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Several coastal rocky shores in northern Chile have been affected by the discharges of copper mine tailings. The present study aims to analyze the chemical speciation of heavy metals in relation to the diversity of sessile species in the rocky intertidal benthic community on the northern Chilean coast, which is influenced by the presence of copper mine tailings. In particular, the chemical forms of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in beach sediment samples collected in the area influenced by El Salvador mine tailings were studied using a sequential chemical extraction method. In general, all the elements present a maximum concentration in the area near the actual discharge point (Caleta Palito). With regard to Cu and Mn, the concentrations range between 7.2-985 and 746-22,739 microg/g respectively, being lower than background levels only in the control site of Caleta Zenteno. Moreover, the correlation coefficients highlight that Fe, Mn and Ni correlate significantly and positively in the studied area, showing a possible common, natural origin, whilst Cu shows a negative correlation with Fe, Mn and Ni. It could be possible that Cu has an anthropogenic origin, coming from mining activity in the area. Cd, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn are mostly associated with the residual phase, whilst Cu presents a different speciation pattern, as resulted from selective extractions. In fact, Cu is highly associated with organic and exchangeable phases in contaminated localities, whilst it is mainly bound to the residual phase in control sites. Moreover, our results, compared to local biological diversity, showed that those sites characterized by the highest metal concentrations in bioavailable phase had the lowest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Marine environmental impact as a result of copper mine tailing dumping in the sea is studied at Chañaral (North of Chile). These dumpings, from the copper mine El Salvador, have hindered harbour activities, caused geomorphological coastal modifications and affected seriously marine coastal ecosystems and recreational activities. At the old dumping site, Chañaral Bay (1938–1974), nearly 150 million tons of fine sediments were accumulated. Tailing discharges at the new dumping site, Caleta Palito, about 8 km north of Chañaral Bay are accumulating approximately at the rate of 25 000 tons of fine sediments per day, plus unknown quantities of chemicals (Cu, As, CN?). From January 1975 to July 1976, this site has received over 13 million tons of sediments which has caused deterioration of the marine coastal environment, reduction in light penetration and high mortalities among marine invertebrates, fishes and algae.  相似文献   

A sediment quality triad (SQT) assessment was made of the impact of copper mine tailings disposal on littoral meiofaunal assemblages in the Atacama region of northern Chile. This situation is unusual in that the disposal is direct into the high-energy coastal system and not via a river estuary or other low-energy environment. This situation also allows for the examination of the impact of copper mine tailings in the absence of confounding effects from other pollutants. The three components of the SQT were: 1. an analysis of the bioavailable metals in both the sedimentary porewater and the adjacent seawater, 2. a microcosm bioassay of both sediments and seawaters using meiofaunal assemblages, and 3. quantitative field samples of the meiofaunal assemblages. Twelve study sites with varying degrees of impact were used, including three reference sites. The study identified that both the meiofaunal assemblage densities and taxa diversities decrease with increasing levels of bioavailable copper, that the Foraminifera and Harpacticoida are sensitive to copper, and that otoplanid Turbellaria are often characteristic of impacted sites; tailings also have both chemical and physical impacts on the environment. In some cases the physical impact of tailings is more important in excluding some organisms e.g. the interstitial polychaete, Saccocirrus sonomacus, from a site than is their chemical impact.  相似文献   

Several coastal rocky shores in the northern Chile have been affected by the discharges of copper mine tailings. In spite of this, the temporal and spatial variation on the diversity and composition of their intertidal benthic communities has scarcely been studied. The objectives of the present study were to analyse and to compare quantitatively the temporal variation on the diversity, cover and composition of sessile species in rocky intertidal benthic communities of the northern Chilean coast, in relation to the presence of copper mine tailings. The results show that the drastic reduction on the sessile species diversity and the monopolization of the substrate exerted by the green algae Enteromorpha compressa, are common and permanent features of the intertidal rocky shores affected by copper mine tailings. Such spatial (between sites) and temporal (seasonal) variation of these changes has been associated with the relative concentrations of trace metals and inorganic particles of the mining wastes. Our results suggest that the mechanical effects of resuspended and settling tailings are a more likely cause.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the magnitude and extension of the impact produced by the discharge of inert allochthonous materials, including clays and particulate iron, on macrobenthic soft-bottom assemblages in the subtidal zone of a coastal bay in north-central Chile. An average of 118 Ton h(-1) of finely divided solids were discharged into the rocky intertidal zone of the bay for a period of over 16 years, producing continuous turbidity in the water column and sedimentation in the subtidal zone. Data obtained four months before cessation of the discharge showed that the macrofauna present at 20 and 50 m depth in the bay suffered an important decrease in abundance and species richness, low diversity/high dominance, and deep changes in community structure related to the discharge. The faunal assemblages present at 110 m depth did not show effects from the discharge, suggesting that the impact was limited to the inner part of the bay. The impoverished faunal aggregates at 20 and 50 m depth showed exclusive domination by the Lumbrineris bifilaris (polychaete)-Diastylis tongoyensis (cumacean) association, representing a simple trophic guild of deposit feeders. The complete absence of opportunistic species such as capitellid, spionid, and/or cirratulid polychaetes may be associated with the turbidity and sedimentation levels in the bay.  相似文献   

Copper mine tailings have been discharged around the city of Chanaral, in northern Chile, for more than 60 years. This report summarizes a 17-month long monitoring study of species richness and biodiversity at five intertidal sites around the point of the tailing discharge. Total dissolved copper in sites close to the point of discharge varied between 8.72 microg/l and 34.15 microg/l, showing that there has not been a significant reduction since 1994. However, species richness has increased, suggesting a possible recovery of the system. While diversity of sessile organisms correlates negatively with dissolved copper, diversity of mobile invertebrates did not correlate with the metal concentration. To explain the observed results we discuss the role of algal turf interference on the distribution of mobile invertebrates at reference sites, a top-down effect caused by the absence of carnivores at impacted sites, and an avoidance strategy by some species to reduce their contact with contaminated seawater.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The mutual feedback between the swash zone and the surf zone is known to affect large-scale morphodynamic processes such as breaker bar migration on sandy beaches. To fully resolve...  相似文献   

Short‐lived collapse features affecting the intertidal sandy profile were observed on mud‐rich beaches in Cayenne. They were formed in packets of beach sand accumulating over thick (several metres) fluid to under‐consolidated foreshore mud, which adjusts to this sand loading by seaward and longshore migration of fluid mud and subsequent in situ mud dewatering, thus generating subsidence and deformation of the overlying sand sheet. These sandy collapse features required active longshore sand transport and were washed out by wave processes at each rising tide. They finally disappeared permanently as adjustment of the underlying mud enabled stabilization of the beach profile. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dissolved Zn, Cu and Cd concentrations in interstitial waters collected from a lacustrine mine tailings deposit indicate that the tailings are not releasing heavy metals to the overlying lake water at present, and there is no evidence to suggest that significant oxidation is occurring in the deposit. The lake waters are enriched in metals from surface drainage, however, while pore waters in natural sediments are heavy-metal-depleted. Diffusion into the natural sediments therefore tends to buffer the lacustrine metal load, but only to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

From 1861 to the 1940s, gold was produced from 64 mining districts in Nova Scotia, where mercury amalgamation was the dominant method for the extraction of gold from ore until the 1880s. As a result, wastes (tailings) from the milling process were contaminated by mercury and were high in naturally occurring arsenic. In 2004 and 2005, sediments, water and mollusc tissues were collected from 29 sampling stations at nine former gold mining areas along the Atlantic coastline and were analysed for arsenic and mercury. The resulting data were compared with environmental quality guidelines. Samples indicated high potential risk of adverse effects in the intertidal environments of Seal Harbour, Wine Harbour and Harrigan Cove. Arsenic in Seal Harbour was bioavailable, resulting in high concentrations of arsenic in soft-shell clam tissues. Mercury concentrations in tissues were below guidelines. This paper presents results of the sampling programs and implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Study of blasting vibrations in Sarcheshmeh copper mine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction In spite of development of mechanized methods of ground excavation, drilling and blasting is still extensively employed because of its low capital investment and simplicity. Its extensive use is not even limited by extension of mines close to residential areas and vital establishments. If it is not used in a controlled way, blasting operation can cause instability, failure of mine slopes and damps and damage to the nearby structures. The main objective here could be to reduce the …  相似文献   

Small polystyrene particles, evidently of industrial origin, now appear as a contaminant of the sea in several parts of the world. They have been discovered in pellets of indigestible food regurgitated by gulls and terns, so are clearly entering the food chain at some point. So far as is known at present, they are harmless but it would be as well to exercise caution in releasing plastic to the environment.  相似文献   

The beetle Phaleria maculata is a common inhabitant of the upper intertidal fringe of Chilean beaches. Anthropogenic intervention in coastal areas has increased intensely, leading to changes in the flora and fauna of sandy beaches. To examine the impact of human activities on P. maculata, we studied several beaches along the northern Chilean coast. Beaches were characterized based on morphodynamics and the level of intervention, leading to the estimation of an “Urbanization Index” based on various indicators. The analysis showed a significant inverse correlation between the rate of urbanization and night sky quality. Larval and adult beetles were almost absent on beaches with high levels of urbanization. The results of simple and multiple correlations based on nMDS ordination showed an inverse relationship between increases in urbanization and the abundance of beetles. Because darkling beetles are very sensitive to human interventions on sandy beaches, we suggest that they are ideal indicator organisms for the health of these environments.  相似文献   

The relative source time function (RSTF) inversion uncertainty assessment was performed for two small, mining-induced seismic events (M W =2.9 and 3.0) that occurred at Rudna copper mine in Poland. The seismograms of selected events were recorded by the seismic net work composed of over 60, short-period, vertical seismometers, recording ground velocity, located in the distance ranging from 400 m up to 8 km from their hypocenters. The RSTFs were calculated for each seismic station independently, using the empirical Green’s function technique. The pseudospectral approximation of the sought RSTF by a finite sum of Gaussian kernel functions was used and the inverse problem was solved with the adaptive simulated annealing algorithm. Both methods improved the stability of the deconvolution procedure and physical correctness of the final solution in comparison to the classical deconvolution methods. To estimate the inversion uncertainties, classical Markov-chain Monte-Carlo techniques were used. The uncertainty analysis allows for improved selection of a priori data to the following inversion for kinematic rupture process.  相似文献   

Source parameters estimated in the frequency domain for 100 selected seismic events from the Rudna copper mine, with moment magnitude ranging from 1.4 to 3.6, were collected to study their scaling relations and to compare them with the parameters estimated in the time domain. The apparent stress and static stress drop, corrected for the limited bandwidth recording, increase slightly in a similar manner with increasing seismic moment. The ratio of apparent stress to static stress drop, a measure of radiation efficiency, is practically constant and its mean value is close to 0.1. For 37 seismic events, with moment magnitude between 1.9 and 3.4, source parameters were estimated in the time domain from relative source time functions, that displayed unilateral rupture propagation, and their rupture velocity could be estimated. It ranges from 0.23 to 0.80 of shear wave velocity and is almost independent of seismic moment. The fault length, estimated from the average source pulse width and rupture velocity, is clearly dependent on seismic moment and is smaller than the source radius estimated from the corner frequency on the average by about 25 percent. There is no correlation between the values of static stress drop estimated in the frequency and time domains, but the time domain stress drop is in general similar to that estimated in the frequency domain. The apparent stress increases with increasing rupture velocity, and the ratio of apparent stress to static stress drop seems also to depend on rupture velocity.  相似文献   

Mining operations in Palawan, Philippines, resulted in cinnabar (HgS) mine tailings being used to build a 600 m long peninsula in Honda Bay. Samples collected from the peninsula as well as sediments from the surrounding waters had elevated mercury levels as high as 570 ppm. Natural processes are transporting mercury as much as 10 km from the peninsula, mainly in a coastwise direction, and preferentially associated with fine-grained, organic-rich sediments. Depth of penetration into sediments exceeds 10 cm near the source. As the HgS is transported away from the peninsula, it is rapidly altered to more bioavailable forms; 50% conversion occurs within a distance of only 10–40 m.  相似文献   

This study uses stable isotopes and major ions to examine the seasonal evolution of penitentes on the surface of Tapado Glacier, in the Norte Chico region of the Chilean Andes. A snow pit was sampled in November 2011, and penitentes were sampled during the summer (December 2011 and January 2012). The major ion load of the winter snowpack is dominated by Ca2+ (60%), SO42? (16%) and NO3? (13%), and there is little influence from marine air masses at the site, with most SO42?, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Na+, derived from non‐sea salt sources. During the early ablation season we observe increases in stable isotope ratios and major ion concentrations (particularly lithic ions Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) in the upper reaches of penitentes, which is attributed to sublimation and the aeolian deposition of dust particles. In the late‐summer, melt replaces sublimation as the dominant ablation process and results in smoothing of the stable isotope profile and the elution of major ions within the penitente snow and ice matrix. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ten native plants species that grow in three tailings dams from Ag, Pb, Cu and Zn mine in Queretaro, Mexico were studied. Total concentrations in tailings were 183–14,660 mg/kg As, 45–308 mg/kg Cd, 327–1754 mg/kg Pb, 149–459 mg/kg Cu and 448–505 mg/kg Zn. In the three tailings dams, the solubility of these elements is low. Tailings in dam 1 are acid generating while tailings in dams 2 and 3 are not acid-generating potential. Plants species that accumulate arsenic and heavy metals was identified; Nicotina glauca generally presented the highest concentrations (92 mg/kg As, 106 mg/kg Cd, 189 mg/kg Pb, 95 mg/kg Cu and 1985 mg/kg Zn). Other species that accumulate these elements are Flaveria pubescens, Tecoma stans, Prosopis Sp, Casuarina Sp and Maurandia antirrhiniflora. Two species were found that accumulates a large amount of metals in the root, Cenchrus ciliaris and Opuntia lasiacantha. Concentrations in soils in which plants grow were 488–5990 mg/kg As, 5–129 mg/kg Cd, 169–3638 mg/kg Pb, 159–1254 mg/kg Cu and 1431–13,488 mg/kg Zn. The Accumulation Factor (AF) determined for plants was less than 1, with exception of N. glauca for Cd. The correlation between arsenic and heavy metals found in soils and plants was low. Knowledge of plant characteristics allows it use in planning the reforestation of tailings dams in controlled manner. This will reduce the risk of potentially toxic elements are integrated into the food chain of animal species.  相似文献   

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