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Based on the analysis of Levitus data, the climatic states of the warm pool in the Indian Ocean (WPIO) and in the Pacific Ocean (WPPO) are studied. It is found that WPIO has a relatively smaller area, a shallower bottom and a slightly lower seawater temperature than those of WPPO. The horizontal area at different depths, volumes, central positions, and bottom depths of both WPIO and WPPO show quite apparent signals of seasonal variation. The maximum amplitude of WPIO surface area‘s seasonal variation is 58% larger over the annual mean value. WPIO‘s maximum volume variation amplitude is 66% larger over the annual mean value. The maximum variation amplitudes of the surface area and volume of WPPO are 20.9% and 20.6% larger over the annual mean value respectively. WPIO and WPPO show different temporal and spatial characteristics mainly due to the different wind fields and restriction of ocean basin geometry. For instance, seasonal northern displacement of WPIO is, to some extent, constrained by the basin of the Indian Ocean, while WPPO moves relatively freely in the longitudinal direction. The influence of WPIO and WPPO over the atmospheric motion must be quite different.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionManymeteorologistsandoceanographerspaidmuchattentiontothestudyofthemechanismofENSOformanyyears,suchasBjerknes(1 966) ,Wyrtki(1 975) ,McCreary(1 983 ) ,Philander(1 984) ,ZhangandChao(1 993 )andMcCPhaden(1 998)havemadegreatdevelopmentinthestudyofENSO .Especiallyinthe 1 990’s,withtheincreasingofthedatainthedeepocean ,thesomeonearguedthattheENSOepisodehadcloserelation shipwiththeeasterntransportationoftheanomalousseasurfacetemperatureinthewestPacific(LiandMu 1 999;Huang 2…  相似文献   

In 1999, Diexi paleo-dammed lake(2349 m a.s.l.) was discovered around Diexi town along the Minjiang River in Sichuan province. Diexi is located where the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin meet. The dammed lake was formed during the Last Glacial Maximum of the Late Pleistocene(~30,000 years ago) and began to empty about 15,000 years ago. The lacustrine sediments(up to 240 m thick) preserve abundant paleoenvironment information. In this paper, a mass of oxygen isotopes and 14 C dating from drilled cores are analyzed and discussed. The δ18 O curve on the paleo climate from this section is comparable with the coeval paleo climatic curves of ice cores and karsts in China and others. Furthermore, the physical model testing has confirmed that the disturbed zones in the core are caused by strong earthquakes occurred at least 10 times, which implies strong crustal deformation, as an important driving force, affecting climate change. This study provides a new window to observe East Asian monsoon formation, paleoenvironmental evolution and the global climate change.  相似文献   

In this paper, the spreading way in the southern hemisphere that anomalous warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific is analysed and then impact of E1 Nino on the variability of the Antarctic sea ice extent is investigated by using a dataset from 1970 to 2002. The analysis result show that in E1 Nino event the anomalous warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific is poleward propagation yet the westward propagation along southern equator current hash “t been discovered . The poleward propagation time of the anomalous warm water is about 1 year or so. E1 Nino event has a close relationship with the sea ice extent in the Amundsen sea , Bellingshausen sea and Antarctic peninsula . After E1 Nino appears , there is a lag of two years that the sea ice in the Amundsen sea , Bellingshausea sea, especially in the Antarctic peninsula decreases obviously. The processes that E1 Nino has influence with Antarctic sea ice extent is the warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific poleward propagation along off the coast of southern America and cause the anomalous temperature raise in near pole and then lead the sea ice in Amundsen sea , Bellingshausen sea and Antarctic peninsula to decrease where the obvious decrease of the sea ice since 80’ decade has close relation to the frequently appearance of E1 Nino.  相似文献   

The Mekong supports one of the richest inland fisheries in the world, with many of the fish migrating long distance to spawn. Little is known about the fisheries and migration strategies of the Upper Mekong whilst it is supposed that many fish species move between the Lower and Upper Mekong. Most likely, natural fish migration in the river has been altered by dam construction across the mainstream of the Upper Mekong. In this paper, the interconnectivity of fish species between different sections of the Mekong and negative impacts of dams on migratory fish are studied. Of the 162 fish species in the Upper Mekong and the 869 species in the Lower Mekong, 61 species are common. Results show that there is no significant difference at order level between the UM and LM. Similarity coefficients are used to evaluate interconnectivity at species, genus and family levels among four different sections of the Upper Mekong with each other and with the Lower Mekong as a whole. The highest similarity is found between the middle and lower reach of the Upper Mekong at species and genus levels and the middle and upper reach at family level. Of the eight cascade dams, Mengsong Dam in planning is considered as the biggest threat to migratory fish from the Lower Mekong and should be particularly concerned. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40601096)  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheindicesfortheAsianmonsoonhavebeenstud iedinmanyworks .Recently ,thechoiceofpropermonsoonindiceshasreceivedexceptionalattentionandraisedcontroversy (WebsterandYang ,1 992 ;Goswa mietal.,1 999;Goswami,2 0 0 0 ;Wang ,2 0 0 0 ) .Us ingzona…  相似文献   

Via the valuable opportunity of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling in June 2003, the Yangtze discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) entering the estuary during the period from 15 May to 15 July 2003 were analyzed to examine the instant effects of the filling on them. The Yangtze discharge and SSC entering the estuary in the periods before, during and after the filling clearly indicated three phases: 1) the pre-storage phase characterized by natural conditions, in which the SSC incr...  相似文献   

We used the X-ray diffraction method to determine systematically the mineral phases in bulk sediment samples and acid undissolved residuals of the fine-grained fraction of the surface sediments from the 49.6°E hydrothermal field at the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR)and discussed the mineral sources of the surface sediments.The results showed that the surface sediments in this region were composed of calcareous ooze,and calcite was the dominant mineral.The sediments also contained quartz,feldspar,clay minerals,pyroxene,sphalerite,barite,serpentine,and magnetite.The quartz,feldspar,and clay minerals were exogenous minerals that mainly originated from the Namib and Kalahari deserts in southern Africa.The pyroxene,serpentine,magnetite,sphalerite,calcite,and barite were endogenous minerals from weathering of seafloor basement rocks and seafloor hydrothermal activities.The sulfide particles in the sediments were mainly deposited from upwelling plumes.  相似文献   

1 Introduction ShandongProvince ,whichislocatedintheeastofChina ,consistspartlyofpeninsulaandpartlyofinlandwithatotalareaofabout 1 5 0 0 0 0km2 .Lyingfrom34°2 0′Nto 38°2 0′Nandfrom 1 1 4°4 0′Eto 1 2 2°4 0′E ,alltheareabelongstothemoderateregionandtothetypicalAsianmonsoonclimate .SoShandong’ssum merprecipitationaccountsforover 6 0 %oftheannualrainfall,andaccordinglyflood droughtdisastersmain lyoccurinsummer.Moreover,becauseitisgeographi callylocatedinthetransitionalareabetweenthe…  相似文献   

This article presents the evidence in support of the direct magma degassing as the principal mechanism of volatiles releasing into the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough, as contrastcd to the argument for the hydrothermal stripping of volatiles from the volcanic rocks. Laser Raman microprobe and stepped-heating techniques arc employed to determine the compositions and contents of the volatiles in pumices in the middle Okinawa Trough. The results show that the volatiles are similar to the gases in the hydrothermal fluid,s and hydrothermal minerals in composition, the mean percent content of each component and variation trend. This indicates the direct influence of magma degassing on the hydrothermal fluids. In addition, the contents of volatiles in pumices are rather low and do not support the hydrothermal stripping as the main mechanism to enrich the fluids with gases. The results are consistent with the idea that the direct magma degassing is more important than hydrothermal stripping in supplying gases to the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

In order to find out whether long interspersed elements (LINEs) existed in macro-algae ge- nomes or not, we tested the LINE homologues in representative families (species): Gracilaria (G. eucheumoides Harv., G. tenuistipitata Chang et Xia, and G. textorii (Sur) De-Toni), Laminaria (L. longis- sima Miyabe and L. japonica Aresch.), and Ulva (U. lactuca L. and U. pertusa Kjellm.) during 2004 to 2005. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was carried out with degenerate oligonucleotide primers de- signed from LINEs of rice homologues and Cin4 of maize. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the PCR products revealed that 4 clones that derived from 3 species of Gracilaria have LINE homologues. The nucleotide sequences of the 4 LINE homologues diverged greatly, but the amino acid sequences deduced from them were relatively conserved. The endonuclease regions of the LINE homologues greatly di- verged from that of other plants, but they had closer phylogenetic relationship to Zepp elements in Chlor- ella sp., which indicated that sequence divergence by vertical transmission has been a major influence on the evolution of algal LINEs.  相似文献   

Grateloupia ramosa Wang & Luan sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is newly described from Hainan Province, southern China. The organism has the following morphological features: (1) purplish red, cartilaginous and lubricous thalli 5–10 cm in height; (2) compressed percurrent axes bearing abundant branches with opposite arrangement; (3) claw-like apices on top, constricted to 2–4 cm at the base; (4) cortex consisting of 3–6 layers of elliptical or anomalous cells and a medulla covered by compact medullary filaments; (5) reproductive structures distributed throughout the thallus, especially centralized at the bottom of the end portion of the branches; and (6) 4-celled Carpogonial branches and 3-celled auxiliary-cell branches, both of the Grateloupia-type. The morphological diff erences were supported by molecular phylogenetics based on ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene sequence analysis. There was only a 1 bp divergence between specimens collected from Wenchang and Lingshui of Hainan province. The new species was embedded in the large Grateloupia clade of the Halymeniaceae. The pairwise distances between G. ramosa and other species within Grateloupia ranged from 26 to 105 bp, within pairwise distances of 13–111 bp between species of the large genus Grateloupia in Halymeniaceae. Thus, we propose this new species as G. ramosa Wang & Luan sp. nov.  相似文献   

The status of fishery stocks in the coastal waters of China is far from ideal, mainly due to climate change and the impacts of human activities (e.g., pollution and overfishing). Thus, the restoration and protection of fishery resources have become critical and complex. The stability and balanced structure of the fish community is a basic foundation for the protection of fishery resources. Based on data collected from bottom trawls by the R/V Beidou in continental shelf of the East China Sea in November 2006 and February 2007, changes in the composition and diversity of fish species and functional groups were analyzed. The research area was divided into offshore waters and inshore waters by the two-way indicator species analysis (TWIA). The results showed that the dominant species were different between offshore waters and inshore waters and also varied with the survey time. The most abundant family was Sciaenidae and Teraponidae in November 2006, Sciaenidae, Engraulidae and Triglidae were most abundant in February 2007. The species belonged mainly to mobile piscivores (G6), benthivores/piscivores (G4), benthivores (G3) and planktivores (G1), and the dominant species in November 2006 were commercial species (e.g. Larimichthys polyactis and Trichiurus japonicus), but small-sized species were dominant in February 2007 (e.g., Harpadon nehereus, Benthosema pterotum, Champsodon capensis, and Acropoma japonicum). The species diversity showed a similar trend as the functional group diversity. Stations with higher diversity were mainly distributed in inshore waters in February 2007, whereas higher diversity was found in offshore waters in November 2006. The highest biomass and species number were found in G6 group, followed by the G4, G5 and G1 groups. The distribution of the number of individuals of each functional group showed the opposite trend as that of the biomass distribution. In addition, the size spectra were mainly concentrated around 3–29 cm, and the individual number of fish species gradually decreased with the increase in body size, but the relative biomass showed a moderate fluctuation in each size class. These changes showed that species with faster growth rate and earlier maturity age became dominant in continental shelf of the East China Sea. So the variations in biological characteristics of fish should be fully considered in maintaining sustainable utilization of fishery resource.  相似文献   

Genus Grateloupia is one of the most speciose genera in family Halymeniales. It is also one of the sources for natural materials, food and medicine. With different environments, Grateloupia change their morphological characteristics, making their morphological identification very difficult. In addition, few of the species diversity in this genus has been described before. In this study, phylogenetic analysis based on rbc L gene sequence was employed to group Grateloupia collected from three locations along Chinese coast. The microsatellites were also used to evaluate their genetic diversity. In total, the tissue parts of 6 putative species were collected from G. asiatica, G. livida, G. lanceolate, G. catenata, G. turuturu and G. filicina. In order to evaluate their genetic diversity and then conserve them better, 40 microsatellites available for Grateloupia were used to evaluate their genetic diversity, and 11 microsatellites were found to be applicable to determine the genetic diversity of G. asiatica. It was found that the genetic diversity of G. asiatica around Qingdao was very rich. We suggested that the species of genus Grateloupia should be identified based on rbc L phylogenetic analysis before the diversity evaluation with microsatellites. The microsatellites should be developed for each species of Grateloupia so that their genetic diversity can be evaluated appropriately.  相似文献   

This study addressed the floral component traits and biomass allocation patterns of Gentiana hexaphylla as well as the relationships of these parameters along an elevation gradient (approximately 3700 m, 3800 m, 3900 m, and 4000 m) on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The plant height, floral characteristics, and biomass allocation of G. hexaphylla were measured at different altitudes after field sampling, sorting, and drying. Plant height was significantly greater at 3700 m than that at other elevations. Flower length was significantly greater at 4000 m than that at other elevations, whereas the flower length at low elevations showed no significant differences. Corolla diameter increased with altitude, although the difference was not significant between 3800 m and 3900 m. Variations in biomass accumulation, including the aboveground, photosynthetic organ, flower and belowground biomasses, showed non-linear responses to changes in altitude. The aboveground and photosynthetic organ biomasses reached their lowest values at 4000 m, whereas the belowground and flower biomass reached minimum values at 3700 m. The sexual reproductive allocation of G. hexaphylla also increased with altitude, with a maximum observed at 4000 m. These results suggest that external environmental factors and altitudinal gradients as well as the biomass accumulation and allocation of G. hexaphylla play crucial roles in plant traits and significantly affect the ability of this species to adapt to harsh environments. The decreased number of flowers observed at higher altitudes may indicate a compensatory response for the lack of pollinators at high elevations, which is also suggested by the deformed flower shapes at high altitudes. In addition, the individual plant biomass (i.e., plant size) had significantly effect on flower length and corolla diameter. Based on the organ biomass results, the optimal altitude for G. hexaphylla in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 3800 m, where the plant exhibits minimum propagule biomass and asexual reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

The species of Epithemia ocellata (Ehr.) Kuetz. from Northeastern China were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studies on silica valve formation in different stages were made. At the early stage, a Y-shaped raphe sternum was found. Areolae were made from virgae and vimines. In immature valves, the canal formation before the raphe fissure is visible. The raphe system, virgae and vimines (areolae) might be the early siliceous elements of the valve during morphogenesis. The formations of virgae and vimines are similar to that of Gephyria media W. Arnott. Rows of silica papillae formed gradually on the face of the valve. After the areolae were covered with silica and form rows of papillae, the outer valve surface could become mature. Details of the internal costae were observed in mature valves.  相似文献   

Studying the population ecology of endangered plants provides important baseline information for its monitoring and conservation.Juniperus phoenicea L. is an endangered species in arid ecosystems in Africa and the Middle East. The static life tables, survival curve and age structure of J.phoenicea populations from two mountains in North Sinai, Egypt(Gabal(G.) El-Halal and G. El-Maghara)were investigated. In each mountain, fifteen plots were selected, and field measurements such as stand density, tree height, and crown diameter were conducted. Moreover, 44 trees were cored and crossdated according to standard dendrochronological procedures. The results showed that the tree ages ranged from 50 to 262 years at G. El-Halal and 96 to431 years at G. El-Maghara. Mature J. phoenicea individuals dominated the study area, with only a few individuals being younger than 100 years. Moreover,seedling recruitment was extremely limited. Since the studied J. phoenicea populations showed high mortality rates among both old and young individuals,there is an imminent need for establishing a conservation program to prevent its extinction in the future. Therefore, management and conservation efforts should be made to minimize human disturbance and protect the relic habitats of this endangered species at its southern distribution limits in Africa.  相似文献   

The taxonomic relationship of Chinese Gelidium tsengii and Gelidium johnstonii was ambiguous. For almost 20 years they have been regarded as distinct taxa and until 2002 G. johnstonii was considered as a misapplied name of G. tsengii. In this study, herbarium specimens that initially attributed to G. tsengii and fresh G. tsengii specimens were used to address the taxonomic issues. In phylogenetic studies, G. tsengii from Dayawan, China, near the type locality of G. tsengii and G. johnstonii from Sonora, Mexico, the type locality of G. johnstonii, formed a monophyletic group with maximum support in r bc L and COI genes analyses, indicating that they were genetically identical. In morphological studies, G. tsengii was similar to G. johnstonii in branching pattern, inner structures and fructiferous organs. Consequently, we considered that semi-circular outline of G. tsengii could no longer be treated as a discrimating feature. G. johnstonii had priority of publication and according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, G. tsengii was proposed as a synonym of G. johnstonii. Gelidium honghaiwanense sp. nov. was described from Guangdong, China on the basis of morphological and molecular data. For vegetative structures, it was characterized by flattened upright frond, regular two-three times branches pinnate or alternate and clavate ultimate branchlets. For reproductive structures, the tetrasporangial sori were in the apical part of branches and the tetrasporangial branchlets were distichously distributed along second order branches. The present study clarified the relationship between G. tsengii and G. johnstonii from Guangdong and added a new Gelidium species to the Chinese algal flora.  相似文献   

A 21-d laboratory experiment was conducted to study, the phosphorus (P) utilization of two different diets by redlip mullet Liza haematocheila T. & S. Sand-filtered water in salinity 30 and temperatare 25℃ was used. Twenty-nine fish individuals were divided into three groups: 11 to group 1 (G1) fed on diet 1, 11 to group 2 (G2) fed on diet 2, and 7 to contrast group. Diet 1 was a commercial feed, more valuable in nutrition than diet 2 that similar to natural detritus. The results show the intake phosphorus (IP) of G1 was significantly higher than that of G2, and both increased linearly with body size at a certain amount of diet. The retention phosphorus (RP) in fish of G1 was lower than G2. The relationship between retention phosphorus and body size was positive and stronger in G2. Significant difference in faecal phosphorus (FP) was found between G1 and G2. Body size significantly impacted the excretion phosphorus (EP) in G1 but G2. The loss of intake phosphorus in G1 was 10.83-20.27 mg per g fish weight gain, higher than that in G2 for 6.63-9.56. Of the phosphorus, about 10% was allocated into growth, 50% in faeces, and the rest lost in excretion. The main part of phosphorus was lost in faeces but excretion. The phosphorus budget of the fish could be described as 100IP = 7.40RP + 47.39FP + 36.63EP (Diet 1) or 100IP = 11.93RP + 56.64FP + 21.76EP (Diet 2).  相似文献   

The sword lily Gladiolus palustris Gaudin is protected on European level and listed in Annexes II and IV of the EC Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC. It grows in nutrient-poor, calcareous meadows in central and eastern Europe. Tree encroachment in montane meadows of the European Alps as a result of recent land use changes and the abandonment of traditional farming practices threaten the survival of this species. Conservation-driven mowing is considered a feasible conservation measure for maintaining high species diversity in abandoned semi-natural grasslands. To assess the effects of tenyears of biennial mowing on a grassland community in the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Italy(Site of Community Importance, Natura 2000 network), ten25 m2 plots were established whereby four plots were placed in the mowed area, four in the non-mowed area and two in a small non-mowed patch of grassland inside the mowed area. In each plot the following variables were recorded, total percentage of plant cover, percentage cover of woody species,percentage cover of herbaceous species, percentage cover and number of flowering ramets of G. palustris and a complete list of species and their percentage abundance. Mowed plots showed a higher species richness than non-mowed plots. The number of G.palustris flowering ramets and percentage cover increased manifold in mowed plots compared to nonmowed plots. The resumption of mowing forconservation purposes undertaken by the managing authority halted the process of tree encroachment and avoided a drastic change in plant composition.Periodic mowing(every second or third year) was demonstrated to be a cost-effective conservation measure in non-productive grasslands to keep grasses at bay in favour of forbs of high conversation value.  相似文献   

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