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刘银斌 《地球物理学报》1990,33(01):111-117
充流体井中声传播理论是声波测井的理论基础。Blot(1952)绘出了充流体井中简正模式和斯通利波的频散曲线,White等(1968)首先计算了合成全波列波形,Peterson(1974)和余寿绵(1984)导出了简正模式和斯通利波的振幅表达式。余寿绵还预言纵波和横波是一种共振现象,为沿轴向传播存在特征频率的不衰减波。但是,现行理论认为纵  相似文献   

声波测井中的纵波和横波   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
充流体井中声传播理论是声波测井的理论基础。Blot(1952)绘出了充流体井中简正模式和斯通利波的频散曲线,White等(1968)首先计算了合成全波列波形,Peterson(1974)和余寿绵(1984)导出了简正模式和斯通利波的振幅表达式。余寿绵还预言纵波和横波是一种共振现象,为沿轴向传播存在特征频率的不衰减波。但是,现行理论认为纵  相似文献   

1976年7月28日凌晨3时42分唐山市发生了7.8级特大地震,震中区内的房屋大部分倾倒。从房屋倒塌情况推断,震中区应有90%以上的人死亡。但调查发现,仍有许多人在房屋倒塌之前逃到室外,或在受到震动之后从床上奔跑到坚固的傢俱(或别的坚固物体)之下躲避。类似的情况在世界上许多有灾情的构造性大地震中都能找到。它表明,如果唐山震区所有的居民在震前都知道历史大震幸存者的避难方法,而且在震前还能采取一些简便、实用的防震措施,那么减轻地震灾害的效果将会十分显著。为此,地  相似文献   

本文首先计算了台湾地区M_L=3.4—5.0级地震的波谱,结果表明,对具有频繁强震活动的台湾地区,大震前后地震波谱没有明显的变化。其次讨论了地震波谱计算的误差,用以量测波谱的F值的计算差为0.25。  相似文献   


本文首先回顾了横波分裂和纵波方位各向异性应用于油气勘探的发展历程; 在此基础上重点讨论了二者在上地壳中的分布情况、相互关系及应用条件.横波分裂是地震波传播经过裂缝时所独有的横波双折射现象, 40年的科学研究及生产应用表明这一物理现象在上地壳中广泛存在, 并主要存在于近地表1200 m以浅.纵波方位各向异性从浅到深在上地壳中分布差异较大; 应用于检测裂缝时仅对含气裂缝发育区敏感, 对含其他流体的裂缝区不敏感.针对裂缝发育区的预测, 本文利用理论和实验数据分析论证了横波分裂与纵波方位各向异性的关系; 阐明在油气勘探中横波分裂分析与纵波方位各向异性预测裂缝储层须首先消除近地表的影响, 这在一定程度上限制了二者的应用.同时阐明二者的应用还需要满足近地表相对简单、裂缝储层相对较厚等条件; 且需采集非零偏或环形垂直地震剖面(VSP)资料进行标定.即多分量地震数据品质、近地表地震地质条件及储层方位各向异性发育程度是影响横波分裂及纵波方位各向异性应用效果的3个关键因素.


在转换波地震勘探数据处理中,接收点的横波静校正一直是较难解决的问题.因为横波速度基本不受潜水面的影响,横波低速带厚且不均匀,速度又比较低,通常会造成转换波接收点的横波静校正量大且横向变化剧烈,与纵波静校正没有直接相关性.针对这种情况,我们采用改进的纵波构造时间控制方法求取转换波接收点的静校正,在转换波的共接收点叠加剖面上追踪拾取多组同相轴,联合纵波对应层位的地下构造时间确定接收点大的横波静校正量.通过不同的时移将几个相邻的层位合成一个反射层位,解决同相轴不能连续追踪的难题,同时利用浅、中和深层多组层位对一个接收点的静校正量求其平均,降低拾取误差对静校正量的影响,兼顾地下浅、中和深层的静校正效果.实际数据处理结果表明,该静校正方法能稳定的解决转换波静校正问题,取得了较好的应用效果.  相似文献   

特殊的成藏条件和低幅度构造圈闭致使柴达木盆地三湖地区第四系存在大量的低饱和度气藏.储层物性较差,储层厚度偏薄,受围岩和测井仪器分辨率的限制,难以准确划分储层;高泥质含量、高束缚水饱和度、高地层水矿化度和粘土矿物的影响,致使测井曲线在低饱和度气层表现出许多模糊性,使低饱和废气层的识别显得尤为困难.针对这一问题,文章采用小...  相似文献   

本文在高频射线近似的条件下,运用几何地震学方法,研究了倾斜界面情况下PS透射转换波及部分二次波的偏振特征和运动学特征。发现这些波的偏振参数对模型界面倾斜性十分敏感,可用来反演界面倾斜参数。转换波及部分二次波的偏振分布及其相互关系为震相识别提供了新的判据。文章还给出了分析实际地震记录中震相偏振特性的PP(Polarization Position)图方法及震相识别和相位对比中的最佳分量追踪法。  相似文献   

岫岩5.4和5.1级地震前波谱异常特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张萍  王安东 《地震》2006,26(1):57-65
使用辽宁数字地震台网1999年11月9日至2000年1月10日记录的52次地震共360余条数字化波形事件, 采用PITSA软件, 对发生在岫岩5.4级地震的27个前震和5.4级地震后的5.1级地震(最大余震)前25个余震的纵、 横波拐角频率比值fcp/fcs进行了研究。 结果表明: 在岫岩5.4级和5.1级地震前的纵波和横波拐角频率比值fcp/fcs, 在2次较大地震前均出现较明显的下降异常, 此异常可作为今后地震预测可能的参考与临震判断的依据。  相似文献   

分离纵波和横波的偏振旋转法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Spectral decomposition using the method of Matching Pursuit Decomposition (MPD) for PP- and PS-wave data has higher resolution and higher consistency over the entire time-frequency plane. The MPD algorithm avoids the problems of inaccurate analytic time point and the time window size choice that may occur during a Fourier transform. The PP-wave attenuation is greater than the PS-wave attenuation while propagating through gas reservoirs. There are some stronger amplitude low-frequency shadows on the PP-wave single frequency sections beneath gas reservoirs which are not seen on corresponding PS- wave single frequency sections. Therefore, hydrocarbons are predicted from comparing the behavior on both frequency sections. The time-frequency analysis for multi-component data is decomposed by MPD for data from northeast China containing rich gas reservoirs. The gas response character is analyzed on different wave mode single frequency sections. We describe the MPD algorithm, compare it to other spectral decomposition methods, and show some examples of detecting low-frequency shadows beneath gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

时频域油气储层低频阴影检测   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
为了准确刻画地震信号的局部层次结构,实现高效率的三维地震资料瞬时谱分解,检测油气储层的低频阴影,构造了广义S变换.广义S变换通过引入两个参数,改造S变换的小波函数,使其小波能根据信号处理的具体应用需要而调整.模型信号的仿真发现,广义S变换具有更加优越和灵活可调的时频聚集性能.文中分析了低频阴影的机理,并利用广义S变换对三维实际地震资料进行了瞬时谱分解,它不仅能检测油气储层的低频阴影,而且可以刻画油气储层的岩性边界和空间展布,减小油气储层检测的多解性.  相似文献   

The practice of deep sounding by converted waves of Earthquakes shows that the time duration of the PS converted phases is usually longer than the arrival time delay between the converted phases coming from the adjacent boundaries. So, the mutual interference of the converted phases from adjacent boundaries may form a complicated interference series of the waves. It is difficult to recognize and determine exactly the parameters of the converted waves in the interfering records. In this paper the method of omni-azimuthal polarization analysis and the method of separation of interfering waves are described. The theoretical examples show that the procedure given in the paper is rather effective to separate the interfering waves and to determine their parameters, and so, is important to improve the resolving power and the reliability of the method of deep sounding by converted waves of earthquakes. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 39–45, 1993. The research reported here is a part of proposal sponsored by State Seismological Bureau and China Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The widely used wavelets in the context of the matching pursuit are mostly focused on the time–frequency attributes of seismic traces. We propose a new type of wavelet basis based on the classic Ricker wavelet, where the quality factor Q is introduced. We develop a new scheme for seismic trace decomposition by applying the multi-channel orthogonal matching pursuit based on the proposed wavelet basis. Compared with the decomposition by the Ricker wavelets, the proposed method could use fewer wavelets to represent the seismic signal with fewer iterations. Besides, the quality factor of the subsurface media could be extracted from the decomposition results, and the seismic attenuation could be compensated expediently. We test the availability of the proposed methods on both synthetic seismic record and field post-stack data.  相似文献   

基于非平稳信号时频分析及其地震时频属性技术应用的有关研究成果,对地震信号时频分析、分频解释与频谱分解及其在地震沉积学与地震储层成像中的应用进行系统总结与阐述.从时频分析的基本原理出发,探讨地震分频解释和频谱分解的实现方法及其在地震沉积学与储层成像中的应用策略与效果.分析指出,发展高精度时频分析理论和算法,一体化统筹谋划地震资料叠前与叠后处理解释,针对不同地质条件探索相应的时频响应规律等,是分频解释技术及其在地震沉积学和地震储层成像研究中有效应用中值得深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

Reservoir history matching is assuming a critical role in understanding reservoir characteristics, tracking water fronts, and forecasting production. While production data have been incorporated for matching reservoir production levels and estimating critical reservoir parameters, the sparse spatial nature of this dataset limits the efficiency of the history matching process. Recently, gravimetry techniques have significantly advanced to the point of providing measurement accuracy in the microgal range and consequently can be used for the tracking of gas displacement caused by water influx. While gravity measurements provide information on subsurface density changes, i.e., the composition of the reservoir, these data do only yield marginal information about temporal displacements of oil and inflowing water. We propose to complement gravimetric data with interferometric synthetic aperture radar surface deformation data to exploit the strong pressure deformation relationship for enhancing fluid flow direction forecasts. We have developed an ensemble Kalman‐filter‐based history matching framework for gas, gas condensate, and volatile oil reservoirs, which synergizes time‐lapse gravity and interferometric synthetic aperture radar data for improved reservoir management and reservoir forecasts. Based on a dual state–parameter estimation algorithm separating the estimation of static reservoir parameters from the dynamic reservoir parameters, our numerical experiments demonstrate that history matching gravity measurements allow monitoring the density changes caused by oil–gas phase transition and water influx to determine the saturation levels, whereas the interferometric synthetic aperture radar measurements help to improve the forecasts of hydrocarbon production and water displacement directions. The reservoir estimates resulting from the dual filtering scheme are on average 20%–40% better than those from the joint estimation scheme, but require about a 30% increase in computational cost.  相似文献   

采用四阶基数B-样条小波模拟地震动加速度时程,进而建立一种求地震反应的通用方法,解的误差仅来自于对地震动加速度时程的模拟。并用小波分解,将地震波分解为不同周期成分之和,以各分量最大加速度值的大小来衡量其在原波中的比重,可以清楚看到距震中不同远近地震波的性态,并做定量分析和观察各分量卓越周期的变化。求地震波及各分量的反应谱,从各分量的标准加速度反应谱中,可以看到地震波不同周期分量对体系固有周期的影响,这是以往做不到的。将上述方法应用于汶川8.0级地震加速度记录,研究不同地震记录的性态。  相似文献   

中深层天然气藏地震预测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
济阳坳陷天然气资源丰富,已在多个层系发现了不同类型的中深层天然气藏,由于气藏地质条件、地震反射复杂,针对不同的气藏需采用不同的地震预测技术。本文在中深层天然气藏地质特点分析的基础上进行了岩石物理、地震反演、地震属性等预测技术研究,结果表明:中层气藏储层物性较好,储层与围岩的岩石物理参数差异明显,应用亮点、AVO、叠前弹性阻抗反演技术可较好地识别预测三角洲砂岩气藏;针对深层低孔低渗砂岩气藏,地震属性及多属性反演是有效的储层预测技术,并预测了孤北地区二叠系有利储集相带分布,结合构造分析,指出了孤北地区深层气勘探方向。  相似文献   

海底油气藏及天然气水合物的时频电磁辨识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了伪随机多频海洋电磁法观测方案.采用伪随机多频信号作为激励场源,多偏移距同线偶极-偶极同时观测,相关辨识海底地电系统的频率特性和冲激响应,可以在时间域和频率域同时辨识海底高阻薄层.在时间域,瞬变冲激时刻可以直接指示海底地层电导率的变化;在频率域,利用多个频率的电场响应计算的频散率及其道闻变化量,相对相位道间变化量对高阻薄层有很好的反映.从而实现对海底油气及天然气水合物的多参数辨识.  相似文献   

Characteristics and analysis of the geomagnetic variations in regions around the Qiongzhou Strait(范国华)(姚同起)(顾左文)(朱克佳)(陈伯舫)(冯戬...  相似文献   

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