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Sediment traps are an important tool for studying the source, composition and sedimentation processes of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. An in situ observational mooring(TJ-A-1) is located in the northern South China Sea(20.05°N, 117.42°E) at a water depth of 2 100 m and equipped with two sediment traps deployed at 500 m and 1 950 m. Samples were collected at 18-day intervals, and 20 samples were obtained at both depths from May 2014 to May 2015. Large amounts of fecal matter and marine snow were collected in the lower trap. The fluxes of marine snow and fecal pellets exhibited a fluctuating decrease between May 2014 and early August 2014 and then stabilized at a relatively low level. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the main components of the marine snow and fecal pellets were diatoms, coccolithophores, radiolarians, and other debris, all of which are planktons mostly produced in photic zone. Used in conjunction with the particle collection range estimates from the lower trap and data on ocean surface chlorophyll, these marine snow and fecal pellets were related to the lateral transport of deep water and not vertical migrations from overlying water column. Moreover, the source area might be southwest of Taiwan.  相似文献   

The Indus Fan records the erosion of the western Himalayas and Karakoram since India began to collide with Asia during the Eocene, 50 Ma. Multi-channel seismic reflection data from the northern Arabian Sea correlated to industrial well Indus Marine A-1 on the Pakistan Shelf show that sedimentation patterns are variable through time, reflecting preferential sedimentation in deep water during periods of lower sea-level (e.g., middle Miocene, Pleistocene), the diversion of sediment toward the east following uplift of the Murray Ridge, and the autocyclic switching of fan lobes. Individual channel-levee systems are estimated to have been constructed over periods of 105–106 yr during the Late Miocene. Sediment velocities derived from sonobuoys and multi-channel stacking velocities allow sections to be time-depth converted and then backstripped to calculate sediment budgets through time. The middle Miocene is the period of most rapid accumulation, probably reflecting surface uplift in the source regions and strengthening of the monsoon at that time. Increasing sedimentation during the Pleistocene, after a late Miocene-Pliocene minimum, is apparently caused by faster erosion during intense glaciation. The sediment-unloaded geometry of the basement under the Pakistan Shelf shows a steep gradient, similar to the continent-ocean transition seen at other rifted volcanic margins, with basement depths on the oceanward side indistinguishable from oceanic crust. Consequently we suggest that the continent-ocean transition is located close to the present shelf break, rather than >350 km to the south, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

The general properties of sea ice and overlying snow in the southern Sea of Okhotsk were examined during early February of 2003 to 2005 with the P/V “Soya”. Thin section analysis of crystal structure revealed that frazil ice (48% of total core length) was more prevalent than columnar ice (39%) and that stratigraphic layering was prominent with a mean layer thickness of 12 cm, indicating that dynamic processes are essential to ice growth. The mean thickness of ice blocks and visual observations suggest that ridging dominates the deformation process above thicknesses of 30 to 40 cm. As for snow, it was found that faceted crystals and depth hoar are dominant (78%), as which is also common in the Antarctic sea ice, and is indicative of the strong vertical temperature gradients within the snow. Stable isotope measurements (δ18O) indicate that snow ice occupies 9% of total core length and that the mass fraction of meteoric ice accounts for 1 to 2% of total ice volume, which is lower than the Antarctic sea ice. Associated with this, the effective fractionation coefficient during the freezing of seawater was also derived. Snow ice was characterized by lower density, higher salinity, and nearly twice the gas content of ice of seawater origin. In addition, it is shown that the surface brine volume fraction and freeboard are well correlated with ice thickness, indicating some promise for remote sensing approaches to the estimation of ice thickness.  相似文献   

研究了海冰热力模式中的各种辐射参数化方案,对比了模式计算的太阳短波辐射、大气长波辐射以及海冰热力变化,并利用渤海和波罗的海观测资料进行比较和误差分析.冬季大部分时间太阳短波辐射对海冰热力过程的作用有限.简单计算方案一般满足海冰模式要求.误差主要受云和冰雪表面与大气之间的多重反射影响.长波辐射对表面热平衡和海冰质量变化起重要作用.长波辐射参数化方案的计算结果受环境因素影响.云量参数化有待进一步改进.海冰模式计算结果的精度与长波辐射计算精度有一致性.  相似文献   

Shipboard incubations from the US JGOFS cruise to the Arabian Sea (TN045) March, 1995 showed evidence of iodate reduction in 0.45 μ (Gelman Supor membrane) filtered seawater samples collected from intermediate depths (200–600 m) within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Inorganic chemical reduction of iodate in these samples was ruled out as no free sulfide was measurable and concentrations of ammonia and nitrite were found to be less than 5 μM. To examine whether the reduction of iodate observed at sea could have been the result of bacterial metabolism, reduction of iodate (IO3) to iodide (I) by Shewanella putrefaciens strain MR-4 was studied in artificial seawater using electrochemical methods. MR-4 is a ubiquitous marine bacterium which may be of considerable importance when considering redox zonation in the water column because it is a facultative anaerobe and may switch amongst a suite of electron acceptors to support metabolism. In all experiments MR-4 reduced all iodate to iodide. The rate of formation of [I]in the culture followed pseudo-first order kinetics. This is the first report of the marine bacterial reduction of iodate where the concentrations of iodide and iodate were measured directly. Our results may help to explain the depth distribution of iodine speciation reported in productive waters like the Arabian Sea and for the first time couple iodine speciation with bacterial productivity in the ocean.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the available information (observer programs, estimates, statutes, regulations) for bycatch of marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds in fisheries of the United States. Goals of the review were to evaluate the state of knowledge of bycatch and the role of existing protective legislation in shaping bycatch management for different taxa. Pressing issues are identified, as well as knowledge gaps and policy limitations that hinder multi-species bycatch reduction. The USA has made important progress toward reducing bycatch in its fisheries, but the efficacy of its management has been limited somewhat by a focus on taxon- and fishery-specific regulation and the lack of consistent mandate across taxa for taking a cumulative perspective on bycatch. Applying consistent criteria across taxa for setting bycatch limits (e.g., extending the approach used for marine mammals to sea turtles and seabirds) would be the first step in a multi-species approach to bycatch reduction. A population-based multi-species multi-gear approach to bycatch would help identify priority areas where resources are needed most and can be used most effectively.  相似文献   

Behaviour of industrially added boron in the well mixed Ambika river estuary of South Gujarat, India has been studied along with that of calcium and magnesium. The ratios of Ca : Cl and Mg : Cl at varying chlorinities were always within the normal ranges found in river water at one end and seawater at the other end. B : Cl exceeded the river water end limit at the ebb tide at an upstream station. Percentage addition or removal of boron, calcium and magnesium was calculated using the concept of the theoretical dilution line. The external input raised the boron concentration by 263% in the vicinity of the industrial discharge. A correlation coefficient of ?0·82 between chlorinity and percentage addition or removal of boron supports the theory of boron incorporation in sediments in amounts proportional to salinity. Inverse relationship between percentage addition or removal of boron and suspended solids was observed. Behaviour of calcium and magnesium was in line with the replacement of Ca2+ ions occupying the majority of ion-exchange sites in riverine clays by Mg2+, Na+ and K+ during their first encounter with seawater.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical cycles in coastal sediments encompass numerous interconnected processes and are sensitive to a high number of external forces. Usually a small subset of these factors is considered when developing state-of-the-art models of marine nutrient cycling. This study therefore aims to assess the degree of complexity required in the model to represent the dependency of major biogeochemical fluxes on both intrinsic as well as external factors. For this, a sensitivity analysis (SA) of the generic Integrated Sediment Model (ISM) was performed comparing two different model setups: 1) a back barrier tidal flat in the German Wadden Sea and; 2) a deep sea site in the Argentine Basin. Both setups were first calibrated to fit pore water profiles of SO42+, NH4+ and CH4. We then employed a new type of SA that evaluates parameter impact rather than targeting variable change.General structural stability of the model is demonstrated by similar sensitivity patterns of both setups regarding carbon and nitrogen cycling. Mean temperature, organic carbon bio-availability, bacterial adaptation and sediment texture emerge as the most influential parameters of ubiquitous importance. It appears that in coastal settings, transport and sediment mixing and the composition of suspended particles in the bottom water are especially important. The nitrogen cycle displays a high responsiveness to internal feedback mechanisms as well as interdependencies to carbon and metal cycling, which is statistically reflected by sensitivities to 79% of all parameters. In contrast, the carbon cycle appears to be mainly controlled by organic matter decay. The SA also pointed to unexpected responses of the sediment system, which are analyzed by further scenario calculations. These, for example, reveal a nonlinear response of nitrification, denitrification and benthic fluxes of NH4 and NO3 to changing bioturbation and bioirrigation due to the interactions of different metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Robert Ovetz   《Marine Policy》2006,30(6):809-820
Industrial longline fishing can be understood as a case study of the cultural, economic, environmental and social impacts of unsustainable fishing technology. While much attention has been attributed to the impact of industrial longlines on the marine ecosystem, little is known about the impact of longline fishing on local food security, employment, cultural belief systems and traditions, revenue generation from marine tourism and climate change. New data demonstrate that the contributions of Marine Protected Areas, marine tourism and recreational fishing to local coastal economies dwarf the contributions of longline fishing. When combined with the impact of overfishing on coastal fishing communities and fish consumers, policies promoting sustainable fisheries must be expanded to take these other factors into account along with issues of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to predict changes in the distribution and extent of habitat forming species defined as “Priority Marine Habitats” (PMHs) in the North-East (NE) Atlantic under future scenarios of climate-induced environmental change. A Species Distribution Modelling method was used for each PMH to map the potential distribution of “most suitable” habitat. The area and percentage cover was calculated within each country׳s Exclusive Economic Zone for the baseline (2009) and the projected (2100) years. In addition, a conservation management score was calculated based on the number of PMHs that co-occur in assessment units. Overall, this study reveals the potential for movement and/or change in the extent of some PMHs across the NE Atlantic under an increased ocean temperature scenario (4 °C) by 2100. There are regional differences in the predicted changes and some countries will experience greater/different changes than others. The movement of biodiversity hotspots (where one or more PMHs occur in the same broad area) provides both opportunities and risks for conservation management that are discussed. Co-operation between neighbouring countries and marine regions will require substantial enhancement in order to provide a robust adaptive management strategy going forward.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which remote sensing data can contribute to the management of two parallel crises in the South China Sea (SCS); first the ongoing disputes related to islands and related maritime boundaries and second the degradation of the marine environment and the decrease in fish stocks. It demonstrates that remote sensing surveys are the only means to lawfully collect independent and verifiable geographic data on the disputed features without the need to consult all the claimants and thereby add to regional frictions and tensions. These surveys can contribute to the determination of whether these features are submerged or above water at high tide and what their physical characteristics are. This would inform the application of the Law of the Sea and help determine entitlements to maritime zones and thus access to resources. The other category of uses for remote sensing surveys which is explored is the identification and classification of marine habitats and the building of a biogeographic platform. This paper shows the limits created by unavoidable uncertainties in the interpretation of satellite imagery. However, many benefits outweigh the downsides: the potential for national and regional marine spatial planning, for the prioritization of marine environments in need of management, for the implementation by the States bordering the SCS of the international treaties which they have ratified and for ecological monitoring.  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部海洋线虫种类组成及其取食类型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
1997年 8月对台湾海峡南部 4个取样站进行了海洋线虫调查 ,获得了海洋线虫 85种 ,隶属于 3目 2 5科 75属。密度较高的种有变异矛咽线虫 (Dory laimopsisvariabilis)、萨巴线虫 (Sabtieriasp .)、(Vasostomasp .1 )、(Vasostomasp .2 )和 (Xyalasp .)等 ,其平均密度分别为 1 .1 4、1 .1 2、0 .6 1、0 .87和 0 .34× 1 0 4个 /m2 ,分别占海洋线虫总平均密度的 1 1 .7%、1 1 .5 %、6 .2 %、9.2 %和 3.5 %。与其他海域相比 ,台湾海峡南部海洋线虫优势种的密度低 ,但与大型底栖动物或多毛类相比 ,海洋线虫种类多样性指数较高 ,均在 4.0以上。台湾海峡南部海洋线虫的取食类型以选择性和非选择性食沉积物者类型占多数 ,但刮食性种类也不少 ,这与台湾海峡南部沉积物类型密切相关。台湾海峡南部既有细的陆源沉积物流入 ,又有上升流、黑潮暖流等的作用而形成的较粗沉积物 ,因而构成台湾海峡南部沉积物的复杂性。  相似文献   

The Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island is a complex mosaic of human activities and environmental features and while spatial distributions of physical, chemical, and biological elements are well documented in the Bay, there are limited data on spatial distributions of human activities. In this study, human uses of coastal waters in the upper Narragansett Bay are examined using an approach for characterizing and analyzing fine scale spatial and temporal data on human activities. Shipboard transect surveys of active water activities were conducted in the upper Bay on 50 days during the summer months of 2006–2007. The composition and configuration of different vessel types (recreational motor, recreational sail, row boat, commercial fishing, industrial, service, and official) were analyzed, and the impacts of proposed changes in land use policies and wastewater treatment technologies were investigated. Results indicated that recreational boaters comprised almost two-thirds of the upper Bay's users and used over one-half of the study area. Industrial activity was concentrated near Providence where RI's main port is located, and there was an active commercial fishery in the southern portion of the study area. Conditions like increasing cloud cover, weekend days, and the July 4th holiday were related to increased recreational use, while the closure of an upper Bay beach to swimming was associated with fewer commercial fishing vessels and more official boats, recreational motor boats, and service vessels. Findings indicated that upper Bay waters near land converted from industrial zones to zones where residential housing or marinas are encouraged are likely to see a change in composition of vessels, with fewer industrial and official boats and more recreational motor boats, row boats, and service vessels. Enhanced wastewater treatment technologies and the resulting improvements in water quality are likely to make more waters in the upper Bay available to shellfish harvesting, spreading out existing fishing grounds and potential pressures on the ecosystem and on other users. By characterizing the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of human uses in the marine environment and analyzing how these uses relate to the complex human and natural systems in which they are embedded, this study and others like it can positively contribute to marine spatial planning and management efforts designed to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives.  相似文献   

本文介绍了我们改装的一台浅海海洋质子磁力仪,它不仅能用于深水海区,而且可以用于浅水的近岸浅海区的海洋磁力测量。对于近岸浅水工程,石油开发和地质等提供了有利的手段。  相似文献   

福建福宁湾无机氮含量的变化特征及其对浮游植物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据2002-2003年福宁湾海域的监测资料对NO2-N、NO3+N、NH4-N三态DIN的变化特征和相互关系进行分析,并分析其对浮游植物生物量的影响.研究表明:NO3-N、DIN含量均呈冬季最高、夏季最低,NO2-N含量秋季最高,冬季最低;福宁湾海域赤潮高发期水体DIN中三氮所占比例与年平均相比变化最大的是NO3-N,其次是NH4-N,NO2-N最小;NO3-N、DIN与盐度均呈明显负相关;NO3-N与DIN呈明显正相关;NO3-N是福宁湾海域DIN的主要存在形式;三态氮中仅NO3-N为福宁湾海域浮游植物生长限制因子;浮游植物对DIN的吸收主要以NO3-N形式为主。  相似文献   

The variability of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) distribution derived from MODIS (on Aqua and Terra platforms) and MERIS sensors have been compared with SeaWiFS data in the Arabian Sea. MODIS Aqua has overestimated the SeaWiFS Chl-a within 25–32% in the coastal turbid (eutrophic) waters and underestimated in open ocean waters with error within 20%. However, there is no significant bias (?0.1 on log-scale) observed as the slope is well within 0.97-1.1 (log transformed). MODIS-Terra has underestimated the Chl-a concentration in open ocean waters by about 29–31%, which is higher than MODIS-Aqua. MODIS-Terra is observed to be more accurate than MODIS-Aqua in the coastal waters. MERIS is overestimating the SeaWiFS Chl-a with log RMS error of ~0.15 and log bias of ~0.13–0.2. The differences in the Chl-a estimates between each sensor are possibly due to differences in the sensor design, bio-optical algorithms and also due to the time differences between the satellites over passes. We have examined that the MERIS is performing similar to SeaWiFS and the MODIS-Aqua (Terra) data are reliable in open ocean (coastal) waters. However, Chl-a retrieval algorithms need to be improved especially for coastal turbid waters to continue with SeaWiFS data for long-term studies.  相似文献   

The process of upwelling/sinking and associated sea level variations are seen as a response of coastal ocean to pure wind stress forcing. Further,precipitation and monsoonal floods, apart from the marine meteorological parameters, are expected to influence the sea level fluctuations along the coast. This study comprises determining the sea level from the various parameters together with the pure wind stress forcing, which is compared with the observed cycle. However, it is found that there is considerable difference between the computations and observations. This suggests that the sea level is dependent not just on the local forcing alone, but also on the induced background circulation as well. For example, the sea level changes along the east coast of India, particularly the northern region, are more sensitive to freshwater discharge from various rivers joining the Bay of Bengal. This is due to more frequently occurring pre- and postmonsoon cyclonic storms and the associated surges in the Bay of Bengal as compared to the Arabian Sea. Hence the salinity effects are particularly important in the coastal waters off the east coast of India during monsoon months (June-September). For the west coast of India, however, it is expected that the large-scale coastal circulation may play a role in determining sea level changes in addition to other forcings. The salinity effects are negligible along the west coast in the absence of any major river systems that join the Arabian Sea. The local advection currents caused by the offshore directed freshwater discharge from various estuaries joining the coastal bay also seemed to influence the sea level. In order to elucidate the essential dynamics involved and to study the effect of the remote forcing, a three-dimensional baroclinic, nonlinear numerical model is used with appropriate open boundary conditions. The local effect of the current has been incorporated in the west coast model by means of opening a channel at Cochin through which the rainwater is carried away to the model ocean. The low saline plume, cascading from north along the east cost of India, has been incorporated in the east coast model through a proper forcing applied at the northern boundary of the model. With the inclusion of these remote forcings in the models, the disagreement between the simulations and the observations is minimized.  相似文献   

Abstract-A survey was carried out in the central and north part of the Huanghai Sea (34.5°~37.0°N, 120.5°~124.0°E) during June 12~27, 2000. It was found that the abundance of marineflagellate ranged from 45 to 1278 cell/ml, 479 cell/ml in average. Flagellate was more abundant in thecentral part than in the north part of Huanghai Sea, and the abundance decreased with the increasingdistance from the coast, showing a similar distribution pattern with isotherm. Vertically, high densityof flagellate was always presented in the bottom of thermocline, and formed a dense accumulation in thecentral area of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass. The effects of physical and biological factors on thedistribution of marine flagellate in early summer were discussed. Water temperature (especially the ex-istence of thermocline) rather than salinity showed significant effect on the distribution pattern of marineflagellate in the Huanghai Sea in early summer. When comparing the abundance of marine flagellatewith that o  相似文献   

为研究连云港海洋牧场人工鱼礁区建设前后的水动力环境变化,利用DHI MIKE水动力模块模拟2002年和2016年人工渔礁区建设前后的水动力环境,并分析人工鱼礁区潮流为SE方向时顺流方向纵断面流速和流向的空间变化规律以及工程前后鱼礁区内水质和水生物的变化情况。结果表明:人工鱼礁区建成后,工程海域垂向流速和流向变化较大,水平流速和流向变化较小;由于附着在人工鱼礁上大型藻类的生长,水质逐年变好,且水生物量也逐年增加。  相似文献   

The process of upwelling/sinking and associated sea level variations are seen as a response of coastal ocean to pure wind stress forcing. Further,precipitation and monsoonal floods, apart from the marine meteorological parameters, are expected to influence the sea level fluctuations along the coast. This study comprises determining the sea level from the various parameters together with the pure wind stress forcing, which is compared with the observed cycle. However, it is found that there is considerable difference between the computations and observations. This suggests that the sea level is dependent not just on the local forcing alone, but also on the induced background circulation as well. For example, the sea level changes along the east coast of India, particularly the northern region, are more sensitive to freshwater discharge from various rivers joining the Bay of Bengal. This is due to more frequently occurring pre- and postmonsoon cyclonic storms and the associated surges in the Bay of Bengal as compared to the Arabian Sea. Hence the salinity effects are particularly important in the coastal waters off the east coast of India during monsoon months (June-September). For the west coast of India, however, it is expected that the large-scale coastal circulation may play a role in determining sea level changes in addition to other forcings. The salinity effects are negligible along the west coast in the absence of any major river systems that join the Arabian Sea. The local advection currents caused by the offshore directed freshwater discharge from various estuaries joining the coastal bay also seemed to influence the sea level. In order to elucidate the essential dynamics involved and to study the effect of the remote forcing, a three-dimensional baroclinic, nonlinear numerical model is used with appropriate open boundary conditions. The local effect of the current has been incorporated in the west coast model by means of opening a channel at Cochin through which the rainwater is carried away to the model ocean. The low saline plume, cascading from north along the east cost of India, has been incorporated in the east coast model through a proper forcing applied at the northern boundary of the model. With the inclusion of these remote forcings in the models, the disagreement between the simulations and the observations is minimized.  相似文献   

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