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北黄海水体的226Ra和228Ra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芬芬  门武  刘广山 《台湾海峡》2010,29(2):265-276
用锰纤维富集-射气法测定了北黄海海水中的镭同位素226Ra和228Ra,研究了该海域水体中镭同位素的含量和分布.研究结果表明北黄海水体夏季226Ra的比活度为1.80~4.35 Bq/m3,平均值为3.06 Bq/m3;冬季226Ra的比活度为2.08~5.20 Bq/m3,平均值为3.28 Bq/m3.北黄海夏季228Ra的比活度为3.85~25.60 Bq/m3,平均值为10.60 Bq/m3;冬季228Ra的比活度为3.14~15.60Bq/m3,平均值为7.66 Bq/m3.该数据范围和中国近海其他海域、孟加拉湾、泰国昭披耶河口、濑户内海等海域相近.北黄海东北部海域,渤海海峡靠近山东半岛的海区和中北部海区表层镭同位素活度较高.C1断面镭同位素的分布特征从镭同位素的方面证实了渤海海峡水交换表现为北进南出特征这一结论的正确性.226Ra和228Ra的垂直分布较为复杂,大部分站位呈现出底层活度变高的趋势,其他少数站位呈现出中间层活度高的分布特征,不同来源的镭同位素输入至该海域形成了这样的分布特征.  相似文献   

Chemical extraction techniques show that the majority of the arsenic in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is associated with an iron phase compositionally similar to that found in deep-sea ferromanganese nodules (As/Fe ~ 11 · 10?4) and is probably of seawater origin. Some sediments also contain As associated with Fe oxides produced by continental weathering. A minority (~8%) of the arsenic is of detrital origin but is not associated with Fe or Mn oxides; it has a content (1.7 ppm) similar to the average crustal abundance. In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, near-shore sediments contain As associated with land-derived Fe oxides (As/Fe ~ 2 · 10?4), but As/Fe ratios increase to ~ 13 · 10?4 in deep-sea sediments as the contribution of seawater derived arsenic becomes dominant. Arsenic is enriched in metalliferous sediments (As/Fe ~ 20?50 · 10?4) but As/P ratios of metalliferous sediments, deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and deep-ocean water are all similar. Although a hydrothermal contribution cannot be discounted, it is likely that the arsenic is also of seawater origin, suggesting that hydrothermal iron oxyhydroxides remove As more efficiently from seawater than do iron phases (goethite) in deep-sea sediments and nodules. Arsenic accumulates in deep-sea sediments (~ 6 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at sediments (~ 120 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at rate sufficient to balance river input input (~3 · 1010 g yr?1). These estimates give an oceanic residence time for arsenic of 1–2 · 105 yr.  相似文献   

The dynamics in the transition zone between the North Sea and Baltic Sea are analyzed here using data from a 22-year-long climatic simulation with a focus on the periods 1992–1994 and 2001–2003 when two recent major inflow events occurred. Observations from gauges and in situ measurements are used to validate the model. Parameters, which cannot be easily measured, such as water and salt transports through straits, have been compared against similar previous estimates. The good performance of simulations is attributed to the finer resolution of the model compared to earlier set ups. The outflow in the Kattegat, which is an analogue of the tidal outflows, tends to propagate to the North over the shallows without showing a substantial deflection to the right due to the Earth's rotation. The inflow follows the topography. The different inflow and outflow pathways are explained as a consequence of the specific combination of bathymetry, axial and lateral processes. The circulation in Kattegat is persistently clockwise with an eastern intensification during inflow and a western one during outflow regimes. The tidal wave there propagates as Kelvin wave, keeping the coast on its right. The flows in the two main straits reveal very different responses to tides, which are also highly asymmetric during inflow and outflow conditions. The circulation has a typical two-layer structure, the correlation between salinity and velocity tends to increase the salt transport in the salinity conveyor belt. The transversal circulation in the entrance of the Sound enhances the vertical mixing of the saltier North Sea water. The long-term averaged ratio of the water transports through the Great Belt and the Sound is ∼2.6-2.7 but this number changes reaching lower values during the major inflow in 1993. The transports in the straits are asymmetric. During inflow events the repartition of water penetrating the Baltic Sea is strongly in favor of the pathway through the Sound, which provides a shorter connection between the Kattegat and Baltic proper. The wider Great Belt has a relatively larger role in exporting water from the Baltic into the North Sea. A demonstration is given that the ventilation of the Baltic Sea deep water is not only governed by the dynamics in the straits and the strong westerly winds enhancing the eastward propagation of North Sea water (a case in 1993), but also by the clockwise circulation in the Kattegat acting as a preconditioning factor for the flow-partitioning.  相似文献   

The Danish Straits are part of the transition area between the North Sea and the central Baltic Sea. More precisely, the Danish Straits connect Kattegat to the Arkona Basin and includes the relatively narrow and shallow sub-areas: Great Belt, Little Belt, Fehmarn Belt and Sound. The flow resistances in the straits are hydraulically determined by among other factors, the contractions, sills and stratification found in the straits. Close to the entrance to the Arkona Basin the Darss and Drogden Sills are located that trap inflowing dense water partially before it enters the central Baltic Sea. Hence, the resistances in the Danish Straits are of crucial importance for the stratification and ecosystems in the central Baltic Sea. The present work comprises calculations of flow resistance in the Great Belt based on measurements collected as part of the Great Belt Fixed Link investigations. The specific resistance in the Great Belt is determined to be an average of 41.2 × 10−12 s2 m−5, but it depends heavily on the interface position. When calculating long-term discharge time-series on the basis of the momentum equation it is advised to apply a seasonal varying resistance.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea regular, intensive cyanobacterial blooms rich in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena occur during the summer season. N. spumigena is known to produce the cyclic pentapeptide nodularin (NOD) in high concentrations. Marine macroalgae, together with sea-grass meadows, are an extremely important habitat for life in the sea. In addition to this, the decaying macroalgae substantially contribute to the substrate for the microbial loop in coastal food webs. Uptake of nodularin into the brown macroalga Fucus vesiculosus was assessed using an ELISA technique resulting in an uptake of up to 45.1 microg kg(-1) fresh weight (fw). Nodularin was also detected in the reproductive part of the algae (receptacle) at 14.1 microg kg(-1) fw. The induction of oxidative stress in F. vesiculosus, after exposure to NOD, was also shown by monitoring cellular damage as changes in lipid peroxidation and the activation of antioxidative defence systems (antioxidative capacity, superoxide dismutase and soluble glutathione S-transferase).  相似文献   

The concentration of high molecular-weight material (>10,000), HMWM, in Baltic water was estimated by Amicon membrane ultra-filtration, followed by transmission spectroscopy of the concentrate. In most cases, the HMWM accounted for about 1% of the dissolved organic matter as estimated by absorption measurements at 280 nm. A loss of HMWM with increasing salinity is indicated.  相似文献   

The mean sea level along the coasts of the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, and the Danish Straits—i.e., the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea—has been computed geodetically. The basis consists of mean sea level data from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in various more or less inappropriate height systems. These are transformed and unified into a common height system relevant for oceanographic purposes to show the deviation of the mean sea level (1960) from the mean geoid, with Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP) as zero. The geodetically determined mean sea surface is compared with oceanographic model results for parts of the area. Among other findings, the outflow of low‐salinity water from the Baltic Sea, as well as its separation from high‐salinity North Sea water along the Kattegat‐Skagerrak front are clearly revealed.  相似文献   

Long-term hourly data from 35 tide gauge stations, including 15 stations in the Gulf of Finland, were used to examine tidal sea level oscillations of the Baltic Sea. High-resolution spectral analysis revealed the well-defined fine structure of tidal peaks with diurnal peaks at most stations being higher than semidiurnal. At some stations (e.g., Narva, Daugava, and Wladyslawowo), high frequency radiational tidal peaks with periods multiple of the solar day (3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 cpd) were detected; the respective oscillations are supposed to be caused by seabreeze winds. Harmonic analysis of tides for individual yearly sea level series followed by vector averaging over the entire observational period was used to estimate the amplitudes and phases of 16 tidal constituents. The maximum tidal oscillations of 17–19 cm were found to be observed in the Gulf of Finland and, first of all, in Neva Bay (in the head of the gulf). Diurnal or mixed diurnal tides are predominant in almost the entire Baltic Sea. The comparison of the observed tides with those theoretically computed showed that the existing numerical models of the main tidal harmonics generally quite accurately reproduce the structure of the tides in the Baltic Sea except for some regions of the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,21(3):213-227
Filtered water from the Baltic Sea was analysed for uranium concentration and 234U/238U activity ratio with alpha-ray spectrometry. The uranium concentration shows a strong correlation to salinity, the correlation coefficient being close to 0.98. Consequently, the uranium concentration increases from 0.15 μg kg−1 in the northern part, dominated by fresh water, to above 1.0 μg kg−1 in the Belt Sea. However, the data also show that dissolved uranium is not strictly conservative in the Baltic. In deeper intermittently anoxic basins of the Baltic Proper, the element is removed from the water phase and incorporated into the sediment. This is most evident in the Gotland Deep, which has been anoxic below 200 m depth since 1979.  相似文献   

The pole tide, which is driven by the Chandler Wobble, has a period of about 14 months and typical amplitudes in the World Ocean of ~0.5 cm. However, in the Baltic Sea the pole tide is anomalously high. To examine this effect we used long-term hourly sea level records from 23 tide gauges and monthly records from 64 stations. The lengths of the series were up to 123 years for hourly records and 211 years for monthly records. High-resolution spectra revealed a cluster of neighboring peaks with periods from 410 to 440 days. The results of spectral analysis were applied to estimate the integral amplitudes of pole tides from all available tide gauges along the coast of the Baltic Sea. The height of the pole tide was found to gradually increase from the entrance (Danish Straits, 1.5–2 cm) to the northeast end of the sea. The largest amplitudes—up to 4.5–7 cm—were observed in the heads of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Significant temporal fluctuations in amplitudes and periods of the pole tide were observed during the 19th and 20th centuries.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton trends in the Baltic Sea   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  

俄罗斯等国积累了地震分区和评价地震高危地区的重要经验。地台属于地震程度较小的地区,更不用说在地台范围内的海区了。但波罗的海及其东部,实际上处于专家们的视线之外。在2004年9月21日,加里宁格勒强度(I)为6·5的4·9级(M)地震发生之后,这个工作上的不到位特别明显地暴露出  相似文献   

R. Sen Gupta   《Marine Chemistry》1973,1(4):267-280
The paper reports the budgets of inorganic and total nitrogen and phosphorus based on a recalculation of the existing water balance. The nitrogen budgets indicate that humus carried by river runoff probably dominates in the sedimentation of nitrogenous organic matter, while the excess transferred to the layer below the halocline is controlled by the amounts added by river runoff and waste disposal. The budgets appear to be considerably influenced by eutrophication and human activity. The phosphorus budget indicates that the supply of organic phosphorus and oxygen in the layers below the halocline are in a precarious balance with each other. Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds appear to sediment in almost the same proportions as their concentrations in the bottom water.  相似文献   

An essential prerequisite of sustainable fisheries is the match between biologically relevant processes and management action. Various populations may however co-occur on fishing grounds, although they might not belong to the same stock, leading to poor performance of stock assessment and management. Plaice in Kattegat and Skagerrak have traditionally been considered as one stock unit. Current understanding indicates that several plaice components may exist in the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. A comprehensive review of all available biological knowledge on plaice in this area is performed, including published and unpublished literature together with the analyses of commercial and survey data and historical tagging data. The results suggest that plaice in Skagerrak is closely associated with plaice in the North Sea, although local populations are present in the area. Plaice in Kattegat, the Belts Sea and the Sound can be considered a stock unit, as is plaice in the Baltic Sea. The analyses revealed great heterogeneity in the dynamics and productivity of the various local components, and suggested for specific action to maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   

The surface waves in the Baltic Sea are hindcast with the spectral wave model HYPAS during a 12-month period. The model results show a strong temporal and spatial variation in the wave field due to the physical dimensions of the different basins and the predominant wind field. The highest waves in the area are found in the outer part of Skagerrak, as well as in the central and southern parts of the Baltic Proper. To get significant waves above 6 m high, strong winds (15–20 m/s) must have been blowing for 6 to 24 h from a favourable direction over a deep area.  相似文献   

New data from surveys of gas-bearing mud areas in the Gdansk Deep (southeastern Baltic Sea) were collected during four research cruises in 2009–2011. These revealed the presence of seven large pockmarks apart from the three already known, and enabled significant improvement of the existing digital map of gassy mud distribution. Based on geochemical sediment analyses, calculated diffusive methane fluxes from the upper (0–5?cm) seabed layer into near-bottom waters were highest—3.3?mmol/(m2?day)—in pockmark mud, contrasting strongly with the minimum value of 0.004?mmol/(m2?day) observed in typical, background mud. However, fluxes of less than 0.1?mmol/(m2?day) were observed in all sediment types, including pockmarks. In a newer attempt to roughly estimate budgets at a more regional scale, diffusive methane venting amounts to 280?×?106?mmol/day for southeastern Baltic Sea muddy sediments. Elongated pockforms in the southern Gotland Deep, known since the end of the 1980s as pockmarks, had methane concentrations that were similar to those of gassy mud from the Gdansk Basin, and there was no geo-acoustic evidence of considerably increased gas levels.  相似文献   

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