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普遍认为内激波中电子的同步辐射是γ射线暴快速光变辐射的主要辐射机制,但理论预言与观测结果始终符合不好.确认在内激波中电子因辐射损失而快速冷却,分析指出以往研究中求得的快速冷却电子同步辐射谱只是一个粗略的结果,由数值计算求得单电子快速冷却时的精确同步辐射谱,从而用一个统一模型合理解释观测到的长γ暴低能谱指数α的分布,拟合α与vFv谱的峰值能量Ep之间的相关.  相似文献   

We consider the synchrotron emission from relativistic shocks assuming that the radiating electrons cool rapidly (either through synchrotron or any other radiation mechanism). It is shown that the theory of synchrotron emission in the fast cooling regime can account for a wide range of spectral shapes. In particular, the magnetic field, which decays behind the shock front, brings enough flexibility to the theory to explain the majority of gamma-ray burst spectra even in the parameter-free fast cooling regime. Also, we discuss whether location of the peak in observed spectral energy distributions of gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei can be made consistent with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory, and find that the answer is negative. This result is a strong indication that a particle injection mechanism, other than the standard shock acceleration, works in relativistic shocks.  相似文献   

定义了一个新的量,曲率宽度,去检查同步模型与伽玛射线暴(GRB)光谱的一致性.此量用于测量GRB中辐射能谱(νFν,ν和Fν分别是频率和随频率变化的能量流量)峰值处的光谱拐折锐度.然后使用它检查了理论同步模型与观测到的GRB光谱之间的一致性.首先计算几种典型的同步模型的曲率宽度,包括单能、单幂律和拐折幂律电子同步模型.其次从Fermi/GBM (Gamma-ray Burst Monitor)长GRB时间分辨光谱目录中选择包含1198个光谱的GRB样本,将光谱与常用的经验模型拟合,并计算最佳拟合模型的光谱曲率宽度.通过比较两个曲率宽度,发现大多数样本与同步模型不一致,因为同步模型的光谱拐折比数据的光谱拐折更加平滑.结果表明同步模型很难适合大多数观测到的GRB光谱.此外,在暴脉冲中发现光子流量和曲率宽度之间存在强的反相关性,这表明流量越高,光谱拐折越尖锐,或者与同步模型的偏差就越大.  相似文献   

When the thermal relativistic electrons with isotropic distribution of velocities move through a dense gas region or impinge upon the surface of a cloud of dense gas, the Cerenkov effect will produce peculiar atomic or ionic emission lines, which we call the “Cerenkov line-like radiation”. This prediction has been verified by the laboratory experiments in optical waveband. In this paper, the importance of the Cerenkov line-like radiation in the exploration of broad emission lines in quasars and Syf1 s is pointed out. By using this mechanism, some long standing and significant puzzles in the study of quasars could be solved. Furthermore, the magnitude orders of energy losses of various effects of a relativistic electron in cosmic gas are estimated and compared with each other to prove the effectiveness of this new mechanism in quasars.  相似文献   

强磁场中的共振逆康普顿散射(RICS)是产生伽玛射线的有效机制.在前文工作的基础上,导出强磁场中子星中具有幂律能谱的大量相对论电子沿中子星磁轴向外运动时在变化磁场中产生的集体RICS辐射谱(RICS谱光度)的基本公式.由此得到在中子星周边几种典型的低频辐射场中集体RICS辐射谱形的简单解析表示(如热轫致辐射场、黑体辐射场,以及非热低频幂律谱辐射场),以便与实际观测谱形比较.计算表明:在满足匹配条件(即近似共振条件)下,RICS辐射效率很高,其谱形都是两段式(折断的)的幂律谱形式,与周边低频场性质无关.通过计算,再一次论证RICS机制是伽玛射线脉冲星和伽玛暴(GRBs)在高能射线段(硬X-射线和伽玛射线)辐射的一个理想的高效辐射机制。  相似文献   

High energy emission (> tens MeV) of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) provides an important clue on the physical processes occurring in GRBs that may be correlated with the GRB early afterglow. A shallow decline phase has been well identified in about half of Swift Gamma-ray Burst X-ray afterglows. The widely considered interpretation involves a significant energy injection and possibly time-evolving shock parameter(s). We calculate the synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) radiation of such an external forward shock and show that it could explain the well-known long term high energy (i.e., tens MeV to GeV) afterglow of GRB 940217. We propose that cooperation of Swift and GLAST will help to reveal the nature of GRBs.  相似文献   

刘勇  李晓卿 《天文学报》2003,44(1):16-22
由分析可知,在光学厚的介质中麦氏分布的极端相对论电子在磁场中能产生同步加速辐射,其辐射谱为瑞利—金斯谱.基于Fokker-Planck方程,这种波场对快电子的加速将产生幂律分布的电子能谱.考虑到日冕活动区的物理条件,在太阳耀斑中观测到的10Mev左右的电子能谱很可能就是由同步加速辐射加速快电子产生的.  相似文献   

Jet models for the high-energy emission of Galactic X-ray binary sources have regained significant interest with detailed spectral and timing studies of the X-ray emission from microquasars, the recent detection by the HESS collaboration of very-high-energy γ-rays from the microquasar LS 5039, and the earlier suggestion of jet models for ultraluminous X-ray sources observed in many nearby galaxies. Here we study the synchrotron and Compton signatures of time-dependent electron injection and acceleration, and adiabatic and radiative cooling in the jets of Galactic microquasars.  相似文献   

We constrain the distance of the gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt emission site from the explosion centre R , by determining the location of the electron's self-absorption frequency in the GRB prompt optical-to-X/γ-ray spectral energy distribution, assuming that the optical and the γ-ray emissions are among the same synchrotron radiation continuum of a group of hot electrons. All possible spectral regimes are considered in our analysis. The method has only two assumed parameters, namely the bulk Lorentz factor of the emitting source Γ and the magnetic field strength B in the emission region (with a weak dependence). We identify a small sample of four bursts that satisfy the following three criteria: (1) they all have simultaneous optical and γ-ray detections in multiple observational time intervals, (2) they all show temporal correlations between the optical and γ-ray light curves and (3) the optical emission is consistent with belonging to the same spectral component as the γ-ray emission. For all the time intervals of these four bursts, it is inferred that   R ≥ 1014  (Γ/300)3/4 ( B /105 G)1/4  cm. For a small fraction of the sample, the constraint can be pinned down to   R ≈ 1014–1015 cm  for  Γ∼ 300  . For a second sample of bursts with prompt optical non-detections, only upper limits on R can be obtained. We find no inconsistency between the R -constraints for this non-detection sample and those for the detection sample.  相似文献   

We calculate the high-energy (sub-GeV to TeV) prompt and afterglow emission of GRB 080319B that was distinguished by a naked-eye optical flash and by an unusual strong early X-ray afterglow. There are three possible sources for high-energy emission: the prompt optical and γ-ray photons IC scattered by the accelerated electrons, the prompt photons IC scattered by the early external reverse-forward shock electrons, and the higher band of the synchrotron and the synchrotron self-Compton emission of the external shock. There should have been in total hundreds of high-energy photons detectable for the Large Area Telescope onboard the Fermi satellite, and tens of photons of those with energy >10 GeV. The >10 GeV emission had a duration about twice that of the soft γ-rays. Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero (AGILE) could have observed these energetic signals if it was not occulted by the Earth at that moment. The physical origins of the high-energy emission detected in GRB 080514B, GRB 080916C and GRB 081024B are also discussed. These observations seem to be consistent with the current high-energy emission models.  相似文献   

The prompt optical emission of GRB 990123 was uncorrelated to the γ-ray light curve and exhibited temporal properties similar to those of the steeply decaying, early X-ray emission observed by Swift at the end of many bursts. These facts suggest that the optical counterpart of GRB 990123 was the large-angle emission released during (the second pulse of) the burst. If the optical and γ-ray emissions of GRB 990123 have, indeed, the same origin then their properties require that (i) the optical counterpart was synchrotron emission and γ-rays arose from inverse-Compton scatterings (the 'synchrotron self-Compton model'), (ii) the peak energy of the optical-synchrotron component was at ∼20 eV and (iii) the burst emission was produced by a relativistic outflow moving at Lorentz factor  ≳450  and at a radius  ≳1015  cm, which is comparable to the outflow deceleration radius. Because the spectrum of GRB 990123 was optically thin above 2 keV, the magnetic field behind the shock must have decayed on a length-scale of  ≲1  per cent  of the thickness of the shocked gas, which corresponds to  106–107  plasma skin depths. Consistency of the optical counterpart decay rate and its spectral slope (or that of the burst, if they represent different spectral components) with the expectations for the large-angle burst emission represents the most direct test of the unifying picture proposed here for GRB 990123.  相似文献   

Scattering of the forward-shock synchrotron emission by a relativistic outflow located behind the leading blast wave may produce an X-ray emission brighter than that coming directly from the forward shock and may explain four features displayed by Swift X-ray afterglows: flares, plateaus (slow decays), chromatic light-curve breaks and fast post-plateau decays. For a cold scattering outflow, the reflected flux overshines the primary one if the scattering outflow is nearly baryon-free and highly relativistic. These two requirements can be relaxed if the scattering outflow is energized by weak internal shocks, so that the incident forward-shock photons are also inverse-Compton scattered, in addition to bulk scattering. Sweeping-up of the photons left behind by the forward shock naturally yields short X-ray flares. Owing to the boost in photon energy produced by bulk scattering, the reflected emission is more likely to overshine that coming directly from the forward shock at higher photon energies, yielding light-curve plateaus and breaks that appear only in the X-ray. The brightness, shape and decay of the X-ray light-curve plateau depend on the radial distribution of the scatterer's Lorentz factor and mass flux. Chromatic X-ray light-curve breaks and sharp post-plateau decays cannot be accommodated by the direct forward-shock emission and argue in favour of the scattering-outflow model proposed here. On the other hand, the X-ray afterglows without plateaus, those with achromatic breaks and those with very long lived power-law decays are more naturally accommodated by the standard forward-shock model. Thus, the diversity of X-ray light curves arises from the interplay of the scattered and direct forward-shock emissions.  相似文献   

We discuss the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), allowing for γγ pair production and synchrotron self-absorption. The observed hard spectra suggest heavy pair-loading in GRBs. The re-emission of the generated pairs results in the energy transmission from high-energy gamma-rays to long-wavelength radiation. Due to strong self-absorption, the synchrotron radiation by pairs is in optically thick regime. Thus, the re-emission would appear as a thermal-like spectral bump in the extreme-ultraviolet/soft X-ray band, other than the peak from the main burst. The confirmation of the thermal-like feature and the double-peak structure by future satellites, such as Swift, would indicate that the dominant radiation mechanism in GRBs is synchrotron rather than inverse-Compton radiation.  相似文献   

Synchro-curvature radiation describes the emission from a relativistic charged par- ticle which is moving and spiralling in a curved magnetic field. We investigate the maser emission for synchro-curvature radiation including drift of the guiding center of the radiating electron. It is shown that under some conditions the absorption coefficient can be negative, so maser can happen. These conditions are different from those needed for maser emission of curvature radiation including drift of the charged particles. We point out that our results, in- cluding the emissivity, can reduce to these of curvature radiation. Previously it was found that synchro-curvature radiation can not generate maser in vacuum, but we argue that synchro- curvature radiation including drift can generate maser even in vacuum. We discuss the possi- bilities of the potential applications of the synchro-curvature maser in modeling gamma ray bursts and pulsars.  相似文献   

The optical flash accompanying GRB 990123 is believed to be powered by the reverse shock of a thin shell. With the best-fit physical parameters for GRB 990123 and the assumption that the parameters in the optical flash are the same as in the afterglow, we show that: 1) the shell is thick rather than thin, and we have provided the light curve for the thick shell case which coincides with the observation; 2) the theoretical peak flux of the optical flash accounts for only 3×10~-4 of the observed. In order to remove this discrepancy, the physical parameters, the electron energy and magnetic ratios, εe and εB, should be 0.61 and 0.39, which are very different from their values for the late afterglow.  相似文献   

太阳耀斑中硬X射线(HXR)光子谱的低能变平过去一般认为是由于耀斑中非热电子的低能截止造成的,但现在也有作者认为耀斑光子与下层大气的逆康普顿散射(albedo效应)或者其他作用也能够使得HXR光子谱出现低能变平的情形.采用Gan etal.(2001,2002)中提出的求非热电子低能截止的方法,统计分析了Ramaty High EnergySolar Spectroscopy Imager(RHESSI)卫星在2002--2005年间观测的100个耀斑,发现经albedo校正,有18个耀斑的HXR光子谱可以利用单幂律谱来拟合,在80个可以用双幂律谱来拟合HXR光子谱的耀斑中,有21个耀斑可以直接用单幂律电子谱加一个低能截止来解释.低能截止范围为20-50keV,平均值约为30keV.同时也分析了耀斑光子谱特征的其他可能解释.  相似文献   

申荣锋  宋黎明 《天文学报》2002,43(4):341-346
分析了Balastegui等(2001)应用神经网络划分出的两类长γ暴的平均傅里叶功率谱(PDS),两类暴的平均PDS都具有明显的幂律谱结构,对两类暴分别按亮度和能谱硬度分组,计算各组的平均功率谱,两类暴都具有平均功率谱随亮度和能谱硬度的增加而变平的趋势。  相似文献   

Similar to the case of pulsars the magnetic axis and the spin axis of gamma-ray burst sources may not lie on the same line. This may cause the formation of a ring-like jet due to collimation of the processing magnetic axis. We analyze the tail emission from such a jet, and find that it has a shallow decay phase with a temporal index of -1/2 if the Lorentz factor of the ejecta is not very high, which is consistent with the shallow decay phase of some early X-ray afterglow detected by Swift. The ring-like jet has a tail cusp with sharp rising and very sharp decay. This effect can provide an explanation for the re-brightening and sharp decay of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 050709.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of observing ultra high energy cosmic ray sources in high energy gamma rays. Protons propagating away from their accelerators produce secondary electrons during interactions with cosmic microwave background photons. These electrons start an electromagnetic cascade that results in a broad band gamma ray emission. We show that in a magnetized Universe (B≳10−12 G) such emission is likely to be too extended to be detected above the diffuse background. A more promising possibility comes from the detection of synchrotron photons from the extremely energetic secondary electrons. Although this emission is produced in a rather extended region of size ∼10 Mpc, it is expected to be point-like and detectable at GeV energies if the intergalactic magnetic field is at the nanogauss level.   相似文献   

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