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The Coude Echelle Spectrograph(CES) was originally mounted on Xinglong 2.16 m telescope in 1994. When the High Resolution Fiber-fed Spectrograph(HRS) was commissioned at Xinglong 2.16 m telescope, the red path of CES was moved to Lijiang 1.8 m telescope, following some redesign and reinstallation. The CES of Lijiang 1.8 m telescope has the spectral resolution(R = λ/?λ) ranging from 20000 to 50000 corresponding to different slit widths. With a 2 k×2 k PI CCD, CES has a wavelength coverage between 570 nm to 1030 nm. In particular, the resolution of 37000 at 0.5 mm slit corresponds to 1.3′′on the sky. The limiting magnitude is V = 11.5 with the use of the tip-tilt feedback system, and the S/N is about 40 for 1 hour exposure at 600 nm(R = 37000). During the installation of CES, the tip-tilt mirror technology had successfully fulfilled high precision guiding and tracking for high resolution spectral observation and significantly improved the observation efficiency.  相似文献   

基于OMR的2.16米望远镜积分视场单元方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于积分视场单元的三维成像光谱技术日趋成熟,并且与传统的狭缝光谱仪相比有许多明显的优势。2.16m望远镜的OMR光谱仪是采用平面光栅分光的低色散卡焦光谱仪器,可以考虑对其进行积分视场单元的升级优化。在不改变OMR光谱仪自身结构,不影响现有功能的同时,利用“微透镜阵列+光纤束”的技术可以实现积分视场单元与OMR光谱仪的耦合。设计了两种方案,给出了升级积分视场单元后的空间分辨率和视场。  相似文献   

云南天文台1m望远镜终端之一的暗天体分光仪和照相机具有4种运行模式:缩焦照相机、无缝多目标光谱仪、有缝光谱仪和星冕仪。这4种运行模式能在几分钟的时间内相互转换,高效快速和灵活方便。该仪器的光学质量优秀,光学系统消像差,特别是消色差。由于光学系统消色差,所成像的低色散光谱在404.6~766.5nm全波段尖锐平直。在多色测光时,各测光波段的像面位置不变,同时兼有大视场的优点,可提高测光精度和测光效率。  相似文献   

本文描述了近年来广泛发展起来的天体物理实测技术中的一项重要进展——纤维光学分光技术方法在天体光谱观测中的应用及2.16m望远镜实用系统的特点和初步应用结果  相似文献   

FIES is a cross‐dispersed high‐resolution echelle spectrograph at the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), and was optimised for throughput and stability in 2006. The major 2006 upgrade involved the relocation of FIES to a stable environment and development of a fiber bundle that offers 3 different resolution modes, and made FIES an attractive tool for the user community of the NOT. Radial‐velocity stability is achieved through double‐chamber active temperature control. A dedicated data reduction tool, FIEStool, was developed. As a result of these upgrades, FIES is now one of the work‐horse instruments at the NOT. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

简要介绍了目前比较流行的新型位置/角度传感器———钢带/钢环光栅码的工作原理;同时着重介绍了它们在2.16m望远镜的安装、使用情况,它改善了望远镜的定位精度和跟踪精度,因此有效地提高了望远镜的工作效率。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a trend toward the automation ofmodest sized observatories, especially those involved withphotoelectric photometry. Although undoubtedly useful, there isclearly a need for more advanced instrumentation such asspectrographs. The relatively small telescope sizes places severelimits on the choice of spectrograph configuration. A fiber-fedechelle spectrograph is arguably the most suitable design forthese applications.Presented here is a brief discussion of the design philosophy andoperating principles. Both theoretical and measured performancedata for the prototype University of Queensland EchelleSpectrograph are also presented.  相似文献   

The Beijing Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera(BFOSC) is one of the most important instruments operating in conjunction with the 2.16-m telescope at Xinglong Observatory. Every year there are~20 SCI-papers published based on observational data acquired with this telescope. In this work,we have systemically measured the total efficiency of the BFOSC that operates as part of the 2.16-m reflector, based on observations of two ESO flux standard stars. We have obtained the total efficiencies of the BFOSC instrument of different grisms with various slit widths in almost all ranges, and analyzed factors which effect the efficiency of this telescope and spectrograph. For astronomical observers, the result will be useful for them to select a suitable slit width, depending on their scientific goals and weather conditions during observations. For technicians, the result will help them to systemically identify the real efficiency of the telescope and spectrograph, and to further improve the total efficiency and observing capacity of the telescope technically.  相似文献   

An effort towards understanding the problems associated with stray light related to the Xinglong2.16-m telescope is presented to estimate the stray light performance of the telescope itself and provide a method for improving stray light suppression. Stray light analysis for the 2.16-m telescope model, which consists of an onion shaped dome, telescope structure, equatorial mount and telescope optics, has been developed in two cases(1) pointing to 60?and(2) pointing to zenith, in both azimuth and elevation directions.The Point Source Normalized Irradiance Transmittance(PSNIT), which is generally used for assessing stray light and is uncorrelated to entrance aperture, is calculated with a series of off-axis angles. It shows that the PSNIT values are less than 10~(-7) when off-axis angles are larger than ±20?. The dominant contributors to stray light(primary and secondary mirror, telescope structure and dome) are identified to guide performance improvement. The analyses indicate that significant benefit can be realized by adding only five vanes inside the bottom portion of the secondary baffle. In the case of pointing to zenith, the PSNIT values will decrease about 40% on average.  相似文献   

本文利用GSC和SAO星表以及2.16m望远镜底片上星象位置的xy测量值,分析了该望远镜卡焦平面上星象位置的误差分布,提出了改正解析表达式.利用SUN工作站计算打印出了适合多目标光纤系统光纤探头定位用的纸质观测机场星图,代替采用照相底片作多纤维观测的视场模板,取得了满意的观测效果提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

宽视场多目标光谱仪具有宽波段、多分辨率模式和高通光效率的特点,是极大望远镜终端仪器使用率最高的通用型仪器. 30 m级望远镜的宽视场多目标光谱仪因体量和成本急剧增加而面临重要挑战,同时天文学的不断发展对天文新技术的发展提出了更高的要求,尤其是多个巡天项目对于多目标光谱后随观测的迫切需求.综述了几类宽视场多目标光谱仪的发展现状,介绍了国际3架30 m望远镜宽视场多目标光谱仪概念设计的最新进展和仪器特点,着重介绍了中国参与研制的30 m望远镜(TMT)中的宽视场多目标光谱仪的相关进展.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations for 11 confirmed globular clusters(GCs) of M31 with the OMR spectrograph on the 2.16 m telescope at the Xinglong site of National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Nine of our sample clusters are located in the halo of M31 and the most remote one is out to a projected radius of 78.75 kpc from the galactic center.For all our sample clusters,we measured the Lick absorption-line indices and radial velocities.It is noted that most GCs in our sample are ...  相似文献   

在自适应光学系统中,波前探测器的噪声、未完全补偿湍流所引起的误差以及变形镜的拟合误差是主要的误差源.本文针对已经建立的2.16m望远镜红外自适应光学系统,从伺服控制系统的角度分析了该系统的闭环噪声、大气湍流引起的误差以及该系统的闭环总体误差.该系统的闭环总体误差是光强及系统闭环带宽的函数.本文还分析了该系统的有效性以及对大气湍流不同改善程度情况下光强与闭环带宽的关系.并在此基础上给出了该系统的最佳带宽选取及系统的极限工作星等.  相似文献   

本文包含天体的分光观测和处理资料中所涉及到的Coude摄谱仪和1024CCD系统的相关参数,以及CCD响应区Fe-Ar发射光谱的证认结果.(1)Coude系统的色散曲线几乎呈水平分布,1~3级光谱(m)的倒色散分别为8.391  相似文献   

A wavelength calibration system based on a laser frequency comb (LFC) was developed in a co-operation between the Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg, Germany and the Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany for permanent installation at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) on Tenerife, Canary Islands. The system was installed successfully in October 2011. By simultaneously recording the spectra from the Sun and the LFC, for each exposure a calibration curve can be derived from the known frequencies of the comb modes that is suitable for absolute calibration at the meters per second level. We briefly summarize some topics in solar physics that benefit from absolute spectroscopy and point out the advantages of LFC compared to traditional calibration techniques. We also sketch the basic setup of the VTT calibration system and its integration with the existing echelle spectrograph.  相似文献   

The High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) is the échelle spectrograph for an open‐use instrument of the Subaru Telescope. The current status of the instrument is reviewed. The new image slicers that significantly improve the efficiency of observations with very high resolving power have been installed in the past three years. Brief overview of recent science results is given on studies of early generations of stars and extra‐solar planets. An upgrade plan and future prospects of this instrument are discussed. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

光谱仪是1 m太阳望远镜的主要终端设备之一,该望远镜采用地平式的机架结构和修正的格里高利光学系统。在望远镜跟踪太阳时,由于地平式望远镜的自身运动特点和光学系统中平面反射镜的存在,其光谱仪狭缝所在平面上的太阳像随时间绕主光轴旋转,因此光谱仪必须进行消旋才能正常工作。首先深入研究了光谱仪狭缝平面上像的旋转变化,分析其旋转范围、速度和加速度随时角变化的特性,然后根据光谱仪消旋精度并结合像的旋转特性提出伺服系统位置检测和驱动电机的主要性能指标,最后给出光谱仪消旋伺服控制方案。  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the metallicity and star formation activities of H II regions in the interacting system Arp 86, based on the first scientific observations using multi-object spectroscopy with the 2.16 m telescope at the Xinglong Observing Station. We find that the oxygen abundance gradient in Arp 86 is flatter than that in normal disk galaxies, which confirms that gas inflows caused by tidal forces during encounters can flatten the metallicity distributions in galaxies. The companion galaxy NGC 7752 is currently experiencing a galaxy-wide starburst with a higher star formation rate surface density than the main galaxy NGC 7753, which can be explained in that the companion galaxy is more susceptible to the effects of interaction than the primary. We also find that the galaxy 2MASX J23470758+2926531 has similar abundance and star formation properties to NGC 7753, and may be a part of the Arp 86 system.  相似文献   

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