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The Haustorius canadensis population at Long Sands beach in southern Maine was studied over a period of 45 months. The length-weight relationship was examined over 24 months; it showed no difference due to either sex or month. Caloric content of the population displayed a seasonal cycle around a mean of 18·381 KJ gm−1 dry weight, peaking in mid to late summer. The increment summation, instantaneous growth, removal summation and size-frequency methods of calculating production were used and the results compared. The increment summation and instantaneous growth methods provided the best estimates of production, averaging 98·1 gm m−1 y−1 and 100·2 gm m−1 y−1, respectively. The annual production to mean biomass ratio averaged 1·48. The population exhibited strong peaks of production; the four summer months accounting for 4·65 times the production during the remainder of the year. Most of the production was due to one-year-old individuals.  相似文献   

基于对胶州湾表层沉积物中总可水解氨基酸(THAA)的含量、组成、构型及分布特征的系统研究,通过氨基酸碳氮归一化产率(THAA-C%,THAA-N%)、降解因子DI、反应活性指数RI以及D型氨基酸占比(D-AA%,摩尔百分比)等指标结合碳氮比(TOC/TN)、碳稳定同位素(δ13C)探析了胶州湾沉积物中有机质的来源与降解状态,利用细菌源有机质及胞外肽酶活性(EEA)探讨了微生物在有机质迁移转化过程中的作用与贡献。结果表明,胶州湾表层沉积物中氨基酸平均含量为(7.60±3.64)μmol/g,在陆源与海源混合影响下,其水平分布呈现湾内高于湾外、湾内东部高于西部的特点,表明湾内东部陆源输入对沉积物THAA具有较高贡献。THAA-C%、THAA-N%、DI、RI以及D-AA%等指示因子均显示胶州湾表层沉积物中有机质的降解程度呈现湾外高于湾内、湾内东部高于西部的变化趋势,有机质来源、微生物活性与上覆水水深共同影响了有机质的降解程度。胶州湾表层沉积物中细菌源有机碳的贡献率为(29.35±18.73)%,其水平分布显示出湾内西部与湾外相近且高于湾内东部的特点。细菌胞外肽酶活性(EEA)平均为(0.81±1.31)nmol/(g·h)(以MCA计),整体分布趋势与细菌贡献率相反,呈现湾内东部高于湾内西部和湾外的特性。沉积物中有机质的不同海源、陆源占比决定了有机质的可降解性,而有机质的降解程度进一步影响了细菌源有机质的贡献与胞外肽酶活性。  相似文献   

The relationships existing between the protein-containing fraction of particulate matter and amino acids dissolved in seawater were studied in the Gulf of Marseille at different periods of the year. The concentration of particulate proteins was almost zero in February and attained maximum values during April and May, the average concentrations of dissolved amino acids (total) varied between 900 and 1200 nmole l?1 but larger variations were encountered at the surface and in the vicinity of the sediment. The influence of meteorological conditions and the effect of the sediment on the distribution of nitrogenous substances were taken into account. Combined dissolved amino acids were more abundant than free dissolved amino acids in 90% of the cases. The concentrations of dissolved amino acids observed in a zone bordering the North Mediterranean are comparable to those found in other regions of the world.  相似文献   

对经5种不同加工工艺加工的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)体壁的氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成及含量进行了对比分析。结果表明,不同加工工艺加工的刺参体壁中,氨基酸和脂肪酸含量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。恒温干燥的刺参体壁中的氨基酸和脂肪酸含量是最高的,是5种加工工艺中最好的加工工艺,然后依次是真空冷冻干燥、双蒸水煮沸+自然风干、自然风干,3.5%NaCl溶液煮沸+自然风干的最差。  相似文献   

本文对2012年秋季中国东海31个站位的海水样品中溶解态氨基酸(THAA)和颗粒态氨基酸(PAA)的分布与组成进行了研究。结果表明:表层海水中溶解游离氨基酸(DFAA)的平均浓度为0.12±0.04 μmol/L (0.06~0.19 μmol/L),溶解结合氨基酸(DCAA)的平均浓度为0.61±0.51 μmol/L (0.15~1.79 μmol/L),PAA的平均浓度为0.11±0.06 μmol/L (0.02~0.27 μmol/L)。THAA的水平分布特点大致为近岸高、远岸低;PAA的水平分布特点是近岸海域向远海海域分布呈现逐渐减小的趋势。THAA的垂直分布特点是由表层向底层逐渐降低。DCAA、PAA与Chl-a有很好的相关性,而DFAA与Chl-a的相关性不明显。东海表层海水中THAA的主要组分是天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、苏氨酸及丙氨酸,PAA的主要组分是天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸及亮氨酸。在表层海水中氨基酸是作为一个整体而对海洋生物地球化学过程产生影响的。  相似文献   

The results of an investigation carried out during June 2005 to May 2007 on physico-chemical parameters,species composition and community structure of phytoplankton including Chlorophyll a(Chl-a) at the Coleroon coastal waters(Southeast coast of India) are reported.Air and surface water temperatures(°C) varied from 25.1 to 30.1 and from 24.5 to 28.5 respectively.Salinity values varied from 6 to 28.5 and the pH ranged between 7.0 and 8.3.Variation in dissolved oxygen content was from 3.1 to 7.5 mg/dm-3 while the light extinction coefficient values(LEC) ranged between 3.1 and 10.1 cm.The ranges of inorganic nutrients(μmol/dm-3) viz.,nitrate,nitrite,phosphate and silicate were 10.1-23.4,1.2-8.9,0.2-3.1 and 55-125,respectively.The ranges of Chlorophyll a(μg/dm-3) values was 2.0-7.5.Presently,124 phytoplankton species representing different classes viz:Bacillariophyceae(77),Dinophyceae(19),Cyanophyceae(15),Chlorophyceae(10) and Chrysophyceae(3) were recorded.The phytoplankton cell abundance varied from 0.290 to 111.662 cells/cm-3,with peak diversity(3.38 bits/ind.) during summer season.The maximum abundance was found during summer season coinciding with the stable hydrographical conditions.The seasonal distribution and abundance of phytoplankton are discussed in relation to hydrographical parameters.Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) was applied in this paper for discriminating environmental factors having effect on phytoplankton community at species level.Coleroon coastal water is subjected to long term fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters depending upon the seasonal tidal amplitude and freshwater influx resulting in a continuous exchange of organic,inorganic,plant and animal matters.  相似文献   

本文通过乘法散射校正(multiplicative scattering correction MSC)、一阶求导(1st Derivative,Db1)和Norris平滑等傅里叶变换近红外光谱定量分析数学模型,用交叉验证法确定了最优化建模参数,构建了牡蛎中氨基酸的快速定量测定方法。结果表明,牡蛎近红外光谱与氨基酸含量化学计量学拟合,线性相关系数为0.9860,交叉验证后线性相关系数为0.9794,对牡蛎样品进行检测,结果与传统的氨基酸分析仪的测试结果相比,相对误差小于2.5%,方法的精密度(RSD)小于1.0%,本文建立的傅里叶变换近红外光谱法定量分析牡蛎中氨基酸具有快速、准确、操作简便等特点,测定重复性优于氨基酸分析仪法。  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal changes in totally and enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA and EHHA) and EHAA/THAA ratios of superficial sediments were assessed during 1997-1999 in three areas (i.e., the Gulf of Lions, the Bay of Biscay, and Central Chile) differing in their primary productivity. In all three areas, and even off Central Chile where a strong El Niño event took place during 1997-1998, spatial changes were always much greater than temporal ones. The factors affecting the spatial distributions of amino acid concentrations differed among areas. In the Gulf of Lions, sediment granulometry was apparently the most important driving force of THAA, EHAA, and EHAA/THAA, and there was no marked difference between stations located on the open slope and those in submarine canyons. Conversely, in the Bay of Biscay, there were clear differences between the stations located off Cap-Breton, on the open slope, and those in the Cap-Ferret canyon; the latter two featuring lower EHAA and THAA but higher EHAA/THAA. This pattern is likely to result from the predominance of different sources of organic matter and especially from the importance of continental inputs to the Cap-Breton canyon. Off Central Chile, amino acid concentrations and ratios were both maximal around 100 m depth, probably reflecting the interaction between the primary productivity gradient and the presence of an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) reducing the degradation of sedimentary organics. When comparing the average values collected in the three areas studied, THAA and EHAA were highest in Central Chile, intermediate in the Bay of Biscay and lowest in the Gulf of Lions. EHAA/THAA ratios were also highest in Central Chile but were lowest in the Bay of Biscay. Differences between the Gulf of Lions and the Bay of Biscay could have been affected by sampling design. In Central Chile, the use of labile organic carbon to total organic carbon (C-LOM/TOC) and EHAA/THAA as indices of organic matter lability led to very similar results. This was not the case in the Bay of Biscay. It is therefore argued that the use of C-LOM/TOC should be restricted to highly productive areas.  相似文献   

利用高效液相色谱技术对江蓠(Gracilariaceae)中类菌孢素氨基酸(MAAs)进行了分析,并采用响应面分析法对MAAs物质的提取工艺进行优化研究。根据正交旋转组合试验设计原理,采用四因素五水平的响应面分析法,依据回归分析确定各因素的显著程度及最优工艺条件。结果表明,江蓠中MAAs的主要成分为porphyra-334;提取温度、浸提时间、甲醇浓度及液固比为影响MAAs物质提取的显著因素。通过多元二次回归拟合模型响应面分析,得到最优工艺条件:提取温度48.12℃,液固比34∶1,甲醇浓度25%,浸提时间1.85 h,优化条件下预测提取率为4.943 mg/g;试验值为4.893 mg/g,试验值与预测值吻合较好,响应面回归模型的准确性得到验证。  相似文献   

Extracellular release by phytoplankton of small and large metabolites (molecular weight 〈and〉 500 d) is determined kinetically in various marine ecosystems including the eutrophic Scheldt estuary, the Belgian coastal zone and the oligotrophic English Channel. Kinetic curves show that while small metabolites are immediately released in the external medium, a lag phase is always observed in the release of large metabolites. Results indicate that 9–48% of the total excreted amount ends up in the small metabolites pool with no dependence on light intensity or nutritive conditions. Relative rates of heterotrophic uptake of the phytoplankton extracellular metabolites are calculated from the time dependent distribution of 14C labelled extracellular products. The data indicate that small molecules with high turnover rates (up to 25% h?1) may occasionally be excreted by phytoplankton cells. The turnover time of high molecular weight excreted compounds is much longer. A correlation is found between the rate of production of these large extracellular metabolites and the exoenzymatic activity of the bacterial populations.  相似文献   

本文对2018年秋季西北太平洋低纬度区域上层海洋(5~200 m)中溶解氨基酸(THAA)的分布和组成进行了研究。结果表明,该海域表层海水中THAA的浓度范围为0.40~0.97μmol/L,平均浓度为0.58±0.14μmol/L;5~200m垂直断面上THAA的平均浓度为0.59±0.16μmol/L,范围为0.30~1.05μmol/L。调查海域内THAA浓度明显低于中国近海,在5~200m内的垂直分布基本表现出随深度增加而增加的趋势。将表层和垂直水体中的THAA分别与DOC、Chla等环境因子进行相关性分析,结果显示均无显著相关性。西北太平洋低纬度区域海水中的优势氨基酸是天冬氨酸(Asp)、谷氨酸(Glu)、丝氨酸(Ser)、甘氨酸(Gly)、苏氨酸(Thr)和丙氨酸(Ala)。基于氨基酸的碳归一化产率(THAA-C%)、降解因子(DI)值,表明该海域表层海水中的有机质降解程度较高,且随深度的增加而降低。  相似文献   

The accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in recurring summer dinoflagellate blooms of Chesapeake Bay is accompanied by large pools of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Two fractions of the DOM, free amino acids (DFAA) and monosaccharides (MONO), were measured at 3 h intervals in mixed species dinoflagellate blooms (Katodinium rotundatum, Gymnodinium spp.) and related to productivity, biomass and photoperiod. Peak chlorophyll levels for the three blooms were 28, 65 and 938 μg1−1. In general, DFAA and MONO concentrations increased with increasing biomass of bloom-forming species, reaching 203 and 844 μg1−1. MONO appeared to accumulate during the day while there was no consistent pattern for DFAA. The accumulations of DFAA and MONO in blooms indicate that bloom production might stimulate microheterotrophy, thereby enhancing carbon and nutrient cycling in bloom-impacted regions.  相似文献   

南极上空臭氧层的破坏导致了紫外辐射日益增强,高强度的UV-B辐射会造成细胞中DNA的损伤,影响蛋白质、脂类和色素的代谢过程。生长在南极的绿藻具有一系列防御机制以应对增强的UV-B辐射,其中类菌胞素氨基酸(Mycosporine-like amino acids, MAAs)是一类重要的紫外防御物质。为探究类菌胞素氨基酸对UV-B辐射的响应,本文以南极冰藻(Chlamydomonassp.ICE-L)、针丝藻(Raphidonema nivale Lagerheim, NIES-2290)和胶球藻(Coccomyxa subellipsoidea E.Acton, NIES-2166)三种生活在南极的绿藻为材料,采用UV-B辐射胁迫(强度0.35 W/m~2,短时处理3 h),并通过液相色谱-质谱联用法检测类菌胞素氨基酸的种类和含量的变化。Mycosporine-glycine为三种南极绿藻中共有的MAAs,在UV-B辐射胁迫下三种南极绿藻中Mycosporine-glycine含量变化不尽相同,表明不同的南极绿藻中MAAs对UV-B辐射的响应各有其特性。首次在绿藻(南极冰藻和胶球藻)中检测到Gadusol。Gadusol作为MAAs的合成前体,它的合成积累使得生活在海冰环境的南极冰藻和胶球藻具有良好的抗UV-B辐射能力。其中南极冰藻抗紫外能力最强,这可能得益于不同MAAs间的动态转化,含量升高的Palythine及Usujirene/Palythene可能对南极冰藻的紫外屏蔽起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Advances in analytical techniques now allow for the potential analysis of intact peptides and proteins isolated from marine sediments. However, there is no established technique for the extraction of macromolecular materials from marine sediments. Six different methods for extracting the amino acid component from coastal marine sediments were compared to the standard hot acid hydrolysis technique for their percent recovery and amino acid composition. The standard hot acid hydrolysis on dried, whole sediments released the greatest concentration of total amino acids (PS-THAA; 3.52 mg gdwt 1 ± 10% (SMD)), yet this only accounted for 22% of the total nitrogen in Puget Sound sediments (Washington, USA). Repeated hydrolysis of the same samples did not improve the recovery of nitrogen by more than an additional 10%. Base extraction (0.5 N NaOH) was the second best method for recovering amino acid nitrogen, releasing 60% of the Puget Sound total hydrolyzable amino acids (PS-THAA) (corresponding to 13% of the total sedimentary nitrogen), and has the advantage that it does not rely on peptide hydrolysis to free the nitrogenous component from the sediment matrix. The amino acid distribution of the 0.5 N NaOH extract was not significantly different than the initial THAA. Other non-hydrolyzing methods released lower yields of amino acids (Triton X-100 ≥ hot water > 50 mM NH4HCO3 > HF), but might prove to be of use to investigators interested in specific fractions of sedimentary organic nitrogen because these four methods had distinctly different amino acid compositions (enrichments in basic amino acids and depletions in acidic amino acids). Treatments with HF both before and after traditional hydrolysis and/or extractions with base did not release any more of the sedimentary nitrogen. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a large fraction of the sedimentary nitrogen (TN) is protected within an organic matrix.  相似文献   

A case study was carried out in 2000 in the shallow coastal area of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste) where untreated domestic sewage and industrial wastes are discharged at rate of 5500 m3·day?1. The sewage plume above the outfall was followed using faecal coliforms (FC) and overturning length scale (lT). The latter was rejected as a marker as the discharge conditions prohibit following the turbulence of sewage water. Intermittent sewage discharge is reflected in the minimal effect of eutrophication. Increase of phytoplankton biomass is thus only minor compared with the unpolluted area regardless of elevated concentrations of sewage‐derived nutrients (confirmed by correlation coefficients between FC and NH4+, TP, PO43?: 0.78, 0.71 and 0.67, respectively). Deteriorated trophic status, determined by the TRIX index, was observed only in the surface layer (average TRIX: 5.67). High FC content well above the regulation limit (up to 2.6 × 105 FC·100 ml?1) represents, therefore, the major negative impact of the improperly treated waste for the risk to human health.  相似文献   

生物可利用性有机氮(BDON)在海洋生态系统氮循环中起着关键作用, 氨基酸是BDON的重要组成部分, 也是DON生物可利用性的重要指示物。本研究阐述2021年春、夏季南黄海水体中总溶解氨基酸(THAA)组成和时空分布特征, 并对南黄海DON生物可利用性进行分析。南黄海DON物质的量的浓度(下文简称浓度)分布呈现近岸高、远岸低的特征, 夏季THAA水平分布上呈现北高南低的特征。夏季南黄海THAA的平均浓度(1.11±0.34μmol/L)略高于春季(0.98±0.28 μmol/L) 而DON平均浓度春季(8.17±5.06 μmol/L)明显高于夏季(5.72±2.82 μmol/L)。南黄海氨基酸主要由丝氨酸、甘氨酸+苏氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸、丙氨酸等构成, 其占总氨基酸的比例春季(61.51%)略低于夏季(65.69%)。南黄海以硅藻为主的浮游植物群落是水体氨基酸的重要来源, 浒苔绿潮暴发显著影响了水体氨基酸的组成。夏初浒苔绿潮进入消亡和降解阶段, 这可能是南黄海35°N以北海域DON具有很高的生物可利用性的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文采用"初值方法"研究了芬迪湾、缅因湾和圣劳伦斯湾的潮汐共振情况。结果表明,缅因-芬迪湾系统共振是由陆架共振造成的,最强共振周期约为13.0h。芬迪湾次强共振周期约为9.2h,是由该海湾本身的四分之一波长共振引起的。圣劳伦斯湾共振现象主要体现在其东北海区,共振周期约为9.2h,可能是由半波长共振引起的。  相似文献   

近海港湾浮游植物的春季藻华,初级生产力的分布和变化及其与环境物理化学之间的相互关系已有许多研究,如:潮汐对浮游植物藻华形成的驱动作用[1],垂直稳定或混合对浮游植物生物量粒级分布和初级生产力的影响[2~5],控制港湾浮游植物藻华的过程[6~10],营养盐类对浮游植物生长的限制[11,12]以及浮游植物季节性藻华[13]等.  相似文献   

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