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Clayey subgrade soil requires treatment in order to make the subgrade stable for pavement structures. Treatment of clayey soil i.e. stabilization of clayey soil by cement, lime, and fly ash are established techniques used in geotechnical and highway engineering. Stabilization by alkali activation of fly ash is reported recently but literatures are limited. Present study investigates the stress strain behavior, peak stress and ultimate strain of clayey soil stabilized by slag and slag-fly ash blending by alkali activation. The peak stress as high as 25.0 N/mm2 may be obtained at 50% slags content when 12 molar sodium hydroxide solutions were used. Peak stress, ultimate strain and slope of stress–strain curve of stabilized clay are controlled by Na/Al and Si/Al ratios. Stress–strain response and peak stress of slag and fly ash blended specimen are not governed by Na/Al and Si/Al ratios; rather the behavior is dependent predominantly on slag content.  相似文献   

Material engineers are continually confronted by depletion of quality construction materials for road and airfield construction. Even if good quality construction materials for road and airfield are available, the haul costs may preclude their use. Stabilization of soils in order to improve strength and durability properties often relies on cement, lime, fly ash, and asphalt emulsion. These materials are inexpensive, relatively easy to apply, and provide benefits to many different soil types. In addition, there are a variety of nontraditional soil stabilization/modification additives available from the commercial sector such as polymer emulsions, acids, lignin derivatives, enzymes, tree resin emulsions, and silicates. These additives may be in liquid or solid state and are often touted to be applicable for most soils. Polymers may be easy to apply in permeable materials such as sand and may achieve good stabilization in relatively shorter periods of time. These polymer materials can be used for stabilizing, soil in road shoulders, slopes, and pads of military and emergency airports. In addition, these types of materials can be used to prevent the movement of the dune sands on the sides of railroads and stabilizing the dust on the surface of access roads. Within the present research, two different polymers of wide range of dosages have been applied. Following results have been achieved: (1) These polymers improve the compressive strength from 0.03 N/mm2 for control sample to 5.2 N/mm2 for improved sample. (2) The optimum curing time of dune sands with different polymers is 7 days. (3) The UC strength of stabilized samples soars with an increase in the temperature, in the first 24 h of the curing process. (4) When the concentration of salt increased from 1 to 10 percent, UC strength of stabilized samples decreased.  相似文献   

一种测试岩石拉伸和压缩弹性模量的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李炜  尹建国 《岩土力学》1998,19(3):93-96
介绍一种利用同一试件,在一次加载过程中就可获得岩石试件的拉伸和压缩弹性模量的方法,并对几种花岗岩进行了初步的测试研究,测试结果证明这种测试方法是可行的。  相似文献   

综合《场地环境评价导则》与美国超级基金法案的风险评价导则中环境风险评价的方法和要求,以武汉某化工厂污染场地为例,探讨土壤中锑的环境风险评价方法;并从人体健康评价与生态风险评价出发,就经口摄入、皮肤接触、呼吸吸入锑污染物对成人和儿童进行健康风险定量计算,并评价锑污染物的生态风险。结果表明:该废弃场地内污染土壤虽然不属于危险废物,土壤中有机物和大部分重金属含量均处于相应标准限制以下,但部分区域锑含量偏高,最高质量分数达到1 262.7×10-6,66%的土壤样品锑质量分数大于推荐修复值26×10-6;污染土壤的非致癌风险非常大;污染土壤对生物具有一定的生态毒理学影响,场地土壤须进行修复后才能使用。  相似文献   

有机物污染的土壤治理方法及研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
污染土壤的修复已成为环境保护研究的一个重点。本基干有机物污染土壤治理的最新进展,介绍有机物污染土壤的物理、化学、生物、植物治理方法。并讨论了各种治理方法的最新动态与存在问题。  相似文献   

放射性污染土的特性与去污技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
放射性污染场地对公众安全和环境的潜在危害很大,其清理往往涉及巨大数量的污染岩土,技术困难和经济代价都很大。去污就是减少污土体积的重要办法之一。讨论了钚受化学爆作用分散于土中的深度分布、粒度分布和放射性分布以及钚与土共存的形态特征。介绍了放射性分选、湿法筛分快速分选、选矿分选等最主要的钚分离方法,提出了某场区内污染严重场地去污的基本策略:“减容为主、回收为辅,简便高效、安全经济”。还建议了土壤去污的  相似文献   

A discrete element model is proposed to examine rock strength and failure. The model is implemented by UDEC which is developed for this purpose. The material is represented as a collection of irregular-sized deformable particles interacting at their cohesive boundaries. The interface between two adjacent particles is viewed as a flexible contact whose stress–displacement law is assumed to control the material fracture and fragmentation process. To reproduce rock anisotropy, an innovative orthotropic cohesive law is developed for contact which allows the interfacial shear and tensile behaviours to be different from each other. The model is applied to a crystallized igneous rock and the individual and interactional effects of the microstructural parameters on the material compressive and tensile failure response are examined. A new methodical calibration process is also established. It is shown that the model successfully reproduces the rock mechanical behaviour quantitatively and qualitatively. Ultimately, the model is used to understand how and under what circumstances micro-tensile and micro-shear cracking mechanisms control the material failure at different loading paths.  相似文献   

蒸汽注射法是一种新近发展起来并对包气带非水相液体(NAPLs)污染修复具有较好应用前景的修复方法。为了探讨热蒸汽在非饱和多孔介质中的运移特征和蒸汽注射技术修复氯苯污染土壤的效果,本文通过一维模拟柱分别开展了热蒸汽在多孔介质中的迁移规律实验和蒸汽注射修复氯苯实验。研究表明:模拟柱中给定点处温度随时间变化可分为环境温度段、升温段和饱和蒸汽温度段3个阶段,随着温度锋面向下迁移,其迁移速度逐渐减小;模拟柱中的压力分布在蒸汽覆盖区域且空间分布呈线性规律,给定点处的压力随时间先增加后趋于平稳;实验结束后测得的水饱和度随蒸汽迁移距离的增加逐渐增加。在注入蒸汽质量流量为0.3 kg/h和氯苯初始质量分数为56.8 mg/kg的条件下,热蒸汽修复细砂中氯苯3.5 h后去除率达98.0%。模拟柱底部因蒸汽冷凝水达到饱和而产生出流液,出流10 min时出流液中氯苯最大质量浓度达到152.98 mg/L,70 min后出流液中氯苯质量浓度低于7.00 mg/L;介质中氯苯质量分数随距离的增加而增加,最大残留量为0.36 mg/kg。蒸汽注射法有效地改善了SVE(土壤气相抽提)法"拖尾"现象。  相似文献   

Importance of Tensile Strength on the Shear Behavior of Discontinuities   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
In this study, the shear behavior of discontinuities possessing two different rock wall types with distinct separate compressive strengths was investigated. The designed profiles consisted of regular artificial joints molded by five types of plaster mortars, each representing a distinct uniaxial compressive strength. The compressive strengths of plaster specimens ranged from 5.9 to 19.5 MPa. These specimens were molded considering a regular triangular asperity profile and were designed so as to achieve joint walls with different strength material combinations. The results showed that the shear behavior of discontinuities possessing different joint wall compressive strengths (DDJCS) tested under constant normal load (CNL) conditions is the same as those possessing identical joint wall strengths, but the shear strength of DDJCS is governed by minor joint wall compressive strength. In addition, it was measured that the predicted values obtained by Barton’s empirical criterion are greater than the experimental results. The finding indicates that there is a correlation between the joint roughness coefficient (JRC), normal stress, and mechanical strength. It was observed that the mode of failure of asperities is either pure tensile, pure shear, or a combination of both. Therefore, Barton’s strength criterion, which considers the compressive strength of joint walls, was modified by substituting the compressive strength with the tensile strength. The validity of the modified criterion was examined by the comparison of the predicted shear values with the laboratory shear test results reported by Grasselli (Ph.D. thesis n.2404, Civil Engineering Department, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2001). These comparisons infer that the modified criterion can predict the shear strength of joints more precisely.  相似文献   

凹凸棒石用于修复铜锌镉重金属污染土壤的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用凹凸棒石黏土矿物优异的物化性能对采集的安徽铜陵地区重金属污染土壤进行盆栽修复试验,以降低种植蔬菜中重金属污染物的有效态含量。凹凸棒石与矿区土壤的质量配比设置5组(1∶10、1∶20、1∶40、1∶100以及原土),选择适宜在北京生长的四季小白菜和北京快菜进行种植,盆栽试验结果表明,使用凹凸棒石黏土矿物可以将土壤的pH值提高到5~8,改善了矿区的土壤环境条件,提高黏土矿物对重金属的吸附性能;通过适量添加凹凸棒石黏土矿物,对Cu元素的平均修复率达到31.50%,Zn元素的平均修复率达到26.15%,Cd元素的平均修复率达到34.92%,能够有效减少蔬菜对Cu、Zn、Cd三种重金属元素的吸收。凹凸棒石与土壤的质量比为1∶20时,对污染土壤的修复效果最佳。  相似文献   

目前对均质边坡稳定性受岩土体抗拉强度影响程度的看法不一,尤其是对不同坡度的边坡受抗拉强度的影响甚至有相反意见。基于有限差分程序FLAC3D提供的考虑张拉-剪切复合破坏的Mohr-Coulomb准则,采用强度折减法对多个典型均质边坡进行一系列数值计算,研究土体抗拉强度对不同坡度边坡稳定性的影响。结果表明:边坡越陡,土体抗拉强度对安全系数的影响越大;抗拉强度取值对直立边坡的稳定安全系数及变形破坏特征影响显著,对45°及以下边坡的影响相对较小。总体来说,对于坡角超过60°的陡坡,土体抗拉强度不同引起的边坡安全系数变化幅度可达10%以上,应在边坡稳定分析中特别注意,避免因土体抗拉强度取值过大或过小而导致计算结果偏于危险或过于保守。  相似文献   

沈忠言  王家澄 《冰川冻土》1996,18(3):262-268
土体地单轴拉应力作用下,轴向经历变形,结构发生本质性的变化,径向同时出现收缩。这种应变特性改变了矿物颗粒间的微应力场,它是土体在径向上发生颗粒错位,定向排列,微裂隙等发育等结构变化的源动力。  相似文献   

Clays treated with lower cement contents often exhibit behaviour similar to stiff clays with planar failure surface under triaxial compression. In the present work the behaviour of a marine clay treated with 5 % cement, subjected to undrained triaxial compression tests is studied. The pre-consolidation pressure of the cemented clay due to the cementation bonding is observed to be very high. It is attempted to model the behaviour of cement treated clay using a bounding surface plasticity formulation as the plastic behaviour of the cemented clays within the yield surface has to be considered. The effect of cementation is included in the model as the pre-consolidation pressure obtained from consolidation tests. The tensile strength due to cementation bonds is included in the equation of the bounding surface. Simulations of the undrained triaxial compression tests on cemented clays are carried out and the results are validated with the experimental results.  相似文献   

钙质砂广泛分布于热带海岸地区,其抗剪强度较低,在较高应力条件下极易破碎。因此,对以钙质砂为主要原料的地基材料进行加固,是海洋岩土工程领域的研究热点。基于尿素水解过程的碳酸钙成矿技术(MICP)是近年来地基材料加固领域的一项新技术。目前广泛使用的生物强化法实现MICP存在成本昂贵及环境适应性差等问题,制约了其大规模工程应用。研究采用原位生物激发MICP法对钙质砂进行加固,并对加固后试样开展直剪和一维压缩试验。结果表明:原位生物激发MICP方法可以在钙质砂中形成有效胶结,胶结水平最大可达6.26%。采用高浓度胶结溶液或增加注射次数可提高胶结水平。同时,加固后钙质砂的最大应力比、最大剪胀角以及残余内摩擦角均随胶结水平增加而显著增大,但竖向应力水平增大会抑制这些力学指标的增大。随胶结水平升高,试样压缩性显著减小;压缩后的原位激发MICP加固钙质砂中,细颗粒与粗颗粒的比例均随胶结水平的增加而增大。  相似文献   

A discrete element model is proposed to examine rock strength and failure. The model is implemented by UDEC, which is developed for this purpose. The material is represented as a collection of irregular-sized deformable particles interacting at their cohesive boundaries. The interface between two adjacent particles is viewed as a flexible contact whose constitutive law controls the material fracture and fragmentation properties. To reproduce rock anisotropy, an orthotropic cohesive law is developed for the contacts, which allows their shear and tensile behaviors to be different from each other. Using a combination of original closed-form expressions and statistical calibrations, a unique set of the contact microparameters are found based on the uniaxial/triaxial compression and Brazilian tension test data of a plaster. Applying the obtained microparameters, joint specimens, made of the same plaster, are simulated, where the comparison of the obtained results to laboratory data shows a reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

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