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在UWyo单组分气溶胶的绝热气块分档云模式基础上,发展了多种化学组分气溶胶的绝热气块分档云模式。利用2006年春季华北地区地面气溶胶分级采样的离子成分分析数据和同时段高空气溶胶、云微物理飞机观测资料,研究了气溶胶混合状态对暖云微物理特征的影响。模拟结果表明,华北地区气溶胶内部混合比外部混合有利于增加云凝结核数浓度、降低气块水汽最大饱和比、增加云滴数浓度。气溶胶的混合状态不同,形成的云滴谱的特征差异较大,主要体现在云滴谱的平均尺度和峰值的突出程度;云滴谱相对离散度在0.3附近变化,且随着云滴数浓度的增加,云滴谱相对离散度呈现减小的趋势。气溶胶混合状态能够影响暖云微物理特征,从而影响大气辐射和降水过程,在天气和气候变化的研究中应予以关注。  相似文献   

本文采用CAM3.0模式研究东亚地区各种气溶胶浓度增加后对于东亚春季各气候要素,尤其是对降水和春季风场的影响。在模式中通过分别对区域(20~50°N,100~150°E)内黑碳气溶胶浓度单独加倍、硫酸盐气溶胶浓度单独加倍、两种气溶胶浓度同时加倍的实验方法,探讨不同气溶胶浓度变化在东亚春季气候变化中的具体作用。结果表明:在春季,3种气溶胶浓度增加方式都使得东亚地区表现出降水中南部减少北部增加,低层大气西南风异常以及地面温度南部增加北部减少。通过对110~120°E的断面分析发现,硫酸盐与黑碳气溶胶在春季首先影响约800 hPa以上大气的温度并通过不同的动力机制影响东亚地区的风场,风场的改变进而导致了云量和降水在东亚北方地区增多而中南部地区减少,并最终使得地面温度表现出东亚中南部地区增温而北方地区相对降温的特征。  相似文献   

Reactions of levoglucosan with produced from Fenton chemistry were studied in solution serving as a proxy for biomass burning aerosols. Two modes of oligomerization (≤2000 u) were observed for reaction times between 1 and 7 days using matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDI-TOF-MS). Single-mass unit continuum mass distributions with dominant −2 u patterns were measured and superimposed by a +176/+162 u oligomer series. This latter oligomer pattern was attributed to a Criegee rearrangement (+14 u) of levoglucosan, initiated by , forming a lactone (176 u). The acid-catalyzed reaction of any ROH from levoglucosan (+162 u) forms an ester through transesterification of the lactone functionality, whereupon propagation forms polyesters. Proposed products and chemical mechanisms are suggested as sources and precursors of humic-like substances (HULIS), which are known to possess a large saccharic component and are possibly formed from biomass burning aerosols (Andreae, Global Biomass Burning, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 3–21, 1991).  相似文献   

山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的过程分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文利用贵阳市气象台2005和2006年5-9月的地面、高空观测和雷达资料等,分析了41次山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的降水过程.研究发现如果分散的多单体对流云若距离较近,则很可能出现大范围地跨接、合并,则有可能形成范围宽广的片状或带状云系,即积层混合云系.云系形成以后在移动的过程中,会将前方不断新生的对流单体合并,从而云系前缘强度增强,云系不断维持.整个系统的生命期往往较分散云团更长,并有可能会形成间歇性或连续性降水.本文分析了山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的一些具体特征.  相似文献   

A chemistry module has been incorporated into a Lagrangian type model that computes the dynamics and microphysics of an orographical cloud formed in moist air flowing over the summit of Great Dun Fell (GDF) in England. The cloud droplets grow on a maritime aerosol which is assumed to be an external mixture of sea-salt particles and ammonium-sulfate particles. The dry particle radii are in the range 10 nm<r<1 µm. The gas-phase chemical reaction scheme considers reactions of nitrogen compounds that are important at night. The treatment of scavenging of gases into the aqueous phase in the model takes into account the different solubilities and accommodation coefficients. The chemistry in the aqueous phase focusses on the oxidation of S(IV) via different pathways.Sensitivity analyses have been performed to investigate deviations from gas-liquid equilibria according to Henry's law and also to study the influence of iron and of nitrogen compounds on the aqueous-phase oxidation of dissolved SO2. When addressing these questions, special attention has been given to the dependence on the droplet size distribution and on the chemical composition of the cloud condensation nuclei on which the droplets have formed. It was found that the oxidation of S(IV) via a chain reaction of sulfur radicals can be important under conditions where H2O2 is low. However, major uncertainties remain with respect to the interaction of iron with the radical chain. It was shown that mixing of individual cloud droplets, which are not in equilibrium according to Henry's law, can result in a bulk sample in equilibrium with the ambient air. The dependence of the aqueous-phase concentrations on the size of the cloud droplets is discussed for iron, chloride and NO3.  相似文献   

The cloudiness fields simulated by a general circulation model and a validation using the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) satellite observations are presented. An adapted methodology is developed, in which the issue of the sub-grid scale variability of the cloud fields, and how it may affect the comparison exercise, is considered carefully. In particular different assumptions about the vertical overlap of cloud layers are made, allowing us to reconstruct the cloud distribution inside a model grid column. Carrying out an analysis directly comparable to that of ISCCP then becomes possible. The relevance of this method is demonstrated by its application to the evaluation of the cloud schemes used in Laboratoire de Météoroligie Dynamique (LMD) general circulation model. We compare cloud properties, such as cloud-top height and cloud optical thickness, analysed by ISCCP and simulated by the LMD GCM. The results show that a direct comparison of simulated low cloudiness and that shown from satellites is not possible. They also reveal some model deficiencies concerning the cloud vertical distribution. Some of these features depend little on the cloud overlap assumption and may reveal inadequate parameterisation of the boundary layer mixing or the cloud water precipitation rate. High convective clouds also appear to be too thick.  相似文献   

Modification of cloud microphysics and cloud albedo by cloud-active aerosol is generally identified and accepted, but the nature and magnitude of aerosol-cloud interactions are vaguely understood and thought to include a myriad of processes that vary regionally and confound the application of simple physical models of cloud-aerosol sensitivity. This paper presents observations demonstrating that cloud top stability through its regulation of mixing and vertical development is one of the critical mechanisms that regulate cloud response to cloud-active aerosol in some cloud systems. Strong above-cloud inversions are shown to buffer marine stratocumulus from the effects of mixing with drier, warmer inversion air. This buffering reduces the variability of the cloud liquid water path (LWP) and enables the clouds to remain nearly adiabatic. While weaker above-cloud inversions in continental stratocumulus promote variability in the LWP and sub-adiabatic LWPs, stronger inversions in marine stratocumulus enables a relatively adiabatic existence that increases the relationship of cloud microphysical alteration to cloud-active aerosol. This study has important implications for Geoengineering in that it demonstrates that cloud systems overlain by strong thermal inversions are more likely to respond predictably to intentional manipulation of the in-cloud concentration of cloud-active aerosol.  相似文献   

Summary This report details as statistical model that relates changes in areal coverage of the Southern Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm.) to a multivariate combination of temperature and moisture status indices. It is applicable to larger geographic areas than our previous work (Michaels 1984). Performance in a true test (predictive) mode detected the algebraic sign of major coverage changes in a highly significant fashion. The results are purely correlative, rather than causative.This report describes a test-proven tool that can be used by planners to determine whether coverage will change, based upon easily accessed climatic data. An example of its application is provided.
Zusammenfassung Diese Untersuchung führt ein statistisches Modell aus, welches das flächenmäßige Auftreten vonDendroctonus frontalis Zimm. mit einer Kombination von Temperaturund Feuchteverhältnisindikatoren in Verbindung bringt. Es kann für größere Gebiete verwendet werden als ein früher vorgestelltes (Michaels 1984). Die Anwendung zur Vorhersage zeigte in einem Test gute Übereinstimmung mit der tatsächlich aufgetretenen Richtung der Veränderung in der Verbreitung des Käfers. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Korrelationen, keine Kausalitäten auf.Es wird also ein Werkzeug für den Planer vorgestellt, mit dem die Verbreitungsänderung mit Hilfe leicht zugänglicher klimatologischer Daten bestimmt werden kann. Ein Anwendungsbeispiel wird näher ausgeführt.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

贵州省兴义市位于黔滇桂三省(区)结合部,特殊的地理环境有利于冰雹云的形成.冰雹形成生命史短、雹粒较大、防雹时间性极强.根据实时的冰雹云的特征,结合近2a的雷达历史数据情况,归纳出兴义市冰雹云的路径及冰雹云的多谱勒雷达回波判别指标.初步实践表明,应用以下冰雹路径分类和冰雹云的多谱勒雷达回波判别指标,可以快速判定冰雹云及冰雹云的移动路径,有利于提早作业,减少灾害,增加人工防雹工作的准确性和科学性.  相似文献   

In this paper we present two-year results from the Cloud Chemistry Measurements Programme, carried out at Mt. Brocken/Hart (Germany) to assess the influence of cloud physical parameters on the chemical composition of clouds. There are large variations in the chemical composition of cloud water. We found that the liquid water content of clouds predominantly determines the ionic content. The relationship is best approximated by a power function, nearly identical for all chemical species. We identified deviations of data points from the general relationship accompanying events with different air pollution situations. An important conclusion is that cloud chemistry monitoring in the sense of air pollution studies is meaningless without measurement of cloud physical parameters. These are liquid water content, cloud base altitudes, and to some extent, droplet size distribution.  相似文献   

Total suspended particles (TSP), collected during June 2002 to July 2003 in Guangzhou, a typical economically developed city in South China, were analyzed for the organic compound compositions using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Over 140 organic compounds were detected in the aerosols and grouped into different classes including n-alkanes, hopanoids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkanols, fatty acids, dicarboxylic acids excluding oxalic acid, polyols/polyacids, lignin products, phytosterols, phthalates and water-soluble sugars. The total amounts of the identified organic compounds including unresolved complex mixture (UCM) ranged from 3112 ng/m3 in spring to 5116 ng/m3 in winter, comprising on seasonal average 2.8% of TSP. Primary organic compounds peaked in winter although there are no heating systems burning fuels in Guangzhou. The highest saccharide levels occurred in fall due to agricultural activities. This study demonstrated that utilization of fossil fuels, biomass burning, soil resuspension and plastic/refuse burning are the major contributors to the identified organic compounds in the urban atmosphere of South China.  相似文献   

The concentrations of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are determined in atmospheric aerosol samples collected at a rural sampling site in Hungary. For the n-alkanes the chromatographic profiles are established and the average carbon number and carbon preference index (CPI) are calculated. An attempt is made to obtain the origin of n-alkanes found in atmospheric aerosol samples. Based on the results of the measurements the probable importance of a round-the-year biogenic source for the n-alkanes with CPIs close to unity is emphasized.  相似文献   

We examine the sensitivities of heterogeneous sulfate chemistry in a mid-latitude and tropical storm using a cloud resolving model. Both thermodynamic environments show unstable conditions favorable for development of intensive convection, with more CAPE in tropical compared to mid-latitude storm. Compared with the observed severe storms, modeled results show a relatively good agreement with the radar and surface chemical observations. Microphysical evaluation indicates that the accretion and autoconversion appear to be most important processes in such considered clouds. This sensitivity simulation is an upper bound for conversion of S (IV) to sulfate. The tropical convective storm produces for about 2.5 times more sulfate compared to mid-latitude storm and converts more SO2 to sulfate, increasing wet deposition of sulfur. The results for a midlatitude run indicate that aerosol nucleation and impact scavenging account for between 18.9% and 28.9% of the in-cloud sulfate ultimately deposited. As a result of greater rainfall efficiency, tropical storm shows about two times higher sub-cloud scavenging rate than mid-latitude storm. The oxidation of S (IV) to SO4 ?2 in cloud droplets and in precipitation is found to be dominant in both convective storms accounting almost with the same percentage contribution of 45.4% and 46.3% to sulfur deposition, respectively. In-cloud oxidation contribute a larger fraction of the total amount of sulfur deposited in tropical case (29.2%) when compared to the mid-latitude case (11.8), respectively. Neglecting aqueous-phase chemistry in ice-phase hydrometeors in both convective clouds led to overpredict deposition of about 40% to 33% relative to the base runs.  相似文献   

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