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The morning transition between the stable nocturnal situation and the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL) is of interest both for basic understanding and for initializing prognostic models. While the morning growth phase of the CBL has been studied in detail, relatively little has been published on the transition itself. In this paper, conventional observations of surface temperature, humidity, and turbulent fluxes,and data from a meteorological tower, are combined with measurements of the onset of convection by boundary-layer wind profilers to explore the timing and behaviour of the transition period. The transition is defined here as the period between sunrise and the time at which the depth ofconvection reaches about 200 m AGL. Diagnostic relationships based on surface heat flux, the temperature difference between 2 m and 200 m, and bulk Richardson number are explored. The transition is foundto be enabled by surface heating relaxing the surface stability, while the warming of the layerbetween 2 m and 200 m is in large part due to shear-driven entrainment.  相似文献   

We investigate the cumulative added value of assimilating temperature, moisture, and wind observations in the three-dimensional non-hydrostatic Fifth-Generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model MM5 and use these forecasts to analyze the relationship between surface forcing and planetary boundary-layer (PBL) depth. A data assimilation methodology focused on the surface and the PBL, previously tested in a one-dimensional version of MM5, is applied to 29 May, 6 June, and 7 June 2002 during the International $\hbox {H}_{2}\hbox {O}$ Project over the Southern Great Plains. Model-predicted PBL depth is evaluated against PBL depth diagnosed from data across 4,800 km of airborne lidar data (flight tracks 100–300 km long). The forecast with data assimilation verifies better against observations and is thus used to investigate the environmental conditions that govern PBL depth. The spatial structure in PBL depth is found to be most affected by spatial variations in surface buoyancy flux and capping inversion strength. The spatial scales of surface flux forcing reflected in the PBL depth are found through Fourier analysis and multiresolution decomposition. Correlations are ${<}0.50$ at scales of 64 km or less and increase at larger scales for 29 May and 6 June, but on 7 June low correlations are found at all scales, possibly due to greater within-PBL wind speeds, a stronger capping inversion on this day, and clouds. The results suggest a minimum scale, a function of wind speed, below which heterogeneity in surface buoyancy fluxes is not reflected directly in PBL depth.  相似文献   

Field data are analyzed in order to study the layer-averaged winds in the unstable, entraining, baroclinic, advective and non-stationary Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). The relationship between the actual and geostrophic winds is described using three different equation sets. The results of these analytical expressions are compared with measurements from the Öresund experiment which was carried out during the period May 15 to June 14, 1984.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of the assimilation of surface and boundary-layer mass-field observations on the planetary boundary layer (PBL) within a one-dimensional (1D) version of the non-hydrostatic Fifth-Generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). We focus on the vertical extent and effects of mass-field nudging within the PBL based on surface observations, and the added value of assimilating column mass observations within the PBL. Model experiments for dynamic initialization and dynamic analysis are conducted and composited for 29 May, 6 June, and 7 June 2002 during the International H2O Project (IHOP) over the Southern Great Plains, U.S.A. Advantages are found when the data assimilation uses the innovation (the difference between the modelled value and the observed value) calculated by comparing the surface mass-field observation to the model value at the 2-m observation height rather than at the lowest model level. It is shown that this innovation can be applied throughout the model-diagnosed PBL via nudging during free-convective conditions because of the well-mixed nature of the PBL. However, in stable conditions, due to decreased vertical mixing the surface innovation may be best applied only in a shallow layer adjacent to the surface. Surface air-temperature innovations were also applied to the top soil-layer temperature to minimize disruption to the surface energy balance. In combination with the surface observations, the use of within-PBL mass-field data assimilation improves the simulated PBL structure.  相似文献   

The stably-stratified planetary boundary layer contains small-vertical-scale, step-like structures, waves on a multitude of scales, large horizontal eddies and small-scale turbulence, all of which constantly interact with, and modify, one another. Current knowledge of how the various components act in the vicinity of the step-like structures is surveyed. It is concluded that packets of internal waves are the main conduit for interaction within and across the boundary layer, and low-intensity critical-level absorption at the fringes of their spectrum probably maintains the step-like structures. Further investigation of the processes requires intensive observations of the four-dimensional structure of the region, but such an investigation will need a new generation of high-resolution sensing systems.  相似文献   

边界层特征参数对边界层顶垂直速度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵鸣 《大气科学》1994,18(4):413-422
本文从正斜压及有层结时的边界层相似理论及阻力定律出发,由边界层顶垂直速度与地面湍应力的关系求出了层结、粗糙度、它们的水平梯度及地转风的水平梯度、斜压性对w的影响的解析式,可用于模式计算。计算结果表明层结影响可使w差1-2个量级,不稳定时粗糙度影响也使w差几倍。除地转涡度决定w外,地转风、层结稳定度和粗糙度及其水平梯度也起了重要作用,还讨论了斜压性的影响。  相似文献   

Large sudden wind-direction shifts and submeso variability under nocturnal conditions are examined using a micrometeorological network of stations in north-western Victoria, Australia. The network was located in an area with mostly homogeneous and flat terrain. We have investigated the main characteristics of the horizontal propagation of events causing the wind-direction shift and not addressed in previous studies. The submeso motions at the study site exhibit behaviour typical of flat terrain, such as the lower relative mesovelocity scale and smaller cross-wind variances than that for complex terrain. The distribution of wind-direction shifts shows that there is a small but persistent preference for counter-clockwise rotation, occurring for 55% of the time. Large wind-direction shifts tend to be associated with a sharp decrease in air temperature (74% of the time), which is associated with rising motion of cold air, followed by an increase in turbulent mixing. The horizontal propagation of events was analyzed using the cross-correlation function method. There is no preferred mean wind direction associated with the events nor is there any relationship between the mean wind and propagation directions. The latter indicates that the events are most likely not local flow perturbations advected by the mean flow but are rather features of generally unknown origin. This needs to be taken into account when developing parametrizations of the stable boundary layer in numerical models.  相似文献   

赵鸣 《大气科学》2000,24(2):173-176
根据作者提出的含边界层层结特征参数如层结稳定度、粗糙度等的Ekman抽吸速度公式,研究了稳定度、粗糙度、斜压性等参数对旋转减弱的影响。计算实例表明,稳定度影响旋转减弱最强,典型的不稳定情况旋转减弱进行的速度比稳定时大一个量级;粗糙度的影响主要表现于层结不稳定时,陆上要比海上快2倍以上。斜压性在不稳定时也有影响,此外风速也是影响旋转减弱的主要因子。本文结论有助于边界层与自由大气间相互作用的认识,并能给出某些气压系统维持与衰减的可能解释。  相似文献   

The planetary boundary-layer (PBL) parameterization is a key issue for the definition of initial wind flow fields in diagnostic models. However, PBL theories usually treat separately stable, neutral, and convective stability conditions, so that their implementation in diagnostic wind models is not straightforward. In the present paper, an attempt is made to adopt a comprehensive PBL parameterisation, covering stable/neutral and unstable atmospheric conditions, which appears suitable to diagnostic models. This parameterisation is implemented into our diagnostic mass-consistent code. A validation of the consistency between the implemented PBL parameterisations has been checked through an analysis of the sensitivity of the vertical wind profiles to atmospheric stability.  相似文献   

行星边界层变形场与大暴雨落区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对1979—1981年梅雨期行星边界层变形场的分析,说明行星边界层上部变形场与大暴雨密切相关。利用它可以判断低气压系统的移动和发展,对未来12—24小时大暴雨落区预报有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

The dynamics of near-surface streak formation in the neutrallystratified, rotating planetary boundary layer areinvestigated. The purpose of this note is to compare large-eddysimulation results to theoretical predictions suggesting thatstreaks are associated with non-normal mode optimal perturbations.Streaks are regions near the surface of alternating high and lowspeed fluid organized into nearly linear bands, with horizontalspacing of several hundred metres, oriented up to 30° relativeto the geostrophic wind, that evolve through a continuous cycle ofgeneration, growth, decay and reformation. We find that the earlystages of streak formation and growth are consistent with thelinear theory.  相似文献   

Six years of observations from a surface instrument site have been analysed to determine timings and factors influencing developmental changes in the near-surface wind and turbulent heat fluxes during the morning heating of the atmospheric boundary layer. A simple relationship has been found between near-surface wind speed and screen temperature, together with a predictive equation for the morning transition air temperature. Profile measurements from a probe mounted on a tethered balloon have beenused to supplement the surface data and study the processes underlying these surface relationships. The results have confirmed earlier work and have shown that both before and immediately after morning transition, almost all heating in the surface layer is due to turbulent diffusion from above. In order to explain the mechanisms involved in the relationships, a simple finite difference model has been run and validated against the profile data. The model predictions are compared with observations during both the morning and evening and the differences related to the different temperature profiles. Numerical forecasting rules for the surface wind speed and transition temperature are derived from the results.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent Ekman layer over a smooth wall is used to investigate bulk properties of a planetary boundary layer under stable stratification. Our simplified configuration depends on two non-dimensional parameters: a Richardson number characterizing the stratification and a Reynolds number characterizing the turbulence scale separation. This simplified configuration is sufficient to reproduce global intermittency, a turbulence collapse, and the decoupling of the surface from the outer region of the boundary layer. Global intermittency appears even in the absence of local perturbations at the surface; the only requirement is that large-scale structures several times wider than the boundary-layer height have enough space to develop. Analysis of the mean velocity, turbulence kinetic energy, and external intermittency is used to investigate the large-scale structures and corresponding differences between stably stratified Ekman flow and channel flow. Both configurations show a similar transition to the turbulence collapse, overshoot of turbulence kinetic energy, and spectral properties. Differences in the outer region resulting from the rotation of the system lead, however, to the generation of enstrophy in the non-turbulent patches of the Ekman flow. The coefficient of the stability correction function from Monin–Obukhov similarity theory is estimated as \(\beta \approx 5.7\) in agreement with atmospheric observations, theoretical considerations, and results from stably stratified channel flows. Our results demonstrate the applicability of this set-up to atmospheric problems despite the intermediate Reynolds number achieved in our simulations.  相似文献   

Observations of the Nitrate Radical in the Marine Boundary Layer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A study of the nitrate radical (NO3) has been conducted through a series of campaigns held at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, located on the coast of north Norfolk, England. The NO3 concentration was measured in the lower boundary layer by the technique of differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). Although the set of observations is limited, seasonal patterns are apparent. In winter, the NO3 concentration in semi-polluted continental air masses was found to be of the order of 10 ppt, with an average turnover lifetime of 2.4 minutes. During summer in clean northerly air flows, the concentration was about 6 ppt with a lifetime of 7.2 minutes. The major loss mechanisms for the radical were investigated in some detail by employing a chemical box model, constrained by a suite of ancillary measurements. The model indicates that during the semi-polluted conditions experienced in winter, the major loss of NO3 occurred indirectly through reactions of N2O5, either in the gas-phase with H2O, or through uptake on aerosols. The most important direct loss was via reactions of NO3 with a number of unsaturated nonmethane hydrocarbons. The cleaner air masses observed during the summer were of marine origin and contained elevated concentrations of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which provided the major loss route for NO3. The box model was then used to investigate the conditions in the remote marine boundary layer under which DMS will be oxidised more rapidly at night (by NO3) than during the day (by OH). This should occur if the concentration of NO2 is more than about 60% that of DMS.  相似文献   

中尺度数值模拟中的边界层多尺度湍流参数化方案   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文在多尺度湍流理论的研究成果基础上, 将边界层湍流风谱与平均量的梯度相联系, 建立了边界层多尺度湍流参数化子模式, 之后放入MM5模式中进行了个例模拟研究, 并与MM5模式附带的M RF边界层参数化、Blackadar高分辨率边界层参数化的模拟结果进行比较和分析。结果表明, 多尺度湍流理论能够反映出实际大气边界层中热量垂直输送的规律, 将其用于中尺度数值预报模式的边界层物理过程参数化是可行的; 多尺度湍流参数化在地表层和边界层内各个层次上都着重考虑含能量最大的涡的作用以及水平热力不均匀性的影响, 因此在地形和下垫面比较复杂的区域, 对中尺度天气系统的模拟有进一步发展的前景。  相似文献   

Large amplitude, isolated, wave-like phenomena have been observed in the lowest 40 m of the strongly stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer overlying a coastal Antarctic ice shelf. The waves only occur when prevailing wind speeds are low. They always propagate from over the land, with phase speeds exceeding the local mean wind speed. They have wavelengths of the order of 200 m. Several examples are described and a summary of the statistical properties of these waves events is presented.  相似文献   

Mixing depth structure and its evolution have been diagnosed from radar wind profiler data in the Chamonix and the Maurienne valleys (France) during summer 2003. The behaviour of refractive index structure parameter C n 2 peaks coupled with the vertical velocity variance σ w 2 was used to estimate the height of the mixed layer. Tethersonde vertical profiles were carried out to investigate the lower layers of the atmosphere in the range of approximately 400–500 m above ground level. The tethersonde device was especially useful to study the reversal of the valley wind system during the morning transition period. Specific features such as wind reversal and the convective mixed layer up to approximately the altitude of the surrounding mountains were documented. The wind reversal was observed to be much more sudden in the Maurienne valley than in the Chamonix valley  相似文献   

The simultaneous operation of a three-axis Doppler sodar system in the centralurban area of Rome and two similar systems in the suburban area, forming atriangle about 20 km on each side, provided evidence of solitary-type wavesin the urban boundary layer. Three events, each lasting from a few minutes toabout 30 min, and ranging in depth from the minimum range of the sodar (39 m) to over 500 m, are reported here. Two events were recognizable onall three sodar records while the third event could be observed at the urbanlocation only. Time-height acoustic echo intensity records showed no-echoregions within the wave indicating transport of trapped recirculating air.This is typical of large amplitude solitary waves. The time series plots ofsodar-derived vertical wind velocity revealed a maximum peak-to-peakvariation of about 5 m s-1 during periods of wave-associated disturbance.The vertical velocity is found to increase with height up to the top of the closedcirculation within the wave and decreases further above. The normalisedamplitude-wavelength relationship for the two events indicates that theobserved waves are close to a strongly nonlinear regime.  相似文献   

The presence of a low-level, capping inversion layer will affect the height and structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Results from models of varying levels of sophistication, including analytical, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), second-order closure (SOC), large-eddy simulation (LES) and direct numerical simulation (DNS) models, are used to investigate this influence for the neutral, barotropic PBL. Predicted and observed profiles of stress and geostrophic departure components, and integral measures, such as the parameters of Rossby-number similarity theory, are compared for the KONTUR, Marine Stratocumulus, JASIN, Leipzig, Pre-Wangara and Upavon field experiments.Analytical models of the equilibrium value of inversion height zi, which depend on the surface friction velocity u*, and both the Coriolis parameter f and the free-flow Brunt-Väisälä frequency N, are found to give reasonable estimates of the PBL height. They also indicate that only the KONTUR and Marine Stratocumulus experiments were strongly influenced by N. More quantitative comparisons would require larger, more comprehensive datasets. The effects of the presence of a capping inversion on the profile structure were found to be insignificant for h* = |f|zi/u* > 0.15.The simple analytical model performed quite well over all values of h*; it predicted the profiles of the longitudinal stress component (in the direction of the surface stress) better than the lateral component. The more advanced models performed well for small values of h* (for flow over the sea), but systematically underestimated the cross-isobaric angle for flow over land. These models predicted the profiles of the lateral stress component better than the longitudinal component. The profiles of the analytical model agreed with those of the advanced models when the constant eddy viscosity of the outer layer was increased.Agreement with DNS was achieved by increasing the eddyviscosity of the analytical model by a factor of 5.Zilitinkevich and Esau(2002, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104, 371–379)suggest that the neutral, barotropic values of A and B of Rossby-numbersimilarity theory are not universal constants, but depend on the ratio N/|f|. The dependence for A and B is calculated using the analytical model and TKE models. Over the sea (h* 0.1; N/|f| 100, where we have used the Zilitinkevich-Esau relation to convert between h* and N/|f|) there is agreement between the model predictions and observations; however over land where the equilibrium boundary-layer height is greater (h* 0.35; N/|f| 10) the inconsistency between the advanced model predictions (TKE, SOC, LES, and DNS) and observations, as noted previously by Hess and Garratt, still exists. We attribute this disagreement to violations of the strict assumptions of steady, horizontally homogeneous, neutral, barotropic conditions implicit in the observations. At small values of zi and a strongly stable background stratification (h* 0.04; N/|f| 1000) both the TKE and analytical models predict that A and B depend significantly on h*, however observations are unavailable to confirm these predictions. Zilitinkevich and Esau call this case the `long-lived near-neutral PBL', and state that it is found in cold weather at high latitudes.  相似文献   

A model of the planetary boundary layer over a snow surface has been developed. It contains the vertical heat exchange processes due to radiation, conduction, and atmospheric turbulence. Parametrization of the boundary layer is based on similarity functions developed by Hoffert and Sud (1976), which involve a dimensionless variable, ζ, dependent on boundary-layer height and a localized Monin-Obukhov length. The model also contains the atmospheric surface layer and the snowpack itself, where snowmelt and snow evaporation are calculated. The results indicate a strong dependence of surface temperatures, especially at night, on the bursts of turbulence which result from the frictional damping of surface-layer winds during periods of high stability, as described by Businger (1973). The model also shows the cooling and drying effect of the snow on the atmosphere, which may be the mechanism for air mass transformation in sub-Arctic regions.  相似文献   

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