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The completeness and the accuracy of the Brest sea level time series dating from 1807 make it suitable for long-term sea level trend studies. New data sets were recently discovered in the form of handwritten tabulations, including several decades of the eighteenth century. Sea level observations have been made in Brest since 1679. This paper presents the historical data sets which have been assembled so far. These data sets span approximately 300 years and together constitute the longest, near-continuous set of sea level information in France. However, an important question arises: Can we relate the past and the present-day records? We partially provide an answer to this question by analysing the documents of several historical libraries with the tidal data using a ‘data archaeology’ approach advocated by Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett 26:1589–1592, 1999b). A second question arises concerning the accuracy of such records. Careful editing was undertaken by examining the residuals between tidal predictions and observations. It proved useful to remove the worst effects of timing errors, in particular the sundial correction to be applied prior to August 1, 1714. A refined correction based on sundial literature [Savoie, La gnomique, Editions Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2001] is proposed, which eliminates the systematic offsets seen in the discrepancies in timing of the sea level measurements. The tidal analysis has also shown that shallow-water tidal harmonics at Brest causes a systematic difference of 0.023 m between mean sea level (MSL) and mean tide level (MTL). Thus, MTL should not be mixed with the time series of MSL because of this systematic offset. The study of the trends in MTL and MSL however indicates that MTL can be used as a proxy for MSL. Three linear trend periods are distinguished in the Brest MTL time series over the period 1807–2004. Our results support the recent findings of Holgate and Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett) of an enhanced coastal sea level rise during the last decade compared to the global estimations of about 1.8 mm/year over longer periods (Douglas, J Geophys Res 96:6981–6992, 1991). The onset of the relatively large global sea level trends observed in the twentieth century is an important question in the science of climate change. Our findings point out to an ‘inflexion point’ at around 1890, which is remarkably close to that in 1880 found in the Liverpool record by Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett 26:1589–1592, 1999b).  相似文献   

Based on Argo sea surface salinity(SSS) and the related precipitation(P), evaporation(E), and sea surface height data sets, the climatological annual mean and low-frequency variability in SSS in the global ocean and their relationship with ocean circulation and climate change were analyzed. Meanwhile, together with previous studies, a brief retrospect and prospect of seawater salinity were given in this work. Freshwater flux(E-P) dominated the mean pattern of SSS, while the dynamics of ocean circulation modulated the spatial structure and low-frequency variability in SSS in most regions. Under global warming, the trend in SSS indicated the intensification of the global hydrological cycle, and featured a decreasing trend at low and high latitudes and an increasing trend in subtropical regions. In the most recent two decades, global warming has slowed down, which is called the"global warming hiatus". The trend in SSS during this phase, which was different to that under global warming, mainly indicated the response of the ocean surface to the decadal and multi-decadal variability in the climate system, referring to the intensification of the Walker Circulation. The significant contrast of SSS trends between the western Pacific and the southeastern Indian Ocean suggested the importance of oceanic dynamics in the cross-basin interaction in recent decades. Ocean Rossby waves and the Indonesian Throughflow contributed to the freshening trend in SSS in the southeastern Indian Ocean, while the increasing trend in the southeastern Pacific and the decreasing trend in the northern Atlantic implied a long-term linear trend under global warming. In the future, higher resolution SSS data observed by satellites, together with Argo observations, will help to extend our knowledge on the dynamics of mesoscale eddies, regional oceanography, and climate change.  相似文献   

The sea level change along the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah–Sarawak coastlines for the 21st century is investigated along the coastal areas of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah–Sarawak because of the expected climate change during the 21st century. The spatial variation of the sea level change is estimated by assimilating the global mean sea level projections from the Atmosphere–Ocean coupled Global Climate Model/General Circulation Model (AOGCM) simulations to the satellite altimeter observations along the subject coastlines. Using the assimilated AOGCM projections, the sea level around the Peninsular Malaysia coastline is projected to rise with a mean in the range of 0.066 to 0.141 m in 2040 and 0.253 m to 0.517 m in 2100. Using the assimilated AOGCM projections, the sea level around Sabah–Sarawak coastlines is projected to rise with a mean in the range of 0.115 m to 0.291 m in 2040 and 0.432 m to 1.064 m in 2100. The highest sea level rise occurs at the northeast and northwest regions in Peninsular Malaysia and at north and east sectors of Sabah in Sabah–Sarawak coastline. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地震前海平面异常变化和机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据国内外沿海大地震前后海平面变化的实例,分析海平面变化的前兆意义。资料证实,大部分近海大地震前存在局部海域可以识别的海平面异常变化。19世纪以来,世界各地的验潮站记录了大量与地震有关的海平面变化实例,为定量分析提供了可能。最有代表的标准震例是1941年11月葡萄牙亚速尔群岛8.3级大地震,我国渤海1969年7月在8日7.4级地震前后烟台站的验潮记录也显示出显著异常。海域构造环境和地震发生机制不同  相似文献   

穆大鹏  闫昊明 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4758-4766

在确定海平面上升速率时,传统方法是利用最小二乘拟合获取特定时间段内的平均速率.事实上,由于海平面是一种非稳态变化,其速率随着时间变化.本文使用集成经验模态分解获取海平面变化在2002-2014年间的非线性趋势,然后通过三次样条函数平滑拟合非线性趋势得到连续的一阶导数,即为海平面变化的瞬时速率.结果表明,全球平均海平面的瞬时速率先降后升:从2002的2.7 mm·a-1缓慢下降至2010年的2.5 mm·a-1,然后上升至2014年的3.8 mm·a-1.通过分析海平面上升各个贡献成分的瞬时速率,发现该上升主要由海水质量增加引起.在2002-2014年间,格陵兰岛冰川消融对海平面上升瞬时速率的贡献从0.51 mm·a-1上升至0.85mm·a-1,南极冰川消融的贡献则从0.12 mm·a-1上升至0.34 mm·a-1.陆地水储量对海平面上升起抑制作用,但该抑制作用呈下降趋势,其瞬时速率从-0.24 mm·a-1增加到0.03 mm·a-1.比容海平面的瞬时速率表现为下降趋势,从1.6 mm·a-1减小至1.0 mm·a-1.这表明在全球尺度上,海水质量对海平面上升的贡献正在增加,截止到2014年,海水质量的贡献已经接近70%.


海平面对大气压变化的空间响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海平面对大气压变化的响应在理想情况下接近均衡态海洋响应.在这个假设下,任何海域的大气压变化都会瞬时传播到整个海洋上.通过比较大气压和海平面变化的标准差,可以发现,在空间尺度上,大气压变化主要是长波信号,而海平面变化除了长波信号外,还存在明显的短波长信号.由大气压变化驱动的海平面变化应与大气压变化在空间尺度上具有一致性.因此,可以对海平面数据进行空间高斯低通滤波,来得到与大气压变化更相近的空间标准差分布.通过阶振幅谱分析,表明海平面对大气压变化响应的空间尺度为800 km.  相似文献   

本文引入3阶主张量分析方法对1993~2008年赤道太平洋地区卫星测高数据进行解析,前两个主张量可有效表征海面变化的经、纬向耦合特征,重构与对比了该时段内6次ENSO事件海面变化的经、纬向演化的空间构型与耦合作用过程.结果表明:海面的经向变化可表征ENSO强度变化,纬向变化表现为受ENSO影响的年周期波动;经、纬向张量的时间系数与MEI以及EMI指数间多尺度分析表明,两者均受El Niño Modoki影响,但在耦合尺度、能量共振关系以及相位关系上存在差异;海面变化对不同类型ENSO事件响应差异主要表现在高、低海面位置、振幅以及高、低值区分布形态与空间范围等方面.其中常规的El Niño多表现为东太平洋型ENSO,El Niño Modoki则表现为中太平洋型.不同类型的ENSO在经纬向耦合演化轨迹的周期性、规则性和方向性特征可在一定程度上作为ENSO类型区分依据.  相似文献   


海表温度系统性观测偏差的订正是开展长历史序列网格化海表温度气候数据产品研制的关键.本文在引入美国SR02海表温度偏差订正方法的基础上,结合国家气象信息中心自主研发的全球海表观测定时值数据集,进行了相关参数的优化改进,从而研制了1901—2016年印度洋—太平洋核心海域月平均2°×2°分辨率的海表温度偏差订正数据集.对海温偏差订正量的时空分布特征分析表明,基于自主研制的基础数据和优化改进的方法求解的偏差订正量能有效反映海表温度观测手段的历史变迁,以及海表温度系统性偏差随季节变化的规律.同时,与ERSST订正量的对比表明,由于优化改进后的方法其阈值计算随空间样本而变,因而其局地变化特征的表现能力更强,且其订正量在观测手段转型期的变化更为明显.相较订正前的海表温度距平(SSTA)场,订正后的SSTA资料与ERSSTv5 SSTA间的偏差误差和均方根误差均有明显降低.其中,偏差误差的缩减比例在37.7%~87.9%之间,均方根误差可降低0.06℃.此外,与国际同类产品的对比表明,本文发展的SSTA订正数据集与国际同类SSTA产品序列的相关系数不低于0.97,且变化趋势类似.从差异对比上看,除中高纬东亚大陆近海区域外,本文的偏差订正数据集与国际上同类产品的SSTA差异基本在-0.2~0.2℃之间.


Sea level change is an important consequence of climate change due to its impact on society and ecosystems. Analyses of tide-gauge data have indicated that the global sea level has risen during the 20th century and several studies predict that the mean sea level will continue to rise during the 21st century, intensifying coastal hazards worldwide. In Portugal, the Ria de Aveiro is expected to be one of the regions most affected by sea level change.The main aim of this study is to evaluate the potential impacts of the mean sea level change on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of the Ria de Aveiro. With this purpose, local mean sea level change was projected for the period 2091-2100 relative to 1980-1999, for different Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These projections revealed an increase in the mean sea level between 0.28 m under scenario B1 and 0.42 m under scenario A2.The results obtained for sea level rise scenario A2 projection were used to force the morphodynamic model MORSYS2D, previously implemented for the Ria de Aveiro. The modelling results were compared with model forecasts for the present sea level. The residual sediment transport and its balance at the lagoon inlet were computed and analysed for both situations. While the residual sediment transport is generally seaward, sediments tend to deposit inside the inlet due to the weak sediment transport at its mouth. The direction of the residual flux will not change with the sea level rise, but sediment fluxes will intensify, and accretion inside the inlet will increase.The rise in mean sea level will also affect the lagoon hydrodynamics. The tidal prism at the lagoon mouth will increase by about 28% in spring tide. In the lower lagoon only a slight increase of the tidal asymmetry is predicted.  相似文献   

全球水质量迁移对海平面空间模式周年变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大气、陆地水和海洋之间的水质量迁移对海平面的影响一般假定为均匀薄层分布.但实际上,水质量负荷重新分布一方面会使地壳产生形变,另一方面会引起重力位势场变化(引力位和离心力位),这都会对海平面时空变化特征产生影响,两方面之和称为负荷自吸引效应(SAL).海洋模式模拟的时变洋底压力结果一般符合Boussinesq假设即体积守恒,忽略了大气、陆地水和海洋之间水质量交换的影响.本文基于海平面变化方程,联合陆地水模型、大气地表气压模型、海洋洋底压力模型和GRACE反演的冰川质量变化,详细讨论了2003-2010年SAL对海平面周年变化的影响.主要结论有:(1)SAL对全球海平面周年变化有显著影响,振幅在1.3~19 mm.其中近海岸和低纬度区域受影响较大.(2)在SAL引起的海平面周年振幅变化的因素中,陆地水储量变化因素最大,大气因素次之,非潮汐海洋影响最小.但非潮汐海洋对海平面周年相位空间变化的影响最为复杂.(3)通过与国际长期验潮站观测数据结果比较,在ECCO海洋模式估计的洋底压力结果中引入SAL,能多解释约5.3%观测信号方差.  相似文献   

李想  张雪芹  徐晓明 《湖泊科学》2022,34(1):219-231
气候变化对湖泊水位的影响是湖泊研究的关注热点.作为欧亚大陆最大淡水湖,贝加尔湖水位变化深受自然因素和人类活动的共同影响.在全球变暖背景下,贝加尔湖水位升降将对维系流域生态系统与社会发展至关重要.为此,基于湖区气象站、水文站和湖泊水位观测数据,采用突变检验、变异系数检验等方法,分析了过去40年贝加尔湖周边气候变化及其对水...  相似文献   

The surface morphology of the transgressive dunefield barrier extending from Itapeva to Tramandai along the northern littoral of Rio Grande do Sul, is examined and an attempt is presented to link morphological changes across the barrier to Holocene sea level changes. The 4·5 km wide Holocene barrier displays two typical morphologies: an inner part dominated by large‐scale, continuous alongshore, overlapping dunefield phases comprising sand sheets, dunes, deflation plains and precipitation ridges; and an outer part dominated by discontinuous, medium‐ to small‐scale, triangular to lobate transgressive dunefield phases, cut by both active and relict (palaeo‐) creeks or washouts. Holocene sea level in the region rose to c. +1 to +3 m above present reaching a maximum around 5100 years bp and then progressively fell to the present level. We argue that the effect on barrier development was to suppress the development of a drainage system during the rising and maximum stages, and encourage the development of an organized drainage system in the form of regularly spaced washouts during the falling period, and that this change in sea level from rising to falling therefore produced the large‐scale differences in barrier morphology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GCM-based forecast simulations predict continuously increasing seasonality of the sea ice cover and an almost ice-free, summer-time, Arctic Ocean within several decades from the present. In this study we use a primitive equation ocean model: NEMO, coupled with the sea ice model LIM2, to test the hypothesis that under such an increased range in seasonal ice cover the intensity of shelf-basin water exchange will significantly increase. We use the simulated results for the Laptev Sea from a global model run 1958–2007 and compare results for two years with anomalously high and low summer sea ice extents: 1986–1987 and 2006–2007. The shelf–basin fluxes of volume, heat and salt during specific seasons are evaluated and attributed to plausible driving processes, with particular attention to dense water cascading. Analyses of the model temperature distribution at the depth of the intermediate maximum, associated with Atlantic Water, have shown a marked increase of the amount of the local origin cold water in late winter 2007 in the region, where dense water typically appears as a result of its formation on the shelf and subsequent downslope leakage. Calculation of the shelf-basin exchange during March-May in both years confirmed a substantial increase (a factor of two) of fluxes in “ice-free” 2007 compared to the “icy” 1987. According to several past model studies, dense water production on Arctic shelves in winter driven by ice freezing and brine rejection is not likely to cease in a warmer climate, but rather to increase. There is also observational evidence that cascading in the seasonally ice covered seas (e.g. the Barents Sea) is much more efficient than it is in the permanently ice covered Arctic Ocean, which supports these model results.  相似文献   


本文从日本沿岸选取了28个验潮站及联测的GPS站,利用奇异谱分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)和SSA+自回归滑动平均(Auto Regression Moving Average,ARMA)方法预测了2014—2018年的近海海平面变化和地壳垂直变化.并用同时段的验潮及GPS的实际测量值进行验证,结果显示,SSA+ARMA预测的相对海平面精度为0.0357~0.0607 m,地壳垂直运动的精度为0.0049~0.0077 m,绝对海平面的精度为0.0433~0.0683 m,且三者SSA+ARMA的预测结果均优于只用SSA预测的结果.在此基础上本文利用SSA+ARMA预测了日本沿岸2019—2023年的近海绝对海平面变化,结果显示,2019—2023年的平均海面高较往年(2014—2018)升高0.0353 m,2003—2023年绝对海平面的变化率为0.0039 m·a-1,预测结果较为理想.


本文从日本沿岸选取了28个验潮站及联测的GPS站,利用奇异谱分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)和SSA+自回归滑动平均(Auto Regression Moving Average,ARMA)方法预测了2014—2018年的近海海平面变化和地壳垂直变化.并用同时段的验潮及GPS的实际测量值进行验证,结果显示,SSA+ARMA预测的相对海平面精度为0.0357~0.0607 m,地壳垂直运动的精度为0.0049~0.0077 m,绝对海平面的精度为0.0433~0.0683 m,且三者SSA+ARMA的预测结果均优于只用SSA预测的结果.在此基础上本文利用SSA+ARMA预测了日本沿岸2019—2023年的近海绝对海平面变化,结果显示,2019—2023年的平均海面高较往年(2014—2018)升高0.0353 m,2003—2023年绝对海平面的变化率为0.0039 m·a-1,预测结果较为理想.  相似文献   

Global warming: a review of this mostly settled issue   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Global warming and attendant climate change have been controversial for at least a decade. This is largely because of its societal implications since the science is largely straightforward. With the recent publication of the Fourth Assessment Report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Working Group 1) there has been renewed interest and controversy about how certain the scientific community is of its conclusions: that humans are influencing the climate and that global temperatures will continue to rise rapidly in this century. This review attempts to update what is known and in particular what advances have been made in the past 5 years or so. It does not attempt to be comprehensive. Rather it focuses on the most controversial issues, which are actually few in number. They are:
  • Is the surface temperature record accurate or is it biased by heat from cities, etc.?
  • Is that record significantly different from past warmings such as the Medieval Warming Period?
  • Are human greenhouse gases changing the climate more than the sun?
  • Can we model climate and predict its future, or is it just too complex and chaotic?
  • Are there any other changes in climate other than warming, and can they be attributed to the warming?
Finally there is a very brief discussion of the societal policy response to the scientific message. Note that much of the introductory material in each section is essentially the same as that which appears in Keller 2003 (hereafter referred to as OR = original review) and its update (Keller 2007). Despite continued uncertainties, the review finds an affirmative answer to these questions. Of particular interest are advances that seem to explain why satellites do not see as much warming as surface instruments, how we are getting a good idea of recent paleo-climates, and why the twentieth century temperature record was so complex. It makes the point that in each area new information could come to light that would change our thinking on the quantitative magnitude and timing of anthropogenic warming, but it is unlikely to alter the basic conclusions.  相似文献   

Daily sea level variability in the Adriatic Sea is studied from different data sets using Empirical Orthogonal Functions, in connection with atmospheric pressure and wind stress. The first mode explains 56–69% of total variance and consists of uniform sea level variability all over the basin, correlated with atmospheric pressure through the inverse barometer effect. The second mode explains 13–16% of variance and accounts for an along-basin sea level gradient, which is correlated with the meridional wind stress component. The first two Principal Components are used as proxies to pressure- and wind-induced components of storm surges in the northern Adriatic. The analysis of the frequency of the most intense events in the 1957–2005 period shows that the wind contribution to storm surges has decreased, while no significant trends are found in the contribution of atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

Detailed diatom records within core sediments from Maeho Lagoon along the Eastern coast of South Korea revealed that the ecological dynamics of the lagoon during the Holocene were associated with relative sea level and regional precipitation. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating indicates that sediment accumulation began prior to 8300 cal. year BP, and that the lagoon formed around 8000 cal. year BP. The salinity level of the lagoon increased until 5000 cal. year BP, and then decreased. Long‐term trends in salinity were dependent upon changes in sea level: periods of high salinity in the lagoon were generally coincident with periods of high sea levels along the east coasts of Korea and Japan. On the other hand, multicentennial‐scale fluctuations in diatom assemblages and magnetic susceptibility (MS) suggest that a 400 year fluctuation in salinity was regulated by changes in precipitation in the area of this lagoon. Changes in the westerly jet stream, controlled by variation in solar irradiance, had an important influence on precipitation volume in South Korea, suggesting that the patterns of the westerly jet stream fluctuate on a 400 year cycle.  相似文献   

Intertidal shoals are pronounced morphological features found in many estuaries worldwide. Apart from maintaining an ecologically unique intertidal environment, shoals also protect adjacent dyke systems by attenuating waves. The fate of sandy shoals under anticipated sea level rise (SLR) scenarios is underexplored. The current research investigates the long-term morphodynamic evolution of estuarine sandy shoals under forcing by short fetch, locally generated wind-waves, tides, and SLR by means of a numerical, process-based model (Delft3D). The focus lies on a sheltered shoal complex in the Western Scheldt, the Netherlands. Starting from the initial, 1963 bathymetry, we model 50-year morphodynamic development with schematized wind-wave forcing. We analyze in detail the impact of locally generated wind-waves on shoal formation. Finally, we impose regional SLR of 1.10 m and 1.95 m for 100 years. Model results show that, on the spatial scale of intertidal flats, small, locally generated wind-waves lower and widen the shoals while the adjacent channels deepen. However, on the estuarine system scale, wind-waves do not lead to fundamentally different channel–shoal patterns and morphodynamic evolution trends. This suggests that channel–shoal formation is mainly due to tide residual sediment transports, with wind-waves playing a secondary role. SLR leads to a notable intertidal area loss, despite a continuous heightening of the shoals, implying that morphodynamic adaptation lags behind SLR. The inclusion of wind-waves does not fundamentally change the reaction of the estuarine shoal to SLR. Future research may focus on exploring the impact of including multiple sediment classes.  相似文献   

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