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A field-scale demonstration project was conducted to evaluate the capability of eastern cottonwood trees (Populus deltoides) to attenuate trichloroethene (TCE) contamination of ground water. By the middle of the sixth growing season, trees planted where depth to water was <3 m delivered enough dissolved organic carbon to the underlying aquifer to lower dissolved oxygen concentrations, to create iron-reducing conditions along the plume centerline and sulfate-reducing or methanogenic conditions in localized areas, and to initiate in situ reductive dechlorination of TCE. Apparent biodegradation rate constants for TCE along the centerline of the plume beneath the phytoremediation system increased from 0.0002/d to 0.02/d during the first six growing seasons. The corresponding increase in natural attenuation capacity of the aquifer along the plume centerline, from 0.0004/m to 0.024/m, is associated with a potential decrease in plume-stabilization distance from 9680 to 160 m. Demonstration results provide insight into the amount of vegetation and time that may be needed to achieve cleanup objectives at the field scale.  相似文献   

Woocay A  Walton J 《Ground water》2008,46(3):437-449
Multivariate statistical methods (MSMs) applied to ground water chemistry provide valuable insight into the main hydrochemical species, hydrochemical processes, and water flowpaths important to ground water evolution. The MSMs of principal component factor analysis (FA) and k-means cluster analysis (CA) were sequentially applied to major ion chemistry from 211 different ground water-sampling locations in the Amargosa Desert. The FA reduces the number of variables describing the system and finds relationships between major ions. The CA of the reduced system produced objective hydrochemical facies, which are independent of, but in good agreement with, lithological data. The derived factors and hydrochemical facies are innovatively presented on biplots, revealing composition of hydrochemical processes and facies, and overlaid on a digital elevation model, displaying flowpaths and interactions with geologic and topographic features in the region. In particular, a distinct ground water chemical signature is observed beneath and surrounding the extended flowpath of Fortymile Wash, presenting some contradiction to contemporary water levels along with potential interaction with a fault line. The signature surrounding the ephemeral Fortymile Wash is believed to represent the relic of water that infiltrated during past pluvial periods when the amount of runoff in the wash was significantly larger than during the current drier period. This hypothesis and aforementioned analyses are supported by the examination of available chloride, oxygen-18, hydrogen-2, and carbon-14 data from the region.  相似文献   

Hydraulics of recirculating well pairs for ground water remediation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recirculating well pairs are a proven means of implementing bioremediation and may also be useful for applying other in situ ground water remediation technologies. A bromide tracer test was performed to characterize the hydraulic performance of a recirculating well pair installed at Moffett Field, California. In particular, we estimate two important properties of the recirculating well pair: (1) the fraction of captured water that is recycled between the wells, and (2) the travel-time distribution of ground water in the induced zone of recirculation. We also develop theoretical estimates of these two properties and demonstrate they depend upon a dimensionless pumping rate, denoted xi. The bromide breakthrough curve predicted from theory agrees well with that determined experimentally at Moffett Field. The minimum travel time between the wells is denoted t(min). In theory, t(min) depends inversely on Q, the pumping rate in the recirculating wells, and is proportional to a2, the square of the distance between the wells. Both the experimental and theoretical travel-time distributions indicate that at least half the recirculating water travels between the wells along fast flowpaths (travel time < 2*t(min)). Therefore, when designing recirculating well pairs, engineers should ensure that t(min) will be sufficiently high to allow biologically mediated reactions (or other in situ remediation processes) sufficient time to proceed.  相似文献   

在地下流体研究中,判定地下水异常的首要任务是区别地下水是受浅层物质补给的影响还是受深层介质活动的影响。本文通过对永清井及周边多次样品采集与测试,获得水化学组分和氢氧稳定同位素观测数据;通过对地下水样品数据对比分析、水化学组分及氢氧稳定同位素与大气降水线、水温数据分析,认为永清井水温的多次异常变化不是受干扰影响;通过对水温的异常变化与地震的对应关系的分析,认为永清井水温异常可能与3次地震有关。   相似文献   

以昌黎何家庄井、卢龙崔庄井的水位观测数据和中层水温观测数据为对象,针对日常观测中记录的场地环境干扰进行基础数据分析,发现昌黎何家庄井主要干扰源为同层水位超采,卢龙崔庄井主要干扰源为桃林口水库放水。通过同井观测的水位与中层水温相关性、水位日变幅在正常与非正常情况下的变化特征,可得不同井孔的变化特征,为今后此类干扰判别提供依据。  相似文献   

There are few studies on the hydrogeology of sedimentary rock aquitards although they are important controls in regional ground water flow systems. We formulate and test a three-dimensional (3D) conceptual model of ground water flow and hydrochemistry in a fractured sedimentary rock aquitard to show that flow dynamics within the aquitard are more complex than previously believed. Similar conceptual models, based on regional observations and recently emerging principles of mechanical stratigraphy in heterogeneous sedimentary rocks, have previously been applied only to aquifers, but we show that they are potentially applicable to aquitards. The major elements of this conceptual model, which is based on detailed information from two sites in the Maquoketa Formation in southeastern Wisconsin, include orders of magnitude contrast between hydraulic diffusivity (K/S(s)) of fractured zones and relatively intact aquitard rock matrix, laterally extensive bedding-plane fracture zones extending over distances of over 10 km, very low vertical hydraulic conductivity of thick shale-rich intervals of the aquitard, and a vertical hydraulic head profile controlled by a lateral boundary at the aquitard subcrop, where numerous surface water bodies dominate the shallow aquifer system. Results from a 3D numerical flow model based on this conceptual model are consistent with field observations, which did not fit the typical conceptual model of strictly vertical flow through an aquitard. The 3D flow through an aquitard has implications for predicting ground water flow and for planning and protecting water supplies.  相似文献   

Previous site-specific studies designed to assess the impacts of unsewered subdivisions on ground water quality have relied on upgradient monitoring wells or very limited background data to characterize conditions prior to development. In this study, an extensive monitoring program was designed to document ground water conditions prior to construction of a rural subdivision in south-central Wisconsin. Previous agricultural land use has impacted ground water quality; concentrations of chloride, nitrate-nitrogen, and atrazine ranged from below the level of detection to 296 mg/L, 36 mg/L, and 0.8 microg/L, respectively, and were highly variable from well to well and through time. Seasonal variations in recharge, surface topography, aquifer heterogeneities, surficial loading patterns, and well casing depth explain observed variations in ground water chemistry. This variability would not have been detected if background conditions were determined from only a few monitoring wells or inferred from wells located upgradient of the subdivision site. This project demonstrates the importance of characterizing both ground water quality and chemical variability prior to land-use change to detect any changes once homes are constructed.  相似文献   

Harvey FE  Sibray SS 《Ground water》2001,39(3):408-421
Across the Great Plains irrigation canals are used to transport water to cropland. Many of these canals are unlined, and leakage from them has been the focus of an ongoing legal, economic, and philosophical debate as to whether this lost water should be considered waste or be viewed as a beneficial and reasonable use since it contributes to regional ground water recharge. While historically there has been much speculation about the impact of canal leakage on local ground water, actual data are scarce. This study was launched to investigate the impact of leakage from the Interstate Canal, in the western panhandle of Nebraska, on the hydrology and water quality of the local aquifer using water chemistry and environmental isotopes. Numerous monitoring wells were installed in and around a small wetland area adjacent to the canal, and ground water levels were monitored from June 1992 until January 1995. Using the water level data, the seepage loss from the canal was estimated. In addition, the canal, the monitoring wells, and several nearby stock and irrigation wells were sampled for inorganic and environmental isotope analysis to assess water quality changes, and to determine the extent of recharge resulting from canal leakage. The results of water level monitoring within study wells indicates a rise in local ground water levels occurs seasonally as a result of leakage during periods when the canal is filled. This rise redirects local ground water flow and provides water to nearby wetland ecosystems during the summer months. Chemical and isotopic results were used to delineate canal, surface, and ground water and indicate that leaking canal water recharges both the surface alluvial aquifer and upper portions of the underlying Brule Aquifer. The results of this study indicate that lining the Interstate Canal could lower ground water levels adjacent to the canal, and could adversely impact the local aquifer.  相似文献   

Ground water can facilitate earthquake development and respond physically and chemically to tectonism. Thus, an understanding of ground water circulation in seismically active regions is important for earthquake prediction. To investigate the roles of ground water in the development and prediction of earthquakes, geological and hydrogeological monitoring was conducted in a seismogenic area in the Yanhuai Basin, China. This study used isotopic and hydrogeochemical methods to characterize ground water samples from six hot springs and two cold springs. The hydrochemical data and associated geological and geophysical data were used to identify possible relations between ground water circulation and seismically active structural features. The data for delta18O, deltaD, tritium, and 14C indicate ground water from hot springs is of meteoric origin with subsurface residence times of 50 to 30,320 years. The reservoir temperature and circulation depths of the hot ground water are 57 degrees C to 160 degrees C and 1600 to 5000 m, respectively, as estimated by quartz and chalcedony geothermometers and the geothermal gradient. Various possible origins of noble gases dissolved in the ground water also were evaluated, indicating mantle and deep crust sources consistent with tectonically active segments. A hard intercalated stratum, where small to moderate earthquakes frequently originate, is present between a deep (10 to 20 km), high-electrical conductivity layer and the zone of active ground water circulation. The ground water anomalies are closely related to the structural peculiarity of each monitoring point. These results could have implications for ground water and seismic studies in other seismogenic areas.  相似文献   

怀4井数字化水位观测资料初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了怀4井的地质构造情况和怀4井数字化水位观测资料的特征。分析了该井水位观测资料潮汐效应,同时指出了影响该井水位观测质量的干扰因素,加深了对怀4井水位资料的认识,有助于今后分析预报水平的提高。  相似文献   

Model ground water ages based on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and tritium/helium-3 (3H/3He) data were obtained from two arrays of nested piezometers located on the north limb of an anticline in fractured sedimentary rocks in the Valley and Ridge geologic province of Pennsylvania. The fracture geometry of the gently east plunging fold is very regular and consists predominately of south dipping to subhorizontal to north dipping bedding-plane parting and east striking, steeply dipping axial-plane spaced cleavage. In the area of the piezometer arrays, which trend north-south on the north limb of the fold, north dipping bedding-plane parting is a more dominant fracture set than is steeply south dipping axial-plane cleavage. The dating of ground water from the piezometer arrays reveals that ground water traveling along paths parallel to the dip direction of bedding-plane parting has younger 3H/3He and CFC model ages, or a greater component of young water, than does ground water traveling along paths opposite to the dip direction. In predominantly unmixed samples there is a strong positive correlation between age of the young fraction of water and dissolved sodium concentration. The travel times inferred from the model ages are significantly longer than those previously calculated by a ground water flow model, which assumed isotropically fractured layers parallel to topography. A revised model factors in the directional anisotropy to produce longer travel times. Ground water travel times in the watershed therefore appear to be more influenced by anisotropic fracture geometry than previously realized. This could have significant implications for ground water models in other areas underlain by similarly tilted or folded sedimentary rock, such as elsewhere in the Valley and Ridge or the early Mesozoic basins.  相似文献   

We used annual re‐surveys of two populations of channel heads affected by a severe wildfire in 2012 to monitor changes in channel head location with time following disturbance. Relative to channel heads in surrounding unburned areas, the median contributing drainage area of burned channel heads decreased by two orders of magnitude immediately after the fire, but then returned to values comparable to unburned areas within four years. We distinguish three types of channel heads. Permanent channel heads, which constitute 4% of the total population, occur in well‐developed swales in association with stable features such as bedrock outcrops: these channel heads appear to have been unaffected by the fire. Persistent channel heads, which are 40% of the total population, also occur within hillslope concavities, but the exact location of the channel head moves upslope and downslope through time in response to varying inputs of water and sediment. Transient channel heads form on straight and convex slopes immediately following disturbance, but disappear as regrowth of ground cover limits overland flow and sediment movement. The majority of the position changes for persistent and transient channel heads occurred abruptly when viewed as annual time steps. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

油气井永久性光纤Bragg光栅传感监测系统的安装设计是现场应用的一个重要组成部分,也是工艺最复杂、成本最昂贵的一个环节.本文简要地回顾了油气井光纤Bragg光栅传感监测系统安装现状,根据国内常用射孔完井方式,设计了两种单井光纤Bragg光栅井下安装模型.论述了井下安装前准备工作和主要注意事项,讨论了存在问题,对油气井永久性光纤Bragg光栅传感监测技术及其安装技术的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

天津王3井开采引起的水化学测项变化机理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马建英  刘学领  邵永新  路鹏 《地震》2008,28(2):131-138
地下热水的大量开采, 对水化学观测已产生严重的影响。 在开采的初期, 水化学观测受其影响并不明显, 而随开采时间的延续影响会越来越显著。 地下水的压力、 温度在这一变化过程中占主导地位, 所以在水化学观测过程中, 对井孔状态的监测至关重要。 该文试从地下水动力条件和热动力条件两方面对其影响机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Quantifying the linkages between vegetation disturbance by fire and the changes in hydrologic processes leading to post‐fire erosional response remains a challenge. We measured the influence of fire severity, defined as vegetation disturbance (using a satellite‐derived vegetation disturbance index, VDI), landscape features that organize hydrologic flow pathways (relief and elongation ratios), and pre‐fire vegetation type on the probability of the occurrence of post‐fire gully rejuvenation (GR). We combined field surveys across 270 burned low‐order catchments (112 occurrences of GR) and geospatial analysis to generate a probabilistic model through logistic regression. VDI alone discriminated well between catchments where GR did and did not occur (area under the curve = 0.78, model accuracy = 0.72). The strong effect of vegetation disturbance on GR suggests that vegetation exerts a primary influence on the occurrence of infiltration excess run‐off and post‐fire erosion and that major gully erosion will not occur until fire consumes aboveground biomass. Other topographic and local factors also influenced GR response, including catchment elongation, per cent pre‐fire shrub, mid‐slope riparian vegetation, armoured headwaters, firehose effects, and concentration of severe burn in source areas. These factors highlight the need to consider vegetation effects in concert with local topography and site conditions to understand the propensity for flow accumulation leading to GR. We present a process‐based conceptual hydrologic model where vegetation loss from fire decreases rainfall attenuation and surface roughness, leading to accelerated flow accumulation and erosion; these effects are also influenced by interactions between fire severity and landscape structure. The VDI metric provides a continuous measure of vegetation disturbance and, when placed in a hydrologic context, may improve quantitative analysis of burned‐area susceptibility to erosive rainfall, hazard prediction, ecological effects of fire, landform evolution, and sensitivity to climate change. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Development of saline ground water through transpiration of sea water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As vegetation usually excludes salt during water uptake, transpiration will increase the salinity of the residual water. If the source water is sea water, then the residual water may become highly saline. In the unconfined coastal aquifer of the tropical Burdekin River delta, northeastern Australia, areas of highly saline ground water with chloride concentrations up to almost three times that of sea water occur up to 15 km from the present coastline, and are attributed to transpiration by mangrove vegetation during periods of high sea level. Radiogenic ((14)C) carbon isotope analyses indicate that ground water with chloride concentrations between 15,000 and 35,000 mg/L is mostly between 4000 and 6000 years old, at which time sea level was 2 to 3 m higher than present. Stable isotope analyses of oxygen-18 and deuterium show no evidence for evaporative enrichment of this water. Oxygen-18, deuterium, and stable (delta(13)C) carbon isotope analyses of ground water and soil water point to a recharge environment beneath the mangrove forests during this postglacial sea level high stand. During that period, transpiration of the mangrove forests would have led to high chloride concentrations in the residual ground water, without inducing isotopic fractionation. Due to the higher density, this hypersaline water moved downward through the aquifer by gravity and has formed lenses of highly saline ground water at the bottom of the unconfined aquifer.  相似文献   

Shikaze SG  Crowe AS 《Ground water》2003,41(4):548-549
This note describes the use of Microsoft Excel macros (programs written in Excel's internal language, Visual Basic for Applications) to create simple onscreen animations of transient ground water data within Excel. Compared to many specialized visualization software packages, the use of Excel macros is much cheaper, much simpler, and can rapidly be learned. The Excel macro can also be used to create individual GIF files for each animation frame. This series of frames can then be used to create an AVI video file using any of a number of graphics packages, such as Corel PhotoPaint. The technique is demonstrated through a macro that animates changes in the elevation of a water table along a transect over several years.  相似文献   

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