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Distribution of dominant species and abundance of nannofossils in surface sediments of the central and northern partsof the S...  相似文献   

In this part of the present paper the theoretical spectra derived in Part I are compared with the JONSWAP spectrum and field data, the agreement being encouraging.  相似文献   

The contents of total copper, total dissolved copper, particulate copper, and free ion copper in the Zhujiang River Estuary were investigated in July 2002 and January 2003 respectively, and the spatial distribution trend of these species of copper were compared in two cruises. It was found that, in summer, the total copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary increased with salinity, while the content office ion copper decreased with salinity. However, in winter, the contents of total copper and free ion copper both decreased with salinity. So, it could be concluded that, copper content and speciation in the Zhujiang River Estuary were regulated by other factors than runoffdiffusion such as upwelling current. In order to prove the spatial trend of rice ion copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary, the cultivation of Dunaliella tertiolecta in waters obtained from sampling stations with different salinities was carried out, and the copper uptake by algae cells was measured then. It was found that, the cells' uptake of copper increased with rice ion copper, not the content of total copper.  相似文献   

Prediction of wave height is of great importance in marine and coastal engineering. Soft computing tools such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) are recently used for prediction of significant wave height. However, ANNs are not as transparent as semi-empirical regression-based models. In addition, neural networks approach needs to find network parameters such as number of hidden layers and neurons by trial and error, which is time consuming. Therefore, in this work, model trees as a new soft computing method was invoked for prediction of significant wave height. The main advantage of model trees is that, compared to neural networks, they represent understandable rules. These rules can be readily expressed so that humans can understand them. The data set used for developing model trees comprises of wind and wave data gathered in Lake Superior from 6 April to 10 November 2000 and 19 April to 6 November 2001. M5′ algorithm was employed for building and evaluating model trees. Training and testing data include wind speed (U10) as the input variable and the significant wave height (Hs) as the output variable. Results indicate that error statistics of model trees and feed-forward back propagation (FFBP) ANNs were similar, while model trees was marginally more accurate. In addition, model tree shows that for wind speed above 4.7 m/s, the wave height increases nonlinearly by the wind speed.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(3):209-214
In this paper we will study two auctions for fish found in Norway, and compare them applying auction theoretical assumptions. We will use the Revenue Equivalence Theorem (RET) as a basis to explain why these two different auction mechanisms are chosen for the sale of fish. It is shown that the issues of risk aversion, common values and inclusion of travel costs may explain the choice of auction institution.  相似文献   

This study examines a Kuroshio main path(KMP) cut-off event east of Taiwan Island occurred in fall-winter2013–2014 and its impacts on the South China Sea(SCS) by analyzing satellite altimetry and mooring observations. Satellite altimeter sea level anomaly(SLA) images reveal a complete process that a huge cyclonic eddy(CE) from the Pacific collided with the Kuroshio and the western boundary from 15 October 2013 to 15 January 2014. Mooring observations evidenced that the Kuroshio upper ocean volume transport was cut off more than 82% from 17×106 m~3/s in September to 3×106 m~3/s in November 2013. The KMP cut-off event caused the Kuroshio branching and intruding into the SCS and strengthened the eddy kinetic energy in the northern SCS west of the Luzon Strait. Using the total momentum as a dynamic criterion to determine the role of eddy collision with the Kuroshio reasonably explains the KMP cut-off event.  相似文献   

Calanoida copepod, Drepanopus bispinosus occurred in both saline lakes, Burton ( S=40) and Fletcher ( S = 56) in Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. Evident differences between two populations in biology and physiology were observed in September and December, 1984. The population in the Burton lake was denser with stronger body and more tolerant to temperature and salinity than that in the Fletcher Lake, reflecting their possible differences of genetic or nongenetic adaptation. The population in the Burton lake has been adaptated to the lake environment, and the population in the Flethcer Lake is in the acclimatization course in the lake habitat.  相似文献   

Drifting sediment trap experiments were conducted during various seasons to elucidate the characteristics of particles sinking through the upper 200 m of the water column in the western Pacific at subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1. The sinking particle flux increased when primary productivity was high at each station, during June–July at K2 and during February at S1. Biogenic opal (Opal) and CaCO3 were the major components of the fluxes at K2 and S1, respectively. Contrary to the expectation of a high flux at the eutrophic station K2 and low flux at the oligotrophic station S1, the annual average organic carbon fluxes at 100 m were comparable at both stations: 62.7 mg C m?2 day?1 at K2 and 56.1 mg C m?2 day?1 at S1. The similarity of the fluxes was perhaps a reflection of the unexpectedly high primary production at S1. At K2, the organic carbon export ratio (organic carbon flux/primary productivity) was significantly and negatively correlated with primary production and tended to decrease with depth. The magnitude of the rate of attenuation of the organic carbon flux with depth was larger at S1 than at K2. This rate of attenuation tended to decrease and increase with primary production at K2 and S1, respectively. The explanation for these patterns may be that the flux of labile organic carbon at relatively shallow depths decreased with increasing primary production at K2, and zooplankton grazing pressure increased with increasing primary productivity at S1.  相似文献   

The distributions of humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter (at excitation/emission wavelengths of 340 nm/440 nm, F(340/440)) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) are determined from water samples taken at 27 stations along 7.5°N, in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The relationship between F(340/440) and AOU is evaluated. The influence of water mass mixing is removed through multiple regressions of both F(340/440) and AOU with salinity and temperature for the ocean interior. A general and significant relationship between the residuals of F(340/440) and AOU is found for the entire water column deeper than 200 m (R2=0.79, n=360, p-value <0.001), endorsing the idea that changes in fluorescence intensity are directly related to in situ oxidation of organic matter by microbial activity in the dark equatorial Atlantic Ocean. In addition, we analyse and discuss the relationships between the residuals of F(340/440) and AOU for all individual water masses.  相似文献   

A surface buoy was moored from 20 April to 2 November 1988 at 28°48 N and 135°01 E where the water depth was 4900 m to measure temperature and velocity in the upper 150 m. The Typhoon 8824 passed at 0300 (JST) on 8 October about 50 km north to the mooring station with a maximum wind speed of 43.5 m s–1. The buoy was shifted about 30 km to southwest, and the instruments were damaged. The records of temperature at 0.5 m and velocity at 50 m were obtained. The inertial oscillation caused by the typhoon is described using the current record. The oscillation endured for about 20 days. Deep mixing and vertical, heart transport by the typhoon are discussed based on the data from the Ocean Data Buoy of the Japan Meteorological Agency moored at 29°N and 135°E.  相似文献   

The identification of past connection routes between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, other than the traditional one through to the Bosphorus Strait, would be of considerable interest to the international scientific community. Nazik et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 31:75?C86 (2011) doi:10.1007/s00367-010-0216-9) suggest the possibility of two alternative waterway connections via lakes Sapanca and ?znik. Their Black Sea to Sea of Marmara multi-connection hypothesis, which is based on undated marine fossils collected in both lakes from surficial grab samples, conflicts with many earlier studies. In this contribution, the hypothesis and the underlying data are discussed in the light of previous tectonic, sedimentological and limnological findings showing that it is impossible to have had marine connections through lakes Sapanca and ?znik during the last 11.5?ka. Global sea-level trends and tectonic uplift rates would accommodate a connection between the Sea of Marmara and Lake ?znik in the middle Pleistocene. Uplift rates for the northern block of the North Anatolian Fault, when compared with the global sea-level curve, clearly indicate that there cannot have been a connection through the ?zmit Gulf?CLake Sapanca?CSakarya Valley for at least the past 500?ka. Moreover, borehole sediments along the western shores of Lake Sapanca, which reach down to the bedrock, do not contain any marine fossils.  相似文献   

In their discussion of our 2011 paper dealing with possible waterways between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the ??late?? Quaternary, based on data from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes ?znik and Sapanca, Turkey, Yalt?rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267?C274, 2012) essentially reject the idea of any links whatsoever, be they between the Marmara Sea and the lakes ?znik and Sapanca, or further to the Black Sea via the valley of the Sakarya River. The evidence they provide in support of their view, however, is essentially circumstantial, in part conjectural, and also inconclusive considering the findings in favour of linkage between the Marmara Sea and the lakes at the very least, while the proposed connection with the Sakarya River valley remains speculative because of the lack of unambiguous data. On the other hand, Yalt?rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267?C274, 2012) do raise valid points of concern which deserve careful future investigation, the most important being the possibility of sample contamination from dumped marine sediment used for construction purposes along some parts of the shore of Lake ?znik. We agree that a concerted multidisciplinary effort is required to address the many unresolved issues in connection with the potential waterways proposed by us and others before us.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are potentially threatened by sea level rise if sediment supply is unable to balance the rising sea. A rapid sea level rise is one of the pronounced effects of global warming and global sea level is at present rising at an elevated rate of about 3.4 mm y? 1 on average. This increasing rate of sea level rise should make it possible to study the effect of rapidly rising sea level on salt marsh accumulation. However, such an understanding is generally hampered by lack of available data with sufficient precision. Here we present a high-precision dataset based on detailed radiometric measurements of 137Cs in 10 sediment cores retrieved at a natural and unmanaged micro tidal salt marsh. Two distinct 137Cs-peaks were found in all cores, one peak corresponding to the 1963-maximum caused by testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere and the other to the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Salt marsh accretion has generally kept pace with sea level rise since 1963 but comparison of the accumulation rates of minerogenic material in the period 1963–1986 and 1986–2003 revealed a slight decrease in accumulation with time in spite of an observed increase in inundation frequency. The observed decrease in sediment deposition is significant and gives reason for concern as it may be the first sign of a sedimentation deficiency which could be threatening this and other salt marshes in the case of a rapidly rising sea level. Our work demonstrates that the assumption of a constant relationship between salt marsh inundation and sediment deposition is not necessarily valid, even for a salt marsh that receives most of its allocthonous sediment from the adjacent sea. The apparent decrease in sediment deposition indicates that the basic assumption of sufficient sediment supply used in contemporary models dealing with salt marsh accretion is most probably not valid in the present case study and it may well be that this is also the case for many other salt marshes, especially if sea level continues to rise rapidly as indicated by some climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Marine habitats worldwide are increasingly pressurized by climate change, especially along the Antarctic Peninsula. Well-studied areas in front of rapidly retreating tidewater glaciers like Potter Cove are representative for similar coastal environments and, therefore, shed light on habitat formation and development on not only a local but also regional scale. The objective of this study was to provide insights into habitat distribution in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica, and to evaluate the associated environmental processes. Furthermore, an assessment concerning the future development of the habitats is provided. To describe the seafloor habitats in Potter Cove, an acoustic seabed discrimination system (RoxAnn) was used in combination with underwater video images and sediment samples. Due to the absence of wave and current measurements in the study area, bed shear stress estimates served to delineate zones prone to sediment erosion. On the basis of the investigations, two habitat classes were identified in Potter Cove, namely soft-sediment and stone habitats that, besides influences from sediment supply and coastal morphology, are controlled by sediment erosion. A future expansion of the stone habitat is predicted if recent environmental change trends continue. Possible implications for the Potter Cove environment, and other coastal ecosystems under similar pressure, include changes in biomass and species composition.  相似文献   

The effects of a tanker accident releasing 34000 tons of diesel fuel and a blowout releasing 3000 t/day of crude oil on adult sockeye salmon returning through Bristol Bay, Alaska, were simulated. Parameters in the simulation were chosen to maximize possible effects of the oil. Mortalities from the tanker accident were predicted to range from 2% to 18% of the adults passing through the spill area or 1% to 5% of the total returning population. From 3% to 7% of the adults surviving migration through the spill area, or 1% to 2% of the total population, could be tainted at or above 0·6 ppm of hydrocarbons in the flesh. As many as 30% of the adults returning to fishing grounds closest to the spill area could be tainted. Effects of the blowout on returning salmon were less severe than those of the tanker accident, with mortalities reaching a maximum of 0·2% of the adults passing through the area of the blowout, and no tainting predicted above 0·6 ppm.  相似文献   

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