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VLBI、SLR、GPS综合数据处理方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐天河  杨元喜 《测绘工程》2002,11(4):7-10,21
按参与平差观测值类型的选取不同,对VLBI、SLR、GPS综合处理方案进行了分类。给出了各类方案的平差模型,结合当前我国三种技术的实测情况,分析了各种方案的优缺点,提出了较为可行的综合处理方案。  相似文献   

张恒璟  孙付平  宋伟东 《测绘科学》2006,31(2):16-18,21
采用截止到2003年GPS观测数据和1997年的VLBI观测数据,利用它们的站速度信息,组合解算完全基于空间技术的板块运动参数;通过对站速度残差的精化分析,得出更加稳健的现时板块运动参数;并通过反复试算得出稳定台站的选取以及台站的分布对板块运动欧拉极有很大的影响。  相似文献   

组合VLBI和SLR数据估计的全球板块运动参数   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙付平  赵铭 《测绘学报》1997,26(1):20-25,32
本文组合应用VLBI和SLR数据导出了一个完全基于空间技术实测数据的现时板块运动模型,称为SGPMM1。SGPMM1与地学板块运动模型NUVEL-1的比较指出:空间大地测量数据估计的板块运动总体上与地学估计值一致。经过地磁极倒转时间尺度修正,并考虑到冰斯后地壳回弹的影响,空间大地测量数据估计的北美,欧亚和澳大利亚板块之间的相对运动速率与地学估计值有极好的一致,但太平洋板块相对于北美、欧亚和澳大利亚  相似文献   

组合GPS和VLBI数据建立板块运动模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用GPS和VLBI的组合数据,解算了北美、欧亚、太平洋等12板块之间的相对运动欧拉矢量,得到了实测的板块运动模型GVM1。与地学模型(NUVEL1A)的比较指出,GVM1大体上与地学模型一致;EURANOAM的极位置与NUVEL1A的相应极比较接近,旋转速率略微偏大;澳大利亚板块在最近几年内是稳定的;太平洋板块与其他板块对的极位置与地学模型较为接近,这表明多种技术的组合数据提高了板块运动模型建立的精确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

VLBI观测的电离层延迟改正模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
电离层是大气层中的一个电离区域,高度范围大约在60-1000km。电磁波信号穿越电离层时其传播速度会发生变化,传播路径也会略微发生弯曲,从而使信号的传播时间乘以在真空中的光速不等于信号源至测站的几何距离。对VLBI观测来讲,电离层引起的差异可达近百米百米。文中从电磁波的传播原理出发,讨论了信号传播速度和传播路径变化引起的VLBI观测延迟;对目前采用的各种电离层延迟模型进行了分析总结;并指出单频率VLBI观测应顾及高阶项和路径弯曲的影响或使用区域性电离层延迟改正模型。  相似文献   

流动VLBI数据采集系统及其控制软件的设计与使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合我国流动VLBI观测站的研制与建设,介绍流动VLBI观测站的数据采集系统及其系统控制软件MOFS,在整个VIBI观测期间,MOFS软件控制数据采集系统的自动运转,并具有对系统参数的监测功能,长期的使用表明,流动VLBI观测站的数据采集系统及其控制软件很好地满足了我国流动VLBI观测的要求。  相似文献   

处理了2008-01~2009-03的VLBI观测数据,提取了日长变化信息,并与IVS网站的结果进行了对比;计算了日长变化的月周期长度和半月周期长度;利用近几年VLBI数据中的日长变化信息绘制日长变化曲线,分析了日长的季节性变化及引起日长变化的因素。  相似文献   

利用GAMIT软件处理了2005年9月、2006年1月和2月每天17个IGS国际GNSS服务(International GNSS Service, IGS)站的GPS观测数据,获得了地球自转参数(Earth rotation parameter, ERP)和日长变化(ΔLOD),并与IGS综合解进行了对比。利用OCCAM 6.2软件处理了相同时间内的甚长基线干涉测量(very long baseline interferometry,VLBI)观测数据,将解算结果与国际VLBI服务(International VLBI Service, IVS)结果进行了对比。分别采用基于内符合精度和IERS 08C04序列的定权方法对VLBI解算结果与GPS解算结果进行了加权平均,获得了VLBI和GPS技术对ERP和ΔLOD的协议结果。研究结果表明,VLBI解算结果与采用的插值方法有较大的关系,基于IERS 08C04序列的加权平均方法达到了利用VLBI解算结果对GPS解算结果进行修正的目的。VLBI和GPS技术的联合弥补了VLBI观测数据密度不够和GPS解算结果不稳定的缺陷,使解算结果的稳定性和可靠性有所提高。  相似文献   

本文结合“探月工程”的月球卫星轨道测定,从地面站构网的几何结构讨论了流动VLBI站址的选择。提出了将流动VLBI站设在海南,以便改善我国VLBI观测网的南北基线,提高探月卫星定轨精度。  相似文献   

本文由VLBI延迟观测的基本方程出发,证明了VLBI单基线观测解算地球自转参数时存在的秩亏性。  相似文献   

本文采用最近获得的VLBI基线变化率,解算了全球50个VLBI站的站速度。通过对VLBI台站构造稳定性的分析,用位于板块稳定地区台站的站速度求解了欧亚(EURA)、北美(NOAM)和太平洋(PCFC)三个主要板块之间的相对运动欧拉矢量,这是完全基于VLBI数据导出的板块运动模型,称为VP-MM1。通过VPMM1与地学板块运动模型的比较,分析了板块运动的稳定性,得出了几点初步结论。  相似文献   

Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) provide a link between the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). Natural geodynamic processes, such as earthquakes, can cause the motion of stations to become discontinuous and/or non-linear, thereby corrupting the EOP estimates if the sites are assumed to move linearly. The VLBI antenna at the Gilcreek Geophysical Observatory has undergone non-linear, post-seismic motion as a result of the Mw=7.9 Denali earthquake in November 2002, yet some VLBI analysts have adopted co-seismic offsets and a linear velocity model to represent the motion of the site after the earthquake. Ignoring the effects of the Denali earthquake leads to error on the order of 300–600 μas for the EOP, while modelling the post-seismic motion of Gilcreek with a linear velocity generates errors of 20–50 μas. Only by modelling the site motion with a non-linear function is the same level of accuracy of EOP estimates maintained. The effect of post-seismic motion on EOP estimates derived from the International VLBI Service IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 networks are not the same, although changes in network geometries and equipment improvements have probably affected the estimates more significantly than the earthquake-induced deformation at Gilcreek.  相似文献   

介绍了GPS激光主动式定位系统的硬件组成及功能,分析了该方法定位的基本原理,并对试验结果进行了分析,验证该方法的可行性及定位精度。利用系统在不同的流动站对目标利用系统同轴望远镜进行照准,发射激光获取不同流动站的距离,利用数字罗盘获取激光仪的姿态,GPS_OEM获得流动站点的GPS坐标。利用空间距离交会原理解算目标的3维坐标,为不易到达的测区提供技术方法。  相似文献   

Long-range airborne laser altimetry and laser scanning (LIDAR) or airborne gravity surveys in, for example, polar or oceanic areas require airborne kinematic GPS baselines of many hundreds of kilometers in length. In such instances, with the complications of ionospheric biases, it can be a real challenge for traditional differential kinematic GPS software to obtain reasonable solutions. In this paper, we will describe attempts to validate an implementation of the precise point positioning (PPP) technique on an aircraft without the use of a local GPS reference station. We will compare PPP solutions with other conventional GPS solutions, as well as with independent data by comparison of airborne laser data with “ground truth” heights. The comparisons involve two flights: A July 5, 2003, airborne laser flight line across the North Atlantic from Iceland to Scotland, and a May 24, 2004, flight in an area of the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland, near-coincident in time and space with the ICESat satellite laser altimeter. Both of these flights were more than 800 km long. Comparisons between different GPS methods and four different software packages do not suggest a clear preference for any one, with the heights generally showing decimeter-level agreement. For the comparison with the independent ICESat- and LIDAR-derived “ground truth” of ocean or sea-ice heights, the statistics of comparison show a typical fit of around 10 cm RMS in the North Atlantic, and 30 cm in the sea-ice region north of Greenland. Part of the latter 30 cm error is likely due to errors in the airborne LIDAR measurement and calibration, as well as errors in the “ground truth” ocean surfaces due to drifting sea-ice. Nevertheless, the potential of the PPP method for generating 10 cm level kinematic height positioning over long baselines is illustrated.  相似文献   

江月松 《遥感学报》2001,5(4):241-247
全球定位系统(GPS),姿态测量(惯性导航系统(INS))和激光扫描测距技术集成的直接空对地定位系统是近年来遥感与测绘领域发展起来的新型定位技术,是定量化三维遥感中获取地面几何信息和生成数字高程模型的主要新技术手段之一。该文给出了该系统的精确定位方程,分析了误差源对定位精度的影响,并给出了数量级评估。结果对实际应用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

当今,电子商务的时代已经到来。电子商务给全球物流带来了新的发展,数字物流成为货物全球化生产、网络化配销的一项重要增值服务。将射频识别技术(RFID)与地理信息系统(GIS)等技术集成应用于物流系统,能形成一个对车辆和货物信息进行实时监管的立体识别定位安全网络,这是任何其他技术所无法企及的。本文考虑了车辆和货物进入隧道和车库时,GPS设备接收不到卫星信号而无法进行定位的情况,提出了GPS与基站混合定位的物流商品监控系统模型。该系统模型采用RFID技术对物流车辆和货物进行动态的识别和数据信息交换,采用北京超图软件股份有限公司提供的SuperMap Objects组件实现车辆和货物的实时监控、信息动态追踪、轨迹回放、信息管理等功能。文中给出该系统模型的实现机理,并对其进行了分析和评价。该模型的提出为物流运作的实时监控研究贡献了一种新的解决方案。  相似文献   

 The results from a global positioning system (GPS) experiment carried out in Brittany, France, in October 1999, aimed at measuring crustal displacements caused by ocean loading and quantifying their effects on GPS-derived tropospheric delay estimates, are presented. The loading effect in the vertical and horizontal position time series is identified, however with significant disagreement in amplitude compared to ocean loading model predictions. It is shown that these amplitude misfits result from spatial tropospheric heterogeneities not accounted for in the data processing. The effect of ocean loading on GPS-derived zenith total delay (ZTD) estimates is investigated and a scaling factor of 4.4 between ZTD and station height for a 10° elevation cut-off angle is found (i.e. a 4.4-cm station height error would map into a 1-cm ZTD error). Consequently, unmodeled ocean loading effects map into significant errors in ZTD estimates and ocean loading modeling must be properly implemented when estimating ZTD parameters from GPS data for meteorological applications. Ocean loading effects must be known with an accuracy of better than 3 cm in order to meet the accuracy requirements of meteorological and climatological applications of GPS-derived precipitable water vapor. Received: 16 July 2001 / Accepted: 25 April 2002 Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to H.G. Scherneck for fruitful discussions and for his help with the ocean loading calculations. They thank H. Vedel for making the HIRLAM data available; D. Jerett for helpful discussions; and the city of Rostrenen, the Laboratoire d'Océanographie of Concarneau, and the Institut de Protection et de S?reté Nucléaire (BERSSIN) for their support during the GPS measurement campaign. Reviews by C.K. Shum and two anonymous referees significantly improved this paper. This work was carried out in the framework of the MAGIC project (http://www.acri.fr/magic), funded by the European Commission, Environment and Climate Program (EC Contract ENV4-CT98–0745). Correspondence to: E. Calais, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1397, USA. e-mail: ecalais@purdue.edu Tel. : +1-765-496-2915; Fax:+1-765-496-1210  相似文献   

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