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以自然界中全息现象存在的的普遍性为指导,以客观存在的地质现象为依据,从全息的角度来对地质现象进行认识,认为局部的地质单元中能够包含其所在的整体的相当一部分甚至大部分信息,或局部地质单元与其所在整体地质环境在多个方面存在很大的相似性和对应性,这种客观存在的、普遍的对应性可以作为地质领域中局部和整体之间某些信息相互预测的依据和手段。这里的“地质单元”包括地质体的空间形态和地质活动的频率两个方面。地质领域的在空间上和时间上均可见到地质全息现象,包括空间上的地质体三维形态和时间上的地质活动频率,分别称为地质空间全息和地质时间全息。  相似文献   

矿产勘探的理念,在西方国家被称为"勘探哲学",是指导矿产勘探的思想、方法、技术、目标和组织.矿产勘查的3个基本要素是"找什么"、"哪里找"和"如何找".随着"三要素"的发展,矿产勘查的概念正在逐渐变化,"三要素"为改变矿产勘探的概念、方法和技术提供了强大的动力.矿产勘查概念的创新是持续的勘查和开发与时俱进的结果."数学...  相似文献   

Engineering geology, in 1996, worldwide, was experiencing considerable turmoil due to the uncertain nature of national economies and the general situation of inadequate funds to meet the demands of failing of the national infrastructures that serve citizens. Aside from the previously war-damaged cities of Western Europe, new public service systems of transportation and utilities elsewhere often lagged well behind growth.

It will be some time before international aid and civil engineering contracts are initiated for anything other than humanitarian and basic emergency aid work in these areas.

Many countries in the western hemisphere, eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and developing nations in particular are still in need of basic water and sewage services as well as repair and replacement of old existing systems. Continued partisan warfare in the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia forecast the eventual need for redevelopment. Rumblings of broad-scale economic problems in Far-Eastern economies did little to make overseas contract opportunities in these areas very attractive.

Large consulting firms were challenged by an increasing number of individual and small practices who are prepared to operate on 1970's rates and prices for services and government and industry was taking advantage of that situation. More and more individuals were offering services in engineering geology and associated engineering fields and there was a sense of not having enough work to go around. Hence, price competition was again being promoted. Consequently in both Europe and the Americas, the variability of competence was enlarging and a significant amount of so-called ‘professional ’ work was lacking in overall quality. This was especially evident in ‘Environmental’ areas of work.

This begs the question: ‘Is not engineering geology, or any other aspect of applied geosciences, not environmental in nature and essence, fundamentally and in entirety?

Environmental restoration demands were still being made by governments, but the pressure to complete such work was being relaxed on account of economics. Our clients were asking for more service at lower fees. Clients were still largely unwilling to openly acknowledge that less money spent on competent engineering geologic consultation means that more risk should be accepted by the owner or operator of projects.  相似文献   

姜丽 《江苏地质》2002,26(1):57-59
随着信息技术突飞猛进的向前发展,人类已经进入了一个数字化、网络化的新时代。针对如何使现有的原本地质科技档案的管理工作适应新形势的要求,提出了对原本地质科技档案重新整编的原则、方法,以及能使原本地质科技档案符合规范化、标准化要求,以达灵活方便、事半功倍之目的。  相似文献   

In 1997 the mineral resources of Europe and neighbouring countries were presented as a printed map and a book of exhaustive information and references. This was the first published map inventory of mineral deposits from all parts of the formerly politically divided Europe (East and West), measured and evaluated according to identical geological and mining standards.  相似文献   

管志炜 《江西地质》1999,13(4):309-311
本文列举了新中国成立以来江西地质科技工作在基础地质,矿产地质,工程地质,水文地质,物化探,环境地质等方面取得令人瞩目的成就,对外科技交注与合作方面的丰硕成果的地矿事业50年的历史巨变,歌颂了伟大的中国共产党,优越的社会主义制度和伟大的祖国。  相似文献   

Topology has been used to characterise and quantify the properties of complex systems in a diverse range of scientific domains. This study explores the concept and applications of topological analysis in geology. We have developed an automatic system for extracting first order 2D topological information from geological maps, and 3D topological information from models built with the Noddy kinematic modelling system, and equivalent analyses should be possible for other implicit modelling systems. A method is presented for describing the spatial and temporal topology of geological models using a set of adjacency relationships that can be expressed as a topology network, thematic adjacency matrix or hive diagram. We define three types of spatial topology (cellular, structural and lithological) that allow us to analyse different aspects of the geology, and then apply them to investigate the geology of the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia.  相似文献   

陆域遥感军事地质图基本要素及其表达方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索遥感军事地质图编制的理论基础和编图方法,从陆域军事活动对遥感地质信息的需求分析入手,分析军事活动类型与地质要素间关系,总结出支撑陆域遥感军事地质图的遥感地质信息,提出构成该地质图的基本要素; 根据图件要求和军事价值,分析了它们的表达方式,给出图件表达形式。研究结果表明: 陆域遥感军事地质图包括“军事工程背景”、“军事资源”、“军事通行与定位信息”、“军事目标”等4 类基本军事要素信息,它们以基础地质信息、矿产资源信息、土地覆被信息等7 大信息为基础; 可以通过专业信息转化、挖掘、标注等3 类方法获取该地质图所需的基本信息,从而实现遥感地质专业信息的简单化、通俗化和实用化军事应用。  相似文献   

R. Helle 《GeoJournal》1977,1(3):55-60
Conclusions Transport via the Siberian railway in trade between West Europe and Japan is clearly advantageous compared with sea transport. Whether the Siberian transport route is productive for the Soviet Union measured by Western standards is difficult to say. Some Western experts at least have expressed their doubts.It is known that some industrial western market-economy countries have been asked to invest in the construction of the Baikal-Amur railway in return for promised supplies of earth gas and oil. The development of the Siberian transit transport route may also be taken as a sign of an opening up of the Soviet Union to Western countries in a wider sense, and her growing interest in forming trade relations with the West.From the start the Siberian transit transport route was intended, in addition to the Soviet's own transport needs, for goods traffic between West Europe and Japan. Since then connections have been made with Hong Kong and the Philippines. In the future connections via Siberia may be made with Taiwan, South Korea and other East Asian countries and Australia. Thus the international significance of the Trans-Siberian railway in trade between the Far East and Europe will increase considerably. This will mean that the Soviet officials will be faced with what may prove a difficult decision concerning the growing demands of international transit traffic in relation to the increasing domestic transport on the same rail network.It seems likely that the Soviet Union will obtain an increasing proportion of the foreign exchange she needs from this growth in transport. In 1975 this sum was estimated at US $ 150.000.000. With the development in traffic the Soviets are also obtaining and developing new technological know-how. The biggest losers are the shipping lines belonging to the Far-Eastern Freight Conference. They are mainly from Western countries, but there are also members from Poland and East Germany who will lose freights to the Siberian transport route.  相似文献   

关于全球变化研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第四纪地质工作者面临全球变化研究的形势,应主动调整自身的研究战略,注重最近0.15Ma环境信息的提取,加强地质过程的研究,重视人类活动对环境的影响,强调模型的模拟和检验。  相似文献   

The Geological Survey of Norway, in cooperation with the Geological Surveys of 22 other countries and under the aegis of the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), has compiled a geological map of northern Europe at the 1:4 million scale.For the first time the geology of both land and sea areas of this large region is displayed in a single document. The area covered extends  相似文献   

Kazuo Hoshino   《Engineering Geology》1993,35(3-4):199-205
Japan is located at the boundary between three continental and oceanic plates, and there is a great variety and complexity of geological features as a result of tectonic activities. The possibility of excavating large underground tunnels in the seemingly “fragile” rocks in orogenic areas was considered as a national project for the underground storage of petroleum. One hundred and seventy sites in 57 areas were selected based on a comprehensive survey over the whole country. After a successful experiment with a test tunnel, 112 m long and 250 m2 in cross-section area, excavated in Cretaceous granite, three sites in granites and pyroclastic rocks were selected for construction. The largest of these storage tunnels is 550 m in length and20 × 30 m in cross-section.

Before construction, a detailed survey of the subsurface geology was carried out, taking into consideration the structural geology, the mechanical properties of the rocks and the hydrogeology. It was concluded that even in active orogenic areas, there are many suitable sites for large underground excavations and that these can be detected by detailed, planned surveys.  相似文献   

王云龙  文宝萍 《中国地质》2011,38(6):1593-1598
兰州是中国省会城市中地质灾害较为频发的地区之一,其地质灾害主要受地质、地形和人类活动等因素的影响。本文在分析兰州市区滑坡发育的控制因素和主要影响因素的基础上,以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台、采用专业数理统计软件SPSS中的逻辑回归模型(Binary Logistic)计算评价区内各单元格地质灾害的发生概率,通过GIS平台和SPSS软件之间数据格式的交换,利用GIS软件的空间分析功能,对兰州市滑坡灾害危险性进行了区划。研究结果与滑坡分布规律一致,对兰州市的地质灾害防治具有实际意义。  相似文献   

试论地球内部流体与地质作用——现代地质科学研究思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
把以地球固体部分作为主要研究对象所建立起来的地质科学称为传统地质科学,它只在该学科研究的起点——沉积地质学和学科研究的最终目的——成矿地质学两个领域不自觉地将地球内部流体放到了重要地位,而在其间的绝大多数研究则忽略了对地球内部流体的讨论,在其原有的知识体系范围内已找不到关于地球内部物质和能量转移、转换等方面所存在的大量问题的解决途径和完整答案。现代地质科学的发展已经开始将地球内部流体作为主要研究对象,并将其贯穿到了所有地质学研究的领域当中。其基本出发点应是:地球内部流体广泛存在,并永不停息地运动着,它与固体地球部分同样重要,是现代地质科学研究的主要对象。它不仅在各种地质作用中起着极其重要的作用, 而且, 它基本上可以认为是一切地质作用的最初根源, 也就是说, 流体作用贯穿于一切地质作用( 包括构造活动、岩浆作用、变质作用、沉积作用、成矿作用、地质自然灾害等) 过程的始终。地球内部一切地质作用又通过地球内部流体有机地统一在一起。可将地球内部流体按其与特定地质作用的关系划分为具包含循环性质的初始流体、过程流体和终结流体三类。针对目前的研究大量地集中在过程流体和终结流体方面的现状, 在体现现代地质科学和传统地质科学本质区别的地质作用初始流体方面进行了系统整理和论述, 并提出了可能成为现代地质科学基础性学科的(地球内部) 流体统一地质学。  相似文献   

国外军事地质工作现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐金荣  杨宗喜  郑人瑞  李鹏远  周平  金玺 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1926-1935
军事地质伴随着军事活动而生,并伴随军事活动和地质科学的发展而发展。通过对国外军事地质的发展历史和现状进行系统的研究,将国外军事地质分为早期孕育期、快速发展期和稳定发展期3个阶段,介绍了国外在军事工程地质、军事水文地质、军事矿产地质、军事海洋地质、军事地球物理和军事遥感地质六大研究方向取得的进展,总结了国外军事地质工作的3个特点,分别为军民共同推进军事地质工作、地质工作与国防建设统筹部署,及军民联合攻关技术成果双向转化应用。提出了未来军事地质的三大趋势,大数据和云计算将成为军事地质工作的重要支撑技术、军事地质将由资源保障走向空间拓展、现代军事地质的保障工作由国内(局部)扩展到全球(全时域),为中国国内军事地质工作发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

环境工程地质学是工程地质学发展的新阶段,它囊括并发展了工程地质学的所有问题。作为研究工程建设与地质环境相互作用的环境工程地质学,有待于进一步发展为工程环境灾害学──一方面,由于各种自然环境恶化和灾害间的相关性和因果性(环境恶化链、灾害链),研究似宜不限于地质环境和灾害(当然后者仍是重点),而适当扩大至土地环境、水环境和社会环境。作为一门应用地质学的环境工程地质学及其母学科工程环境灾害学将具有力学、地理、经济三大支柱,首先力求地质学与地理学的相互渗透和融合。另一方面,由于各种人类活动间的相关性和因果性(活动链),所研究的人类活动似宜不限于工程建设和运行,而适当扩大至采矿和水事活动,包括开采地下水和排污。后者引起的环境恶化和灾害尤为严重,正酿成危机。其根本出路不仅在于科技进步,而且在于文化调节,力求科技与文化的相互渗透和融合。  相似文献   

环境地质研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈承祐 《地质通报》2006,25(11):1247-1256
环境地质学与其他地质学科的最大区别是,把人类活动作为一种地质作用营力加以研究,这是前所未有的.面向国民经济、国家重大工程建设和城市化的快速兴起与发展,环境地质学科得到了迅速发展.关注气候变化、海岸带发展、城市化、地下水资源与地质环境的相互关系至关重要.要重视地质灾害形成发育的规律,特别是人类工程活动与自然地质作用相互关系的研究.地质灾害防治和群测群防,在今后一个相当长的时期内仍然是研究重点.持久地为社会、为公众、为政府服务,提高地质科学在环境保护中的作用与地位,提高公众对环境地质学的认知与认同,才能采取共同行动,为可持续发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

工程地质学发展趋势刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境工程地质学是工程地质学发展的新阶段,它囊括并发展了工程地质学的所有问题。作为研究工程建设与地质环境相互作用的环境工程地质学,有待于进一步发展为工程环境灾害学──一方面,由于各种自然环境恶化和灾害间的相关性和因果性(环境恶化链、灾害链),研究似宜不限于地质环境和灾害(当然后者仍是重点),而适当扩大至土地环境、水环境和社会环境。作为一门应用地质学的环境工程地质学及其母学科工程环境灾害学将具有力学、地理、经济三大支柱,首先力求地质学与地理学的相互渗透和融合。另一方面,由于各种人类活动间的相关性和因果性(活动链),所研究的人类活动似宜不限于工程建设和运行,而适当扩大至采矿和水事活动,包括开采地下水和排污。后者引起的环境恶化和灾害尤为严重,正酿成危机。其根本出路不仅在于科技进步,而且在于文化调节,力求科技与文化的相互渗透和融合。  相似文献   

煤基碳排放构成了中国碳排放总量中最重要的部分,做好煤基碳减排和煤炭高效洁净低碳化利用是实现"碳中和"国家目标的重要途径,碳中和背景下的煤地质学发展值得关注.系统评述与碳中和相关的煤地质学研究领域,分析煤地质学在碳中和研究与工程实践中的作用和应用前景,探讨碳中和背景下煤地质学的重要发展方向.取得以下认识:推进清洁煤地质研...  相似文献   

The contents and relationships of environmental geology, ecological geology, and geoecology are discussed. It is shown that they differ in their subjects, directions and objects of investigation, as well as their scientific and practical tasks. Hence, these concepts and the spheres of knowledge they determine can be neither identified with nor substituted for each other because this inevitably causes terminological confusion and hampers the development of ecological problems, and not only in geology. Environmental geology, by its content, is a collection of data obtained by traditional geological sciences and has no specially developed conceptual base. It is an anthropocentrically oriented field of geological knowledge, unlike ecological geology, which is oriented biocentrically and has a wider volume. Geoecology is an interdisciplinary science studying the effect of all abiotic spheres of living matter. Ecologically oriented geological sciences are intended to provide information on only one of these spheres—the lithosphere.  相似文献   

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