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Six Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites (252, 285, 315, 317, 336, 386) were examined for the chemical composition of the dissolved salts in interstitial waters, the oxygen isotopic composition of the interstitial waters, and the major ion composition of the bulk solid sediments. An examination of the concentration-depth profiles of dissolved calcium, magnesium, potassium, and H218O in conjunction with oxygen isotope mass balance calculations confirms the hypothesis that in DSDP pelagic drill sites concentration gradients in Ca. Mg. K, and H218O are largely due to alteration reactions occurring in the basalts of Layer 2 and to alteration reactions involving volcanic matter dispersed in the sediment column. Oxygen isotope mass balance calculations require substantial alteration of Layer 2 (up to 25% of the upper 1000 m). but only minor exchange of Ca, Mg, and K occurs with the overlying ocean. This implies that alteration reactions in Layer 2 are almost isochemical.  相似文献   

Rhythms in fine-grained sediments have not previously been studied because of their complex depositional cycles and diagenetic changes. Examination of nearly 9000 layers in outcrops, polished slab samples, and thin sections has led to recognition of rhythms in the Middle Ordovician Whitesburg, Blockhouse, and Sevier formations of east Tennessee. Rhythms have been described in four orders based on relative magnitude. First order cycles (basin-fill sequences, hundreds of metres thick)are composed of thinning upward debris-flow sequences and thickening upward turbiditic shale sequences. Second order cycles (multiple sedimentation units, tens of centimetres thick) consist of: (1) thinning upward cycles; (2) symmetrical cycles; (3) thickening upward cycles; (4) minor multiple cycles; (5) uniform cycles; and (6) dubious cycles. Third order cycles (single sedimentation unit, tens of millimetres thick) have thinning upward and asymmetrical cycles. Fourth order portrays the grain-size variations within a single layer of the third order. First order rhythms were controlled by tectonism and progradation of a deep-sea fan system. Second and third order rhythms were controlled by depositional processes, bottom topography, and sediment source. Depositional processes, sediment source, and bioturbation were the dominant controlling factors in the fourth order. A deep-sea fan model is proposed for the fine-grained turbidites in which channels and lobes coexist in the lower fan. The lower fan/mid fan boundary is marked by the presence of a channel cycle near the top of a lobe sequence. The basin plain/lower fan boundary is suggested by the appearance of minor lobe cycles over the non-cyclic basin plain sequence.  相似文献   

Aragonite mineralization was observed in serpentinized peridotites from the Romanche and Vema Fracture Zones in the Atlantic and the Owen Fracture Zone in the Indian Ocean, either in veins or as radial aggregates in cavities within the serpentinites. Evidence of incipient dissolution of the aragonite crystals was observed in one case. The aragonites tend to have lower Mg content (< 0.03%) and higher Sr content (> 0.95%) relative to other marine aragonites. Their 18O16O, 13C12C and 87Sr86Sr isotopic ratios suggest the aragonite was deposited at ocean floor temperatures from solutions derived from sea water circulating in fissures and fractures within the ultramafic rocks. The 18O16O ratios of the serpentines indicate serpentinization occurred at higher temperatures, probably deeper in the crust. Low-T reactions between circulating seawater and Mg-silicates (primarily serpentine and pyroxenes) caused high pH and enrichment of Mg and Ca in the solution, conditions favoring carbonate precipitation. Aragonite was formed rather than calcite presumably because the high Mg2+ concentration in the solution inhibited calcite precipitation. The high Sr content of the aragonites is probably related, at least in part, to their low temperature of formation. Opaque mineral grains containing over 8% NiO and over 40% MnO were observed concentrated along the margins of some of the aragonite veins, suggesting that Ni is one of the elements mobilized during reactions between ultramafic rocks and circulating seawater.  相似文献   

Some manganese nodules from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean have been studied. The structural study with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) as well as the mineralogical studies or leaching experiments show that the oxide layer is supported by a frame of material derived from the core, being amorphous silica when the core is made of silicates, and calcium phosphate when the core is made of calcium phosphate.It is to be concluded that, for these nodules, the most probable origin is a volcanic origin.  相似文献   

Nd isotopes preserved in fossil fish teeth and ferromanganese crusts have become a common tool for tracking variations in water mass composition and circulation through time. Studies of Nd isotopes extracted from Pleistocene to Holocene bulk sediments using hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HH) solution yield high resolution records of Nd isotopes that can be interpreted in terms of deep water circulation, but concerns about diagenesis and potential contamination of the seawater signal limit application of this technique to geologically young samples.In this study we demonstrate that Nd extracted from the > 63 μm, decarbonated fraction of older Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sediments using a 0.02 M HH solution produces Nd isotopic ratios that are within error of values from cleaned fossil fish teeth collected from the same samples, indicating that the HH-extractions are robust recorders of deep sea Nd isotopes. This excellent correlation was achieved for 94 paired fish teeth and HH-extraction samples ranging in age from the Miocene to Cretaceous, distributed throughout the north, tropical and south Atlantic, and composed of a range of lithologies including carbonate-rich oozes/chalks and black shales. The strong Nd signal recovered from Cretaceous anoxic black shale sequences is unlikely to be associated with ferromanganese oxide coatings, but may be derived from abundant phosphatic fish teeth and debris or organic matter in these samples.In contrast to the deep water Nd isotopic signal, Sr isotopes from HH-extractions are often offset from seawater values, suggesting that evaluation of Sr isotopes is a conservative test for the integrity of Nd isotopes in the HH fraction. However, rare earth elements (REE) from the HH-extractions and fish teeth produce distinctive middle REE bulge patterns that may prove useful for evaluating whether the Nd isotopic signal represents uncontaminated seawater. Alternatively, a few paired HH-extraction and cleaned fish teeth samples from each site of interest can be used to verify the seawater composition of the HH-extractions. The similarity between isotopic values for the HH-extraction and fish teeth illustrates that the extensive cleaning protocol applied to fish teeth samples is not necessary in typical, carbonate-rich, deep sea sediments.  相似文献   

Grain size distribution in suspension from bed materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental results show that the grain size distribution of suspended material is related to flow parameters and grain size distribution in the bed. A theoretical model has been developed to compute the suspension grain size distribution on the basis of diffusion equations, taking into account the effect of hindered settling due to the increased concentration in suspension. Fluid velocity closest to the bed is estimated by using the concept of migration velocities of particles in the bed layer. Comparisons of data computed by the proposed method and data from actual observations show generally good agreement.  相似文献   

Deep sea manganese nodules from the Southern Ocean have been studied using chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical mineragraphic and electron probe microanalysis techniques. The nodules were lower in manganese, iron and associated elements than the average grade of manganese nodules from other localities. A number of chemical relationships have been observed. Nickel, copper, cobalt, barium, zinc, molybdenum, strontium, sulphur and phosphorus are associated with the manganese rich phases and titanium with the iron rich phases. X-ray diffraction analysis and electron probe microanalysis results indicate that the manganese phases are similar to the disordered -MnO2 and manganite phases reported by other workers.
Zusammenfassung Tiefsee-Manganknollen aus dem südlichen Ozean wurden mit Hilfe von chemischen Analysen, Röntgenbeugung, mikroskopischer Untersuchung und Anwendung von Mikroelektronensonden untersucht. Die Knollen enthielten weniger Mangan, Eisen und Begleitelemente als das Durchschnittsquantum in Manganknollen aus anderen Gebieten. Eine Anzahl chemischer Ähnlichkeiten wurde beobachtet. Nickel, Kupfer, Kobalt, Barium, Zink, Molybdän, Strontium, Schwefel und Phosphor treten gemeinsam mit den manganreichen Erscheinungsformen, und Titan zusammen mit den eisenreichen auf. Ergebnisse der Röntgenbeugungsanalyse und Mikroelektronensondenuntersuchung ergaben, daß die Manganphasen Ähnlichkeit haben mit ungeordneten -MnO2 und manganitischen Erscheinungsformen, über die andere Wissenschaftler berichtet haben.

A deep-sea core over 16 m long from the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge has been investigated with different techniques, including quantitative micropaleontology, stable isotopes (measured on the epipelagic species Globigerinoides ruber and on the mesopelagic species Globorotalia inflata), and clay mineralogy. The resulting record of climatic fluctuations can be cross correlated to other Mediterranean cores by means of isochronous lithologies (tephra layers and sapropels). The climatic record of the Mediterranean is similar in character, phase, and chronology to the records investigated in the equatorial Pacific and in the Caribbean. Isotope stages 1 to 17 have been recognized. Cyclically repeated stagnant cycles resulting in sapropel deposition complicate both the isotopic and the faunal signal. The isotopic investigations reveal that the temperature change in the surface layers of the eastern Mediterranean was no greater than 8°C in the late “glacial” Pleistocene. The chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic interpretation of Core KS09 indicate that the mean sedimentation rate was 2.4 cm/1000 years, a value very close to the 2.5 cm/1000 years calculated for the entire Quaternary section at DSDP Site 125, also located in the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge in the Ionian Basin. The base of KS09 is likely to be very close to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary dated at 0.7 my.  相似文献   

Grain size effect on the electrical conductivity of clinopyroxene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Complex impedance spectra of polycrystalline samples (with grain size fractions ~5–63, 63–160 and 160–250 μm) and a single crystal sample (with orientation parallel to b), prepared from a natural megacryst augite, were measured in a piston cylinder apparatus at 10 kbar and 500–1,000°C and with a Solartron 1260 Impedance/Gain Phase analyzer over a frequency range of 0.1–106 Hz. The main charge carriers are attributed to small polarons, and the activation enthalpy is 83 ± 3 to 90 ± 3 kJ/mol. The measured electrical conductivity shows no difference between the polycrystalline and single crystal samples, suggesting independence of electrical conductivity on grain size given a change above ~5 μm. The electrical conductivity of augite is much higher than that of olivine, indicating that, if regionally enriched, augites may lead to zones of high electrical conductivity and electrical anisotropy in the deep lithosphere.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(1):59-68
In the intertidal flats of Bohai Bay, China, the spatial distribution of the grain size of sediments becomes coarser from landward to seaward. To study the grain size effect on multi-element concentrations in sediments, samples along the coastline and 3 horizontal cross-sections were collected from the intertidal flats of Bohai Bay, China, in 1998. Total concentrations of 49 elements, including alkali, alkaline earth, trace metal, rare and rare earth elements, were measured by ICP–AES, ICP–MS and INAA. The results show that sediment texture plays a controlling role on the concentrations and their spatial distribution. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were carried out based on the grain sizes of the sediments, and the samples were classified into 3 groups: mud, silt-mud and silt. Significant differences among the element concentrations in the 3 groups were observed, and the concentrations of the elements in each group are reported in this study. Most of the elements have their highest concentrations in the fine grained mud samples, in comparison with the silt and silt-mud samples, with clay minerals possibly playing an important role. In contrast, concentrations of Ba, Sr, Hf, and Zr are elevated in the coarse silt samples. Ba and Sr may reside in feldspars, while Zr and Hf are present in zircons. Landward to seaward spatial variation of element concentrations in the sediments is observed, which is in line with the spatial distribution of the grain size and is related to the seawater hydrological dynamics in the intertidal flats.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the evolution of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system during the last 200 kyr, over a series of glacial to interglacial cycles. Six individual deep‐sea fans were identified from an extensive field data set. Each fan comprises a canyon, channel system and terminal lobes. Two of these fan systems were possibly active at the same time, at least during some periods. Large‐scale slope failures destroyed channel segments and caused the formation of new submarine fan systems. These slope failures thus played an important role in the overall evolution of the turbidite system. During the last glacial maximum (ca 25 to 14·8 ka) the central and eastern parts of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system were relatively inactive. This inactivity corresponds to a lowstand in sea‐level, and a period of arid climate and relatively low sediment discharge from the Nile fluvial system. Rapid accumulation of fluvial flood‐derived deposits occurred across the shallower part of the submarine delta during sea‐level rise between ca 14·8 and 5 ka. The most recent deep‐sea channel–lobe system was very active during this period of rising sea‐level, which is also associated with a wetter continental climate and increased sediment and water discharge from the Nile. Increased sediment deposition in shallower water areas led to occasional large‐scale slope failure. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system was largely inactive after ca 5 ka. This widespread inactivity is due to retreat of the coastline away from the continental shelf break, and to a more arid continental climate and reduced discharge of sediment from the Nile. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system may be more active during periods of rising and high sea‐level associated with wetter climates, than during lowstands, and may rapidly become largely inactive during highstands in sea‐level coupled with arid periods. These acute responses to climate change have produced sedimentary/stratigraphic features that diverge from traditional sequence models in their nature and timing. This large‐scale sedimentary system responded to monsoon‐driven climate change and sea‐level change in a system‐wide and contemporaneous manner.  相似文献   

冰川堆积物的粒度组成在很大程度上控制了其物理力学性质,但常规试验无法得到连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成数据。应用数字图像处理技术和室内试验相结合的分析方法,首先借助图像处理技术,对冰川堆积物剖面的砾石形态进行分析,获取粗粒部分(>2cm)的粒度组成,然后采用室内颗分试验获得细粒(<2cm)部分的粒度组成,将2类粒度数据进行叠合即可获取连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成。结果表明:研究区冰川堆积物的粒度组成极不均匀且颗粒分析曲线呈现多峰性,具有良好的级配和工程性质;冰川堆积物的粒度组成、砾石形态和排列特征都有很好的分形特征。  相似文献   

成都平原区成都粘土的粒度特征及其成因意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对成都平原区内5个代表性的第四系剖面上的成都粘土进行了系统的粒度分析。结果表明,成都粘土以粉砂颗粒(5~50μm)为主,平均粒径约为7.1~7.3φ(7.4~6.6μm),缺少粗尾,>63μm颗粒的含量很少,以细颗粒物质为主,呈双峰分布。其粒度分布及粒度参数特征与北方黄土及甘孜黄土非常相似,而与河流相沉积物有很大差异,表明成都粘土属于风成堆积。根据光释光测年(OSL)结果,成都平原区的成都粘土是晚更新世中期至晚期末次冰期堆积物,其物质主体是远源的。  相似文献   

冰川堆积物的粒度组成在很大程度上控制了其物理力学性质,但常规试验无法得到连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成数据.应用数字图像处理技术和室内试验相结合的分析方法,首先借助图像处理技术,对冰川堆积物剖面的砾石形态进行分析.获取粗粒部分(>2cm)的粒度组成,然后采用室内颗分试验获得细粒(<2cm)部分的粒度组成,将2类粒度数据进行叠合即可获取连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成.结果表明:研究区冰ill堆积物的粒度组成极不均匀且颗粒分析曲线呈现多峰性,具有良好的级配和工程性质;冰川堆积物的粒度组成、砾石形态和排列特征都有很好的分形特征.  相似文献   

王献礼    张永双  曲永新  姚鑫  熊探宇 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):469-475
冰川堆积物的粒度组成在很大程度上控制了其物理力学性质,但常规试验无法得到连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成数据。应用数字图像处理技术和室内试验相结合的分析方法,首先借助图像处理技术,对冰川堆积物剖面的砾石形态进行分析,获取粗粒部分(>2cm)的粒度组成,然后采用室内颗分试验获得细粒(<2cm)部分的粒度组成,将2类粒度数据进行叠合即可获取连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成。结果表明:研究区冰川堆积物的粒度组成极不均匀且颗粒分析曲线呈现多峰性,具有良好的级配和工程性质;冰川堆积物的粒度组成、砾石形态和排列特征都有很好的分形特征。  相似文献   

深海富稀土沉积物已成为潜在的战略资源。为探讨富稀土粘土的地球化学特征及其来源和富集机制,对太平洋西部深海区域进行底层水和深层沉积物的系统采样,分析了样品的主、微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征,并采用氧化还原环境、稀土元素的迁移和分馏以及海洋稀土循环的分析方法对富稀土沉积物的成因进行探讨。结果显示:沉积物的∑REY与Ce/Ce*表现出负相关关系,并与生物成因的P和Ca关系密切。样品Th/U、V/Sc、(La/Yb)_N、(La/Sm)_N和(Sm/Yb)_N值呈系统的变化,沉积物均处于氧化或次氧化环境。底层海水具重稀土富集的特征,海水-沉积物界面轻、中稀土含量上升,下覆的较深层沉积物表现出中、重稀土富集。初步推断沉积物的稀土元素来源于海水,与生物相关的物质是其REY富集和Ce负异常的主要控制因素。宽的氧化或次氧化环境和生物相关氧化物的强吸附能力导致稀土元素未扩散至海水而引起了沉积物稀土元素的富集。  相似文献   

This study is based on the seismic data collected as a result of explosions carried out during the 1976 and 1978 Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) field operations in the Koyna region. These shots were exploded from twelve shot points by the National Geophysical Research Institute along the Guhagar-Chorochi and Kelsi-Loni profiles.Refraction studies of the records reveal a two-layered crust. The top layer consists 17 km of granite and the second layer 19 km of basalt, giving the average depth of the Moho as 36 km in the region. The velocities of the phases Pg, P* and Pn have been computed as 5.82 ± 0.01, 6.61 ± 0.05 and 8.23 ± 0.05 km/sec respectively and those of Sg, S* and Sn as 3.41 ± 0.00, 4.09 ± 0.07 and 4.60 ± 0.08 km/sec respectively. The shear wave velocity in the basement rock has been found to be lower in comparison with other regions of the peninsular India.In some cases reflections were recorded both from the Moho as well as from the intermediate layer. These reveal a crustal thickness of 39 km with 19 km of granitic and 20 km of basaltic layers.Coda signal durations from DSS explosions recorded by microearthquake seismographs indicate a lateral heterogeneity in the crust on either side of Karad in an east-west direction.  相似文献   

An isobathic transect of marine surface sediments from 1°N to 28°S off southwest Africa was used to further evaluate the potential of the chain length distribution and carbon stable isotope composition of higher plant n-alkanes as proxies for continental vegetation and climate conditions. We found a strong increase in the n-C29–33 weighted mean average δ13C values from −33‰ near the equator to around −26‰ further south. Additionally, C25–35 n-alkanes reveal a southward trend of increasing average chain length from 30.0 to 30.5. The data reflect the changing contribution of plants employing different photosynthetic pathways (C3 and C4) and/or being differently influenced by the environmental conditions of their habitat. The C4 plant proportions calculated from the data (ca. 20% for rivers draining the rainforest, to ca. 70% at higher latitude) correspond to the C4 plant abundance in continental catchment areas postulated by considering prevailing wind systems and river outflows. Furthermore, the C4 plant contribution to the sediments correlates with the mean annual precipitation and aridity at selected continental locations in the postulated catchment areas, suggesting that the C4 plant fraction in marine sediments can be used to assess these environmental parameters.  相似文献   

巴西巴伊亚州阿巴伊拉地区属巴西热带干湿润季风高原中低山丘陵景观区之一。通过开展野外水系沉积物采样粒度试验和室内分析及数据处理,确定适合该景观区内1∶10万水系沉积物测量样品最佳粒级为-10目~+60目,以此粒级圈定的成矿元素异常强度较高,且较好地反映出试验区成矿元素地球化学异常。该试验成果可供巴西同类地区工作中借鉴使用。  相似文献   

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