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On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China,many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field.Large gold-ore districts,defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region,are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones.In the best-studied districts,the Precambrian protrusions,staged distribution of magmatic chambers (by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized.Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodies with depressions.Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks,placers,and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   

In southern framing of Siberian Platform, basite-ultrabasite intrusive complexes were forming over a long period of time (Early Proterozoic-Paleozoic Era) as a result of collisional and post-collisional processes. In Muja zone they formed mainly in island-arch geodynamic conditions, in Kodaro-Udokan zone-in continental. Most productive toward noble metals in Muja zones are basite-ultrabasites of the Dovyrensk complex‘, in Kodaro-Udokan basites of the Chiney complex. Gold in these formations has both mantle and crustal springs.  相似文献   

In southern framing of Siberian Platform, basite-ultrabasite intrusive complexes were forming over a long period of time (Early Proterozoic-Paleozoic Era) as a result of collisional and post-collisional processes. In Muja zone they formed mainly in island-arch geodynamic conditions, in Kodaro-Udokan zone-in continental. Most productive toward noble metals in Muja zones are basite-ultrabasites of the Dovyrensk complex, in Kodaro-Udokan basites of the Chiney complex. Gold in these formations has both mantle and crustal springs.  相似文献   

The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanicoplutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian system. The deposit is presented by a series of gold-bearing quartz and carbonate-quartz vein-stringer zones. They are confined to the super-intrusive zone of the Nevachansk subvolcanic intrusion of sienite-porphyric composition. The mineralization is being controlled by zone of fractures developed in the autochthone of the Bamsk fault. Quartz, carbonates and sericite prevail in the composition of ores. The quantity of ore minerals doesn‘t exceed 1% ~ 5%. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and native gold are widely spread, Sheelite, gold and silver tellurides, sulphobismuthites, acanthite, sphalerite and cinnabar are less developed. Four stages of mineralization have been distinguished. Gold-sulphide-sulphosalt ore with tellurides of gold and silver is productive for gold. The following set of elements is typomorphic for the ores of the deposit: Au, Ag, Cu, Bi, Mo, Pb and Sb (W1, Pb1, Mo) -Cu- (Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W2,, Pb2) form the vertical series of zoning. Rocks, enclosing the mineralization are exposed to the processes of listvenitization-beresitization. The processes of gumbeization and argillization are less manifested. The age of the gold mineralization, determined by Rb-Sr method on ore-accompanying minerals, is 130.6 Ma.  相似文献   

The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanic-plutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian system. The deposit is presented by a series of gold-bearing quartz and carbonate-quartz vein-stringer zones. They are confined to the super-intrusive zone of the Nevachansk subvolcanic intrusion of sienite-porphyric composition. The mineralization is being controlled by zone of fractures developed in the autochthone ofthe Bamsk fault. Quartz, carbonates and sericite prevail in the composition of ores. The quantity of ore minerals doesn't exceed 1%~5%. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and native gold are widely spread. Sheelite, gold and silver tellurides, sulphobismuthites, acanthite, sphalerite and cinnabar are less developed. Four stages of mineralization have been distinguished. Gold-sulphide-sulphosalt ore with tellurides of gold and silver is productive for gold. The following set of elements is typomorphic for the ores of the deposit: Au, Ag, Cu, Bi,Mo, Pb and Sb (W1, Pb1, Mo) -Cu- (Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W1, Pb2) form the vertical series of zoning. Rocks, enclosing the mineralization are exposed to the processes of listvenitization-beresitization. The processes of gumbeization and argillization are less manifested. The age of the gold mineralization, determined by Rb-Sr method on ore-accompanying minerals, is 130.6 Ma.  相似文献   

在对老柞山矿床地质特征系统研究的基础上,对与成矿有关的岩石开展了进一步的主、微量元素地球化学测试分析。结果显示与成矿有关的花岗岩具富Sr、低Ti的高钾钙碱性火山弧花岗岩的特征,闪长玢岩具偏铝质钙碱性岩系列特征。岩石样品均呈现出富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素(LILEs)、相对亏损重稀土元素和Nb、 Ta、 Ti等高场强元素( HFES)的特征,显示了与岛弧或活动大陆边缘岩浆岩相似的属性。流体包裹体特征显示,成矿流体主要来自岩浆水,矿床具中低温(125.6℃~324.5℃)、中浅成(1.0~7.1 km)成矿的特点。与成矿有关岩浆岩显示幔源岩浆特征,可能是地幔交代作用部分熔融所形成的。结合区域上同时期的火成岩时空展布认为,老柞山金矿床成矿可能分别与晚古生代古亚洲洋板块北向俯冲作用和中生代太平洋板块俯冲作用密切相关。  相似文献   

为解决传统基于重力场数据一阶导数定义的总水平导数和解析信号振幅存在无法均衡深浅异常振幅的问题,应用重力全张量梯度数据,提出改进的倾斜导数地质体边界识别方法NTDM。经模型验证,NTDM在收敛性、抑噪性和边界识别精度方面均有提升。利用NTDM将郯庐带中南段及邻区划分为14个边界较为清晰的构造单元,借助垂线偏差数据对郯庐带中南段的构造应力场和壳幔密度差进行反演。结果显示,二者在水平方向上存在显著差异,在空间上显著相关,构造应力最大差异值约为16 MPa,壳幔密度差约为0.2 g/cm3,构造应力等值线密集处与构造单元划分的边界以及地震分布情况对应较好。郯庐带中段最大主应力方向为NEE-EW,南段主应力方向以EW-NWW为主,总体呈EW向,与震源机制解、地应力测量和GPS反演结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

通过对沂水县侵入岩贫水地区开展水文地质调查,综合运用物探、水文地质钻探、抽水试验等工作手段,分析侵入岩分布区地下水赋存规律,确定了侵入岩分布区主要蓄水构造类型包括断裂型、韧性剪切带型、侵入体接触带型等.断裂型蓄水构造一般呈线状发育,富水性受断层的力学性质、发育规模及汇水条件等因素控制,单井涌水量差异较大;韧性剪切带型蓄...  相似文献   

The Qilishan gold deposit is located in the southern Zhaolai gold ore belt in the northwestern Jiaodong region.A total of seven gold ore bodies have been found in the mining area.Linglong gneissic biotite granite and the NE trending Lingbei fracture control the output and distribution of the gold deposit.The ore bodies with veined or irregular shape occur in the structural alteration zone.The ore bodies of different sizes are NE trending and SE dipping.The constituent minerals of the ores mainly include pyrite,chalcopyrite,native gold,electrum,argentite,matildite,hematite,quartz and calcite.The ores are characterized by metasomatic dissolution structure,as well as veined and brecciated structures.The ore-forming process is divided into four stages,namely quartz-,pyrite-,polymetallic-and carbonate stages.Study on fluid inclusion shows that the deposit is composed of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions (Ⅰ) and three-phase inclusions containing CO2 (Ⅱ),and that the former dominates.The homogenization temperature is 259.6℃-373.7℃ ; the salinity of three-phase inclusions containing CO2is 5.77%-9.84% (NaCl) ; the salinity of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions is 6.58%-8.54% (NaCl) ; and the estimated ore-forming pressure is 55.2-82.2 MPa.According to the nonlinear relationship between the depth and pressure of the fluid in the fracture zone,the ore-forming depth of the Qilishan gold deposit is calculated as 5.95-7.14 km.It is preliminarily determined that the deposit is a mesophilic and hypothermal gold deposit.  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿田位于华北克拉通南缘的华熊地块北缘,发育有产出于不同走向剪切带内的金矿脉.但是,目前研究和认识对矿脉和剪切带、以及不同方向矿脉之间的构造关系并不清晰.选择小秦岭中部善车峪一带的典型NNE向矿脉开展构造变形与矿化特征研究.结果表明:NNE向金矿脉以右阶排列的石英脉透镜体为特征,主体产状为120°∠70°;矿脉产...  相似文献   

The authors took the ETM multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sensing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed.  相似文献   

The authors took the ETM + multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sens- ing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed.  相似文献   

铜石金矿田为山东省鲁西地区重要的金矿集区,1989-1994年勘查评价的归来庄金矿床,被原地质矿产部定义为"新地区、新类型、新发现",更是改写了鲁西地区无大型金矿床的格局.近年来,铜石金矿田金矿找矿取得了可喜的成果,累计发现大型金矿床1处、中型金矿床1处、小型金矿床3处、金矿点10余处,已查明上表的金金属量近50吨,目...  相似文献   

Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values of F3 and F4 show the intervals of barren sectors in the lode. Comprehensive geochemical studies show the high prospection potential below the 14th level and between lines 39-71. It is also prospective to look for blind ore-bodies between lines 15-29 and below the 10th level.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中南段重磁特征与深部构造   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
郯庐断裂带是中国东部地球物理场的分界线。它在磁场上呈现出一条NNE向线性正磁异常带,它的重力场特征表现为规模较大的布格重力异常梯度带。在断裂带的两侧,其区域磁场、区域重力场无论是场值大小,还是异常规模以及各异常的展布形态等诸方面都具有明显的区别。地球物理特征揭示郯庐断裂带深部构造,为研究重点矿产分布规律及地震灾害预报具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values...  相似文献   

In China, seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed. The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road, in which some common damage phenomena, such as frost heave, subsidence deformation and frost boiling, are all caused bywater translocation. Aiming at the phenomenon, the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions, and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are realized. The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in 0.0-1.0 m of subgrade. Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February, and the most negative temperature ranges from -7 ℃ to -10 ℃.  相似文献   

In China, seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed. The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road, in which some common damage phenomena, such as frost heave, subsidence deformation and frost boiling, are all caused by water translocation. Aiming at the phenomenon, the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions, and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are realized. The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in O. 0 - 1.0 m of subgrade. Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February, and the most negative temperature ranges from -7℃ to -10℃.  相似文献   

利用小波多尺度分析方法对江苏沿海地区重力场进行波场分离,得到多阶小波细节信息.通过对不同阶次小波细节进行分析研究,获得不同深度凹陷及隆起的空间展布情况,并推断研究区内7条深大断裂的走向及倾向,发现以兴化-大丰一带为界,北部断裂大部分走向为NNE向,倾向NW,且坡度较陡;南部断裂大部分走向NEE向,倾向SE,且坡度较缓,...  相似文献   

基于EGM2008研究苍梧震源区及华南块体不同尺度重力场的横向和纵向分布特征,探讨深部物质密度变化及可能的动力学意义,为该区地震孕育环境研究提供深部依据。扬子克拉通重力异常横向变化相对较小,显示出其相对稳定的克拉通结构特征;华夏地块上地幔存在与西太平洋板块俯冲角度较为一致的重力正异常和相间分布的重力负异常,其高低密度体分布可能与中生代以来西太平洋板块俯冲作用下岩石圈拆沉和软流圈物质上涌有关;扬子克拉通和华夏地块过渡带呈现显著的重力异常高梯度带和东西差异性特征,揭示了深部复杂构造变形的过渡带特征。本文研究区多尺度布格重力异常横向的复杂性和非均一性及在地壳和上地幔深浅差异性的重力异常特征,反映了研究区深浅物质结构和动力学不平衡的差异相互运动的动力学过程,可能是地震孕育的深部动力学环境。苍梧地震位于重力正负异常的过渡带,与深部物质扰动和密度分布的不均匀密切相关。  相似文献   

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