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浅层面波法调查表层速度结构多用于非沙漠区的工程与环境领域。本文利用多道面波分析(MASW)技术针对塔克拉玛干沙漠地区特殊地质情况,对所采集的浅层多道面波资料进行处理分析得到沙漠区表层速度结构;同时对该地区所获得的地震大炮记录上的面波进行了处理、分析和对比,探讨了沙漠区利用大炮面波法调查表层结构的可行性。实践表明,多道面波资料可以得到很好的浅层速度结构,而大炮记录则可得到详尽的深层地质结构,将二者相结合便得到测区表层60m范围内的速度结构信息,也证明了在沙漠区利用大炮面波记录提取表层地下介质结构是可行的。 相似文献
基于瑞雷波法的成都盆地场地剪切波速结构确定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在2008年的汶川地震中获得了大量的有价值数据和资料,使得成都盆地成为了研究的热点.为了能够获得成都盆地场地剪切波速结构,为成都盆地及汶川地震的进一步研究提供基本数据支持,本文利用多道面波分析方法在成都盆地(E:103°~105°,N:30°~32°)布置了40个面波测点进行场地剪切波速结构和覆盖层厚度的调查,测点间距... 相似文献
用瞬态多道瑞利波法研究夏垫隐伏断裂附近的浅层速度结构变化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
用瞬态多道瑞利波法,对夏垫隐伏断裂附近的浅层速度结构进行了调查研究,利用f-k域分析方法提取瑞利波频散曲线,分别用遗传算法和半波长方法反演,得到断裂附近的横波速度结构和瑞利波相速度分布剖面。反演结果与钻孔资料的对比表明,瞬态瑞利波法对于探测上断点埋深较浅的隐伏断裂是有效和可靠的。 相似文献
本文模拟使用青藏高原东南缘区域台网及国家台网的170个宽频台站基于背景噪声、天然地震面波、P波接收函数反演时的实际数据,对青藏高原东南缘假定的初始模型进行恢复,通过计算初始模型台站下方纯路径频散、提取各台站对间的瑞雷波频散曲线、计算理论接收函数以及反演剪切波速度结构来测试使用不同单项数据与联合使用多种数据反演对初始模型的恢复程度。结果表明,同时使用接收函数、基于噪声经验格林函数的群速度、相速度频散以及基于天然地震面波的相速度频散联合反演的剪切波速度结构,充分利用了几种数据的分辨率优势,清晰地分辨出中下地壳及上地幔顶部的低速层。此外,本文也分析了实际数据处理中出现的计算误差、随机噪声干扰对计算结果稳定性的影响。结果显示:对于面波频散,加入1%的误差后,联合反演的结果仍可很好地反映低速层的形态,但是当误差提升至5%后,对最终结果则产生了一定程度的影响;而在接收函数中加入4%的随机噪声时,虽然地幔低速层的上界面和下界面会略微受到随机噪声的影响,但是低速层的深度范围和速度值均得到了较好的恢复。 相似文献
浅层地震资料解释陷阱(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高分辨率浅层地震方法是在近地表调查中使用最为广泛的方法。然而,在许多情况下,地震资料的解释经常会出现错误。在本文中,我们介绍了三个例子,分析了造成P波,SH波,多道的面波(MASW)地震资料解释的错误原因,大都是由于在表面或地下条件约束不确当引起的。第一个例子是P波反射剖面上的一个波的特征被解释为浅层断裂带,但后来证实它是由高水平的背景噪音引起的,因为采集测线通过了一个公路交叉口。第二个例子是SH波反射地震剖面上一个波特征被解释为是逆倾向滑断层,但有针对性的钻探表明,它是一个侵入到基岩面的一个深层局部侵蚀。最后,第三个例子,MASW调查剖面上,一个陡倾特征一开始被解释为基岩谷。然而,后来的钻探表明这是一个非常软的湖泊沉积物,后者严重损坏了应用面波频段。虽然最初的解释是不正确的,但这刺激地球物理学家和地质学家之间的讨论,并强调地球物理数据采集的时候,采集之前以及采集之后需要科学家之间有意义的合作与讨论。 相似文献
Imaging shallow structure with active-source surface wave signal recorded by distributed acoustic sensing arrays 下载免费PDF全文
Zhenghong Song Xiangfang Zeng Clifford H. Thurber Hebert F. Wang Dante Fratta 《地震科学(英文版)》2018,31(4):208-214
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface waves. To test the feasibility of DAS in shallow structure imaging, the PoroTomo team conducted a DAS experiment with the vibroseis truck T-Rex in Brady’s Hot Springs, Nevada, USA. The Rayleigh waves excited by the vertical mode of the vibroseis truck were analyzed with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method. Phase velocities between 5 and 20 Hz were successfully extracted for one segment of cable and were employed to build a shear-wave velocity model for the top 50 meters. The dispersion curves obtained with DAS agree well with the ones extracted from co-located geophones data and from the passive source Noise Correlation Functions (NCF). Comparing to the co-located geophone array, the higher sensor density that DAS arrays provides help reducing aliasing in dispersion analysis, and separating different surface wave modes. This study demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of DAS in imaging shallow structure with surface waves. 相似文献
The complexity of near surface intensifies the diversity of seismic wave fields, which makes study on near surface wavefields important in many aspects. The strong absorption of low velocity layer can affect the resolution of seismic data, and free boundary can cause surface wave. Considering the above problems, we focus on the Rayleigh wavefields simulation using finite-difference wave equation of higher-order staggered grids and PML boundary conditions. Free boundary, buried source and overlying low velocity layer are taken into consideration and point explosion source is adopted. Through some numerical simulation with different parameters, we quantitatively analyze relationship between wave intensity and source depth, as well as the energy variation with propagation and obtain some practical knowledge and conclusions. 相似文献
本文利用瑞利波群速度频散资料和层析成像方法,研究了中国西部及邻近区域(20°N—55°N,65°E—110°E)的岩石圈S波速度结构.结果表明这一地区存在三个以低速地壳/上地幔为特征的构造活动区域:西蒙古高原—贝加尔地区,青藏高原,印支地区.西蒙古高原岩石圈厚度约为80 km,上地幔低速层向下延伸至300 km深度,说明存在源自地幔深部的热流活动.缅甸弧后的上地幔低速层下至200 km深度,显然与印度板块向东俯冲引起俯冲板片上方的热/化学活动有关.青藏高原地壳厚达70 km,边缘地区厚度也在50 km以上并且具有很大的水平变化梯度,与高原平顶陡边的地形特征一致.中下地壳的平均S波速度明显低于正常大陆地壳,在中地壳20~40 km深度范围广泛存在速度逆转的低速层,这一低速层的展布范围与高原的范围相符.这些特征说明青藏高原中下地壳的变形是在印度板块的北向挤压下发生塑性增厚和侧向流动.地幔的速度结构呈现与地壳显著不同的特点.在高原主体和川滇西部地区上地幔顶部存在较大范围的低速,低速区范围随深度迅速减小;100 km以下滇西低速消失,150 km以下基本完全消失.青藏高原上地幔速度结构沿东西方向表现出显著的分段变化.在大约84°E以西的喀喇昆仑—帕米尔—兴都库什地区,印度板块的北向和亚洲板块的南向俯冲造成上地幔显著高速;84°E—94°E之间上地幔顶部速度较低,在大约150~220 km深度范围存在高速板片,有可能是俯冲的印度岩石圈,其前缘到达昆仑—巴颜喀拉之下;在喜马拉雅东构造结以北区域,存在显著的上地幔高速区,可能阻碍上地幔物质的东向运动.川滇西部岩石圈底界深度与扬子克拉通相似,约为180 km,但上地幔顶部速度较低.这些现象表明青藏高原岩石圈地幔的变形/运动方式可能与地壳有本质的区别. 相似文献
用面波联合勘探技术探测浅部速度结构 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
瑞雷面波勘探技术以其快速经济、受场地条件限制小等优点广泛应用于浅部横波速度结构探测.人工源面波勘探方法对浅部地层的探测精度高,但探测深度较浅;天然源面波勘探方法探测深度较深,但对浅部速度结构的探测精度不高.本文在夏垫和玉溪两地分别开展了人工源和天然源面波联合探测试验,尝试采用不同排列和相同排列两种方法,采集人工源和天然源面波信息,联合处理数据并提取频散曲线,反演得到浅部地层的横波速度结构.探测结果表明:人工源和天然源面波联合勘探,尤其是采用相同排列的方法,可以在几乎不增加常规面波勘探工作量的条件下,既能保证浅部地层的探测精度,又明显拓展探测深度,大大提升了面波勘探能力,有望在工程勘察领域中推广应用. 相似文献
Effect of lateral heterogeneity on surface wave testing: Numerical simulations and a countermeasure 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The surface wave (S-wave) method has gained popularity in engineering practice for determining S-wave velocity depth profiles. A growing trend is towards the application of S-wave testing for spatially 2-D S-wave velocity tomography, ignoring the assumption of horizontally layered medium. A fourth-order velocity-stress finite difference method is used to perform numerical simulations of S-wave testing in earth models with lateral variation. Results show that the lateral heterogeneity induces a non-stationary property in the space domain, resulting in false depth-related dispersion or higher modes if conventional approach based on stationary assumption is used for the dispersion analysis. Artifacts maybe introduced in spatially 2-D S-wave velocity imaging if the effect of lateral heterogeneity is not accounted for. As a potential countermeasure, a high-lateral-resolution S-wave method is proposed to reduce the effect of lateral heterogeneity while maintaining the resolution and depth range of dispersion analysis. It consists of a walk-away survey and a phase-seaming procedure when synthesizing seismograms with different nearest source-to-receiver offset, allowing wide-wavelength dispersion analysis within a small spatial range. The proof of concept is given with several numerical examples. They show that the high-resolution S-wave method can greatly alleviate the effect of lateral heterogeneity and increase spatial resolution. 相似文献
深反射地震剖面法为了获取深部结构特征常常采取大的偏移距采集数据.目前公开发表的相关资料中,鲜有利用深反射地震炮集数据获取近地表的结构特征.为此,本文通过正演测试了相关数据处理流程,即利用有限差分正演了起伏地表模型的大偏移距地震单炮弹性波场特征,通过共检波点域面波信号F-K频谱叠加构建新方法,从深反射地震数据集中提取了高品质的多阶面波频散曲线,再利用多阶面波联合反演获得了近地表的结构特征.在前述正演流程基础上,利用跨越班公湖—怒江缝合带的SinoProbe深反射地震剖面中的实际炮集数据,求取了基阶和一阶瑞利波频散曲线,联合反演后得到近地表横波速度结构.该结果与初至波走时反演获取的纵波速度结构具有较好的一致性,且在近地表的浅层分辨率较纵波速度结构特征更高,而更与已有地质认识相吻合.本文提供的相关数据处理流程表明利用深反射地震炮集数据,也能够获取近地表浅层的横波速度结构. 相似文献
本文就新疆哈密地区煤田三维地震工作,讨论了戈壁滩区三维地震工作实施的难点及采用的技术措施,并结合戈壁滩区采集的地震资料的特点对资料处理流程中的叠前去噪、静校正和三维偏移提频处理给予了重点关注.本次勘探表明在戈壁滩复杂地质条件区,利用“专用钻机成孔、高迭加次数、小炮检距、高频组合接收”采集技术,可获得较好信噪比的原始资料,经过精细处理和综合对比解释,地质成果良好. 相似文献
利用适配滤波频时分析技术分析覆盖川滇地区的长周期面波记录,计算了周期10~100 s内的面波群速度频散,对研究区进行划分尺度大小1.5°×1.5°分格后,采用射线追踪方法求取各分段射线的长度和时间,得到各个格子的纯路径频散.继而采用阻尼最小二乘法求解,反演得到该研究区壳幔S波速度分布.研究结果表明,川滇地区表现出地壳增厚和缩短,在地壳和上地幔顶部,川滇菱形块体内部与其外部相比,虽然存在局部速度负异常,总体上呈相对高速,其周边的走滑断裂带呈现深至上地幔顶部的负速度异常,这有助于地壳块体沿断裂的侧向挤出;此外,云南西部和四川西部壳内和上地幔高导层的存在被认为是与部分熔融的物质或与滑脱构造相关联;从纬向剖面和经向剖面可以得到四川盆地莫霍面平均深度大约为45 km,云南地区莫霍面深度南北方向不一致,云南地区最北端深度达到49 km,南端莫霍面深度大约为36 km,这说明不同构造块体在构造运动过程中受到影响的程度不同. 相似文献
静校正问题是我国西部复杂地形和复杂近地表地区地震勘探迫切需要解决的一个关键问题,也是一个十分复杂的问题.而复杂近地表地区的静校正问题往往归结为近地表层速度的求解问题,地表越复杂,近地表速度的求解就越困难.塔中地区表层地质条件变化剧烈,潜水面以上覆盖着大小不一的疏松沙体,沙体高度从几米到近百米,地震波在地表的传播速度随沙丘厚度而变化,因此,研究该区表层速度变化规律,成为该区静校正的主要问题.本文在总结前人所研究的沙漠地区静校正方法的基础上,提出了一种新的静校正方法,通过多项式拟合来求取表面速度,实际应用见到了良好的效果. 相似文献
Heavily populated by Beijing and Tianjin cities, Bohai basin is a seismically active Cenozoic basin suffering from huge lost by devastating earthquakes, such as Tangshan earthquake. The attenuation (QP and QS) of the surficial Quaternary sediment has not been studied at natural seismic frequency (1?10 Hz), which is crucial to earthquake hazards study. Borehole seismic records of micro earthquake provide us a good way to study the velocity and attenuation of the surficial structure (0?500 m). We found that there are two pulses well separated with simple waveforms on borehole seismic records from the 2006 MW4.9 Wen'an earthquake sequence. Then we performed waveform modeling with generalized ray theory (GRT) to confirm that the two pulses are direct wave and surface reflected wave, and found that the average vP and vS of the top 300 m in this region are about 1.8 km/s and 0.42 km/s, leading to high vP/vS ratio of 4.3. We also modeled surface reflected wave with propagating matrix method to constrain QS and the near surface velocity structure. Our modeling indicates that QS is at least 30, or probably up to 100, much larger than the typically assumed extremely low Q (~10), but consistent with QS modeling in Mississippi embayment. Also, the velocity gradient just beneath the free surface (0?50 m) is very large and velocity increases gradually at larger depth. Our modeling demonstrates the importance of borehole seismic records in resolving shallow velocity and attenuation structure, and hence may help in earthquake hazard simulation. 相似文献
复杂构造地震波场分析(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在我国的西部地区,地震波场十分复杂,信噪比低。本文采用波动方程正演模拟的方法研究复杂波场的形成原因。在模拟物性差异较大介质中的地震波场时,密度的影响不可忽略,因此,本文用含密度项的声波方程的交错网格有限差分法模拟地震波场并进行分析。设计了一个具有起伏地表、低速覆盖层和高速地层出露的复杂构造,从瞬时波场分布分析了形成复杂波场的原因。低速层对地震波场的影响明显,低速层中产生很强的槽波,低速层顶底形成的多次反射向地下传播又形成了复杂的反射波场。为了验证波场模拟结果的可靠性,对模拟波场用与正演模拟不同的算法进行叠前深度偏移,得到了与已知构造相同的偏移叠加剖面。 相似文献
焉耆盆地地质条件复杂,侏罗纪末燕山运动和第三纪喜山运动的挤压推覆作用在焉耆盆地南缘霍拉山前形成一系列推覆构造.由于地形起伏大,近地表结构复杂,采集的地震资料信噪比较低;以推覆构造为主体的地下地质复杂性给地震成像造成极大的困难.针对该复杂地区低信噪比地震资料,在偏移前资料预处理中,通过采取一系列旨在提高信噪比、重建反射信号的技术,为后续的复杂构造成像处理奠定基础.针对断裂交错的复杂推覆构造成像,采用增强高波数波场成像的半解析Fourier地震偏移方法,能很好地成像强速度对比下的陡倾角大断裂地质构造,有效突出推覆体构造的空间形态,改善推覆体下的成像效果. 相似文献
S-wave velocity structure in Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas from joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion* 下载免费PDF全文
Using the seismic records of 83 temporary and 17 permanent broadband seismic stations deployed in Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas (39°N–41.5°N, 115.5°E–119.5°E), we conducted a nonlinear joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion. We obtained some detailed information about the Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas, including sedimentary thickness, Moho depth, and crustal and upper mantle S-wave velocity. Meanwhile, we also obtained the vP/vS structure along two sections across the Tangshan region. The results show that: (1) the Moho depth ranges from 30 km to 38 km, and it becomes shallower from Yanshan uplift area to North China basin; (2) the thickness of sedimentary layer ranges from 0 km to 3 km, and it thickens from Yanshan uplift region to North China basin; (3) the S-wave velocity structure shows that the velocity distribution of the upper crust has obvious correlation with the surface geological structure, while the velocity characteristics of the middle and lower crust are opposite to that of the upper crust. Compared with the upper crust, the heterogeneity of the middle and lower crust is more obvious; (4) the discontinuity of Moho on the two sides of Tangshan fault suggests that Tangshan fault cut the whole crust, and the low vS and high vP/vS beneath the Tangshan earthquake region may reflect the invasion of mantle thermal material through Tangshan fault. 相似文献