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A nearly continuous magnetostratigraphic polarity pattern was compiled from several ammonite-zoned carbonate successions of southern Poland and from a composite magnetostratigraphy from the Iberian Range of Spain. The array of sections spans the middle two-thirds of the Oxfordian within the Sub-Mediterranean Province (Cordatum through Bifurcatus ammonite zones). The average paleopole calculated from eight of these Polish sections is at 78.5°N, 184.9°E (δp = 2.6°, δm = 3.5°). The Sub-Mediterranean polarity pattern is consistent with an independent polarity pattern derived from the Boreal-realm sections of the British Isles, and improves the inter-correlation between these faunal realms. Cycle stratigraphy published for these ammonite subzones from southern France enabled temporal scaling of the polarity pattern, thereby facilitating correlation to marine magnetic anomalies M28 through M33 as modeled from deep-tow magnetometer surveys in the Western Pacific. The bases of the Middle and Upper Oxfordian substages as defined in the Sub-Mediterranean zonation in Poland correspond approximately to chrons M33 and M29 of that Pacific M-sequence model.  相似文献   

A magnetic polarity pattern for Boreal and Sub-Boreal ammonite zones of the Upper Oxfordian to Lower Kimmeridgian was established and confirmed in four British sections, including the proposed Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) on the Isle of Skye (Scotland) to define the base of the international Kimmeridgian Stage. A coeval pattern for Sub-Mediterranean ammonite zones was compiled from seven sections in Poland, one German section and multi-section composites from France and Spain. The mean paleopole for the European Craton (excluding Spain) at the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian boundary is 74.2°N, 181.3°E (Α95 = 3.8°). The common magnetic polarity scale enables inter-correlation of ammonite subzones among these three faunal provinces and to the marine magnetic-anomaly M-Sequence. The proposed GSSP at the base of the Pictonia baylei Zone is near the base of an extended interval dominated by reversed polarity, which is interpreted to be Chron M26r. This GSSP level projects to the lower to middle part of the Epipeltoceras bimammatum Subzone, which is the middle subzone of this E. bimammatum Zone in the Sub-Mediterranean standard zonation. In contrast, the traditional placement of the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian boundary in that Sub-Mediterranean standard zonation (base of Sutneria platynota Zone) is at the base of Chron M25r, or nearly 1 million years younger.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of fossil roots that have been permineralized by hematite are presented from eight different stratigraphic levels spanning the Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian strata of north-central Texas. Hematite δ18O values range from − 0.4% to 3.7%. The most negative δ18O values occur in the upper Pennsylvanian strata, and there is a progressive trend toward more positive δ18O values upward through the lower Permian strata. This stratigraphic pattern is similar in magnitude and style to δ18O values reported for penecontemporaneous authigenic palaeosol phyllosilicates and calcites, suggesting that all three minerals record similar paragenetic histories that are probably attributed to temporal palaeoenvironmental changes across the Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian landscapes.Palaeotemperature estimates based on paired δ18O values between penecontemporaneous hematite and phyllosilicate samples suggest these minerals co-precipitated at relatively low temperatures that are consistent with a supergene origin in a low-latitude soil-forming environment. Hematite–phyllosilicate δ18O pairs indicate (1) relatively low soil temperatures (∼ 24 ± 3 °C) during deposition of the upper Pennsylvanian strata followed by (2) a considerable rise in soil temperatures (∼ 35–37 ± 3 °C) during deposition of the lowermost Permian strata. Significantly, δD and δ18O values of contemporaneous phyllosilicates provide single mineral palaeotemperature estimates that are analytically indistinguishable from temperature estimates based on hematite–phyllosilicate oxygen isotope pairs. The results between the two temperature-proxy methods suggest that the inferred large temperature change across the Upper Pennsylvanian–Lower Permian boundary might be taken seriously. If real, such a significant climate change would have undoubtedly had far-reaching ecological effects within this region of Pangaea. Notably, there are important lithological and palaeobotanical changes, such as disappearance of coal and coal swamp floras, across the Upper Pennsylvanian–Early Permian boundary of north-central Texas that may be consistent with major climatic change toward warmer conditions.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) is an economically important, organic-rich source rock of Kimmeridgian–Early Tithonian age. The main rock types of the KCF in Dorset, UK, include grey to black laminated shale, marl, coccolithic limestone, and dolostone, which occur with an obvious cyclicity at astronomical timescales. In this study, we examine two high-resolution borehole records (Swanworth Quarry 1 and Metherhills 1) obtained as part of a Rapid Global Geological Events (RGGE) sediment drilling project. Datasets examined were total organic carbon (TOC), and borehole wall microconductivity by Formation Microscanner (FMS). Our intent is to assess the rhythmicity of the KCF with respect to the astronomical timescale, and to discuss the results with respect to other key Late Jurassic geological processes. Power spectra of the untuned data reveal a hierarchy of cycles throughout the KCF with ~ 167 m, ~ 40 m, 9.1 m, 3.8 m and 1.6 m wavelengths. Tuning the ~ 40 m cycles to the 405-kyr eccentricity cycle shows the presence of all the astronomical parameters: eccentricity, obliquity, and precession index. In particular, ~ 100-kyr and 405-kyr eccentricity cycles are strongly expressed in both records. The 405-kyr eccentricity cycle corresponds to relative sea-level changes inferred from sequence stratigraphy. Intervals with elevated TOC are associated with strong obliquity forcing. The 405-kyr-tuned duration of the lower KCF (Kimmeridgian Stage) is 3.47 Myr, and the upper KCF (early part of the Tithonian Stage, elegans to fittoni ammonite zones) is 3.32 Myr. Two other chronologies test the consistency of this age model by tuning ~ 8–10 m cycles to 100-kyr (short eccentricity), and ~ 3–5 m cycles to 36-kyr (Jurassic obliquity). The ‘obliquity-tuned’ chronology resolves an accumulation history for the KCF with a variation that strongly resembles that of Earth's orbital eccentricity predicted for 147.2 Ma to 153.8 Ma. There is evidence for significant non-deposition (up to 1 million years) in the lowermost KCF (bayleimutabilis zones), which would indicate a Kimmeridgian/Oxfordian boundary age of 154.8 Ma. This absolute calibration allows assignment of precise numerical ages to zonal boundaries, sequence surfaces, and polarity chrons of the lower M-sequence.  相似文献   

Two accurately calibrated superconducting gravimeters (SGs) provide high quality tidal gravity records in three central European stations: C025 in Vienna and at Conrad observatory (A) and OSG050 in Pecný (CZ). To correct the tidal gravity factors from ocean loading effects we compared the load vectors from different ocean tides models (OTMs) computed with different software: OLFG/OLMP by the Free Ocean Tides Loading Provider (FLP), ICET and NLOADF. Even with the recent OTMs the mass conservation is critical but the methods used to correct the mass imbalance agree within 0.1 nm/s2. Although the different software agrees, FLP probably provides more accurate computations as this software has been optimised. For our final computation we used the mean load vector computed by FLP for 8 OTMs (CSR4, NAO99, GOT00, TPX07, FES04, DTU10, EOT11a and HAMTIDE). The corrected tidal factors of the 3 stations agree better than 0.04% in amplitude and 0.02° in phase. Considering the weighted mean of the three stations we get for O1 δc = 1.1535 ± 0.0001, for K1 δc = 1.1352 ± 0.0003 and for M2 δc = 1.1621 ± 0.0003. These values confirm previous ones obtained with 16 European stations. The theoretical body tides model DDW99/NH provides the best agreement for M2 (1.1620) and MATH01/NH for O1 (1.1540) and K1 (1.1350). The largest discrepancy is for O1 (0.05%). The corrected phase αc does not differ significantly from zero except for K1 and S2. The calibrations of the two SG's are consistent within 0.025% and agree with Strasbourg results within 0.05%.  相似文献   

Paleoelevation constraints from fossil leaf physiognomy and stable isotopes of sedimentary carbonate suggest that significant surface uplift of the northern Andean plateau, on the order of 2.5 ± 1 km, occurred between ~ 10.3 and 6.4 Ma. Independent spatial and temporal constraints on paleoelevation and paleoclimate of both the northern and southern plateau are important for understanding the distribution of rapid surface uplift and its relation to climate evolution across the plateau. This study focuses on teeth from modern and extinct mammal taxa (including notoungulates, pyrotheres, and litopterns) spanning ~ 29 Ma to present, collected from the Altiplano and Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia (16.2°S to 21.4°S), and lowland Brazil. Tooth enamel of large, water-dependent mammals preserves a record of surface water isotopes and the type of plants that animals ingested while their teeth were mineralizing. Previous studies have shown that the δ18O of modern precipitation and surface waters decrease systematically with increasing elevations across the central Andes. Our results from high elevation sites between 3600 and 4100 m show substantially more positive δ18O values for late Oligocene tooth samples compared to < 10 Ma tooth δ18O values. Late Oligocene teeth collected from low elevation sites in southeast Brazil show δ18O values similar (within 2‰) to contemporaneous teeth collected at high elevation in the Eastern Cordillera. This affirms that the Andean plateau was at a very low elevation during the late Oligocene. Late Oligocene teeth from the northern Eastern Cordillera also yield consistent δ13C values of about ? 9‰, indicating that the environment was semi-arid at that time. Latitudinal gradients in δ18O values of late Miocene to Pliocene fossil teeth are similar to modern values for large mammals, suggesting that by ~ 8 Ma in the northern Altiplano and by ~ 3.6 Ma in the southern Altiplano, both regions had reached high elevation and established a latitudinal rainfall gradient similar to modern.  相似文献   

Outcrops of the Cretaceous Upper sandstone formation some 375 km to the East of Addis Ababa on the motor Highway to Harar was paleomagnetically investigated. About seventy core samples were collected at various stratigraphic levels from 250–300 meters thick sedimentary formation. After standard sample preparations in the laboratory the resulting specimens were subjected to routine paleomagnetic demagnetization protocol. In the first steps of demagnetizations process the recent and viscous magnetizations were removed by heating until a temperature of level of 300 °C. Further demagnetization of the samples resulted in the isolation of the final magnetization with stable line segments that is directed towards the origin, which is interpreted as Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM). Rock – magnetic experiments have identified goethite (αFeOOH), hematite (αFe2O3), detritial hematite, and magnetite as the magnetic mineral phases carrying the remanence. The ChRM identified resulted in an average value of (Ds = 0.5°, Is = ?0.7°, α95 = 4.3°, N = 34) for the red sandstones while an average value of (Ds = 335.8°, Is = ?31.8°, α95 = 4.7°, N = 14) for the limestone intercalations. The former ChRM in the red sandstone is determined to be secondary while the latter ChRM is known to be primary. Comparison of these directional results and their pole equivalents with the African plate Apparent Polar Wander Path curve established by Besse and Courtillot (2003) give ages of between 115–130 Million years for the limestone intercalation and ages of 30 million years for red sandstone unit. These are interpreted respectively as estimates of the age of deposition and a later remagnetization respectively.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate co-seismic geo-center change based on a dislocation theory for a spherically symmetric, non-rotating, perfectly elastic and isotropic model. We first introduce the basic theory with emphasis on the dislocation Love numbers of degree 1, and then we present methods for computing co-seismic geo-center movement. It is found that the geo-center change reaches maximum value when δ = 45° and λ = 90°, i.e., a 45° declined dip fault causes the maximum geo-center movement. As an application, we apply the methods to compute the geo-center movement caused by the 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mw9.3) and the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw9.0). Results show that the maximum co-seismic geo-center movements for the two events are 0.87 mm and 0.43 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

Silica alteration zones and cherts are a conspicuous feature of Archaean greenstone belts worldwide and provide evidence of extensive mobilisation of silica in the marine environment of the early Earth. In order to understand the process(es) of silicification we measured the silicon and oxygen isotope composition of sections of variably silicified basalts and overlying bedded cherts from the Theespruit, Hooggenoeg and Kromberg Formations of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.The δ30Si and δ18O values of bulk rock increase with increasing amount of silicification from unsilicified basalts (?0.64‰ < δ30Si < ?0.01‰ and + 8.6‰ < δ18O < + 11.9‰) to silicified basalts (δ30Si and δ18O values as high as + 0.81‰ and + 15.6‰, respectively). Cherts generally have positive isotope ratios (+ 0.21‰ < δ30Si < + 1.05‰ and + 10.9 < δ18O < + 17.1), except two cherts, which have negative δ30Si values, but high δ18O (up to + 19.5‰).The pronounced positive correlations between δ30Si, δ18O and SiO2 imply that the isotope variation is driven by the silicification process which coevally introduced both 18O and 30Si into the basalts. The oxygen isotope variation in the basalts from about 8.6‰ to 15.6‰ is likely to represent temperature-dependent isotope fractionation during alteration. Our proposed model for the observed silicon isotope variation relies on a temperature-controlled basalt dissolution vs. silica deposition process.  相似文献   

The propagation features of nighttime whistlers to low-latitude station, Suva (−18.2°, 178.3°, geomag. lat. −22.1°, geomag. long. 253.5°, L=1.15), Fiji, from preliminary observations made during the period from September 2003–2005, are reported. The observations of ELF–VLF signals commenced in September 2003 using the VLF set-up of World Wide Lightning Location Network at our station. The whistlers were observed during the severe magnetic storm of 20–22 November 2003 and moderate magnetic storm of 17–19 July 2005. A whistler with dispersion D=12.7 s1/2 occurred on 22 November at 00:11 h LT. On 20 July at 01:00 h LT, a short whistler with dispersion D=20.9 s1/2 and two whistler events having two-component whistlers with D=15.8, 16.7 s1/2 and 16.7, 17.3 s1/2 were observed. Non-ducted pro-longitudinal mode of the whistler propagation supported by negative latitudinal electron density gradients in the ionosphere that are enhanced by magnetic storms, seems most likely mode of propagation for the whistlers with dispersion of 12.7–17.3 s1/2 to this low-latitude station.  相似文献   

The Ca isotope compositions of 37 late Mesozoic skeletal carbonates, belemnites and brachiopods, from the Tethyan realm were analyzed by thermal (TIMS) and plasma (MC-ICP-MS) ionization mass spectrometry. A poor correlation between δ44/40Ca and δ18O values of belemnites suggests only a weak temperature dependency for the Ca isotope composition of belemnites, likely less than 0.02‰/°C. The δ44/40Ca record of belemnites was therefore used to reconstruct the Ca isotope composition of paleo-seawater (δ44/40CaSW), based on an experimentally determined fractionation factor between seawater Ca and belemnite calcite (αCC–SW) of ∼ 0.9986. The inferred δ44/40CaSW record, with an average stratigraphic resolution of 1 Ma, shows systematic temporal variation of ∼ 0.5‰ with the Middle/Late Jurassic (∼ 154 Ma) minimum of ∼ 1.4‰ and a subsequent general increase to the Early Cretaceous (∼ 124 Ma) maximum of ∼ 1.9‰. The global nature of the δ44/40CaSW record is supported by identical Ca isotope compositions of coeval (Kimmeridgian) belemnites collected from two distinct paleogeographic regions, the southern (New Zealand) and northern (Germany) margin of the Tethys Ocean. The observed late Mesozoic δ44/40CaSW record was simulated using a simple Ca isotope mass balance model, and the results indicate that the variation in δ44/40CaSW record can be explained by changes in oceanic input fluxes of Ca that were independent of the carbonate ion fluxes, such as the hydrothermal Ca flux or the release of Ca to the oceans via dolomitization of marine carbonates.  相似文献   

We investigated the influences of temperature, salinity and pH on the calcium isotope as well as trace and minor element (uranium, strontium, magnesium) to Ca ratios on calcium carbonate cysts of the calcareous dinoflagellate species Thoracosphaera heimii grown in laboratory cultures. The natural habitat of this species is the photic zone (preferentially at the chlorophyll maximum depth) of temperate to tropical oceans, and it is abundant in deep-sea sediments over the entire Cenozoic. In our experiments, temperatures ranged from 12 to 30 °C, salinity from 36.5 to 38.8 and pH from 7.9 to 8.4. The δ44/40Ca of T. heimii cysts resembles that of other marine calcifiers, including coccolithophores, foraminifers and corals. However, its temperature sensitivity is considerably smaller and statistically insignificant, and T. heimii might serve as a recorder of changes in seawater δ44/40Ca over geologic time. The Sr/Ca ratios of T. heimii cysts show a pronounced temperature sensitivity (0.016 mmol/mol °C? 1) and have the potential to serve as a palaeo-sea surface temperature proxy. No clear temperature- and pH-dependences were observed for Mg/Ca. U/Ca seems to be influenced by temperature and pH, but the correlations change sign at 23 °C and pH 8.2, respectively.  相似文献   

We report new high-precision laser fluorination three-isotope oxygen data for lunar materials. Terrestrial silicates with a range of δ18O values (− 0.5 to 22.9‰) were analyzed to independently determine the slope of the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL; λ = 0.5259 ± 0.0008; 95% confidence level). This new TFL determination allows direct comparison of lunar oxygen isotope systematics with those of Earth. Values of Δ17O for Apollo 12, 15, and 17 basalts and Luna 24 soil samples average 0.01‰ and are indistinguishable from the TFL. The δ18O values of high- and low-Ti lunar basalts are distinct. Average whole-rock δ18O values for low-Ti lunar basalts from the Apollo 12 (5.72 ± 0.06‰) and Apollo 15 landing sites (5.65 ± 0.12‰) are identical within error and are markedly higher than Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts (5.46 ± 0.11‰). Evolved low-Ti LaPaz mare-basalt meteorite δ18O values (5.67 ± 0.05‰) are in close agreement with more primitive low-Ti Apollo 12 and 15 mare basalts. Modeling of lunar mare-basalt source composition indicates that the high- and low-Ti mare-basalt mantle reservoirs were in oxygen isotope equilibrium and that variations in δ18O do not result from fractional crystallization. Instead, these differences are consistent with mineralogically heterogeneous mantle sources for mare basalts, and with lunar magma ocean differentiation models that result in a thick feldspathic crust, an olivine–pyroxene-rich mantle, and late-stage ilmenite-rich zones that were convectively mixed into deeper portions of the lunar mantle. Higher average δ18O (WR) values of low-Ti basalts compared to terrestrial mid ocean ridge basalts (Δ=0.18‰) suggest a possible oxygen isotopic difference between the terrestrial and lunar mantles. However, calculations of the δ18O of lunar mantle olivine in this study are only 0.05‰ higher than terrestrial mantle olivine. These observations may have important implications for understanding the formation of the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

In the central Western Alps, a combined structural, petrological and 40Ar–39Ar geochronological study of the Modane-Aussois and Southern Vanoise units yields important constraints on the timing of deformation and exhumation of the Briançonnais zone. These data help to decipher the respective roles of oceanic subduction, continental subduction and collision in the burial and exhumation of the main units through time. In the Modane-Aussois unit top to the NW thrusting (D1) was followed by top to the east shearing (D2) interpreted by some as normal faulting and by others as backthrusting. Pseudosection calculations imply that D1 deformation occurred at 1.0 ± 0.1 GPa and 350 ± 30 °C. Analysis of chlorite–phengite pairs yield P–T estimates between 0.15 and 0.65 GPa and between 220 and 350 °C for the D2 event. Phengites along the D1 schistosity (sample M80) yields an 40Ar–39Ar age of 37.12 ± 0.39 Ma, while D2 phengites yield ages of 35.42 ± 0.38 (sample M173) and 31.60 ± 0.33 Ma (sample M196). It was not possible to test whether these ages are altered by excess argon or not. Our interpretation is that the D1/D2 transition occurred at ∼37 Ma at the beginning of decompression, and that D2 lasted until at least ∼32 Ma. Pseudosection calculation suggests that the Southern Vanoise unit was buried at 1.6 ± 0.2 GPa and 500–540 °C. D1 deformation occurred during exhumation until 0.7–10.5 GPa and 370 ± 30 °C. Published ages suggest that D1 deformation possibly started at ∼50 Ma and lasted until ∼37 Ma. D2 deformations started at P–T conditions close to that recorded in Modane-Aussois unit and lasted until 0.2 ± 0.1 GPa and 280 ± 30 °C at ∼28 Ma. The gap of 0.6 ± 0.3 GPa and 150 ± 130 °C between peak metamorphic conditions in the two units was concealed by thrusting of the South Vanoise unit on top of the Modane-Aussois unit during D1 Deformation. Top to the east deformation (D2) affects both units and is interpreted as backthrusting.Based on these data, we propose a geodynamic reconstruction where the oceanic subduction of the Piedmont unit until ∼50 Ma, is followed by its exhumation at the time of continental subduction of the continental Southern Vanoise unit until ∼45 Ma. The Southern Vanoise is in turn underthrusted by the Modane-Aussois unit until ∼37 Ma (D1). Between 37 and 31 Ma the Modane-Aussois and Southern Vanoise units exhume together during backthrusting to the east (D2). This corresponds to the collision stage and to the activation of the Penninic Thrust. In the ∼50 Ma to ∼31 Ma time period the main thrusts propagated westward as the tectonic context switched from oceanic to continental subduction and finally to collision. During each stage, external units are buried while internal ones are exhumed.  相似文献   

Modeling and migration couple is one of the most important steps in seismic data processing and interpretation. Absorbing boundary conditions used in the modeling were studied with the wave-equation by different authors. In this study, reflection coefficient analyses of recent solutions are compared to each other for the different incident angles of seismic waves to the modeling boundaries. According to the reflection coefficients correlation, the A3 condition is the most appropriate solution which greatly reduces artificial reflections from the boundaries. However, multi-transmitting Formula is better for relatively high angles between 32–58° with the usage of a special parameter. On the contrary, this formula is not an appropriate condition for angles lower than 32°, although it allows setting the boundary at any preferred angle. Considering that most of the boundaries are set in low angles, A3 solution is still most preferential condition. In this study, it is also aimed to find out the optimum grid intervals for minimizing the ill-posedness arose from the combination of the 45° finite difference migration equation and the B2 absorbing boundary condition for migration. Appropriate values are determined as ωΔx = 0.2 and ωΔz = 0.4 or neighbouring coarser values. It is also concluded that finer mesh spacing can increase the ill-posedness, in contrast to existence of some fine grid size values providing well-posedness. In addition, ill-posedness is obviously standard after ωΔx = 0.6 for all values of ωΔz.  相似文献   

The Chilean Patagonian fjords region (41–56°S) is characterized by highly complex geomorphology and hydrographic conditions, and strong seasonal and latitudinal patterns in precipitation, freshwater discharge, glacier coverage, and light regime; all of these directly affect biological production in the water column. In this study, we compiled published and new information on water column properties (primary production, nutrients) and surface sediment characteristics (biogenic opal, organic carbon, molar C/N, bulk sedimentary δ13Corg) from the Chilean Patagonian fjords between 41°S and 55°S, describing herein the latitudinal pattern of water column productivity and its imprint in the underlying sediments. Based on information collected at 188 water column and 118 sediment sampling sites, we grouped the Chilean fjords into four main zones: Inner Sea of Chiloé (41° to ~44°S), Northern Patagonia (44° to ~47°S), Central Patagonia (48–51°S), and Southern Patagonia (Magellan Strait region between 52° and 55°S). Primary production in the Chilean Patagonian fjords was the highest in spring–summer, reflecting the seasonal pattern of water column productivity. A clear north–south latitudinal pattern in primary production was observed, with the highest average spring and summer estimates in the Inner Sea of Chiloé (2427 and 5860 mg C m?2 d?1) and Northern Patagonia (1667 and 2616 mg C m?2 d?1). This pattern was closely related to the higher availability of nutrients, greater solar radiation, and extended photoperiod during the productive season in these two zones. The lowest spring value was found in Caleta Tortel, Central Patagonia (91 mg C m?2 d?1), a site heavily influenced by glacier meltwater and river discharge loaded with glacial sediments. Biogenic opal, an important constituent of the Chilean fjord surface sediments (SiOPAL ~1–13%), reproduced the general north–south pattern of primary production and was directly related to water column silicic acid concentrations. Surface sediments were also rich in organic carbon content and the highest values corresponded to locations far away from glacier influence, sites within fjords, and/or semi-enclosed and protected basins, reflecting both autochthonous (water column productivity) and allochthonous sources (contribution of terrestrial organic matter from fluvial input to the fjords). A gradient was observed from the more oceanic sites to the fjord heads (west–east) in terms of bulk sedimentary δ13Corg and C/N ratios; the more depleted (δ13Corg ?26‰) and higher C/N (23) values corresponded to areas close to rivers and glaciers. A comparison of the Chilean Patagonian fjords with other fjord systems in the world revealed high variability in primary production for all fjord systems as well as similar surface sediment geochemistry due to the mixing of marine and terrestrial organic carbon.  相似文献   

New Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt in the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane yield stable and consistent remanent directions. The Late Cretaceous (86–81 Ma) ignimbrites from the Kholchan and Ola suites were sampled at 19 sites in the Magadan area (60.4° N, 151.0° E). We isolated the characteristic paleomagnetic directions from 16 sampled sites using an alternating field demagnetization procedure. The primary nature of these directions is ascertained by dual polarities and positive fold tests. A tilt-corrected mean direction (D = 42.8°, I = 84.7°, k = 46.0, α95 = 10.0°) yields a paleomagnetic pole of 66.7° N, 168.5° E (A95 = 18.8°) which appears almost identical to the 90–67 Ma pole reported from the Lake El’gygytgyn area of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt (Chukotka Terrane). This consistency suggests that the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane and Chukotka Terrane has acted as a single tectonic unit since 80 Ma without any significant internal deformation. Accordingly, we calculate a combined 80 Ma characteristic paleomagnetic pole (Long. = 164.7° E, Lat. = 68.0°, A95 = 10.9°, N = 12) for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block which falls 16.5–17.5° south of the same age poles from Europe and East Asia. We ascribe this discrepancy in pole positions to tectonic activity in the area and infer a southward displacement of 1640 ± 1380 km for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block with respect to the North American and Eurasian blocks since 80 Ma; more than 260 km of it is attributed to tectonic displacement in the Arctic Ocean due to the opening of the Canadian Basin.  相似文献   

Tektites are terrestrial natural glasses produced during a hypervelocity impact of an extraterrestrial projectile onto the Earth's surface. The similarity between the chemical and isotopic compositions of tektites and terrestrial upper continental crust implies that the tektites formed by fusion of such target rock. Tektites are among the driest rocks on Earth. Although volatilization at high temperature may have caused this extreme dryness, the exact mechanism of the water loss and the behavior of other volatile species during tektite formation are still debated. Volatilization can fractionate isotopes, therefore, comparing the isotope composition of volatile elements in tektites with that of their source rocks may help to understand the physical conditions during tektite formation.For this study, we have measured the Zn isotopic composition of 20 tektites from four different strewn fields. Almost all samples are enriched in heavy isotopes of Zn compared to the upper continental crust. On average, the different groups of tektites are isotopically distinct (listed from the isotopically lightest to the heaviest): Muong-Nong type indochinites (δ66/64Zn = 0.61 ± 0.30‰); North American bediasites (δ66/64Zn = 1.61 ± 0.49‰); Ivory Coast tektites (δ66/64Zn = 1.66 ± 0.18‰); the Australasian tektites (others than the Muong Nong-type indochinites) (δ66/64Zn = 1.84 ± 0.42‰); and Central European moldavites (δ66/64Zn = 2.04 ± 0.19‰). These results are contrasted with a narrow range of δ66/64Zn = 0–0.7‰ for a diverse spectrum of upper continental crust materials.The elemental abundance of Zn is negatively correlated with δ66/64Zn, which may reflect that isotopic fractionation occurred by evaporation during the heating event upon tektite formation. Simple Rayleigh distillation predicts isotopic fractionations much larger than what is actually observed, therefore, such a model cannot account for the observed Zn isotope fractionation in tektites. We have developed a more realistic model of evaporation of Zn from a molten sphere: during its hypervelocity trajectory, the molten surface of the tektite will be entrained by viscous coupling with air that will then induce a velocity field inside the molten sphere. This velocity field induces significant radial chemical mixing within the tektite that accelerates the evaporation process. Our model, albeit parameter dependent, shows that both the isotopic composition and the chemical abundances measured in tektites can be produced by evaporation in a diffusion-limited regime.  相似文献   

Seismic analysis and geochemical interpretations provide evidence that two separate hydrothermal cells circulate within the greater Lassen hydrothermal system. One cell originates south to SW of Lassen Peak and within the Brokeoff Volcano depression where it forms a reservoir of hot fluid (235–270 °C) that boils to feed steam to the high-temperature fumarolic areas, and has a plume of degassed reservoir liquid that flows southward to emerge at Growler and Morgan Hot Springs. The second cell originates SSE to SE of Lassen Peak and flows southeastward along inferred faults of the Walker Lane belt (WLB) where it forms a reservoir of hot fluid (220–240 °C) that boils beneath Devils Kitchen and Boiling Springs Lake, and has an outflow plume of degassed liquid that boils again beneath Terminal Geyser. Three distinct seismogenic zones (identified as the West, Middle, and East seismic clusters) occur at shallow depths (< 6 km) in Lassen Volcanic National Park, SW to SSE of Lassen Peak and adjacent to areas of high-temperature (≤ 161 °C) fumarolic activity (Sulphur Works, Pilot Pinnacle, Little Hot Springs Valley, and Bumpass Hell) and an area of cold, weak gas emissions (Cold Boiling Lake). The three zones are located within the inferred Rockland caldera in response to interactions between deeply circulating meteoric water and hot brittle rock that overlies residual magma associated with the Lassen Volcanic Center. Earthquake focal mechanisms and stress inversions indicate primarily N–S oriented normal faulting and E–W extension, with some oblique faulting and right lateral shear in the East cluster. The different focal mechanisms as well as spatial and temporal earthquake patterns for the East cluster indicate a greater influence by regional tectonics and inferred faults within the WLB. A fourth, deeper (5–10 km) seismogenic zone (the Devils Kitchen seismic cluster) occurs SE of the East cluster and trends NNW from Sifford Mountain toward the Devils Kitchen thermal area where fumarolic temperatures are ≤ 123 °C. Lassen fumaroles discharge geothermal gases that indicate mixing between a N2-rich, arc-type component and gases derived from air-saturated meteoric recharge water. Most gases have relatively weak isotopic indicators of upper mantle or volcanic components, except for gas from Sulphur Works where δ13C–CO2, δ34S–H2S, and δ15N–N2 values indicate a contribution from the mantle and a subducted sediment source in an arc volcanic setting.  相似文献   

High precision Mg isotope measurements by multi-collector ion microprobe show that refractory olivines from the Allende chondrite, either olivines isolated in the matrix (2 samples studied) or olivines in type I chondrules (6 samples studied), have variable δ26Mg* enrichments and deficits (calculated in permil as the 26Mg deviation from the instrumental mass fractionation line) relative to the Earth. Most average δ26Mg* (noted δ26Mg*av) values (between 10 and 20 analyses per chondrule) are negative but the total range is from ?0.029 (± 0.010) ‰ (2 sigma errors) to + 0.011 (± 0.011) ‰ with an exception of one olivine at + 0.043 (± 0.023) ‰. These variations in δ26Mg*av reflect the formation of the olivines from reservoirs enriched in various amounts of 26Mg by the decay of short-lived 26Al (T1/2 = 0.73 Ma). Similarly, 30 analyses of olivines from the Eagle Station pallasite show a δ26Mg*av value of ?0.033 ± 0.008‰, as negative as some olivines from Allende chondrules and the Solar system initial δ26Mg* value of ?0.038 ± 0.004‰ (defined at the time of formation of type B Ca–Al-rich inclusions – CAIs – when 26Al/27Al = 5.23 × 10?5, Jacobsen et al., 2008).Because olivines are Al-poor and because their Mg isotopic compositions are not reset during the chondrule forming events, their δ26Mg*av can be used to calculate model crystallization ages relative to various theoretical Mg isotope growth curves. The two end-member scenarios considered are (i) a “nebular” growth in which the Al/Mg ratio remains chondritic and (ii) a “planetary” growth in which a significant increase of the Al/Mg ratio can be due to, for instance, olivine magmatic fractionation. The low δ26Mg*av value of olivines from the Eagle Station pallasite demonstrate that metal-silicate differentiation occurred as early as ~ 0. 15- 0. 23+ 0. 29 Ma after CAIs in either of the growth scenarios. Similarly the variable δ26Mg*av values of refractory olivines can be understood if they were formed in planetesimals which started to differentiate as early as the Eagle Station parent body. Accretion of these planetesimals must have been coeval to the formation of CAIs and their disruption could explain why their fragments (Mg-rich olivines) were distributed in the chondrule forming regions of the disk.  相似文献   

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