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The Ediacara fossil assemblage occurs widely in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, in a single, readily mappable stratigraphic interval—the Ediacara Member of the Rawnsley Quartzite, which is part of the Pound Subgroup of the Wilpena Group. The Member occurs low in the Rawnsley Quartzite and consists of siltstones, medium‐ to thick‐bedded sandstones, and heterolithic units of intercalated siltstone and sandstone. Features such as rhythmical bedding and flaser bedding, interference and flat‐topped ripples, winnowed coarse sand residues, abundant clay galls, and rare desiccation cracks suggest that the heterolithic siltstone/sandstone units represent intertidal deposits. The rich body‐fossil assemblage occurs chiefly in these deposits of probable intertidal origin, and for the most part appears to represent organisms stranded by the tide away from their normal habitat. Associated bioturbation structures include horizontal, penetrative (post‐depositional) burrows, but vertical dwelling burrows have not been found; the Pound Subgroup evidently pre‐dates their widespread appearance.

The Rawnsley Quartzite appears to have been deposited during cycles of marine transgression, with the Ediacara Member inferred to have accumulated in environments varying from shallow shelf to tidally influenced lagoons sheltered by barrier bars.  相似文献   

李大伟  王伟  胡超涌  廖卫 《第四纪研究》2021,41(5):1357-1365

为更好地了解更新世早期巨猿生活时期的古环境,对广西田东布兵盆地吹风洞21颗哺乳动物化石牙釉质进行了C、O稳定同位素分析。结果显示,牙釉质δ13C值为-12.8 ‰~-18.1 ‰,平均值-15.2 ‰,暗示吹风洞巨猿动物群主要以C3类食物为食;根据C3和C4植物种类及分布规律,吹风洞所在区域古环境以森林为主;δ18O值为-6.4 ‰~-9.3 ‰,平均值为-7.8 ‰。各种动物δ18O值存在差异,反映了不同种属动物之间存在食性差异。比较更新世早期不同纬度巨猿动物群同位素数据,包括龙骨洞,巨猿洞、么会洞、岩亮洞、三合大洞,显示巨猿生活的更新世早期,气候较为温暖,其古生态环境是以森林环境为主。吹风洞哺乳动物牙釉质稳定同位素数据暗示更新世早期巨猿动物群喜欢生活在C3植物为主的森林环境,可能源于其对食物和栖息环境的特殊喜好。


华南伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组保存的磷酸盐化球状化石中有一部分被认为是最早的后生动物胚胎化石, 但由于缺乏成年或幼年过渡期的化石证据, 对这些最早微化石的动物属性还一直存在争议。最近在贵州江口县翁会地区伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的页岩中发现一个与“庙河生物群”相似的宏体碳质压膜化石群, 其中包含一个盘状的宏体化石新类型——八臂仙母虫(Eoandromeda octobrachiata, Tang et al. 2008), 具有八条螺旋状辐射的旋臂, 封闭在一个包膜内。这种八辐射结构在八射珊瑚和栉水母动物中都可见到, 但同时具有的螺旋特性与现生的所有类群都无法对比。在贵州陡山沱组的“瓮安生物群”中发现的球状胚胎化石同样具有螺旋性状, 尽管还没有直接的个体发育证据, 但我们认为新属种可能代表这些螺旋状胚胎化石的成年实体化石。最新报道的南澳大利亚Rawnsley石英岩层中也发现相似的印痕化石, 被归为同一类别, 表明华南的“庙河生物群”与澳大利亚的“伊迪卡拉生物群”时代相当。翁会化石库中少量出露的三辐射化石与俄罗斯“白海生物群”的典型分子—Albumares和Anfesta可以对比。新发现的倾斜保存的八臂仙母虫化石和碳质条带呈子午线状排列的核桃状化石, 可能是该类化石归属栉水母类的有力证据, 这一发现推测可将栉水母类的最早化石记录从“澄江生物群”的早寒武世推前大约3千万年。  相似文献   

A numerical model for a rotated clast in a sedimentary matrix is presented, quantifying the deformation in associated soft-sediment deformation structures. All the structures occur in a southwards prograding deltaic sequence within the Miocene Ingering Formation, deposited at the northern margin of the Fohnsdorf Basin (Eastern Alps, Austria). Debris flow and pelitic strata contain boudins, pinch-and-swell structures, ptygmatic folds, rotated top-to-S reverse faults and rigid clasts, developed under different stress conditions within the same layers. The deformation around a 24×10 cm trapezoid-shaped rigid clast, resembling the δ-clast geometry in metamorphic rocks, has been modelled using a 2D finite element modelling software. Under the chosen initial and boundary conditions the rotational behaviour of the clast mainly depends on the proportions of pure and simple shear; best fitting results were attained with a dominantly pure shear deformation (~65–85%), with stretching parallel and shortening normal to the bedding. In this specific model set-up, the initial sedimentary thickness is reduced by 30%, explained by stretching due to sediment creeping and compaction. The high amount of pure shear deformation proposed is compatible with the observed layer-parallel boudinage and pinch-and-swell structures. Rotated faults and ptygmatic folds were caused by the minor component of bedding-parallel simple shear.  相似文献   

本文通过对宜昌黄花场剖面和宜昌陈家河剖面大湾组83件样品和陈家河剖面红花园组2件样品的碳氧同位素测试数据,分析了奥陶纪大坪期海水表面温度的变化;并以宜昌黄花场剖面大湾组笔石序列为基础,结合华南地区笔石动物群的分布情况,分析了海水表面温度的变化对笔石动物群地理分布的影响,提出温度变化仅是影响笔石动物群地理分布的间接因素,前人的纬度分带学说值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

志留系在黔西的分布范围很小,已知仅限于赫章县境内。赫章的志留系发育不全,由于缺少古生 物证据,其具体时代长期难以肯定。最近在赫章草子坪志留系中发现腕足动物、三叶虫和双壳类化石群。腕足 类研究结果显示,它应属于小莱采贝动物群(Retziella Fauna) 和新建立的Nikiforovaena Retziella组合。该化石层 下伏紫红色泥岩地层。这段近岸、浅水、杂色碎屑岩层在岩性上与滇东曲靖的关底组类同,可部分对比,推测 其时代为罗德洛世晚期(Late Ludlow),但不宜另立新名,仍称关底组为好。在讨论关底组含义之后,笔者赞同 取消岳家山组的意见。对赫章志留系具体时代的确定使对华南志留纪晚期岩相古地理的传统认识得到修正,罗 德洛世晚期的海侵从滇东的曲靖地区扩大到黔西的赫章一带。  相似文献   

Bezymianny is an active andesitic volcano of the Klyuchevskaya group, and its eruptive products are xenolith- and enclave-bearing basaltic andesites and dacites. Here we report the first occurrence of clinopyroxene-plagioclase high-potassium basaltic trachyandesite xenoliths (51.84-53.00 wt.% SiO2, 0.45-1.95 wt.% K2O) crystallized in the temperature range 1120-840 °C in products of modern eruptions (2007, 2011, 2012). Basaltic trachyandesite differ systematically in petrologic and geochemical characteristics from all previously studied rocks from the Bezymianny volcano. They correspond to the clinopyroxene-plagioclase porphyry rocks from the foot of the Tolbachik volcanoes.  相似文献   

基于恐龙足迹重建攀西地区白垩纪恐龙动物群   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
攀西地区没有白垩纪恐龙骨骼化石记录,对该区白垩纪恐龙动物群组合的认识尚属空白。1991年,攀西地区首次发现了恐龙足迹,此后陆续发现了8个足迹点。这些足迹点共发现9种不同的非鸟恐龙足迹(6种非鸟兽脚类、1种蜥脚类和2种鸟脚类足迹),以及翼龙和龟类足迹。共11种足迹形态类型由185道行迹(与孤立足迹)组成,可能代表着同等数量的造迹者。其中飞天山组的组合多样性最强,小坝组和雷打树组较弱。这个相对全面的足迹数据库,为该地区白垩纪四足类的古生态学普查提供了动物群的组成信息,这在该缺乏骨骼化石的地区显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Jasper Knight   《Sedimentary Geology》2009,220(1-2):126-133
Soft-sediment clasts composed of silt and clay are contained within glacial outwash sands in the Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. The outwash was deposited during ice retreat of the Cordilleran ice sheet around 17 cal kyr BP. The soft-sediment clasts have a distinctive and consistent morphology and disposition within the sand beds. The sedimentology, sedimentary structures and presence of soft-sediment clasts suggest sand was deposited as proglacial outwash with silts and clays deposited in meltwater pools. Following drying-out of the pools and subaerial cracking, lumps of silt and clay were excavated by meltwater and transported distally as soft-sediment clasts within high-density flows. The most likely final depositional setting is as a Salisbury-type ‘delta’ in which subaqueous outwash grades distally into deeper water. This interpretation shows the power of soft-sediment clasts to inform on past processes and palaeogeography for which there is often little evidence in the geologic record.  相似文献   

We present and discuss a full list of radiocarbon dates for woolly mammoth and other species of the Mammoth fauna available from Wrangel Island, northeast Siberia, Russia. Most of the radiocarbon dates are published here for the first time. Of the124 radiocarbon dates on mammoth bone, 106 fall between 3700 and 9000 yr ago. We believe these dates bracket the period of mammoth isolation on Wrangel Island and their ultimate extinction, which we attribute to natural causes. The absence of dates between 9–12 ka probably indicates a period when mammoths were absent from Wrangel Island. Long bone dimensions of Holocene mammoths from Wrangel Island indicate that these animals were comparable in size to those on the mainland; although they were not large animals, neither can they be classified as dwarfs. Occurrence of mammoth Holocene refugia on the mainland is suggested. Based on other species of the Mammoth fauna that have also been radiocarbon on Wrangel Island, including horse, bison, musk ox and woolly rhinoceros, it appears that the mammoth was the only species of that fauna that inhabited Wrangel Island in the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

The studied area, built up by silty clayey and partly sandy sediments and paleosols, lies on the tectonically active Northern margins of the Pannonian Basin. Wavy, sagging load casts can be observed in the upper part of the Late Miocene alluvial complex and larger scale sagging load casts, flame structures, drops and pillows detected in its Quaternary cover were studied in detail, in order to understand the origins of soft sediment deformation which characterized this young sedimentary suite. Sedimentological, paleopedological and mineralogical observations suggest that:
1. One of the reasons for the soft-sediment deformation might have been the relatively low cohesive strength of the predominantly smectitic sediment covering a gentle slope similar to the actual landscape.

2. On such a surface, the down-slope gravitational component of the mud-blanket might easily have been sufficient to overcome its cohesive strength.

3. Frost action traceable in the studied formations might also have contributed to the observed deformation, particularly along the eroded top of the Late Miocene sediments.

Combined evidence from field observations and laboratory analyses support the idea that liquefaction–fluidization was of prime importance in bringing about the observed structures. In conclusion two alternative Quaternary/Holocene scenarios are proposed, which might have resulted in the unusual behaviour of the sediments/paleosols. One is a seismic event, the other is the combined effect of freeze–thaw cycles and of the sloping foothill position, which might have resulted in episodic downslope transport and the associated deformation of the eroded soil material when its water content surpassed a certain threshold. We accept that the anomalous abundance of soft-sediment deformation in this marginal position may be causally related to paleo-earthquakes, but the obvious complexity of the phenomenon requires caution. In case the proposed scenarios would not have been alternatives but acted simultaneously, the analysed phenomena were to be interpreted as the joint results of tectonics and climate change.  相似文献   

The brachiopod fauna from the base of the Bryn Siltstone Formation (middle Caradoc), Glyn Ceiriog, north Berwyn Hills, North Wales, consists of Platystrophia elevata sp. nov., Salopia abbreviata sp. nov., Kiaeromena ungula (M'Coy) and unnamed species of Hesperorthis?, Reuschella and Bicuspina. The dominant brachiopod species, Leptaena (Leptagonia) ungula M'Coy, 1851 is revised and its current assignment to the leptaenid genus Kiaeromena confirmed, based on the examination of type and topotype material from the Bryn Siltstone Formation. Kiaeromena spjeldnaesi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the junior homonym K. ungula Spjeldnæs, 1957 for that congeneric species from the upper Caradoc rocks of Ringerike, southern Norway. The fauna as a whole is unusual within the context of the Anglo-Welsh province and may represent a rare preserved nearshore community.  相似文献   

Vertically oriented water-escape cusps are the most common type of soft-sediment deformation structure in sandstone-rich intervals of the fluvial Brownstones and Senni Formations (Cosheston Subgroup, Daugleddau Group) of the Lower Old Red Sandstone in the central Brecon Beacons and eastern Black Mountains, South Wales. The structures are widely distributed and occur at several stratigraphical levels. They can be divided into two styles. (1) Small-scale (height less than a single bed), isolated water-escape cusps formed when loosely packed sediment deposited rapidly in flood events liquefied in advance of subsequent flood events or pulses, causing localised fluidization due to the escape of excess pore water. Inclined cusps higher in some beds confirm the relationship of this deformation style to active flood events. (2) Horizons of larger-scale (occupying the entire bed thickness), laterally continuous water-escape cusps and fold trains can be traced for hundreds of metres to kilometres and result from widespread liquefaction in response to earthquakes. A lack of overturning indicates that their formation did not coincide with active flow conditions. Further detailed mapping is needed to clarify the continuity and extent of such structures and their relationship to faults that may have been active during sedimentation. The occurrence of triggers capable of causing liquefaction in granular materials provides a greater control on the occurrence of soft-sediment deformation than do lithological controls such as grain size or interbedding of sandstone and mudstone. The findings are broadly consistent with interpretations of soft-sediment deformation in the Cosheston Subgroup in Pembrokeshire, SW Wales.  相似文献   

东昆仑布喀达坂峰地区发现二叠纪冷温动物群   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
东昆仑西段布喀达坂峰地区发现了以单通道(Monodiexodina)为主的冷温动物群,产于东昆中缝合带与东昆南缝合带之间一套以浅海相碳酸盐岩为主的中下二叠统中,可与空喀山口加温达坂组及西藏吞龙共巴组对比  相似文献   

彭光照 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):113-123
自贡地区涵盖侏罗纪3个不同时期的恐龙动物群组合。早侏罗世是恐龙动物群的萌发阶段,以原蜥脚类和原始蜥脚类恐龙共存为主要特征,属禄丰蜥龙动物群范畴;中侏罗世蜀龙动物群具有过渡性质,代表恐龙动物群的繁荣阶段,特点是原蜥脚类绝迹,原始的蜥脚类和进步的蜥脚类共同成为动物群的主要成员,并开始出现一些特化的蜥脚类,肉食龙类和鸟脚类成为动物群的重要成员,剑龙类开始出现;晚侏罗世马门溪龙动物群代表恐龙动物群发展的鼎盛阶段,特点是成渝龟类被蛇颈龟类所取代,原始的蜥脚类已消亡,特化的长颈型的马门溪龙类为主要成员,肉食龙类、鸟脚类和剑龙类向大型化发展。自贡地区侏罗纪恐龙动物群的兴衰和更替与四川盆地古地理环境和古气候的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

The exposed Quaternary sections of Ladakh show evidence of seismicity during the late Quaternary. Multiple levels of soft-sediment deformation structures (seismites) are recorded from the Quaternary sediments of the Spituk-Leh, along Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) and the Khalsar palaeolakes, along Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ) and Karakoraum Fault (KF). The studied sections are a part of two major tectonically formed palaeolakes at 35,000 yr BP. Nine levels of seismites from Spituk-Leh and eight levels from Khalsar sections are recorded. The deformed sediments comprise of clay, silts and sand and are restricted to a single stratigraphic layers bounded by undeformed beds suggesting synsedimentary deformation. The various deformational structures identified are simple and complex convolutes, pinch and swell bedding, microfolds and microfaults, flame-like structures, pseudonodules, clay diapirs, ball and pillow structures, pillar structures, sedimentary dykes and mud lenses. The release of stress along the ISZ, SSZ and KF, may have been responsible for inducing seismicity in the area during the late Quaternary times which may have caused liquefaction as a direct consequence of permanent deformation of ground surface due to earthquakes of large magnitudes (>5 intensity). The chronological data suggests release of stresses along ISZ, SSZ and KF in the form of earthquakes between 35,000 yr BP to approximately the Last Glacial Maxima (LGM) as evident form the available chronology.  相似文献   


重庆万州盐井沟是中国南方最经典的第四纪哺乳动物化石产地之一,因化石数量众多、种类多样和完整度极高而著名,但目前重庆万州盐井沟动物群已报道的猪科动物化石仅为野猪(Sus scrofa)和猪属未定种(Sus sp.)。现今可考证的化石点为建国以后发现的4个化石点,即大垭口化石点、平坝上洞、平坝下洞和媒人洞,而四方地化石点是重庆万州盐井沟地区新近发现的第5个化石点,出土了亚成年小猪(Sus xiaozhu)的2件不完整头骨和2件下颌骨化石,代表了迄今发现最完整且时代最晚(晚更新世)的小猪头骨和下颌骨化石,为盐井沟动物群中首次发现。经过与华南第四纪猪属(Sus)其他物种对比,小猪的鉴定特征可归纳为小型猪,面部和腭骨长度远不及李氏野猪(S.lydekkeri)和野猪(S.scrofa),牙齿尺寸小于裴氏猪(S.peii)、李氏野猪(S.lydekkeri)和野猪(S.scrofa),眶前孔位于DP4(P4)与M1界线之上,下颌骨联合部短且厚,终止于P2之前。雄性下犬齿横切面的形状介于“verrucose”型和“scrofa”型之间,属于一种过渡类型,臼齿低冠且呈丘型,结构简单,每个臼齿由4个主尖组成,前臼齿齿列比臼齿齿列长,m3跟座仅发育1~2个齿尖。小猪(S.xiaozhu)与野猪(S.scrofa)的同时出现,可作为华南中-晚更新世哺乳动物群的一个标志。


通过对钻井岩芯的详细观察和描述,发现在塔里木盆地满加尔坳陷晚奥陶世开阔陆棚相—盆地相沉积地层中,存在各种各样的、复杂的软沉积物变形构造,主要有液化流动构造,包括液化砂岩脉、液化角砾岩、底劈构造及水塑性卷曲变形与震积不整合等。特别是在满加尔坳陷与卡塔克隆起结合部塔中Ⅰ号断层的下降盘,发现存在米级软沉积物变形构造,以软沉积物布丁变形构造为主,变形构造的上、下均发育不等厚的未变形沉积层。这些变形构造的形成与震积作用有关,发育在晚奥陶世不同时期。在晚奥陶世早期,古地震记录表现出拉张应力作用的结果,且由早至晚古地震应力有逐渐增强的趋势。发现的多幕次的古地震记录表明,中加里东运动在满加尔坳陷及周缘表现明显,塔中Ⅰ号断裂是该时期古地震的主控断裂,其活动具有周期性和多旋回的特点,表现为多期次的由弱到强再结束的特征,且在不同部位有差异。晚奥陶世塔中Ⅰ号断裂带的地震活动影响着该区古构造和古沉积的发育。  相似文献   

Pleistocene faunas from south China are difficult to subdivide based on the long temporal ranges of many taxa and a reduced number of genera in comparison to faunas from temperate north China. In south China, the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna is a very general one and includes a relatively stable suite of genera that apparently persisted for long periods of time. These attributes have made constraining its time range difficult. Application of electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tooth enamel constrains the ages well where uranium uptake was minor. Where uranium uptake into teeth was significant, an approach combining ESR and 230Th/234U isotopic analysis also yields excellent ages. Previous estimates of early, middle and late Pleistocene time ranges previously determined by biostratigraphic seriation for the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna are confirmed in all cases but are made more precise with our approach, including specific time ranges for certain archaic taxa. Absolute dating also yields an extended time range for Gigantopithecus blacki of 1200 to 310 ka.  相似文献   

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