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We study the radial-velocity and light curves of the two eclipsing binaries EE Aqr and Z Vul. Using the latest version of the Wilson and Van Hamme (Computing Binary Star Observables, 2003) model, absolute parameters for the systems are determined. We find that EE Aqr and Z Vul are near-contact and semi-detached systems, respectively. The primary component of EE Aqr fills about 96% of its ‘Roche lobe’, while its secondary one appears close to completely filling this limiting volume. In a similar way, we find fill-out proportions of about 72 and 100% of these volumes for the primary and secondary components of Z Vul respectively. We compare our results with those of previous authors.  相似文献   

We consider the circular planar restricted three-body problem with the mass parameter μ = 5 × 10?5. Two families of periodic solutions are calculated: family c, starting from the collinear fixed point L 1, and the initial part of familyi, which begins by direct circular orbits of an infinitely small radius around the body of bigger mass. The calculated families are very close to the generating ones, which we described earlier. In particular, the existence of the predicted zigzag structure of characteristics of family iis verified. New properties of the planar and vertical traces are discovered.  相似文献   

We have obtained new constraints on the cosmological parameters Ω m and σ 8 from the peculiar velocities of flat edge-on spiral galaxies from the RFGC catalog. Based on these results presented graphically, we have found the quantitative condition (Ω m /0.3)0.37 σ 8 = 0.92 ± 0.05. The estimates of Ω m and σ 8, along with their combinations Ω m α σ 8 for various α, are compared with the estimates by other authors.  相似文献   

We present the results of our analysis of the frequencies of galaxies with tidal tails and M51-type galaxies in several deep fields of the Hubble Space Telescope (HDF-N, HDF-S, HUDF, GOODS, GEMS). In total, we have found about seven hundred interacting galaxies at redshifts z ≤ 1.5 in these fields. At z ≤ 0.7, the observed space densities of galaxies with tidal structures and M51-type galaxies have been found to increase as (1 + z) m , where m ≈ 2.6. According to our estimates, over the last 6–7 Gyr, i.e., at z ≤ 0.7, about a third of the galaxies with M(B) ≤ −18 m must have undergone strong gravitational perturbations and mergers and ∼1/10−1/5 of the galaxies have swallowed relatively low-mass nearby satellites typical of M51-type galaxies. The possible decrease in the time scale on which a distant galaxy appears peculiar with growing z can increase considerably the estimated rate of mergers.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to investigate the spherically symmetric wormhole models in f(RT) gravity, where T and R are trace of stress energy tensor and the Ricci scalar, respectively. In this context, we discuss three distinct cases of fluid distributions viz, anisotropic, barotropic and isotropic matter contents. After considering the exponential f(RT) model, the behavior of energy conditions are analyzed that will help us to explore the general conditions for wormhole geometries in this gravity. It is inferred that the usual matter in the throat could obey the energy conditions but the gravitational field emerging from higher order terms of modified gravity favor the existence of the non-standard geometries of wormholes. The stability as well as the existence of wormholes are also analyzed in this theory.  相似文献   

We study the variability of the Hγ, Hβ, and Hα line profiles in the spectrum of the supergiant κ Cas. The variability pattern proved to be the same for all the lines considered: their profiles are superimposed by blueshifted, central, and redshifted emission. For Hγ the positions of the emissions coincide with the positions of the corresponding emissions for He I λλ 5876, 6678 Å lines, and are equal to about ?135 ± 30.0 km s?1, ?20 ± 20 kms?1, and 135 ± 30.0 kms?1, respectively, whereas the three emissions in the Hβ profiles are fixed at about ?170.0 ± 70.0 kms?1, 20 ± 30 kms?1, and 170.0 ± 70.0 km s?1, respectively. The positions of the blueshifted and central emissions for Hα are the same as for Hβ, with additional blueshifted emission at ?135.0 ± 30.0 kms?1, whereas no traces of emission can be seen in the red wing of the line. These emissions show up more conspicuously in wind lines, however, their traces can be seen in all photospheric lines. When passing from wind lines to photospheric lines the intensity of superimposed emission components decreases and the same is true for the absolute values of their positions in line wings expressed in terms of radial velocities. The V/R variations of the lines studied found in the spectrum of κ Cas and the variability of the Hα emission indicate that the star is a supergiant showing Be phenomenon.  相似文献   

The results of the computation of the family h of symmetric periodic solutions of the circular planar restricted three-body problem for μ = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 are presented. This family begins with retrograde circular orbits around a massive body. Associated with each value of μ are the table of critical orbits, the orbit pictures, the graphs of characteristics of the family in four coordinate systems, and the graphs of the period and traces (planar and vertical). Regularities on the family and its evolution as μ increased were observed.  相似文献   

The results of the calculation of the family h of symmetric periodic solutions of the planar restricted three-body problem for four values of μ = 0, 10?3, 0.1, and 0.2 are presented. This family begins with retrograde circular orbits around the body of bigger mass. Associated with each value of μ are the table of critical orbits, the orbit pictures, graphs of the characteristics of the family in four coordinate systems, and graphs of the period and of traces (planar and vertical). Regularities on the family and its connection to the generating family are observed.  相似文献   

We present our Hα observations of 11 isolated southern galaxies: SDIG, PGC 51659, E 222-010, E 272-025, E 137-018, IC 4662, Sag DIG, IC 5052, IC 5152, UGCA 438, and E 149-003, with distances from 1 to 7 Mpc. We have determined the total Hα fluxes from these galaxies. The star formation rates in these galaxies range from 10?1 (IC 4662) to 10?4 M yr?1 (SDIG) and the gas depletion time at the observed star formation rates lies within the range from 1/6 to 24 Hubble times H 0 ?1 .  相似文献   

In this work, we explore many cosmological implications of a four-dimensional cosmology dominated by quintessence with a static traversable wormhole, spatio-temporal varying G and by taking into account a decaying cosmological constant and a decaying graviton mass by means of an additional bimetric tensor in Einstein’s field equations proposed by Visser in 1998.  相似文献   

We measured the radial velocity of the star θ1 Ori D from IUE spectra and used published observations. Based on these data, we determined the period of its radial-velocity variations, P=20.2675±0.0010 days, constructed the phase radial-velocity curve, and solved it by least squares. The spectroscopic orbital elements were found to be the following: the epoch of periastron passage Ep=JD 2430826.6±0.1, the system's center-of-mass velocity /Gg=32.4±1.0 km s?1, K=14.3±1.5 km s?1, Ω=3.3±0.1 rad, e=0.68±0.09, a1 sin i = 3 × 1010 km, and f1 = 0.0025M. Twice the period, P=40.528±0.002 days, is also consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

The lateral distribution of cascade particles in extensive air showers from cosmic rays with energy E0 ? 1017 eV has been studied at the Yakutsk array by the ground scintillation detectors over the period of continuous observations 1977–2017. The experimental data are compared with those computed with various models for the development of extensive air showers from the CORSIKA software package. The best agreement between the theory and experiment is observed for the QGSjet-01-d model. In the energy range (1?20)× 1017 eV there is a change in the cosmic-raymass composition from 〈lnA〉 ≈ 2.5 to the proton one.  相似文献   

We report an efficient method for analyzing the radial-velocity and line-profile variability. We show that a detailed analysis of the variations of line profiles and velocity field in the stellar atmosphere requires the radial velocities to be measured separately for the blue and red halves of the absorption lines at different levels of their residual intensity. We applied this method to 120 CCD spectra taken in 1998–99 with the coude echelle spectrograph attached to the 2-m telescope of Shemakha Astronomical Observatory of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and analyzed the variations of the radial velocities and profiles of ion and Hβ lines in the spectrum of α Cyg. In the case of ion lines both halves of the absorption profile exhibit synchronous radial-velocity variations at all levels of line intensity. In the case of the Hβ line, which forms in the layers where stellar wind originates, the pattern of radial-velocity variations differs for the blue and red halves of the absorption profile. The variability pattern is the same at all levels in the red half of the profile, the blue half of the profile exhibits different variability patterns at different levels of residual line intensity. Identification and analysis of such variations allows us to study the nature of stellar-wind variability in the region of wind formation.The spectrum of α Cyg showed no line-profile or radial-velocity variations for six days in both halves of the absorption contour at all levels of line intensity. The star was in the quiescent phase.  相似文献   

We study the influence of turbulent mixing on the development of thermonuclear flashes in the surface layers of neutron stars. A simple K ε model that includes various physical processes is used to describe the turbulent processes. In contrast to the widespread mixing-length theory, the K ε model does not require using additional dimensional parameters, traces the development of turbulence in dynamics, describes the various turbulence development scenarios (gravitational and shear instabilities, convection, semiconvection, etc.) in a unified way, and can be used in multidimensional numerical simulations. Empirical constants of the model are chosen on the basis of experimental data and direct numerical simulations of typical processes. We have used the Era and Tigr-3T software packages to numerically simulate thermonuclear flashes in the accretion-renewable atmospheres of neutron stars. Turbulence is shown to accelerate significantly the transport of released energy to the stellar surface. Mixing equalizes the concentrations of matter components throughout the burning layer and increases the amount of matter involved in the thermonuclear burning during a flash.  相似文献   

We discuss the influence of nuclear masses and mass distributions of fission products on the formation of heavy elements at the final stages of the r-process recycled through fission on long duration timescales. The fission recycling is of great importance in an environment with a high density of free neutrons (e.g., in neutron star merger scenarios), when the r-process duration is long enough for most of the seed nuclei to be transformed into actinoids. The fission products of transuranium elements are again drawn into the r-process to produce the abundance curve beyond the iron peak. In this case, to explain the abundances of the A ~ 130 peak elements, not only the nuclear masses, fission barriers, and reaction rates, but also the fission product mass distribution must be predicted. Our r-process calculations using new nuclear masses and fission barriers and reaction rates based on them have shown that the simple two-fission-fragment model used previously in r-process calculations cannot describe adequately the position of the second peak in the observed abundance curve. We show that agreement between calculations and observations can be achieved only when we properly consider the mass distribution of fission products by taking into account the emission of instantaneous fission neutrons.  相似文献   

The possibility of investigating the vertical structure of the magnetic field in chemically peculiar main-sequence stars is discussed. The nonuniform distribution of chemical elements over the surface complicates the problem substantially. The most efficient measurements are shown to be those of the longitudinal field components based on spectral lines with wavelengths longer and shorter than 3646 Å (shortward and longward of the Balmer jump), which form at different optical depths in the atmosphere. Various methodological problems are addressed that must be overcome in order to accomplish the task. The brightest magnetic star α 2 CVn is observed with the echelle spectrometer equipped with an Uppsala CCD chip. New observations corroborate our previous result: the longitudinal component of the magnetic field B e of the α 2 CVn star increases with depth by about 30% over the atmosphere thickness scale.  相似文献   

Here the effect of rotation up to third order in the angular velocity of a star on the p, f and g modes is investigated. To do this, the third-order perturbation formalism presented by Soufi et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 334:911, 1998) and revised by Karami (Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys. 8:285, 2008), was used. I quantify by numerical calculations the effect of rotation on the oscillation frequencies of a uniformly rotating β-Cephei star with 12 M . For an equatorial velocity of 90 km s−1, it is found that the second- and third-order corrections for (l,m)=(5,−4), for instance, are of order of 0.07% of the frequency for radial order n=−3 and reaches up to 0.6% for n=−20.  相似文献   

J. Koza 《Solar physics》2010,266(2):261-275
We examine the sensitivity of selected Ba?ii, Fe?i, Fe?ii, and Cr?i spectral lines to changes of the line-of-sight velocity by sharpness of their line profiles and response functions to line-of-sight velocity evaluated by the 1-D model of the quiet solar atmosphere in the LTE approximation. The set of selected lines includes the Ba?ii 4554 Å line, generally considered to be an excellent Doppler mapper. Our findings confirm earlier results showing that the sensitivity increases not only with wavelength, as anticipated from the Doppler relation, but mainly with the sharpness of line profiles given by the ratio of their depths and widths. The line Fe?i 5247 Å is the most sensitive in our set, whereas the Fe?i and Fe?ii infrared lines show very low sensitivity because of their large thermal widths. The line Ba?ii 4554 Å shows only moderate sensitivity due to its large width, given by a broad hyperfine structure and isotopic split. For the first time we identify a very promising and so far unknown Doppler mapper of the solar photosphere and low chromosphere, which is the line Ba?ii 6497 Å. Its sensitivity is comparable with the sensitivity of Fe?i 5247 Å and clearly surpasses the sensitivity of Ba?ii 4554 Å. The line Ba?ii 6497 Å offers many advantages, making it a highly recommendable choice for future studies of line-of-sight velocities in the photosphere and low chromosphere.  相似文献   

We discuss the evolution of the ratio in number of recombinations due to 2s two photon escape and due to the escape of Lyman-α photons from the resonance during the epoch of cosmological recombination, within the width of the last scattering surface and near its boundaries. We discuss how this ratio evolves in time, and how it defines the profile of the Lyman-α line in the spectrum of CMB. One of the key reasons for explaining its time dependence is the strong overpopulation of the 2p level relative to the 2s level at redshifts z ? 750.  相似文献   

We present the results of a harmonic analysis of and search for clusters in the arrival directions of cosmic rays with energies E0≥5×1016 eV and zenith angles ?≤53° detected at the Yakutsk extensive air shower (EAS) array from 1974 to 2002. We show that the phase of the first harmonic periodically varies greatly and takes on nonrandom values at a confidence level ≥4σ. These phases point to the Supergalactic plane (the Local supercluster of galaxies).  相似文献   

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