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Volcanic glass shards from tephra layers in the Byrd Station ice core were chemically analyzed by electron microprobe. Tephra in seven layers have similar peralkaline trachyte compositions. The tephra are believed to originate from Mt. Takahe, on the basis of their chemical similarity to analyzed rocks from Mt. Takahe and because dated rock samples from the volcano are younger than 250,000 years old. Glass shards from 726 m deep in the Dome C ice core, which is 2400 km from Byrd Station, are composed of peralkaline trachyte and may have also been derived from Mt. Takahe. The tephra could have resulted from eruptions which were triggered by increased ice loading during the late Wisconsin glaciation. Preliminary grain size data suggest the eruptions were only minor and they were unlikely to have instantaneously altered global climate as have explosive eruptions in the tropics. Nevertheless, the effect of this localized volcanic activity upon the Antarctic energy budget warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

A 109.9 m ice core was extracted at a location about 300 m away from the Dome A summit(80°00′S,77°21″E) by the Chinese team of the International Trans-Antarctic Science Expedition(ITASE) during the 21st Chinese National Antarctica Research Expedition(CHINARE) in January 2005.Two independent methods were used for dating the ice core,volcanic event markers shown by prominent non-sea-salt sulfate(nss-SO42) and the Herron and Langway(H-L) firn densification model.Six promi-nent volcanic events(Agung 1963 AD,Tambora 1815 AD,Kuwae 1453 AD,Unknown 1259 AD,Taupo 186 AD and Pinatubo 1050 BC) were identified by comparison with other Antarctic ice cores.Based on the mean accumulation rates be-tween adjacent events,we estimate the age at the firn pore close-off depth(102 m) was 3516±100 a BP.This is the oldest close-off age ever reported from the Antarctic and the Greenland ice sheets.Calculations using the H-L model show that the age at the same depth is 3581±100 a BP.The two dating techniques differ by 65 years,or~1.8% of the record.We calculated the bottom age of the ice core as 4009±150 a BP using the volcanic dating method and 4115±150 a BP using the H-L model method.  相似文献   

A 109.91 m ice core was recovered from Dome A (or Dome Argus), the highest ice feature in Antarctica, during the 2004/05 austral summer by the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-21). Both methane profile along the core and firn densification model calculation suggest that the close-off depth is at about 102.0 m with an ice age about 4200 a. Stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) of the chips samples produced during each run of ice core drilling at Dome A, together with those of the other co...  相似文献   

Based on stake measurements conducted along the Chinese Antarctic traverse since Jan.1999,we investigated the characteristics of surface mass balance(SMB)and related climate consequences from Zhongshan Station to Dome A,East Antarctica.Spatial analysis suggests that post-depositional processes have a great impact on surface morphology;thus,the representativeness of a single measurement should be discussed in conjunction with local climate features.The comparison among snow accumulation,ice sheet thickness,surface elevation,and ice velocity indicates that the bedrock topography has an indirect connection with the SMB patterns through controlling the surface topography and local climate.The observation reveals that the Lambert Glacier Basin has been experiencing increasing mass input(4.5%),whereas the inland area has experienced a 6%loss,since 2005.An overall estimation of the SMB along the route is 71.3±44.3 kg m?2 a?1,but the annual and regional variation is considerable.Tendency analysis shows that there are four sections with different SMB patterns as a result of three moisture sources and surface climatic discrepancy in the Antarctic inland.This study is the first to identify four SMB patterns from the coast to the Dome area and should provide a valuable contribution to modeling and remote sensing on a continental scale.  相似文献   

The cosmogenic nuclide 10Be was analyzed by using accelerator mass spectrometry on an ice core drilled at the Dome Fuji station, inland Antarctica, for 700–1900 yr CE. The measured concentration of 10Be in the Dome Fuji ice core and the derived 10Be flux show similar fluctuations, with both increasing at known solar-activity minima over the last millennium in agreement with earlier observations of 10Be and 14C. Based on the similar nature of the 10Be flux to the reconstructed 14C production rate patterns, a 10Be–14C correlation age model for the Dome Fuji ice core was successfully constructed. This age model agrees well with the initial version of the tephrochronology of the core. The 10Be-flux record contains information on variability in the amount of cosmic radiation incident on the atmosphere, which is mainly attributable to high-frequency change in solar activity and low-frequency background intensity adjustment of the geomagnetic field. High-resolution 10Be analyses of the Dome Fuji ice cores promise to provide potentially important information on the history of cosmic radiation intensity over the past several hundred thousand years.  相似文献   

The ages and accumulation rates of ice are important boundary conditions for paleoclimatic ice models. Radardetected isochronic layers can be used to date the ice column beneath the ice surface and infer past accumulation rates. A Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project has been carried out at Kunlun station in the Dome A region, East Antarctica. Radio echo sounding data are collected during the 2004/2005 Chinese National Research Expedition and the 2007/2008 Dome Connection East Antarctica project of the Alfred Wegener Institute(Germany). Radar isochronic layers from the dataset were linked to compare a new deep ice core site from Kunlun station and the Vostok ice core site. Ten visible layers, accounting for ~50% ice thickness at the Kunlun station ice core site, were dated based on the Vostok ice core chronology. At 1,640 m depth below surface, an age of ~160,400 yr was determined, corresponding to a bright layer at Kunlun station. These layers provided geometric information on the past surface of the ice sheet around the ice core site through the Wisconsin glacial stage, Eemian interglacial and Marine Isotope Stage6. Based on a simple ice flow model and the age-depth relationship, we concluded that the region around the Kunlun ice core site had lower past accumulation rates, consistent with the present pattern. The age-depth relationship would thus be expected to correlate and constrain the chronology of the deep ice core at Kunlun station in the future.  相似文献   

利用南极中山站至Dome A考察断面上3个自动气象站2005~2007年的观测资料和2008年夏季在中山站附近冰盖获取的湍流观测资料,应用空气动力学方法和涡动相关法计算分析了中山站至Dome A断面上近地层各种湍流参数(感热通量,潜热通量,湍流温度、湿度和速度尺度,地表粗糙度,大气稳定度及动量输送系数)的季节变化、日变...  相似文献   

The ice flow velocity is a basic feature of glaciers and ice sheets. Measuring ice flow velocities is very important for estimating the mass balance of ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic. Traditional methods for measuring ice flow velocity include the use of stakes, snow pits and on-site geodetic GPS and remote sensing measurement methods. Geodetic GPS measurements have high accuracy, but geodetic GPS monitoring points only sparsely cover the Antarctic ice sheets. Moreover, the resolution and accuracy of ice flow velocities based on remote sensing measurements are low. Although the accuracy of the location data recorded by the navigation-grade GPS receivers embedded in short-period seismographs is not as good as that of geodetic GPS,the ice flow velocity can be accurately measured by these navigation-grade GPS data collected over a sufficiently long period. In this paper, navigation-grade GPS location data obtained by passive seismic observations during the 36 th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition were used to accurately track the movement characteristics of the ice sheet in the Larsemann Hills of East Antarctica and the Taishan Station area. The results showed that the ice sheet in the two study areas is basically moving northwestward with an average ice flow velocity of approximately 1 m mon-1. The results in the Taishan Station area are basically consistent with the geodetic GPS results, indicating that it is feasible to use the embedded GPS location data from shortperiod seismographs to track the movement characteristics of ice sheets. The ice flow characteristics in the Larsemann Hills are more complex. The measured ice flow velocities in the Larsemann Hills with a resolution of 200 m help to understand its characteristics. In summary, the ice flow velocities derived from GPS location data are of great significance for studying ice sheet dynamics and glacier mass balance and for evaluating the systematic errors caused by ice sheet movements in seismic imaging.  相似文献   

Glacial meltwater and sea ice meltwater in the Prydz Bay, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been well known by oceanographers that the World Ocean Circulation originates inNorth Atlantic near the Greenland, where in wintertime the cooled surface water descends to form North Atlantic Deep Waters (NADW). The NADW, when passing the Antarctic…  相似文献   

~~Properties of soils in Grove Mountains,East Antarctica@李潇丽$Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences!Beijing 100029,China @刘小汉$Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences!Beijing 100029,China @琚  相似文献   

Mass balance of the Lambert Glacier basin, East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Since it is the largest glacier system in Antarctica, the Lambert Glacier basin plays an important role in the mass balance of the overall Antarctic ice sheet. The observed data and shallow core studies from the inland traverse investigations in recent years show that there are noticeable differences in the distribution and variability of the snow accumulation rate between east and west sides. On the east side, the accumulation is higher on the average and has increased in the past decades, while on the west side it is contrary. The ice movement measurement and the ice flux calculation indicate that the ice velocity and the flux are larger in east than in west, meaning that the major part of mass supply for the glacier is from the east side. The mass budget estimate with the latest data gives that the integrated accumulation over the upstream area of the investigation traverse route is larger than the outflow ice flux by 13%, suggesting that the glacier basin is in a positive mass balance state and the ice thickness will increase if the present climate is keeping.  相似文献   

Geology of the Grove Mountains in East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grove Mountains consists mainly of a series of high-grade (upper amphibolite to granulite facies) metamorphic rocks, including felsic granulite, granitic gneiss, mafic granulite lenses and charnockite, intruded by late tectonic gneissic granite and post-tectonic granodioritic veins. Geochemical analysis demonstrates that the charnockite, granitic gneiss and granite belonged to aluminous A type plutonic rocks, whereas the felsic and mafic granulite were from supracrustal materials as island-arc, oceanic island and middle oceanic ridge basalt. A few high-strained shear zones disperse in regional stable sub-horizontal foliated metamorphic rocks. Three generations of ductile deformation were identified, in which D1 is related to the event before Pan-African age, D2 corresponds to the regional granulite peak metamorphism, whereas D3 reflects ductile extension in late Pan-African orogenic period. The metamorphic reactions from granitic gneiss indicate a single granulite facies event, but 3 steps from mafic granulite, with P-T condition of M1 800°C, 9.3×105 Pa; M2 800–810°C, 6.4 × 105 Pa; and M3 650°C have been recognized. The U-Pb age data from representative granitic gneiss indicate (529±14) Ma of peak metamorphism, (534±5) Ma of granite emplacement, and (501±7) Ma of post-tectonic granodioritic veins. All these evidences suggest that a huge Pan-African aged mobile belt exists in the East Antarctic Shield extending from Prydz Bay via Grove Mountains to the southern Prince Charles Mountains. This orogenic belt could be the final suture during the Gondwana Land assemblage.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene sea-level history of Antarctica is key to understanding and predicting the responses of icesheets, which significantly contribute to the global sea level, to changing climates. Coastal sediments at Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, have yielded radiocarbon ages of Holocene and Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 from deposits above the present sea level, suggesting that there have been two episodes of sea-level highstand. However, radiocarbon dating is likely to be less accurate for dating sediments close to or older than 40–50 ka, the upper limit of its application. We thus explored the applicability of luminescence dating to coastal sediments newly sampled from Langhovde on the eastern coast of Lützow-Holm Bay. Samples were collected from a trench <1 m deep and at several meters above the present sea level. Quartz coarse and fine grains, K-feldspar coarse grains, and polymineral fine grains were extracted from the samples. Quartz coarse and fine grains both showed very low optically stimulated luminescence sensitivity and no fast component and thus were not considered further. Dose-recovery tests on post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) signals of K-feldspar and polymineral grains yielded variable results and suggested acceptable measurement conditions for each grain size fraction and expected equivalent dose. Preliminary measurements revealed that the trench section can be divided into the upper and lower layers, corresponding to the Holocene and MIS 7, respectively. Further application of post-IR IRSL dating to coastal sediments, including to previously radiocarbon-dated sections, could refine our understanding of the late Quaternary relative sea-level history in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

Understanding the history of Antarctic glaciation is important for interpreting paleoclimatic changes and estimating the changes in climate, sea level, and ice volume in the future. Ice core studies of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) and marine sediment cores from the entire Ross Sea have employed numerous proxies to reconstruct the glacial history of the Antarctic region. However, the ice and marine core records can be biased because of their specific locations, such as the uppermost accumulation zone or the terminus of the ablation zone, thereby introducing significant uncertainties in ice modeling. In this study, we analyzed 34 new 10Be and 26Al samples from four benches that were glaciated in the past by David glacier and incorporate the present ice-free flat surfaces. We suggest that the David glacier experienced monotonic and stepwise vertical lowering along the flanks of Mt. Priestley since the early Pleistocene. The uppermost bedrock benches on Mt. Priestley were exposed at 1.77 ± 0.32 Ma, with no evidence of subsequent overriding by readvancing ice. At Mt. Priestley, the David glacier has been characterized by a cold-based regime since 1.77 Ma, with a denudation rate of only ∼16 cm/Ma, corresponding to the regional transition from warm to cold-based glaciation at 3.5 Ma. Simple exposure ages from two lower benches date to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7 (234.1 ± 13.1 ka; 545 m asl) and MIS 4 (64.8 ± 13.7 ka; 222 m asl), suggesting that, since MIS 8, the overall lowering of glaciers has remained monotonic. The upper bench marks the lower limit of the MIS 8 glacial period and the upper limit of Penultimate Glacial Maximum (MIS 6), while the lower landform defines the upper limit of the last glacial period (MIS 4–2). The magnitude of Quaternary ice thinning at the David glacier was the highest (∼990 m) in the present terminal area (i.e., the most sensitive ablation zone), in contrast to the other outlet glaciers draining into the Terra Nova Bay, which experienced less ice lowering. The combination of the terrestrial (in situ 10Be and 26Al) and previous marine (authigenic 10Be) cosmogenic data used in our study document the history of lowering of the David glacier driven by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. Both deglaciation and glaciation were limited during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) and prior to the mid-Bruhnes event (MBE), due to the prevailing cold and arid climate, whereas deglaciation was dominant during other warm periods.  相似文献   

High-latitude dust (HLD) depositions on four glaciers of James Ross Island (the Ulu Peninsula) were analysed. The deposition rate on the selected glaciers varies from 11.8 to 64.0 g m−2, which is one order of magnitude higher compared to the glaciers in Antarctica or elsewhere in the world. A strong negative relationship between the sediment amount and altitude of a sampling site was found. This is most likely caused by the higher availability of aeolian material in the atmospheric boundary layer. General southerly and south-westerly wind directions over the Ulu Peninsula – with exceptions based on local terrain configuration – help to explain the significantly lower level of sediment deposition on San Jose Glacier and the high level on Triangular Glacier. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrophotometry was used to estimate the relative proportions of the main and trace (lithophile) elements in the sediment samples. Both the sediment amount and the XRF results are analysed in a depth profile at each locality and compared among the glaciers, suggesting long-range transport of fine mineral material from outside James Ross Island. The distribution of aeolian sediment among the glaciers corresponds well with the prevailing wind direction on the Ulu Peninsula. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long time series of Antarctic sea ice extent(SIE) are important for climate research and model forecasting. A historic ice extent in the Ross Sea in early austral winter was rebuilt through sea salt ions in the DT401 ice core in interior East Antarctica. El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) had a significant influence on the sea salt deposition in DT401 through its influence on the Ross Sea SIE and the transport of sea salt inland. Spectral analysis also supported the influence of ENSO with a significant 2–6 a periodicity band. In addition, statistically significant decadal(10 a) and pentadecadal(50–70 a) periodicities suggested the existence of a teleconnection from the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO), which originated from sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The first eigenvector of the empirical orthogonal function analysis(EOF1) showed lower values during the Medieval Warm Period(MWP), while higher values were found in the Little Ice Age(LIA). A higher frequency of ENSO events were found in the cold climatic stage. The post 1800 AD period was occupied by significant fluctuations of the EOF1, and PDO may be one of the influencing factors. The EOF1 values showed moderate fluctuations from 680 BC to 1000 AD, showing that the climate was relatively stable in this period.  相似文献   

Studies on the crustal and upper-mantle structure in Antarctica have been one of the major contributions to Antarctic research since the International Geophysical Year of 1957–1958. Many refraction surveys with small charge size have been conducted in Antarctica, but long-range experiments were also made in 5 regions on the margin of the Antarctic continent.In 1979–1981, the scientific program of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was focused on the earth sciences, and in particular, an explosion seismic experiment along a long survey line was the major item during these years. An experiment along a 300 km-long line with three shots and 27 observation stations was successfully made in the northern Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica.From the analysis of travel times and the amplitude study of synthetic seismograms, the crustal structure of the northern Mizuho Plateau was determined. The depths of the Conrad and the Moho discontinuties were determined as 31 km and 42 km, respectively. The P-wave velocity and depth relation was determined as 6.0 km/s on the surface of the bedrock, 6.3 km/s at a depth of 2 km, 6.8 km/s at the Conrad and 7.9 km/s at the Moho. The velocity in the crust increases gradually. The crustal structure obtained is representative of East Antarctica.  相似文献   

Various kinds of geophysical surveys have been carried out in the Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JARE). The correlation between the high-level gravity anomaly and the bedrock elevation is examined along a route where both data are sufficient to permit deriving a crustal model from gravity, radio-echo sounding and explosion seismic data. The bedrock elevation usually correlates well with the high-level gravity anomaly. However, along the traverse route S-H-Z from the Syowa to Mizuho stations, the bedrock elevation has a weak negative correlation with the high-level gravity anomaly. Such a weak negative correlation is attributed to the deeper part of the crust.The crustal structure between the Syowa and Mizuho stations is modeled from the gravimetric data and the radio-echo sounding of bedrock elevations, so as to fit the P-wave velocity structure derived from the data of explosion seismic experiments. Then the structure is extended from Syowa Station seaward across Lützow-Holm Bay and from Mizuho Station southeastwards inland, where only gravimetric data are available. Thus, a crustal section about 600 km long is obtained on a margin of East Antarctica. The depth of the Moho increases by about 7 km from Syowa Station to the point Y200 (71° 46′S, 48° 56′E), about 500 km from the coast. A graben-like structure is obtained along the line across Lützow-Holm Bay. This suggests that both sides of the bay are bounded by faults.  相似文献   

The morphology, grain size characteristics and composition of ash particles in 30 ka to 150 ka tephra layers from the Byrd ice core were examined to characterize the eruptions which produced them and to test the suggestion that they were erupted from Mt. Takahe, a shield volcano in Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica. Volcanic deposits at Mt. Takahe were examined for evidence of recent activity which could correlate with the tephra layers in the ice core.Coarse- and fine-ash layers have been recognized in the Byrd ice core. The coarse-ash layers have a higher mass concentration than the fine-ash layers and are characterized by fresh glass shards > 50 μm diameter, many containing elongate pipe vesicles. The fine-ash layers have a lower mass concentration and contain a greater variety of particles, typically < 20 μm diameter. Many of these particles are aggregate grains composed of glass and crystal fragments showing S and Cl surface alteration. The grain-size distributions of the coarse and fine-ash layers overlap, in part because of the aggregate nature of grains in the fine-ash layers. The coarse-ash layers are interpreted as having formed by magmatic eruption whereas the fine-ash layers are believed to be hydrovolcanic in origin.Mt. Takahe is the favored source for the tephra because: (a) chemical analyses of samples from the volcano are distinctive, being peralkaline trachyte, and similar in composition to the analyzed tephra; (b) Mt. Takahe is a young volcano (< 0.3 Ma); (c) pyroclastic deposits on Mt. Takahe indicate styles of eruption similar to that inferred for the ice core tephra; and (d) Mt. Takahe is only about 350 km from the calculated site of tephra deposition.A speculative eruptive history for Mt. Takahe is established by combining observations from Mt. Takahe and the Byrd ice core tephra. Initial eruptions at Mt. Takahe were subglacial and then graded into alternating subaerial and subglacial activity. The tephra suggest alternating subaerial magmatic and hydrovolcanic eruptions from 30 to 20 ka B.P., followed by a sustained period of hydrovolcanic eruptions from 20 to 14 ka B.P., which peaked at 18 ka B.P.  相似文献   

The δ18O variations in an 80.36 m ice core retrieved in the accumulation zone of the East Rongbuk Glacier, Mount Qomolangma (Everest), is not consistent with changes of air temperature from both southern and northern slopes of Himalayas, as well as these of the temperature anomalies over the Northern Hemisphere. The negative relationship between the δ18O and the net accumulation records of the ice core suggests the "amount effect" of summer precipitation on the δ18O values in the region. Therefore, the δ18O records of the East Rongbuk ice core should be a proxy of Indian Summer Monsoon intensity, which shows lower δ18O values during strong monsoon phases and higher values during weak phases.  相似文献   

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