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Multichannel seismic reflection and multi-beam bathymetry data were used to study the active tectonic and syn-tectonic stratigraphic setting of the Gulf of ?zmit in the Marmara Sea (Turkey). The gulf and its near surroundings are deformed by the northern strand of the dextral North Anatolian Fault. Three connected basins of the gulf, the western (Dar?ca), central (Karamürsel) and eastern (Gölcük) basins are formed by active faults, as observed in the stacked and migrated seismic sections, as well as the bathymetry map. The main branch and its surrounding sedimentary strata are confined by normal faults to the north and south. These normal faults converge at depth towards the main fault, forming a negative flower structure in the gulf. The average maximum sedimentation rate is 0.4 mm/year according to the three most recent seismo-stratigraphic units that are located to the south of the main fault branch within the central basin. A 20° south-dipping major discontinuity along the northern shoreline of the gulf represents the top of Paleozoic basement.  相似文献   

The westernmost Algerian margin (south Algero-Provençal basin) depicts a few offshore active faults, moderate to rare seismicity, and generally very steep slopes (>16°). We classified and mapped 12 echo types according to their sub-bottom acoustic facies observed on this margin on 2–5.2 kHz Chirp echo-sounder data (MARADJA 2003 cruise). The echo-character maps are interpreted in terms of sedimentary processes: the B1 echo type (parallel to subparallel high- to low-amplitude sub-bottom reflections), mainly in the deep basin, corresponds to hemipelagic sedimentation; R1 (prolonged single echo with no sub-bottoms) and R2 (small irregular overlapping hyperbolae) echo types, generally near or in canyon systems, are associated with turbidity currents or more rarely to contour currents or mass-transport deposits such as slumps, slides and debris flows; the transparent echo types (T1–T5) and R3 (chaotic lens of low-amplitude reflections on top of higher amplitude), often located at the foot of the slope or canyons walls, typically indicate mass-transport deposits (like slides) or turbidites. Large zones that display a large variety of echo types are evidenced in the study area and are generally associated with turbidity currents, but could also be associated with bottom currents. It appears that active tectonics plays a significant role in this part of the margin which presents a few active faults offshore but also a strong and relatively frequent seismicity onland. The general pattern of the distribution of mass-transport deposits is particular – i.e. many but small slides all along the margin – and suggests a probable triggering by recurrent earthquake shakings. However, active tectonics is not the only factor influencing the deposition pattern, as some zones seem characterized by predominant strong turbidity currents transporting sediments far away from the foot of the margin, whereas others depict retrogressive erosion features on the slope, i.e. small slides scarps in gullies rather than transport by turbidity currents. In particular, the rivers sediment discharge fluxes and the geomorphologic characteristics of the margin seem to be very important factors too.  相似文献   

This study reports novel findings on the Pliocene?CQuaternary history of the northern Gulf of Cadiz margin and the spatiotemporal evolution of the associated contourite depositional system. Four major seismic units (P1, P2, QI and QII) were identified in the Pliocene?CQuaternary sedimentary record based on multichannel seismic profiles. These are bounded by five major discontinuities which, from older to younger, are the M (Messinian), LPR (lower Pliocene revolution), BQD (base Quaternary discontinuity), MPR (mid-Pleistocene revolution) and the actual seafloor. Unit P1 represents pre-contourite hemipelagic/pelagic deposition along the northern Gulf of Cadiz margin. Unit P2 reflects a significant change in margin sedimentation when contourite deposition started after the Early Pliocene. Mounded elongated and separated drifts were generated during unit QI deposition, accompanied by a general upslope progradation of drifts and the migration of main depocentres towards the north and northwest during both the Pliocene and Quaternary. This progradation became particularly marked during QII deposition after the mid-Pleistocene (MPR). Based on the spatial distribution of the main contourite depocentres and their thickness, three structural zones have been identified: (1) an eastern zone, where NE?CSW diapiric ridges have controlled the development of two internal sedimentary basins; (2) a central zone, which shows important direct control by the Guadalquivir Bank in the south and an E?CW Miocene palaeorelief structure in the north, both of which have significantly conditioned the basin-infill geometry; and (3) a western zone, affected in the north by the Miocene palaeorelief which favours deposition in the southern part of the basin. Pliocene tectonic activity has been an important factor in controlling slope morphology and, hence, influencing Mediterranean Outflow Water pathways. Since the mid-Pleistocene (MPR), the sedimentary stacking pattern of contourite drifts has been less affected by tectonics and more directly by climatic and sea-level changes.  相似文献   

According to geophysical data, the Mediterranean Sea depressions are noted for a peculiar type of the earth's crust. The sedimentary rock sequence is of great thickness (8–15 km) and is of platform-type dislocation. Several structural stages are distinguished in the sedimentary complex. The youngest of them are the Messinian (evaporite) and Pliocene—Quaternary stages. The consolidated part of the earth's crust shows small thickness and is divided into large blocks. Vertical dislocations of the large crustal blocks which were conditioned by condensation—rarefaction and the upper mantle substance migration were at the base of Mediterranean sea floor transformation.  相似文献   

We analyzed oceanographic, hydrologic and atmospheric conditions in the northern Adriatic (section between the Po River delta and Rovinj) from 1990 to 2004 in which extreme phytoplankton blooms appeared. The largest blooms occurred in February, March, July and October, and were higher in surface layers and in the western, more eutrophic part of the region. They often appeared when the Istrian Coastal Countercurrent (ICCC; strong southward current indicating a “closure” of the northern Adriatic circulation system) was pronounced. They seem to be related to the intensities of surface fluxes and Po River discharge rates. The blooms can float over the northern Adriatic for a long period (up to 30 days; typical for March) and can appear simultaneously in separate circulation systems with a different species distribution. Finally, we present a hypothesis based on comparisons of geostrophic currents and fish stock that specific February northern Adriatic oceanographic conditions play the key role in the Adriatic anchovy stock.  相似文献   

Tectonically controlled lakes developed during Miocene lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. Mineralogy, and the inorganic and organic geochemistry of rocks from three boreholes were investigated to reconstruct the evolution of Lake Ingering and Lake Groisenbach and to study the distribution of source rocks in pull-apart basins. Gas-prone coal and oil-prone sapropelic shale accumulated during the initial, shallow stages of Lake Ingering. Thereafter, the lake deepened rapidly. 125-m-thick prodelta shale containing a type II kerogen was deposited in the brackish, several hundred meter deep, hydrologically closed lake. Afterwards, decreasing subsidence allowed the filling of the lake by prograding deltas. During the advance of the deltaic systems, the lake became shallower, hydrologically open, and the brackish influence terminated. Source rock quality decreased significantly during the filling stage of the lake, a consequence of dilution of autochthonous organic matter and of enhanced input of land plants. Despite its considerable dimensions, formation and filling of Lake Ingering lasted only two million years. Lake Groisenbach was considerably smaller and more susceptible to high-frequency changes in lake chemistry. Although the water body was temporarily oligosaline, brackish conditions did not occur. High sulphur contents were due to anoxic events and the inflow of Ca-rich waters. Abundant dissolved silica favoured diatoms blooms.  相似文献   

Climatological, current and particulate flux data were gathered in the Grand-Rhône canyon on the Gulf of Lions continental margin for one year (Jan. 1988–Jan 1989). Time series were analyzed to determine the influence of physical exchange processes on particulate matter at the shelf-edge, with a special emphasis on the Northern Current variability.The synoptic variability of the Northern Current was linked to meanders of 2–5 day period. Its meso-scale activity presented a seasonal signal with maximum values in early spring. Peaks of particulate fluxes in the upper traps were little affected by large river and atmospheric inputs, but rather by enhanced shelf-slope exchanges at the shelf edge due to intense cross-slope fluctuations of the Northern Current. These fluctuations caused cross-isobath flows near the bottom, which appeared to be a potential mechanism in transporting particles off the shelf. At 900 m depth, high-flux events measured by sediment traps were primarily linked to periods of higher cross-slope current oscillations. This correlation suggests that vertical motions caused by these oscillations contribute to the suspended particulate matter transport through the process of bringing higher suspended material concentrations from above to greater depths. Vertical velocity estimates were derived through temperature fluctuations combined with vertical temperature gradient and from the kinematic boundary condition. A simple diffusion model indicates that the vertical turbulent mixing of suspended particulate matter, induced by the cross-slope current oscillations, yields downward fluxes of particles comparable to those collected by sediment traps.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(4):421-429
Halophila stipulacea, a seagrass introduced into the Mediterranean Sea as a Lessepsian immigrant, is nowadays common in the eastern Mediterranean, and it was recently recorded in the western Mediterranean; very little information is available about the algal flora associated with this species. During a survey of a Halophila stipulacea stand at Vulcano Island (Eolian Islands, western Mediterranean), samples were collected at three depths (5 m, 15 m and 25 m) for identification of algal epiphytes. Thirty-six species of macroalgae were found. The epiflora of the leaves consisted of 20 species, the others being mixed with or entangled in the rhizomes. On the leaves, Ceramium tenerrimum, Dasya corymbifera, Polysiphonia cfr. tenerrima, Spyridia filamentosa, Chondria pygmaea and Laurencia sp. were the most common species; between the rhizomes, Dictyota linearis was abundant. A differentiation of the epiphytic assemblage between 5 m and the other depths was observed; the 5 m samples were characterized by the abundance of Ceramium tenerrimum, Chondria pygmaea and Polysiphonia cfr. tenerrima, while at 15 m and 25 m Laurencia sp., Dasya corymbifera and Spyridia filamentosa were the most common species. Epiphytic cover was generally very low. No rare species were found among the epiphytes. In comparison with other Mediterranean seagrasses, Halophila stipulacea has a qualitatively and quantitatively poor epiphytic flora. In particular, the virtual absence of encrusting corallines is noteworthy. A fast turnover rate of the leaves is hypothesized to be the main reason for this scarcity. Differences between this and other studies on epiphytes of Halophila stipulacea stands are discussed.  相似文献   

Fecundity estimates were made from 72 smooth oreo (Pseudocyttus maculatus Gilchrist, 1906) and 77 black oreo (Allocyttus niger James, Inada & Nakamura, 1988) with oocytes in late vitellogenesis, captured from the south Chatham Rise during November 1986. Absolute fecundities ranged from 6000 to 84 000 for smooth oreo and 5000 to 62 000 for black oreo, with relative fecundities of 10 800 and 17 500 eggs per kg body weight for smooth and black oreos, respectively. Both species have absolute and relative fecundities within the same order of magnitude as orange roughy, but one to two orders of magnitude lower than six other commercially exploited fish species from the New Zealand continental shelf or slope region. The comparatively low fecundity of the oreo species could contribute to susceptibility to overfishing.  相似文献   

For depths ranging between 650 and 1700 m we have compared recent (2007-2008) to older (from 1988 to 1992) data, searching for long-term changes in the distribution, abundance and composition of deep megafauna (fish and decapods) off the central Catalonian coasts (western Mediterranean). Overall, in the depth interval between 600 and 1100 m, we found higher abundance of fish in 1988-1992 than in 2007, a decrease simultaneous with an increase of decapod crustaceans. Older and more recent haul replicates (after 20 years) had similar assemblage composition in the depth range 1300-1700 m, whereas we found significant changes at 1000 m. Diversity of fish was greater in 1988-1992 than in 2007, while diversity of decapod crustaceans increased between the two periods. Thus, there was a reorganization in benthopelagic communities, rather than a loss of biodiversity. This was in agreement with long-term changes described for diversity of (neritic) zooplankton in the western Mediterranean. We found a dominance of plankton-suprabenthos feeders (e.g. fish such as Lepidion lepidion, Hymenocephalus italicus and Alepocephalus rostratus; the decapods Plesionika spp. and Sergestes arcticus) in 1988-1992. In 2007 by contrast, dominance of plankton-suprabenthos feeders decreased, and assemblages were increasingly composed of benthos-feeding decapods (e.g. Aristeus antennatus, Pontophilus norvegicus and some hermit crabs) preying for instance on polychaetes. These results coincided with low/negative North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO) in 2007 and in the period immediately before (2004-2006) 2007 (increase of benthos feeders), and with high average NAO in 1988-1992 (decrease of benthos feeders, which in turn may enhance abundance of plankton feeders). The benthic decapod Calocaris macandreae and suprabenthos (small crustaceans, mostly peracarids, living on and just beneath the sediment surface) are key prey in food webs off Catalonian margins, acting as links between surface oceanographic processes and abundance of benthopelagic predators. A conceptual model is presented relating changes in climatic conditions with changes in deep-sea, benthic-suprabenthic food webs. Calocari macandreae was more abundant in 2007, after 3 years of negative NAO. Under negative/low NAO, rainfall and river discharges increase in the NW Mediterranean, which may enhance advective food inputs for macrobenthos. This fits well with the higher abundance of benthos feeders in 2007, as well as with the significant deepening of decapod crustacean assemblages in that same period. Suprabenthos, being short-lived and annual species, were more abundant under positive NAO conditions (1988-1992), probably enhancing the abundance or aggregation of suprabenthic/pelagic feeders.  相似文献   

The food-web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the continental slope of the Catalan Sea (Balearic basin, NW Mediterranean) was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes on a total of 34 species, and HPLC pigment analyses for three key species. Samples were collected close to Barcelona (NE Iberian Peninsula), between 650 and 800 m depth and between February 2007 and February 2008. Mean ??13C values ranged from −21.0‰ (small Calocaris macandreae and Amphipholis squamata) to −14.5‰ (Sipunculus norvegicus). Values of ??15N ranged from 4.0‰ (A. squamata) to 12.1‰ (Molpadia musculus). The stable isotope ratios of benthic fauna displayed a continuum of values (e.g. ??15N range of 8‰), confirming a wide spectrum of feeding strategies (from active suspension feeders to predators) and complex food webs. According to the available information on diets of benthic fauna, the lowest values were found for surface deposit feeders (small C. macandrae and the two ophiuroids A. squamata and Amphiura chiajei) and active suspension feeders (Abra longicallus and Scalpellum scalpellum) feeding on different sizes of particulate organic matter (POM), among which small particles may exhibit lower ??15N. High annual mean ??15N values were found among sub-surface deposit feeders, exploiting refractory or frequently recycled organic matter that is enriched in ??15N. Carnivorous polychaetes (Nephtys spp., Oenonidae and Polynoidae) and large decapods (Geryon longipes and Paromola cuvieri) also displayed high ??15N values. ??13C ranges were particularly wide among surface deposit feeders (ranging from −21.0‰ to −16.4‰), suggesting exploitation of POM of both terrigenous and oceanic origins. Correlation between ??13C and ??15N was generally weak, indicating multiple carbon sources, likely due to the consumption of different kinds of sinking particles (e.g. marine snow, phytodetritus, etc.), sedimented and frequently recycled POM, together with macrophyte remains. The stronger ??13C-??15N correlations found in February and April suggest that during the period of water column homogeneization (winter-spring), the benthic community was sustained by phytodetritus inputs originating from the peak of surface primary production in February. Conversely, weaker ??13C-??15N correlations were observed during the period of water column stratification (beginning in June-July), suggesting that the benthic community in this period was sustained, with a delay of ca. 2/3 months, by multiple carbon sources including continental inputs from river discharge (with the maxima in April-May). Thus both advective and vertical fluxes seem to be food sources for benthos on the Catalonian slope. Pigments in the guts of key species were generally degraded, and only the active suspension feeder A. longicallus ingested fresh chlorophyll during periods of high primary production at the surface (February and April 2007).  相似文献   

Artificial hatching and fry culture of Bostrichthys sinensis (Lacepede) has been successful under conditions of enclosed seawater circulation system in the Aquarium Lab, South China Sea Fish. Res. Inst, on the 13th of April, 1984. The development of each stage of the eggs, larvae and juveniles are described, and colour photographs of every development stage were taken. According to their physiological characteristics in each stage, necessary ecological conditions for the developments are preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

Many of the coastal dune systems along western Mediterranean shores are in an advanced state of fragmentation and show distinct signs of erosion, largely because of blowout development along the dune front. The Es Comú de Muro beach-dune system on the island of Mallorca (Spain) is a good example of this. In order to better understand and quantify the current situation, 58 blowouts along a ca. 1.5-km-long dune front were investigated. In each case, a number of morphometric and ecological variables were analyzed as a basis for comparison and classification, in particular blowout dimensions and orientation, inner morphometry and topography, morphological types, the role of vegetation in defining the state of the foremost dune line, and the link between vegetation and blowout typology. In comparison with a recent preliminary investigation, the results of the present study provide a more comprehensive picture of the advanced state of fragmentation along the dune front. The blowouts are not evenly distributed, highest densities occurring along the southernmost part of the beach, lowest densities along the northern part. The blowouts were subdivided into two categories on the basis of their shape and general structure, trough blowouts being the most prevalent, followed by mixed trough-saucer shapes. Distinctly saucer-shaped blowouts could not be distinguished. In addition, the blowouts were subdivided into two morphological categories, i.e. simple and branched. It was also possible to link the morphological state of the dune front to certain ecological parameters, in particular vegetation which, in the present case, comprised herbaceous and woody plants. Cluster analyses of species associations (Bray-Curtis similarity indices) were carried out on the basis of the presence/absence of each species. It is shown that, on account of presence counts and the degree of similarity of species associations, some species play a more important role in stabilizing the mobile dune sands than others, a foremost candidate being Ammophila arenaria. It is concluded that active support for such plants should form part of any management strategy aiming to reduce and reverse coastal dune fragmentation processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the ecology of live (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera collected at 20 stations ranging from 15 to 100 m depth in the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean). These sites were sampled in September 2006, five months after the Rhône River annual flood. Statistical analyses based on foraminiferal communities (> 150 μm) divide our study area into six main biofacies directly related to environmental conditions. Miliolid species are abundant in the relict prodeltaic lobe which is characterised by sand with low organic matter content. Close to the river mouth, the limited oxygen penetration in the sediment combined with important hydro-sedimentary processes constitute stressful conditions for foraminiferal faunas dominated by opportunistic species (e.g. Leptohalysis scottii). With increasing distance from the river mouth, foraminiferal faunas (e.g. Nonionella turgida, Eggerella scabra) adapted to thrive in sediments enriched in Rhône-derived organic matter under more stable hydro-sedimentary conditions appear. In the distal part of the Rhône River influence, benthic species (e.g. Valvulineria bradyana, Textularia agglutinans) living in fine sediment enriched in both continental and marine organic compounds emerge. At the deepest stations located in the south-eastern part of our study area, benthic foraminiferal faunas (e.g. Bulimina aculeata, Melonis barleeanus, Bigenerina nodosaria) are highly diverse, underlining stable environmental conditions characterised by marine-derived organic matter supplies and relatively deep oxygen penetration depth in the sediment. We also compare foraminiferal faunas sampled in September 2006 with communities sampled in June 2005, one month after the Rhône River annual flood (Mojtahid et al., 2009). This comparison suggests that opportunistic species (e.g. B. aculeata, Cassidulina carinata, V. bradyana) have responded to organic matter inputs related to marine primary production in June 2005.  相似文献   

Detailed surveying with an ROV found that a dense and diverse cold-seep community colonises a giant pockmark located at 3200 m depth, 8 km north from the deep Congo channel. Several types of assemblages, either dominated by Mytilidae and Vesicomyidae bivalves or Siboglinidae polychaetes, are distributed on the 800-m diameter active area. The site is characterised by a most active central zone in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions and high methane fluxes where high-density clusters of mussels and siboglinids dominate. In contrast, the peripheral zones display large fields of dead and live vesicomyids on soft sediment, with a lower mean density and lower methane concentration in seawater. The associated megafauna includes Alvinocarididae shrimps, echinoids, holothurians of the family Synaptidae, several species of gastropods, two species of galatheids, and Zoarcidae and Ophidiidae fishes. Multivariate analyses of video transect data show that the distribution of these major megafauna species at the pockmark scale is influenced by the habitat heterogeneity due to fluid or gas emission, occurrence of hydrates, substratum variability and by the presence of large symbiont-bearing species. Several assemblages dominated either by mytilids, vesicomyids, or siboglinids have been sampled for megafauna densities and biomass estimations and stable isotope measurements (δ13C and δ15N) of dominant species and food sources. The highest estimates of megafauna densities have been obtained in mytilid beds. According to their stable isotopes values, non-symbiont-bearing species mainly rely on chemosynthesis-originated carbon, either as primary consumers of chemoautotrophic microorganisms, or at higher trophic level recycling organic matter, or relying on bivalve and tubeworm production. Most of them likely feed on different sources like shrimps, but differences according to habitat have been evidenced. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of galatheids and benthic or benthopelagic fishes captured by trawls at increasing distances from the pockmark provide evidence of the high variability in the proportion of chemosynthesis-originated carbon in their diet, from 15% to 38%, according to the species captured as far as 4 km to the site.  相似文献   

The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   

Sea-Nine 211™ is a new biocide specifically formulated for antifouling paints and being considered to have a low environmental impact. Even with a short environmental half-life, this compound can cause toxic effects on marine organisms. This study used PAM fluorometry and biomarkers of oxidative stress (GST, CAT and LPO) to monitor potential toxic effects of Sea-Nine 211™ on fragments of the soft coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum. After exposure to concentrations of 1–100 μg l−1 for 72 h, CAT activity was inhibited under the two highest concentrations, being in accordance with the activity of GST. LPO activity (as TBARS) and photosynthetic efficiency of endosymbiotic zooxanthellae were not significantly affected. These results show that PAM fluorometry alone cannot detect the full effects of Sea-Nine 211™ on Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and should be used together with other biomarkers. This holobiont driven approach to evaluate chemical toxicity in photosynthetic corals is therefore recommended for biocides which are not photosystem II inhibitors.  相似文献   

At Matienzo (Basque–Cantabrian Basin, northern Spain), a large stratabound HTD body (4 by 2 km2 and 80–400 m thick) delimited by two parallel sinistral strike-slip faults is exposed in Aptian carbonates. The margins of the HTD body are characterised by dolomite “tongues” indicating that some limestone beds were more prone to dolomitisation. However, no clear relationship between HTD occurrence and precursor limestone facies can be established. Massive limestone beds, as found at the top of the HTD body, act as barriers to hydrothermal processes, since no dolomite is present in or above these beds. Three types of dolomites have been differentiated, i.e. 1) matrix, 2) coarse crystalline and 3) zebra dolomite. The distribution of the dolomite types is attributed to ascending fluid flow and changing degree of dolomite oversaturation.The dolomite body was formed by two dolomitisation phases under burial conditions. No indications for a synsedimentary/early diagenetic dolomitisation have been observed. The first dolomitisation phase is characterized by ferroan dolomite and the second by non-ferroan dolomite. The two HTD phases are characterised by depleted δ18O-values (ranging between −10‰ and −16‰ V-PDB), δ13C-values similar to the Aptian–Albian marine signature and homogenisation temperatures of primary fluid inclusions between 120 °C and 150 °C. The dolomitising fluid was enriched in 87Sr compared to Aptian seawater, excluding the latter as an unmodified fluid source for dolomitisation. Microthermometry of primary fluid inclusions indicates that the dolomitising fluid evolved from a moderate saline (9.7 – 14.0 wt% NaCl) to a more saline (10.9 – 21.0 wt% NaCl) H2O–NaCl brine. The dolomitising fluid likely originated from evaporated seawater. Fluid circulation through the dolomitised strata is inferred to have taken place during the tectonically active period of the late Albian throughout which important sinistral-strike slip movements along basement faults occurred.  相似文献   

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