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To identify some specific effects of organic contaminants on fisheries in an urbanized estuary we compared the reproductive success of starry flounder from San Francisco Bay with concentrations of tissue contaminants and hepatic mixed-function oxidase (MFO) activity. We found significantly lower (P < 0·05) sediment concentrations of total identified polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the less urbanized San Pablo Bay (SP) area (Fig. 1) than in the more urbanized central bay (CB) stations (Table 1). For flounder in early gametogenesis (August and September) the SP fish (n = 20) had significantly lower (P < 0·01) liver concentrations of Aroclor 1260 (0·34 ± 0·14 μg/g) than those at the CB stations: Berkeley (BK, n = 20, 1·6 ± 1·6 μg/g); Oakland (OK, n = 16, 2·3 ± 2·8 μg/g); and Alameda (AL, n = 4, 2·2 ± 1 μg/g). A similar pattern existed for DDT concentrations: SP = 0·2 ± 0·16 μg/g; BK = 0·1 ± 0·34 μg/g; OK = 0·4 ± 0·53 μg/g; and AL = 0·4 ± 0·33 μg/g. Total PAHs in livers were as follows: SP = 0·14 μg/g; BK = 2·6 μg/g; OK = 1·4 μg/g; and AL = 14 μg/g. Although gonad index, liver index, and presence of fin rot are inversely related to aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity, healthy fish in a similar reproductive state have lower AHH activities in the SP area. For example, in August and September, 1984, mean AHH activities were as follows: SP = 203 ± 89, and CB = 355 ± 200 pmol 3-OH-B[a]P mg microsomal protein min. We found a log-linear relationship for AHH activity and its percent inhibition by 7,8-benzoflavone (10−4m) and only a few fish from SP showed enhanced AHH activity after addition of 7,8-benzoflavone. This suggests that most of the starry flounder in San Francisco Bay are induced.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase activity was measured in the hepatic cytosol front Dissostichus mawsoni and Pagothenia borchgrevinki. Activity measures with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as substrate were 11·2 and 16·7 μmol/min/g tissue respectively. Little or no activity was detected when p-nitrobenzyl chloride or 3,4-dichloro-1-nitrobenzene were used as substrate. The hepatic glutathione S-transferases from D. mawsoni were partially purified using gel filtration and chromatofocusing. Three peaks of activity were resolved. The major isozyme (158-fold purification) eluting at pH7·1 appeared to be catalytically a homodimer. The isozyme was highly inhibited by triphenyltin chloride (IC50 = 0·1 μ) while inhibition constants for Cibicron Blue 3GA, bromosulphophalein and hematin were 1·1, 20 and 34 μ respectively.  相似文献   

To determine if avoidance of chlorinated seawater by fish resulted in physiological protection from toxicity, studies were carried out which assessed (a) changes in the routine oxygen consumption rate and (b) the ability of treated fish to successfully compete with untreated conspecifics for a limited food resource.Temperate marine damselfish, Chromis punctipinnis, were exposed to stepwise increasing levels of chlorinated seawater in a behaviour chamber and avoided total residual oxidant (TRO) levels greater than 0·15-0·16 mg/litre. Cumulative exposures ranged from the equivalent of 0·38-5·23 in at 1·0/litre TRO. One day after exposure, routine oxygen consumption rates were decreased by 25 to 45% from pre-exposure rates and were correlated with the cumulative oxidant exposure. One month post exposure, respiration rates returned to pre-treatment levels. This transient depression of the respiratory rate did not affect survival or growth of chlorine-treated fish which were forced to compete with untreated conspecifics for a restricted food supply.  相似文献   

The predatory fish community and their prey in the Norman Rivere estuary, Gulf of Carpentaria Australia, are compared with the communities of other tropical inshore areas, to investigate patterns of predation in tropical inshore areas particularly in relation to penaeid prawns. Abiotic factors (turbidity, freshwater input) and diversity of habitat types affect the composition of both prey and predator communities, resulting in large differences in the communities of tropical inshore waters. The stomach contents of 2059 predatory fish from the Norman River estuary were analysed over four sampling trips in the wet and dry seasons. The stomachs of 61% (1255 fish) of 54 species contained a total of 676·2 g (dry weight) of food, while 39% (804 fish) were empty. Teleosts were the main component of the diet (by dry weight) of 13 of the 22 species analysed, followed by annelids for two species. Five species had only teleosts in their stomachs. Most predator species ate benthic or bentho-pelagic prey, while three species—Rhizoprionodon taylori, Scomberoides commersonianusandLeptobrama mulleri—ate mainly pelagic prey. Although 19 species ate some penaeids, onlyPolydactylus sheridaniate little else. This species,Lates calcariferandEleutheronema tetradactylumate 94·5% of all the penaeid prey and 97·9% of all the commercially important penaeid prey recorded in the study. Penaeid predation indices (calculated from gillnet catch rates, proportion of penaeids in the diet and a consumption rate of 3% body weight per day) were 0·23 g of penaeid per net-metre per day forP. sheridani, 0·15 forL. calcariferand 0·03 forE. tetradactylum. Commercially important penaeid predation indices were 0·11, 0·13 and 0·01, respectively. These values are intermediate between those previously recorded for the main penaeid predators in other inshore areas of the Gulf of Carpentaria (Embley River estuary and Groote Eylandt).  相似文献   

Midsummer (1 August) population estimates of about 2 million O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) were derived for sandy bays around the Firth of Forth in 1979–1980. This is an order of magnitude less than similar estimates made for the Clyde Sea Area in 1973–1974. Autumn population estimates of 0·4–1·0 million fish were comparable to estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the area between the Scottish border and Flamborough Head (2·3 million for 1970 and 1973) which represented 4·8% (1973) to 5·3% (1970) of the total number of O-group fish on the English east coast.Largo Bay was the most important nursery area holding 25% of the total population. It is particularly well situated to receive newly metamorphosed plaice carried in water currents along the north side of the Forth from the spawning ground off Fife Ness. Plaice in the Forth are mainly distributed on fine to medium sandy beaches (186–480 μm), the mean number per haul in midsummer (D) being correlated with the median diameter (m.d. in μm) of the low water sediments by the equation: D=−45·7666+0·2327 m.d. (n=11,r=0·68,P<0·02 but>0·01).The shallow inshore water in sandy bays in the outer Firth was well mixed and more marine than estuarine (27·7–35·0‰). The correlation coefficient between fish density and water temperature was low, while that with salinity (S‰) was: D=6·1618+0·2238S (n=23,r=0·62,P<0·005).Regression analysis demonstrated that the relationship between the instantaneous mortality rate (Z) and the initial population density (Dp) was: Z×100=0·7480+0·0546dp (n=12,r=0·87,P<0·001).The mean mortality rate for the O-group plaice in the Forth nursery areas was 53% month−1.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to estimate the fishery potentials of the EEZ of India on the basis of data on primary and secondary production. The total column primary production and zooplankton production have been calculated to be 265·9 and 9 million tonnes of carbon per year, respectively. From these values the fishery potential has been estimated as 2·5 million tonnes per year. To this, if we add the estimated demersal fish catch, being 1·2 million tonnes per year, the total potential yield comes to 3·7 million tonnes per year. Since the present average total catch is about 1·6 million tonnes in a year, the fish catch could be doubled.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons are being introduced into the marine environment from a variety of sources including combustion processes, crude oil spills, fuel oil spills, and controlled disposal such as processed ballast water. Even in the relatively clean waters of Alaska hydrocarbons are being released at an alarming rate. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum conditions for the metabolism of a representative hydrocarbon by Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch liver microsomes. The product of cyclohexane metabolism in the salmon microsomal system was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as cyclohexanol. Conditions of the microsome incubation were varied systematically to determine the optimum temperature, pH, and ionic strength for cyclohexanol production. Cyclohexanol was quantified by capillary column gas chromatography. Maximum cyclohexanol formation was achieved at 20°C, a pH of 8·0–8·5 and an ionic strength of 0·026. A linear rate of cyclohexanol formation is seen from 0–60 min of incubation and there is an apparent decrease in the rate from 60–90 min. Poor stability of the microsomal preparation from the species studied was also identified and several stability studies have been undertaken using cyclohexane metabolism as a monitor.  相似文献   

During 1998 an experimental gillnet fishing survey was carried out in a Mexican Central Pacific inshore zone. One-hundred and thirty fish species belonging to 51 families and 18 orders were identified. The most abundant species wereMicrolepidotus brevipinnis (29·0% of the total abundance) and Caranx caninus (19·2%), followed by C. caballus (6·3%), Kyphosus analogus (4·3%) and C. sexfasciatus (3·4%). Thermal SST anomalies showed the existence of two periods. The first, from January to April with positive anomalies, defines the end of an El Niño episode. The second period, from May to December, constitutes the beginning of the La Niña episode. The typical seasonality in a non-anomalous year continued for a large percentage of the inshore fish community, and the effects of the anomalous event consisted of changes in seasonality of occurrence in some individual species and the unusual abundance of some uncommon species. The species richness was higher during the El Niño–La Niña event than in a non-anomalous year, and therefore the event could be considered an interannual environmental mechanism that favours fish diversity in inshore waters.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected at stations along cross-shelf transects in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, during two cruises in 1984 and 1985. Station depths ranged from 11 to 285 m. Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0·06 to 1·87 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·55), or 2·6–62·0 mg m2. Areal sediment chlorophyll a exceeded water column chlorophyll a a at 16 of 17 stations, especially at inshore and mid-shelf stations. Sediment ATP concentrations ranged from 0 to 0·67 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·28). Values for both biomass indicators were lowest in the depth range including the shelf break (50–99 m). Organic carbon contents of the sediments were uniformly low across the shelf, averaging 0·159% by weight. Photography of the sediments revealed extensive patches of microalgae on the sediment surface.Our data suggest that viable benthic microalgae occur across the North Carolina continental shelf. The distribution of benthic macroflora on the North Carolina shelf indicates that sufficient light and nutrients are available to support primary production out to the shelf break. Frequent storm-induced perturbations do not favour settling of phytoplankton, an alternative explanation for the presence of microalgal pigments in the sediments. Therefore, we propose that a distinct, productive benthic microflora exists across the North Carolina continental shelf.  相似文献   

Macroalgae biomass and concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a were determined weekly or biweekly in water and sediments, during the spring-summer of 1985 in a hypertrophic area of the lagoon of Venice. Remarkable biomass production (up to 286 g m−2 day−1, wet weight), was interrupted during three periods of anoxia, when macroalgal decomposition (rate: up to 1000 g m−2 day−1) released extraordinary amounts of nutrients. Depending on the macroalgae distribution in the water column, the nutrients released in water varied from 3·3 to 19·1 μg-at litre−1 for total inorganic nitrogen and from 1·8 to 2·7 μg-at litre−1 for reactive phosphorus. Most nutrients, however, accumulated in the surficial sediment (up to 0·640 and to 3·06 mg g−1 for P and N respectively) redoubling the amounts already stored under aerobic conditions, Phytoplankton, systematically below 5 mg m−3 as Chl. a, sharply increased up to 100 mg m−3 only after the release of nutrients in water by anaerobic macroalgal decomposition. During the algal growth periods, the N:P atomic ratio in water decreased to 0·7, suggesting that nitrogen is a growth-limiting factor. This ratio for surficial sediment was between 6·6 and 13·1, similar to that of macroalgae (8·6–12·0).  相似文献   

In September 1994 and 1995, scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and the Australian Geological Survey Organization (AGSO) conducted surveys aboard the RV Lady Basten to determine the dispersion, fates and effects of produced formation water (PFW) discharged from the ‘ Harriet A ’ oil production platform near the Montebello Islands. This report is one of four related papers and describes the non-volatile hydrocarbon chemistry studies. The dispersion of the PFW into dissolved and particulate fractions of seawater were measured using moored high volume water samplers, surface screen samplers and moored and drifting sediment traps. Bio-accumulation was studied using transplanted oysters, and dispersion measured into sediment with benthic grabs.Results showed enrichment in non-volatile hydrocarbons in surface microlayer samples to a distance of 1·8 km in the direction of tidal flow. Concentrations in surface microlayers near the platform varied by an order of magnitude and corresponded to when a surface slick was visible or not visible. Concentrations of oil in seawater ranged from 2·0 to 8·5 μg l−1at near stations to 1·3 μg l−1at 1·8 km. Water column samples showed the processes of desorption from particles for soluble components occur within the range of 1·8 km. Most particulate hydrocarbons drop out of suspension within c. 1 to 2 km from the platform. Fluxes of particulate hydrocarbons through the water column at c. 1 km, as estimated by moored sediment traps in 1995, were 138 to 148 ng cm−2day−1. A decrease in sediment concentrations within c. 1 km of the platform was measured as 2·45±1·29 μg g−1dry wt (n=15) in 1994 to 0·86±0·54 μg g−1dry wt (n=21) in 1995, after the platform installed a centrifugal separator in the discharge treatment process. Thus the residence time of this relatively low molecular weight oil was estimated in the coarse aerobic sands surrounding the platform to be less than one year. Oysters suspended near the platform bio-accumulated hydrocarbons and other lipophilic organics in their tissues. Uptake rates and bio-concentration factors of hydrocarbons indicated potential toxicity at the near-field stations within c. 1 km radius.A mass balance was constructed to show the partitioning of the input of hydrocarbons from the PFW into the surrounding marine ecosystem. The rates of dissipation processes were estimated as follows: dilution from tidal currents>degradation in the water column>sedimentation>evaporation. The calculations based on maximum concentrations measured in the environmental samples accounted for 85% of the daily input suspended within a 1 km radius.It is estimated that the potential zone of toxic influence in the water column extends to a distance of approximately 1 km. Concentrations of oil in sediments were too low to indicate potential toxicity. By the collaborative application of oceanographic and geochemical techniques to marine environmental problems, we endeavour to provide effective feedback to the oil industry to gauge the effectiveness of their operational strategies in minimizing impact in these pristine regions.  相似文献   

A preliminary mass-balance trophic model was constructed to determine the flow of energy in a community of fish and invertebrates on the continental shelf of the south-western Gulf of Mexico. Input parameters were taken from the literature, except for the biomass of fish groups which was obtained from trawl surveys in the study area. The model consists of 12 fish groups, five invertebrate groups, phytoplankton and detritus. Results indicate an imbalance between primary production and consumption, with only about 10% of primary production being consumed in the water column. Most of the primary production is exported to detritus which forms the basis of the food-web, with a detritivory/herbivory ratio of 2·5. Benthic invertebrates play a significant role in transferring energy from detritus to higher trophic levels. Eight discrete trophic levels were found, with very reduced flow at levels higher than the fifth. The highest fractional trophic level is 4·3, and consists of sharks. Analysis of mixed trophic impacts showed that detritus and lower trophic levels have a significant positive impact on other groups in the system. Mean transfer efficiency is 9·2%. Some whole system properties are also given. Of net primary production, 6·7% is required to sustain current catch levels, suggesting that the resources in this area are fully exploited.  相似文献   

The interaction of selenium with mercury was studied in the shrimp Palaemon elegans. The release of 203HgCl2 (5·0 μg Hg per gramme body weight) from shrimp pretreated with selenium (SeO2 doses of 1·97, 3·95 and 7·90 μg Se per gramme fresh weight) was significantly decreased compared with the control group to which only 5·0 μg Hg/g had been administered.In the presence of HgCl2 (5·0 μg Hg per gramme fresh weight) the release of 75Se also diminished significantly at the higher stable Se pretreated dose (7·90 μg Se/g) while, at a lower selenium concentration, the release was not statistically different. Analyses for stable Hg and Se confirmed the decrease in rate of selenium loss in the presence of mercury which had been demonstrated with radiotracers.A dose of 7·9 μg Se per gramme fresh weight injected 12 h before exposure of the shrimp to the various mercuric chloride solutions did not produce a significant difference in the 24 h LC50 compared with the group not pretreated with selenium. However, during exposure to mercury at 3·8 mg/litre, the median lethal time (LT50) for the shrimp pretreated for 4 days with sublethal selenium (6·9 and 10·5 mg Se/litre) was delayed (19·2 and 33·2 h) compared with the group which was not pretreated. The results are discussed in relation to the role of selenium in the acutely toxic effects of inorganic mercury.  相似文献   

Hepatic levels of Cu, Zn and metallothionein (MT) in perch, caught in a Cu/Zn gradient from a brassworks, reflected the water concentration of Cu (1·0–9·4 ppb) and Zn (0·56–59 ppb). Significant correlations were found between hepatic Cu and MT levels (r = 0·72), and between Zn and MT levels (r = 0·69). There was an increase of the amount of Cu and Zn in the cytosolic fraction of the liver with increased hepatic levels of the metals. When liver samples. from perch caught at the most contaminated location, were run on a gel filtration column (Sephadex G-75) 78% of the cytosolic Cu and 24% of the Zn in the cytosol eluted together with MT.  相似文献   

Gross sedimentation rates (GSR) have been measured using sediment traps placed at nine different levels above the bed (0·3, 0·5, 0·8, 1·0, 2·0, 4·0, 6·0, 8·0 and 10·0 m). The sediment traps were deployed for 1·25 years and recovered 28 times during the study period. Low average GSR values of 5·5 g m-2 day-1 were obtained at 10·0 m, and high average GSR values of 114·8 g m-2 day-1 were obtained at 0·3 m. An expression for the eddy diffusion coefficient of suspended particulate matter (Ks), based on the measured GSR is given. The expression has been used for modelling of Ks at the different trap levels above the bed. High values (≈42 cm2 s-1) of Ks were obtained at the upper traps, whereas low values (≈2 cm2 s-1) were obtained near the bed. Comparison between level of turbulent energy in terms of shear stress at the boundaries of the water column, i.e. from the wind and the bed flow, showed that wind energy exceeded that of the bed flow by a factor 16. At 5·0 m Ks was positively correlated (r=0·66) to the eddy diffusion coefficient of momentum (Km) derived from the wind energy transfer to the water, giving an average β of 0·5 for KsKm. The density difference between surface and bottom waters has been designated a parameter of stratification, and is discussed in relation to variations of Ks and Km .  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment on phytoplankton biomass measured as chlorophyll a was studied near the oil tanker route in the southern Bay of Bengal. In the transect from 5° N, 77° E to 5° N, 87° E the concentrations of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons were negatively correlated with phytoplankton biomass, whereas in the 0° N, 87° E to 1° N, 79° E transect they were positively correlated with phytoplankton biomass. The mean petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the two transects were 12·12 ± 4·67 μg litre−1 and 11·23 ± 4·5 μg litre−1, respectively.It is surmised that the effect of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons on phytoplankton biomass varies depending on the nature rather than the quantity of petroleum hydrocarbons present. Culture studies with unialgal Nitzschia sp. in seawater collected from selected stations in the study area as well as in artificial seawater spiked with the water-soluble petroleum hydrocarbon fraction of light Arabian Crude support this.  相似文献   

In May and September 1999 11 stations were sampled in the southern and central North Sea, located in the German Bight, eastern Oyster Ground and Dogger Bank. The study focused on the influence of particle mixing on transport of chlorophyll a to deeper sediment layers and vertical bacterial distribution (max. DEPTH=10 cm). The sampling stations were chosen to reflect a gradient in environmental conditions in the North Sea. The sampling stations differed in respect to redox potential (eH up to −243 mV in the German Bight and up to 274 mV in the offshore regions), silt content (up to 54% in the German Bight and 0·34% at the northern Dogger Bank) and different proportion of fresh organic material on total organic matter content (C/N ratios ranging from 9·27 in the German Bight up to 1·72 in the offshore sediments). Although bacterial densities (8·55×109 g−1in the German Bight up to 0·35×109 g−1in offshore sediments) were significantly correlated to chlorophyll a content in the sediment (P<0·01), inconsistencies in the temporal pattern of both variables in the surficial sediment layer suggested, that the dynamics of bacterial densities is generally controlled by food supply but also by other variables. The chlorophyll a content in the surficial sediments of the German Bight (up to 1·84 μg g−1) was significantly higher than in the Oyster Ground (up to 0·58 μg g−1) and the Dogger Bank area (up to 0·68 μg g−1). With increasing chlorophyll a input to the benthic realm a subsequent enhanced burial of this compound into deeper sediment layers was expected either by biological (bioturbation) or by physical sediment mixing. However, the vertical profile of chlorophyll a decreased steeply in the sediments of the German Bight. Contrary, subsurface peaks were measured in the offshore areas. It was concluded from these results, that the vertical distribution of organic matter in sediments is less limited by the quantitative input from the water column but concomitant with particle mixing itself. The extent and possible mechanisms of particle mixing in the different study areas in relation to specific environmental factors is discussed.  相似文献   

Fish communities and habitat structures were evaluated by underwater visual censuses a rocky location impacted by thermal discharge (I) and at two control locations, one in a Sargassum bed (C1) and the other in a rocky shore with higher structural complexity (C2). Habitat indicators and fish communities exhibited significant differences between the impacted and control locations, with the impacted one showing a significant decrease in fish species richness and diversity, as well as a decrease in benthic cover. At the I location, only 13 fish species were described, and the average water temperature was 32 ± 0.4 °C, compared with 44 species at C1 (25.9 ± 0.3 °C) and 33 species at C2 (24.6 ± 0.2 °C). Significant differences in fish communities among locations were found by ANOSIM with Eucinostomus argenteus, Mugil sp. and Haemulon steindachneri typical of location I, while Abudefduf saxatilis, Stegastes fuscus and Malacoctenus delalandi were typical of the control locations. Our study shows that thermal pollution alters benthic cover and influences fish assemblages by altering composition and decreasing richness.  相似文献   

Sediments and organisms were examined for concentrations of organic and metal contaminants from near the Los Angeles County (JWPCP) municipal outfall at Palos Verdes (PV) station 7-3, the Los Angeles City (Hyperion) municipal outfall at Santa Monica Bay (SMB) station 6-4 and reference station SMB 2–3 near Malibu Beach. Flows and mass emission rates of suspended solids, PCBs, Cd and Zn were similar at the two outfalls. Mass emission rate of copper was almost twice as high from Hyperion as from JWPCP, while mass emission rate of DDTs was an order or magnitude higher from JWPCP than from Hyperion.Surficial sediments at PV 7-3 were enriched in most contaminants relative to SMB 6-4 and relative to the mass emission rates of contaminants from the JGVPCP and Hyperion outfalls. Some of this enrichment could be accounted for by the greater accumulation of organic material, measured as total volatile solids, at PV 7-3 relative to SMB 6-4. Some might be accounted for by resurfacing of more contaminated historical deposits buried at PV 7-3. Some of the enrichment of DDTs relative to PCBs could be accounted for by the greater abundance of oxygenated metabolites of PCBs (PCBols) relative to DDTs (DDTols) in sediments.The degree of contamination of organisms by DDTs increased with proximity to PV 7-3 but contamination by PCBs was similar at PV 7-3 and SMB 6-4. DDT concentrations in fish livers ranged from 12 ± 4 ( ) mg/wet kg in longspine combfish from SMB 2–3 to 610 ± 105 (n = 5) mg/wet kg in Pacific sanddab from PV 7-3. DDT concentrations in fish gonads ranged from 0·003 ± 0·003 (n = 5) mg/wet kg in yellowchin sculpin from SMB 6-4 to 1.5 ± 6 (n = 3) mg/wet kg in Pacific sanddabs from PV 7-3. PCB concentrations in fish livers ranged from 1·2 ± 0·4 (n = 4) mg/wet kg in yellowchin sculpin from SMB 2–3 to 16 ± 3 (n = 6) in Pacific Sanddab from SMB 6-4. DDT and PCB concentrations in invertebrate hepatopancreas were only slightly lower than those in fish livers. DDTols and PCBoIs comprised an average of 91 % of the total of parent compounds and oxygenated metabolites in sediments and 66 % in livers and hepatopancreas. Trace metals were frequently decreased in livers and hepatopancreas from near outfalls even though they were highly elevated in sediments.Comparison of sediment and tissue chlorinated hydrocarbon data with that from Elliot and Commencement Bays, Puget Sound, indicated that none of the southern California coastal stations considered in this study were sufficiently lacking contamination to be considered as adequate control sites.  相似文献   

Mortality of larval coon-stripe shrimp, Pandalus danae, was related to labile copper and the copper complexing capacity of sea water, as measured by differential pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV). In nominal treatments of control, 5 and 10μg/litre Cu which contained less than 1·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, zoeal development was usually complete. In treatments of 20 and 50μg/litre Cu which contained more than 7·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, most larvae died while in the first zoeal stage. ASV labile Cu was related to the copper complexing capacity of sea water. Copper toxicity at less than 1·0 μg/litre ASV labile Cu is indicated by moulting delay and apparent Cu accumulation in zoea of the 5 and 10μg/litre Cu nominal treatments.  相似文献   

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