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The influence of local geologic and soil conditions on the intensity of ground shaking is addressed in this study. The amplification of the ground motion due to local site effects resulted in severe damage to dwellings in the Bam area during the 2003 Bam Earthquake. A unique set of strong motion acceleration recordings was obtained at the Bam accelerograph station. Although the highest peak ground acceleration recorded was the vertical component (nearly 1 g), the longitudinal component (fault-parallel motion) clearly had the largest maximum velocity as well as maximum ground displacement. Subsurface geotechnical and geophysical (down-hole) data in two different sites have been obtained and used to estimate the local site condition on earthquake ground motion in the area. The ground response analyses have been conducted considering the nonlinear behavior of the soil deposits using both equivalent linear and nonlinear approaches. The fully nonlinear method embodied in FLAC was used to evaluate the nonlinear soil properties on earthquake wave propagation through the soil layer, and compare with the response from the equivalent linear approach. It is shown that thick alluvium deposits amplified the ground motion and resulted in significant damage in residential buildings in the earthquake stricken region. The comparison of results indicated similar response spectra of the motions for both equivalent and nonlinear analyses, showing peaks in the period range of 0.3–1.5 s. However, the amplification levels of nonlinear analysis were less than the equivalent linear method especially in long periods. The observed response spectra are shown to be above the NEHRP building code design requirements, especially at high frequencies.  相似文献   

地震引起的深层地下水位异常具有多样性和复杂性的特点。为了进一步探索深层地下水位动态与地震作用过程之间的联系机制,发挥深层地下水位对地震活动的指示作用,以2008年汶川Ms8.0地震和2007年苏门答腊Ms8.5地震为研究背景,对川、滇、陕、甘、渝地区井水位对两次地震的响应特征进行了比较。研究发现:地下水位远震响应形态主要以振荡型和阶变型为主,异常出现的时间较晚;地下水位近震响应形态比较复杂,以阶变型、脉冲型以及振荡型为主,异常出现的时间几乎与地震的发生同步。根据深层地下水位对地壳应力的响应机理,分析了各典型井水位对远震和近震不同响应的原因。结果表明:地下水位对远震的响应主要是由于含水层介质受到地震波应力的作用;对近震异常响应原因比较复杂,主要是含水层介质受到区域构造应力和地震波应力的共同作用的结果,震中距越小,含水层受到震源构造应力场的控制作用越大。  相似文献   

We present an overview of our recent results on utilizing small earthquakes in the earthquake engineering practice. Site-specific ground motion time-histories of large earthquakes can be successfully simulated using recordings of small earthquakes which are often referred to as 'empirical Green's functions' in seismology. Another important practical problem is whether and how these observations can be used in seismic risk studies which are based on empirical attenuation relations for ground motion parameters. We study a possibility of extrapolating attenuation relations for small earthquakes, to larger magnitudes using the data from the Garner Valley downhole array in Southern California. Finally we introduce efficient ground motion processing techniques in frequency- and time-domains and apply them to site response estimation.  相似文献   

李栋青  王赟  孙丽霞 《地球科学》2021,46(1):369-380
旋转地震学是一门研究由地震、爆破以及工程振动等引起的地球介质运动的新兴学科.旋转运动的研究由来已久,但是由于缺少高精度的旋转分量地震仪,所以旋转运动的研究大多仅限于理论方面.差分法作为利用平动分量获取旋转分量的一种计算方法,在理论研究方面较为成熟,但是缺乏实际数据的验证.通过在对旋转运动研究现状充分调研的基础上,利用模...  相似文献   

One of the most critical lessons of the recent earthquakes is the need for seismic planning for lifelines, with appropriate supplies and back up systems for emergency repair and restoration. Seismic planning, however requires physical loss estimations before the earthquakes occur. Buried pipeline damage correlations are critical part of loss estimation procedures applied to lifelines for future earthquakes. We review the existing pipeline damage relationships only for ground shaking (transient ground deformations) in the light of recent developments and evaluate them with Denizli City, Turkey water supply system. Eight scenario earthquakes with four different earthquake magnitudes between M6 and M7 caused by two different fault ruptures (Pamukkale and Karakova-Akhan Faults) were used. Analyses were performed by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This high number of different scenario earthquakes made it possible to compare the pipeline damage relationships at different ground shaking levels. Pipeline damage estimations for Denizli City were calculated for each damage relationship and earthquake scenario. Relative effects of damage relationships and scenario earthquakes on the results were compared and discussed. The results were presented separately for brittle, ductile, and all pipelines. It was shown that the variation in ductile pipeline damage estimations by various relationships was higher than the variation in brittle pipeline damage estimations for a particular scenario earthquake.  相似文献   

The safety and stability of concrete and masonry dams is a great concern when blasting has to be conducted close to these dams in order to construct small hydro-electric projects. There is a danger of ground vibration amplification to those residential-type buildings that are built close to these dams.

Responses of three concrete and masonry dams were measured directly by conducting a number of blasts and by monitoring vibration in the ground as well as on the dams. The amplitudes and frequencies of the motions were analysed and vibration attenuation relations were derived. These relations were used to compare the vibration levels on the dams with those in the ground.

Because of close-in construction blasts that produced high frequency ground vibrations, there was no amplification of the ground vibrations by these dams. The measured amplitudes of ground vibration were comparable to those of the dams.  相似文献   

文章叙述了探地雷达对桩基探测的一系列实验工作,通过探地雷达三个参数的匹配对比,研究适合在上海地区应用探地雷达探测桩的一些技术措施和方法。  相似文献   

冻土路基在地震作用下的动力响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘志强  陆昊 《冰川冻土》2011,33(4):807-812
青藏高原是地震多发区,冻土区的公路、铁路在地震作用下的动力响应必须考虑.将冻土作为黏弹塑性材料,考虑冻土在动力荷载作用下的热力耦合效应,从热传导方程、渗流微分方程和动力平衡方程出发,建立了冻土的动力热一力耦合微分方程.根据相应的有限元列式,对路基在地震荷载作用下的动力响应进行了计算与分析.  相似文献   

正2014年8月3日16时30分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生里氏6.5级地震,震中坐标:北纬27.1°,东经103.3°。鲁甸地震发生之后,中国地质科学院立即组织专家分析地震地质背景与发展趋势。王小烈书记指示启动重大地质灾害应急机制,董树文副院长迅速组织地质力学研究所相关专家进行会商。该次地震发生在扬子地块与川滇菱形地块的边界断裂小江断裂带的东侧,震源机制为走滑型破裂地  相似文献   

中国地质科学院对5.12汶川地震的快速反应与调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面对5.12汶川8级地震突发灾害,中国地质科学院组织专家,科学分析发震动力学背景,第一时间奔赴震中地区开展地表破裂变形与地震地质灾害调查,随后系统开展地震科学钻探选址、活动断裂与地震变形观测、地应力测量、地质灾害地面调查、堰塞湖与水工环综合评价。6位专家参加国家汶川地震专家委员会,编辑出版《汶川地震灾区地震—地质灾害图集》,组织召开汶川地震动力学分析研讨会,2位专家参加国土资源部抗震救灾前方指挥部工作。在第33届国际地质大会期间,组织汶川地震大型展览,应邀作汶川地震、地震科学钻、地表破裂等学术报告,受到国际同行的高度关注。组织申报汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程,2008年11月第一口地震科学钻开工;组织落实国家专项、973课题、地质调查项目等科研任务,有效地调整了面向地质灾害的学科结构和人才布局。  相似文献   

The mechanism of earthquake inoculation and the process of earthquake occurrence are very complicated. Additionally, earthquakes do not happen very often, and we lack enough cognition to the earth’s interior structure, activity regularity and other key elements. As a result, research progress about the theory of earthquake precursors has been greatly restricted. Ground gravity observation has become one of the main ways to study earthquake precursor information in many countries and regions. This paper briefly summarized the surface gravity observation technology and observation network in China: the surface gravity measurement instrument developed from Huygens physical pendulum in seventeenth Century to today’s high-precision absolute gravimeter, and its accuracy reached to ±1×10-8 m/s2. China has successively established the National Gravity Network, Digital Earthquake Observation Network of China,the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China Ⅰ and the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China, to provide a public platform for monitoring non tidal gravity change, seismic gravity and tectonic movement. The use of specific examples illustrated the role of gravity observation data in earthquake prediction. The gravity observation data of ground gravity can be used to capture the information of gravity change in the process of strong earthquake inoculation, and to provide an important basis for the long-term prediction of strong earthquakes. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the regional gravity field and its relation to strong earthquakes were analyzed: Before the earthquake whose magnitude is higher than MS 5, generally there will be a large amplitude and range of gravity anomaly zones. Strong earthquakes occur mainly in areas where the gravity field changes violently. The dynamic change images of gravity field can clearly reflect the precursory information of large earthquakes during the inoculation and occurrence. Finally, the existing problems of surface gravity technology in earthquake precursor observation were put forward and the use of gravity measurement data in earthquake prediction research was prospected.  相似文献   

利用ENVISAT/ASAR和ALOS/PALSAR数据,结合两路差分干涉测量技术获得了汶川地震的同震形变信息和震前、震后地面在卫星视线(light of sight,简称LOS)方向上的形变特征。结果表明,汶川地震引起的地面形变范围广,程度大,地震形变沿断层向北北东向扩展,所形成的差分干涉条纹明显。地面的形变特征对于推断断层的性质,研究地震形变和地震发育特征具有重要的参考价值。另外,将同震雷达差分干涉测量的结果与利用USGS发布的汶川地震有限元断层模型(finite fault model)反演的LOS方向的形变进行了对比验证,发现二者在断裂带的上盘具有较好的一致性,但在下盘却有较大的误差。通过不同传感器干涉结果的对比发现,L波段的雷达干涉结果更能够反映汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带附近的地面形变信息。  相似文献   

The applicability limits of the closed-form solution to the problem of ground response to tunnelling are sounded out by systematically investigating the effect of deviations from some of the important assumptions underlying the closed-form solution. The ground response curve (GRC) expresses the relationship between tunnel support pressure and the radial displacement of the tunnel boundary on the basis of a rotationally symmetric model. The assumptions underlying rotational symmetry are a circular tunnel, a hydrostatic and uniform initial stress field, an isotropic and homogeneous ground and uniformly distributed support pressure. Deviations from these assumptions generally necessitate potentially time-consuming numerical analyses. The paper revisits the classical problem of tunnel excavation in a linearly elastic, perfectly plastic ground obeying the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion, and analyses the effects of non-uniformity and anisotropy of the initial stress field and of a non-circular tunnel geometry. The results show that the GRC also provides a reasonably accurate approximation of average tunnel convergence for a wide range of ground conditions that violate rotational symmetry.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Ring foundations are commonly adopted to support tall and heavy cylindrical structures such as silos, chimneys, cooling towers, circular storage tanks, and...  相似文献   

对福建地区 5个台站 5套倾斜仪 1 0年的资料 ,统一用调和分析、差分分析、卡尔曼滤波和最大相关系数方法进行全面系统处理 ,提取异常信息 ,统计分析对该地区有意义Ms5级以上地震的关系 ,并对这几种方法进行评价。结果是 :地倾斜固体潮M2波γ因子异常与地震的对应率为 46% (P =5 4 % ) ,差分分析方法识别的异常与地震对应率为2 3% (P =42 % ) ,卡尔曼滤波方法识别的异常与地震的对应率为 30 % (P =34% ) ,最大相关系数分析方法识别的异常与地震对应率为 1 9% (P =37% )。  相似文献   

场地条件对地震动和震害有重要影响。本文简要回顾了场地条件对地震动和震害影响的研究历史,总结和评述了这一领域的研究进展。重点对地形地貌、岩土类型、覆盖层厚度、土层结构、地下水、岩土动力性质及物理地质现象等对地震动和震害的影响进行了总结和评述。提炼和概括了目前场地条件对地震动和震害影响研究中比较一致的几点认识。在此基础上,提出了这一领域当前应进一步研究的问题,主要包括地震现场资料调查、局部地形几何尺度、场地分类、覆盖层安全厚度界限、近断层地震动参数分布规律、活断层避让距离,以及强震资料积累等关键问题。  相似文献   

Based on dynamic elastic–plastic time history analysis method, dynamic responses of sandy slope in different groundwater levels are studied under near field earthquakes and far field earthquakes. The results show that the accelerations of the slope decrease with the increasing of groundwater levels, which demonstrates that the existence of groundwater damps vibration. The accelerations have different laws along the height of the slope under far field and near field earthquakes, however, the maximum values all appear at the top of the slope. The maximum horizontal displacement of the slope increases with the increasing of groundwater levels. The influence of far field earthquake on the deformation of slope toe is greater, while the influence of near field earthquake on the deformation of the slope top is greater. Thus, the top and the toe of the slope should be protected as the key position under earthquakes. The influence of high groundwater level on stability of the slope is more serious, and the safety factor calculated by pseudo-static method in slope seismic code will be lower for the slope in the high groundwater level.  相似文献   

我国中西部是斜坡失稳破坏高密度存在区域,其中滑坡是一种常见的破坏方式,滑坡会给工程建设和人民生活造成巨大的损失,在地震作用下滑坡发生的几率明显增加。以白龙江郭家滑坡为例,在分析工程地质条件的基础上,利用FLAC3D数值分析软件建立数值计算模型,利用模型分析滑坡地震作用下的动力响应,进而分析地震动力作用下滑坡的稳定性,并与基于极限平衡法的静力分析结果进行对比分析,为滑坡的地震灾害预测提供依据,也为今后地震作用下滑坡的稳定性动力分析计算提供借鉴。  相似文献   

赵珊茸  徐畅  张国庆  李坤 《地球科学》2013,38(2):211-217
综合分析了石英、石榴子石、橄榄石、锆石、红柱石的各不同结晶学意义的晶面腐蚀像特点,总结了晶面腐蚀像与晶面对称性及晶面结构特点之间的关系.腐蚀像不仅可以揭示晶面及晶体的对称性,还可以揭示晶面的结晶学意义,即同一晶体上的不同结晶学意义的晶面,尽管对称性相同,也具有不同的腐蚀像;不同晶体之间的具有相同对称性的晶面可能会有相同的腐蚀像;腐蚀像类似于一种宏观晶体形态,主要与晶面的对称性有关,与晶面上原子、离子排列的结构细节关系不大;同一晶体的同一晶面在不同的腐蚀剂中所得的腐蚀像也可能完全不同;有些晶面的腐蚀像可以用晶体生长形态的常见晶面与被腐蚀面的交棱来解释.该研究在揭示晶体溶解形态机理、将溶解形态与晶体生长形态对比、用溶解形态来反映晶体曾经经历的酸-碱环境等方面具有理论与实际意义.   相似文献   

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