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低层不稳定大气边界层中的地形阻力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用两层大气模式,通过求解线性化大气动力学—热力学方程组,得到在上层稳定层结覆盖的不稳定大气边界层中,简单三维地形引起的地形波及其波动阻力的解析表达式。讨论了地形及大气条件对地形波及波动阻力的影响。结果表明:即使在大气低层为不稳定边界层时,三维地形引起的波动在大气动量平衡中仍可起明显作用。  相似文献   

Previous laboratory and atmospheric experiments have shown that turbulence influences the surface temperature in a convective boundary layer. The main objective of this study is to examine land-atmosphere coupled heat transport mechanism for different stability conditions. High frequency infrared imagery and sonic anemometer measurements were obtained during the boundary layer late afternoon and sunset turbulence (BLLAST) experimental campaign. Temporal turbulence data in the surface-layer are then analyzed jointly with spatial surface-temperature imagery. The surface-temperature structures (identified using surface-temperature fluctuations) are strongly linked to atmospheric turbulence as manifested in several findings. The surface-temperature coherent structures move at an advection speed similar to the upper surface-layer or mixed-layer wind speed, with a decreasing trend with increase in stability. Also, with increasing instability the streamwise surface-temperature structure size decreases and the structures become more circular. The sequencing of surface- and air-temperature patterns is further examined through conditional averaging. Surface heating causes the initiation of warm ejection events followed by cold sweep events that result in surface cooling. The ejection events occur about 25 % of the time, but account for 60–70 % of the total sensible heat flux and cause fluctuations of up to 30 % in the ground heat flux. Cross-correlation analysis between air and surface temperature confirms the validity of a scalar footprint model.  相似文献   

An extensive meteorological dataset obtained from the plumevalidation experiment conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) atKincaid during 1980–1981 is analysed for studying the characteristic differences in thesurface-layer parameters in strong and weak wind stable conditions. The surface-layerparameters are computed using the similarity functions m and h proposed byBeljaars and Holtslag. The weak winds are characterized using the geostrophic wind speedas well as the wind speed at the 10-m level. The surface fluxes are found to be finitein weak wind conditions.Empirical formulations for the eddy diffusivities of momentum(KM) and heat (KH), and drag (CD) and heat exchange (CH) coefficients, as powerlaw functions of the bulk Richardson number (RiB), are proposed under both strong andweak wind conditions. Results are close to those based on observations taken from the IndianInstitute of Technology low wind diffusion experiment, the Land surface processes experiment,the Hanford diffusion experiment, the Cabauw field experiment and the Cooperative Atmospheric SurfaceExchange Study 1999 (CASES-99) experiment. In addition, the fluxes obtained fromthe proposed empirical relations are in good agreement with those based on similarity theory as wellas the turbulence measurements taken from the CASES-99 experiment.  相似文献   

不稳定边界层下地形重力内波   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水槽实验及线性理论研究表明,当低层大气处于近中性或不稳定时,如果地形引起的动力扰动足够强,地形扰动可在上部稳定层结中激发出重力内波,波动反过来影响低层流场,引起动量输送。低层大气处于近中性或不稳定时,地形波同样对大气运动可产生波阻,这应引起模式工作者的重视。最后讨论了大气粘性对中性或不稳定层结下地形波的影响。  相似文献   

不稳定层结下的热岛环流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用对数压力坐标系的大气热力、动力方程组,分析了由于城市的加热和摩擦作用,在大气层结不稳定情况下的热岛环流,给出了表征热岛基本特征的垂直运动,水平运动和温度场的空间结构,从理论上证实了热岛环流在不稳定城市边界层中存在的可能性,并得出了如下主要结论:(1) 垂直运动在市区是上升运动,在郊区是下沉运动,在低层z=150m处有一闭合中心;(2) 流场在市区上空呈一层波动,波谷在上风区,波峰在下风区,波长为城市半宽的4倍;(3) 地面的高温区出现在城市的下风区,且无逆温层出现。  相似文献   

We show the relationship between the intermittency of turbulence and the type of stratification for different atmospheric situations during the SABLES98 field campaign. With this objective, we first demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the velocity structure functions corresponding to these situations; next, we analyze the curvature of the scaling exponents of the velocity structure functions versus the order of these functions (ζ p vs. p), where ζ p are the exponents of the power relation for the velocity structure function with respect to the scale. It can be proved that this curve must be concave, under the assumption that the incompressible approximation does not break down at high Reynolds numbers. The physical significance of this kind of curvature is that the energy dissipation rate increases as the scale of the turbulent eddies diminishes (intermittency in the usual sense). However, the constraints imposed by stability, preventing full development of the turbulence, allow the function ζ p versus p to show any type of curvature. In this case, waves of high frequency trapped by the stability, or bursts of turbulence caused by the breaking up of internal waves, may produce a redistribution of energy throughout the scaling range. Due to this redistribution, the variation with the scale of the energy dissipation rate may be smaller (decreasing the intermittency) and, even in more stable situations, this rate may diminish (instead of increasing) as the scale diminishes (convex form of the curve ζ p vs. p).  相似文献   

Temperature variance and temperature power spectra in the unstable surface layer have always presented a problem to the standard Monin-Obukhov similarity model. Recently that problem has intensified with the demonstration by Smedman et al. (2007, Q J Roy Meteorol Soc 133: 37–51) that temperature spectra and heat-flux cospectra can have two distinct peaks in slightly unstable conditions, and by McNaughton et al. (2007, Nonlinear Process Geophys 14: 257–271) who showed that the wavenumber of the peak of temperature spectra in a convective boundary layer (CBL), closely above the surface friction layer (SFL), can be sensitive to the CBL depth, z i. Neither the two-peak form at slight instability nor the dependence of peak position on z i at large instability is compatible with the Monin-Obukhov model. Here we examine the properties of temperature spectra and heat-flux cospectra from between these extremes, i.e. from within the unstable SFL, in two experiments. The analysis is based on McNaughton’s model of the turbulence structure in the SFL. According to this model, heat is transported through most of the SFL by sheet plumes, created by the action of impinging outer eddies. The smallest and most effective of these outer eddies have sizes that scale on SFL depth, z s. The z s-scale eddies and plumes are organised within the overall convection pattern in the CBL, and in turn they organise the motion of smaller eddies within the SFL, whose sizes scale on height, z. The main experimental results are: (1) the peak amplitudes of the temperature spectra in the SFL are collapsed with a scaling factor (zsz)1/3eo2/3{(z_{\rm s}z)^{1/3}\varepsilon_{\rm o}^{2/3}} divided by the square of the surface temperature flux, where eo{\varepsilon_{\rm o}} is the dissipation rate of turbulent energy in the outer CBL (above the SFL); (2) the peak wavenumbers of the temperature spectra are collapsed with the mixed length scale (z i z s)1/2; (3) the peak wavenumbers of the heat-flux cospectra are collapsed with the doubly-mixed length scale (z i z s)1/4 z 1/2; (4) for z/z s < 0.03, the peak in the cospectrum is replaced by another peak at a wavenumber about a magnitude larger. This peak’s position scales on z; (5) all these findings are consistent with the observations of Smedman et al.  相似文献   

边界层特征参数对边界层顶垂直速度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵鸣 《大气科学》1994,18(4):413-422
本文从正斜压及有层结时的边界层相似理论及阻力定律出发,由边界层顶垂直速度与地面湍应力的关系求出了层结、粗糙度、它们的水平梯度及地转风的水平梯度、斜压性对w的影响的解析式,可用于模式计算。计算结果表明层结影响可使w差1-2个量级,不稳定时粗糙度影响也使w差几倍。除地转涡度决定w外,地转风、层结稳定度和粗糙度及其水平梯度也起了重要作用,还讨论了斜压性的影响。  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations (LES) of the continuously turbulent quasi-equilibrium stable boundary layer (SBL) are conducted with grid lengths in the range of 12.5 m to 2 m, in order to explore resolution sensitivity, and determine at what point grid convergence occurs. The structure of the mean potential temperature, winds, and turbulent fluxes varies significantly over this resolution range. The highest resolution simulations show a significant degree of convergence. The dimensionless momentum diffusivity asymptotes to a value of 0.06, corresponding to a limiting flux Richardson number of 0.15.Using the converged simulations, some scaling hypotheses underpinning first-order and second-order closure models are revisited. The effective Richardson number stability functions of the LES are compared with the forms often used in numerical weather prediction (NWP). The mixing implied by the LES is less than that used in NWP. The commonly used similarity profiles for heat and momentum fluxes, and the scalings for dissipation and pressure covariances are compared with the LES. This information could provide guidance for the next generation of SBL parametrization schemes.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - The correct simulation of pollutant dispersion in coastal regions demands understanding the turbulence structure of the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL), which...  相似文献   

Reliable predictions of the daytime dispersal of heavy particles in the unstable atmospheric boundary layer are important in a variety of disciplines. For many applications, particles disperse from area sources near the ground, and corresponding theoretical solutions are desired to reveal insight into the physical processes. Here, theoretical solutions recently developed for neutral conditions are modified to include the effects of atmospheric instability. The Obukhov length L O and convection velocity w ? are introduced to characterize the patterns of particle dispersion, in additional to friction velocity u ? and settling velocity w s used in the neutral case. The major effects of atmospheric instability are accounted for by modifying the vertical velocity variance profile and considering the ratio of velocity scales w ?/u ?. Theoretical predictions including the mean concentration profile, plume height, and horizontal transport above the source, and ground deposition flux downwind from the source agree well with large-eddy simulation results while the particle plume is within the atmospheric surface layer. The deposition curve is characterized by a power-law decay whose exponent depends on u ?, w s, and w ?. A second steeper power-law develops once the plume extends into the mixed layer. This effect is enhanced with increasing atmospheric instability, implying that particles disperse farther from the source.  相似文献   

赵鸣 《大气科学》2000,24(2):173-176
根据作者提出的含边界层层结特征参数如层结稳定度、粗糙度等的Ekman抽吸速度公式,研究了稳定度、粗糙度、斜压性等参数对旋转减弱的影响。计算实例表明,稳定度影响旋转减弱最强,典型的不稳定情况旋转减弱进行的速度比稳定时大一个量级;粗糙度的影响主要表现于层结不稳定时,陆上要比海上快2倍以上。斜压性在不稳定时也有影响,此外风速也是影响旋转减弱的主要因子。本文结论有助于边界层与自由大气间相互作用的认识,并能给出某些气压系统维持与衰减的可能解释。  相似文献   

Atmospheric boundary layer height(ABLH) is an important parameter used to depict characteristics of the planetary boundary layer(PBL) in the lower troposphere. The ABLH is strongly associated with the vertical distributions of heat, mass, and energy in the PBL, and it is a key quantity in numerical simulation of the PBL and plays an essential role in atmospheric environmental assessment. In this paper, various definitions and methods for deriving and estimating the ABLH are summarized, from the perspectives of turbulent motion, PBL dynamics and thermodynamics, and distributions of various substances in the PBL. Different methods for determining the ABLH by means of direct observation and remote sensing retrieval are reviewed, and comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are presented. The paper also summarizes the ABLH parameterization schemes, discusses current problems in the estimation of ABLH, and finally points out the directions for possible future breakthroughs in the ABLHrelated research and application.  相似文献   

We derive the turbulent structure parameters of temperature $C_{T}^2$ and humidity $C_q^2$ from high-resolution large-eddy simulations (LES) of a homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. Boundary conditions and model forcing were derived from measurements at Cabauw in The Netherlands. Three different methods to obtain the structure-parameters from LES are investigated. The shape of the vertical structure-parameter profiles from all three methods compare well with former experimental and LES results. Depending on the method, deviations in the magnitude up to a factor of two are found and traced back to the effects of discretization and numerical dissipation of the advection scheme. Furthermore, we validate the LES data with airborne and large-aperture scintillometer (LAS) measurements at Cabauw. Virtual path measurements are used to study the variability of $C_{T}^2$ in the mixed layer and surface layer and its implications for airborne and LAS measurements. A high variability of $C_{T}^2$ along a given horizontal path in the LES data is associated with plumes (high values) and downdrafts (low values). The path average of $C_{T}^2$ varies rapidly in time due to the limited path length. The LES results suggest that measured path averages require sufficient temporal averaging and an adequate ratio of path length to height above the ground for the LAS in order to approach the domain average of $C_{T}^2$ .  相似文献   

For the presentation and analysis of atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) data, scales are used to non-dimensionalise the observed quantities and independent variables. Usually, the ABL height, surface sensible heat flux and surface scalar flux are used. This works well, so long as the absolute values of the entrainment ratio for both the scalar and temperature are similar. The entrainment ratio for temperature naturally ranges from −0.4 to −0.1. However, the entrainment ratio for passive scalars can vary widely in magnitude and sign. Then the entrainment flux becomes relevant as well. The only customary scalar scale that takes into account both the surface flux and the entrainment flux is the bulk scalar scale, but this scale is not well-behaved for large negative entrainment ratios and for an entrainment ratio equal to −1. We derive a new scalar scale, using previously published large-eddy simulation results for the convective ABL. The scale is derived under the constraint that scaled scalar variance profiles are similar at those heights where the variance producing mechanisms are identical (i.e., either near the entrainment layer or near the surface). The new scale takes into account that scalar variance in the ABL is not only related to the surface flux of that scalar, but to the scalar entrainment flux as well. Furthermore, it takes into account that the production of variance by the entrainment flux is an order of magnitude larger than the production of variance by the surface flux (per unit flux). Other desirable features of the new scale are that it is always positive (which is relevant when scaling standard deviations) and that the scaled variances are always of order 1–10.  相似文献   

The vertical wind profiles determined by Doppler sodar and the water vapourmixing ratio profiles obtained by Raman lidar are used to estimate the atmosphericwater vapour flux profiles in the nocturnal urban boundary layer under unstableconditions. The experiment was conducted for several nights in the central areaof Rome under a variety of moisture conditions and different urban boundary-layerflow regimes. Despite some scatter in the profiles, the latent heat flux is found tobe positive throughout the depth of the nocturnal urban boundary-layer. Thelayer-averaged flux shows a variation between -4 to +40 W m-2, whileindividual values of flux in excess of +150 W m-2 pertain to a case offree convection during cold air advection caused by the sea breeze. The qualityof flux estimates is found to be highly limited by the low sampling rates employedin the experiment resulting in errors to the order of 60%. Therefore, the results mustbe viewed as estimates rather than precise measurements. The skewness profiles ofthe turbulent fluctuations of vertical velocity and water vapour mixing ratio are alsopositive.  相似文献   

Two empirical methods to detect coherent motions embedded in the flow field have been compared, namely the variable interval time average (VITA) method and a wavelet-based technique, both with artificial signals as well as velocity measurements from the atmospheric boundary layer over a forest canopy. It has been found that the wavelet method is slightly better than the VITA approach in coherent structure eduction, even if the results of both techniques are comparable. Also the application of the present approach to simultaneous conditionally sampled wind data has highlighted some important features of coherent structures and gust generation in canopy flows.  相似文献   


The nocturnal low-level jet (LLJ) and orographic (gravity) waves play an important role in the generation of turbulence and pollutant dispersion and can affect the energy production by wind turbines. Additionally, gravity waves have an influence on the local mixing and turbulence within the surface layer and the vertical flux of mass into the lower atmosphere. On 25 September 2017, during a field campaign, a persistent easterly LLJ and gravity waves were observed simultaneously in a coastal area in the north of France. We explore the variability of the wind speed, turbulent eddies, and turbulence kinetic energy in the time–frequency and space domain using an ultrasonic anemometer and a scanning wind lidar. The results reveal a significant enhancement of the turbulence-kinetic-energy dissipation (by?50%) due to gravity waves in the LLJ shear layer (below the jet core) during the period of wave propagation. Large magnitudes of zonal and vertical components of the shear stress (approximately 0.4 and 1.5 m2 s?2, respectively) are found during that period. Large eddies (scales of 110 to 280 m) matching the high-wind-speed regime are found to propagate the momentum downwards, which enhances the mass transport from the LLJ shear layer to the roughness layer. Furthermore, these large-scale eddies are associated with the crests while comparatively small-scale eddies are associated with the troughs of the gravity wave.


Success in scaling the very stable boundary layer has been mixed. One possible reason for this is that wave-turbulence interaction can result in significant energy coupling between turbulence within the planetary boundary layer and the mean flow outside the PBL. Three regimes are described where wave-turbulence interaction forms a significant part of the dynamics. In the first, energy and momentum flows are confined within the PBL and do not preclude local scaling. In the other two, which involve topographically forced waves and propagating waves respectively, energy/momentum transfers across the PBL make success in local scaling unlikely.  相似文献   

Radiative aerosols are known to influence the surface energy budget and hence the evolution of the planetary boundary layer. In this study, we develop a method to estimate the aerosol-induced reduction in the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH) based on two years of ground-based measurements at a site, the Station for Observing Regional Processes of the Earth System(SORPES), at Nanjing University, China, and radiosonde data from the meteorological station of Nanjing. The observations show that increased aerosol loads lead to a mean decrease of 67.1 W m-2for downward shortwave radiation(DSR) and a mean increase of 19.2 W m-2for downward longwave radiation(DLR), as well as a mean decrease of 9.6W m-2for the surface sensible heat flux(SHF) in the daytime. The relative variations of DSR, DLR and SHF are shown as a function of the increment of column mass concentration of particulate matter(PM2.5). High aerosol loading can significantly increase the atmospheric stability in the planetary boundary layer during both daytime and nighttime. Based on the statistical relationship between SHF and PM2.5column mass concentrations, the SHF under clean atmospheric conditions(same as the background days) is derived. In this case, the derived SHF, together with observed SHF, are then used to estimate changes in the PBLH related to aerosols. Our results suggest that the PBLH decreases more rapidly with increasing aerosol loading at high aerosol loading. When the daytime mean column mass concentration of PM2.5reaches 200 mg m-2, the decrease in the PBLH at 1600 LST(local standard time) is about 450 m.  相似文献   

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