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An attempt is made to study the planetary boundary layer (PBL) characteristics during the winter period at Anand (22.4°N, 72.6°E), a semi-arid region, which is located in the western part of India. A one-dimensional turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) closure model is used for the study. The structure of the PBL,which consists of profiles of zonal and meridional components of wind,potential temperature and specific humidity, is simulated. A one-dimensional soil heat and moisture transport parameterization scheme is incorporated for the accurate representation of the energy exchange processes at the soil-atmosphere interface. The diurnal variation of fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat, shortwave radiation, net radiation and soil flux, soil temperature at different depths, Richardson number and TKE at the height of the constant flux layer is studied. The model predictions are compared with the available observations obtained from a special Land Surface Processes (LSP) experiment.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Stable AtmosphericBoundary Layer Experiment in Spain (SABLES 98),which took place over the northern Spanish plateaucomprising relatively flat grassland,in September 1998. The main objectives of the campaign were to study the properties of themid-latitude stable boundary layer (SBL).Instrumentation deployed on two meteorologicalmasts (of heights 10 m and 100 m)included five sonic anemometers, 15 thermocouples,five cup anemometers and three propeller anemometers,humidity sensors and radiometers.A Sensitron mini-sodar and a tetheredballoon were also operated continuously. Atriangular array of cup anemometers wasinstalled to allow the detection ofwave events. Two nocturnal periods analysedon 14–15 and 20–21 September are used toillustrate the wide-ranging characteristics of the SBL.  相似文献   

The differences and similarities in atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) characteristics, in particular the ABL height, evolution and wind field, between two contrasting episodes of the Indian summer monsoon have been studied using measurements from wind profilers and an instrumented 50-m tower at Gadanki in India. The observed differences are discussed in light of various forcing mechanisms, in particular the effect of soil moisture on the surface energy balance and ABL. The differences in ABL height, its evolution and the wind field between episodes are quite pronounced. Wet episodes not only have a shallower ABL but also the growth is delayed by 1–4 h when compared with that for dry episodes. Abundant soil moisture during the wet episodes (a factor of two greater than during the dry episodes) reduces the buoyancy flux, and thereby not only limits the ABL height but also delays the commencement of ABL growth. The low-level jet (LLJ) is stronger during the dry episodes and has a larger diurnal range than during the wet episodes. The highest occurrence and magnitude of LLJ apparent at a height of 1.5 km during early morning hours shift progressively with height and time till the afternoon, following ABL evolution. The weaker LLJ during the wet episodes is attributed to its southward migration from its mean position (15 \(^{\circ }\) N). Larger signal-to-noise ratio and spectral width values are observed during the early night to midnight, compared to noon-time, when the ABL is buoyantly turbulent.  相似文献   

两种逐线积分辐射模式大气吸收的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
张华  石广玉  刘毅 《大气科学》2005,29(4):581-593
由于缺乏完整的和精确的实验室测量结果, 目前无法判断各种逐线积分方案的最终精度.因此, 逐线积分模式精度的比较基本上只能在模式之间进行.比较了作者研制的快速高效逐线积分大气吸收计算方法(简记为ZS2000), 与国际上用得较多的LBLRTM (Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model) .得出: 二者在长波区间向上和向下辐射通量的相对差别对整层大气均小于3.1%, 大气冷却率的绝对差别对整层大气均小于0.13 K·d-1, 处于ICRCCM (Intercompariso  相似文献   

利用大气能量循环框图,对比分析中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学与地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)全球海-陆-气耦合系统模式(GOALS)两个版本(GOALS-2和GOALS-4),以及观测的全球平均大气能量循环的主要特征,并从能量循环贮蓄和转换项的纬向平均贡献去解释全球积分值改善和转坏的原因,以及诊断分析参数化方案变化后产生的影响.结果表明:模式的两个版本基本上能正确地模拟出全球能量循环的主要特征.旧版本GOALS-2能较好模拟全球积分值,常常是不同符号局地误差的相互抵消结果.新版本GOALS-4中某种局地过程的改善在一些情况下导致了全球积分值的转坏.引入辐射日变化参数化方案可能对能量循环各参数的局地贡献有着明显的影响.如纬向平均有效位能向瞬变涡动有效位能的斜压转换率、瞬变涡动有效位能向瞬变涡动动能的斜压转换率以及定常涡动动能的局地贡献有明显改善.南极地区不合实际的上升运动,是模拟的纬向平均有效位能与纬向平均动能之间的转换项全球积分值为负数的主要原因.  相似文献   

A cold-air outbreak over the Mediterranean, associated with a Tramontane event, has been simulated with the atmospheric non-hydrostatic model Meso-NH using a horizontal resolution of 2 km. Results are compared with in situ aircraft, airborne lidar and satellite measurements. On average, the mean and turbulent parameters simulated in the surface layer and mixed layer compared well with in situ measurements. The model was able to reproduce accurately the Foehn effect in the wake of Cape Creus, as well as the occurence of rolls in the coastal region in connection with cloud streets observed with AVHRR. Over the sea, the threshold value of turbulent kinetic energy defining the height of the atmospheric boundary-layer top in the model (defined as 25% of the maximum turbulent kinetic energy in the profile) enables the simulated atmospheric boundary-layer height to match the one retrieved from lidar measurements. Nevertheless, the model did not handle very well the abrupt gradients of all meteorological parameters observed at the top of the atmospheric boundary-layer. Reasons for this are investigated.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model for the mean potential temperature within the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) was used to assess the sensitivity of three NBL properties (height, thermal stratification strength, and near-surface cooling) to three widely used atmospheric emissivity formulations. The calculations revealed that the NBL height is robust to the choice of the emissivity function, though this is not the case for NBL Richardson number and near-surface cooling rate. Rather than endorse one formulation, our analysis highlights the importance of atmospheric emissivity in modelling the radiative properties of the NBL especially for clear-sky conditions.  相似文献   

Forcing relationships in steady, neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) flow are thoroughly analyzed. The ABL flow can be viewed as balanced between a forcing and a drag term. The drag term results from turbulent stress divergence, and above the ABL, both the drag and the forcing terms vanish. In computational wind engineering applications, the ABL flow is simulated not by directly specifying a forcing term in the ABL but by specifying boundary conditions for the simulation domain. Usually, these include the inflow boundary and the top boundary conditions. This ‘boundary-driven’ ABL flow is dynamically different from its real counterpart, and this is the major reason that the simulated boundary-driven ABL flow does not maintain horizontal homogeneity. Here, first a dynamical approach is proposed to develop a neutrally stratified equilibrium ABL flow. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software (Fluent 6.3) with the standard \(k\) \(\varepsilon \) turbulence model is employed, and by applying a driving force profile, steady equilibrium ABL flows are simulated by the model. Profiles of wind speed and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) derived using this approach are reasonable in comparison with the conventional logarithmic law and with observational data respectively. Secondly, the equilibrium ABL profiles apply as inflow conditions to simulate the boundary-driven ABL flow. Simulated properties between the inlet and the outlet sections across a fetch of 10 km are compared. Although profiles of wind speed, TKE, and its dissipation rate are consistently satisfactory under higher wind conditions, a deviation of TKE and its dissipation rate between the inlet and outlet are apparent (7–8 %) under lower wind-speed conditions (2 m s \(^{-1}\) at 10 m). Furthermore, the simulated surface stress systematically decreases in the downwind direction. A redistribution of the pressure field is also found in the simulation domain, which provides a different driving pattern from the realistic case in the ABL.  相似文献   

Radiosondes releases during the NOPEX-WINTEX experiment carried out in late winter in Northern Finland were analysed for the determination of the height h of the atmospheric boundary layer. We investigate various possible scaling approaches, based on length scales using micrometeorological turbulence surface measurements and the background atmospheric stratification above h. Under stable conditions, the three previously observed turbulence regimes delineated by values of z/L (L is the Obukhov length) appears as a blueprint for understanding the departures found for the suitability of the Ekman scaling based on LE = u/f (u is the friction velocity and f the Coriolis parameter). The length scale LN = u/N (where N is the Brunt–Väisälä frequency) appears to be a useful scale under most stable conditions, especially in association with L. Under unstable conditions, shear production of turbulence is still significant, so that the three scales L, LN and LE are again relevant and the dimensionless ratios N = LN/L and LN/LE = N/f describe well the WINTEX data. Furthermore, in the classical scaling framework, the unstable domain may also be divided into three regimes as reflected by the dependence ofu/f on instability (z/L).  相似文献   

A range of large-eddy simulations, with differing free atmosphere stratification and zero or slightly positive surface heat flux, is investigated to improve understanding of the neutral and near-neutral, inversion-capped, horizontally homogeneous, barotropic atmospheric boundary layer with emphasis on the upper region. We find that an adjustment time of at least 16 h is needed for the simulated flow to reach a quasi-steady state. The boundary layer continues to grow, but at a slow rate that changes little after 8 h of simulation time. A common feature of the neutral simulations is the development of a super-geostrophic jet near the top of the boundary layer. The analytical wind-shear models included do not account for such a jet, and the best agreement with simulated wind shear is seen in cases with weak stratification above the boundary layer. Increasing the surface heat flux decreases the magnitude and vertical extent of the jet and leads to better agreement between analytical and simulated wind-speed profiles. Over a range of different inversion strengths and surface heat fluxes, we also find good agreement between the performed simulations and models of the equilibrium boundary-layer height, and of the budget of turbulent kinetic energy integrated across the boundary layer.  相似文献   

权继梅  丁蕾  郑向东  杨云  王冬 《气象》2010,36(9):116-119
分析一次在北京上甸子区域大气本底站的总辐射表的两种校准方法的比较。结果表明:以工作级标准的CM22总辐射表所确定的各类总辐射表灵敏度系数接近以H-F腔体直接辐射表的校准结果,两者之间的差别没有超过±0.1μV·W~(-1)·m~2,辐照度值的差别基本上在±5 W·m~(-2)以内。携带和操作比较方便的CM22表用于校准大气本底站的总辐射表,测量精度达到现有BSRN站对辐射表的要求。  相似文献   

Ozone production efficiencies (EN), which can be defined as the netnumber of ozone molecules produced per molecule of NOxoxidised, have been calculated from measurements taken during three intensive field campaigns (one in the spring, EASE 96, and two in the summer, EASE 97 and TIGER 95), at two European coastal sites (Mace Head, Ireland (EASE) and Weybourne, Norfolk (TIGER)) impacted by polluted air masses originating from both the U.K. and continental Europe, as well as relatively clean oceanic air masses from the Arctic and Atlantic. From a detailed wind sector analysis of the EASE 96 and 97 data it is clear that two general types of pollution regime were encountered at Mace Head. The calculated ozone production efficiency in clean oceanic air masses was approximately 65, which contrasted to more polluted air, from the U.K. and the continental European plume, where the efficiency decreased to between 4 and 6. The latter values of ENagree well with literature measurements conducted downwind of various urban centres in the U.S. and Europe, which are summarised in a wide-ranging review table. The EN value calculated for clean oceanic air is effectivelyan upper limit, owing to the relatively rapid deposition of HNO3 tothe ocean. Consideration of the variation of EN with NOx forthe three campaigns suggests that ozone production efficiency is relatively insensitive to both geographical location and season. The measuredEN values are also compared with values derived from steady-state expressions. An observed anti-correlation between EN and measured ozone tendencyis briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A linear theory of airflow over low hills andthe MSFD–STAB model are comparedwith published observations made at Cooper'sRidge, north–west of Goulburn inNew South Wales, Australia. The MSFD–STABmodel results show good agreementwith field data in weak to moderate stablystratified flow cases. The originallinear theory overpredicts the wind speed-upratio even in weakly stablecases. After some modification, the agreementis greatly improved.  相似文献   

Summary Monthly rainfall data for 135 stations for periods varying from 25 to 125 years are utilised to investigate the rainfall climatology over the southeast Asian monsoon regime. Monthly rainfall patterns for the regions north of equator show that maximum rainfall along the west coasts occurs during the summer monsoon period, while the maximum along the east coasts is observed during the northeast monsoon period. Over the Indonesian region (south of the equator) maximum rainfall is observed west of 125 °E during northern winter and east of 125 °E during northern summer. The spatial relationships of the seasonal rainfall (June to September) with the large scale parameters – the Subtropical Ridge (STR) position over the Indian and the west Pacific regions, the Darwin Pressure Tendency (DPT) and the Northern Hemisphere Surface Temperature (NHST) – reveal that within the Asian monsoon regime, not only are there any regions which are in-phase with Indian monsoon rainfall, but there are also regions which are out-of-phase. The spatial patterns of correlation coefficients with all the parameters are similar, with in-phase relationships occurring over the Indian region, some inland regions of Thailand, central parts of Brunei and the Indonesian region lying between 120° to 140 °E. However, northwest Philippines and some southern parts of Kampuchea and Vietnam show an out-of-phase relationship. Even the first Empirical Orthogonal Function of seasonal rainfall shows similar spatial configuration, suggesting that the spatial correlation patterns depict the most dominant mode of interannual rainfall variability. The influence of STR and DPT (NHST) penetrates (does not penetrate) upto the equatorial regions. Possible dynamic causes leading to the observed correlation structure are also discussed. Received October 10, 1996 Revised February 25, 1997  相似文献   

A simplified version of a model of the internalboundary layer evolution is compared with aircraftmeasurements across the southern part of the east coast ofSweden (Blekinge). The two flight occasions used hererepresent relatively high wind velocities and negligiblesurface heat flux. Both the vertical potential temperaturegradient and the surface temperaturedifference between land and sea are small. Modelpredictions of the internal boundary-layer (IBL)height agree well with data, for both short and largerdistances from the coastline. The contributions to theIBL growth from the mechanical turbulence and theZilitinkevich correction are discussed, as are thesensitivities of the growth to a number of physicalparameters. In near neutralconditions, the vertical potential temperaturegradient is found to be an important parameter for thegrowth of the IBL.A comparison with several simple model estimates forthe height of the IBL is presented. The majority ofthe models overestimate the IBL height. Some of themodels give reasonable results close to the coast, butgenerally the simple models perform less well atlarger distances.  相似文献   

A hydraulic jump has been observed with the airborne backscatter lidar LEANDRE 1 (Lidar embarqué pour l'Etude des Aérosols, des Nuages, des interactions Dynamique-Rayonnement etdu cycle de l'Eau) at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) during a Tramontane event in the framework of the Pyréneés experiment. An analytical fluid mechanics model is used to interpret lidar observations in connection with in situ measurements andto study the sensitivity of the hydraulic jump triggering to the boundary conditions. This model, which generalizes the reduced-gravity shallow-water theory for two-dimensional stratified flows over a topograpy, is diagnostic (i.e., the reduced gravity g' = g v v is prescribed) and uses boundary conditions defined in terms of Riemann invariants. Using inflow and outflow boundary conditions as well as the reduced gravity prescribed from in situ measurements, the model is able to diagnose the presence of a hydraulic jump at the location suspected from the lidar observations. The wind speed, ABL height and Froude number derived from the model are in good agreement with the observations (within about 20–30%).  相似文献   

应用NCEP再分析资料、FY-2卫星TBB资料、加密雨量站等资料,对2008年7月2日、5日两次影响滇中的冷锋切变天气进行对比分析。结果表明:冷锋切变系统的强弱、移速对降雨强度影响较大,切变线上中尺度系统的生成和维持时间对降雨强度作用非常明显。在冷锋切变系统影响滇中过程中,滇缅高压脊对水汽输送和水汽辐合有重要作用。两次降水强度上出现的差异主要是由于两次过程中对流发展强弱不同引起,假相当位温、K指数、总能量、对流有效位能等热力不稳定指数能很好地反映出对流发展过程中强弱变化的差异。不同环境场的作用导致物理量场发生不同改变,是冷锋切变系统中降水出现强弱变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The temporal evolution and spatial structure of the aerosol layer (AL) height as observed with an airborne downlooking lidar over the Swiss Alps were investigated with a three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model and a particle dispersion model. Convective boundary-layer (CBL) heights were derived from the mesoscale model output, and the behaviour of surface-released particles was investigated with the particle dispersion model. While a previous investigation, using data from the same field study, equated the observed AL height with the CBL height, the results of the current investigation indicate that there is a considerable difference between AL and CBL heights caused by mixing and transport processes between the CBL and the free atmosphere. CBL heights show a more terrain-following behaviour and are lower than AL heights. We argue that processes causing the difference between AL and CBL heights are common over mountainous terrain and that the AL height is a length scale that needs to be considered in air pollution studies in mountainous terrain.  相似文献   

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