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River plumes have important effects on marine ecosystems. Variation in the extent and dispersal of river plumes is often associated with river discharge, wind characteristics and ocean circulation. The objectives of this study were to identify the Tokachi River plume by satellite, determine its relationship with river discharge and clarify its temporal and spatial dynamics. SeaWiFS multispectral satellite data (normalized water-leaving radiance: nLw) with 1.1 km spatial resolution were used to determine the spatial and temporal variability of the plume during 1998–2002. Supervised maximum likelihood classification using six channels of nLw at 412, 443, 490, 510, 555 and 670 nm with each band's spectral signature statistic was used to define classes of surface water and to estimate the plume area. Supervised maximum likelihood classification separated three to four classes of coastal water based on optical characteristics as a result of wind stress events. The satellite-observed plume area was correlated with the amount of river discharge from April to October. The plume distribution patterns were influenced by wind direction and magnitude, the occurrences of a near-shore eddy field and surface currents. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) was used to express the spatial and temporal variability of the plume using anomalies of nLw(555) monthly averaged images. The first mode (44% of variance) showed the turbid plume distribution resulting from re-suspension by strong wind mixing along the coast during winter. This mode also showed the plume was distributed along-shelf direction in spring to early autumn. The second mode (17% of variance) showed spring pattern across-shelf direction. EOF analysis also explained the interannual variability of the plume signature, which might have been affected by the flow of the Oyashio Current and the occurrence of a near-shore eddy field.  相似文献   

The data of the CTD survey conducted in the Denmark Strait and Irminger Sea in May–June 2009 are used to calculate the vertical profiles of the turbulent overturning scale, which are then used to estimate the dissipation and entrainment rates in the overflow plume. The resulting estimates of the entrainment rate varied widely from 2 × 10–7 to 7 × 10–3 m/s. It is shown that such a wide range of entrainment rates is caused by the intermittency of turbulence. Large turbulent overturning at the interface of the Denmark Strait overflow plume is detected on the vertical temperature, salinity, and potential density profiles.  相似文献   

The character of the water exchange in the Denmark Strait for the period of 1958–2006 is studied based on the results of the numerical experiments using the model of the ocean circulation developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a resolution of 0.25 degrees in latitude and longitude with 27 vertical levels. The calculations were performed for the North Atlantic area from 30° S, including the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea. The width of the Denmark Strait at 66° N is about 650 km, and the depth is approximately 550 m. The fields of the temperature, salinity, and density and the components of the current velocities were simulated. In this period, the average overflow of dense waters with the conventional potential density σ0 > 27.80 to the North Atlantic through the Denmark Strait was 1.86 ± 0.96 Sv, and, for the nearbottom and intermediate waters with σ0 > 27.50, it was 3.84 ± 1.31 Sv. The maximum values of the overflow transport through the strait were recorded in 1962, 1972, 1983, 1990, and 2000. Exactly these years showed the highest values of the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index. This fact confirms the domination of the decadal variability of the hydrogeological processes in the North Atlantic. The model section of the current velocity through the strait showed the occurrence of at least four well marked jets that vertically occupy the entire sectional area from the surface to the bottom. The two jets divided by a northward jet at the strait’s middle move southward along the Greenland slope. The northward current along Iceland is also identified. This structure of the currents is also supported by the analysis of the observed variability of the absolute topography of the ocean’s surface.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that variations of the Amazon plume are forced primarily by wind is further explored through a series of simplified numerical model simulations. The wind's role in the change in plume structure and the nature of this change are investigated for two events: a shift in wind direction from westward to southeastward and a reduction in magnitude of the westward wind speed. Under winds with a southeastward component, the plume is confined to below 5°N; this simulation represents a rare but illustrative event showing how the balance of forces is quickly adjusted under changing winds. The freshest portions of the plume expand eastward, but are confined near the river mouth, as observed. The cross-shelf and alongshelf dynamic balances are similar in magnitude to those with westward wind stress, but the balance between the equatorial jet and buoyancy-driven cross-shelf flow is altered, controlling a new along-shelf position of the front. During wind-relaxation events, the plume widens near the mouth as a result of strong, eastward cross-shelf velocities associated with an equatorial Kelvin wave.  相似文献   

The generation and downstream modification of a cold dense Arctic shelf water plume were studied with moored current meters, thermistor chains and conductivity/temperature sensors deployed from August 1993 to September 1994 south of the Storfjord in the Svalbard Archipelago. These observations are compared to similar time series from 1991/92. In 1993/94, bottom water with temperatures close to the freezing point drained continuously from Storfjord between March and September with a mean speed of 0.14 m s−1. About 1.5 months after the plume front had left the Storfjord, it reached the shelf break, 150 km away. The plume had increased its width from 15 km to about 35 km, but its thickness of 50 m remained almost constant and it left the shelf edge at a similar speed. The increased volume transport and the change of temperature/salinity properties indicate an entrainment of 110% of ambient Atlantic water into the plume on its way from the production area to the shelf edge.The maximum salinity of the cold plume was 0.2 lower in 1993/94 than in 1991/92, whilst the temperature/salinity-range of the surrounding Atlantic water remained unchanged. Probably as a dynamic consequence, the speed of the plume was considerably lower in 1993/94. The lower salinity of the plume in 1993/94 is a result of both the 30% less ice formation in Storfjord, caused by lower heat flux and less open water, and a lower surface salinity at the beginning of ice formation. During 1993/94, the Storfjord plume was too light to sink below 700 m.  相似文献   

基于区域海洋模式ROMS,本文对东中国海的水动力环境进行了长期(2004-2015年)模拟,分析了长江冲淡水扩展形态的年际变化特征和规律。研究发现,夏季长江冲淡水主要有三种扩展形态:东北方向、东南方向和东南-东北双向扩展,三种形态所占比例分别为37%,46%和17%。长江冲淡水的扩展面积具有显著的年际变化,近河口冲淡水(海表面盐度<28)的扩展面积主要受径流量控制,在外海(28<海表面盐度<31)则主要受南风和西南风的影响。就淡水通量而言,向东北方向最多,向东南方向次之,二者7、8月份所占比例分别为40%、60%和33%、32%。夏季长江冲淡水向东北方向的扩展主要受东风或较强东南风的影响。年际尺度上,向东北方向的淡水输运与东南方向风分量具有很好的相关性,主要受东南风驱动的Ekman输运的影响。  相似文献   

The mixing and spreading of the Storfjorden overflow were investigated with density and horizontal velocity profiles collected at closely spaced stations. The dense bottom water generated by strong winter cooling, enhanced ice formation and the consequent brine rejection drains into and fills the depression of the fjord and upon reaching a 120-m deep sill, descends like a gravity current following the bathymetry towards the shelf edge. The observations covered an approximate 37-km path of the plume starting from about 68 km downstream of the sill. The plume is identified as two layers: a dense layer 1 with relatively uniform vertical structure underlying a thicker layer 2 with larger vertical density gradients. Layer 1, probably remnants from earlier overflows, almost maintains its temperature–salinity characteristics and spreads to a width of about 6 km over its path, comparable to spread resulting from Ekman veering. Layer 2, on the other hand, is a mixing layer and widens to about 16 km. The overflow, in its core, is observed to have salinities greater than 34.9, temperatures close to the freezing point, and light transmissivity typically 5% less than that of the ambient waters. The overall properties of the observed part of the plume suggest dynamical stability with weak entrainment. However local mixing is observed through profiles of the gradient Richardson number, the non-dimensional ratio of density gradient over velocity gradient, which show portions with supercritical values in the vicinity of the plume–ambient water interface. The net volume transport associated with the overflow is estimated to be 0.06 Sv (Sv≡106 m3 s−1) out of a section closest to the sill and almost double that as it leaves the section furthest downstream. The weak entrainment is estimated to account for the doubling of the volume transport between the two sections. A simple model proposed by Killworth (J. Geophys. Res. 106 (2001) 22267), giving the path of the overflow from a constant rate of vertical descent along the slope, compares well with our observations.  相似文献   

In the southern Arabian Sea (between the Equator and 10°N), the shoaling of isotherms at subsurface levels (20 °C isotherm depth is located at ∼90 m) leads to cooling at 100 m by 2–3 °C relative to surrounding waters during the winter monsoon. The annual and interannual variations of this upwelling zone, which we call the Arabian Sea dome (ASD), are studied using results from an eddy-permitting ocean general circulation model in conjunction with hydrography and TOPEX/ERS altimeter data. The ASD first appears in the southeastern Arabian Sea during September–October, maturing during November–December to extend across the entire southern Arabian Sea (along ∼5°N). It begins to weaken in January and dissipates by March in the southwestern Arabian Sea. From the analysis of heat-budget balance terms and a pair of model control experiments, it is shown that the local Ekman upwelling induced by the positive wind-stress curl of the winter monsoon generates the ASD in the southeastern Arabian Sea. The ASD decays due to the weakening of the cyclonic curl of the wind and the westward penetration of warm water from the east (Southern Arabian Sea High). The interannual variation of the ASD is governed by variations in the Ekman upwelling induced by the cyclonic wind-stress curl. Associated with the unusual winds during 1994–1995 and 1997–1998 Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) periods, the ASD failed to develop. In the absence of the ASD during the IOD events, the 20 °C isotherm depth was 20–30 m deeper than normal in the southern Arabian Sea resulting in a temperature increase at 97 m of 4–5 °C. An implication is that the SST evolution in the southern Arabian Sea during the winter monsoon is primarily controlled by advective cooling: the shoaling of isotherms associated with the ASD leads to SST cooling.  相似文献   

基于高精度海洋动力模型FVCOM (finite-volume community ocean model), 模拟分析了1999—2010年珠江口羽状流的季节和年际变化规律, 并结合经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function, EOF)分析探讨了影响珠江口羽状流扩展变化的主要动力因子。采用模拟时段内的现场观测数据对多年模拟结果进行验证, 结果表明模型具有较高的精度, 能够较好地模拟珠江口羽状流的扩展变化规律。模拟结果显示, 珠江口羽状流存在显著的季节变化。夏季, 受大径流和西南风的影响, 羽状流的扩展呈现双向特征, 即粤西沿岸扩展和粤东离岸扩展同时存在, 扩展范围最大; 冬季, 径流衰减为最小值, 风场转变为强烈的东北风, 羽状流被紧紧挤压在西岸, 形成狭窄的条带状, 扩展范围最小; 春、秋两季属于过渡季节, 羽状流扩展情况类似, 均表现为沿岸向粤西扩展。年际变化层面, 夏季羽状流的年际变化最为显著, 呈现粤东扩展占优型、近似对称型和粤西扩展占优型三种形态; 春季羽状流的年际变化次之, 羽状流的差异主要体现在珠江口和粤西海域; 秋、冬两季羽状流的年际变化较小, 尤以冬季最小。EOF分析的第一模态可以解释整体变化的91.2%, 反映了径流量对珠江口羽状流的影响; 第二模态可以解释整体变化的4.1%, 反映了盛行风对珠江口羽状流的影响。  相似文献   

An anticyclonic mesoscale eddy is found using the current and temperature data obtained at six moorings near the eastern foot of the Mascarene Ridge (Southern Hemisphere). Its spatial parameters radius, depth of penetration, and direction of the vertical axis tilt are given. The volume of water transported by the eddy across its radial section is calculated. Numerical characteristics of the spatial-temporal variability of the current and temperature field in the eddy are obtained. The relative contributions of the variability of mesoscale, tidal and inertial, and high-frequency oscillations are estimated.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies in the extratropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the 20th century is studied from the data obtained over the period 1892–1999. The expansion of the mean (over the winter and summer periods) SAT anomalies into empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) is used for analysis. It is shown that variations in the mean air temperature in the Arctic region (within the latitudes 60°–90°N) during both the winter and summer periods can be described with a high accuracy by two spatial orthogonal modes of variability. For the winter period, these are the EOF related to the leading mode of variability of large-scale atmospheric circulation in the NH, the North Atlantic Oscillation, and the spatially localized (in the Arctic) EOF, which describes the Arctic warming of the mid-20th century. The expansion coefficient of this EOF does not correlate with the indices of atmospheric circulation and is hypothetically related to variations in the area of the Arctic ice cover that are due to long-period variations in the influx of oceanic heat from the Atlantic. On the whole, a significantly weaker relation to the atmospheric circulation is characteristic of the summer period. The first leading variability mode describes a positive temperature trend of the past decades, which is hypothetically related to global warming, while the second leading EOF describes a long-period oscillation. On the whole, the results of analysis suggest a significant effect of natural climatic variability on air-temperature anomalies in the NH high latitudes and possible difficulties in isolating an anthropogenic component of climate changes.  相似文献   

A model for the Zambezi River plume, the largest on the Indian Ocean coast of Africa, is presented and the results of experiments with different discharges and wind forcings are analysed. Although the river plays an important role in the southern African economy through power generation on large dams, artisanal fisheries, and frequent flooding events that impact greatly on local populations, the plume has not been well studied. Observations during the period 2004–2007, when the winds were mainly easterly or south-easterly, indicated that the plume waters can extend both downstream (equatorwards) and upstream (polewards) of the Zambezi Delta with a recirculating bulge near the river mouth. The model is constructed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), with a 40-km long, 3-km wide river discharging into a rectangular coastal ocean with a linearly sloping bottom. When the model is forced only by a constant river discharge of 1 000?m3 s?1 (typical of observed discharge amounts in summer), the Kelvin and Froude numbers for the resulting plume imply a ‘large-scale’ buoyant discharge with a coastal current that is close to being in geostrophic balance with the across-shore pressure gradient and a recirculating ageostrophic bulge near the mouth. The distributions of the bulge and plume waters are found to be relatively insensitive to the discharge amount. Under constant wind forcing, the plume distribution changes dramatically. Northerly and easterly winds produce the largest changes with the latter able to deflect the plume up to 180° due to Ekman drift. When sea breeze-like winds are imposed, accumulation of water in the bulge occurs with substantial spreading upstream. Stronger sea breezes lead to less downstream spreading of the plume than gentle winds. When the winds are mainly across-shore, Ekman drift dominates, but the dynamics become almost geostrophic when the winds are roughly aligned to the coast. These experiments suggest that the Zambezi River plume is sensitive to the winds on diurnal to synoptic time-scales.  相似文献   

Large quantities of methane (C1), ethane (C2), and propane (C3) emanate from shallow marine seeps near Coal Oil Point (COP), California. Concentrations of these gases were analyzed in the surface water down-current of the seep field over a 15-month period. The variable proportions of C1, C2, and C3 analyzed in gas bubbles emitted from 16 distinct seeps in the COP field encompass much of the variability found in the surface waters down-current. However, waters with disproportionate levels of C1 suggest the presence of additional C1 sources. Based on three spatial surveys, covering areas up to 280 km2, C2 and C3 air-sea fluxes were estimated to be in the order of 3.7 and 1.4 μmol day?1 m?2, respectively. Only 0.6% of C2 and 0.5% of C3 in the dissolved plume originating from the COP seep field are transferred to the atmosphere in the study area, with the fate of the remainder uncertain.  相似文献   

地幔柱产生岩浆的核幔交界部位相当于"岩浆洋",下地幔与上地幔、上地幔与软流圈之间的岩浆流通道相当于"岩浆河流",岩浆由软流圈经岩石圈喷出地表的通道相当于"岩浆小溪",在它们之间都会有许多的"岩浆支流",其中有的"支流"将这些"河流"与"河流"或"河流"与"小溪"联系起来.洋脊分段现象是由于地幔柱中存在横向的"岩浆支流"...  相似文献   

The horizontal structure of deep mean circulation and its seasonal variability in the Japan/East Sea (JES) were studied using profiling float and moored current meter data. The deep circulation in the Japan Basin (JB) flows cyclonically, basically following f/H contours. The correlation between the directions of deep current and f/H contour increases as |▿(f/H)| increases, reaching remarkably high correlation coefficient (>0.8) values in steep slope regions in the JB. In contrast to the JB, the deep mean circulation in the Ulleung/Tsushima Basin (UTB) is generally weak and cyclonic accompanied by sub-basin-scale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies. The UTB shows a poorer correlation between directions of deep current and f/H contours than other basins. The time-space averaged deep mean current is about 2.8 cm/s and the volume transport in the deep layer (800 m to bottom) in the JB reaches about 10 Sv (10 × 106 m3s−1), which is about four times greater than the inflow transport through the Tsushima Straits. A salient feature is that the amplitude of deep mean current in the JB reveals a remarkable seasonal variation with a maximum in March and minimum in October. The annual range of the seasonal variation is about 30% of the mean velocity, whereas that in the southern JES (UTB and Yamato Basin) is weak.  相似文献   

The subtidal circulation of the southeast Greenland shelf is described using a set of high-resolution hydrographic and velocity transects occupied in summer 2004. The main feature is the East Greenland Coastal Current (EGCC), a low-salinity, high-velocity jet with a wedge-shaped hydrographic structure characteristic of other surface buoyancy-driven currents. The EGCC was observed along the entire Greenland shelf south of Denmark Strait, while the transect north of the strait showed only a weak shelf flow. This observation, in conjunction with water mass considerations and other supporting evidence, suggests that the EGCC is an inner branch of the East Greenland Current (EGC) that forms south of Denmark Strait. It is argued that bathymetric steering is the most likely reason why the EGC apparently bifurcates at this location. Repeat sections occupied at Cape Farewell between 1997 and 2004 show that the alongshelf wind stress can have an influence on the structure and strength of the EGCC and EGC on timescales of 2-3 days. Accounting for the wind-induced effects, the volume transport of the combined EGCC/EGC system is roughly constant (∼2 Sv) over the study domain, from 68°N to Cape Farewell near 60°N. The corresponding freshwater transport increases by roughly 60% over this distance (59-96 mSv, referenced to a salinity of 34.8). This trend is consistent with a simple freshwater budget of the EGCC/EGC system that accounts for meltwater runoff, melting sea-ice and icebergs, and net precipitation minus evaporation.  相似文献   

Data of an experiment on radio occultation sounding of the atmosphere with the use of GPS signals were used to obtain global distributions of the variances of mesoscale variations in the refractive index in the troposphere and stratosphere. The experiment was carried out with the CHAMP satellite during the period 2001–2005. Measured vertical profiles were smoothed inside 5–10-km-thick layers centered at different altitudes in the troposphere and stratosphere with the use of second-degree polynomials. Deviations from the smoothed quantities and the corresponding variances were obtained for each profile and averaged for each month during the analyzed interval of the CHAMP experiment. Altitude-longitude-latitude inhomogeneities in the distribution of refractive index variances were analyzed. Altitude and latitude distributions of maxima and minima of refractive index variances depend on altitude and season. Turbulence and acoustic gravity waves can be the causes of small-scale and mesoscale variations in the refractive index of the troposphere and stratosphere. The variances of variations in the refractive index are greater in the regions of tropospheric jet streams and in the zones of near-equatorial deep convection. Atmospheric disturbances increase over mountain systems.  相似文献   

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