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利用国家测震台网固定台站和"中国地震科学台阵探测"项目在南北地震带北段布设的宽频带流动台阵记录到的极远震事件,通过SS前驱波震相研究,获得了阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段及邻区下方410 km和660 km间断面的埋深和起伏形态特征.为增强对SS前驱波震相的识别,我们采用了时差校正和共反射点叠加分析.叠加结果显示,毗邻阿留申俯冲带的白令海、阿拉斯加半岛、以及阿拉斯加中南部和东部地区下方,410 km和660 km间断面的埋深基本呈正相关关系,因而具有正常的过渡带厚度.这表明在阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段,北太平洋板块还没有俯冲到地幔过渡带深度范围内.其次,在阿拉斯加西部地区下方,660 km间断面出现明显下沉,而上覆的410 km间断面埋深接近于全球平均值,从而导致过渡带明显加厚.据此,我们推测在阿拉斯加西部地区下方地幔过渡带底部可能存在库拉残留板块.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, there have been hot debates in the geodynamic community regarding to the deep evolution mechanisms of Cenozoic volcanism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). Of all the constraints available, high resolution structure of upper mantle discontinuities, especially the discontinuities at depths of 410 km(D410) and 660 km(D660), is of the most important, which may provide reliable clues on the magma channel as well as its evolution. In this work, we adopt the common conversion point stacking technique with teleseismic radial P-wave receiver functions to examine the D410 and D660 discontinuities. The primary results exhibit that the major characteristics of the mantle transition zone(MTZ) obtained by different velocity models are largely consistent. Obviously elevated D410 and slightly depressed D660 are observed beneath the Hannuoba Volcano, suggesting possible delamination of the local lithosphere deposited at the D410. This process may induce upwelling of the asthenospheric materials filling the space left by the delaminated lithosphere, and subsequently trigger volcanic eruptions. Strong depressions are observed at both D410 and D660 depths beneath west of the Dariganga Volcano, and the depression of D660 is more pronounced. It leads to the apparently thickened MTZ, indicating the presence of cold material at the D660. This cold material is speculated as a stagnant slab from the subducted Pacific Plate or the remains of a detached island arc system from the collision and formation of the CAOB. Slightly thinner MTZ is found beneath the Hentey Mountains and the Middle Gobi Volcano. Apparently, this thinner MTZ is not significant enough to support the existence of high thermal anomalies,which may rule out the possibility of large-scale hot material upwelling from either the local MTZ or even the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Erduran  M.  Oreshin  S.  Vinnik  L.  Çakır  Ö.  Makeyeva  L. 《Journal of Seismology》2022,26(2):265-281
Journal of Seismology - By using P and S wave receiver functions and P and S wave travel time residuals, we have found velocity models for 16 seismograph stations in Eastern Anatolia. Our study is...  相似文献   

The detailed structure of the Earths interior is a major field of geophysics study and the existence and the properties of mantle discontinuities are its important content. Since the lateral heterogeneity was discovered with the seismic tomography method,…  相似文献   

The Baikal rift is the most seismically active continental rift in the world and is significant for studying the dynamics of continental rifts, although its precise dynamic mechanisms remain controversial. We calculated receiver functions (1748) from Global Seismographic Network seismic stations TLY and ULN and stacked receiver functions in different bins. Here we present discontinuities at depths of 410km and 660km and thickness of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath the study area. The MTZ structure shows an obvious thickening (292km) in the Baikal rift zone except for an area of limited thinning (230km), whereas it is basically normal (250km) beneath the Mongolian area, to the southeast of the Baikal rift. Combining these results with previous findings, we propose that the large-scale thickening beneath the Baikal rift zone is likely to be caused by the Mesozoic collision between the Siberian Platform and the Mongolia-North China Block or magmatic intrusion into the lower crust, which would result in crust and lithosphere thickening. Thus, the lower crust becomes eclogitized and consequently detached into the deep mantle because of negative buoyancy. The detachment not only induces asthenosphere upwelling but also accelerates mantle convection of water detached from the subducted slab, which would increase mantle melting, while both processes promote the development of the rift. Our preliminary results indicate that the detachment and the consequent hot upwelling have an important influence on the development of the Baikal rift, and a small-scale mantle upwelling indicated by the located thinning may have destroyed the lithosphere and promoted this development.  相似文献   

胶东半岛地壳速度结构及其构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
胶东半岛地处华北平原东北部沿海地区,北东向断裂带异常发育,该区不仅是华北震区中、强地震活动的频发区,又是中-新生代地壳构造活动的大陆边缘带.中国东部最大规模的郯庐断裂带纵贯胶东半岛西部,苏鲁超高压变质带位于该半岛南侧,彰显其地理位置重要而特殊.为深入认识我国近海与海陆过渡带地壳结构特征及其深部动力学背景等基础科学问题,2013年在胶东半岛东部实施了海陆联合探测项目.本文对布设的北西向宽角反射/折射探测剖面进行了计算处理,获取了该测线的地壳精细结构及其构造特征.结果表明:胶东半岛地壳结构复杂,该区基底埋深较浅,地表速度偏高,地壳速度结构呈现东西迥异的非均匀性特征,具有横向分层、纵向分块的典型特性.作为郯庐断裂带重要组成部分的牟平—即墨断裂带是胶东半岛上非常重要的断裂带,该断裂带东西两侧的地壳结构特征差异非常明显,断裂带东侧速度偏低,而西侧速度偏高,地壳各分层界面形态在该断裂带两侧起伏变化明显,地壳结构整体上呈现南东浅北西较深的结构特征.总体来看,胶东半岛不同区段呈现出的结构差异与该区大地构造单元的划分基本相符,在界面起伏变化明显的区域与地表穿过的断裂带遥相呼应.作为华北板块和扬子块体相互碰撞的边缘地带,胶东半岛复杂的深部结构特征与西太平洋板块对其的俯冲挤压有着密切的关联,该研究对了解本区地壳构造变化的深部动力学背景有着重要的研究意义.  相似文献   


中国东北地区地幔转换带结构对于研究新生代板内火山深部成因及板片俯冲作用具有重要意义.本文利用东北地区密集流动台阵记录提取到的约60, 000接收函数, 采用三维Kirchhoff偏移成像方法得到了研究区410-km和660-km界面埋深以及转换带厚度分布图像.成像结果显示: 长白山火山下方410-km和660-km界面均出现下沉, 且660-km下沉的幅度较410-km更大, 在25km以上, 认为与太平洋俯冲板片在转换带的停滞有关.长白山及龙岗火山以西过渡带厚度呈现小幅度减薄的特征, 暗示俯冲板片在660km深度附近可能发生撕裂.板片撕裂引起的热物质上涌和俯冲板片脱水共同为长白山火山提供了深部热源.五大连池火山下方观测到410-km界面抬升, 而660-km界面下沉的现象, 认为410-km界面的抬升可能与岩石圈拆沉有关, 拆沉引起的局部对流可能为五大连池火山提供热源, 而660-km界面的下沉可能反映存在残留的太平洋俯冲板片.


琼东南盆地地壳伸展深度依赖性及其动力学意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地壳或岩石圈尺度内伸展因子随深度变化特征对于理解岩石圈演化有重要的指示意义.我们利用南海北部大陆边缘琼东南盆地区深反射地震剖面的地壳分层模型,计算了沿剖面上地壳与全地壳的伸展因子.结果表明:琼东南盆地区具有明显的地壳尺度内伸展的深度相关性(上地壳尺度伸展因子变化范围为1.0~2.0,全地壳尺度的伸展因子变化范围为1.2~2.5);琼东南盆地各构造单元内的上地壳与全地壳伸展具有明显的非均一性(长昌凹陷上地壳尺度伸展最大,乐东—陵水凹陷其次,松南—宝岛凹陷最小;长昌凹陷和松南—宝岛凹陷的地壳尺度伸展因子较乐东—陵水凹陷大) 与各向异性(南东—北西剖面较之北东—南西向剖面地壳伸展因子大).这些结果预示着琼东南盆地区地壳伸展优势方向为北西向,盆地区东西部的伸展过程或伸展机制可能差异较大拟或存在太平洋岩石圈俯冲角空间差异或地幔岩浆产出时空差异.结合研究区相关研究成果,推断地壳伸展因子的深度相关性可能是共轭大陆边缘低角度拆离控制的简单剪切系统内伴随地幔挤出的动力学现象.  相似文献   


木里—盐源地区地处青藏高原东南缘,属于古特提斯洋构造域,是松潘—甘孜地块及扬子地块的交接地带,是研究青藏高原东南缘构造演化过程的重要区域.本文介绍的是横穿木里—盐源地区的大地电磁剖面,自北西向南东依次跨越锦屏山断裂、木里弧形构造区、丽江—小金河断裂、盐源盆地、金河—箐河断裂等构造.维性分析表明木里弧形构造区和金河—箐河断裂都表现为较强的三维性,因此本文采用大地电磁三维反演技术,获得了木里—盐源地区的精细电性结构.电性模型显示,沿剖面可以划分为4个主要的电性构造单元.锦屏山断裂以北的川西北次级地块下方10~20 km处,发育北西向低阻体,推断是古老的义敦岛弧区残留的物质;锦屏山断裂以南至丽江—小金河断裂为高阻体,可能是锦屏山山根;丽江—小金河断裂下方~10 km处发育北东向的低阻体,与龙门山—锦屏山构造带走向一致,结合剖面附近表现为张性的震源机制解特点,推测该低阻体很可能是北部的塑性物质受阻后一部分往西南沿着丽江—小金河断裂缝隙挤入的结果;盐源盆地下方在3~7 km发育厚度约5 km、长度达40 km的低阻层,电性主轴方向为北西向,与盐源断裂走向一致,解释为盐岩层,尤其是南段低阻体表现为延伸至地表的特征,与地表盐泉对应,为在盐源地区开展深部找钾盐矿提供了电磁方面的证据.



华南地区同时受特提斯构造域和太平洋构造域影响, 是研究板块相互作用的最佳场所之一.为研究华南地区深部动力学过程, 本文基于国家固定台网30°N以南的宽频带台站数据, 利用接收函数方法开展了华南地区地幔过渡带结构研究, 并结合已有地质、地球物理资料, 讨论了华南地区深部构造单元划分及其浅部构造响应.研究结果表明: (1)扬子克拉通下方地幔过渡带结构接近全球平均水平, 相对稳定; (2)海南岛地区地幔过渡带厚度偏薄, 且410-km和660-km界面分别显著下沉和上升, 可能与海南地幔柱密切相关; (3)太平洋构造域和特提斯构造域深部构造边界显著, 青藏高原东南缘主要受特提斯构造域影响, 其地幔过渡带中可能残留有拆沉的岩石圈板片; (4)雪峰山以东地区的地幔过渡带主要受太平洋构造域影响, 但南北也存在局部差异, 南部华夏地块下方可能不存在滞留板片, 太平洋板块的俯冲、后撤与东南沿海地区地壳减薄和大规模出露的中-新生代岩浆岩密切相关.


The Shanxi rift zone, located in the Trans-North China Orogen(TNCO) of the North China Craton(NCC), is wellknown for hosting large intraplate earthquakes in continental China. The TNCO is a suture zone formed by the amalgamation of the eastern and the western blocks of the NCC. After its formation, it was reactived and deformed by later tectonic activities,which result in complex lithospheric heterogeneities. Thus, the detailed crustal structure of the Shanxi rift zone is critical for understanding the tectonics and seismogenic mechanism in this area, which will shed new lights on the formation and dynamic evolution of the NCC. In this study, we applied ambient noise tomography based on 18 months continuous records from 108 seismic stations located in Shanxi and its surroundings, in order to constrain its detailed crustal structure. We measured 4437 Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves in the period of 5–45 s from the cross-correlation functions. Next, a surface wave direct inversion algorithm based on surface-wave ray tracing was used to resolve a 3-D S-wave velocity model in the upper 60 km with lateral resolution of ~50–80 km. The tomographic images show that the sedimentary thickness of the Taiyuan Basin is less than 5 km. At depth of 0–10 km, we observe a good correlation between the imaged structural variations with geological and topographic features at the surface. For example, the center of rift shows low-velocity anomalies and the uplifting areas on both sides are characterized by high velocity anomalies. The western and eastern boundaries of the slow materials coincide with the faults that control the basin. The slow material extends from the shallow surface to depth of about 15 km but it getting smaller in shape at deeper depth. For the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen Basin, and Yuncheng Basin in the central and southern parts, the structure is dominant by slow materials in the upper crust but changes to strong high-velocity anomalies in the lower crust and the uppermost mantle at depth deeper than 25 km. We interprete these high-velocity anomalies to be associated with the cold remnant of the underplated basalt in the lower crust that were formed in early Tertiary before the basin was stretched. We also observe the low-velocity anomaly beneath the Datong volcanic area, which extends from the uppermost mantle to a depth of20 km vertically and migrates from west to east laterally. It may reflect the upwelling channel of the magmatic material in Datong. Moreover, the strong low-velocity anomalies presented north of 38°N could be related to the heated crustal materials with paritial melting as a result of the intensive magmatic activities of the Datong Volcano since the Cenozoic. In our study region, seismicity mainly concentrates in the depth range of 5–20 km and we find that most earthquakes appear to occur in places where velocity changes from high to low rapidly, with slight higher concentration in the faster material areas. In summary, our high-resolution 3-D crustal velocity model provides important seismological constraints to understand the tectonic evolution and seismicity across the Shanxi rift zone.  相似文献   

帕米尔高原是五大山脉汇结之中心,被称为"西构造结".在此山高耸谷陡深是人迹罕至的无人区.应用稀少的地面重力和人工地震数据和卫星重力资料,以NNW和NEE向两条长达1620 km的十字交叉剖面,对帕米尔高原地区地壳深部结构与区域地质构造进行了研讨.帕米尔高原中心地区地壳厚度(莫霍界面深度)接近70 km,并在总体上呈向四周逐渐延展减薄(变浅)的总趋势,到帕米尔的周边地区减薄为50余km左右.这里是一个壳幔结构变异的构造强烈活动地域.  相似文献   

A broad zone of linear, mappable basement structures is observed north and northeast of the Rio Grande Rise in the South Atlantic Ocean. These structures lie along the same flow line as the Sa?o Paulo Ridge, the Florianopolis High, and onshore lineaments, suggesting that they all comprise the same tectonic trend: the Rio Grande fracture zone. The morphology developed along this fracture zone during the early opening of the South Atlantic Ocean formed a barrier to open ocean circulation during the Aptian and allowed the formation of extensive evaporite deposits to the north of it.  相似文献   

郭慧丽  丁志峰 《地震学报》2018,40(5):547-562
收集和拾取了“中国地震科学台阵”探测项目在南北地震带北段布设的680个流动地震台站和中国地震台网217个固定台站所记录的地震事件的P波和S波初至到时,通过层析成像研究获得了南北地震带北段水平网格间距为0.33°×0.33°的地壳P波和S波速度分布。结果显示:在30 km深度上青藏高原东北部表现为显著的整体性低速异常,低速异常区向南延伸至龙门山断裂,以106°E为界线将秦岭造山带分为西侧的低速异常和东侧的高速异常,并沿银川—河套地堑向东北展布,向北穿过河西走廊,在阿拉善地块表现为低速异常,这可能暗示了青藏高原向东的扩展被较为坚固的四川盆地和秦岭造山带阻挡,而向北的扩展可能影响到了河西走廊至阿拉善地块,并沿银川—河套地堑影响到鄂尔多斯西北缘;在50 km深度上,阿拉善地块、祁连造山带东段显示高速异常,有可能是阿拉善地块向祁连东段下方俯冲所致。研究区内大部分地震分布在P波和S波高低速异常相间及速度剧烈变化的地区,M≥6.0强震几乎全部投影在30 km深度的低速异常区域内,说明强震发生的背景可能与地震源区下方的低速区有关。   相似文献   

Introduction In order to understand the formation of the geological structure and its evolution of the Asian continent, it is needed to investigate the driving forces from the around continents and oceans and from its underlying mantle as well. The super parallel computer has been used to simulate the geodynamical processes in the lithosphere and mantle for a long time in many international works (Bird, 1995; Tackley, 1995). We also calculated the patterns of the global mantle convection on o…  相似文献   


本文利用中国东北地区NECESSArray记录到的45505条接收函数,结合该区域最新三维速度模型,采用快速行进法求解程函方程,计算了P-S转换波相对走时,并通过共转换点叠加成像方法获得了该地区下方地幔间断面起伏情况.结果显示,在长白山—五大连池连线一带东西约300 km,南北约900 km的狭长形区域内,660-km间断面下陷幅度达20~40 km.其结构可细分为南北两部分,南部更为狭窄且与日本海沟走向一致,对应于从日本海沟俯冲的太平洋板块在地幔过渡带的滞留区;北部对应于从千岛海沟俯冲的太平洋板块在地幔过渡带的滞留区.同时,在长白山西部,存在与长白山—五大连池下陷区形状类似的南北向狭长形抬升区,660-km间断面抬升幅度约为10 km,显示俯冲太平洋板块只延伸至松辽盆地东侧;而在盆地西侧,660-km间断面的下陷区可能与该地区岩石圈拆沉有关.同时,410-km间断面在松辽盆地—渤海一带,以及长白山火山西南和东北方向存在明显的下陷区;另外,在阿巴嘎及阿尔山也有小范围的下陷区.所有这些下陷区,均与地表新生代火山活动区/拉伸区有很好的对应关系,表明这些地表构造与深部热物质上涌有关.


藏北高原地震活动性特征及其大地构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏北高原自新生代以来不仅发生了强烈的火山作用,而且现今的地震活动性仍然强烈.本文收集了2011年前藏北高原区发生的地震事件(源自NEIC)及相应的震源机制解数据(源自GCMT),结合地质与地球物理等相关资料,初步分析表明藏北高原地壳整体上处于伸展应力状态.然而,因区域构造应力场及构造环境差异,将藏北高原地震活动区分为两个地震活动区,即西昆仑地震活动区和藏北中部火山岩区.西昆仑区的地壳应力状态呈东西向伸展,而岩石圈地幔部分主要以南北汇聚为主,表明西昆仑区域下的地壳与岩石圈地幔应力状态是解耦的,而这种解耦机制需要更进一步的研究.而在藏北中部火山岩区的地壳的主张应力场为NNE-SSW的走滑和正断层性质的伸展,尽管缺乏该区域下的岩石圈结构特征认识,但是依据幔源性质的钾质和超钾质火山岩成因模式,认为其下的岩石圈地幔也处于伸展状态,该区域下的地壳与岩石圈地幔同处于伸展应力环境中,表明藏北火山岩区下的结构特征更加复杂,亟待开展相关探测与研究.  相似文献   

利用海南、广东及广西区域台网和国家台网共88个宽频带地震台站记录的2007年8月至2010年3月75个远震事件波形资料,采用接收函数共面元叠加的方法,得到了海南及其邻区上地幔410 km和660 km间断面结构和转换带厚度.结果表明,研究区410 km间断面形态较复杂,局部下沉到447 km,而660 km间断面相对简单,其深度分布在670 km左右.海南岛东北部存在一个直径约200 km的转换带异常薄的区域,其厚度较全球平均值薄25±5 km,相当于转换带中存在约180℃的高温异常,转换带厚度局部偏薄暗示海南地幔柱可能起源于下地幔.  相似文献   

The properties and tectonic significance of the fault bound zone on the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt are key issues to understand the tectonic framework and evolutionary history of the Tianshan Orogenic Belt. Based on the geological and geochemical studies in the Tianshan orogenic belt, it is suggested that the ophiolitic slices found in the Bingdaban area represent the remaining oceanic crust of the Early Paleozoic ocean between the Hazakstan and Zhungaer blocks. Mainly composed of basalts, gabbros and diabases, the ophiolites were overthrust onto the boundary fault between the Northern Tianshan and Central Tianshan belts. The major element geochemistry is characterized by high TiO2 (1.50%–2.25%) and MgO (6.64%–9.35%), low K2O (0.06%–0.41%) and P2O5 (0.1%–0.2%), and Na2O>K2O as well. Low ΣREE and depletion in LREE indicate that the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source. Compared with a primitive mantle, the geochemistry of the basalts from the Bingdaban area is featureded by depletion in Th, U, Nb, La, Ce and Pr, and unfractionated in HFS elements. The ratios of Zr/Nb, Nb/La, Hf/Ta, Th/Yb and Hf/Th are similar to those of the typical N-MORB. It can be interpreted that the basalts in the Bingdaban area were derived from a depleted mantle source, and formed in a matured mid-oceanic ridge setting during the matured evolutionary stage of the Northern Tianshan ocean. In comparison with the basalts, the diabases from the Bingdaban area show higher contents of Al2O3, ΣREE and HFS elements as well as unfractionated incompatible elements except Cs, Rb and Ba, and about 10 times the values of the primitive mantle. Thus, the diabases are thought to be derived from a primitive mantle and similar to the typical E-MORB. The diabases also have slight Nb depletion accompanying no apparent Th enrichment compared with N-MORB. From studies of the regional geology and all above evidence, it can be suggested that the diabases from the Bingdaban area were formed in the mid-oceanic ridge of the Northern Tianshan ocean during the initial spreading stage. Supported by the Major State Research Program of PRC (Grant No. 2001CB409801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40472115 and 40234041) and the State Research Program of China Geological Survey (Grant No. 2001130000-22)  相似文献   

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