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依据目前较为成熟的地表能量通量遥感参数化方案,利用2006年9~10月珠峰地区秋季近地面大气梯度实测资料,结合中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS卫星资料,遥感估算了包括珠峰地区在内的青藏高原南部地区地表能量通量的空间分布情况.结果表明:地表净辐射峰值约为420.0 W·m-2,介于200.0~620.0 W·m-2之间;地热通量峰值约为110.0 W·m-2,介于50.0~180.0 W·m-2之间;感热通量峰值约为270.0 W·m-2,介于120.0~280.0 W·m-2之间;潜热通量峰值约为90.0 W·m-2,介于0.0~250.0 W·m-2之间.由此可见,在高原季风期后的秋季,该地区白天地面加热场主要通过感热传输加热大气,地气之间水汽传输耗热是地表净辐射平衡中的小量.  相似文献   

Observations of low-level jets (LLJs) at the Howland AmeriFlux site in the USA and the jet’s impact on nocturnal turbulent exchange and scalar fluxes over a tall forest canopy are discussed. Low-frequency motions and turbulent bursts characterize moderately strong LLJs, whereas low-frequency motions are suppressed during periods with strong LLJs and enhanced shear. An analysis based on the shear-sheltering hypothesis seeks to elucidate the effect of LLJs on flux measurements. In the absence of shear sheltering, large eddies penetrate the roughness sublayer causing enhanced mixing while during periods with shear sheltering, mixing is reduced. In the absence of the latter, ‘upside-down’ eddies are primarily responsible for the enhanced velocity variances, scalar and momentum fluxes. The integral length scales over the canopy are greater than the canopy height. The variance spectra and cospectra from the wavelet analysis indicate that large eddies (spatial scale greater than the low-level jet height) interact with active canopy-scale turbulence, contributing to counter-gradient scalar fluxes.  相似文献   

复杂地形区域风场模拟的准确率一直是风能研究领域的难点和重点。WRF模式是目前风能评估领域应用最广泛的天气数值模式之一,但该模式在复杂地形区域存在对平原、山谷风速高估且对山顶风速低估的系统性误差,并有研究建立次网格地形方案以订正误差。而次网格地形方案在不同水平分辨率下常出现错误的修正结果,该文基于高精度地形高程数据分析了方案失效的主要原因,发现其方程组中判断山体形态特征的阈值-20在过低和过高水平分辨率下均失去参考性。针对这一原因,将方案中影响关键参数Ct的地形高度算子与模式水平分辨率进行拟合,形成地形高度算子与水平分辨率相依赖的线性关系,获得不同分辨率下更适合的山体形态阈值。通过与自动气象站10 m风速对比分析了修正前后WRF对低层风速的模拟效果,结果显示:修正后的次网格地形方案能够分别在较低和较高分辨率下,部分矫正原方案错误的订正结果,使低层风速模拟更接近实况。修正后的次网格地形方案可为复杂地形区域开展高分辨率风场模拟提供参考。  相似文献   

基于DEM的复杂地形气温空间插值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用江西省87个国家气象观测站点1987—2016年月平均气温资料,结合数字高程模型(DEM),建立了一个基于江西省DEM的多元线性回归空间插值模型,并与传统的反距离权重法(IDW)、普通克里金插值法(OK)和协同克里金插值法(CK)进行空间插值精度和效果对比。研究表明:基于DEM的多元线性回归空间插值方法(MLR)的误差精度和插值效果均优于其他3种传统插值方法。江西省月(年)平均气温与纬度和海拔高度呈负相关,与经度呈正相关,与坡度、坡向无明显相关性;江西省月平均气温垂直递减率约为0.35—0.65℃/(100 m),年平均气温垂直递减率约为0.49℃/(100 m)。  相似文献   

为评估和对比GPM IMERG、ERA5降水数据在云南的适用性,利用2014年4月至2018年6月的地面气象观测数据、GPM IMERG卫星遥感降水产品和ERA5再分析降水数据,采用定量和分类评分7项指标评估GPM IMERG和ERA5日降水产品在云南的适用性.结果表明:2种数据存在小雨日雨量高估,中雨及以上量级雨日雨...  相似文献   

胡娟  李华宏  闵颖 《气象科技》2011,39(5):552-557
低纬高原地区的气象要素变化除了受大气环流因子的影响外,高程、坡度、坡向等地理因子的作用不可忽视.以云南省为例,应用云南省125个气象站的降水、温度、露点温度等气象资料,与各站点的经度、纬度、高程、坡向、坡度等地理因子建立关系模型,运用多元回归方法,求得回归系数,代入随机抽取的检验站点的地理因子回归方程式中,得出拟合量,...  相似文献   

FLUENT在复杂地形风场精细模拟中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
李磊  张立杰  张宁  胡非  江崟  蒋维楣 《高原气象》2010,29(3):621-628
尝试将计算流体力学软件FLUENT用于复杂地形风场的精细模拟研究,进行的一系列数值模拟试验表明:由于采用了中尺度模式较少采用的计算机辅助建模、非结构化网格和有限体积法等技术,FLUENT可以实现复杂地形乃至极度陡峭地形上的风场模拟,完成普通中尺度模式难以完成的任务。相比于普通中尺度模式,FLUENT可以更为精确地描述下垫面的复杂地形特征,因而能够在小尺度范围内得到分辨率更高、且更为准确的复杂地形上的近地层风场模拟结果。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式三种边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYJ、ACM2)产生的气象场分别驱动多尺度空气质量模式CMAQ,对兰州市西固区冬季2005年1月27日至2月2日期间SO2和NO2浓度进行了数值模拟,将模拟结果与同期监测的污染物浓度进行对比分析,结果表明:WRF模式不同边界层参数化方案模拟输出的气象场驱动CMAQ模式所模拟的SO2和NO2浓度均可以反映出污染物的时空变化特征,CMAQ模式具有模拟复杂下垫面高分辨率污染物输送特征的能力;WRF模式的边界层参数化方案选为局地与非局地闭合方案(ACM2)时,模拟的气象场驱动CMAQ模式得到的空气污染物浓度分布特征最优,这主要是由于ACM2的湍流输送机制较为合理,模拟的边界层低层气象场更接近实际,从而可以较好地模拟污染物的输送特征;当CMAQ模式的垂直混合方案与WRF模式的湍流输送方案一致时(均采用ACM2方案),模式间的兼容性好.  相似文献   


The airborne measurement platform MASC-3 (Multi-Purpose Airborne Sensor Carrier) is used for measurements over a forested escarpment in the Swabian Alps to evaluate the wind field. Data from flight legs between 20 and 200 m above the ground on two consecutive days with uphill (westerly) flow in September 2018 are analyzed. In the lowest 140 m above the ground a speed-up is found with increased turbulence and changes in wind direction directly over the escarpment, whereas in the lowest 20 to 50 m above the ground a deceleration of the flow is measured. Additionally, simulation results from a numerical model chain based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and an OpenFOAM (Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation) model, developed for complex terrain, are compared to the data captured by MASC-3. The models and measurements compare well for the mean wind speed and inclination angle.


The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model can be used to simulate atmospheric processes ranging from quasi-global to tens of m in scale. Here we employ large-eddy simulation (LES) using the WRF model, with the LES-domain nested within a mesoscale WRF model domain with grid spacing decreasing from 12.15 km (mesoscale) to 0.03 km (LES). We simulate real-world conditions in the convective planetary boundary layer over an area of complex terrain. The WRF-LES model results are evaluated against observations collected during the US Department of Energy-supported Columbia Basin Wind Energy Study. Comparison of the first- and second-order moments, turbulence spectrum, and probability density function of wind speed shows good agreement between the simulations and observations. One key result is to demonstrate that a systematic methodology needs to be applied to select the grid spacing and refinement ratio used between domains, to avoid having a grid resolution that falls in the grey zone and to minimize artefacts in the WRF-LES model solutions. Furthermore, the WRF-LES model variables show large variability in space and time caused by the complex topography in the LES domain. Analyses of WRF-LES model results show that the flow structures, such as roll vortices and convective cells, vary depending on both the location and time of day as well as the distance from the inflow boundaries.  相似文献   

Summary  This paper concerns the use of airborne or ground-based Doppler radars to observe precipitating systems over complex orography. As nearly all of the previous experiments involving Doppler radars were conducted over flat surfaces over the continents or the oceans, new techniques are needed firstly to separate ground clutter from meteorological signal and, in the case of airborne Doppler observations, to deduce navigational errors. Secondly, it is necessary to take the atmospheric circulation induced by orography into account in the three-dimensional wind field analysis. Variational techniques are presented to solve these problems. The proposed methods are tested with simulated ground-based and airborne Doppler radar observations for analytic flows over analytic terrains and for numerically simulated wind and reflectivity fields for the Brig event (22 September 1993) of heavy precipitation over the southern flank of the Alps (Cosma and Richard, 1998), and with actual airborne Doppler data relative to weak snow showers over the Rocky Mountains on 12 March 1995. Received March 22, 1999/Revised June 1, 1999  相似文献   

Experience of long term flux measurements over tall canopiesduring the last two decades has revealed that the eddy flux of sensible plus latentheat is typically 30% smaller than the available radiant energy flux. This failureto close the energy balance is less common close to the surface over short roughnessbut is still sometimes seen, especially in complex topography. These observationscast doubt on the results obtained from long term flux studies where daily and annualnet ecosystem exchange is usually the small difference between large positive andnegative fluxes over 24 h. In this paper we investigate this problem by examiningsome fundamental assumptions entailed in analysis of surface exchange by the eddyflux method.In particular, we clarify the form and use of the scalar conservation equation thatunderlies this analysis and we examine the links between averaging period androtation of coordinates in the situation where coordinates are aligned with thewind vector. We show that rotating coordinates so that the x axis is alignedwith the mean wind vector has the effect of high pass filtering the scalar covariance,¯wc, such that contributions to the aerodynamic flux from atmosphericmotions with periods longer than the averaging period are lost while those of shorterperiod are distorted.We compare the effect of computing surface exchange by averaging many shortperiods, in each of which the coordinates are rotated so that the mean verticalvelocity is zero (the method currently adopted in most long-term flux studies),with analysis in long-term coordinates and show a systematic underestimationof surface exchange in the former case. This is illustrated with data from threelong-term forest field sites where underestimations of sensible and latent heatfluxes of 10–15% averaged over many days are seen.Crucial factors determining the loss of flux are the averaging period T, themeasurement height and the content of the scalar cospectrum at periods longerthan T. The properties of this cospectrum over tall canopies in both homogeneousand complex terrain are illustrated by measurements at our three sites and we see thatover tall canopies on flat ground in convectiveconditions, or on hilly sites in near neutralflow, the scalar cospectra have much more low frequency contentthan classical surface-layerspectral forms would predict. We believe that the filtering of this low frequencycovariance by the averaging-rotation operations in common use is a large contributoryfactor to the failure to close the energy balance over tall canopies.  相似文献   

Using 1979-2000 daily NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis data (version 1, hereafter referred to as NCEP1; version 2, hereafter referred to as NCEP2), ECMWF (European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) reanalysis data(ERA),and the Global Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME) reanalysis data in summer 1998, the vertically integrated heat source hQ1i in summer is calculated, and results obtained using different datasets are compared. The distributions of hQ1i calculated by using NCEP1 are in good agreement with rainfall observations over the Arabian Sea/Indian Peninsula, the Bay of Bengal (BOB), and East China. The distributions of hQ1i revealed by using NCEP2 are unrealistic in the southern Indian Peninsula, the BOB, and the South China Sea. Using ERA, the heat sources over the tropical Asia are in accordance with the summer precipitation,however, the distributions of hQ1i in East China are unreasonable. In the tropical region, the distributions of the summer heat source given by NCEP1 and ERA seem to be more accurate than those revealed by NCEP2. The NCEP1 and NCEP2 data are better for calculating heat sources over the subtropical and eastern regions of mainland China.  相似文献   

由于观测资料不能覆盖研究所关注的高空区域,已有理论又无法解释所面对的问题,所以希望利用数值模拟来生产一套逼近真实的数据,以补充观测的欠缺。  相似文献   

Parallel back-building convective lines are often observed extending to the southwest of some mesoscale convective systems(MCSs)embedded in the mei-yu front in China.The convective lines with echo training behavior can quickly develop into a stronger convective group of echoes,resulting in locally heavy rainfall within the mei-yu front rainband.The initiation mechanism of the back-building convective lines is still unclear and is studied based on high-resolution numerical simulation of a case that occurred during 27?28 June 2013.In the present case,the new convection along the convective lines was found to be forced by nonuniform interaction between the cold outflow associated with the mei-yu front MCSs and the warm southerly airflow on the south side of the mei-yu front,which both are modified by local terrain.The mei-yu front MCSs evolved from the western to the eastern side of a basin surrounded by several mesoscale mountains and induced cold outflow centered over the eastern part of the basin.The strong southwest airflow ahead of the mei-yu front passed the Nanling Mountains and impacted the cold outflow within the basin.The nonuniform interaction led to the first stage of parallel convective line formation,in which the low mountains along the boundary of the two airflows enhanced the heterogeneity of their interaction.Subsequently,the convective group quickly developed from the first stage convective lines resulted in apparent precipitation cooling that enhanced the cold outflow and made the cold outflow a sharp southward windshift.The enhanced cold outflow pushed the warm southerly airflow southward and impacted the mountains on the southeast side of the basin,where the roughly parallel mountain valleys or gaps play a controlling role in a second stage formation of parallel convective lines.  相似文献   

王颖  张镭  胡菊  张燕 《高原气象》2010,29(6):1397-1407
利用先进的WRF中尺度模式中3种边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYJ和ACM2),模拟了2005年1月25~28日兰州市冬季地面温度和风速的变化,并与同期系留探空和自动气象站的实测资料进行了对比分析。结果表明:对兰州冬季大气边界层地面温度日变化的模拟,局地闭合的MYJ方案优于非局地闭合的YSU和ACM2方案;3种方案模拟的夜间位温廓线较好,白天的较差;在边界层低层,考虑局地和非局地闭合的ACM2方案模拟的位温廓线与观测值比较一致;在边界层上部,局地闭合的MYJ方案则更适合于描述大气湍流对位温垂直分布的影响;3种边界层参数化方案模拟的兰州地区冬季温度场空间分布特征相似,但MYJ方案模拟的夜间温度低于YSU和ACM2方案,白天则高于YSU和ACM2方案。  相似文献   

Ozone(O_3) fluxes were measured over a maize field using the eddy covariance(EC) technique and gradient methods.The main objective was to evaluate the performance of the gradient methods for measuring the O_3 flux by comparing them with the EC O_3 flux.In this study,turbulent exchange coefficients(K) calculated with three methods were compared.These methods were the aerodynamic gradient(AG) method(in which K is calculated by using wind speed and temperature gradients),the aerodynamic gradient combined with EC(AGEC) method,in which the friction velocity and other variables are based on EC measurements,and the modified Bowen ratio using the EC sensible heat flux and temperature gradient(MBR) method.Meanwhile,the effects of the measurement and calculation methods of the O_3 concentration gradient were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) on average,the transfer coefficient computed by the MBR method was 40% lower,and the coefficient determined with the AG method was 25% higher,than that determined with the AGEC method.(2) The gradient method's O_3 fluxes with the MBR,AGEC,and AG methods were 30.4% lower,11.7% higher,and 45.6% higher than the EC O_3 flux,respectively.(3) The effect of asynchronous O_3 concentration measurements on the O_3 gradient must be eliminated when using one analyzer to cyclically measure two-level O_3 concentrations.The accuracy of gradient methods for O_3 flux is related to the exchange coefficient calculation method,and its precision mainly depends on the quality of the O_3 gradient.  相似文献   

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