-lobe overflow as well as physical collisions, where the masses and radii of individual stars are modelled by synthetic stellar evolution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过利用Monte—Carlo方法对湍流相位屏模拟进行验证和分析。给出加入次谐低频补偿相位屏与直接谱反演相位屏的对比结果,并分析了在考虑内外尺度时次谐低频补偿方法的有效性。此外,给出了基于天文观测的多相位屏的湍流分层模型。在此基础上对天文成像进行数值仿真,并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

We study, by numerical simulations, the propagation of an axisymmetric supersonic jet in an isothermal King atmosphere and we analyse the evolution of the resulting X-ray properties and their dependence on the jet physical parameters. We show the existence of two distinct regimes of interaction, with strong and weak shocks. In the first case shells of enhanced X-ray emission are to be expected, whereas in the second case we expect deficit of X-ray emission coincident with the cocoon. Analysing the results of our simulations we find that the jet kinetic power is the main parameter controlling the transition between the two regimes. We also discuss, in the same scheme, the ICM heating induced by the jet propagation, considering its effects on the observed relations between the cluster X-ray luminosity and temperature and between cluster entropy and temperature.  相似文献   

一般认为,Langmuir波(LW)转换为电磁波是太阳Ⅲ型射电爆的产生机制。由电子束流不稳定性可以很容易地激发LW,正向LW和反向LW的相互作用被认为是产生Ⅲ型爆二次谐波的原因,但反向LW的色散方程和产生机制尚未得到充分研究。通过粒子(Particle In Cell,PIC)模拟研究了反向LW的产生机制,发现反向LW不能由电子束流直接激发,其能量基本上是由正向LW散射得到的。然而,电子束流对正向LW的二次谐波有直接放大作用。  相似文献   

Observations indicate that solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are closely associated with reconnection-favored flux emergence, which was explained in the emerging flux trigger mechanism for CMEs by Chen & Shibata based on numerical simulations. We present a parametric survey of the triggering agent: its polarity orientation, position, and the amount of the unsigned flux. The results suggest that whether a CME can be triggered depends on both the amount and location of the emerging flux, in addition to its polarity orientation. A diagram is presented to show the eruption and non-eruption regimes in the parameter space. The work is aimed at providing useful information for the space weather forecast.  相似文献   

分析类星体吸收线红移和发射线红移的特征。我们从Hewitt和Burbidge ( 1 993 )的星表中选择了吸收线红移和发射线红移都同时提供的类星体 ,得到了包含 4 0 1个对象的样本。这是至今对类星体红移研究的最大样本。我们从吸收线红移和发射线红移之间的关系图发现绝大多数 ( 93 .6% )对象的吸收线红移都小于相应的发射线红移。这个结论人们在 2 0世纪 70年代已经从很小的类星体样本 (样本大小 50左右 )中得到。本文进一步支持了这个结论。它表明类星体红移确实是距离的指示器。这跟宇宙学对类星体红移的解释是一致的  相似文献   

We derive the transformations to convert the state vector in cartesian coordinates into geometric orbital elements (and conversely the geometric elements into the state vector) for a test particle moving around an oblate planet. These transformations arise from the epicyclic theory and are accurate to second order in eccentricity and inclination. This paper is written to be directly used for computational purposes, such as the numerical study of ring dynamics.  相似文献   

The experiment described here is focussed to the observation of underexpanded, hypersonic turbulent jets. The experiment is relevant to a few aspects concerning the dynamics of astrophysical phenomena such as the Herbig-Haro jets and to the interaction between the large-scale vortices and the system of shocks that determine the spreading and entrainment properties of highly compressible free-flows. A number of orifice jets with a ratio between the stagnation pressure and the ambient pressure of the order 103-104 have been studied by changing the stagnation/ambient density ratio. This has been realized using dissimilar gases in the jet and in the ambient medium: by using He, Ar and air the stagnation/ambient density ratio can be changed by one order of magnitude while keeping fixed the pressure ratio. It has been possible to visualize the near and mid-term evolution of the jets and measure the axial and transversal density distributions. A comparison relevant to the shock waves configuration in between the nozzle exit and the first Mach's disk is shown for an air in air laboratory jet and its numerical simulation.  相似文献   

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