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The possibility of estimating the redshifts of radio sources based on radio continuum observations is demonstrated. Since the pressure exerted on the intergalactic medium by radio lobes is associated only with their total energy, while the pressure exerted on the radio lobes by the intergalactic medium depends on the redshift, the redshift can be estimated. The proposed method does not require the use of standard candles or standard sizes for any features. Consequently, it is free of the influence of cosmological evolution of the radio sources. Our insufficient knowledge of the density and temperature of the intergalactic medium prevents us from applying the method to obtain direct estimates of the distances to extragalactic radio sources. Therefore, a method designed to enable indirect estimation of the source distances has also been developed.  相似文献   

Amethod for determining the most probable spectral types, color excesses E B-V , and distances of stars from multicolor photometry is described. The main idea of the method is modeling the photometric data using various models for the stellar spectra and the interstellar extinction law, and applying the maximum likelihood method. The reliability of the method is estimated using stars with known spectral types and WBVR photometry, based on the empirical library of stellar spectra of Pickles and the model for the interstellar extinction law developed by Fluks et al.  相似文献   

In optical image registration, the reference control points (RCPs) used as explanatory variables in the polynomial regression model are generally assumed to be error free. However, this most frequently used assumption is often invalid in practice because RCPs always contain errors. In this situation, the extensively applied estimator, the ordinary least squares (LS) estimator, is biased and incapable of handling the errors in RCPs. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new feasible methods to address such a problem. This paper discusses the scaled total least squares (STLS) estimator, which is a generalization of the LS estimator in optical remote sensing image registration. The basic principle and the computational method of the STLS estimator and the relationship among the LS, total least squares (TLS) and STLS estimators are presented. Simulation experiments and real remotely sensed image experiments are carried out to compare LS and STLS approaches and systematically analyze the effect of the number and accuracy of RCPs on the performances in registration. The results show that the STLS estimator is more effective in estimating the model parameters than the LS estimator. Using this estimator based on the error-in-variables model, more accurate registration results can be obtained. Furthermore, the STLS estimator has superior overall performance in the estimation and correction of measurement errors in RCPs, which is beneficial to the study of error propagation in remote sensing data. The larger the RCP number and error, the more obvious are these advantages of the presented estimator.  相似文献   

颗粒流厚度及其演化趋势是碎屑流物理模型试验中重点关注的要素。目前试验中颗粒流厚度的监测主要有传感器监测、机械原件测量、人工测读等方法。随着计算机跨学科的应用及计算机数字图像处理技术的成熟,越来越多的数字图像处理技术被应用于工程地质领域。以颗粒流斜槽试验为依托,基于自适应中值滤波、图像二值化、图像腐蚀及种子填充等数字图像处理方法,对高速相机所采集的颗粒流图像序列进行处理分析并编制了相关程序,实现了连续提取颗粒流运动过程中的厚度值。分析结果表明:基于数字图像处理方法提取的颗粒流厚度在颗粒流主体区段与实测厚度值相吻合,在颗粒流尾部由于颗粒离散会存在一定的偏差,主要是由于部分三维空间中的颗粒在二维图像中呈现出重叠的形式,造成颗粒连续的假象。总体而言,通过该方法获取的颗粒流厚度值在一定条件下具有较高的精度,相比于其他方法具有效率高、获取参数多、采样频率高、扰动低等优势,可作为颗粒流试验中流态参数动态获取的常规方法之一。  相似文献   

一种测定非饱和土-水力学参数的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈辉  韦昌富  陈盼  伊盼盼  颜荣涛 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3348-3353
详细介绍了非饱和土-水力学参数联合测试系统,该系统分别利用轴平移技术和达西定律测定非饱和土土-水特征曲线和水相渗透系数。通过试验结果对比可以发现,由联合测试系统确定土-水特征曲线与压力板仪溢出水校正称量法确定的土-水特征曲线接近,但由联合测试系统确定的试样残余含水率比使用压力板仪溢出水校正称量法确定的试样含水率要小;由联合测试系统确定的渗透函数,当饱和度较大时,实测值与模型预测值较为接近;当饱和度较小时,实测值与模型预测值相差较大。  相似文献   

This method for determining total roundness of clast fractions takes into account both the abrasion and the crushing processes. It is developed from a slightly modified visual estimation method and a newly defined parameter - crushing processes. Based on visual estimation, the method is most useful as a tool for the Quternary field geologist.  相似文献   

宏观水力传导度及弥散度的确定方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据非饱和水力传导率野外试验的统计数据,利用由随机理论推求的宏观水力传导率、宏观水分特征曲线、宏观弥散度的计算公式,计算了介质的宏观参数,为区域非饱和水分运动和溶质运移问题的分析和预测奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on automatic extraction of building stock information for quantifying physical exposure and its vulnerability from High and Very High Resolution (VHR) optical satellite imagery. We use two case studies. In Sana’a (Yemen), we use automatic techniques to extract the building stock as well as building height that is used to characterize its vulnerability. In Port-au-Prince (Haiti)—the area affected by the 2010 earthquake—we map the building stock based on a pre-disaster imagery, and we show the added value of area-based information when added to point-based damage assessment from visual change interpretation of post-disaster aerial images. This paper shows that VHR imagery can be used to locate and quantify the building stock and its height. This paper also shows that damages measured from changes detected from pre- and post-disaster imagery can in principle map and provide vulnerability information related to the structural fragility of the building stock.  相似文献   

粒间作用力是控制土体强度和压缩特性的重要参量,但由于黏土中矿物颗粒与孔隙水间存在复杂的物理化学作用,其粒间应力及其变化规律一直无法确定。对泥浆重塑样在不同水化学条件下进行了一系列黏土一维侧限压缩试验,探讨不同浓度的NaCl溶液对饱和黏土压缩过程的影响,并确定土中粒间应力的大小及其变化规律。结果表明:同一级固结应力作用下,随替换溶液浓度的增加渗透固结变形量增大;对于相同浓度的孔隙溶液,固结应力越大,相应的渗透固结变形量越小。根据太沙基有效应力原理,提出了一种利用渗透固结变形来计算平均粒间应力的方法,在此基础上确立了粒间应力(或广义渗透压力)相对变化量与浓度和孔隙比之间的定量关系。该研究提供了一种简单有效的确定饱和黏土粒间应力的方法,为今后校正和验证多场耦合下土本构理论模型奠定基础。  相似文献   

Characteristic properties of the electromagnetic spectrum of a dipole freely falling radially toward a Schwartzschild black hole are determined. These properties can be used to determined the mass of the black hole, as well as some characteristics of the magnetosphere or accretion disk surrounding the black hole.  相似文献   

弱透水层是含水层系统的重要组成部分。弱透水层的渗透系数K_v和弹性贮水率值S_(ske)对研究地面沉降及地下水资源评价具有重要的意义。在相邻含水层降深随时间周期性波动的条件下,推得了超固结弱透水层中无量纲形式的降深解析解,并基于该解析解进一步得到了超固结弱透水层累计变形量随时间变化的理论曲线。由于弱透水层的低渗透性,其变形总是滞后于相邻含水层的降深变化。根据弱透水层变形的滞后时间与含水层降深波动半周期的关系,提出了一种用以确定超固结弱透水层垂向渗透系数和弹性贮水率的方法,该方法对于弹性变形的超固结土具有很好的适用性。使用该方法之前,首先要根据分层标和水位资料确定含水层降深的变化周期以及弱透水层变形的滞后时间。应用该方法确定了上海地区f_(10-7)分层标处第2弱透水层的水力参数为K_v=4.12×10~(-10)m/s,S_(ske)=1.07×10~(-4) m~(-1)。经实例计算结果具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

A method for determining the reversibility of a Markov sequence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes, given a tally matrix with strictly positive entries, a method to determine whether the associated Markov process is reversible, and (for reversible Markov processes) methods to compute the reversibility matrix from the tally matrix. If the tally matrixN is symmetric, then it is shown that the Markov process must be reversible and the reversibility matrixC equalss (R –1NR–1), whereR is the diagonal matrix whosei th diagonal entry is the sum of the entries of thei th row ofN (for everyi) ands denotes the sum of all the entries ofN. Because a symmetric tally matrix is of special importance in applications, a 2 test is proposed for determining, in the presence of experimental errors, whether such a matrix is symmetric.  相似文献   

李大勇  翟汉波  高玉峰 《岩土力学》2015,36(6):1622-1626
莫尔圆在岩土材料的强度理论、应力路径以及地基承载力等方面具有广泛的应用。极点是莫尔应力圆上的一个特殊点,具有惟一性,通过极点,可以求得任意分析平面的应力状态。特别是对于求解复杂状态下的应力问题,莫尔圆极点法具有简便、快捷的优点。提出了定义极点的新方法--射线法,利用应力隔离体力的平衡法则证明了该方法定义极点的正确性及惟一性,并且发现定义极点的平行线法和法线法是射线法的两种特殊情况。通过比较,发现不同方法所得到的极点位置并不相同,但求得的任意面上的应力状态是相同的,而且平行线法更便于使用。然而,所提出的射线法能加深对莫尔圆极点的理解,从而进一步推动其广泛应用。  相似文献   

Land desertification has been a worldwide environmental problem. Desertification monitoring and evaluation are very important content in desertification context. Scientific and accurate evaluation of desertification can provide scientific basis for decision making in mitigating desertification. Because of the advantage of large amount of information, short cycle and broad scope of data, less restrictions on the human and material resources and so on, remote sensing has become an important technology to monitor land desertification in the past 30 years. Desertification is the most typical and serious form of desertification in China, especially in the oasis zone distributed along inland rivers or in the lower reaches of inland rivers in northwestern China. Quantitative evaluation of the current desertification remote sensing methods used is mostly obtained through the vegetation index and vegetation cover, to gain information on the extent of desertification. As the arid and semiarid sparse vegetation cover, soil and soil moisture on the most common vegetation index have a greater effect. First, based on the spectral mixture analysis model, three kinds of endmember consisting of vegetation, water and bare soil were selected. The image dimensionality was reduced by the minimum noise fraction (MNF). The pixel purity index transformation was used to narrow the range of the endmember. On the scatter plot of MNF, three kinds of endmember were selected, and relative abundance distribution of each component was obtained by using linear spectral mixture model. Second, a spectral feature space composed of vegetation component and land surface albedo retrieved from Landsat TM Imagery was constructed to evaluate desertification present condition and degree quantificationally. Last, an empirical study was carried out taking the middle reaches of Heihe River as an example. Results indicated that this method makes full use of multi-dimensional remote sensing information, reflecting the desertification land cover, water, thermal environment and its changes, with a clear biophysical significance, and the index is simple, easy to obtain, high precision, and is conducive to quantitative analysis, monitoring and desertification assessment of desertification. It was rather ideal to assess desertification on the basis of Albedo-Vegetation feature space: correct prediction proportion of testing samples reached 90.3 %. This method was beneficial to the desertification quantitative analysis and monitoring with the characteristics of simple index, easy accessibility and high accuracy.  相似文献   

Moisture profiles have been estimated over the region bounded by the latitudes 40°N and 40°S and longitudes 30°E to 130°E using INSAT digital infra red cloud imagery data. The representativeness of these profiles in representing moisture field associated with the development and movement of synoptic scale systems during the period September 15th, 1996 to March 31st, 1997 has been examined. It has been shown that the changes in the moisture field associated with the withdrawal of the southwest and northeast monsoons from the Indian sub-continent, development and movement of synoptic scale sytems (depressions, tropical cyclones and waves in easterlies) and equatorial troughs in the Indian Ocean could be clearly seen in humidity profiles. The initial development of tropical systems is first seen in the humidity field in the upper troposphere. These profiles could be used in monitoring the initial development and subsequent movement of tropical systems. Further the data on moisture distribution from the data gap regions of the Indian Ocean could be used as an additional source of moisture in numerical analysis and prognosis.  相似文献   

丁海平  马俊玲 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):35-40
从地震影响系数曲线的特征周期 出发,提出了分别取 和 作为时域计算瑞利(Rayleigh)阻尼的两个目标频率。通过3种不同厚度的单一土层和1种多层土层模型在3条不同地震动作用下的计算,比较了基于Annie方法和本文方法确定Rayleigh阻尼的时域解,以及基于等效线性化的频域解,结果表明:两种Rayleigh阻尼形式的地表加速度峰值误差都在10%以内,地表加速度反应谱基本一致,但本文方法对土层厚度和输入的地震动不太敏感,即误差随着土层厚度及输入地震动的不同离散性很小,且应用更为简便,无需求土层的自振频率,只需要根据场地类别获得场地特征周期,就可确定Rayleigh阻尼值。  相似文献   

提出以C Builder 6.0为开发平台,以其所提供的TJPEGImage为核心,实现真彩色图像的压缩,为工程实际的应用提供了一种非常实用的压缩手段。该方法减少了大量程序代码的编写工作。实验表明,当综合压缩比设为65时,压缩图像与原图像相比并无明显变化,由此可见,压缩效果令人满意。  相似文献   

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