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Carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks in the northwestern Russian Platform (eastern Ladoga Klint, Lynna River, and Babino quarry sections) are considered. In the studied section interval, average δ13C and δ18O values are 0 ± 0.5 and ?5 ± 0.5‰ (V-PDB), respectively. Two closely-spaced negative carbon isotope excursions with the amplitude of 2‰ are established near the Lower-Middle Ordovician boundary (between the Floian and Dapingian stages). The lower part of the Darriwilian Stage is marked by the gradual decrease in δ13C values to 1‰. Excursions of δ13C do not correlate with δ18O variations and can be considered as primary. The carbon isotope event defined at the Lower-Middle Ordovician boundary is traceable at the interregional level and represents a promising stratigraphic reference level. It may likely be explained by decrease in the relative rate of organic matter burial due to sea level fall and expansion of well-aerated shallow-water basins with a low primary production of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The Vindhyan sedimentary succession in central India spans a wide time bracket from the Paleoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic period. Chronostratigraphic significance of stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the carbonate phase in Vindhyan sediments has been discussed in some recent studies. However, the subtle controls of facies variation, depositional setting and post-depositional diagenesis on stable isotope compositions are not yet clearly understood. The Vindhyan Supergroup hosts four carbonate units, exhibiting a wide variability in depositional processes and paleogeography. A detailed facies-specific carbon and oxygen isotope study of the carbonate units was undertaken by us to investigate the effect of these processes and to identify the least altered isotope values. It is seen that both carbon and oxygen isotope compositions have been affected by early meteoric water diagenesis. The effect of diagenetic alteration is, however, more pronounced in case of oxygen isotopes than carbon isotopes. Stable isotope compositions remained insensitive to facies only when sediments accumulated in a shallow shelf setting without being exposed. Major alteration of original isotope ratios was observed in case of shallow marine carbonates, which became exposed to meteoric fluids during early diagenetic stage. Duration of exposure possibly determined the magnitude of alteration and shift from the original values. Moreover, dolomitization is found to be accompanied by appreciable alteration of isotope compositions in some of the carbonates. The present study suggests that variations in sediment depositional settings, in particular the possibility of subaerial exposure, need to be considered while extracting chronostratigraphic significance from δ13C data.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of isotope studies of the Upper Devonian (Famennian) suprasalt complex carried out with core material of exploratory borehole 71 drilled at the northwestern margin of the Pripyat Trough. Lithological features of the rocks point to a high degree of postsedimentary transformation of rocks. Significant role in these transformations was played by evaporites and related brines and the presence of hydrocarbons in the sequence. Such a combination provides insight into the behavior of isotope systems under conditions of the geochemical transformation of sedimentary material. The combined application of several isotope (δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr) methods made it possible to consider the complex mechanisms of compositional and isotopic transformation of rocks in the course of their lithogenetic alterations. The source material can be deduced with a high probability from the Rb-Sr systematics of the clayey component of marls.  相似文献   

The paper describes the results of study of the Silurian clayey–carbonate rocks ranging from the Telychian Stage (Llandovery) to the Gorstian Stage (Ludlow) recovered by the Borehole Davtyuny 3k in northwestern Belarus. Rocks of the Sheinwoodian Stage demonstrate a positive excursion of δ13C with amplitude of 4.7‰, marking the Ireviken biotic event recorded in the global chemostratigraphic curve. Values of δ18O for the carbonate material in the studied section (25.5–29.2‰ SMOW) are close to those for Silurian rocks from the Baltic region, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Poland, and Canada. The whole section contains postsedimentary gypsum as nodules and the infilling of fissures and fenestrae. Values of δ34S in gypsum (21.3–26.7‰ CDT) are close to those for the Silurian rocks on the Phanerozoic isotope plot. The formation of gypsum was related to a partial development of the supralittoral environment over the sublittoral and littoral clayey–carbonate substrate. The seawater accumulated in lowlands of the supralittoral plain after storms was intensely concentrated during arid conditions and accumulated in the clayey–carbonate sediment. The subsequent underground evaporation promoted the formation of gypsum as nodules in the unlithified sediments and the infilling of fissures and fenestrae in the lithified rocks.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2002,113(1-2):43-63
Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope compositions of carbonate rocks of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup, central India suggest that they can be correlated with the isotope evolution curves of marine carbonates during the latter Proterozoic. The carbonate rocks of the Lower Vindhyan Supergroup from eastern Son Valley and central Vindhyan sections show δ13C values of ∼0‰ (V-PDB) and those from Rajasthan section are enriched up to +2.8‰. In contrast, the carbonate rocks of the Upper Vindhyan succession record both positive and negative shifts in δ13C compositions. In the central Vindhyan section, the carbonates exhibit positive δ13C values up to +5.7‰ and those from Rajasthan show negative values down to –5.2‰. The δ18O values of most of the carbonate rocks from the Vindhyan Supergroup show a narrow range between –10 and –5‰ (V-PDB) and are similar to the ‘best preserved’ 18O compositions of the Proterozoic carbonate rocks. In the central Vindhyan and eastern Son Valley sections, carbonates from the Lower Vindhyan exhibit best-preserved 87Sr/86Sr compositions of 0.7059±6, which are lower compared to those from Rajasthan (0.7068±4). The carbonates with positive δ13C values from Upper Vindhyan are characterized by lower 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7068±2) than those with negative δ13C values (0.7082±6). A comparison of C and Sr isotope data of carbonate rocks of the Vindhyan Supergroup with isotope evolution curves of the latter Proterozoic along with available geochronological data suggest that the Lower Vindhyan sediments were deposited during the Mesoproterozoic Eon and those from the Upper Vindhyan represent a Neoproterozoic interval of deposition.  相似文献   

野外观测发现,在新疆柯坪地区蓬莱坝剖面,中寒武统阿瓦塔格组(C2a)至下奥陶统蓬莱坝组(O1p)的碳酸盐岩在剖面上存在不同尺度的沉积旋回:体系域级、米级旋回级、藻纹层级.对49件样品进行微区取样,共得到98件样品,对其进行了精细的不同尺度沉积旋回碳氧同位素组成的分析研究.结果表明,碳酸盐岩样品的δ13C值(PDB)分布在-1.6‰~1.6‰之间,平均为-0.5‰,δ18O值(PDB)为-12.7‰~-4.3‰,平均-6.2‰,因此,除了明显受到后期成岩蚀变作用(退白云岩化)的藻碳酸盐岩外,其余样品的碳氧同位素组成总体位于正常的海相碳酸盐岩沉积范围内.在体系域尺度上,对于Ⅲ2旋回层序高水位体系域(C2a1),海平面变化是控制碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素组成的主要因素;对于Ⅲ3旋回层序(C2a2-O1p),伴随海平面的升降变化,岩石沉积微环境复杂多变.在米级旋回尺度上,米级旋回的形成除了受高频海平面变化影响外,还受到古构造、古气候的叠加影响.在藻纹层旋回尺度上,δ13C值比δ18O值更能反映藻纹层的旋回性变化特征,藻纹层的形成受控于有机质沉积速率的季节性变化.  相似文献   

王坤  李伟  陆进  张朝军 《地球化学》2011,(4):351-362
利用微量元素和碳、氧同位素特征对样品有效性作出了检验.在证明样品未受明显蚀变的前提下对川东地区石炭系碳酸盐岩碳、氧、锶同位素进行了分析.在层序地层格架中对比不同体系域、不同岩性的碳、氧同位素特征,87Sr/86Sr比值特征,Z值与古温度特征,分析了碳酸盐岩的成岩环境.低位体系域以膏盐湖及萨巴哈环境为主,炎热干旱,陆源淡...  相似文献   

李龙  郑永飞等 《岩石学报》2002,18(1):109-116
硅酸盐岩中总是或多或少地含有一些微量碳酸盐,但是至今尚未对其碳氧同位素地球化学开展研究。本文建立了对硅酸盐岩中微量碳酸盐的碳氧同位素分析方法,并以大别山双河地区两种片麻岩为例,讨论了其地球化学应用。通过对比实验证明,微量法通常可将碳含量检出限降低至5μg/g。对大别山双河两种片麻岩中微量碳酸盐的碳氧同位素测量发现,黑云母副片麻与花岗质正片麻岩具有明显不同的特征。副片麻岩的碳含量较高,δ^13值为-4.5‰-0‰,批示其原岩为正常海相沉积环境,并与邻近大理岩原岩的灰岩沉积环境不同。正片麻岩的碳含量较低,δ^13值为-23.4‰--2.1‰,反映出地表有机碳对岩浆岩原岩的混染。两种片麻岩中碳酸盐与硅酸盐全岩之间的氧同位素分馏既仍处于平衡状态,也有处于不平衡状态。不平衡分馏指示其受到过后期退变质流体的影响。不过,变质岩中微量碳酸盐的碳含量和碳机位素比值分析能够对原岩类型提供有效的区别。  相似文献   

对青藏高原北部地区新生代陆相地层中湖相碳酸盐岩进行了系统采样分析,以碳氧同位素作为古环境和古气候变化的替代指标,试图从古湖泊演化的角度,阐明高原新生代早期环境演变历史和过程。研究结果表明,该区所有分析样品中生物碎屑灰岩类样品的δ18O和δ13C显示最低值,反映它们沉积在一个水体滞留时间短的开放性淡水湖泊系统中。泥晶灰岩类样品的δ18O和δ13C之间具有正相关关系,表明它们发育在蒸发作用明显的封闭性咸水湖泊体系中,而叠层石灰岩类明显富集13C可能与微生物活动有关。从始新世到渐新世至中新世,湖相碳酸盐岩δ18O值具有逐渐增大的趋势,δ13C则由古近纪的负值变为新近纪的正值,反映该区古湖泊系统经历了一个由开放到封闭的过程,预示古近纪到新近纪之交高原古气候格局发生了重大变革。  相似文献   

We present analyses of stable isotopic ratios 17O/16O, 18O/16O, 34S/32S, and 33S/32S, 36S/32S in sulfate leached from volcanic ash of a series of well known, large and small volcanic eruptions. We consider eruptions of Mt. St. Helens (Washington, 1980, ∼1 km3), Mt. Spurr (Alaska, 1953, <1 km3), Gjalp (Iceland, 1996, 1998, <1 km3), Pinatubo (Phillipines, 1991, 10 km3), Bishop tuff (Long Valley, California, 0.76 Ma, 750 km3), Lower Bandelier tuff (Toledo Caldera, New Mexico, 1.61 Ma, 600 km3), and Lava Creek and Huckleberry Ridge tuffs (Yellowstone, Wyoming, 0.64 Ma, 1000 km3 and 2.04 Ma 2500 km3, respectively). This list covers much of the diversity of sizes and the character of silicic volcanic eruptions. Particular emphasis is paid to the Lava Creek tuff for which we present wide geographic sample coverage.This global dataset spans a significant range in δ34S, δ18O, and Δ17O of sulfate (29‰, 30‰, and 3.3‰, respectively) with oxygen isotopes recording mass-independent (Δ17O > 0.2‰) and sulfur isotopes exhibiting mass-dependent behavior. Products of large eruptions account for most of‘ these isotopic ranges. Sulfate with Δ17O > 0.2‰ is present as 1-10 μm gypsum crystals on distal ash particles and records the isotopic signature of stratospheric photochemical reactions. Sediments that embed ash layers do not contain sulfate or contain little sulfate with Δ17O near 0‰, suggesting that the observed sulfate in ash is of volcanic origin.Mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopic ratios suggests that sulfate-forming reactions did not involve photolysis of SO2, like that inferred for pre-2.3 Ga sulfates from Archean sediments or Antarctic ice-core sulfate associated with few dated eruptions. Even though the sulfate sulfur isotopic compositions reflect mass-dependent processes, the products of caldera-forming eruptions display a large δ34S range and exhibit fractionation relationships that do not follow the expected equilibrium slopes of 0.515 and 1.90 for 33S/32S vs. 34S/32S and 36S/32S vs. 34S/32S, respectively. The data presented here are consistent with modification of a chemical mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the volcanic plume by either a kinetic gas phase reaction of volcanic SO2 with OH and/or a Rayleigh processes involving a residual Rayleigh reactant—volcanic SO2 gas, rather than a Rayleigh product. These results may also imply at least two removal pathways for SO2 in volcanic plumes.Above-zero Δ17O values and their positive correlation with δ18O in sulfate can be explained by oxidation by high-δ18O and high-Δ17O compounds such as ozone and radicals such as OH that result from ozone break down. Large caldera-forming eruptions have the highest Δ17O values, and the largest range of δ18O, which can be explained by stratospheric reaction with ozone-derived OH radicals. These results suggest that massive eruptions are capable of causing a temporary depletion of the ozone layer. Such depletion may be many times that of the measured 3-8% depletion following 1991 Pinatubo eruption, if the amount of sulfur dioxide released scales with the amount of ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Results of the study of isotopic compositions of C, O, S, and Sr in late Precambrian sections of the Patom Complex and its analogues are presented. Total scatter in δ13C values is more than 21‰ (from ?13.5 to 8.1‰). The sections strongly differ in thickness, but they have similar carbon isotope curves with two dramatic drops in δ13C from extremely high (>4‰) to extremely low (13C values (from 7 to 8‰) are typical of the glacial horizon underlying the Mariinsk Formation, as well as the Barakun and Valyukhta formations and their analogues, which separate negative excursions. The minimum 87Sr/86Sr ratios in limestones of the Kumukulakh (0.70725), Barakun (0.70727), Valyukhta (0.70769), Nikol’skoe (0.707904), Chencha (0.70786) and Torgo (0.70799) formations suggest the accumulation of sediments 660–580 Ma ago. Correspondingly, glacial diamictites of the Nichatka and Dzhemkukan (Bol’shoi Patom) formations can be correlated with the early stage of the Marinoan glaciation (635–665 Ma); the Zhuya Formation, with transgression that terminates the late stage of the same glaciation or the Gaskiers glaciation (580 Ma). Problems related to the genesis of carbonate rocks with extremely high and low δ13C values will be considered in the second communication.  相似文献   

The behavior of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in carbonates during the deposition and diagenesis of sediments in the bioproductive Upper Famennian Pripyat Trough (southern Belarus) is discussed. Limestones and clayey limestones (Corg 0.92 ± 0.11%) are characterized by very low δ13C values (–9.6 ± 0.3‰). Parental sediments of these rocks were deposited in the shallow-water zone during slow downwarping episodes of the seafloor. Lithification of the sediments took place in oxidative conditions of the diagenesis zone. Organic matter was actively oxidized by free oxygen. Carbon dioxide with isotopically light organic carbon formed in this process was used during the crystallization of diagenetic carbonates that are visually indiscernible from the sedimentational variety. Marls, clayey marls, and carbonate-bearing clays (Corg 6.02 ± 0.80%) are characterized by δ13C values as high as –3.5 ± 0.6‰. In combustible shales (Corg >10%), δ13C value is ‒1.2 ± 0.6‰). The clayey rocks mark the episodes of sedimentation in relatively deep-water conditions that appear during the uncompensated sagging of the basin floor. The diagenetic zone with free oxygen was significantly decreased or absent at all. Here, oxygen of marine sulfates was the main or single oxidizer of organic matter (sulfate reduction). The sulfate oxygen is a weaker oxidizing agent than free oxygen. Therefore, much more organic matter was retained and fossilized in clayey rocks than in carbonate rocks. Organic carbon released during the sulfate reduction and mobilized later for the diagenetic carbonate formation was insufficient for the significant decrease of δ13C values relative to the marine carbonate standard. Isotopic composition of carbonate oxygen in the studied rocks is invariable and does not depend on the content of clay and organic matter. In these rocks, δ18O values are at the level (approximately –5‰) shown for the Famennian in the Global Chemostratigraphic Chart. This fact is consistent with the supposition that oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric precipitates, which influenced the rock formation via continental flow, is close to that of sea water in low latitudes where the territory of Belarus was located in the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

辽西凌源雾迷山组碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素和Mn/Sr比值数据反映了碳酸盐岩的原始沉积特征。δ13CPDB数值范围-2‰~2‰,δ18OPDB数值范围为-10‰~-4‰,其平均值分别为0.15‰,-6.2‰,碳同位素组成具有旋回性变化特征。在雾迷山组一段中上部,δ13C表现出明显的正漂移,可能为藻类的大量繁殖、有机碳增加所引起。δ18O的增加为气候变冷和冰川作用的结果。在δ13C为负值的层段,δ18O数值较高。碳氧同位素组成的这种特征可能与海平面变化有关。  相似文献   

We present a model of bacterial sulfate reduction that includes equations describing the fractionation relationship between the sulfur and the oxygen isotope composition of residual sulfate (δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual) and the amount of residual sulfate. The model is based exclusively on oxygen isotope exchange between cell-internal sulfur compounds and ambient water as the dominating mechanism controlling oxygen isotope fractionation processes. We show that our model explains δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns observed from natural environments and from laboratory experiments, whereas other models, favoring kinetic isotope fractionation processes as dominant process, fail to explain many (but not all) observed δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns. Moreover, we show that a “typical” δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual slope does not exist. We postulate that measurements of δ34SSO4_residual and δ18OSO4_residual can be used as a tool to determine cell-specific sulfate reduction rates, oxygen isotope exchange rates, and equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange factors. Data from culture experiments are used to determine the range of sulfur isotope fractionation factors in which a simplified set of equations can be used. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the equations. We postulate that, during denitrification, the oxygen isotope effects in residual nitrate are also the result of oxygen isotope exchange with ambient water. Consequently, the equations for the relationship between δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual, and the amount of residual sulfate could be modified and used to calculate the fractionation-relationship between δ15NNO3_residual, δ18ONO3_residual, and the amount of residual nitrate during denitrification.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of carbonate rocks is widely used for the reconstruction of sedimentation paleoenvironment. Of special interest is the study of the Upper Proterozoic-Cambrian interval—the turning point in the Earth’s geological evolution. Rocks of this age show the widest variations in the carbon isotopic composition of carbonates typically correlated with epochs of global glaciations and change in the CO2 regime. In this paper, we attempted to show that carbon isotopic variations often indicate postsedimentary alterations of carbonates and reflect the specific geochemical transformations of the rocks. Study of variations of carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions in the Vendian-Cambrian rocks provide insight into lithogenetic processes.  相似文献   

The carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope compositions of carbonate rocks from the upper Miocene Kudankulam Formation, southern India, were measured to understand palaeoenvironment and carbonate diagenesis of this formation. Both carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of various carbonate phases including whole rocks, ooids, molluscan mold-fill and sparry pore-fill calcite cements are depleted in 18O and 13C compared to those of contemporaneous seawater, indicating that the Kudankulam carbonates underwent extensive meteoric diagenesis. Based on δ13C and δ18O values for sparry calcite cements (pore-fill and molluscan mold-fill) formed in the meteoric diagenetic realm (δ13C from −7.8‰ to −6.0‰ and −9.0‰ to −7.0‰; δ18O from −9.2‰ to −6.5‰ and −9.4‰ to −2.6‰, respectively), it is interpreted that the diagenetic system was open and was proximal to the vadose water recharge zone. The negative δ18O values of various carbonate components (about −9.4‰ to −4.1‰ for whole rocks; about −8.4‰ to −2.6‰ for ooids) suggest that during the late Miocene the paleoclimate of the study area was humid, unlike today, probably due to the intense Indian monsoon system. The carbon isotope compositions (−7.9‰ to −3.6‰ for whole rocks; −4.9‰ to −1.5‰ for ooids) are consistent with the interpretation that the paleo-ecosystem comprised a significant proportion of C4 type plants, supporting a scenario of expansion of C4 plants during the late Miocene in the Indian subcontinent as far south as the southern tip of India. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Kudankulam carbonates (0.70920 to 0.72130) are much greater than those of the contemporaneous or modern seawater (between 0.7089 and 0.7091) and show a general decrease up-sequence. Such high Sr isotope ratios indicate significant radiogenic 87Sr influx to the system from the Archean rocks exposed in the drainage area, implying that the deep-seated Archean rocks were already exposed in southern India by the late Miocene.  相似文献   

川西甘孜-理塘结合带碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文对甘孜-理塘结合带中段出露的碳酸盐岩进行了详细的野外地质调查,按其产状可分为两类:覆于玄武岩之上的碳酸盐岩构造岩片和包裹于玄武岩内的厘米-米级不规则棱角状碳酸盐岩砾岩块。经碳酸盐岩碳、氧同位素测试分析,前者δ13C值主体位于0.113‰~1.625‰之间,δ18O数值为-10.263‰~-5.745‰,总体变化较小,有小幅震荡;而后者δ13C值明显较前者大,为4.254‰~3.786‰,δ18O数值则明显偏小,为-13.471‰~-13.592‰,总体变化量较前者更小,具明显的后期成岩作用改造特征。所有样品Z值均大于123,表明研究区内碳酸盐岩为正常海相碳酸盐岩;结合玄武岩地球化学分析数据认为,碳酸盐岩总体沉积于海山环境,且包裹于其中的碳酸盐岩角砾岩块要早于上覆大套碳酸盐岩形成。  相似文献   

Several techniques have been introduced in the last decades for the dehydration and release of O2 from biogenic silica (opal-A) for oxygen-isotope analysis. However, only one silica standard is universally available: a quartz standard (NBS28) distributed by the IAEA, Vienna. Hence, there is a need for biogenic silica working standards. This paper compares the existing methods of oxygen-isotope analyses of opal-A and aims to characterize additional possible working standards to calibrate the δ18O values of biogenic silica. For this purpose, an inter-laboratory comparison was organized. Six potential working standard materials were analysed repeatedly against NBS28 by eight participating laboratories using their specific analytical methods. The materials cover a wide range of δ18O values (+23 to +43‰) and include diatoms (marine, lacustrine), phytoliths and synthetically-produced hydrous silica. To characterize the proposed standards, chemical analyses and imaging by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also performed. Despite procedural differences at each laboratory, all methods are in reasonable agreement with a standard deviation (SD) for δ18O values between 0.3‰ and 0.9‰ (1σ). Based on the results, we propose four additional biogenic silica working standards (PS1772-8: 42.8‰; BFC: 29.0‰; MSG60: 37.0‰; G95-25-CL leaves: 36.6‰) for δ18O analyses, available on request through the relevant laboratories.  相似文献   

红色碳酸盐岩是华南奥陶系的一种具有紫红—砖红色调的代表性沉积岩,其中可能蕴含特殊的古环境信息。湖南湘西三百洞地区具有一条出露良好、厚层为主的红色碳酸盐岩剖面,主要发育于大湾组和牯牛潭组内,文章对该段地层采集了355件碳、氧同位素和Mn、Sr元素分析样品,以及10件牙形刺化石样品进行研究。根据牙形刺样品约束,大湾组底界可能大致相当于弗洛阶顶界,大湾组和牯牛潭组界线在达瑞威尔阶中下部,牯牛潭组顶界大致相当于达瑞威尔阶顶界。据显微薄片鉴定、δ13C-δ18O相关性分析和Mn-Sr元素评估,推断样品受到成岩作用影响不大。355件同位素测试样品显示三百洞剖面的δ13C和δ18O均为低幅高频振荡,δ13C在-0.38‰~1.67‰之间,δ18O在-9.34‰~-7.21‰之间,其中可与全球对比的同位素事件有大坪阶底部碳同位素负漂事件(BDNICE)和达瑞威尔阶中部碳同位素漂移事件(MDICE),可以间接对比的有达瑞威尔阶下部碳同位素负漂事件(LDNICE),此外还有2...  相似文献   

扬子地台寒武系碳酸盐岩的碳同位素组成及地质意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
贵州金沙地区寒武系上部娄山关组岩性单一,为蒸发相白云岩,生物化石稀少,沉积时代归属不清.为寻找地层对比与划分的岩石地球化学标志,按5 m的样品间距对贵州金沙地区相邻的长岩沟剖面、岩孔剖面寒武系采集了250件碳、氧同位素样品进行测试分析,对其演化趋势进行了研究.结果表明,贵州金沙地区寒武系碳同位素组成演化表现出4次显著负漂移和3次显著的正漂移.负漂移分布于清虚洞组中部(NE-1)、陡坡寺组下部(NE-2)、陡坡寺组与娄山关组的分界处(NE-3)、及娄山关组下部(NE-4),δ13C值分别降低到-2.3‰0、-2.6‰o、-6.2‰和-4.8‰;正漂移分布于清虚洞组底部(PE-1)、顶部(PE-2)及娄山关组上部(PE-3),δ13C值分别上升到1.3‰、2.1‰和2.6‰.δ13C的演化趋势可与世界各大陆寒武系δ13C演化趋势对比,它将娄山关组下部、中部、上部分别划归全球寒武系第二统上部、第三统及第四统.  相似文献   

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