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岩浆运移动力学是岩浆动力学的重要分支领域,研究内容包括5个方面:运移方式、运移通道、运移途径、运移动力与运移过程的成矿作用。就这5方面的研究进展进行了系统回顾,对尚待进一步研究的科学问题进行了归纳与总结,指出浮力不是弹性岩石圈岩浆运移上升的驱动力,而上地幔岩浆运移方式、弹性岩石圈岩浆往上运移驱动力、岩浆自主破裂形成的动力学机制、中途停歇岩浆重起动再运移的驱动机制、岩浆再停歇和运移过程的结晶与分异及其与围岩相互作用和伴生的元素富集与成矿作用等问题是岩浆运移动力学是尚待进一步攻关与研究的关键性科学问题。  相似文献   

河流相古土壤及其在河流沉积地层对比中的应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文以济阳坳陷孤东油田馆上段河流相古土壤为例,对古土壤这一新的领域进行探索,主要论述河流相古土壤的识别及成因,并以古土壤为对比标志进行河流沉积地层的对比,为解决河流相储层对比这一人所公认的技术难题提出了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

Alluvial fans can preserve historical records of sediment transport to middle and lower river systems or piedmont basins, which are considered to be sensitive recorders of climate change and tectonic activity. In this paper, the morphological characteristics, control factors and future development trend of alluvial fan are summarized and described. The main understanding is as follows: According to the gravity flow and traction flow process, fan can be divided into debris flow alluvial fan and fluvial fan. The former is formed under the action of debris gravity flow deposits, which is related to the occasional flood and burst flow in a short time. The latter is braided tributaries depositions which are gradually shallower and spread radially in the direction of fan toe under the traction water transport. The erodibility of underlying bedrock can affect the scale of downstream alluvial fan, which depends on the sediment production and store factors in the catchment. The easily eroded bedrock may produce more sediment, making the alluvial fan area larger. In the contrast, the erodibility of rocks in the source area can also affect the slope and hydrological characteristics of the valley so that more sediment is deposited in the upstream basin and the alluvial fan formed in the downstream is smaller. Tectonic activity is the pre-condition for the development of alluvial fans, which provides a space for alluvial fans depositions. Faulting in the piedmont can change the position and morphology of the ancient alluvial fan, and also cause deformation or distortion of the thick sedimentary sequence to record the regional tectonic activity. The quaternary alluvial fan sequence corresponds well to the climate change during the glacial-interglacial period. However, the influence of the flood events caused by extreme meteorological events on alluvial fan deposition should be focused on. The application of a series of new techniques and methods will help to carry out deep research on alluvial fan in the future, such as high-resolution observation technique, physical simulation experiment, and precise dating.  相似文献   

We present a new methodology for interpolating channel morphology that incorporates a transformation from geographic to channel-based coordinate systems. Interpolation in the transformed space enables enforcement of downstream continuity of morphology and edge delineation through any changes in channel direction. The transformation is guided by a channel center line, which approximately tracks the path of the channel through geographic space; coordinates are given in distance along and across the center line. Accurate interpolation requires a track line density sufficient to unambiguously trace channels from one track line to the next. Channel continuity is ensured by first interpolating along paths defined by the channel thalweg and edges, which must be chosen by the user, and along several interim paths between the edges and thalweg. The completed interpolations for each channel are transformed back into geographic coordinates, and channel confluence is handled through a maximum depth criterion. The method is applied here to shallowly buried channels mapped with high-resolution chirp seismic data on the New Jersey shelf, but should be applicable to a wide range of subaerial and buried fluvial systems.  相似文献   

The fluvial geochemistry of the Subarnarekha River and its major tributaries has been studied on a seasonal basis in order to assess the geochemical processes that explain the water composition and estimate solute fluxes. The analytical results show the mildly acidic to alkaline nature of the Subarnarekha River water and the dominance of \(\hbox {Ca}^{2+}\) and \(\hbox {Na}^{+}\) in cationic and \(\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}\) and \({\hbox {Cl}}^{-}\) in anionic composition. Minimum ionic concentration during the monsoon and maximum concentration in the pre-monsoon seasons reflect concentrating effects due to decrease in the river discharge and increase in the base flow contribution during the pre-monsoon and dilution effects of atmospheric precipitation in the monsoon season. The solute acquisition processes are mainly controlled by weathering of rocks, with minor contribution from marine and anthropogenic sources. Higher contribution of alkaline earth \((\hbox {Ca}^{2+}{+}\,\hbox {Mg}^{2+})\) to the total cations \((\hbox {TZ}^{+})\) and high \((\hbox {Na}^{+}+\hbox {K}^{+})/\hbox {Cl}^{-}\), \((\hbox {Na}^{+}+\hbox {K}^{+})/\hbox {TZ}^{+}\), \(\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}/(\hbox {SO}_{4}^{2-}+\hbox {Cl}^{-})\) and low \((\hbox {Ca}^{2+}+\hbox {Mg}^{2+})/(\hbox {Na}^{+}+\hbox {K}^{+})\) equivalent ratios suggest that the Subarnarekha River water is under the combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering. The river water is undersaturated with respect to dolomite and calcite during the post-monsoon and monsoon seasons and oversaturated in the pre-monsoon season. The pH–log \(\hbox {H}_{4}\hbox {SiO}_{4}\) stability diagram demonstrates that the water chemistry is in equilibrium with the kaolinite. The Subarnarekha River annually delivered \(1.477\times 10^{6}\) ton of dissolved loads to the Bay of Bengal, with an estimated chemical denudation rate of \(77\hbox { ton km}^{-2}\hbox { yr}^{-1}\). Sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate and per cent sodium values placed the studied river water in the ‘excellent to good quality’ category and it can be safely used for irrigation.  相似文献   

山西二叠系河流沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山西西部二叠系沉积环境以河流为主,除曲流河外,还有为数不多的辫状河与交织河。曲流河以发育曲流沙坝、洪泛平原和决口扇为其特征。辫状河发育河道沙坝沉积,洪泛平原沉积不太发育。交织河以河道稳定为特征,伴有沼泽沉积,是理想的成煤环境。  相似文献   

正常曲流河道与深水弯曲水道的特征及异同点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水弯曲水道是深水扇的重要组成部分,又是深水油气勘探、评价与开发过程中十分复杂且备受重视的储集体.近10年来,随着高分辨率三维地震数据的应用、现代深海调查、古代露头以及实验流体数值模拟的研究,在深水水道沉积体认识方面不断有新进展和新发现,陆续在西非、巴西和墨西哥湾等地发现了大型深水油气田.简述了正常曲流河道与深水弯曲水道两种沉积环境在形成背景、岩性特征、成因机制、地震响应特征(外部形态与内部结构)、沉积充填演化以及流体流变学特征等方面的异同点.  相似文献   

含油气盆地油气藏的形成和分布受低势场控制.济阳坳陷已发现的油气藏分布特征表明: 在势场作用下, 油气只能进入到孔隙度超过某一临界值或内部势能低于周边势能2倍到100倍以上的储层内聚集成藏; 随着埋深加大和储层孔隙度变小, 圈闭聚集油气成藏的临界条件呈规律性变化, 即埋深较大的圈闭成藏时要求的相对势能较浅部储层的势差更大.动力学分析和物理模拟实验研究表明, 地表条件下储层聚集油气的前提条件是其孔喉半径大于周边围岩的两倍以上; 地下储层聚集油气的前提是它与周围介质间的毛细管力之差大于储层内部的毛细管力与上覆静水柱压力之和.圈闭内外势差越大, 它们聚集油气的饱和度越大, 聚集的油气量越多.低势控藏特征与动力学机制分析表明: 对深层来说, 只要储层的物性比周边围岩的物性好到一定程度就能成藏, 即便本身低孔低渗也能有油气聚集.通俗的说, 油气成藏没有死亡线(不考虑油藏经济价值), 这就极大地扩充了含油气盆地油气勘探的领域和深度; 对浅层来说, 高孔渗砂体周边的相对低孔渗砂体能作为有效盖层, 不一定需要有巨厚泥岩充当盖层, 这一观点的提出可以在一定程度上扩大浅层油气勘探的领域和有利区.   相似文献   

The impact of fluvial geomorphic processes on settlement in deserts is tie d to two conflicting factors: the extreme rarity of geomorphic events on the one hand, and the violence of the geomorphic forces coupled with a minimal resistance to erosion on the other.The unique character of desert floods calls for a careful geomorphic evaluation in the siting of settlements and transportation facilities. On the beneficial sid e, the geomorphic processes involved enable, under some conditions, the local exploitation of floodwaters which percolate in the alluvium of the upper tributaries, as well as the utilization of the hydraulic geometry for estimating discharge characteristics.On a larger scale, human interference often disrupts the delicate quasi-equilbrium between erosion and sedimentation in deserts. Although our poor understanding of many aspects of the mechanism of response makes it difficult to separate the effects from those of climatic changes, enough information is available to document the detrimental effect of inconsiderate management on both the regional and local levels.  相似文献   

河流层序地层学为河流沉积学研究注入了活力,但已有的河流层序地层模式还存在不少问题.在回顾已有河流层序地层模式的基础上,从河流层序的主控因素、层序内部的等时对比和体系域特征的描述3个方面分析了已有模式中存在的问题,并提出从河流阶地的成因入手分析河流层序的主控因素,基于河流形成过程划分体系域和进行等时对比,并从砂泥比、砂地...  相似文献   

位场数据边缘增强对于地质构造研究和矿床勘查具有重要意义。现有的边缘增强方法多数基于位场数据的导数构建,往往存在对噪声敏感的缺点,且处理结果中常有虚假边界的出现。本文基于数学形态学良好的形状分析和噪声压制性能,通过数学形态学基本算子的组合叠加,提出了一种新的位场数据边缘增强方法。该方法容易实现,且不需要计算位场数据的水平和垂向导数。板状体模型试验结果表明,该方法能有效地对重力异常和化极后的磁异常数据进行边缘增强。针对三维模型试验中正负异常同时存在的情况,相比以往几种方法,该方法输出的边缘更清晰且没有额外边缘的产生,并表现出更强的抗噪能力。最后将该方法和以往几种方法应用到老挝万象地区实际重力异常数据的处理中,结果显示该方法刻画出的边缘更加连续清晰;同时结合以往地质资料,推断了成矿的有利部位。  相似文献   

The Warchha Sandstone of the Salt Range of Pakistan is a continental succession that accumulated as part of a meandering, fluvial system during Early Permian times. Several fining-upward depositional cycles are developed, each of which is composed of conglomerate, cross-bedded sandstone and, in their upper parts, bioturbated siltstone and claystone units with distinctive desiccation cracks and carbonate concretions. Clast lithologies are mainly of plutonic and low-grade metamorphic origin, with an additional minor sedimentary component. Textural properties of the sandstone are fine- to coarse-grained, poorly to moderately sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded, and with generally loose packing. Based on modal analyses, the sandstone is dominantly a feldspathoquartzose (arkose to sub-arkose). Detrital constituents are mainly composed of monocrystalline quartz, feldspars (more K-feldspar than plagioclase) and various types of lithic clasts. XRD and SEM studies indicate that kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral and that it occurs as both allogenic and authigenic forms. However, illite, illite-smectite mixed layer, smectite and chlorite are also recognised in both pores and fractures. Much of the kaolinite was likely derived by the severe chemical weathering of previously deposited basement rocks under the influence of a hot and humid climate. Transported residual clays deposited as part of the matrix of the Warchha Sandstone show coherent links with the sandstone petrofacies, thereby indicating the same likely origin. Illite, smectite and chlorite mainly occur as detrital minerals and as alteration products of weathered acidic igneous and metamorphic rocks. Based primarily on fabric relationship, the sequence of cement formation in the Warchha Sandstone is clay (generally kaolinite), iron oxide, calcareous and siliceous material, before iron-rich illite and occasional mixed layer smectite–illite and rare chlorite. Both petrographic analysis and field characteristics of the sandstone indicate that the source areas were characterised by uplift of a moderate to high relief continental block that was weathered under the influence of hot and humid climatic conditions. The rocks weathered from the source areas included primary granites and gneisses, together with metamorphic basement rocks and minor amounts of sedimentary rocks. Regional palaeogeographic reconstructions indicate that much of the Warchha Sandstone detritus was derived from the Aravalli and Malani ranges and surrounding areas of the Indian Craton to the south and southeast, before being transported to and deposited within the Salt Range region under the influence of a semi-arid to arid climatic regime.  相似文献   

The Miocene Siwalik Group (upsection, the Chinji, Nagri, and Dhok Pathan Formations) in northern Pakistan records fluvial and lacustrine environments within the Himalayan foreland basin. Thick (5 m to tens of metres) sandstones are composed of channel bar and fill deposits of low-sinuousity (1·08–1·19), single-channel meandering and braided rivers which formed large, low-gradient sediment fans (or ‘megafans’). River flow was dominantly toward the south-east and likely perennial. Palaeohydraulic reconstructions indicate that Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were small relative to Nagri rivers. Bankfull channel depths of Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally ≤ 15 m, and up to 33 m for Nagri rivers. Widths of channel segments (including single channels of meandering rivers and individual channels around braid bars) were 320–710 m for Chinji rivers, 320–1050 m for Nagri rivers, and 270–340 m for Dhok Pathan rivers. Mean channel bed slopes were on the order of 0·000056–0·00011. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally 700–800 m3s?1, with full river discharges possibly up to 2400 m3s?1. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Nagri rivers were generally 1800–3500 m3s?1, with discharges of some larger channel segments possibly on the order of 9000–32 000 m3s?1. Full river discharges of some of the largest Nagri braided rivers may have been twice these values. Thin (decimetres to a few metres) sandstones represent deposits of levees, crevasse channels and splays, floodplain channels, and large sheet floods. Laminated mudstones represent floodplain and lacustrine deposits. Lakes were both perennial and short-lived, and likely less than 10 m deep with maximum fetches on the order of a few tens of kilometres. Trace fossils and body fossils within all facies indicate the former existence of terrestrial vertebrates, molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), arthropods (including insects), worms, aquatic fauna (e.g. fish, turtles, crocodiles), trees, bushes, grasses, and aquatic flora. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are consistent with previous palaeoclimatic interpretations of monsoonal conditions.  相似文献   

Fluvial sediments are subject to cyclic submersion during changes in stream flow, which can affect their phosphorus (P) sorptive capacity. As fluvial sediments play a major role in determining P concentrations in stream flow, we compared the P chemistry of exposed stream bank and submerged bed sediments from an agricultural catchment in central Pennsylvania, USA. Total P concentration was greater in bank (417 mg kg-1) than bed sediments (281 mg kg-1), but because bed sediments contained more sand-sized material, they could release more P and support a higher solution P concentration (0.043 mg l-1) than bank sediments (0.020 mg l-1). Phosphorus release was a function of Mehlich-3 soluble Fe in stream sediments (r > 0.65), reflecting redox processes in the fluvial system. In contrast, P sorption maxima of bank and bed sediments were related to Mehlich-3 soluble Al (r > 0.78) and organic matter concentration (r > 0.79). Overall, our research suggested that erosion of bank sediments should contribute less P and may be a sink for P in the stream system compared with resuspension of bed sediment. However, bank sediments may have the potential to be a large source of P in downstream reservoirs or lakes, where increased microbial activity and reducing conditions may solubilise sediment-bound P.  相似文献   

Arlington Canyon, in the northwest part of Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, California, has been the setting for important scientific discoveries over the past half century, including the oldest human remains in North America, several vertebrate fossil sites, and purported evidence of a catastrophic extinction event at the end of the Pleistocene. The canyon is filled with alluvial sediments that date to between 16.4 and 1.1 ka (thousands of calibrated years before present), representing accumulation that occurred primarily in response to rising sea levels during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The deposits are laterally discontinuous, exhibit a high degree of sedimentary complexity, and contain evidence of past climates and environments, including fossil bones, burned plant macrofossils, and invertebrate microfossils. Here, we show that it is critical to view the observations, data, and conclusions of scientific studies conducted in the canyon within this larger context so that localized facets of the spatially and temporally extensive alluvial deposits are not misinterpreted or misrepresented. By improving the baseline understanding of processes and drivers of sediment accumulation in Arlington Canyon, we hope to offer a solid foundation and better underpinning for future archeological, paleontological, and geochemical studies here and throughout the northern Channel Islands. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

The Upper Devonian to Carboniferous Mt Eclipse Sandstone is a basin-wide host to uranium mineralisation in the Ngalia Basin, NT. The fluvial depositional architecture and diagenesis of the Mt Eclipse Sandstone at the Bigrlyi uranium deposit on the northern margin of the basin are deduced from hyperspectral mineral results captured from 200 drill holes, combined with core and outcrop observations across a ~10 km strike length. The succession hosting the uranium mineralisation is interpreted to be deposited in the lower parts of a mature alluvial fan system with low slope angle and dominated by immature, kaolinised, medium-grained subarkosic sandstones and patchy calcite cement. This study reveals the fluvial channel sequence is estimated to be 3 km wide, 100–200 m thick and sourced from the north. This multidisciplinary study also uncovers the complex interaction and codependencies between fluvial/groundwater activity, evaporation, oxidation, fluctuating pH and detrital mineralogy controlling early diagenetic processes in the alluvial fan sediments. Carbon isotope data identify calcite cements as groundwater calcrete, while strontium isotope data suggest limited prolonged water–rock interaction prior and during calcite cementation. The petrographic data reveal the importance of early calcite cement occluding all pore space and preserving detrital minerals from later diagenetic processes. The hyperspectral results highlight the intermittent distribution of the calcite cement and the commonly repetitive mineralogical zonation throughout the 200 drill holes, including the inverse spatial correlation between kaolinite ± goethite ± gypsum vs white mica ± hematite dominated zones. X-ray diffraction and the hyperspectral data reveal the scarcity of early diagenetic clay minerals such as montmorillonite. This paper is the first to report on a systematic mineralogical and sedimentological study for the Mt Eclipse Sandstone. By focusing on the diagenesis and fluvial architecture of this stratigraphic unit, a framework to support exploration for sediment-hosted uranium deposits is established.  相似文献   

The 3000 Ma Mozaan Group comprises three interacting sedimentary environments: (1) braided alluvial plain, (2) offshore shelf, and (3) tidalites. The predominance of planar cross-bedded sandstones in the fluvial sequence indicates that sedimentation was dominated by southerly accreting transverse bars in a distal braided river system. However, the development of lenticular conglomerates suggests the occasional formation of longitudinal gravel bars, probably during periods of high discharge. Argillaceous sediments, some of which are ferrugineous represent an interplay between clastic sedimentation and chemical precipitation on a prograding shelf. The abnormal thickness of these shelf deposits is attributed to facies stacking. The absence of barrier beach deposits suggests that the marginal environment was controlled by macrotidal conditions. Two varieties of tidal sequences are recognized. The first, which forms the classic upward-fining succession, contains ubiquitous ebb-dominated paleocurrents and is interpreted as having been influenced by tidal asymmetry. The other, which lacks the mixed flat unit, was apparently generated by tidal currents flowing parallel to the coastline. The nature of the Mozaan sediments suggests at least incipient cratonization in eastern South Africa 3000 Ma ago.  相似文献   

. Ore mines installed in the lower–middle portion of Ribeira de Iguape River (São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil), together with the Panelas Plant are responsible for the contamination of the Iguape–Cananéia–Paranaguá lagoon–estuarine complex. The lower–middle portion of Grande Creek Basin, located in the district of Adrianopólis (Parana State, southern Brazil) is under environmental impact because of mining activities. The mines of Perau, at Perau Creek, Canoas at Canoas Creek, and Barrinha at Barrinha Creek and Laranjal Creek have been paralyzed. The transport of lead in fluvial sediments is mainly associated with organic matter, carbonates, the residual fraction, and adsorbables, whereas the transport of zinc is associated with the organic and residual fraction, oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, carbonate, and adsorbables. The transport of copper is associated with the residual fraction and oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, organic matter, carbonate, and adsorbables.  相似文献   

河流相层序地层模式与地层等时对比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
已有的河流层序地层模式在层序发育的控制因素、体系域的划分等方面存在一定的问题。通过对苏里格气田盒8段河流相准层序对比,发现河谷中存在阶梯状河流阶地。现代河谷地貌的研究表明,这种阶地是构造抬升过程中,次级间歇性构造抬升导致河流下蚀与侧蚀—沉积交替的结果。而构造下降过程所引起的基准面上升和可容空间增速的变化又影响了河道砂体的展布特征。考虑构造运动在河流层序形成过程中的作用以及河流阶地与相邻地层之间的接触关系,修正了Wright等河流相层序地层模式,认为构造运动控制了河流层序的发育,构造上升半旋回形成水退体系域,为一系列相对等时的阶地,构造下降半旋回形成低位体系域、水进体系域和高位体系域,低位体系域为构造抬升早期形成的河谷充填物,水进体系域和高位体系域与Wright等的含义一致。  相似文献   

大同盆地中侏罗世河流沉积体系及古河型演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王随继 《沉积学报》2001,19(4):501-505
通过对大同云冈出露的部分中侏罗统的沉积物特征、沉积构造特征、岩相和结构单元的研究,识别出该剖面是由下伏的曲流河沉积体系和上覆的辫状河沉积体系组成的。由此认为研究区在中侏罗世早期为曲流河沉积环境,此后开始转化为辫状河流沉积环境。河型的转化受制于流域基底差异抬升的影响,而流域气候由湿润向半干旱-干旱的转化也起了促进作用。  相似文献   

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