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CO2 fluxes from soils and related environmental factors were measured in three forest ecosystems of Dinghu Mountain using static chamber-gas chromatograph technique for one year. The seasonal pattern of CO2 flux, contribution of litter on total CO2 flux and the correlations of CO2 flux with soil temperature and soil water content were examined for each type of forest. The results were given as followings: (1) The seasonal patterns of CO2 flux from soil of the three types of forest were similar, with a higher CO2 flux in rainy season than in dry season. The comparative relations of mean annual CO2 fluxes between the three sites were expressed as:monsoon forest > mixed forest > pine forest. (2) CO2 fluxes from litter decomposition in monsoon forest, mixed forest and pine forest accounted for 24.43%, 41.75% and 29.23% of the corresponding total CO2 fluxes from forest floor, respectively. (3) Significant relationships were found between CO2 fluxes and soil temperatures at 5 cm depth for the three types of forest, which could be best described by exponential equations. The calculated Q10 values based on soil temperature at 5 cm depth ranged from 1.86 to 3.24. More significant relationships were found between CO2 fluxes and soil water content when the annual variation coefficients of soil moisture were higher.  相似文献   

不同生态系统CO2通量和浓度特征分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1993~1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的7种不同生态系统(沙丘、轻度放牧草原、中度放牧草原、重度放牧草原、无放牧草原、玉米田和大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、两个高度的CO2浓度、温度、湿度和风速等资料,采用空气动力学方法,计算了CO2通量及其与环境和人为干扰因子的关系,并分析了不同下垫面的光合作用特征. 结果表明:各种下垫面CO2通量的共同特点是:在白天,CO2通量和梯度的输送方向是从大气向植被,在中午(11~13时)输送达到负的最大值; 在夜间,CO2通量和梯度输送方向与白天相反,是从植被向大气,在早晨(3~5时)达到正的最大值. 植被覆盖率及生物量不同的下垫面光合作用强度有明显差异,天气状况对光合作用也有一定影响.  相似文献   

Wei Qi 《水文科学杂志》2019,64(16):2015-2024

The impacts of changes in forest coverage on extreme floods have drawn much attention globally. This study quantifies the sensitivity of flood peaks to forest coverage and roughness changes. With this objective, a framework is first introduced that includes a variance-based sensitivity analysis approach and a water and energy budget-based distributed hydrological model with a vegetation module. The influence of forest coverage changes is simulated by altering land-use types that are based on physical parameters. A variance decomposition approach is used to quantify the contribution of influential factors, i.e. event size, forest coverage and roughness changes, to extreme flood peak variations. The results in a medium-sized river basin show forest coverage changes have little influence: variations in canopy interception, ground surface water retention, soil moisture and groundwater table resulting from changing forest coverage did not alter flood peaks considerably. In contrast, it is found that flood peaks are more sensitive to roughness variations.  相似文献   

Unit step response and frequency response functions are shown to provide useful information to model and understand the watershed runoff-sediment yield process. One of the applications of the unit step response is to rank watersheds for their sediment production potentials. The frequency response function is used to indicate the memory content of the watershed runoff-sediment yield system.  相似文献   

Ciliate composition and its seasonal changes in seston depending on the discharge regime were analyzed in the lower rhithral area of the river Sava. Higher values for ciliate density, dry biomass, index of species diversity and concentration of particulate organic matter (POM) were associated with discharge peaks. Using the power model: y = axb ± c a significant positive correlation was found between POM and ciliate dry biomass (as dependent variables) and discharge (as independent variable). The ciliate drift constitutes 0.78% of the total annual POM transport. Depending on the discharge regime, the composition of ciliate drift reflects the temporal and structural changes in periphytic community.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of suspended sediment, nitrates (NO3) and dissolved (DOC) and particulate organic carbon concentrations was analysed in the Alegria agricultural watershed over a 2‐year period. Nine storm events were studied, including an exhaustive analysis of hydrometeorological conditions, quantification of fluxes, and concentration‐discharge hysteresis loop characterization. The overall aim was to study the variability in these components during storm events and determine the mechanisms (flow paths) affecting the trajectories, from the source to the stream. The forms, rotational patterns and trends of hysteretic loops were investigated, and relationships between hysteresis features and hydrological parameters were studied. The results revealed clear differences between particulate (suspended sediment, particulate organic carbon) and dissolved (DOC, NO3) matter transport responses. Movement of the particulate matter was attributed to surface water, as reflected in clockwise hysteresis loops, whereas dissolved matter showed, in general, counterclockwise hysteresis loops, indicating a time delay in the arrival of solutes to the stream. This could be related to subsurface flow paths for DOC and a groundwater source for NO3. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a Before/During/After sampling protocol, the effects of the Le Havre harbour extension, which was started at the end of 2001, on the macrobenthic and suprabenthic communities in the eastern Bay of Seine (English Channel) were examined. As the construction phase has not yet been completed, the results presented here reflect only the data collected before and during the operations (September 2000 and 2002 for benthos sampling and March 2001, September 2001, October 2002 and March 2003 for suprabenthos sampling). Although bio-sedimentary changes did occur at the mouth of the Seine river, an analysis of benthic assemblages reveals that the dredging and construction operations do not seem to have influenced assemblage structure or the spatial distribution of organisms. Comparisons of the suprabenthic assemblages at each sampling date indicate that seasonal dynamics was mainly responsible for determining species distribution. We conclude that, 1 year into the harbour management plan, the observed changes in benthic and suprabenthic assemblage abundance do not exceed the range of spatial variability that exists naturally in the Seine estuary. Despite this compensatory actions designed to protect the aquatic habitats and to preserve a sustainable and healthy ecosystem have been added to the infrastructure development plan.  相似文献   

This study involved a baseline evaluation of fluvial carbon export and degas rates in three nested rural catchments (1 to 80 km2) in Taboão, a representative experimental catchment of the Upper Uruguay River Basin. Analyses of the carbon content in stream waters and the catchment carbon yield were based on 4‐year monthly in situ data and statistical modeling using the United States Geological Survey load estimator model. We also estimated p CO2 and degas fluxes using carbonate equilibrium and gas‐exchange formulas. Our results indicated that the water was consistently p CO2 saturated (~90% of the cases) and that the steep terrain favors high gas evasion rates. The mean calculated fluvial export was 5.4 tC·km?2·year?1 with inorganic carbon dominating (dissolved inorganic carbon:dissolved organic carbon ratio >4), and degas rates (~40 tC km?2·year?1) were nearly sevenfold higher than the downstream export. The homogeneous land use in this nested catchment system results in similar water‐quality characteristics, and therefore, export rates are expected to be closely related to the rainfall–runoff relationships at each scale. Although the sampling campaigns did not fully reproduce storm‐event conditions and related effects such as flushing or dilution of in‐stream carbon, our results indicated a potential link between dissolved inorganic carbon and slower hydrological pathways related to subsurface water storage and movement.  相似文献   

Tie-series sediment trap materials at different water depths and surface sediments in northern and central South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed for organic carbon, amino acids, amino sugars and carbohydrates. Results show that particulate organic carbon (POC) is mainly derived from marine plankton, only 1.4%–1.6% of primary production sinks into deep SCS water column and less than 0.22 % of primary production ultimately reaches the sediments. The ranineralization and dissolution of organic matter as well as the compositional alterations of organic matter mixtures may mainly take place in the upper few hundred meters of water column, deep carbonate (opal) lysocline zones, and interface layers between sediments and water column, rather than in mid-waters. The organic geochemical parameters such as (T aa +T sug )OC%, AA/AS, Gluam/Galam, Arom. AA/non-prot. AA, ASP/b-ALA, Glu/g-ABA decrease from living marine plankton (or planktonic shells), to settling particulate matter and to sediments suggesting that they appear to be gad early degraded indicators of organic matter. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49776297). Cruises financially supported by State Oceanic Administration and German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology.  相似文献   

The inevitable rise of atmospheric CO2 concentration plays an important role in regulating the carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)cycling in the rice-cropping system.Elucidating the effects of elevated CO2 concentration(ECO2)on CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields is essential for evaluating agricultural production in response to global climate change.In this study,we conducted a global meta-analysis to assess the overall effect of ECO2 on CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields,aiming at providing a guideline for sustainable C and N management in paddy fields under future climate conditions.The results showed that,overall,ECO2 significantly increased CH4 emissions from rice fields by 23%(P<0.05),but reduced N2O emissions by 22%(P<0.05).With a long duration(>10 yr)of ECO2 ,ECO2 significantly reduced CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields by 27%and 53%,respectively(P<0.05).Along with the increasing levels of ECO2 ,the stimulating effect of ECO2 on CH4 emissions showed a trend of"weakening firstly and then strengthening",while its effect on N2O emissions changed from stimulation to inhibition.Agronomy managements(e.g.,N application rates,straw incorporations,water regimes,and rice cultivars)affected the effects of ECO2 on CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields.With no or half amount of straw incorporation,ECO2 increased CH4 emissions by 27% or 49%(P<0.05)from paddy fields,respectively,while non-significant effects on CH4 emissions from paddy fields were observed under full straw incorporation.With the increasing amount of straw incorporation,the reductions in N2O emissions from paddy fields were enhanced by ECO2.Compared with a continuous flooding regime,intermittent irrigation weakened the promoted effect on CH4 emissions but stimulated the inhibited effect on N2O emissions from paddy fields under ECO2.Therefore,under the future condition of ECO2,it is recommended to adopt the appropriate agricultural management measures,such as combining straw incorporation and intermittent irrigation,and optimizing N application and using rice cultivars of high-yield with lower emissions.In addition,it is necessary to conduct comprehensive studies at multiscale,with multi-factor,and by multi-method to effectively reduce the uncertainty of quantifying the response of CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields to future ECO2 .  相似文献   

Progressive geomorphic changes in the flight of fluvial terraces along the Rappahannock River, Virginia, provide a framework for analysing the effect of time on landforms. The oldest terrace is probably no younger than early Quaternary, and the youngest major fill terrace probably correlates with the high sea level of the last major interglacial. A uranium-series date of 187,000 yr has been obtained on coral from marine sediments related to this terrace. Indices of terrace preservation, especially drainage densities and area to perimeter ratios, show systematic changes with terrace age. Hence, these variables appear to satisfactorily indicate relative age, and could perhaps be used to estimate actual ages if suitably calibrated. The morphology of scarps formed by entrenchment of the fluvial terraces is more variable than analogous morphology of fault scarps and wave-cut bluffs. However, measurements of the fluvial scarps clearly indicate that for a given terrace age, higher scarps tend to have steeper slopes, and that for a given scarp height, older scarps tend to have gentler slopes. The terrace forms themselves are preserved for at least several million years. Depositional features such as bars and channels with l–3m of relief are preserved on terraces on the order of 105 yr old. Scarps related to the formation of terraces of this age are well preserved and have slopes of about 6–8 degrees where the scarp height is about 5 m. The preservation of fluvial landforms and scarps suggests that, if fault scarps comparable to these features were commonly formed by earthquakes in low relief areas of the eastern United States, many should be recognizable.  相似文献   

Satellite observations of atmospheric CO2 are able to truly capture the variation of global and regional CO2 concentration.The model simulations based on atmospheric transport models can also assess variations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in a continuous space and time,which is one of approaches for qualitatively and quantitatively studying the atmospheric transport mechanism and spatio-temporal variation of atmospheric CO2 in a global scale.Satellite observations and model simulations of CO2 offer us two different approaches to understand the atmospheric CO2.However,the difference between them has not been comprehensively compared and assessed for revealing the global and regional features of atmospheric CO2.In this study,we compared and assessed the spatio-temporal variation of atmospheric CO2 using two datasets of the column-averaged dry air mole fractions of atmospheric CO2(XCO2)in a year from June 2009 to May 2010,respectively from GOSAT retrievals(V02.xx)and from Goddard Earth Observing System-Chemistry(GEOS-Chem),which is a global 3-D chemistry transport model.In addition to the global comparison,we further compared and analyzed the difference of CO2 between the China land region and the United States(US)land region from two datasets,and demonstrated the reasonability and uncertainty of satellite observations and model simulations.The results show that the XCO2 retrieved from GOSAT is globally lower than GEOS-Chem model simulation by 2 ppm on average,which is close to the validation conclusion for GOSAT by ground measures.This difference of XCO2 between the two datasets,however,changes with the different regions.In China land region,the difference is large,from 0.6 to 5.6 ppm,whereas it is 1.6 to 3.7 ppm in the global land region and 1.4 to 2.7 ppm in the US land region.The goodness of fit test between the two datasets is 0.81 in the US land region,which is higher than that in the global land region(0.67)and China land region(0.68).The analysis results further indicate that the inconsistency of CO2concentration between satellite observations and model simulations in China is larger than that in the US and the globe.This inconsistency is related to the GOSAT retrieval error of CO2 caused by the interference among input parameters of satellite retrieval algorithm,and the uncertainty of driving parameters in GEOS-Chem model.  相似文献   


Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) may double during the next century, causing changes in the Earth's climate. Warming of up to 4°C, slight cooling, and 10% changes in precipitation have been projected. Researchers have studied the possible impacts these changes may have on various aspects of the hydrological cycle, but little emphasis has been placed on snow accumulation and melt. In this study, the effects of climatic change on streamflow from a snowmelt-dominated basin in southwestern Montana, USA, are investigated. The National Weather Service River Forecast System model (NWSRFS) was first calibrated using data for the 1973–1984 period. Daily temperature and precipitation values were then changed, and the model ran again to assess the effects on snowpack and streamflow of some possible climatic changes. Results indicate that streamflow may vary by from ?22 to +45% depending on the combination of climatic changes imposed.  相似文献   

The present study makes use of a detailed water balance to investigate the hydrological status of a peatland with a basal clay‐rich layer overlying an aquifer exploited for drinking water. The aim is to determine the influence of climate and groundwater extraction on the water balance and water levels in the peatland. During the two‐year period of monitoring, the hydrological functioning of the wetland showed a hydric deficit, associated with a permanent unsaturated layer and a deep water table. At the same time, a stream was observed serving as a recharge inflow instead of draining the peatland, as usually described in natural systems. Such conditions are not favourable for peat accumulation. Field investigations show that the clay layer has a high hydraulic conductivity (from 1·10?7 to 3·10?9 m.s?1) and does not form a hydraulic barrier. Moreover, the vertical hydraulic gradients are downward between the peat and the sand aquifer, leading to high flows of groundwater through the clay layer (20–48% of the precipitation). The observed hydric deficit of the peatland results from a combination of dry climatic conditions during the study period and groundwater extraction. The climatic effect is mainly expressed through drying out of the peatland, while the anthropogenic effect leads to an enhancement of the climatic effect on a global scale, and a modification of fluxes at a local scale. The drying out of the peatland can lead to its mineralisation, which thus gives rise to environmental impacts. The protection of such wetlands in the context of climate change should take account of anthropogenic pressures by considering the wetland‐aquifer interaction. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

HD40307g is the closest potentially habitable planet discovered today orbiting a K2V star and will be a prime target for future TPF-like missions if its existence is confirmed.Although the atmosphere of HD40307g should be denser and contain more CO2 judging from the amount of radiation it receives from its star,it is unknown how dense and how much CO2 the planetary atmosphere should have.Thus more knowledge on its atmosphere is useful.For HD40307g to have Earth-like climate(288 K global mean surface temperature),we obtain the following combination of atmospheric pressure and CO2 mixing ratio:(1)10-bar+3%CO2;(2)5-bar+10%CO2;(3)3-bar+30%CO2.  相似文献   

An integrated study with the use of uranium-isotope and microelement hydrogeochemical methods showed the possibility of studying changes in the dynamics and geoenvironmental condition of groundwater in an urban area by the indicator modeling of groundwater formation and circulation, as well as interaction of waters from different horizons, including water ingress from deeper aquifers.  相似文献   

The Ba/Ca in the growth bands of Montastraea faveolata from the Veracruz Reef System was used to reconstruct the long-term environmental change associated to anthropogenic activity in the Southern Gulf of Mexico (SGM). The 168-yr coral record shows two periods of distinct Ba concentrations: a pre-industrial period (1835-1965: 7.54 μmol/mol) followed by an industrial one (1966-2000: 8.57 μmol/mol). As human population quadrupoled during the latter, sediment load in the fluvial discharge also increased due to changes in land-use, yielding a 14% increase in the Ba-levels. A remarkable finding is that the periods at which the coral Ba/Ca ratio losses its correlation with fluvial discharge coincide exactly with peak periods of high barite consumption (used for oil drilling) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, and the onset of oil drilling in the SGM. This finding suggests that barite may be one of the dominant sources for dissolved-Ba in the SGM.  相似文献   

Qualitative estimates of the relative iron and oxygen ions (Fe/O) in flows of solar cosmic rays from impulsive and long-duration solar flares are obtained for different ion energy ranges. The Fe/O value serves as a measuring unit for the known FIP effect in the solar atmosphere. It is shown that the FIP effect is most evident (maximum Fe/O values) in impulsive events for ions at energies <2 MeV/n. In long-duration events, the Fe/O value gradually decreases in parallel with ion energy and its maximum values are observable in the area of relatively low energies. The comparison of some flare models provided grounds for a qualitative explanation of the Fe/O behavior in response to changes in ion energies for both classes of solar cosmic ray (SCR) events.  相似文献   

A study of the contribution to global climate change from China’s CO2 emission is conducted using the FIO-ESM v1.0 climate model. A series of sensitivity experiments are performed to identify two kinds of contributions to global climate change of China’s CO2 emission due to fossil fuel combustion: one is the pure contribution which is the historical climate response from the sensitivity experiment forced only by China’s CO2 emission, the other is the accumulative contribution which is proposed in this research and defined as the difference of historical climate responses between the experiments forced by all countries’ CO2 emission and other countries’ CO2 emission excluding China. The pure contribution approach considers the total CO2 discharged by China, while the accumulative contribution approach considers not only the discharge amount of China but also the discharge order of China and other countries. The latter is a more realistic approach to quantify the contribution of CO2 emission to the historical change of atmospheric CO2 concentration, surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice coverage in the Arctic. Model results show that from the accumulative perspective, the ratio of the contribution of CO2 emission from China for the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration, SAT and SST, and the decrease of the sea ice coverage in the Arctic to that from all other countries excluding China varies from 8% to 92%, 5% to 95%, 9% to 91% and 18% to 82%, respectively. Here we take the contribution of China’s CO2 emission as an example, the contribution of CO2 emission from any other country or area can be evaluated by the same approach.  相似文献   

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