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The textural study of a sizable number of samples from the various microenvironments of the Thar Desert reveals that the overall size of the desert sediments corresponds to fine sand (2–3 φ); the crests of the dunes are coarser than the flanks; the sediments have bimodal and/or polymodal population, they show a high sand/silt ratio, are well sorted, and are fine-skewed to strongly-fine-skewed; most of the sediments show platykurtic and very platykurtic curves, exhibit subangular to subrounded outlines, and show a moderate to high degree of sphericity.It is concluded that the scatter plots between moment mean (χ) and moment skewness (α3), moment mean (χ) and first percentile, graphic mean (Mz) and inclusive graphic skewness (SkI), moment standard deviation (σ) and moment mean (χ), moment standard deviation (σ) and first percentile, cubed standard deviation and mean cubed deviation (α3σ3), moment standard deviation (σ) and moment skewness (α3), and moment standard deviation (σ) and mean cubed deviation (α3σ3), can safely be used to distinguished the desert sediments from those accumulated in river and beach environments.  相似文献   

To evaluate the magnitude of variation in grain size distribution in the Krishna river, bed sediments and suspended sediments collected along the length of the river have been studied. There are both temporal and seasonal variation in the grain size distribution of suspended sediments. The statistical parameters show the change along the river in a non-linear fashion which may be due to human interference and due to different types of sediments contributed by tributaries to the Krishna river. The suspended sediments are mostly fine silt (4 to 16m), poorly sorted, showing coarse to fine skewed and are platyto leptokurtic. The bed sediments are mostly medium sand (350m) showing moderate to well sorted, coarse to fine skewed and are platy- to leptokurtic. The CM diagram of Krishna river bed sediments suggests that deposition takes place by (1) rolling (2) rolling and suspension and (3) graded suspension. The suspended sediments represent deposits of uniform suspension.  相似文献   

张宏  王智远  刘润星 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):100-104
沙漠区修筑公路,优质路基填料匮乏。依据就近原则,选用沙漠区储量丰富的风积沙作为路基填料,分析其矿物成分、化学成分、酸碱度、含盐量与级配特征。进一步探究不同试验方法(击实试验、振动台法、表面振动压实仪法)与试验控制条件下,风积沙干密度受因素控制的变化规律与压实特征。风积沙击实曲线与振动压实曲线均呈现“振实-振松-再振实”造成的“多峰”特征, 振动法所得干密度一般优于对应含水率条件下击实试验所得干密度。振动台法在风积沙含水率接近饱和时振动的效果最好,风积沙的干密度最大,表面振动压实仪法3层填料的振动压实效果明显好于1层填料方式,进而可用于施工指导。  相似文献   

The aeolian sedimentation record of the Thar desert   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of the aeolian sedimentary record of the Thar desert is presented. This includes a regional survey of the major dune forms, their genesis and their relationship to climate and other regional landforms. A key aspect of this work is the chronometry of the dunes using luminescence methods. Luminescence dating of sand has enabled quantification of the duration of the phases of sand aggradation and quiescence, time scales of dune migration and the dating of pedogenic carbonates. We demonstrate that the conventional wisdom of synchronicity of dune aggradation with glacial epoch is not true in the context of Thar sands and here only a short durationwindow of opportunity existed for dune aggradation. Luminescence ages further suggest that this window occurred during a transitional climatic regime from glacial to interglacial about 4–10 ka after the glacial epoch. Other inferences included are that:
–  • the aeolian activity in the Thar began over > 150 ka, resolving that Thar is not of anthropogenic origin as suggested previously;
–  • the present spatial extent of the aeolian activity in the Thar is in a contracted stage compared to that in the geological past, which refutes the arguments on its rapid north-eastward expansion;
–  • the current dune migration rates in areas of significant human-induced disturbances are much higher than during the geological past;
–  • the monsoon activity in the Thar varied significantly, from being minimal during the isotopic marine stages 4 and 2 to being close to the present during stage 3;
–  • on shorter time scales the dune activities correlated with the lacustrine records of the region with a phase difference of a few centuries and a periodicity of ∼ 1500 years;
–  • the sand aggradation climate in the southern margin in Gujarat gradually shrank northwards such that in general dunes older than 10 ka are seen in the extreme southern margin and dunes younger than 2ka ages occur mostly in the western part of Rajasthan.

The textural characteristics, carbonate content and the coarse fraction components of the Recent bottom sediments of the marine environment off Kuwait are described and the faunal-sediment associations discussed. The sediments were subdivided into seven textural classes, namely sand, silty sand, muddy sand, sandy silt, sandy mud, silt and mud. Most of the study area is covered with muddy sediments whereas sandy deposits are restricted to the rocky bottoms near the southern flat of Kuwait Bay, the southern coast of Kuwait and around the islands and bathymetric highs. The textural classes, carbonate contents and faunal types of the coarse fraction were used to construct a biolithofacies map of the marine bottom sediments off Kuwait, in which nine facies are identified. The sedimentological characteristics of the Recent marine bottom sediments off Kuwait reflect the interaction between autochthonous calcareous fragments mostly of biogenic origin, lime rock fragments derived from beachrocks and submerged reef flats, and allochthonous terrigenous detritus transported to the area mainly by dust storms. The Kuwaiti offshore area is generally a low energy depositional environment with little sediment transport.  相似文献   

朱坤杰  何树平  陈芳 《江苏地质》2015,39(2):251-257
大洋27航次中,在马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊南翼斜坡上获得了箱式插管和重力柱状样品,并对这些样品现场进行了含水率、湿密度、微型扭力十字板、微型贯入和无侧限抗压强度试验,获得了深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质参数,具有较高的含水率、较低的密度、较大的孔隙比、较低的抗剪强度和贯入阻力,各项参数随深度增加呈现规律性变化。归航后通过对沉积物的粒度、碎屑矿物、黏土矿物、微体古生物的鉴定,进一步从物质组成、物质来源和沉积环境等方面对此特殊工程地质性质沉积物的成因进行分析。  相似文献   

A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic studies of aeolian sediments in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Sr and Nd isotopic, rare earth element (REE) and major element compositions, together with mineral and grain‐size proportions, are reported for aeolian loess deposits and desert sands from several Chinese localities. The study was carried out in order to examine regional variations in the isotopic and geochemical features of these aeolian sediments, and to constrain the provenance of Chinese loess. Samples include loesses from the Tarim and Junggar basins and desert sands from the Taklimakan desert in north‐west China, loess from the Ordos area and desert sands from the Tengger and Mu‐us deserts in north‐central China, as well as loess and desert sands from the Naiman area, north‐east China. REE distributions show minimal variation among the Chinese loess deposits, whereas those for the desert sands show regional variations. New isotopic data document a latitudinal variation in Sr and Nd isotopic features for the loesses and desert sands. The Naiman and Junggar loesses have distinctly lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios and higher εNd(0) values than the loesses from the Tarim Basin, the Ordos area and the Loess Plateau. Among the desert sands, the Naiman samples have higher εNd(0) values than the Taklimakan, Tengger and Mu‐us samples. Isotopic data suggest that loesses of the Loess Plateau were supplied from the Tarim Basin loesses and Taklimakan Desert sand, and that the Naiman loesses were supplied from the Junggar Basin loesses. The latitudinal variation in the loesses and desert sands may be partly explained by isotopic variations reported previously for moraines from the Tianshan and west Kunlun Mountains, which are possible sources for the loesses and desert sands. These inferences on the provenance of the loesses and desert sands are consistent with the dust transport pattern over East Asia.  相似文献   

David R. Nelson 《Lithos》1992,28(3-6):403-420
The potassic igneous rock suite (with molar K2O/Na2O > 1) can be divided into an “orogenic” subgroup that occur in subduction-related tectonic settings and an “anorogenic” sub-group that are confined to stable continental settings. Representatives of both sub-groups possess trace element and isotopic features consistent with the contamination of their magma sources by incompatible element rich and isotopically evolved “metasomatic” components. It is argued here that these metasomatic components are principally derived from subducted lithosphere, including subducted sediments. Most examples of orogenic potassic magmatism (e.g. Italian potassic rocks, Spanish lamproites, Sunda arc leucitites) have trace-element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics consistent with the contamination of their mantle sources by a component derived from marine sediments. Anorogenic sub-group potassic magmas have generally similar incompatible trace element and Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics to those of orogenic potassic magmas, but many examples have unusual Pb isotopic compositions with unradiogenic 206Pb/204Pb. Modern marine sediments characteristically have low U/Pb ratios and the unradiogenic 206Pb/204Pb of anorogenic potassic magmas may have evolved during long-term storage of subducted sediments (or components derived from them) within the subcontinental lithosphere. These unusual Pb isotopic compositions require substantial time periods (> 1 Ga) to have elapsed between the fractionation events lowering the U/Pb ratio (i.e. erosion and sedimentation at the Earth's surface) and subsequent potassic magmatism and it is therefore not surprising that most examples of anorogenic potassic magmatism are not associated with recent subduction processes. Although the eruption of potassic magmas is commonly related to rifting or hotspot activity, these processes do not necessarily play an important role in the genesis of the unusual sources from which potassic magmas are derived.  相似文献   

Sand dunes are common along the sea coasts of Lithuania and in some regions of the mainland part of the country. Until recently, the age of the aeolian deposits was only approximate because of the lack of radiocarsbon-dating of soils buried in dune deposits. A relatively new alternative method to direct dating of organic-free deposits is infra-red optically stimulated luminescence (IR-OSL). Using this method, we investigated the sedimentary history of some Lateglacial and Holocene depositional sites of Lithuanian dunes. The samples for IR-OSL dating have been taken from boreholes (Mančiagirè, Smalininkai, Žalioji Giria) and outcrops (Mančiagire and Ventes Ragas) in different dune massifs. The results indicate that the aeolian sedimentation in Lithuania started during the Younger Dryas. The termination of the aeolian processes in the continental part of Lithuania is correlated with the end of the Atlantic or the beginning of the Subboreal period; this can be explained by significant climatic changes during the Atlantic period. There were several periods of high aeolian activity during the Holocene, but these are asynchronous in different dune massifs and variations in the sedimentation rate occurred both vertically over the section and spatially across the massif.  相似文献   

Heavy minerals of twenty sediment samples, belonging to polar ice sheet, lake, mainland area and shelf region of Schirmacher Oasis, east Antarctica, have been studied for their textural characteristics, abundance and provenance determination. The heavy crop is represented by zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, hypersthene, hornblende, chlorite, enstatite, lawsonite, kyanite, sillimanite, zoisite, andalusite, spinel, topaz and opaques. The assemblage, in general, is dominated by hornblende-hypersthene-garnet assemblage, followed by kyanite-sillimanite-andalusite and zircontourmaline-rutile. The high concentration of specific minerals of metamorphic origin reveals high-grade metamorphic terrain as the primary source. The ZTR ratio is low showing low mineralogical maturity. An attempt has also been made to compare the trends of heavy minerals of various sub glacial regions with those of the average values of entire area.  相似文献   

A total of 212 sand samples were collected from aeolian surface sediments in a major dune corridor, northwestern Kuwait. Five main physical properties were taken into consideration in analyzing aeolian samples, namely color, shape, roundness, particle morphometry, and surface area. The analysis of quartz particles by the scanning electron microscope shows the influence of transportation on the microfeatures of individual particles. The surface deposits are dominantly unimodal and occasionally bimodal. It is obvious that coarse and medium sand are the dominant size fractions within aeolian deposits. The results according to the Munsell color system between downwind and upwind values show no variations. Also, the average percentages of roundness subclasses for upwind and downwind samples are similar (6.7%). The average values (area, equivalent diameter, perimeter, and elongation) for aeolian samples in downwind are slightly higher than in upwind and Al-Dibdibba Formation samples, but the values overlap at 1 standard deviation. The interrelationship diagrams show that the shapes of the particles within samples in the three groups are running in the same trend. In general, the northwestern (upwind) particles show more mechanical and chemical features compared with southeastern particles (downwind). The slight variation between aeolian (upwind and downwind) samples is attributed to the transportation effect of these particles. This led to a conclusion, based on the overall results of physical properties, that the coarse and medium particles (about 80% of the whole aeolian sample) are dominantly derived from local sources.  相似文献   

Study of the upper loess strata within the profile of surface soils highlighted the role of pedogenesis in the formation of characteristic features of loess. Loess-paleosol sequences within the study area are influenced by their position in paleocryogenic microrelief. Clear evidence of sequential loess sedimentation, accompanied by slope processes and pedogenesis, is present in soil profiles within former thermokarst depressions. Different stages of loess sedimentation are marked by cryomorphic features, solifluction stripes and buried humus horizons. The balance between the rate of sedimentation, intensity of slope processes and pedogenesis changed within the upper 3 m of loess strata. Corresponding loess strata in inter-depression areas were also formed by sequential accumulation of aeolian dust, gradually altered by initial pedogenesis that left weakly developed soil profiles without clear horizonation. Pedogenesis resulted in diverse complexes of secondary carbonates, loose soil fabric and microfabric with abundant pores of biogenic and cryogenic nature, as well as other features, characteristic of soils of cold arid environments. The uniformity of these features throughout the upper loess strata confirms the synlithogenic nature of pedogenesis that accompanied loess accumulation.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from the surfaces of four types of typical dunes in order to identify variations in textural characteristics over their bodies. These dunes are barchan, climbing dune, falling dune, and nabkha. Statistical parameters vary from position to another and show that each dune has its own characteristics. It is well recognized that all the sediments of the studied dunes tend to be finer from borders toward the mid dune. Histograms and bivariate diagrams successfully differentiate between different localities within all studied dunes. The climbing dune shows high uniformity where medium sand represents the mean grain size of 91% of collected samples. Samples from barchan and falling dune show lowest variability in statistical parameter values compared to other dunes. On the other hand, nabkha sediments are more variable and show higher values of average statistical parameters. All studied dunes are coarser than surrounding dunes in regional areas and other comparable dunes. But particularly, the barchan sediments in Kuwait are characterized by larger grain size, better sorting than other comparable dunes in the upwind (Iraq) and downwind (Saudi Arabia) and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

在新疆伊犁河谷塔克尔莫乎尔沙漠腹地,选择可克达拉剖面进行了光释光年代测定和主量元素含 量分析,根据主量元素组合及其比值变化重建了研究区3.71 Ka BP以来的气候环境变化序列。结果表明,近4Ka BP以来研究区气候环境演变大体经历5个阶段的变化:3.71~3.06Ka BP,冷湿;3.06~2.78Ka BP,暖干; 2.78~2.10Ka BP,凉湿;2.10~0.50Ka BP,冷湿;0.50Ka BP以来,凉干气候为主,最近100 a趋于暖干。研 究区晚全新世以来的气候变化阶段与中国东部季风区以及北半球气候变化阶段有很好的可比性,但各气候变化 阶段的水热组合又具有典型的西风带气候模式特征,并与中高纬度北大西洋区域的气候变化具有很好的遥相关。  相似文献   

沙漠公路风沙土路基风蚀破坏试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李驰  高瑜 《岩土力学》2011,32(1):33-38
以沙漠公路风沙土路基为研究对象,通过室内风蚀风洞试验研究路基的风蚀破坏规律,以及路基不同断面对风沙流运动的影响。以路基高度、路基边坡坡率和路基宽度作为路基断面主要设计参数,研究不同路基断面下风沙流扰动、增速、减速、恢复的过程,以及路基周围风速流场的变化特征,分析路基病害较未病害时路基周围流场的变化。试验结果表明:路基高度和边坡坡率对风沙流运动的影响较大。随路基高度增加,路基对风沙流流场扰动增强,迎风坡坡顶处吹蚀破坏和背风坡坡底处堆蚀破坏越显著,在确定的路基边坡坡率下,路基模型高度为250 mm较模型高度为60 mm时,迎风坡坡顶风速增加1.13倍,背风坡坡底风速减小2.53倍,建议沙漠公路路基高度宜小于2.5 m。进一步,在确定的路基高度下,比较不同的边坡坡率对路基沿程风速的影响,发现当路基边坡坡率为1:1.75时,路基沿程风速变化不明显,沙漠公路风沙土路基不宜被风蚀破坏。  相似文献   

Ripples are prevalent in aeolian landscapes. Many researchers have focused on the shape and formation of sand ripples, but few have studied the differences in the particle size of sand on crests and in troughs along bed, especially the variations caused by changes in friction velocity and the wind‐blowing duration. A particle size of 158 μm (d ) was used to create aeolian ripples in a wind tunnel under four friction velocities (u *) with different wind duration times (t ). Samples were collected from the surfaces of ripple crests and troughs, respectively, at seven sites, and particle sizes were measured using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000. The main results were: (i) The particle size distributions of sand in troughs are unimodal with slight variations of particle size parameters, including mean particle size, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis, etc., under different conditions, while these particle size parameters of sand on crests change with friction velocity and deflation time. Moreover, some of the particle distribution curves for the sand on crests do not follow typical unimodal curves. (ii) With increasing friction velocity or deflation duration, the sand on the crests shows a coarsening process relative to those on the bed surface. The particle size of sand on crests at a 1 m bed increases linearly with friction velocity (=  344·27 + 34·54 u *) at a given wind‐blowing duration. The particle sizes of sand on crests at 1 m, 2 m and 4 m beds increase with a power‐law relationship (= a + t b, where a and b are fitting parameters) with deflation time at a given friction velocity. (iii) The probability cumulative curves of sand showed a three‐section pattern in troughs and on most of the crests but a four‐section pattern at crest locations due to increased influence by friction velocity and deflation time. The proportions of the sediment moved by suspension, saltation and creep in the three‐section pattern were within the ranges of 0·2% to 2·0%, 97·0% to 98·9%, and 0·8% to 3·0%, respectively. For the four‐section pattern, suspension accounted for 0·3% and 3·0%, and the proportion of creep increased with friction velocity and deflation time, while saltation decreased accordingly. Although these results require additional validation, they help to advance current understanding of the grain‐size characteristics of aeolian ripples.  相似文献   

The chronology of two adjacent Danish Lateglacial sedimentary sequences with well-developed layering of alternating aeolian sand and organic matter has been investigated using both Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (14C). Both sites are known to cover at least the period Bølling to Younger Dryas, with the so-called older and younger coversand types present at both localities. Typical overall uncertainties with the OSL data are about two to five times those of the 14C ages, but both data sets contain clear outliers. When these are excluded, OSL ages appear to be systematically slightly younger than the 14C ages, by about 10%; possible reasons for this are discussed. The investigation stresses the importance of making several age estimates from any single locality. The older coversand type makes up the pre-Bølling and most, or possibly all, of the Bølling (which also has the highest net accumulation rate). Deposits of the younger coversand type are dominant in layers younger than the Bølling.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of organic matter (Corg, Norg, δ13C, δ15N, and n-alkanes) was studied in the top layer of bottom sediments of the East Siberian Sea. Possible ways were proposed to estimate the amount of the terrigenous component in their organic matter (OM). The fraction of terrigenous OM estimated by the combined use of genetic indicators varied from 15% in the eastern part of the sea, near the Long Strait, to 95% in the estuaries of the Indigirka and Kolyma rivers, averaging 62% over the sea area.  相似文献   

This paper is a reply to the comment on our two previous publications (Krapivner, 2009a, 2009b) devoted to the genesis of recent sediments on the Barents Sea shelf in (Epshtein et al., 2011a, 2011b). It is substantiated that the physical nature of the reflection of recent sediments in seismoacoustic records, a very important point for the lithofacies analysis, is incorrectly interpreted by the above opponents. The paper presents geochronological and paleomagnetic data confirming invalidity of the popular concepts about the link between the cover of poorly consolidated sediments and the epoch of the last deglaciation. We show incorrectness of the statement of the opponents about the redeposited character of Pliocene-Quaternary marine biota of diamictons and the glacial processing of coarse-clastic material therein. Diverse properties of recent sediments and their topography artificially united into a complex of indicators of the glacial paragenesis are either simply explained in terms of the natural (for the Barents Sea) icemarine sedimentation or attributed to postsedimentary processes during intense neotectonic activity of the Barents Sea shelf.  相似文献   

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