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福州市晋安区土地适宜性评价   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
本文探讨了应用 GIS技术开展土地适宜性评价的步骤方法 ,包括评价对象的选择、分类体系的确定 ,参评因子选择 ,参评因子指标分级、等级分值及权重值确定等.  相似文献   

泳滩是滨海旅游业的一个重要部分,本文以香港泳滩为研究对象,对该区域的综合条件进行剖析,根据其影响因素的类型选取了自然条件,社会经济条件,以及泳滩自身条件作为泳滩适宜性评价的主要因素,并对评价指标进行归纳和分类,建立起较为完善的泳滩适宜性评价的指标体系。运用层次分析法,比较评价指标之间重要性关系得到各影响因素对泳滩适宜性的影响权重,通过地理信息系统(GIS)的建模方法对各种因素进行空间分析,最终得到香港泳滩的评价等级结果。该模型的构建理论和方法可以为海岸资源的管理和开发提供参考和技术支撑,有利于泳滩旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于地理探测器的大熊猫生境适宜度评价模型及验证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动物生境适宜度评价对于野生动物生境保护十分重要。基于物种活动点来建模的生态位模型是目前应用最广泛的动物生境评价方法,但该方法不能直接表达生境适宜度与环境因子间具有生态学意义的数量关系。本文以雅安地区为例,提出一种新的大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)生境适宜度评价方法,选取海拔、坡度、坡向、地形指数、距水源距离、植被类型、主食竹及距公路距离8个环境因子,引入地理探测器,在分别基于MAXENT模型和层次分析法(The Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)所构建生境适宜度模型的基础上,通过4个地理探测器(风险探测器、因子探测器、生态探测器和交互作用探测器)探寻大熊猫生境与各环境因子间的关系以及环境因子对大熊猫生境的影响机理,并将其预测结果与单一MAXENT模型和AHP法进行对比。结果表明:(1)AHP、AHP-Geogdetector、MAXENT和MAXENT-Geogdetector模型总体评价精度分别为85.6%、86.5%、91.3%和94.2%,kappa系数分别为0.699、0.718、0.821和0.882,AUC值分别为0.902、0.928、0.949和0.966,模型所预测的适宜和较适宜区与实际分布区重叠比分别为63.66%、61.30%、76.70%和90.10%,说明AHP-Geogdetector和MAXENT-Geogdetector模型精度均比相应的单一模型有所提高,且MAXENT-Geogdetector模型精度最高;(2)基于地理探测器的大熊猫生境适宜度评价模型能以“生境适宜度和环境因子间具有生态学意义的数量关系”的形式直接体现环境因子对动物生境利用的生态学作用,具有较好的生态学可解释性。因此,用地理探测器进行大熊猫生境适宜度评价具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   

多变量分位数回归构建印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以0~300m水层加权平均水温、50~150m水层的温差和氧差及其交互变量为影响因子,运用分位数回归法,寻找出环境变量与大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)延绳钓钓获率的最佳上界分位数回归方程,计算出栖息地指数(HSI),并应用地理信息系统(GIS)软件绘制各月HSI空间分布图。研究表明:大眼金枪鱼延绳钓钓获率(HR)依加权平均水温(x)、温差(y)、氧差(z)与的最佳上界分位数回归方程为HR0.70=-15.596+2.124x-0.003x3+0.033xyz-0.036y2z+0.107yz2-0.337z3;HSI空间分布为:16°S—10°N印度洋海域HSI高于0.7,HSI>0.8的海域随季节发生显著变化,马达加斯加外海至100°E、16°S—26°S海域常年存在一片HSI<0.4的区域,26°S—40°S海域的HSI介于0.4~0.5,40°S以南海域HSI<0.4,东非外海季节性地出现一片HSI<0.6的海域。利用多个环境变量的栖息地指数模型来预测分析大洋金枪鱼资源分布效果较好。  相似文献   

We investigated the quantity and quality 0f fallen l0gs in different Tsuga l0ngibracteata f0rest c0mmunities in the Tianba0yan Nati0nal Nature Reserve. We used redundancy analysis t0 determine the spatial distributi0n 0f fallen l0gs in the different f0rest c0mmunities and t0 analyze the relati0nships am0ng stand structure, t0p0graphic fact0rs and human disturbance. The v0lume, c0vered area, mean l0g length and number 0f fallen l0gs differed significantly am0ng f0rest types (P 〈 0.05), but mean diameter at breast height sh0wed n0 significant difference (P 〉 0.05). The l0g v0lume and c0vered area in different f0rest types sh0wed the f0ll0wing trend: T. l0ngibracteata pure f0rest 〈 T. l0ngibracteata + Olig0staehyum scabrifl0rur 〈 T. l0ngibraeteata + hardw00d 〈 Rh0d0dendr0n simiarum + T. l0ngibraeteata 〈 T. l0ngibraeteata + Phyll0stachys heter0cycla pubescens. The spatial distributi0n patterns 0f l0gs quantity and quality indicated that l0g v0lume and c0vered area were str0ngly affected by envir0nmental fact0rs in the f0ll0wing 0rder: human disturbance 〉 elevati0n 〉 sl0pe p0siti0n 〉 b0le height 〉 tree height 〉 sl0pe aspect 〉 density 〉 basal area 〉 sl0pe gradient. The relative c0ntributi0n 0f envir0nmental variables 0n the t0tal variance was t0p0graphy (76%) 〉 disturbance (42%) 〉 stand structure (35%). T0p0graphy and disturbance c0mbined explained 8.2% 0f the variance. Fallen l0~s auantitv and aualitvwere negatively related t0 elevati0n and sl0pe p0siti0n, and p0sitively ass0ciated t0 human disturbance. The l0g v0lume decreased fr0m n0rthern t0 s0uthern sl0pes. Envir0nmental fact0rs had the highest impact 0n class I (slightly decayed), and l0west impact 0n class V (highly decayed).  相似文献   

以珠穆朗玛峰国家自然保护区为研究区域,选取2009年23幅MODIS NDVI影像,采用傅里叶变换的HA-NTS算法去除云干扰,并重构NDVI时间序列图像.(1)根据研究区沼泽湿地与其他地物类型物候特征的差异,利用光谱角制图方法(SAM)获取了研究区2009年沼泽湿地的分布图.研究区沼泽湿地共有2 481.13km2,...  相似文献   

Most world natural heritage sites are designated partly by reason of their prominent aesthetic values in accordance with Article Ⅶ of World Natural Heritage Convention.In this paper, the aesthetic values of Kanas National Nature Reserve, which has potential for such designation, was analyzed quantitatively using scenic beauty estimation(SBE).The landscapes of 19 representative scenic spots in the Kanas National Nature Reserve in summer and autumn were selected as the objects of evaluation.The contributions of different landscape factors to the aesthetic value of the Kanas National Nature Reserve were revealed using a multivariate quantitative model.The main factors affecting the aesthetic value were waterscapes, vegetation, mountains, folk culture and the tourist environment.The t-test and F-test results are extremely significant.According to the results, some suggestions were given for conserving the landscapes in the Kanas National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区湿地资源评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湿地是介于陆地与水体之间的过渡地带,是陆地上最大的碳储库和陆地生态系统循环的重要组成部分。但是,由于对湿地资源的严重破坏和不合理利用,湿地面积急剧减少。近年来,湿地资源评价已经倍受关注,湿地资源评价为实现湿地资源可持续利用,保持湿地功能持久性提供科学依据。本文通过对湿地生态系统的研究,从生态效益、社会效益、经济效益角度...  相似文献   

利用定性、半定量相结合的层次分析法(AHP),建立地埋管换热系统适宜性递阶层次结构模型,在野外试验、室内测试等基础数据的基础上,选取地下水埋藏深度、砂层厚度、成孔难易程度、地面沉降、热扩散率、比热容、综合热导率等7个评价指标,将东营市浅层地热能开发利用划分为适宜区、较适宜区。这是东营地区第一次利用实测数据开展浅层地热能适宜性评价,为今后的合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-provement,biodiversity maintenance,erosion control,water supply,recreational opportunity,raw material supply and existence value.Multiple conventional evaluation methods were used to calculate the value of eight wetland services.The results showed that significant values came from biodiversity ...  相似文献   

Radionuclide dating techniques characterized by137Cs and210Pbex have recently been applied in the study of lake sediments around the world.In this study,a chronological series of sediment cores was established based on137Cs and210Pbex analyses along with the evaluation of sediment properties,such as particle size distribution,total organic carbon(TOC),carbonate content,and acid-insoluble residue,to study sediment accumulation rates,sediment sources,and responses to human activities in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve in southwestern China.In terms of the particle size distribution of sediments,silt content was the highest,and clay and sand contents were relatively low.The sediments displayed high TOC contents because of the significant amounts of vegetation grown in the lakes.The carbonate content was also high due to the overall geological background of carbonates in Jiuzhaigou.Carbonate content tended to decline from top to bottom in the sediment cores,whereas the acid-insoluble residue tended to increase.These results suggested that the depth variation of the environmental parameters of the sediments in two lakes in Jiuzhaigou would correspond to each other.The results indicated that the sediment rate of Jiuzhaigou was generally high with strong siltation,indicating that serious soil loss was induced by intensive human activities in the basin over the past decades.The increases in the mass accumulation rate,contents of acid-insoluble residue,and mean particle size during the periods of 1840–1900s,late 1930s–early 1950s,1966–1978,and2003–2006 revealed the occurrence of severe soil and water loss as a result of extensive agricultural expansion,large-scale deforestation,and road construction in Jiuzhaigou.The deposition rate and the properties of lacustrine sediments could reflect the significant impact of human activities on lake sedimentation during Jiuzhaigou′s history.  相似文献   

The essential purpose of the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage is to protect the integrity of heritage values. Outstanding landscape is the core embodiment of the aesthetic value of a natural heritage site. This paper proposes a new assessment method from the point of view of the protection of heritage values. It is used to measure the degree of outstanding landscape integrity under the human and natural impact in natural heritage sites. This paper employ three indices, a visual index of outstanding landscape, a harmony index of the artificial landscape and a disturbance index of damaged landscape, to measure the impact of landscape integrity. The impact assessment model is based on a weighted combination of the three indices. The study site is the Fairy Valley, Kanas Nature Reserve, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China. The information employed is derived from field investigation and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A comprehensive evaluation of the Fairy valley was undertaken and it was determined that the outstanding landscape values are being compromised. Three protection methods are proposed to reduce the adverse effects and maintain landscape quality, thereby providing site managers with suggestions for the protection of natural heritage values. More broadly, the paper contributes novel methods of landscape assessment applicable to natural protected areas.  相似文献   

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