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Quantification of mass and heat transport in fractured porous rocks is important to areas such as contaminant transport, storage and release in fractured rock aquifers, the migration and sorption of radioactive nuclides from waste depositories, and the characterization of engineered heat exchangers in the context of enhanced geothermal systems. The large difference between flow and transport characteristics in fractures and in the surrounding matrix rock means models of such systems are forced to make a number of simplifications. Analytical approaches assume a homogeneous system, numerical approaches address the scale at which a process is operating, but may lose individual important processes due to averaging considerations. Numerical stability criteria limit the contrasts possible in defining material properties. Here, a hybrid analytical–numerical method for transport modeling in fractured media is presented. This method combines a numerical model for flow and transport in a heterogeneous fracture and an analytical solution for matrix diffusion. By linking the two types of model, the advantages of both methods can be combined. The methodology as well as the mathematical background are developed, verified for simple geometries, and applied to fractures representing experimental field conditions in the Grimsel rock laboratory.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   

Among hygric properties of stone material, the sorption behaviour is of essential importance because of the permanence of the processes involved. New results from static sorption experiments performed by standard techniques and by a new tool are reported for six different building stones. Furthermore, an example of dynamic sorption behaviour under continuously changing humidity is presented. For the static equilibrium sorption measurements a close relation to the stone type, its pore properties, such as specific inner surface, pore volume, pore size distribution as well as capillary water uptake and water saturation, is drawn. The comparison of the different data allows us to retrieve correlations between material features that are crucial for weathering processes. The sorption–desorption processes respond spontaneously on even small humidity changes as shown by the dynamic sorption experiment. A permanent breathing-process of the material is imposed.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on building a workflow for structural interpretation and velocity modeling and implementing to Jurassic-Cretaceous succession (Chiltan Limestone and Massive sand of the Lower Goru Formation). 2D-Migrated seismic sections of the area are used as data set and in order to confirm the presence of hydrocarbons in the study area, P and S-wave seismic velocities are estimated from single-component seismic data. Some specific issues in the use of seismic data for modeling and hydrocarbon evaluation need to deal with including distinguishing the reservoir and cap rocks, and the effects of faults, folds and presence of hydrocarbons on these rocks. This study has carried out the structural interpretation and modeling of the seismic data for the identification of traps. The results demonstrate existence of appropriate structural traps in the form of horst and grabens in the area. 2D and 3D velocity modeling of the horizons indicates the presence of high velocity zones in the eastern half of the study while relatively low velocity zones are encountered in the western half of the area. Two wells were drilled in the study area (i.e. Fateh-01 and Ichhri-01) and both are dry. Immature hydrocarbons migration is considered as a failure reason for Fateh-01 and Ichhri-01 well.  相似文献   

Using the Chiller computer program, we performed modeling of the mechanisms of the joint transport and deposition of Au and Sb from various ore-forming solutions during the formation of Au-Sb deposits. Three models are considered by the example of the Uderei Au-Sb deposit in the Yenisei Ridge: (1) simple cooling (cooling only), (2) iso-enthalpy boiling (P = f(T)), and (3) solution–rock interaction (rock titration model). The behavior of Sb(III) and Au(I) in the system Au–Sb–Fe–Cu–Pb–Zn–As–H2O–Cl–H2S–CO2 under hydrothermal conditions was studied. It is shown that both weakly alkaline (near-neutral) and reduced acidic Feaq2+-enriched low-chloride high-CO2 and high-chloride hydrothermal solutions play a crucial role in the formation of gold parageneses of Au-Sb ores.  相似文献   

合理布局抽水井和回灌井是地下水源热泵系统长期有效运行的关键因素。以郑州市郑东新区为例,利用HST3D软件建立水热运移数值模型,优化设计地下水源热泵系统抽灌水井布局,预测地下水源热泵系统长期运行后对含水层的水热影响。结果表明:介质比热容及渗透率分别对含水层温度及水位影响显著,是较敏感的参数。方案3(3个回灌井垂直天然流向分布且位于抽水井下游)为最佳布井方式。抽灌量900,1 200,1 500及2 000m3/d所对应的合理布井间距分别为50,65,70及75m。相应布井方案的水源热泵系统运行20a,对含水层温度场的影响仅限于200m×200m的范围,抽水井温度变化小于1℃。  相似文献   

河工动床模型存在问题及其解决途径   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
河工模型是解决江河治理及大型水利水电工程泥沙问题的主要手段。本文研究了河工动床模型设汁与试验过程中存在的几何变态、推移质泥沙级配选配、时间变态等问题,并提出了相应的解决途径和建议。  相似文献   

针对位于干旱-半干旱气候带的我国西北部矿区生态修复过程中重构层状土壤水分运移规律不清等问题,通过设置不同层状结构土壤进行水分运移入渗试验,监测土壤剖面水分变化,采用Hydrus-1D模拟降雨入渗过程,从土壤水分、水势和水通量3个方面揭示层状土壤水分运移特征,并基于优化后的模型进行情景模拟,探究夹层特征对浅层土壤水分运移的影响。研究结果表明,夹层明显改变了土壤水分的分配与运移过程,土壤水势在夹层界面连续分布,而土壤水分在夹层界面发生突变;虽然黄土夹层和风化砂岩夹层都阻滞了土壤水分的下渗,但其阻滞原理不同,前者表现为黏质夹层渗透性能差导致夹层以上土壤水分滞留,后者归因于粗质夹层土壤基质势小造成水分持留在上部黏质土壤中;根据不同夹层属性的情景模拟结果,提出在风积沙40 cm深度处设置20 cm厚的黄土夹层有利于提高夹层以上土壤水分以供植被利用。研究探明了风积沙区充填黄土对土壤水分运动的影响,并为土壤类型以风积沙和黄土为主的我国西北部矿区在生态修复中的土壤重构方式提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖条件下土壤水热盐耦合运动规律模拟研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别从等温和非等温水盐动态模拟以及覆盖边界层三个方面,以秸秆覆盖条件下土壤水、热、盐耦合运动规律模拟研究为重点,介绍了50年代以来土壤水热盐数学模拟的研究成果,并简要论述了有关模型的特点及今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

Sandy debris flow deposits are present in Unit I during Miocene of Gas Field A in the Baiyun Depression of the South China Sea. The paucity of well data and the great variability of the sedimentary microfacies make it difficult to identify and predict the distribution patterns of the main gas reservoir, and have seriously hindered further exploration and development of the gas field. Therefore, making full use of the available seismic data is extremely important for predicting the spatial distribution of sedimentary microfacies when constructing three-dimensional reservoir models. A suitable reservoir modeling strategy or workflow controlled by sedimentary microfacies and seismic data has been developed. Five types of seismic attributes were selected to correlate with the sand percentage, and the root mean square (RMS) amplitude performed the best. The relation between the RMS amplitude and the sand percentage was used to construct a reservoir sand distribution map. Three types of main sedimentary microfacies were identified: debris channels, fan lobes, and natural levees. Using constraints from the sedimentary microfacies boundaries, a sedimentary microfacies model was constructed using the sequential indicator and assigned value simulation methods. Finally, reservoir models of physical properties for sandy debris flow deposits controlled by sedimentary microfacies and seismic inversion data were established. Property cutoff values were adopted because the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoir properties from well-logging interpretation are intrinsically different. Selection of appropriate reservoir property cutoffs is a key step in reservoir modeling when using simulation methods based on sedimentary microfacies control. When the abnormal data are truncated and the reservoir properties probability distribution fits a normal distribution, microfacies-controlled reservoir property models are more reliable than those obtained from the sequence Gauss simulation method. The cutoffs for effective porosity of the debris channel, fan lobe, and natural levee facies were 0.2, 0.09, and 0.12, respectively; the corresponding average effective porosities were 0.24, 0.13, and 0.15. The proposed modeling method makes full use of seismic attributes and seismic inversion data, and also makes the property data of single-well depositional microfacies more conformable to a normal distribution with geological significance. Thus, the method allows use of more reliable input data when we construct a model of a sandy debris flow.  相似文献   

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