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The growth of monodisperse particles (0.07 to 0.5 µm) exposed to SO2 (0–860 ppb), H2O2 (0–150 ppb) and sometimes NH3 (0–550 ppb) in purified air at 22 °C at relative humidities ranging from 25 to 75% were measured using the Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer technique. The experiments were performed in a flow reactor with aqueous (NH4)2SO4 and Na2SO4 droplets. For (NH4)2SO4 droplets the fractional diameter growth was independent of size above 0.3 µm but decreased with decreasing size below that. When NH3 was added the fractional growth increased with decreasing size. Measurements were compared with predictions of a model that accounts for solubility of the reactive gases, the liquid phase oxidation of SO2 by H2O2, and ionic equilibria. Agreement between measured and predicted droplet growth is reasonable when the ionic strength effects are included. Theory and experiments suggest that NH3 evaporation is responsible for the decrease in relative growth rates for small aqueous ammonium sulfate particles. The observed droplet growth rates are too slow to explain observed growth rates of secondary atmospheric sulfate particles.  相似文献   

The pK 1 * and pK 2 * of H2SO3 have been determined in NaCl solutions as a function of ionic strength (0.1 to 6 m) and temperature (5 and 25 °C). The extrapolated values in water were found to be in good agreement with literature data. The experimental results have been used to determine the Pitzer interaction parameters for SO2, HSO 3 - and SO 3 - in NaCl solutions. The resultant parameters for NaHSO3 and Na2SO3 were found to be in reasonable agreement with the values for NaHSO4 and Na2SO4. It, thus, seems reasonable to assume that the interactions of Mg2+ and Ca2+ with HSO 3 - and SO 3 - can be estimated from the values with HSO 4 - and SO 4 - until experimental values are available. Measurements of pK 1 * and pK 2 * in artificial seawater were found to be in good agreement with the calculated values using the derived Pitzer parameters. It is, thus, possible to make reasonable estimates of the activity coefficients of HSO 3 - and SO 3 - ions and pK 1 * and pK 2 * for the ionization of H2SO3 in marine aerosols.  相似文献   

In a nighttime system and under relatively dry conditions (about 15 ppm H2O), the reaction mixture of NO2, O3, and NH3 in purified air turns out to result in the formation of nitrous oxide (N2O). The experiments were performed in a continuous stirred flow reactor, in the concentration region of 0.02–2 ppm.N2O is thought to arise through the heterogeneous reaction of gaseous N2O5 and absorbed NH3 at the wall of the reaction vessel % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqaqpepeea0xe9qqVa0l% b9peea0lb9sq-JfrVkFHe9peea0dXdarVe0Fb9pgea0xa9pue9Fve9% Ffc8meGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaatCvAUfKttLeary% qr1ngBPrgaiuaacqWFOaakcqWFobGtcqWFibasdaWgaaWcbaGae83m% amdabeaakiab-LcaPmaaBaaaleaacqWFHbqyaeqaaOGaey4kaSIaai% ikaiab-5eaonaaBaaaleaacqWFYaGmaeqaaOGae83ta80aaSbaaSqa% aiab-vda1aqabaGccaGGPaWaaSbaaSqaaiaadEgaaeqaaOGaeyOKH4% Qae8Nta40aaSbaaSqaaiab-jdaYaqabaGccqWFpbWtcqGHRaWkcqWF% ibascqWFobGtcqWFpbWtdaWgaaWcbaGae83mamdabeaakiabgUcaRi% ab-HeainaaBaaaleaacqWFYaGmaeqaaOGae83ta8eaaa!59AC!\[(NH_3 )_a + (N_2 O_5 )_g \to N_2 O + HNO_3 + H_2 O\]In principle, there is competition between this reaction and that of adsorbed H2O with N2O5, resulting in the formation of HNO3. At high water concentrations (RH>75%), no formation of N2O was found. Although the rate constant of adsorbed NH3 with gaseous N2O5 is much larger than that of the reaction of adsorbed H2O with gaseous N2O5, the significance of the observed N2O formation for the outside atmosphere is thought to be dependent on the adsorption properties of H2O and NH3 on a surface. A number of NH3 and H2O adsorption measurements on several materials are discussed.  相似文献   

We present here experimental determinations of mass accommodation coefficients using a low pressure tube reactor in which monodispersed droplets, generated by a vibrating orifice, are brought into contact with known amounts of trace gases. The uptake of the gases and the accommodation coefficient are determined by chemical analysis of the aqueous phase.We report in this article measurements of exp=(6.0±0.8)×10–2 at 298 K and with a total pressure of 38 Torr for SO2, (5.0±1.0)×10–2 at 297 K and total pressure of 52 Torr for HNO3, (1.5±0.6)×10–3 at 298 K and total pressure of 50 Torr for NO2, (2.4±1.0)×10–2 at 290 K and total pressure of 70 Torr for NH3.These values are corrected for mass transport limitations in the gas phase leading to =(1.3±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for SO2, (1.1±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for HNO3, (9.7±0.9)×10–2 (290 K) for NH3, (1.5±0.8)×10–3 (298 K) for NO2 but this last value should not be considered as the true value of for NO2 because of possible chemical interferences.Results are discussed in terms of experimental conditions which determine the presence of limitations on the mass transport rates of gaseous species into an aqueous phase, which permits the correction of the experimental values.  相似文献   

对临安大气本底站2003-2004年冬、夏季二氧化氮(NO2)、二氧化硫(SO2)、臭氧(O3)进行了分析.结果表明:冬季NO2和SO2平均体积分数分别为19.48×10-9和35.74 x10-9,而夏季的平均体积分数分别为4.81×10-9和8.12×10-9,冬季高于夏季;O3在夏季的平均体积分数为33.55×10-9,略高于冬季的25.44×10-9;夜间NO2和SO2体积分数比白天高,并且NO2呈明显的单峰单谷型分布,O3也呈单峰型但峰值出现在白天.NO2、SO2体积分数存在着明显的“假日效应”,假日比非假日低,周五高于假日和非假日;但O3体积分数没有明显的假日效应.降水对SO2有明显的清除作用,但对NO2的清除作用不明显.与风向对比发现,夏季高体积分数的NO2、SO2都受到NW、WNW风的影响,冬季则分别受NE和SW、SSW风的影响;而O3受风向的影响较复杂,与局地光化学反应有关.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of stratospheric HO2 and NO2 concentrations were determined using matrix isolation and ESR. Up to 10 different samples per flight were collected in situ by a balloon borne cryosampler. Free radicals and trace constituents which are condensable at 68 K are trapped in a polycristalline H2O or D2O matrix. After collection, the samples are stored at a temperature below 83 K until they are analysed in the laboratory by X-band ESR spectroscopy at 4 K. The HO2 and NO2 were identified and calibrated by comparison with standard samples collected in the laboratory under typical stratospheric sampling conditions. From several flights over Southern France (44°N) we obtained two profiles of the stratospheric NO2 mixing ratio. One, from 21 October 1982, agrees well with previous measurements. The other, from 8 October 1981, is lower by one order of magnitude. The few HO2 data obtained around 35 km altitude agree with previous measurements. An isolated measurement at 17 km altitude is one order of magnitude higher than the model predicted HO2 concentration.  相似文献   

We use a global atmospheric chemistry transport model to study the possible influence of aqueous phase reactions of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) on the concentrations and budgets of NOx, SOx, O3 and H2O2. Laboratory studies have shown that the aqueous reaction of HNO4aq withHSO 3aq, and the uni-molecular decomposition of the NO4 anion to form NO2 (nitrite) occur on a time scale of about a second. Despite a substantial contribution of the reaction of HSO 3aq with HNO4aq to the overall in-cloud conversion of SO2 to SO4 2–, a simultaneous decrease of other oxidants (most notably H2O2) more than compensated the increase in SO4 2– production. The strongest influence of heterogeneous HNO4 chemistry was found in the boundary layer, where calculated monthly average ozone concentrations were reduced between 2% to 10% andchanges of H2O2 between –20% to +10%compared to a simulation which ignores this reaction. Furthermore, SO2 was increased by 10% to 20% and SO4 2–depleted by up to 10%. Since the resolution of our global model does not enable a detailed comparison with measurements in polluted regions, it is not possible to verify whether considering heterogeneous HNO4 reactions results in a substantial improvement of atmospheric chemistry transport models. However, the conversion of HNO4 in the aqueous phase seems to be efficient enough to warrant further laboratory investigations and more detailed model studies on this topic.  相似文献   

This study reports comparisonsbetween model simulations, based on current sulfurmechanisms, with the DMS, SO2 and DMSOobservational data reported by Bandy et al.(1996) in their 1994 Christmas Island field study. For both DMS and SO2, the model results werefound to be in excellent agreement with theobservations when the observations were filtered so asto establish a common meteorological environment. Thisfiltered DMS and SO2 data encompassedapproximately half of the total sampled days. Basedon these composite profiles, it was shown thatoxidation of DMS via OH was the dominant pathway withno more than 5 to 15% proceeding through Cl atoms andless than 3% through NO3. This analysis wasbased on an estimated DMS sea-to-air flux of 3.4 ×109 molecs cm-2 s-1. The dominant sourceof BL SO2 was oxidation of DMS, the overallconversion efficiency being evaluated at 0.65 ± 0.15. The major loss of SO2 was deposition to theocean's surface and scavenging by aerosol. Theresulting combined first order k value was estimated at 1.6 × 10-5 s-1. In contrast to the DMSand SO2 simulations, the model under-predictedthe observed DMSO levels by nearly a factor of 50. Although DMSO instrument measurement problems can notbe totally ruled out, the possibility of DMSO sourcesother than gas phase oxidation of DMS must beseriously considered and should be explored in futurestudies.  相似文献   

A photochemical box model is used to simulate seasonal variations in concentrations of sulfur compounds at latitude 40° S. It is assumed that the hydroxyl radical (OH) addition reaction to sulfur in the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) molecule is the predominant pathway for methanesulfonic acid (MSA) production, and that the rate constant increases as the air temperature decreases. Concentration of the nitrate radical (NO3) is a function of the DMS flux, because the reaction of DMS with NO3 is the most important loss mechanism of NO3. While the diurnally averaged concentration of OH in winter is a factor of about 8 smaller than in summer, due to the weak photolysis process, the diurnally averaged concentration of NO3 in winter is a factor of about 4–5 larger than in summer, due to the decrease of DMS flux. Therefore, at middle and high latitudes in winter, atmospheric DMS is mainly oxidized by the reaction with NO3. The calculated ratio of the MSA to SO2 production rates is smaller in winter than in summer, and the MSA to non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) molar ratio varies seasonally. This result agrees with data on the seasonal variation of the MSA/nssSO4 2- molar ratio obtained at middle and high latitudes. The calculations indicate that during winter the reaction of DMS with NO3 is likely to be a more important sink of NOx (NO+NO2) than the reaction of NO2 with OH, and to serve as a significant pathway of the HNO3 production. If dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is produced through the OH addition reaction and is heterogeneously oxidized in aqueous solutions, half of the nssSO4 2- produced in summer may be through the oxidation process of DMSO. It is necessary to further investigate the oxidation products by the reaction of DMS with OH, and the possibility of the reaction of DMS with NO3 during winter.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional, time-dependent model of the physics and chemistry of a warm stratiform cloud is used to study the possible impact of chemical inhomogeneity among cloud and raindrops on the oxidation of SO2 in clouds. The effects of chemical inhomogeneity are examined using two contrasting models: In Model 1 a bulk-solution parameterization is adopted which effectively treats all cloud and raindrops as if they are chemically homogeneous; in Model 2 we allow the cloud and raindrops to have a dichotomous distribution. The dichotomous distribution in Model 2 is simulated by assuming that the two groups of cloud droplets nucleate from two chemically distinct populations of condensation nuclei; one being acidic and the other being alkaline. While the two models yield essentially identical results when the ambient levels of H2O2 are greater than the ambient levels of SO2, the rate of conversion of SO2 to sulfuric acid and the amount of sulfate removed in the precipitation can be significantly enhanced in Model 2 over that of Model 1 under conditions of oxidant limitation (i.e., H2O2 < SO2). This enhancement is critically dependent upon the fraction of alkaline nuclei assumed to be present in Model 2 and arises from the rapid increase in the aqueous-phase reaction between O3+SIV at high pH. Our results suggest that cloud models which adopt a bulk-solution parameterization for cloud droplet chemistry, may underestimate the amount of in-cloud SO2 oxidation under oxidant-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Four case studies are described, from a three-site field experiment in October/November 1991 using the Great Dun Fell flow-through reactor hill cap cloud in rural Northern England. Measurements of total odd-nitrogen nitrogen oxides (NO y ) made on either side of the hill, before and after the air flowed through the cloud, showed that 10 to 50% of the NO y , called NO z , was neither NO nor NO2. This NO z failed to exhibit a diurnal variation and was often higher after passage through cloud than before. No evidence of conversion of NO z to NO3 - in cloud was found. A simple box model of gas-phase chemistry in air before it reached the cloud, including scavenging of NO3 and N2O5 by aerosol of surface area proportional to the NO2 mixing ratio, shows that NO3 and N2O5 may build up in the boundary layer by night only if stable stratification insulates the air from emissions of NO. This may explain the lack of evidence for N2O5 forming NO3 - in cloud under well-mixed conditions in 1991, in contrast with observations under stably stratified conditions during previous experiments when evidence of N2O5 was found. Inside the cloud, some variations in the calculated total atmospheric loading of HNO2 and the cloud liquid water content were related to each other. Also, indications of conversion of NO x to NO z were found. To explain these observations, scavenging of NO x and HNO2 by cloud droplets and/or aqueous-phase oxidation of NO2 - by nitrate radicals are considered. When cloud acidity was being produced by aqueous-phase oxidation of NO x or SO2, NO3 - which had entered the cloud as aerosol particles was liberated as HNO3 vapour. When no aqueous-phase production of acidity was occurring, the reverse, conversion of scavenged HNO3 to particulate NO3 -, was observed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reaction of nitrous acid (HONO) with nitric acid (HNO3), nitrate radicals (NO3) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) have been studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Experiments were performed at 700 torr total pressure using synthetic air or argon as diluents. From the observed decay of HONO in the presence of HNO3 a rate constant of k<7×10-19 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 was derived for the reaction of HONO with HNO3. From the observed decay of HONO in the presence of mixtures of N2O5 and NO2 we have also derived upper limits for the rate constants of the reactions of HONO with NO3 and N2O5 of 2×10-15 and 7×10-19 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, respectively. These results are discussed with respect to previous studies and to the atmospheric chemistry of HONO.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry and kinetics of the reaction of NO2 with O3 at sub-ppm concentration level have been investigated as a function of temperature and relative humidity. The experiments were performed in a continuous flow reactor using chemiluminescent and wet chemical methods of analysis.The rate constant found can be described by the Arrhenius expression: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaiikaiaaik% dacaGGUaGaaGyoaiaaiEdacqGHXcqScaaIWaGaaiOlaiaaigdacaaI% 0aGaaiykaiabgEna0kaaigdacaaIWaWaaWbaaSqabeaacqGHsislca% aIXaGaaG4maaaakiaabwgacaqG4bGaaeiCaiaacIcadaWcgaqaaiaa% cIcacqGHsislcaaIYaGaaGOnaiaaikdacaaIWaGaeyySaeRaaGyoai% aaicdacaGGPaaabaGaamivaiaacMcacaqGGaGaae4yaiaab2gadaah% aaWcbeqaaiaabodaaaGccaqGGaWaaSGbaeaacaqGTbGaae4BaiaabY% gacaqGLbGaae4yaiaabwhacaqGSbGaaeyzamaaCaaaleqabaGaaeyl% aiaabgdaaaaakeaacaqGZbWaaWbaaSqabeaacaqGTaGaaeymaaaaaa% aaaaaa!62A3!\[(2.97 \pm 0.14) \times 10^{ - 13} {\text{exp}}({{( - 2620 \pm 90)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{( - 2620 \pm 90)} {T){\text{ cm}}^{\text{3}} {\text{ }}{{{\text{molecule}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\text{molecule}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} } {{\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {{\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} }}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {T){\text{ cm}}^{\text{3}} {\text{ }}{{{\text{molecule}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\text{molecule}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} } {{\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {{\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} }}}}\] and are independent of the relative humidity. As commonly encountered in previous studies a lower-than-two reaction stoichiometry is observed.Heterogeneous reactions occurring at the reactor wall seem to be essential in the reaction mechanism. The NO3 wall conversion to NO2 and the N2O5 wall scavenging in the presence of H2O are suggested to account for the observed stoichiometric factors.  相似文献   

The impact of natural and anthropogenicnon-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) on troposphericchemistry is investigated with the global,three-dimensional chemistry-transport model MOGUNTIA.This meteorologically simplified model allows theinclusion of a rather detailed scheme to describeNMHC oxidation chemistry. Comparing model resultscalculated with and without NMHC oxidation chemistryindicates that NMHC oxidation adds 40–60% to surfacecarbon monoxide (CO) levels over the continents andslightly less over the oceans. Free tropospheric COlevels increase by 30–60%. The overall yield of COfrom the NMHC mixture considered is calculated to beabout 0.4 CO per C atom. Organic nitrate formationduring NMHC oxidation, and their transport anddecomposition affect the global distribution of NO x and thereby O3 production. The impact of theshort-lived NMHC extends over the entire tropospheredue to the formation of longer-lived intermediateslike CO, and various carbonyl and carboxyl compounds.NMHC oxidation almost doubles the net photochemicalproduction of O3 in the troposphere and leads to20–80% higher O3 concentration inNO x -rich boundarylayers, with highest increases over and downwind ofthe industrial and biomass burning regions. Anincrease by 20–30% is calculated for the remotemarine atmosphere. At higher altitudes, smaller, butstill significant increases, in O3 concentrationsbetween 10 and 60% are calculated, maximizing in thetropics. NO from lightning also enhances the netchemical production of O3 by about 30%, leading to asimilar increase in the global mean OH radicalconcentration. NMHC oxidation decreases the OH radicalconcentrations in the continental boundary layer withlarge NMHC emissions by up to 20–60%. In the marineboundary layer (MBL) OH levels can increase in someregions by 10–20% depending on season and NO x levels.However, in most of the MBL OH will decrease by10–20% due to the increase in CO levels by NMHCoxidation chemistry. The large decreases especiallyover the continents strongly reduce the markedcontrasts in OHconcentrations between land and oceanwhich are calculated when only the backgroundchemistry is considered. In the middle troposphere, OHconcentrations are reduced by about 15%, although dueto the growth in CO. The overall effect of thesechanges on the tropospheric lifetime of CH4 is a 15%increase from 6.5 to 7.4 years. Biogenic hydrocarbonsdominate the impact of NMHC on global troposphericchemistry. Convection of hydrocarbon oxidationproducts: hydrogen peroxides and carbonyl compounds,especially acetone, is the main source of HO x in theupper troposphere. Convective transport and additionof NO from lightning are important for the O3 budgetin the free troposphere.  相似文献   

A simple kinetic mechanism of nitrate radicals uptake on dry sea-salt NaCl, NaBr surfaces is proposed. The mechanism includes adsorption/desorption equilibrium and unimolecular decomposition of the adsorbed complex: NO3(g) + NaX(s) (NO3-NaX)(s); (NO3-NaX)(s) NaNO3 + X(s) Two techniques were used: the matrix isolation ESR and mass spectrometry. The uptake coefficient () is found to be dependent on exposure time of salt to NO3 for raw coating. The initial (t0) is higher than the observable steady-state obs. At room temperature obs is independent of [NO3] at low [NO3] = 3 × 109 - 1011 cm-3, but it is inversely proportional to [NO3] at concentrations higher than 1012 cm-3. At temperatures above 100 °C, obs becomes independent of [NO3] in a wider range of [NO3]. An increased number of dislocations is supposed to exist in the case of raw coating. Due to a wide spread of the surface sites binding energy with the ionic lattice near dislocations, the part of surface complexes has lower binding energy and "burns" more rapidly. That burning determines the transition from (t0) down to obs.The kinetic parameters and elementary rate coefficients are obtained. The recommended for low atmospheric NO3 concentration are in the range of 0.002 ± 0.04 for NaCl and 0.1-0.3 for NaBr depending on a mechanism of the (t) relaxation.  相似文献   

Satellite measurements of tropospheric column O3 and NO2 in eastern and southeastern Asia are analyzed to study the spatial and seasonal characteristics of pollution in these regions. Tropospheric column O3 is derived from differential measurements of total column ozone from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), and stratospheric column ozone from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The tropospheric column NO2 is measured by Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME). A global chemical and transport model (Model of Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers, version 2; MOZART-2) is applied to analyze and interpret the satellite measurements. The study, which is based on spring, summer, and fall months of 1997 shows generally good agreement between the model and satellite data with respect to seasonal and spatial characteristics of O3 and NO2 fields. The analysis of the model results show that the industrial emission of NOx (NO + NO2) contributes about 50%–80% to tropospheric column NO2 in eastern Asia and about 20%–50% in southeastern Asia. The contribution of industrial emission of NOx to tropospheric column O3 ranges from 10% to 30% in eastern Asia. Biomass burning and lightning NOx emissions have a small effect on tropospheric O3 in central and eastern Asia, but they have a significant impact in southeastern Asia. The varying effects of NOx on tropospheric column ozone are attributed to differences in relative abundance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with respect to total nitrogen in the two regions.  相似文献   

Quantitative infrared measurements of ethane (C2H6) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere are reported. The results have been obtained from the analysis of absorption features of the 9 band at 12.2 m, which have been identified in high-resolution ballon-borne and aircraft solar absorption spectra. The ballon-borne spectral data were recorded at sunset with the 0.02 cm-1 resolution University of Denver interferometer system from a float altitude of 33.5 km near Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 23 March 1981. The aircraft spectra were recorded at sunset in July 1978 with a 0.06 cm-1 resolution interferometer aboard a jet aircraft at 12 km altitude, near 35°N, 96°W. The balloon analysis indicates the C2H6 mixing ratio decreased from 3.5 ppbv near 8.8 km to 0.91 ppbv near 12.1 km. The results are consistent with the colum value obtained from the aircraft data.  相似文献   

In view of the uncertainty of the origin of the secular increase of N2O, we studied heterogeneous processes that contribute to formation of N2O in an environment that comes as close as possible to exhaust conditions containing NO and SO2, among other constituents. The N2O formation was followed using electron capture gas chromatography (ECD-GC). The other reactants and intermediates (SO2, NO, NO2 and HONO) were monitored using gas phase UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Experiments were conducted at 298 and 368 K as well as at dry and high humidity (approaching 100% rh) conditions. There is a significant heterogeneous rate of N 2 O formation at conditions that mimic an exhaust plume from combustion processes.The simultaneous presence of NO, SO2, O2 in the gas phase and condensed phase water, either in the bulk liquid or adsorbed state has been confirmed to be necessary for the production of significant levels of N2O. The stoichiometry of the overall reaction is: 2 NO+SO2+H2O N2O+H2SO4. The maximum rate of N2O formation occurred at the beginning of the reaction and scales with the surface area of the condensed phase and is independent of its volume. A significant rate of N2O formation at 368 K at 100% rh was also observed in the absence of a bulk substrate. The diffusion of both gas and liquid phase reactants is not rate limiting as the reaction kenetics is dominated by the rate ofN2O formation under the experimental conditions used in this work. The simultaneous presence of high humidity (90–100% rh at 368 K) and bulk condensed phase results in the maximum rate and final yield of N2O approaching 60% and 100% conversion after one hour in the presence of amorphous carbon and fly-ash, respectively.Work performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Dr ès Sciences at EPFL.  相似文献   

Gas exchange experiments were conducted in the tropical Atlantic Ocean during a ship expedition with FS Meteor using a small rubber raft. The temporal change of the mixing ratios of CO, H2, CH4 and N2O in the headspace of a floating glass box and the concentrations of these gases in the water phase were measured to determine their transfer velocities across the ocean-atmosphere interface. The ocean acted as a sink for these gases when the water was undersaturated with respect to the mixing ratio in the headspace. The transfer velocities were different for the individual gases and showed still large differences even when normalized for diffusivity. Applying the laminar film model, film thicknesses of 20 to 70 m were calculated for the observed flux rates of the different gas species. When the water was supersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO, H2, CH4 and N2O, the transfer velocities of the emission process were smaller than those determined for the deposition process. In case of H2 and CH4, emission was even not calculable although, based on the observed gradient, the laminar film model predicted significant fluxes at the air-sea interface. The results are interpreted by destruction processes active within the surface microlayer.  相似文献   

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