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We review the development of earthquake dynamics taken from the point of view of the origin of seismic radiation instead of the detailed study of rupture propagation on complex surfaces. Many features of seismic radiation can be explained by simple models that serve as elementary canonical problems. Some of these properties are very well known like the fact that at low frequencies, the seismic spectrum is proportional to the seismic moment. At high frequencies, on the other hand, radiation is generated by the motion of the rupture front, in particular stopping phases and geometrical obstacles (barriers). A rupture front moving at constant speed does not produce far-field radiation. For many practical applications, for determining source size and stress drop, for example, it is not necessary to determine geometrical details of the rupture. For such cases, a simple circular crack model is quite sufficient. An improvement on this method is to do dynamic inversion on simple, elliptical-shaped sources and letting the rupture start arbitrarily from a point on the fault. This problem can be solved nowadays with finite differences and a variety of inversion techniques.  相似文献   

Large Igneous Province (LIP) eruption sites of the past 300 My lie vertically above 1% slow shear wave velocity (Vs) contours bounding the African and Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), or in the cases of the Siberian and Columbia River LIPs, bounding one or other of two smaller, Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LSVPs). Steep gradients in Vs at the CMB coincide with those 1% slow contours. The sites of 24 active hotspot volcanoes project down to the same narrowly defined borders of the LLSVPs at the CMB. Plumes that have generated LIPs and major hotspot volcanoes have risen only from the immediate neighbourhoods of the 1% slow Vs contours at the CMB which thus define Plume Generation Zones (PGZs). PGZs projected vertically upward approximately match the + 10 m elevation contour of the geoid showing that the LLSVPs are a dominant control on the positively elevated geoid. Minima in the frequency distribution of shear wave velocities in the lowermost mantle near Vs = ? 1% indicate that regions with more negative velocities, forming ~ 2% of total mantle mass, are likely to be of material compositionally different from the rest of the mantle. Because all LIP eruption sites with ages younger than 300 Ma lie above the borders of LLSVPs or LSVPs at the CMB, PGZ footprints are inferred to have remained in the same places for the past 300 My. Because no plumes have risen from the interior of the LLSVPs and because no lithospheric slabs have penetrated those bodies the volumes of the LLSVPs are inferred to have also remained unchanged for the past 300 My. Because the LLSVPs are the dominant control on the positively elevated areas of the geoid those too must have remained as they now are since 300 Ma. The LLSVPs are not rising buoyant objects but stable features of the deep mantle. LIPs have been erupted throughout the past 2.5 Gy indicating that PGZs comparable to those of the past 0.3 Gy and LLSVPs (of which PGZs mark the margins at the CMB) have also existed for at least that long. LLSVPs could thus form the isolated reservoir invoked by some to explain the distinctive isotopic compositions of terrestrial rocks. PGZs lie at places where the boundaries of: (i) The outer core, (ii) one of the LLSVPs or LSVPs, and (iii) the seismically faster part of the deep mantle meet. Horizontal temperature gradients across the steeply inclined margins to the LLSVPs, the interiors of which are hotter than the surrounding mantle, at the CMB are key controls for the generation of plumes. Near the CMB the association of the high temperature of the outer core with an inclined thermal boundary layer at the margins of LLSVPs facilitates the generation of mantle plumes in the PGZs.  相似文献   

High resolution topography measurements of the Vuache–Sillingy fault (Alps, France) reveal a characteristic roughness of the fault zone. We investigate the effect of roughness on the rheology of a planar shear configuration by using a model system consisting of a visco-elastic layer embedded into a rigid solid. The model is discussed in the context of several geological cases: a damage fault zone, a fault smeared with a clay layer, and a shear zone with strain weakening. Using both analytical approaches and finite element simulations, we calculate to linear order the relation between wall roughness and the viscous dissipation in the fault zone as well as the average shear rate.  相似文献   

Measurements of electron temperature made by the thermal electron energy distribution (TED) instrument on board the EXOS-D (Akebono) satellite have been analysed. From the data taken between 1989 and 1995, averaged daytime and nighttime temperature profiles for different geophysical conditions have been produced. These profiles represent the averaged thermal electron temperature between 1000 and 8000 km altitude for conditions of high (F10.7>150) and low (F10.7<120) solar activity. Results indicate that increased solar activity has a marked effect on the electron temperature. At 8000 km altitude, the typical low-latitude daytime electron temperature is around 8000 K. The nighttime electron temperature at 8000 km is around 4000 K. The averaged daytime difference between high and low solar activity conditions is around 1000 K at altitudes above 2500 km. Between 1000 and 2000 km altitude this situation is reversed, and the electron temperature is comparatively higher during periods of low solar activity during both day and night. Composition changes in the region are proposed as a mechanism for this reversal. In addition, there is evidence of an asymmetry in thermal electron temperature between the northern and southern hemispheres. The averaged electron temperature is found to be comparatively higher in the northern hemisphere during the daytime and comparatively higher in the southern hemisphere during the nighttime. This difference between hemispheres is particularly evident during the nighttime, and during the rapid heating and cooling periods around sunrise and sunset. Possible reasons for the asymmetry are discussed. Profiles are also presented for conditions of high (Ap>30) and low (Ap<20) magnetic activity. Analysis has confirmed that geomagnetic activity has little effect on electron temperature below L=2.2.  相似文献   

A new method for the interpretation of recent tidal and astrometry data based on integral relations connecting the mantle Q parameters to variations in frequencies of the main Earth’s spheroidal oscillation, nearly diurnal free nutation, Chandler wobble, and Love numbers is proposed in this paper. The normalized weighting functions in the aforementioned integral relations are shown to be very close to each other in a wide range of oscillation periods (from 54 minutes to 14 months) for the actual Earth’s model and therefore the detection of the dependence of the mantle Q parameters averaged with these weighting functions on frequency does not need to be solved for the inverse problem of the Q parameters as a function of the oscillation frequency and depth: instead, it is sufficient to determine the dependence of the adequate integral characteristics of the mantle’s inelasticity only on frequency. This makes it possible to significantly simplify the solution of the inverse problem and improve the rheologic models of the lower mantle.  相似文献   

We present a unified model of the air–sea boundary layer, which takes account of the air–sea momentum exchange across the sea surface. The recognition of the importance of the velocity shears in the water (which comprise a frictional shear and the Stokes shear due to the wave motion) in determining the sea surface roughness is a distinctive feature of the analysis, which leads to a prediction of the Charnock constant (α) in terms of two independent parameters, namely the wave age and the ratio of the Stokes shear to the Eulerian shear in the water. This expression is used to interpret the large observational variability of the Charnock constant. The 10-m drag coefficient can also be expressed using similar reasoning, and the introduction of a relation in which the ratio of the frictional shear in the water to the frictional shear in the air decreases with the friction velocity yields predictive relations for the variation of the 10-m drag coefficient at very high wind speeds both in the open ocean and in wind–wave tanks. The physical interpretation of this relation is that the production of spray essentially returns momentum from the ocean to the atmosphere, and this process becomes progressively more important as the wind speed increases.  相似文献   

It is of importance to comprehensively investigate the spatial–temporal changes in potential evaporation patterns, which helps guide the long-term water resource allocation and irrigation managements. In this study, the Cloud model was adopted to quantify the average, uniformity, and stability of the annual potential evaporation in the Wei River Basin (WRB), a typical arid and semi-arid region in China, with the purpose of objectively and comprehensively characterizing its changing patterns. The cross wavelet analysis was then applied to explore the correlations between annual potential evaporation and Arctic Oscillation (AO)/El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with an aim to determine the possible causes of annual potential evaporation variations. Results indicated that: (1) the average of annual potential evaporation in the WRB first declined and then increased, and its stability also showed the same change characteristics, whilst its dispersion degree exhibited a decreasing trend, implying that potential evaporation has a smaller inter-annual variation; (2) the average of annual potential evaporation in the western basin was obviously smaller than that in the other areas, while its uniformity and stability in the Guanzhong plain and the Loess Plateau areas are larger than those in other areas, especially in the western basin where the uniformity and stability are the smallest; (3) both AO and ENSO exhibited strong correlations with annual potential evaporation variations, indicating that both AO and ENSO have played an important role in the annual potential evaporation variations in the WRB.  相似文献   

Summary A possible relation between the 10-day, 1-month, and 2-month geomagnetic as well as solar activity, characterized by Kp and Wolf's number R, and temperatures measured at the Prague-Klementinum meteorological station in January–February of the years 1932–1987 was sought. It was found that:1) Kp correlates with the temperature in Prague better than Wolf's number R.2) If the QBO phase is taken into account, the correlations improve.3) Even if the correlations improves with increasing length of the subintervals into which the individual winter periods (January-February) were derived, their statistical significance declines.  相似文献   

High 4He/3He ratios of 100 000 to 160 000 found at HIMU ocean islands (“high μ,” where μ is the U/Pb ratio) are usually attributed to the presence of recycled oceanic crust in the HIMU mantle source. However, significantly higher 4He/3He ratios are expected in recycled crust after residence in the mantle for periods greater than 1 Ga. In order to better understand the helium isotopic signatures in HIMU basalts, we have measured helium and neon isotopic compositions in a suite of geochemically well-characterized basalts from the Cook–Austral Islands. We observe 4He/3He ratios ranging from 56 000 to 141 000, suggesting the involvement of mantle reservoirs both more and less radiogenic than the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). In addition, we find that the neon isotopic compositions of HIMU lavas extend from the MORB range to compositions less nucleogenic than MORBs. The Cook-Austral HIMU He–Ne isotopic compositions, along with Sr, Nd, Pb, and Os isotopic compositions, indicate that in addition to recycled crust, a relatively undegassed mantle end-member (e.g., FOZO) is involved in the genesis of these basalts. The association of relatively undegassed mantle material with recycled crust provides an explanation for the close geographical association between HIMU lavas and EM (enriched mantle)-type lavas from this island chain: EM-type signatures represent a higher mixing proportion of relatively undegassed mantle material. Mixing between recycled material and relatively undegassed mantle material may be a natural result of entrainment processes and convective stirring in deep mantle.  相似文献   

The altimetric satellite signal is the sum of the geoid and the dynamic topography, but only the latter is relevant to oceanographic applications. Poor knowledge of the geoid has prevented oceanographers from fully exploiting altimetric measurements through its absolute component, and applications have concentrated on ocean variability through analyses of sea level anomalies. Recent geodetic missions like CHAMP, GRACE and the forthcoming GOCE are changing this perspective. In this study, data assimilation is used to reconstruct the Tropical Pacific Ocean circulation during the 1993–1996 period. Multivariate observations are assimilated into a primitive equation ocean model (OPA) using a reduced order Kalman filter (the Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman filter). A 6-year (1993–1998) hindcast experiment is analyzed and validated by comparison with observations. In this experiment, the new capability offered by an observed absolute dynamic topography (built using the GRACE geoid to reference the altimetric data) is used to assimilate, in an efficient way, the in-situ temperature profiles from the TAO/TRITON moorings together with the T/P and ERS1&2 altimetric signal. GRACE data improves compatibility between both observation data sets. The difficulties encountered in this regard in previous studies such as Parent et al. (J Mar Syst 40–41:381–401, 2003) are now circumvented. This improvement helps provide more efficient data assimilation, as evidenced, by assessing the results against independent data. This leads in particular to significantly more realistic currents and vertical thermal structures.  相似文献   

We investigated failures in the global positioning system (GPS) performance produced by solar radio bursts with unprecedented radio flux density during the X6.5 and X3.4 solar flares on 6 and 13 December 2006, respectively. The effect of these events on GPS was compared to that of the X17.2 solar flare of 28 October 2003. Significant experimental evidence was found that high-precision GPS positioning on the Earth's entire sunlit side was partially disrupted for more than 10–15 min on 6 and 13 December 2006. The high level of phase slips and count omissions resulted from the wideband solar radio noise emission. Our results provide serious grounds for revising the role of space weather factors in the functioning of modern satellite systems and for considering these factors more carefully in practice. Similar failures in the operation of satellite navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, and GALILEO) can be fatal for operating safety systems as a whole and lead to great financial losses. Another important conclusion of our investigation concerns the continuous calibrated monitoring of the level of the solar radio emission flux. This monitoring involved a large number of solar radio spectrographs and allowed us to estimate the solar radio noise level in the range of the GPS–GLONASS–GALILEO frequencies.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the mechanism of carbon transport in an ice-covered ecosystem in Lake Saroma (44°N44°N, 143°E143°E, Hokkaido, Japan), a three-dimensional numerical calculation using a coupled ice–ocean ecosystem model was conducted. This model comprises an ocean ecosystem model, an ice ecosystem model, and equations for the coupling between ice and ocean. Comparisons of calculated results with observational data confirm that the calculation well reproduced the in situ phenomena with respect to tides, tidal currents, concentrations of POC and chlorophyll a in ice and in water, and sinking fluxes beneath the ice. The analysis of the organic carbon budget based on the calculation reveals that tide-induced transport, the enhancement of biological production in a pelagic system, and the physical release of organic matter from ice associated with ice-melting are important factors affecting the carbon transport during the ice-melting season. The carbon transport has a one-day time cycle. This is because principal driving forces are sunlight, and diurnal tides. The described mechanism of “sunlight and tidal pumping” is one of the most important features of carbon transport in a coupled ice–water ecosystem.  相似文献   

The coexistence of stationary mantle plumes with plate-scale flow is problematic in geodynamics. We present results from laboratory experiments aimed at understanding the effects of an imposed large-scale circulation on thermal convection at high Rayleigh number (106≤Ra≤109) in a fluid with a temperature-dependent viscosity. In a large tank, a layer of corn syrup is heated from below while being stirred by large-scale flow due to the opposing motions of a pair of conveyor belts immersed in the syrup at the top of the tank. Three regimes are observed, depending on the ratio V of the imposed horizontal flow velocity to the rise velocity of plumes ascending from the hot boundary, and on the ratio λ of the viscosity of the interior fluid to the viscosity of the hottest fluid in contact with the bottom boundary. When V≪1 and λ≥1, large-scale circulation has a negligible effect on convection and the heat flux is due to the formation and rise of randomly spaced plumes. When V>10 and λ>100, plume formation is suppressed entirely, and the heat flux is carried by a sheet-like upwelling located in the center of the tank. At intermediate V, and depending on λ, established plume conduits are advected along the bottom boundary and ascending plumes are focused towards the central upwelling. Heat transfer across the layer occurs through a combination of ascending plumes and large-scale flow. Scaling analyses show that the bottom boundary layer thickness and, in turn, the basal heat flux q depend on the Peclet number, Pe, and λ. When λ>10, q∝Pe1/2 and when λ→1, q∝(Peλ)1/3, consistent with classical scalings. When applied to the Earth, our results suggest that plate-driven mantle flow focuses ascending plumes towards upwellings in the central Pacific and Africa as well as into mid-ocean ridges. Furthermore, plumes may be captured by strong upwelling flow beneath fast-spreading ridges. This behavior may explain why hotspots are more abundant near slow-spreading ridges than fast-spreading ridges and may also explain some observed variations of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) geochemistry with spreading rate. Moreover, our results suggest that a potentially significant fraction of the core heat flux is due to plumes that are drawn into upwelling flows beneath ridges and not observed as hotspots.  相似文献   

The multi-phase flow of liquid/supercritical CO2 and water (non-wetting and wetting phases, respectively) in a two-dimensional silicon micromodel was investigated at reservoir conditions (80 bar, 24 °C and 40 °C). The fluorescent microscopy and microscopic particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) techniques were combined to quantify the flow dynamics associated with displacement of water by CO2 (drainage) in the porous matrix. To this end, water was seeded with fluorescent tracer particles, CO2 was tagged with a fluorescent dye and each phase was imaged independently using spectral separation in conjunction with microscopic imaging. This approach allowed simultaneous measurement of the spatially-resolved instantaneous velocity field in the water and quantification of the spatial configuration of the two fluid phases. The results, acquired with sufficient time resolution to follow the dynamic progression of both phases, provide a comprehensive picture of the flow physics during the migration of the CO2 front, the temporal evolution of individual menisci, and the growth of fingers within the porous microstructure. During that growth process, velocity jumps 20–25 times larger in magnitude than the bulk velocity were measured in the water phase and these bursts of water flow occurred both in-line with and against the bulk flow direction. These unsteady velocity events support the notion of pressure bursts and Haines jumps during pore drainage events as previously reported in the literature [1–3]. After passage of the CO2 front, shear-induced flow was detected in the trapped water ganglia in the form of circulation zones near the CO2–water interfaces as well as in the thin water films wetting the surfaces of the silicon micromodel. To our knowledge, the results presented herein represent the first quantitative spatially and temporally resolved velocity-field measurements at high pressure for water displacement by liquid/supercritical CO2 injection in a porous micromodel.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional scattering by a hemi-spherical canyon in an elastic half-space subjected to seismic plane and spherical waves has long been a challenging boundary-value problem. It has been studied by earthquake engineers and strong-motion seismologists to understand the amplification effects caused by surface topography. The scattered and diffracted waves will, in all cases, consist of both longitudinal (P-) and shear (S-) shear waves. Together, at the half-space surface, these waves are not orthogonal over the infinite plane boundary of the half-space. Thus, to simultaneously satisfy both zero normal and shear stresses on the plane boundary numerical approximation of the geometry and/or wave functions were required, or in some cases, relaxed (disregarded). This paper re-examines this boundary-value problem from the applied mathematics point of view, and aims to redefine the proper form of the orthogonal spherical-wave functions for both the longitudinal and shear waves, so that they can together simultaneously satisfy the zero-stress boundary conditions at the half-space surface. With the zero-stress boundary conditions satisfied at the half-space surface, the most difficult part of the problem will be solved, and the remaining boundary conditions at the finite canyon surface will be easy to satisfy.  相似文献   

The effect of maximal design water extraction on groundwater levels, lake budgets, and vegetation in the Volzhsko–Kamskii Reserve was assessed with the use of a hydrodynamic scheme of interaction between groundwater and surface water, specially developed for the territory of the Zelenodol’skoe Fresh Groundwater Deposit and mathematical simulation. The first stage of deposit development was proved to have no such effect. A scheme of the further development of the deposit by the results of environmental monitoring is recommended.  相似文献   

The D'' layer,which is located atop the core–mantle boundary,has long been an area of focus for global seismology studies. A widely used approach to study the discontinuities in the D'' layer involves the use of the SdS phases between the S and ScS phases,which requires that certain stringent conditions be satisfied with respect to an epicentral distance and earthquake depth. Therefore,this approach is only practical for investigating the presence and topography of velocity interfaces in certain local regions around the world. The Russia–Kazakhstan border region has been a ‘‘blind spot'' with respect to this detection method. The seismic network deployed in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has recorded relatively clear SdS phases for the MS6.3 earthquake that occurred in Spain on April 11,2010,allowing this blind spot to be studied. This paper compares the observed waveforms and synthetics and uses the travel times of the relevant phases to obtain a D'' discontinuity depth between2,610 and 2,740 km in the examined area. This study provides the first results regarding the depth of the D'' layer discontinuity for this region and represents an important addition to the global studies of the D'' layer.  相似文献   

Large numbers of peatlands were developed in volcanic landform regions, which would provide valuable long-term records of lake–mire ecosystem shifts and act as significant carbon pool in regional carbon cycle. To investigate lake–mire ecosystem transformations and driving mechanisms in volcanic landform regions, the developmental history of Gushantun peatland in northeast China was reconstructed in this study. Results indicate that Gushantun peatland initiated in the deepest portions of the basin, and subsequently experienced expansions outward. Peat initiated from approximately 12 ka cal. bp to present. The developmental patterns of Gushantun peatland can be divided into four stages: the stable stage 1 (12–10 ka cal. bp ), maximum stage (10–7 ka cal. bp ), stable stage 2 (7–4 ka cal. bp ) and stable stage 3 (4–0 ka cal. bp ). The possible forcing mechanisms for the development of Gushantun peatland were different during different periods. From 12 ka cal. bp to 10 ka cal. bp , autogenic process was probably the major controlling factor for the expansion of this peatland. From 10 to 7 ka cal. bp , flat basin morphology was the major influence factor for fast expansion. However, the development of Gushantun peatland was probably controlled by the dual effects of high moisture and autogenic process during the period of 7 to 4 ka cal. bp . From 4 ka cal. bp to present, steep basin morphology was the major influence factor, while moisture might be the secondary factor for development of Gushantun peatland. These features indicate that lake–mire ecosystem transforms in volcanic landform regions of Changbai Mountains were probably triggered by the complex effects of autogenic process, hydroclimate and underlying basin morphology. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The D″ layer, which is located atop the core–mantle boundary, has long been an area of focus for global seismology studies. A widely used approach to study the discontinuities in the D″ layer involves the use of the SdS phases between the S and ScS phases, which requires that certain stringent conditions be satisfied with respect to an epicentral distance and earthquake depth. Therefore, this approach is only practical for investigating the presence and topography of velocity interfaces in certain local regions around the world. The Russia–Kazakhstan border region has been a “blind spot” with respect to this detection method. The seismic network deployed in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has recorded relatively clear SdS phases for the M S 6.3 earthquake that occurred in Spain on April 11, 2010, allowing this blind spot to be studied. This paper compares the observed waveforms and synthetics and uses the travel times of the relevant phases to obtain a D″ discontinuity depth between 2,610 and 2,740 km in the examined area. This study provides the first results regarding the depth of the D″ layer discontinuity for this region and represents an important addition to the global studies of the D″ layer.  相似文献   

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