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我国志愿船管理现状及发展战略措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
志愿船观测是我国必须履行的国际义务.目前,我国海洋志愿观测船只呈逐年减少趋势,从过去的百余艘船只降至三、四十艘,并且从观测能力上也存在较多问题,比如观测手段比较落后、观测要素单一、观测资料缺乏.从根本上讲,志愿船运行机制缺乏有效的制度化保障,因此难以形成业务化能力.为解决这一问题,本文对加强我国海洋志愿船观测事业发展提出一些对策建议,仅供参考.  相似文献   

志愿观测船作为船舶监测的组成部分.对建立海洋环境立体监测系统起到了重要的作用。志愿船观测不仅是为了获取本国海上重要天气因素用于气候服务,也是作为WMO和IOC成员国履行国际船舶航行气候服务的成员义务。文章对国际组织的志愿船管理运行和志愿船观测(VOS)计划进行了相关介绍,以利于了解有关情况。  相似文献   

国际志愿观测船计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
志愿观测船作为船舶监测的组成部分,对建立海洋环境立体监测系统起到了重要的作用.志愿船观测不仅是为了获取本国海上重要天气因素用于气候服务,也是作为WHO和IOC成员国履行国际船舶航行气候服务的成员义务.文章对国际组织的志愿船管理运行和志愿船观测(VOS)计划进行了相关介绍,以利于了解有关情况.  相似文献   

发展志愿船观测获取的宝贵资料对海洋科学研究、海上交通运输安全、国防军事建设等具有非常重要的意义.志愿观测船观测要素、观测数据传输、信息管理、观测技术发展、卫星通信费用等问题一直是志愿船观测存在的几个重要问题,文章就国际志愿船观测(VOS)计划中涉及到的这几个问题的作了论述,以供我国志愿观测船能力建设参考.  相似文献   

对表层海洋动力学及其调控机制的认识对准确认识海洋自然变化过程及其未来对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。志愿观测船作为自动观测系统的载体和样品采集平台的优势使其在提升人类对于表层海洋的观测能力方面具有极大优势。本文系统性地回顾了志愿观测船的概念、发展历史、现状和未来发展趋势。基于志愿观测船的诸多海洋观测项目的成功显示了,随着快速发展的传感器技术,志愿观测船能够以经济有效的方式显著地提升表层海洋现场观测的时间和空间分辨率。未来的海洋观测系统应该综合利用包括志愿观测船在内的多种海洋观测平台的优势。  相似文献   

志愿船观测是海洋观测系统的重要组成部分,其获取的近海、中远海和远洋航线上的观测资料是对固定观测站点空白海域观测数据资料的重要补充。为提高海洋预警报能力水平,海南省于2016年建设了志愿船综合观测系统。文章重点介绍了该系统的架构设计、主要观测设备及系统功能,同时总结系统优势,并对如何保障志愿船观测系统长期稳定运行提出了争取省级财政专项经费支持,增加志愿船数量和观测要素,建立完善志愿船管理条例和标准体系及加强专业技术人才队伍建设等建议。  相似文献   

1855年2月28日,英国三桅船“马拉顿”号在北大西洋遇到一艘名叫“图莱姆斯·切斯捷尔”号的美国船,该船风帆不扬并且空无一人。英国船员深感惊奇,他们小心翼翼地登上该船,发现全船完好无损,货物没有挪动迹象,食物、淡水均很充足,舱室内外没有发现任何灾害和破坏现象,也没有发现航海日记和罗盘。至今,人们在茫茫大海上已发现过数十艘这种无人驾驶的幽灵船只,它们全  相似文献   

2001年12月22日,日本海上保安厅二十多艘军舰和十几架海军战机,在东海将一艘不明国籍的船只击沉。日方的理由是该船极像东北亚某国的间谍船,一口咬定是该船首先开火,而日本军舰出于“正当防卫”才将其击沉。事实真相究竟如何姑且不论,仅就事件本身而言,日本公然在东海使用武力,将不明国籍船只击沉,确是颇值得玩味的。  相似文献   

芬兰一家造船厂建造了1艘新型的多功能破冰船。该船既能在冬季作破冰之用,又能在夏季作供应船只。这艘破冰船,在无障碍水域具有良好的航行性能,在冰区航行时能够破除厚度达1.8米的冰层。宽阔的船前体能为后续船舶  相似文献   

"中国海监50"船是一艘集巡航执法与海洋调查为一体的4000吨级海监船,是中国综合能力最强、设备设施最先进的多功能大型中远程海洋监察船。2011年12月,"中国海监50"正式履行海洋巡航维权执法职责。作为一艘续航力大于10000海里、自持力60天的先进海监船,是如何保证航行用水呢?作者跟随海监船航行一个航次后发现这艘海监船上的水还是有不少学问呢。  相似文献   

文章归纳总结了我国海岸线确定和公布的模式.提出了海岸线确定后的海岸线修订、海岸线区划、海岸线使用和海岸线信息化管理等方面的问题.并对其进行了具体的研究和探讨,为我国海岸线的管理提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

当代水下目标探测向低频远程发展,海洋环境噪声的低频特性倍受关注,航船噪声是海洋中的主要低频噪声源。近几十年来,海上航运量迅速增长,导致海洋环境低频噪声大幅升高,增加了海洋环境的噪声污染。本文依据港口进出航船信息库和船舶自动识别技术数据库资料,分析历史航船分布数据,依据获得的某开阔海域航船分布规律,建立数值模型估计了航船噪声源对低频海洋环境噪声特征的影响。结果表明,日进、出港的航船数近似满足正态分布,近海开阔海域单位面积、单位时间内的航船数近似满足泊松分布;由于海上航船的影响,海洋环境噪声强度呈明显的水平非均匀分布状态。  相似文献   

随人工智能技术发展,智能船舶因其无人化、智能化的特点而与传统国际法律制度产生碰撞。当前,国际海事组织将制定“海上自主水面船舶规则”工作提上日程,航行安全问题作为其中的高度优先事项,受到各国广泛关注。船舶适航作为承运人的主要义务之一,是保障航行安全的先决条件。但智能船舶是否需要符合适航标准,如果适用会产生哪些法律障碍并如何解决等诸多问题亟待研究。对此,应修订《国际海上避碰规则》并明确智能船舶适船技术标准,明确岸基操作人员的法律地位并制定其资格取得、培训、值班标准,明确安全配员标准及需船员在船承担的职责的履行方式。  相似文献   

在卫星遥感影像识别中,相较于海上单一环境的船舶识别,港口船舶识别由于存在集装箱、码头等大量干扰目标,显得更为困难。采用强度-色度-饱和度(Intensity-Hue-Saturation, IHS)变换、Brovey变换(Brovey Transform, BT)、ESRI全色锐化变换、简单均值变换和施密特正交变换法(Gram-Schmidt, GS)等5种融合算法,进行高分二号卫星全色和多光谱影像的融合试验,通过定性和定量评价选出适用于港口船舶影像的最优方法。结果显示GS融合方法在增加影像空间信息的同时维持了光谱保真性,其均方根误差、峰值信噪比、结构相似性等指标均优于其他4种融合方法,可用于港口船舶识别。  相似文献   

随着船舶大型化和港口建设深水化发展,外海不同周期波浪作用下大型系泊船泊稳问题与小型系泊船相比出现了新的特点。为此,利用数值模型方法研究了在不同入射角度和周期的涌浪作用下港内大型系泊船的水动力响应,针对系泊船的泊稳情况探讨了船舶的运动规律和运动特性。研究发现,在涌浪周期较大的情况下,限定波高的泊稳标准不足以用来确定系泊船的正常作业条件,港内泊船的水平运动(纵荡、横荡和艏摇)极易超出运动标准值并影响装卸作业效率,并且船舶的水平运动表现出主要由次重力波主导的低频运动特性,而垂直运动(垂荡、横摇和纵摇)表现出主要由短波主导的波频运动特性。  相似文献   

It is widely documented that marine debris is detrimental to the marine ecological environment. While there are various sources of marine debris, that generated by ships constitutes a significant proportion. Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 is to regulate the discharge of garbage from ships; in particular, it prohibits all kinds of plastics from being discharged into ocean. However, most fishing vessels are virtually exempt from such regulations due to their low gross tonnage, below 400 t. Given the great number of fishing vessels operating around the world, it can be argued that fishing vessels are a common source of marine debris. This paper aims to propose measures that will fill the gap in international regulations in addressing the problem of vessel-source garbage pollution. An understanding of what constitutes the underlying causes leading to fishers' decision on debris disposal is needed when designing effective measures to reduce garbage pollution from ships. Thus, this paper seeks to identify factors that have the potential to influence fishers' disposal behavior and investigate the association between factors and fishers' intention of bringing garbage back to port. Major factors of a well-developed recycling practice, adequate collection facilities placed at port, fishers' positive views towards marine environments and provision of rewards are identified, which have significant implications for management strategies. Finally, the papers offers suggestions regarding future efforts focusing on debris reduction strategies to further address the problem of garbage pollution from fishing vessels.  相似文献   

Ships experience roll motion due to waves in a seaway. Therefore, fin stabilizers are installed to stabilize such roll motion. A fin stabilizer is effective at reducing the roll motion at moderate speeds but not at low speeds. Recently, pod propellers have been used with fin stabilizers for roll stabilization. In the paper, a MIMO (multi-input multi-output) optimal control system that has two control inputs such as fin stabilizers and pod propellers is designed. The LQR (linear quadratic regulator) control algorithm is applied to reduce the roll motion of cruise ships in regular waves. Also, the nominal plant and the frequency-weighted LQR are applied to reduce the roll motion in irregular waves. The roll motion of cruise ships is effectively reduced when the fin and pod propeller are used as the control actuators at low speeds. The optimal control gain is easily found when the frequency-weighted LQR is applied.  相似文献   

Past decades have shown a constant increase in the number of international agreements regulating marine areas. Environmental changes as well as technological developments resulting in an increased use of oceans ensure the need for further governance in the future of high seas. At the same time, compliance by States with international obligations remains a considerable challenge in international law. In particular, regulations governing areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are at risk of not being obeyed due to factual challenges posed to the control of high seas territories and the (legal) limits of the law of the sea. This article evaluates a stronger cooperation between States through the incorporation of compliance control systems in agreements regulating ABNJ in order to enhance compliance by States. For this purpose, provisions on compliance control measures which have already been established in two agreements regulating ABNJ, namely the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, are analyzed. It is argued that the incorporation of compliance control elements into agreements regulating ABNJ is a promising avenue to secure improved compliance among States Parties and further implementation of this approach is recommended.  相似文献   

S. Sutulo 《Ocean Engineering》2009,36(14):1098-1111
Hydrodynamics of 2D contours representing ship sections is considered for the case of small harmonic oscillations with a modification of a boundary-integral-equation method implemented earlier for the deep-fluid case. Alterations of the algorithm required by the finite-depth case are described in the present study and a number of numerical results are given.These include comparison with another code for the case of flat horizontal bottom and comparative calculations made for the case of the abrupt change of depth near the ship (stepped bottom). The results can be used for estimation of the bottom's influence on the manoeuvring and seakeeping qualities of ships.  相似文献   

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