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The environmental effects of oil-based drilling mud cuttings have been evaluated using all the data available from monitoring around North Sea platforms. Beneath the platforms making extensive use of oil-based drilling muds the natural sediment is buried by cuttings and the hydrocarbon concentration 250 m from the platforms may be 1000 times background, but the concentration gradient is very steep and background levels are usually reached 2000–3000 m from the platform.The extent of the biological effects appear to be greater from the use of oil-based muds than from water-based muds. Beyond the area of physical smothering the effects of oil-based mud cuttings may be due to organic enrichment or to the toxicity of the aromatic fraction of the oil. Despite the large scale of inputs, in all the fields studied the major deleterious biological effects occurred within 500 m of the platform. Surrounding the area of major impact was a transition zone in which subtle biological effects could be detected as community parameters returned to normal, generally within 400–1000 m.The shape and extent of this zone varied and was largely determined by the current regime and scale of the drilling operation. Elevated hydrocarbon concentrations were detected beyond the areas of biological effects.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts occur at all stages of oil and gas production. They are the result of prospecting activities, of the physical impact due to the installation of rigs, of the operational discharges when production starts and of accidental spills. The input of oil to the North Sea due to the offshore industry has been estimated at 29% of the total input of oil. The operational discharges consist of production water and drilling cuttings. An overview of statistics collected over the last 10 years shows that although the amount of oil discharged via production water is increasing as platforms are getting older, cuttings still account for 75% of the oil entering the sea as a result of normal operations. Spills represent a relatively small source of oil. The effects on the marine environment of discharges of production water and of discarded oily cuttings have been extensively studied, by national authorities as well as by the industry. Although it has not always been possible to reach consensus about the significance of the observed effects, a number of ‘agreed facts’ have led to establishment of regulations in the framework of the Paris Commission. The ‘decisions’ and ‘recommendations’ adopted by the Commission are regularly reviewed in the light of new developments.  相似文献   

Drill cuttings piles are found underneath several hundred oil platforms in the North Sea, and are contaminated with hydrocarbons and chemical products. This study characterised the environmental risk posed by the cuttings pile at the North West Hutton (NWH) oil platform. Data on the drilling fluids and chemical products used over the platform's drilling history were transferred from archived well reports into a custom database, to which were added toxicological and safety data. Although the database contained many gaps, it established that only seven chemical products used at NWH were not in the lowest category of the Offshore Chemicals Notification Scheme, and were used in only small quantities. The study therefore supports the view that the main environmental risk posed by cuttings piles comes from hydrocarbon contamination. The (dated) well records could help future core sampling to be targeted at specific locations in the cuttings piles. Data from many platforms could also be pooled to determine generic 'discharge profiles.' Future study would benefit from the existence, in the public domain, of a standardised, 'legacy' database of chemical products.  相似文献   

Small quantities of drilling cuttings (100 g/250 cm2) were found to affect both the survival and general behaviour of Nephrops norvegicus held in experimental aquaria. In one experiment volatile hydrocarbons released from the cuttings caused a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the beat of the exopodite on the third maxilliped. Flicking rates of the antennule and the time taken to identify and capture food introduced into the tanks were unaffected by exposure to cuttings. When the water flow through the tanks was interrupted for 12 h, 58% of animals died after exposure to the highest concentration of cuttings but those at the lower concentrations survived. After the water flow was restored the remaining survivors showed disorientated behaviour and uncoordinated movements which lasted for about 36 h. In this condition animals will be more vulnerable to predators. This unnatural behaviour may have serious implications for natural populations exposed to cuttings discharge in the close vicinity of offshore drilling platforms.  相似文献   

Fisheries have been vital to coastal communities around the North Sea for centuries, but this semi-enclosed sea also receives large amounts of waste. It is therefore important to monitor and control inputs of contaminants into the North Sea. Inputs of effluents from offshore oil and gas production platforms (produced water) in the Norwegian sector have been monitored through an integrated chemical and biological effects programme since 2001. The programme has used caged Atlantic cod and blue mussels. PAH tissue residues in blue mussels and PAH bile metabolites in cod have confirmed exposure to effluents, but there was variation between years. Results for a range of biological effects methods reflected exposure gradients and indicated that exposure levels were low and caused minor environmental impact at the deployment locations. There is a need to develop methods that are sufficiently sensitive to components in produced water at levels found in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Egypt is located in the Northeast of Africa where oil and gas (O&G) are produced offshore from the Gulf of Suez and the Southeast part of the Mediterranean. The O&G production in Egypt is distributed as follows: 70% from Gulf of Suez, 16% from Western desert, 8% from the Sinai Peninsula and 6% from Eastern desert. Past O&G activities, refining and transport have resulted in chronic pollution in Egyptian offshore and numerous environmental programs have been initiated to protect new development areas from the environmental impacts. The offshore drilling process uses drilling fluids (mud) and generates waste fluids and cuttings, which could be the largest discharges going into the receiving water bodies. There are several options to manage offshore drilling wastes: offshore discharge, offshore down-hole injection and onshore disposal. Water-based drilling fluids (WBF) are commonly employed for drilling in Egyptian offshore because of their expected environmental benign behavior. The main objective of this paper is to develop a methodology to determine the fate of heavy metals associated with WBF drilling waste in the marine environment and estimate the associated ecological risks. Proposed contaminant fate model is based on an aquivalence approach, which has been integrated with fuzzy-based analysis to study the uncertainties. This research concluded that the impacts of heavy metals associated with the drilling waste discharges in the receiving waters are minimal.  相似文献   

North Sea drill cuttings piles are a distinct anthropogenic legacy resulting from the exploration and production of North Sea oil reserves. The need to understand metal cycling within the piles becomes increasingly important with the imminent decommissioning of many North Sea platforms and the subsequent fate of associated cuttings piles. This paper presents results of the simultaneous analysis of geochemical carrier substances (Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides), along with dissolved (<0.2 microm) and total (>0.2 microm) metal (Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, V) concentrations from a North Sea cuttings pile and surrounding sediment. These data are examined in conjunction with in situ measured porewater oxygen and sulfide. Results show a rapid removal of oxygen within the top few millimeters of the cuttings pile along with elevated concentrations of total hydrocarbons and solid phase metal concentrations compared to the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

This study reports a newly established sub-population of Lophelia pertusa, the dominant reef-framework forming coral species in the north-east Atlantic, on oil and gas platforms in the northern North Sea. L. pertusa was positively identified on 13 of 14 platforms examined using existing oil and gas industry visual inspections. Two platforms were inspected in more detail to examine depth and colony size distributions. We recorded 947 colonies occurring between 59 and 132 m depth that coincides with cold Atlantic water at depths below the summer thermocline in the northern North Sea. We suggest that these colonies provide evidence for a planktonic larval stage of L. pertusa with recruits initially originating from populations in the north-east Atlantic and now self recruiting to the platforms. Size class distribution showed a continuous range of size classes, but with few outlying large colonies. The break between the largest colonies and the rest of the population is considered as the point when colonies began self recruiting to the platforms, resulting in greater colonization success. We present the first documented in situ colony growth rate estimate (26 +/- 5 mm yr(-1)) for L. pertusa based on 15 colonies from the Tern Alpha platform with evidence for yearly recruitment events starting the year the platform was installed. Evidence of contamination from drill muds and cuttings was observed on the Heather platform but appeared limited to regions close to drilling discharge points, where colonies experience partial as well as whole colony mortality.  相似文献   

The exploration and production of North Sea oil and gas reserves has resulted in the accumulation of large quantities of drill cuttings on the seabed surrounding drill sites. This complex mixture of man-made and natural substances contains higher concentrations of certain metals (Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and hydrocarbons than are observed in background sediments. With decommissioning of older platforms underway, an evaluation of the environmental interactions and chemical fate of the drill cuttings accumulations is required.This review concentrates on contaminants within drill cutting accumulations in the Northern and Central North Sea (56 degrees N-62 degrees N). Present literature reviewed reveals that hydrocarbons within the cuttings piles remain relatively unchanged with time. A considerable proportion of the associated contaminants are likely to remain within the cuttings pile unless they are disturbed which will then increase exchanges of porewater and solids back to the seabed surface resulting in pathways of exposure for organisms.  相似文献   

Operational discharges of hydrocarbons from maritime activities can have major cumulative impacts on marine ecosystems. Small quantities of oil (i.e., 10 ml) results in often lethally reduced thermoregulation in seabirds. Thin sheens of oil and drilling fluids form around offshore petroleum production structures from currently permissible operational discharges of hydrocarbons. Methodology was developed to measure feather microstructure impacts (amalgamation index or AI) associated with sheen exposure. We collected feather samples from two common North Atlantic species of seabirds; Common Murres (Uria aalge) and Dovekies (Alle alle). Impacts were compared after feather exposure to crude oil and synthetic lubricant sheens of varying thicknesses. Feather weight and microstructure changed significantly for both species after exposure to thin sheens of crude oil and synthetic drilling fluids. Thus, seabirds may be impacted by thin sheens forming around offshore petroleum production facilities from discharged produced water containing currently admissible concentrations of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

针对海洋油气渗漏可以在近地表沉积层中引起的一系列烃蚀变效应,本文讨论了利用不同手段,分层次进行检测的几种方法.利用烃蚀变带所产生的磁异常现象,在平面上圈定油气渗漏的分布范围,进而寻找海底油气藏.同时,钻井岩芯岩屑的磁性质测量结果可以从剖面上预测下伏岩层的含油气性.最终利用X射线衍射方法(XRD)对典型层位岩石样品的物相测量,进行烃蚀变矿物组合分析并通过镜下鉴定作进一步的综合判断.对渤海海域烃蚀变效应的磁法检测研究结果与遥感及其他方法的研究结果有很好的一致性.对南海3口钻井岩芯岩屑的磁性测量结果表明:两口有油气前景而另一口没有异常.这与实际结果十分一致,同时表明该方法在海区同样可以具有良好效果.  相似文献   

Sinking of aggregated phytoplankton cells is a crucial mechanism for transporting carbon to the seafloor and benthic ecosystem, with such aggregates often scavenging particulate material from the water column as they sink. In the vicinity of drilling rigs used by the oil and gas industry, the concentration of particulate matter in the water column may at times be enriched as a result of the discharge of ‘drill cuttings’ - drilling waste material. This investigation exposed laboratory produced phytoplankton aggregates to drill cuttings of various composition (those containing no hydrocarbons from reservoir rocks and those with a <1% hydrocarbon content) and assessed the change in aggregate size, settling rate and resuspension behavior of these using resuspension chambers and settling cylinders. Results indicate that both settling velocity and seabed stress required to resuspend the aggregates are greater in aggregates exposed to drill cuttings, with these increases most significant in aggregates exposed to hydrocarbon containing drill cuttings.  相似文献   

Seabirds aggregate around oil drilling platforms and rigs in above average numbers due to night lighting, flaring, food and other visual cues. Bird mortality has been documented due to impact on the structure, oiling and incineration by the flare. The environmental circumstances for offshore hydrocarbon development in North-west Atlantic are unique because of the harsh climate, cold waters and because enormous seabird concentrations inhabit and move through the Grand Banks in autumn (storm-petrels, Oceanodroma spp), winter (dovekies, Alle alle, murres, Uria spp), spring and summer (shearwaters, Puffinus spp). Many species are planktivorous and attracted to artificial light sources. Most of the seabirds in the region are long-distance migrants, and hydrocarbon development in the North-west Atlantic could affect both regional and global breeding populations. Regulators need to take responsibility for these circumstances. It is essential to implement comprehensive, independent arm's length monitoring of potential avian impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms in the North-west Atlantic. This should include quantifying and determining the nature, timing and extent of bird mortality caused by these structures. Based on existing evidence of potential impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms on seabirds, it is difficult to understand why this has not been and is not being, systematically implemented.  相似文献   

The bacterial composition of the water column around two oil production platforms and a control site was examined. Samples were collected during three seasons of a 12-month sampling period three water depths were sampled at all stations occupied.No major differences were discovered in taxonomic or physiological makeup of bacterial populations of the oil field and control site. The genus Pseudomonas predominated at the oil field stations and the control. Bacterial numbers were lower for oil field stations than the control and generally decreased with depth. Microbial biomass estimates were consistently higher at the control site. Oil degrading and sulphur oxidizing bacteria were more numerous within the oil field, and their numbers decreased with distance from the platforms. Buccaneer crude oil did not adversely affect growth or attachment ability of oil field isolates.  相似文献   

Baseline characterization of concentrations and isotopic values of dissolved natural gases is needed to identify contamination caused by the leakage of fugitive gases from oil and gas activities. Methods to collect and analyze baseline concentration‐depth profiles of dissolved CH4 and C2H6 and δ13C‐CH4 in shales and Quaternary clayey tills were assessed at two sites in the Williston Basin, Canada. Core and cuttings samples were stored in Isojars® in a low O2 headspace prior to analysis. Measurements and multiphase diffusion modeling show that the gas concentrations in core samples yield well‐defined and reproducible depth profiles after 31‐d equilibration. No measurable oxidative loss or production during core sample storage was observed. Concentrations from cuttings and mud gas logging (including IsoTubes®) were much lower than from cores, but correlated well. Simulations suggest the lower concentrations from cuttings can be attributed to drilling time, and therefore their use to define gas concentration profiles may have inherent limitations. Calculations based on mud gas logging show the method can provide estimates of core concentrations if operational parameters for the mud gas capture cylinder are quantified. The δ13C‐CH4 measured from mud gas, IsoTubes®, cuttings, and core samples are consistent, exhibiting slight variations that should not alter the implications of the results in identifying the sources of the gases. This study shows core and mud gas techniques and, to a lesser extent, cuttings, can generate high‐resolution depth profiles of dissolved hydrocarbon gas concentrations and their isotopes.  相似文献   

The project of an ultradeep drill hole (KTB) in the Oberpfalz area at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif has completed a pilot drill hole to a depth of 4000.1 m in April 1989. This well is situated only about 200m away from the main drill hole aimed at 10 km depth where drilling started in September 1990. The cores of the pilot well have a diameter of 9.4 cm or 10.16 cm, respectively. In addition to cores and cuttings there was also mud available for geochemical, petrological and some geophysical measurements. The pilot drill hole has a core recovery length of as much as 3042.6 m (about 76%), among which 193.1 m were obtained by rotary drilling and 2849.5 m by wireline drilling. Several petrophysical parameters were measured in a specially established field laboratory at the drill site immediately after sampling in order to obtain as good as possible in-situ values. Results for the following parameters are reported: density, natural gamma ray activity, velocities of seismic longitudinal and shear waves, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, natural remanent magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, porosity and inner surface. The methods of measurement are characterized briefly and the results of the pilot drill hole are presented and discussed in connection with the lithology and the geophysical anomalies, which have been observed on the surface.  相似文献   

The potential for oil rigs to transport diverse, reef-like communities around the globe makes them high risk vectors for the inadvertent spread of non-indigenous species (NIS). This paper describes two case studies where a suite of pre-border management approaches was applied to semi-submersible drilling rigs. In the first case study, a drilling rig was defouled in-water prior to departure from New Zealand to Australia. Risk mitigation measures were successful in reducing biosecurity risks to the recipient region, but they resulted in the unintentional introduction of the non-indigenous brown mussel (Perna perna) to New Zealand when the rig was defouled in-water by divers. In the second case study, lessons learned from this high-profile incursion resulted in a more structured approach to pre-border management, and this serves as a useful template for future rig transfers.  相似文献   

The effect of recent drilling operations (fluid and well cuttings) on polychaete feeding guilds from the continental shelf off Atlantic City, New Jersey, was examined. Although there were some adverse effects on macrobenthos from 2160 metric tons of cuttings and mud solids discharged into the marine environment, the composition of polychaete feeding guilds remained essentially unchanged. This key trophic relationship between polychaetes and the changing environment due to the drilling operation was apparently uninterrupted. This relationship remains to be examined in other natural and perturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Produced water is one of the largest waste products routinely discharged into the ocean from offshore oil and gas platforms. This study analyzed bacterial communities and metals in the produced water, surrounding seawater, and sediment around the Thebaud platform. The bacterial community within the produced water was different from the seawater (SAB = 13.3), but the discharge had no detectable effect on the bacterial communities in the seawater (SAB > 97). In contrast, genomic analysis of sediments revealed that the bacterial community from 250 m was different (SAB = 70) from other locations further from the discharge, suggesting that the produced water had a detectable effect on the bacterial community in the sediment closest to the discharge. These near-field sediments contained elevated concentrations of manganese and iron that are associated with the produced water effluent. The results suggested that the discharge of produced water has influenced the bacterial community structure of sediments adjacent to the platform.  相似文献   

应用超低频可控震源进行振动采油,是当今石油工业提高原油采收率的一种新的辅助手段。我院根据国内外的发展动态和振动采油的特点,在我国东北某油田进行了振动采油试验。本文将对其中一个周期的试验过程和效果进行综合分析。试验结果表明,振动采油增产效果明显,经济效益显著  相似文献   

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