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This paper presents an analytical solution for calculating the initiation of sediment motion and the risk of river bed movement. It thus deals with a fundamental problem in sediment transport, for which no complete analytical solution has yet been found. The analytical solution presented here is based on forces acting on a single grain in state of initiation of sediment motion. The previous procedures for calculating the initiation of sediment motion are complemented by an innovative combination of optical surface measurement technology for determining geometrical parameters and their statistical derivation as well as a novel approach for determining the turbulence effects of velocity fluctuations. This two aspects and the comparison of the solution functions presented here with the well known data and functions of different authors mainly differ the presented solution model for calculating the initiation of sediment motion from previous approaches. The defined values of required geometrical parameters are based on hydraulically laboratory tests with spheres. With this limitations the derivated solution functions permit the calculation of the effective critical transport parameters of a single grain, the calculation of averaged critical parameters for describing the state of initiation of sediment motion on the river bed, the calculation of the probability density of the effective critical velocity as well as the calculation of the risk of river bed movement. The main advantage of the presented model is the closed analytical solution from the equilibrium of forces on a single grain to the solution functions describing the initiation of sediment motion.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONWhileriverflowsareusuallydeepandturbulent,overlandflowisextremelyshallowandcanbelaminar,transitionalandturbulent.Becauseoftheshallownessoftheflolw,overlandflowhydraulicsisgreatlyaffectedbysurfaceroughness,raindropimpact,andinthecaseoflaminarflow,flui(Iviscosity.Theinitiationofsedimentmovementinoverlandflowisthereforeexpectedtodifferfromthatinriverflows.InriverstUdies,bedshearStressgbhastraditionallybeenusedtocharacterizethecriticalflowconditionatwhichsedimentbeginstomove.At…  相似文献   

The largest grains found in samples of transported sediment are commonly used to estimate flow competence. With samples from a range of flows, a relationship between the flow and the largest mobile grain can be derived and used to estimate the critical shear stress for incipient motion of the different grain sizes in the bed sediment or, inversely, to estimate the magnitude of the flow from the largest grain found in a transport sample. Because these estimates are based on an extreme value of the transport grain-size distribution, however, they are subject to large errors and are sensitive to the effect of sample size, which tends to vary widely in sediment transport samples from natural flows. Furthermore, estimates of the critical shear stress based on the largest sampled moving grain cannot be scaled in a manner that permits reasonable comparison between fractions. The degree to which sample size and scaling problems make largest-grain estimates of fractional critical shear stress deviate from a true relationship cannot be predicted exactly, although the direction of such a deviation can be demonstrated. The large errors and unknown bias suggest that the largest sampled mobile grain is not a reliable predictor of either critical shear stress or flow magnitude. It is possible to define a single flow competence for the entire mixture, based on a central value of the transport grain-size distribution. Such a measure is relatively stable, does not require between-fraction scaling, and appears to be well supported by observation.  相似文献   

1 PROBLEM DEFINITION Owing to the practical importance of the initiation of motion many researchers began to tackle this problem even at the beginning of the last century (e.g. Kramer (1932, 1935), Casey (1935)). Shields (1936, Fig. 1) developed a non-dimensional representation based on the measured data of Casey, Kramer, USWES and Gilbert, together with his own data based on investigations with succinite sand, lignite, granite chips and heavy spar. Despite the different material p…  相似文献   

Non-uniform sediment incipient velocity   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Based on the mechanism of non-uniform sediment incipient motion, the dragging force and uplift force coefficient expressions are put forward for the non-uniform bed material exposure and close alignment state. The incipient velocity formula of the non-uniform sediment is then established. It is shown that the formula structure is reasonable, and fine particles of the non-uniform sediment are more difficult to set into motion than the same sized uniform particles, whereas coarser particles are easier to set into motion than their uniform equivalents. The validity of the formula is verified by field and experiment data.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional(2 D) computational model for simulation of incipient sediment motion for noncohesive uniform and non-uniform particles on a horizontal bed was developed using the Discrete Element Method(DEM).The model was calibrated and verified using various experimental data reported in the literature and compared with different theories of incipient particle motion.Sensitivity analysis was done and the effects of relevant parameters were determined.In addition to hydrodynamic forces such as drag,shear lift and Magnus force,the particle-particle interaction effects were included in the model.The asymptotic critical mobility number was evaluated for various critical particle Reynolds numbers(R*) in the range of very small and very large R*.The obtained curve is classified into four regions.It was found that in the linear region,the drag force has the principal role on the initiation of motion.Moreover,the critical mobility number is independent of particle diameter.A procedure for estimating the critical shear velocity directly from the information on particle diameter and roughness height was developed.Finally,the mechanism of incipient motion for the different regions was studied and the effect of different forces on the incipient particle motion was obtained.It was found that the maximum effects of lift and Magnus forces were,respectively,less than ten and twenty percent of the total force.The drag force,however,was typically the dominant force accounting for majority of the net hydrodynamic force acting on sediment particles at the onset of incipient motion.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of rainfall on the process of wind erosion of beach sands and presents results from both field and wind tunnel experiments. Although sediment transport by splash is of secondary importance on coastal dunes, splash–saltation processes can move sediments in conditions where no motion is predicted by aeolian processes. The effect of raindrop impact on the movement of soil particles by wind was measured on a sand beach plain using an acoustic sediment sampler. In general, an increase of particle movement by wind at the sensor heights was observed during rainfall. Rainfall also affected the wind erosion process during and after rain by changing the cohesive conditions of the surface. The influence of the surface moisture content on the initiation of wind erosion and on the vertical distribution of transported sand particles was studied in a wind tunnel. Moisture significantly increased threshold wind velocities for the initiation of sediment transport and modified vertical sediment profiles.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMany hydro-momhological mathematical models neglect the innuence of river bed maerialheterogeneity and its time and space changes during transport and related erosion/dePosition processes. Inthese models a rePresentative diameter of the river bed grain-size distribution (for examPle d5o) isspecified as initial data in each comPutational point of the modeled domain. Different d5o can be assignedto each ghd point but temPoral changes in bed material gradation cannot be simula…  相似文献   

Experimental data,obtained from previous studies,on Critical Tractive Stress(CTS) of non-uniform sediments, have been used to verify the adequacy of existing relationships for CTS of non-uniform bimodal sediments.Keeping in view the performance of such relationships,a new relationship for computation of dimensionless CTS of individual size fraction of non-uniform unimodal and bimodal sediments has been proposed in the form of power law.The coefficient and exponent of the proposed power law have been empirically correlated with sediment characteristics for available sediment data.The proposed relationship has been validated with independent flume and field data to assess their applicability for unimodal and bimodal sediments.  相似文献   

Determination of sediment stability in the field is challenging because bed shear stress (BSS), a determining factor of sediment erosion, can’t easily be directly measured. To tackle this challenge and reliably assess sediment erodibility in a fast flowing river, a standalone underwater camera system and a new insitu flume (ISF) were developed and applied in this study. The camera system was used to record sediment movement and the new ISF was used for measuring critical bottom shear stress (CBSS). The camera can be deployed alone in water to record videos or take pictures with light emitting diode (LED) lighting and flexible schedule settings. The ISF is based on the concept that the amount of force needed to erode the same particle under different flow conditions should be similar. Two high resolution Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) also were deployed in the field to collect velocity-depth profiles which are used by conventional methods to calculate BSS with the law of the wall. The sediment erodibility was then assessed based on the comparison between the obtained CBSS and BSS and then further verified with the recorded observations from the deployed camera. The results reveal that the widely used conventional method can produce large uncertainties and is not adequate to provide meaningful conclusion under these conditions.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Numeroussedimenttransportequationshavebeenproposedinthepastfewdecades.Theapplicabilityofeachofthesedimenttransp...  相似文献   

Dam break flows and resulting river bed erosion can have disastrous impacts on human safety,infrastructure,and environmental quality.However,there is a lack of research on the mobility of non-uniform sediment mixtures resulting from dam break flows and how these differ from uniform sized sediment.In this paper,laboratory flume experiments revealed that coarse and fine fractions in non-uniform sediment had a higher and a lower bed-load parameter,respectively,than uniform sediments of the same size.Thus,the finer fractions were more stable and the coarser fractions were more erodible in a nonuniform bed compared to a uniform-grained bed.These differences can be explained by the hiding and protrusion of these fractions,respectively.By investigating changes in mobility of the mixed-size fractions with reservoir water levels,the results revealed that at low water levels,when the coarser fractions were only just mobile,the bed-load parameter of the finer fractions was higher than the coarser fractions.The opposite was observed at a higher water level,when a significant proportion of the coarsest fractions was mobilized.The higher protrusion of these grains had an important effect on their mobility relative to the finer grains.The transported sediment on these mixed-sized beds was coarser than the initial bed sediment,and became coarser with an increase in reservoir water level.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONNon-equilibriumsedimenttransportina"at'Uralstreamwithnon-uniformbedmaterialisasubjectofilltensiveresearch.ThesedimentconcentrationmaybenotequaltothetransportcapacityofflowinanalluvialrivedItgraduallyapproachesequilibriumbydegradationoraggradationinalongdistance.usuallyover100kilometers.Thisproblemisofgreatimportancetothepredictionofthedistributionoferosionordepositionalongachannel,especiallyforlargeriversinChina.Scientistsstudiednonequilibriumsedimenttransportandthemainresul…  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONAt present moot sediment transport models applied in engineering practice are based on equilibriumsediment transport approach, i. e. sediment--carrying Capacity is used to replace the actual sediment concentration (ref. 1 -- 9). However, the sediment--carrying capacity, in general, is not equal to sedimentconcentration, they may differ a lot especially for the case of reservoir sedimentation process and/orthe scouring process of river channel in the downstream of a reservoi…  相似文献   

When fine sediments are present in gravel streambeds (gravel‐framework beds), the gravel can be more easily removed from its original position, compared with gravel in a streambed without fine sediment but otherwise under the same hydraulic conditions. In this study, the effect of the presence of sand on the initiation of gravel motion in gravel riverbeds was investigated using flume experiments. The relationship between the critical Shields stress for gravel motion initiation and the fraction of sand in the bed was determined experimentally. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) When the fraction of sand in the bed is smaller than about 0.4, the critical Shields stress for the initiation of gravel motion decreases with increasing fraction of sand. The critical Shields stress increases, however, with increasing fraction of sand when it is larger than about 0.4. (2) The difference between the value of the critical Shields stress predicted by the Egiazaroff equation and the value obtained from the experimental data becomes maximum at about 0.4 of the fraction of sand. Here an empirical relation between the critical Shields stress and the fraction of sand is proposed so as to consider the effects of the ratio of the characteristic gravel size to the mean size of the bed material on the critical Shields stress. (3) Gravel in armored beds can be more easily mobilized by supplying sand as part of a sediment augmentation scheme. The sand fraction in the subsurface layer of the bed appears to reduce the friction angle of exposed particles. Sediment augmentation using sand has been recently demonstrated to be a viable alternative for mobilizing gravel for the restoration of gravel‐bed rivers downstream of dams. The quantitative evaluation obtained through the experiments reported here may be useful for the design of augmentation schemes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONBed aggradation and degradation haPpen to be the most imPOrtant aspects of the alluvial processes instreams if the equilibrium conditions among water discharge, sediment flow, and channel shaPe areclistuIbed by natural or man-made factOfs, e.g., the constrUchon of a dam, change in the sediment suPplyrate, or base level changing. Reliable and quanhtative estimation of the bed aggradation or degradation isimPortant in rivertalning engineering and water management projects. …  相似文献   

Entrainment of sediment particles from channel beds into the channel flow is influenced by the characteristics of the flow turbulence which produces stochastic shear stress fluctuations at the bed. Recent studies of the structure of turbulent flow has recognized the importance of bursting processes as important mechanisms for the transfer of momentum into the laminar boundary layer. Of these processes, the sweep event has been recognized as the most important bursting event for entrainment of sediment particles as it imposes forces in the direction of the flow resulting in movement of particles by rolling, sliding and occasionally saltating. Similarly, the ejection event has been recognized as important for sediment transport since these events maintain the sediment particles in suspension. In this study, the characteristics of bursting processes and, in particular, the sweep event were investigated in a flume with a rough bed. The instantaneous velocity fluctuations of the flow were measured in two-dimensions using a small electromagnetic velocity meter and the turbulent shear stresses were determined from these velocity fluctuations. It was found that the shear stress applied to the sediment particles on the bed resulting from sweep events depends on the magnitude of the turbulent shear stress and its probability distribution. A statistical analysis of the experimental data was undertaken and it was found necessary to apply a Box-Cox transformation to transform the data into a normally distributed sample. This enabled determination of the mean shear stress, angle of action and standard error of estimate for sweep and ejection events. These instantaneous shear stresses were found to be greater than the mean flow shear stress and for the sweep event to be approximately 40 percent greater near the channel bed. Results from this analysis suggest that the critical shear stress determined from Shield's diagram is not sufficient to predict the initiation of motion due to its use of the temporal mean shear stress. It is suggested that initiation of particle motion, but not continuous motion, can occur earlier than suggested by Shield's diagram due to the higher shear stresses imposed on the particles by the stochastic shear stresses resulting from turbulence within the flow.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The particle size of sediment eroded from basins can provide basic information about erosion processes (Meyer et al., 1980), which can be divided into sheet wash sediment processes on hill slopes and fluvial sediment processes in rivers. In…  相似文献   

Research on the critical shear stresses for erosion and deposition for cohesive sediment has attracted substantial attention from both engineering and theoretical viewpoints due to their importance in sediment transport theory.Previous studies have proposed a large number of empirical and semiempirical methods to estimate the critical erosion and deposition shear stress,but comparative analyses and validation of the existing methods are still lacking,leaving questions regarding the applicability ranges of the methods.The current paper evaluates the performance and applicability range of five critical erosion shear stress methods derived from different hypotheses on sediment transport for flume experiments and natural tidal rivers using a process-based model.In addition,the effect of the critical deposition shear stress on sediment transport is investigated.The results show that the different critical erosion shear stress methods yield distinctly different prediction results,and their performance and applicability ranges are discussed by comparing their predictions with measured sediment concentrations from the Shenzhen River and measured geometric changes from the Partheniades' flume experiment.The hiding and exposure effect has been recognized as a crucial factor in the incipient motion of sediment on nonuniform beds.A sensitivity analysis of selective deposition and continuous deposition justifies the existence of the critical deposition shear stress.The current study highlights the performance and applicability ranges of the existing critical shear stress methods in sediment transport modeling for uniform and nonuniform beds,which will enrich understanding of the underlying mechanisms of erosion and deposition of cohesive sediment.  相似文献   

Only comparatively few experimental studies have been carried out to investigate the performance of the HEC-6 river morphological model. The model was developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers. In this study, experiments were carried out in a 20 m long concrete flume 0.6 m wide with varying rectangular cross-sections. The channel bed is paved with uniform sand of D50 = 0.9 mm and D90 = 1.2 mm within the test reach of 12 m. Two types of experiments were carried out with sediment transport, one under steady uniform flow and another under steady non-uniform flow conditions. Nine steady uniform flow experiments were carried out to compare the measured equilibrium relationship of flow and sediment transport rate with two bedload formulae, namely, Du Boys and Meyer–Peter and Muller, and with three total load formulae, namely, Toffaleti, Laursen and Yang. It was found that even though the sediment transport consists of a certain portion of bedload, the total load formulae give satisfactory results and better agreement than the two bedload formulae. Five steady non-uniform flow experiments were carried out under various conditions of varying bed profile and channel width and also with sediment addition and withdrawal. The measured transient water surface and bed profiles are compared with the computed results from the HEC-6 model. It was found that the Toffaleti and Yang total load formulae used in the HEC-6 model give the most satisfactory prediction of actual bed profiles under various conditions of non-uniform flow and sediment transport. The effects of Manning's n, variations of sediment inflow, various sediment transport formulae, sediment grain size and the model numerical parameters, i.e. distance interval Δx and numerical weighting factor, on the computed water surface and bed profiles were determined. It was found that the selection of the sediment transport formulae has the most significant effect on the computed results. It can be concluded that the HEC-6 model can predict satisfactorily a long-term average pattern of local scour and deposition along a channel with either a small abrupt change in geometry or gradually varying cross-sections. However, the accuracy of the model prediction is reduced in the regions where highly non-uniform flow occurs.  相似文献   

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