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广东省交通运输厅从2012年起,组织分期研究开发基于地理信息系统的广东省综合运输体系规划信息平台(简称"平台"),旨在建立健全统一的全省交通运输业数据采集、发布标准及技术管理规范,分别构建5大类运输方式线网及重要的运输枢纽站场节点的多级图层,叠加形成全省综合运输体系布局规划"一张图"。"平台"采用4层设计,依托后台管理、应用分析和综合展示3大子系统,搭建了基础地理信息、经济社会、交通运输现状、综合运输体系规划成果及其他共5大类数据库,"平台(一期)"于2014年3月26日通过验收,实现了多维度、多视角展示和查询交通运输业数据成果的预期功能。研究实践将力促综合运输体系规划研究和决策方式实行根本性变革。  相似文献   

Based on the ArcGIS geographic information system and the ORACLE database management system,this paper reports our studies on the technology of Marine Engineering Geological Exploration Information System(MEGEIS). By analyzing system structure,designing function modules and discussing data management,this paper systematically proposes a framework of technol-ogy to integrate,manage,and analyze the seabed information comprehensively. Then,the technology is applied to the design and development of the Bohai Sea Oilfield Paradigm Area Information System. The system can not only meet the practical demands of marine resources exploration and exploitation in the Bohai Sea oilfield,but also serve as a preparatory work in theory and technology for the realization of the 'Digital Seabed'.  相似文献   

金沙江流域生态保护与建设决策支持系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用地理信息系统对生态保护与建设相关的地理信息进行采集、管理、分析,对政府部门的决策是一种有效的技术支撑。本文主要介绍“金沙江流域(云南部分)生态保护与建设决策支持系统”的体系结构设计和系统实现。  相似文献   

Southeast China coastal areas belong to subtropical monsoon climatic zone,thus easily affected by floods resulted from typhoons and rainstorm.Since the areas of river basins are small,rivers flood regulation capacities are low,and therefore flood hazard is grave.In the paper,taking the Yongjiang basin in southeast China as an example,the approaches and methods of geographic information system(GIS) applied to flood disaster control and reduction research on small basin are explred.On GIS help the rainfall-runoff calculation model and the river dchannel flood routing model are developed.And the evaluating flood submerged are and the damage assessment models are built supported by digit elevation models.Lastly the decision support system on GIS supported for flood control in research basin has been set up.This greatly improves flood-proofing decision-making capacities in river basin,and provides valuable information and a mode for flood prevention and reduction in the medium and small basin .Meanwhile,the research indicates that technologies of GIS provide a powerful tool for flood disaster control.  相似文献   

In the meizoseismal areas hit by the China Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, the disasterprone environment has changed dramatically, making the susceptibility assessment of debris flow more complex and uncertain. After the earthquake, debris flow hazards occurred frequently and effective susceptibility assessment of debris flow has become extremely important. Shenxi gully in Du Jiangyan city, located in the meizoseismal areas, was selected as the study area. Based on the research of disaster-prone environment and the main factors controlling debris flow, the susceptibility zonations of debris flow were mapped using factor weight method(FW), certainty coefficient method(CF) and geomorphic information entropy method(GI). Through comparative analysis, the study showed that these three methods underestimated susceptible degree of debris flow when used in the meizoseismal areas of Wenchuan earthquake. In order to solve this problem, this paper developed a modified certainty coefficient method(M-CF) to reflect the impact of rich loose materials on the susceptible degree of debris flow. In the modified method, the distribution and area of loose materials were obtained by field investigations and postearthquake remote sensing image, and four data sets, namely, lithology, elevation, slop and aspect, wereused to calculate the CF values. The result of M-CF method is in agreement with field investigations and the accuracy of the method is satisfied. The method has a wide application to the susceptibility assessment of debris flow in the earthquake stricken areas.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONAsanimportantcomponentoftheglobalterres trialecosystems ,forestlinkstheatmosphere ,soilandwatertogetherthroughitspowerfulecologicalfunc tion .Inrecentyears,owingtotheglobalwarmingandhumaninfluence ,forestfireoccurmuchmorefrequently .Theannualf…  相似文献   

1 IN T R O D U C T IO NZhaoyuan C ity, located in northeast of ShandongProvince,iscalled "G old C ity"and itisone ofim portantgold production bases in C hina.The exploitation ofthegold broughtoutthe extensive vacantareas,leading tolarge-scale ground subsi…  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Northeast China region locates in the centre of Northeast Asia economic zone, and borders onRepublic of Mongolia in the north, Russian Far Eastin the east, and Democratic People, s Republic ofKorea in the south. It includes three provinces…  相似文献   

城市三维地质数据管理与服务系统框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市地质数据的数字化管理与服务是“数字城市“工程的重要内容,3D GIS将在未来的城市数字化建设中扮演核心角色.介绍了3D GIS的发展现状及应用前景,详细讨论了基于3D GIS构建的城市地质数据管理与服务系统的设计思路和结构功能.三维数据结构的研究是3D GIS的核心问题并成为当前制约3D GIS深入发展与应用的瓶颈,由于缺乏对三维地质数据进行有效管理与可视化表达的三维数据模型,当前GIS的三维地质建模能力与三维空间分析能力都极为薄弱.在分析城市三维地质数据多种建模方法的基础上,采用一种基于TIN和TEN的混合数据结构来构建城市地质数据建模系统.针对城市三维地质数据的特点,探讨了城市三维地质海量数据的采集与管理、城市三维地质数据信息的Web发布等重要问题,力求为系统功能的最终实现提供完整的解决方案.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of space technology, earth observation technology and sky observatory technolo-gy, they have played a more and more important part in monitoring and predicting of earthquakes and volcanoes in the terres-trial land. In recent years, the related agencies have done the experiments and researches on monitoring and predicting ofearthquakes and volcanoes in the forewarning period by means of many approaches, such as satellite thermal infrared re-mote sensing (TIRS), Global Positioning System (GPS), differential interferometric synthesis aperture radar (D-INSAR),astronomical time-latitude residual anomaly, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc. A quite large number of re-search foundation has been built in the fundamental theories and application methods. The experiments and researcheshave shown that these technology is efficient methods for high frequency crust movement. If the existed separate scientificforces and results are possibly assembled together to form a more complete integration monitoring system with the combina-tion of space, sky observation, ground, deep geology and macro anomaly, it will come into a new stage of monitoring andpredicting of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)在地震危险性分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了地理信息系统(GIS)的主要特征、地震危险性分析的一般步骤及其在地理信息系统下的实现方法。以东亚地区地震危险性分析为例,在GIS平台下,利用GIS的图层叠加和拼接、空间数据查询和综合分析功能,编制了东亚地区地震构造图,划分了该区的潜在震源区,并得到了各潜在震源区相应的地震活动性参数,在此基础上,按1°×1°计算和分析了东亚地区未来50年超越概率为10%的峰值地面加速度。  相似文献   

湖北省水土保持动态监测Web GIS系统的设计及实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Web GIS技术建立大区域的水土保持动态监测系统需要解决海量数据处理与显示、多源数据集成、大型数据库支持、桌面地图排版与专题图制作等技术问题,这里介绍的“湖北省水土保持动态监测Web GIS系统”有效地解决了建立实用型水土保持动态监测Web GIS系统所面临的一些共性问题。  相似文献   

历史地理信息系统(历史GIS)属于地理信息系统(GIS)与历史学相结合的交叉研究领域,它有机地集成了GIS的技术方法、地理学家的空间视角和历史学家的时间视角,量化历史时期的地理过程并构建相应的时空模型,为面向未来的科学预测提供研究基础。历史GIS兴起于20世纪90年代中期,给GIS学科、历史地理学和历史学都带来了新的研究机遇与活力,并表现出强劲的发展势头,但也存在一些尚待解决的问题。近年来,历史GIS向社会提供了日益丰富的历史地理信息服务,并逐渐跨越系统的技术层面,向着科学层面纵深发展。本文通过对国内外相关文献的梳理与分析,回顾了历史GIS产生的背景,从数字化、数据模型、数据库建设与系统开发、空间分析和可视化5个方面综述了国内外历史GIS的研究现状。最后,从历史资料的空间化与数字化、历史地理时空大数据、历史地理空间框架构建及历史地理信息服务、历史地理时空过程及模型构建、历史地理信息科学和技术学科体系的形成等角度展望了历史GIS的发展趋势,以期为历史GIS未来的发展提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

“West Jilin Porovince” in ths paper means Zhenlai,Baicheng,Taonan,Da‘an,Tongyu,Fuyu,Songyuan,Qian‘an ,Chandling,also includes Gongzhuling,Shuangliao,Lishu,Siping and Nong′an which have been suf-fered from desertification.In west Jilin Province there are three sand zones passing through,they are Xiang(Xianghai)-Wu(Wlan Tug)sand zone,Hai-Fent sand zone,and Tao′er River right band sand zone.The desertification area of west Jilin Province is 819 100ha,making up 12.5% of the total land area.Among desertification types,in Jilin Province light desertification is the major,then is medium dersertification,hevey desertification is the least.According to the compare-son of the interpretation results of the Landsat images of the 1980s and 1990s by remote sensing and GIS techniques,it can be seen that the diesertification area in west Jilin Province basically didn′t change on the whole,only increased 6130ha,making up 0.8% of the desertification area,change scale is less than 1%.Evidently,desertification is con-trolled mostly,but some areas are continuing deterioration.The desertification process of China can be divided into three types according to origin nature,they are sandy steppe desertification,fixed sand area(sand land) activation and dunes transfer invasion.Reasons of desertification of West Jilin Province are analyzed,they include natural factors(such as material source factors,chimate factors) and artificial factors(such as destroying grass to reclaim,steppe decreasing greatly,illegally feeling shelter forest stands,constructing reservoir to influence eco-environment etc.).Some sugges-tions are put forward as follows:establishing the social project for ecological reconstruction of degenerated land;intensify-ing planning and management of land use,reverting farmland into forestland or pasture in a planned way.The key desertifica-tion control is to depend mainly on policy and management,then control techniques.  相似文献   

基于GIS的东黄海渔场影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术、结合近年对东黄海海洋渔业资源与环境的调查资料,对东黄海渔场的渔业资源变化的主要影响因子进行空间分析与叠加,得到该渔场的资源分布与水温、初级生产力、饵料、底质等因子的时空分布专题图,经过相关分析,即可掌握当前该渔场资源的概况。  相似文献   

社区管理信息系统的设计理念与应用框架   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
公众参与GIS的设计与开发应用是地理信息系统的新发展领域。本文结合城市社区建设与管理信息系统的建设与应用实际,从公众参与的理念与内涵出发,讨论了公众参与的可能领域,参与途径;提出了公众参与GIS的信息基础,模块组成,系统结构与模型框架;通过一个简单的原型模型介绍,分析了公众参与GIS的问题与未来发展。  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the makeup and forming dynamic mechanism of natural disaster systems, principles and methods of comprehensive division of natural disasters, as well as structure, function and up-build routes of map and file information visualization system (MFIVS). Taking the Changjiang (Yangtze) Valley as an example, on the basis of revealing up the integrated mechanism on the formations of its natural disasters and its distributing law, thereafter, the paper relies on the MFIVS technique, adopts two top-down and bottom-up approaches to study a comprehensive division of natural disasters. It is relatively objective and precise that the required division results include three natural disaster sections and nine natural disaster sub-sections, which can not only provide a scientific basis for utilizing natural resources and controlling natural disaster and environmental degradation, but also be illuminated to a concise, practical and effective technique on comprehensive division. Foundation item: Under the auspices of President Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1999). Biography: HU Bao-qing (1966 -), male, a native of Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, Ph. D. His main research interests include environmental geology, mountain study, earth system science and sustainable development.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Proteinisanimportantnutritionalingredientofaquaticfeed .Thehighproteinneedsoffish ,shrimpandmostotheraquaticanimalsissuppliedmainlybyfishmeal (WilliamsandBarlow ,1996 ) .Recently ,thefishmeal,asamainproteinsourceofaquaticfeedisshort suppliedintheinternationalmarketanditspriceisbecominghigherandhigher .Therefore ,itisnecessarytofindsubstitutesoffishmealasaproteinsourceofaquaticfeed . Someotheranimalby productmealssuchasmeatandbonemeal (MBM )andpoultryby productmeal(PBM )ha…  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of meat and bone meal (MBM) and poultry by-product meal (PBM) as the replacement of fish meal in the diets on the growth performance, survival and apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of Litopenaeus vannamei. The basal diets were formulated with 22% fish meal and other ingredients which provided about 40% protein and 9% lipid in the diet. The experimental diets included MBM or PBM to replace 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of total fish meal respectively. All diets were iso-nitrogenous and isocaloric in gross terms. The results showed that there were no significant differences (Pτ;0.05) in growth performance and ADC among the treatments fed with the diets in which 0–60% fish meal had been replaced with MBM, while the percent weight gain (WG, %), body length gain (BLG, %) and ADC significantly decreased when the MBM was up to 80% of the fish meal. There were no significant differences (Pτ;0.05) in growth performance and ADC among all the treatments fed with the diets in which 0–80% fish meal had been replaced with PBM.  相似文献   

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